The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 09, 1897, Image 1
Advoca TE DEMOCRAT. SlOO Per Year. VOL, XXII. "A mB Ml M m ^Sc/' A. If Do You Use it? It’s the best thing for the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro¬ mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer’s Hair Vigor, It re¬ moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour¬ ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. SIDE-WALK NOTES. Eure Horae Matters Picked Up by Our Local Bepcrters. What Out Teoiilo Are DoinK mid Saying. Tfilngs Our Friends Tell’US. 1L- sure te'see the plays on July 23. —The county School Board met Tuesday last. —The rain Monday night was thankfully received. —The weather has not been quite so severe since the rain. —Mr. T. O. Gunn brought in a load of nice watermelons Tues¬ day last. -—Crawford ville Christian people are proud of the guests this week. —First country watermelons of the season were brought in Tuesday last. —Mrs. Herlc Johnson, of Thomson, came up this week to attend Conference. —Miss Hortense Meicre, of Rutherford, Ga., is visiting rela¬ tives here this week. Weak hair strengthened and the scalp kept clean by using Hall's Hair Renewer. —Mrs. A. J. Melton, of Au¬ gusta. is spending the week with friends in this place. —Charlie Lanneau. of the Madisonian, is spending this Week with homefoiks here. —Mr. W. R. Gunn bought the Hr. S. J. Farmer lot near the de¬ pot sold here last Tuesday. —Come to see the plays on July 28, and thereby increase the fund for' the monument. —MV. C. H, Golucke has had his mill, gin and engine build¬ ings all nicely white washed, —Dr. Forrest Phillips, of Har ifem, came up Sunday relatives and here. spent the night with —Charlie Golueke’s dray horse at the mill ran away Monday evening. Didn’t do much dam age. Mr. C. L. Hasbrouck, a drug¬ gist at Mention, Mich., says all of the good testimonials that have been published’ .Chamberlain’s by the Colic ufactures of Cholera and Diarrhoea Rededy could be duplicated in that town For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid “IN THE INTEREST OF ALL THE PEOPLE.*’ GA., FRIDAY. JULY 9, 1897. —Rev. Warren Candler, of Oxford, came down yesterday to attend the conference. —Mr. J. E. Gardner one of Athens’ best job printers, attend¬ ed conference here this week. -—The weather has given the delegates a warm welcome here this week. —Our county Commissioners were in regular session Tues¬ day. No unusual business on hand. Go to C. Bergstrom for the prettiest calicoes. —Marshal Tucker and his new mower have been doing effective work on our streets the past week. —Mr. Robert Stephens return¬ after ed to Atlanta Monday’’ spending a while with relatives here. Go to C. Bergstrom and get 1 lb of Pavonia coffee before it is all sold out and get your spoon. —Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe, of Conyers, visited the family of of Mr. C. I. Ogletree near here this week. —Rev. E. D. Stone, one of the veteran printers and publish- Confer¬ el’s. of Athens, attended ence here this week. Go to C. Bei’gstrom for crockery and glassware. —A settlement was affected before hand and* the Ogletree property advertised to be sold here Tuesday was not sold. —Lot Oslin, the and popular family depot agent at Barnett his have been in attendance at the conference here this week. Go to C. Bergstrom for large and twine. —Messrs. W. H. Morton and W. R. Tuck, two of the best far¬ mers in Clarke county attended the Conference here this week. Go to C. Bergstrom for things you can’t' trad elsewhere. —Our visitors this week are charmed with the way all denom¬ inations work in harmony' here for a good meeting. All who wish Ice on Sun¬ days will please call betw'een 6 and 7 o’clock on Sunday morn¬ ings. W. R. Reid. July 5, 1897. —Ernest Meiere, a double honor student of Belmont High School, Clarke county, spent a part of this week in this county with relatives. You may hunt the world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. reliable. It is pleasant, safe and For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. —Mr. W. P. Brown, traveling representative of Chamberlian Medicine Co’s superior proprie¬ tory remedies was in towm Mon¬ day and placed a good lot of his medicines with Dr. R. J. Reid and contracted with us to say a few’ deserving words concerning