The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 09, 1897, Image 4
THE ADVOCATE-DEMOCRAT, rnBi,rs«En evkrv fridav morning ** CLEM. G. MOORE. Official OrtaB Taliaferro Co. CRAW Y'< RDVIi EK, JULY 9, 1891. OCR NAME. ILLETRIP. We spent two days on the Centennial Exposition grounds at Nashville and we must say the show was far better than we ex¬ pected to see. It is not tjuite as extensive its the Atlanta Exposi¬ tion was but the exhibits are well selected and most hand¬ somely arrangod. A visitor can see the entire lay-out with much less fatigue. which The buildings, all of are vt r.y pretty, are arranged so a person can take a circle around the grounds and sec all the ex¬ hibits and wind up near where ho entered The exhibits are fuily-up-to date and no old tiresome displays to worry the eye of even those who have seen the great World’s Fair and the Atlanta big show. ••Vanity Fair” the midway side, show department is out at one side and those who care nothin# nbout such shows <trc not troubled with tho tooting of horns nn clcalls of agents to visit, those places. Every boiling is well filled with exhibits suitable for the occasion ttinl appropriate to the building for winch it is intended. The Georgia Railroad has an exhibit, there that does credit to tin, road and Die great section through which it travels. The Nashville Banner says, “For the exhibit of the Georgiu Railroad, of Die industries and resourer* of that section of Georgia wo must say; Your ex Uibit v xe. is ijjj>** 1'*np: o'/’ t'hr til Die Exposition, excepting that of Die Nashville, Chattanooga & St. l.o us is Railway, and yours can stand side by side with that and bold its own. Tho vond lias taken great trouble in getting up the ex¬ Dibit, and they have succeeded in gelling up a fine display of agricultural, mineral and wood display's showing that wo Geor¬ gians have everything necessary to make up one of the finest sec¬ tions in the world. Sonic lino stalks of cotton with bolls open and the staple Mowing down until the whole looks like a snow bank is attract¬ ing the attention of those visi¬ tors who live in the frozen north THE DREADED CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED T. A. Slocum, > 1 . < (!»»» (Jr.-at I’lieniift Scientist. \\ 111 Sind Kr**«\ to It*** A fillet p,|, l litee lioftlet of III** NrUlf iMt* rnvfml l<» 4'iir** tot MitiiiptIon mill Ail 1 tiii-.; Iron bleu. Coiidiir ut that lie li discovered a reiia hit* Ct! l|‘ fOHS !II ami all l«ro:» filial, throat and lun£ -T scaacs, irencrnl den'll ml weak nr loss uf Hash and all com ms of waiting, ami to make i 4 s ncrits known, h ■ will send, The’ free. bottles to ain reader of Advo cate .Ik mm rat who mat be suffering. \ i n - ■ d ' Iii; ••nen sei.-mific course of nun! I > *|S permanently t ..iretl thou an ml . : , I, 1 ‘ ! T !«u . •t.-ider ;i his reiigi. o dut • V ,1 ■ • , 1iu:ii:im:.\ h lit *d th " , : m a curable disea* ■ ;d ail' ill If Ai:.. a a Bur. ,... ...... N ftt at . atra . u.reu. P 2 _ in all p; * world. 1>. t is too late. Con* sum upinte 'trd, means speed\ * ' an deal} Address T. A. .sio ., J'iu street. New York, writing the Doctor, please ive . \prcv' and po*c »ffic uddreas, And metitiou rettlmg th s ^rtidc in The Ad voca t e-I>e ukk' r a 1 . and west, and along by the side of this cotton js shown the man ufactured goods in the way of f .] 0 t} 1i thread, paper and many other necessary articles of every day use. The Road shows that not only do we raise cotton here but corn, wheat, oats, frnits and everything grows on our farms as well. Then there areminerals: Iron, caolin, finest granite to be found in the world, and various other things make up an exhibit that makes the people of a not-so favorable climate envious of our good fortune. One thing that the Georgia Railroad exhibit at the Centen¬ nial Exposition will do. It will show to the thousands of hard¬ working, industrious farmers m the far West what the South has. These farmers are tired of the cold, bleak winters of the North¬ west, where they can only work for five months of the year and have to set by the fire the other seven. They are tired of the failures of the crops in some sections the continued low prices in others. They are seeking a more congenial clime and Geor¬ gia offers it in the fullest extent Right here the Georgia Rail¬ road needs the help of our far¬ mers. The exposition will last until Nov. 1st, and the road is desiring, and should get, from each county along its line a nice exhibit of fresh agricultural pro¬ ducts to place before these home seeking people during the months of September and October Every farmer in Taliaferro should save a few ears of his best corn, nice peck of fine peas, wheat, oats, beans, rye, barley, etc, a big pumpkin, a dozen or so of line potatoes, small lot of fine cane, sorghum or sugar, and nice sample of ohuftts, ground j>eas . Yffiftg fha; you have to show up what fine products