Newspaper Page Text
The Advocat*-Democrat ‘
Si-00 per Tear.
Fifty Years Ago.
President Polk in the White House chair,
While in Lowell was Doctor Ayer;
Both were busy lot human weal
One to govern and one to heal.
Ajid, as a president’s power of will
Sometimes depends on a liver.pill,
Sjr. -of Ffjlk,jtoole liver, Ayer’s Pills I trow
!- ; ? SO years ago.
Ayers Cathartic Pills
Were designed to supply 1 a
tnodei purgative to people who
had so long injured themselves
With griping medicines, feeing
©arefuUy prepared and their in-;
gradients adjusted to the exact
necessities of the bowels and
liver, their popularity was in¬
stantaneous. That this popu¬
larity has been maintained id
well marked in the medal
awarded these pills at the
World's Pair 1893,
50 Years of Cures.
.Pure Heme Matters Picked tJj> by Our
Local Aepcrters;
OltT People Are Uolir* end S*ylag.
Things Our PViemfs Tell I’*.’
Go to C. Bergstrom for cheap
Flour and soda.
—The sun is about the “hottest
thing” in Crawfordville now.
' —Mrs, Sallie Reynolds, of
Siioam, is visiting relatives here.
—Mr. Will Reid’s- ice box is
the most popular place in town
The Alliance StoYefs closing
out their straw bats regardless
of cost.
—Look out chickens! Th«
Methodists will be here next
—The hott-e&H; weather is not
able to choke off the bicycle
Prices reduced on all cotton;
ades at Racket Store.
—Mrs. M, Z Andrews has re¬
turned home from a trip to Au¬
—Playing marbles ami quar¬
reling is the order in some parts
of town.
The Alliance Store has about
200 lbs good country hams at 10c
per lb.
—Have you noticed, the pecu¬
liar roar that trains make on the
new rails';
—Mrs. Dr. Phillips) of Har
lem. is visiting her parents at
this place.
.—Watch your thermometers.
Tiie , boa, ., and ,
mercury may
—Interest in the Masonic lodge
Of Crawfordville has been reviv"
-The painters are continually
adding to the attractiveness of
our burg.
“Ye Tribe” heard a
prowling in his back yard- the
other night.
—Miss Marie Lanneau
ed front Charleston Sunday
night last.
The p'-ettiest lot of- umbrel
las in town at the Alliance Store
from 50c to *1.50 ,
—Mr. Will Mann, of Birmlhg
visit his parents.
—Mrs. Mildred C; Rhodes has
been visiting relatives in various
parts of the county.
— 1 ^he county school teachers
are attending the Teachers’ In¬
stitute here this week.
—We are glad to see Omer
Taylor back at his post after a
severe spell of sickness.
The Racket Store people
have received another big lot of
those silk umbrellas at 50c<
—Mr. E. I Anderson, who has
been in bad health for sometime,
was better a few days ago.
—Mrs, Absalom Rhodes, who
lives with Mr. W. C. Rhodes,
has been sick for sometime.
—The recent ehange in the
railroad schedule has been bene¬
ficial to Crawfordville.
Go to G. Bergstrom to get an
extension on your eye sight by
getting a new pair of spectacles.
—Mr. Bd. Golueke, of Madi¬
son, visited friends and relatives
at Crawfordville this week.
—Miss Pearl Rogers of War¬
ren ton, spent several days in
our city the past week, visiting
—Mr. Prank Reid, accompani¬
ed by his mother, wife, and
daughter, paid a visit to Barnett
last week.
Buy shoes at Alliance Store
and get the worth of your
—“Spencer V news from
Combs is much appreciated.
Let us hear from all sections of
the county.
—The town council wants
folks to quit leaving horses and
vehicles on the business part
of Broad street.
—It is thought that the wed¬
ding bells will again ring in
Crawfordville before we count
rnAhy m’O’re' moons.
—It seems nowadays when
Crawfordville people can they not
think of anything else to do
buy a new buggy.
Go to C, Bergstrom for fresh
mackerel and white fish.
—If Esper McDonald should
use his chinch killer on the
drummers it may be that fewer
of them would visit us.
—Emmett Henry went to
Powelton Sunday. He keeps
the road hot now between Craw¬
fordville and Powelton.
Go to C. Bergstrom for first
class coffee with spoons.
—The one-horse mower for the
town has arrived, been tried and
gives satisfaction. Now let us
have clean streets and nice parks,
—Will Sanford,- who used to
live at Crawfordville,- has de¬
veloped into one of the best
amatuer baseball players in Ga.