the popular medicines. “Last summer one of our grand-children was sick with Mrs. a severe bowel trouble, ’ ’ says E. G. Gregory, of Fredericks town, Mo, “Our doctors remedy had failed, then we tried Cham¬ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy, which gave very speedv relief.” For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. Advertised Letters. The following letters remain in the post offiiee at Crawfordvill'e, first of this month uncalled for: Miss Mary Chapman, Dr. Francis Greer Dunn, (card) Rev. H. Fuller, (card; Mr. Xatle Hampton, Mr. Allen Jackson, Mr. W. H.Lainnere. Harry Ross, Bro. Sye Rafus care Bob Battle, Prof. D. P. Roe, DEAD BETTERS. F. L. Arnold, Simon Brown, J. A- Ed¬ wards. Mamie Jackson. C. II. FARMER, P. M ECONOMY C in taking Hood'* Sar gaparilfa', because “ 100 dose* one dollar” is peculiar to and true only of the One True BLOOD Purifier. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, -which prevents dlgea. lion and permits food to ferment and putrify in th“ stomach. Thou follow dizziness, headache, Hood’s Insomina, nervousness, and, Pills if not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood’s Tills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness., con¬ stipation. etc. 25 cents. Sold Hood’s by all druggists. The only Pills to take with Sarsaparilla. TOTING 1113 OWN SKIQLET 1 Not many days agp Milus Ogletree found an egg in a nest near his house on the Bristow place near town and he put it in the house with a lot of fresh eggs he had been gathering up. Next morning he heard a chick¬ en chirping and upon investiga¬ tion it was found that tlio egg he put away the day before had hatched and the chicken was making himself at home in the box of eggs. This is an ener¬ getic chicken and just~9fc- that time (week before the setting of conference) his energy was ap¬ preciated by those who had found chickens very scarce in this section. The chicken still lievs. The full intensity of livi-’*,: peritptly is reached only by the the healthy. Sickness discounts capacity for enjoyment. If his body is all out of ordqr and run¬ down, he will not be able to en¬ joy anything, no matter how full of enjoyment it may be for other people. If he is just a little bit out of order, if he “is not sick, but dosn’t feel just right” he will only be able to enjoy things in a half-hearted w * '"he tor Is-* to belli-. j _ well, the nearer will hisci t p>, ity for this enjoyment condition be doesn’t peril | c xist, - If That something ought nine cases to be in t/en j ( lone. the means uso of Dr. Pierce’s Goldeii (direct¬ Med¬ ical Discovery. It works organ,js, ly on the digestive and oil the blood and through! these on every tissue of the be dy. It makes the appetite good, diges tion and nutrition perfe ct and pupplies rich, reel blood to all the tissues, building up solid healthful ilesh. Send 21 cents in u one-cent stamps to World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Bu ffalo, N. Y. and receive Dr. Piere •e’s 1008 page “Commoft Sense Medical Advise,” profusely illustrated. AT A GAMBLING TABLE. Tom Sims, colored, wjas ijnornin.g, killed by Eel Gunter Sunday during iO at the latter’s house a cent row over a gambling ta ble, where thirteen negroes had been gambling all night at Washing¬ ton, He hadclutched Lightly in one hand anickel, wi ;h which he intended to make his last a nte. Hill Sanders, John Sanders, Toombs Wynne, Geordo Heard, Jr., jail, and while Tom Ed Colley Gunter, wjere JLern put But¬ in ler, John Smith, Robert Hill and Ace Robinson escaped' ; Famers and Gardners Look to your interest. The season forjriairting Turnips will soon be here. Remember GRIFFITH Handles ONLY oreth's SEED. Every paper guaran¬ teed. Bloomdale Swede Half no equal and is the fin ess Ruta Baga known. Early Flat Southern Red or Purple Top and Landreth’s Snow White Globe are simply perfection. All these aud other standard vari eties you will find At Griffith’s. PriGesGuaranteed, HIS OWN GRAXFATHKR. I married a widow who had a daughter. My father visited our house frequently, fell in love and married my step-daughter. Thus my father became my sou in-law, and my step-daughter my mother, because she was my father’s wife. My step-daugh¬ ter had also a son: he was of course my brother and at the same time my grandchild, for he was the son of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother, because she was my mother’s mother. I was my wife’s hus¬ band and grandchild at the same time; and as the husband of a person . S grnncilliotiior , , is Ilis , . grndfather, I was my own grand hither. State of Ohio, City of To. j. j ss ” ledo, Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay ' the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL¬ LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hull's Catarrh Cure. Frank ,T. