Newspaper Page Text
The Advocate-Democrat.
8100 * Per Tear. ¥•*
The Alliance Stpre
Has Just Received
@ 'Y.'•/
And are giving best at 4e., 5c.,
Tc. ajicl 10c. per yd.
Pure Home Matters'Picked Up by Our
Local Bepcrters,
fflist Our People Are Doing and Saying:.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
If Tf you need , a good t milch -jii
SSTIt allply t0
Go .00. Bergstrom lor press
—Glenn Legwen visited Har¬
lem this week.
(*l:eafiest tinware in towm at
Alliance Store.
re hha if* .l ions rai i> bW<».
Fri&a.*v ‘ eveniBu-.-at wjjA
. Full size . giass tumblars 15c
set at Racket Store.
—Mr. John Corry, of Greenes
boro, was here Wednesday,
—Col. Horace Holden made a
business trip to Augusta Tues¬
Go to C. Bergstrom for
cheese and crackers.
—We have had a glorious,
growing season during the past
—Miss Leila Anthony spent
one night here with friends last
Cheap, cheaper, cheapest— G.
all those new goods at Paul
—Never send off from this
county for what you can obtain
—John F. Tompson, of Augus
ta. was up Sunday to see his
Presh Patent medicines, at
real cut prices, at Paul G. Lu¬
—Mr. J. W. McCord, of Nor¬
wood. was with old friends here
Ainoskeag A. C. A, bed tick
ing 10c yd at Racket Store.
—Miss Stella Holden returned
Saturday from an extended trip
to Atlanta
Go to C. Bergstrom for
bread trays, buckets, sifters, etc.
—Sorry to hear of the serious
illness of “Judge’’ Rhodes, son
of Capt. R. H. Rhodes. He was
taken Tuesday evening suddenly
with something like vertigo.
E asy asy to to Take Operate
Arc features peculiar to Hood’s Pills. Small in
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
said: “ You never know you
over.” have Proprietors. taken 25c. C. a Lowell. pill I. Hood till it & Mass. Js Co., all Pills
The only pills to take with Ilood’i Sarsaparilla,
__ . _
—Prof. McLaughlin returned
Friday from an extended trip to
—Mrs. M. Z. Andrews has
been in Augusta the pfist week
visiting friends.
One bar octagon shape soap
and one plated tea spoon for 5c
at Racket Store.
—Good many ^ from here at
tended Jay. each at Jennings
for <£%££££%£ the now
fall trade.
—Omer Taylor went up to his
father's Sunday but has been
right ^ ^bars sick since oi he left fqr town. 2.>, |
soap pent, j
r,Or dj siai, tiP R f
—Mrs. Ida Golucke and chil
dren of Madison, are
relatives here this week.
—Mr. is here Ed. Howard, this week of Steph¬ taking
some dots in photography.
The Alliance Store is closing
out keg pickle this week at 5c
per qt.
—Mrs. Quisenby, of Augus¬
ta, came up Saturday to visit
relatives and friends in this
Masons quart fruit jars COe
doz. at Racket Store.
—Messrs. Jnq. F. Holden and
J. V. Andrews went up to Nash¬
ville Sunday night to visit the
—Esper McDonald canvassed
this town and section the past
week with a bed bug steamer
and fumigater.
—Prof. Jordan H. Sanford
has had some of his furniture
shipped here and is preparing to
move here soon.
—Mrs. J. N. Chapman and
Miss Mabel Nelsqn returned
Monday from a visit to relatives
in Wilkes county.
New lot of ladjes umbrellas
at Alliance Store from 50c up.
—Mrs. Dr. R. J. Reid has re¬
turned to her home here much
improved after a long stay with
relatives at White Plains.
—Mr. M. F, Griffith tells
farmers and gardners something
in a card in this paper that will
benefit them. Read it.
Paul Lucas is taking the
cake on low prices for good
—Herschel Rhodes says he
saw a jay bird catch a frog, kill
it and eat it, a part at one time
and a part at another time.
—The Crawfordville string
band has been secured to make
music for an entertainment at
Hickory Crossing on July 2nd.
Arbuckle’s roasted coffee
still going at 12 l-2c, per. pound
at Alliance Store.
Mr. Joe McCord's friends are
soliciting him to move back to
this place, to get the school ad
vantages OUr town Will nOW Offer.
* v r :■#
• t
Beautiful eyas grow dull mad dim
As the swift years steal away .
Beautiful, willowy forms so lilts
Lose fairness with every day.
But she still is queen and hath (charms %o
Who wears youth's coroa%l «• beautRul
hair. *
Preserve Yojjr flair
and you preserve y^Lx youth.
“A woman is as old as sho
looks," says the wdrld. No
woman looks as old us she is
if her hair has preserved its
normal beauty. You can keep
hair from falling out^restoring
its normal color, or rfes tore the
normal color to gray or faded
hair, by the use of
AyerS . , , TlgOI*. _
—Mr. V. *. BM4 Wght in
KEft SSKiTffi
bloomed several days previous.
—Mr. W. W. Bird was iu towm
Saturday very mu cl to unproved
by his stay at Dank * springs.
said lie eaiiitxf 1 Uds in
Airmens 'and straw
hats closed out av afiCba,, co|t at
Racket Stord.
—Messrs. W. T. « nt and J.
V. Garrett went up to Atlanta
this week to be present at the
Populist Tuesday. convention jwhich met
Go to C. Bortstrom for
white wash and blacking buml 1 "
—Mr. Wm. Martin, of
dersville, father of Mrs. L- A.