—Emeziah Johnson and Bon
Wright had a fight the other day.
Ben played second fiddle.
“That’s what Della says. That’s
all. ”
Go to' C; Bergstrom for
mattresses and twine, etc,
-—Watermelons will be a- ‘ittie
later this year than usual. We
will probably not have any
of them to eat, before we want
-—Blackberries are hbre; and
watermelons are coming, and the
brother in- black, assisted by the
y jrot y 1(;r ‘ m v.'hite; Vs extremely
Nice biiggy fiobes dirt cheap
at the Racket Store,
—,*kime country dogs called on
Mr wm ReM r s Hog “Drixe” the
0 ^ er n jght. They spent a
pleasant evening quarreling and
fighting. , .
—Messrs. .7. F. HoMen and’J.
( y Andrews’ returned last week
f^om the expetition at NashviTTe.
They were much pleased with
their visit..
, —Wheneve’* you are throb passing rings
hotel and hear
(not finge?^ rings) 1 of f he tele
phone y<nf may know' that,.some
body wahls to talk to Crawfhl-d
Causes fully half the sickliest
retains the digested food too 1 'PiS
and produces biliousness t llMXh
gcstion, bad taste, edited I
tongue, sick headache. ,iiy s
soimiia, etc. Hood's bins
cure constipation and all its
results, easily and thoroughly. 25 St*
Prepared by C. 1. llooil 5i J jas.
The only Pills to take with Hood ■ iUilia.
While out seining last Thu rs¬
day Will Hubert, Osieafi Chap¬
man and Chaudoiu lAans came
near drowning, but by the pres¬
ence of mind and hard work of
J. H. Stephens and J, N. ■ HI
man nothing serious occur to
Is always assured at tn De
Soto Hotel, Savannah, Ga.,
which offers a special Sui •mer
rate of *2.50 per day and up¬
wards. k
The Teachers’ Institute for
Taliaferro county is in prog:
at Crawfordville. It is being
ably conducted by Prof; S. A’.
Rogers, of Cu sseta. The sch. lu J
teachers of the county are sho •
ing much interest.
>i i i> '
Out-of-town merchantsjnvitf d,
when visiting Savannah, to step
at the De Soto which hus made »
special rate of *2.50 per d
upwards during the -Set,
The ladies of CrawfoMvil' e
gave an ice cre'atrf festival im ,t
Friday night on the Liberty Ha 11
lawn. The articles served w-fie
delicious, The proceeds of the
sup pel' will go to the fund ff>t
the Confederate monument,
nice sum was realized/
THE NEW rt.AYrf.
The two plays that it is pro¬
posed to present to the Craw¬
fordville public are now well
and ( be
underway, bid f r to
good ones, One of them, is
“Broken Fetters” and tie. <> her
is “The Goose with ti Golden
Eggs.’' ,1
It it believed by soni■ 1 that fish
have not the same color
as when asleep. When tl/iey
sleep they their 6olo> changes,
so that they rird less visible and
better Concealed at night, t'er
tain fish that have Well-kdt'wn
haunts assume a C, ‘or when
sleeping that mofie than ofdiiia
rily resembles the coin* of»^*eir
surroundings, and thu they are
not as liable to be sebn.
Judge Rhode's Hits aiiout rt
covered from his severe spell
Famers and Gardners
Loot to your interest. V iju eaBon he
forplanting TorrfipF * 'll
GRIFFITH ifanolc' ONM' La«"
oreth’a SEED. Everv ; sper
llfoomdale S W&'i .
Has eijual and i? th: fin 1 ■ ‘
no I’orple
W'l mown. Early Khft Jt* I >
and Landretli’s Step tn . i Snow
wfi ciobe are simply ty > e< Ml. AM
thebe laud other standard * tie# yc
’ n d
At Griffith’s.’
A citizen of Taliaferro comity
tells the following story: “Some
days ago I was walking along
the road when suddenly a runa¬
way hprse dashed in view. He
was greatly frightened, and was
rapidly approaching a lady. I
ran forward to help the lady,
who was a Mrs. Jones, She has
been married twice, and is
mother of six children. She has
three times been burned out of
house and home. Her expe¬
diences in life have been vari¬
ed. Her health has gradually
failed, until now she is confirm¬
ed rheumatic. At present she
is fifty-five years old, and if
nothing happens to her she will
be fifty-seven a year from now. ”
State of Ohio, City of To - ( f gg
redo, Lucas County.