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sub¬ scribed in my presence, this 6tli day of Decern ber, A. D. 1896. A. W. Gleason, j SEAL } Notary Public, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testi¬ monials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. , best. -mb V»A THE PLAYS. The plays “Broken Fetters” and “The Goose with the Gol¬ den Eggs” w’ill be presented to the public if nothing should pre¬ vent on Friday night July 23, at the Stephens High School. Nice entertainment and , you should attend. GOOD NEWS. The famous Do Soto Hotel, Savannah, Ga., makes the low rate of $2.50 per day and upward for the Summer of 1897. Is’nt it good news sure enough '! NO REGULAR PAPER NEXT WEEK. We editors, devils, printers and correspondents, all expect to take holiday next week and we will not issue our usual size paper. Bear this in mind aiul let us have our bi-annual rest from our so regular daily toil. We hope to begin the week fol¬ lowing with renewed energy. FOR ONLY ONE iVEEK. I have with me, in the picture business Mr. M. E. Allen, a very successful and competent pho¬ tographer of Greenville, S. C,, and wc will make cabinet photo¬ graphs at, the low price of $1.50 dozen for one week only, begin ning Monday next. Remember, we will only be here one week longer, and then my gallery will be closed hero. Take advantage of these prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Resp’y. Jno. H. Stephens. THE LADIES FAVORITE. Bring the ladies of your house¬ hold in the Do Soto Hotel you visit Savannah. Rates $2.;*0 per day and upwards during the Summer Season, The think the Be Soto grand and en¬ joyable Ixx Advance- NO. 20. m WIGPO^] bAKl# POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated tor it* great Wav ruins strcngi h ami lumlthfullnww. Assures tin <>°<l against it]am and all forms of adultera <j 011 coninifou lo Mio cheap brands. K<>\ , LEAKING powder go., New tovu. WILL GO TO CLARKSVILLE. Prof. L. A. McLaughlin and family returned to Crawford ville last ,kat place they will go to ( larksvillo Ga., where he has been’ elected principal of the Clarksville High School for the ensuing sholastie year. He is one.of the best and most thorough teachers iu the state, and was chosen . to that , , position over a number of cora petitors. The people of Clarks¬ ville are to bo congratulated up¬ on having secured the services of one of the most successful teachers in the state.—Sanders ville Progress. W HY CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIAR¬ RHOEA REMEDY IS TfSK REST’. 1, Because it affords aim As t jjjgtant relief in case of pain in the stomach, colic and cholera ft'isl/‘only • , v ...... \ 2. Because; rotiiTf dy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. ;i. Because it is the only mine dy that will cure chronic' diar rhoea. 4. Because it is the only reme¬ dy that will prevent billious colic. 5. Because it is the only reme¬ dy that will cure epidemical dysentery Because it is the only 6. depended reme¬ dy that can always be upon in cases of cholera infan turn. 7. Because it is tue most prompt and most reliable modi cine in use for bowel complaints bad 8. Because it produces no results. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe fo take. 10. Because it has saved the lives of more people than any other medicine in the world. The 25 add 5()c sizes for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. Go to C. Bergstrom arid get a pair of suspenders of the best make. tea \r\ I ’’ ’ ' - i , _ alSM h - INTERESTING. For seasonable and chHapwjt Millinery in town, jw n, MRS. L. F. STEPH EMS Sbc Ints ahvay on band appro¬ priate bats, ribbons, fancy goods etc., for the season; also she bus recently (•cured the agency for the celebrated (’re-cent Corsets and Misses waists wade to oidc and guarantee*! to please.