McLaughlin, of this place, died
recently. We sympathize with
the bereaved.
You haven’t foupd the best
goods at the lowest price unless
you have priced Pam G. Lucas
—Our town coujicil is still
building stone culverts for the
crossings and ditches in town.
They are making seme perma
nent improvements.j Williams who
— “Aunt Jane”
lived in this,county 'many years Ogle¬
ago, died at Stephens, 8th.
thorpe county, cP June
She was 73 years ohl.
—The train load pf Confeder
ate veterans wtyich evening passed
through here Monday
en route to Nashville was going
at the rate of a mil j a minute.
Straw hats are being closed
out at Alliance Stoi e at 25 per
cent discount.
Earners and Gardners
Look to your inte-est. The season
for planting Turnips will soon be
GRIFFITH Handles only Lan
dreth’s SEED. Every paper guaran¬
Bloomdale Swede
Has no equal and is the finest Rida
Baga known. Early Flat Red or 1’urple
Top White and Globe Landreth’j simply Southern perfection. bnoyi All
these and oilier standard j varieties you
will find
At Griffith’s. PrilesCMranteed.
Mr. J*.. R. G. Clark, of
county was called to
Sunday by a telegram .announc*
ing the death of his brother-in
law, Mr. Jim Harrison. We ex
tesul our sympathies to the bo
Dr. H. F. White and Cfeas. B.
«Googer have consented to get
out the Advocate-Democrat next
week in ctise the editor does not
get back in tim^. Our friends
and correspondents wlil please
aid them by sending in all news
items of interest.
,, Mr. T U. t S. Gunn r. , heard noise
in lus chicken coop Tuesday
night and went ,out to see
what it wa»s and he,found a .nice
fat 'possum in with bis chickens
playing havoc with them. Ulie
shot the intruder and learned it
that Broad street in Craw ford
ville could not be invaded in such
style as that without getting into
Lineman Funk, of the Western
Union Telegraph Co., who has
beep here this week looking af¬
ter the wires of his com pany,
says that the crops in Taliaferro
are better -than any he lias seen
in any of the adjoining counties.
Tire lack of rain in many sec¬
tions has set the crop back.
in this section we have
blessed with pretty good
as we needed it.
The pleased readers of this patter will
at*least he to learn that there is
one dreaded disease that
science lias been able to cure in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the onjy
positive cure known to the medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sys¬
tem, [Thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and
giving the rpatjent strenght by
building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so
much faith in itscurativepowers,
that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of testi
monials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Go., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggist, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the
There was a quiet and unex¬
pected marriage at the Crawford¬
ville Hotel Sunday last, Rev. L.
P. Winter officiating, The
groom, Sir. A. R. Rorie, from
Madison, came down Sunday and
went out in the country and
soon returned with Miss Fannie
Rocker and after procuring
license the couple were married
as above stated. They boarded
the 5:10 evening train for the
home of the groom.
—Col. Jim Kendrick, of Sha¬
ron, was in Crawfordville Tues¬
day. Jim is one of the best bus¬
iness men of the county and
Crawfordville people would be
glad to have him here all the
—Sheriff Henry has only one
hoarder in his jail John Jliek
s co l or ed, charged with cheat
mg and swindling. i m |lin John l n V m is a
professional the Singer people and am uses the
himself and on
:S C " ilhhis "
In Advanoo
NO. 18 .
Absolutely. Pure.
Celebrnted for it.sgrent leiiveningNtreugih
mid healthfullness. Assures tin- food
against alum and all forms of udnltcni
tion common to the cheap brands. HOY
The teachers institute for this
county will be held at, Setphens
High School auditorium next
week, beginning on Monday.
Prof. Simion W. Rogers, of Cus
seta, Ga.. will be the export.
He comes well recommended
and will give many pract ical les¬
sons to our teachers. Cora,
Flynt says he wants five O'
morfi little fellows, about 0 yearn
old who do not know theirietters
to he on hand for Prof- Rogers
to show bow perfect his
system is in teaching little ones
their letters.
—Mrs, Martha Jordan is visit¬
ing relatives in this county this
—Misses Rosa Gorham and
Leila Reid attended tne Hobbs
Taylor mnrriag<\ at. Holden Sriii
■' trt. ndmmtak i i tit
- - Dr" .
the leading druggists of Atlanta,
came down Tuesday night to
visit relatives here,
—When you know a pice
of news, keep it from the news¬
paper man and then talk about
his paper being poor and not
As sweet as the sweetest and
as good as the best 1'Yankin
son’s pure candies at Paul G.
Lucas. It is also cheap.
—Lightning struck Mr. Tom
Cosby’s barn over in Wilkes
Saturday evening and set it on
fire. The barn and contents
were destroyed.
The fine Pavonia coffee ar¬
rived on time last week with
spoons to stir it with. Call on
C. Bergstrom.
—Hail storms last week play
ed havoc in Warren and Ogle
thorpe counties. One farmer
near Wintorville plowed up and
planted over 50 acres in cotton.
The town council has swoop
ed down on the hitching posts
along Broad street and pulled
some of them up by the roots.
That's right; hitch the horses
away from the side-walks.
For seasonable and cheapest Millinery
m town, go to MRS. L. F. STEPH¬
ENS She. law always on band appro
print® bats, ribbons, fancy good*, etc., for
the season: also she lias recently secured
the agency for the celebrated Crescent
Corsets and Misses waists made to unfit
and guaranteed to please.