Prank J. Cheney makes oath
that he is the senior partner of
the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing County business in the City of To¬
ledo, and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the
LARS for each and every case
pf Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall’s Catarrh
Cure. Prank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and sub¬
scribed in my presence, this fitli
day of December, A. D. IBfifi.
A. W. Gleason,
j SEAL b Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internaliy bloocf and acts directly on
e and ifiucons wnicto
*br- VfttCKl ^ Soutl lor Lest
tii B.
Address J. CheNey A 1 1 o.,
Toledo, 0.
Sold Hall’s by druggists. 75c.
Family Pills are the
There is considerable senti¬
ment in this country to annex
that island with the unpronoun
ceble name, Hawaii. We had
better go slow about it, at least
let us wait till .we can properly
call the name.
The Confederate Veterans had
their annual reunion at Nashville
this year. Geti. Gordon wanted
to resign as commander-in-chief,
but was rC-eledtSd in spite of
himself, The veterans meet
next year in Atlanta.
Hall’s Hair Rcnewer unshaken
is a fine dressing lor the hair.
. Uur people afiri preparing for
Athens district Conference
w ],; c h m(;e t R herd next week,
North Gebrgifilias its line fields
of wheat as (thy In Tehtiessee.
Unique tilings arr always no
tlciuble, advertisers are not al
ways behind in bringing for
ward such attractions': A Geor¬
gia merchant recently advertis¬
ed that he had a storehouse full
of goods that he would give
away. To each applicant lie
would say tliat he was giving
f^yyay tflings to those who had as
much money to give him as the
goods were worth.
0 C|E SURE you got what yoti want
whan Uneqiialieilin you ask lor 1 lood’s Skrsapa*
rilla, Merit, Sales,Lure*,
There’S no suljstitut'i tor HOOD’S.
} Hi euittteetlmi wliii watch, clock and
jewelry (provided repairing, fluritig tlie .• MiQKht-r
month*, you bring, tin- tiianlilm
tfj nivshop) I will ulaki-.-i pctfect-HiiiPybu wing ryacbini’S
run llelit and ftl itch kind con- of
swli*i wdrtlilcss. I can practical n pair Ai.y Workman.
macliini rv, I dm a
no ohtiMer. If I do not give satisfaction I
wart n j pay. Jewcior, R. L'raw/ordiHi;. >1. STlU/AKlt.
In* Adfid-anoe-
NO. 19.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated healthfullness. for its great Assures leavening strength food
and all thy udulteru
against, alum and forms of
tioiicoiitmonto Hie clieaii braids. „ROY .
J.,..-Ml. '-,
Sometime ago an old negro
man entered a Crawfordville
Store, and said to the clerk: ' ‘Is
you geft desf” At the same,
time lib showed a piece of paper
advertising black diamon dye.
The defile handed him a package
of dianion dye, for which he
charged ten cents. Three or
foul’ weeks' afterwards the same
negro dame back to the store,
and said to the clerk: “I want
some more black draught. ” The
clerk handed him a package, of
black draught, the price of which
is twenty cents. The negro
said* “Dis uint d© kind of black
draught I bought from you be
fore. De other kind cost only
uud vva- in an euvel
H iihiiid * If been ” aking bias.
good- t
biamon dye, under the iuipres
siou that it was black draught.
fy*t> Pill«.
Sand your iftldress to 11 . K. Hnoklcn &
Co., Cbk'BKO. ami got a free wimple box
of Dr King s Now Lift; Villa, A trial will
convince you of tlicir merlin. These pills
are cany in action and are Constipation particularly ef¬
fective In the curt- of and
Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver
troubles they have bten proven invaluable.
They are guaranteed to 1 lie perfectly free
from every deleterious substance and to
lie pqrel.v vegatablc, They do not weak¬
en by their actions, tint by giving tone to
stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the
system. Regular size Z/ie. per box. Sold
by IJr. R. I. Reid, Druggist.
Scientist say l-bat perhaps less
than ten per cent of the world's
population are given to the habit
of sitting down. The others
have various ways of reposing,
but they do not use chairs, sofas,
4 *' ,1
For Infant* and Children.
m» lu
A 4$
For S“iwonabln and cbi'tt|v-st j^fllllniTy
in town, go to MRS. L, F. STEPH¬
ENS **bi: baa always on bfirid , appro¬
priate bats, ribbons, fancy gissis, 'Hi;.,, for
tin; season: alsii sbe, lias recently t .nvuri'f)
tbe agency 'or tin: celtbrat/d ’n: fjip}
Corsets aiK^Jtisscs waists inadV; to ifir
and guaritntceo to pi wise