you make, and bring them to the de¬ pot here, labeled with your name on them and let the Georgia Railroad agent send them on to the Exposition. Let your coun¬ ty be heard from and seen by those thousands of people ’ who are going to the show and who want to come south and buy lands and enrich our section. This exhibit will cost each dividual very little and the bene fit to all will be lasting. Give the Georgia Railroad your help in this matter and you wiil not regret it. A, eoiinly t„ do: Get up your exhibits and let’s have a littleexnibit here for one or two days, say the lust week in August, and then let the Georgia Railroad carry the whole exhibit to the fair and do a great work for us. Saturday after tho editors from along the Georgia had received a cordial welcome from Col. J. H. Avavilt t f the Georgia Rail roatl , exlllblt, tlioy exatinned the , exhibits and then repaired to the Casino whore a most enjoyable laneheon was served. Col. J. " • '' lute pnsudod over tilts . feast UUtl it was a royal feast kutg to be remembered by all ... ’ ., j... 1 • 1 1 ... r , ; n Vow , lot citizen interest every «*d -j • liltin' i up-buililiug , j j- Of r Ills l - ti, go to work and let’s have a lit tie show here , Ot our own pro duets next month and send the v ’ 111 llllli-! to tllO 2S lllc E^X ,a. rile*: itridn^ nua. Sn m>—Moisture; in fens ic-iiu n \x; If ai hy sc i .c f * allowed to continue form. vli cn often hk sr ti .mo nlcerato, be conn very sore Swayne’s Ointment steps t e Mid it ldng and Ue- ding, heals ul Cif in most coses renu.roa th^ tAjM -.i Dr. At Swayue druggist, A or Son, by Phlkwk^phia. mai;, for SO WEARING VEILS. This cu/ .om of the fair sex has some things in its favor. The the sun and wind, which brings freckles and tan. Also the coarse dust is strained _ out of the SS^air that is V, br e at bed. ■ Uv But there e VM are things against this ^Ebl costom also the most important being the loss of free circulating air. The same air is breathed over and over again. Women ought always to breathe pure aii^ Good ventilation, open air,.»ut door exercise, are what most women are suffering for. Some women are invalids, and are necessarily deprived of these blessings. Such women ought to write Dr. Hartman, Co¬ lumbus, Ohio. Answers free. Pc-ru-na is the greatest reme¬ dy known for the ills of women. Mrs. A. T. Lewis, of Talrnadge, Ala., says: “Pe-ru-nais the best medicine I ever used for pains. I recommend it to suffering wom¬ en. ” All those who desire Dr. Hart¬ man’s latest book on this inter¬ esting subject can obtain one for a short time free by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufactur¬ ing Company, Columbus, Ohio. MUST ADVERTISE. A man may bet, And a man may sweat, and a man may puff and blow; But ho can’t got trado By sitting in the shade, Waiting for business to grow. Losing FL.,h You naturally lose flesh in the sumrper and running down is so easy. You get a little weaker each day without hard¬ ly noticing it. There is loss of appetite, headache, weakness of the muscles, disturbed weakness of memory, and these are beginning of nervous prostration. Iron and tonics an d bitters may afford some temporary relief, but what you ne ed is a food for body, brain and nerves. ScotlS SmuCsicru of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy pophosphites, furnishesjust the nourishment needed tor tnose who are run down and pale and thin and weak. If you lose flesh in summer take Scott’s Emul Sion now. Don’t wait till fall or winter before beginning. For sate at 50c. and $1.00 by all druggista Public Road Notice. N EORGIA, TALIAFERRO COUNTY. * Whereas certain petitioners have made their application to the Board goads amt Revenue praying an granting commencing the at establishment Ga. It. R. station of a new at llill- road nun in said county 1 ,and running in a emlv direction through tho lands of A. L. Hillman and intersecting the road running f rom Samlv Cross to Sharon at or near the Hiilnmn’s gin house to the Chi. R. R^cross known as Kendrick crossing lie abolished; and. whereas. Commissioners appointoi for that purpose have reviewed fun! marked out said con tempi at etl road. and report tothis Court that said road will he one of much public utility and < ienee. nwv this is to cite and admonish ns that on and after the road first Tuesda, ill August next, said m-w will he granted if no good c.-iuse is shown to the , >r*trarv. Given under my hand and seal this tliefitli dav of .inly 1897. GEO. H. MITCHELL. Clerk Board of Roads and Revenue 0 ( rs. ten weeks and mnA 4\, then an st ppul Thf weekly, old, rt liable filled liipkw with atones Blade, lo of pages thrill iug tales of adventure. fun, love, and Sand 10 ft', in stamp* for 10 w«eks trial Yankee Blade. Brot>k Me. Legal Blanks — AT THIS-— O FFICE ATHENS DISTRICT CONFERENCE. The Conference of the Athene District of the Methodist church ° night With a good , prayer meet- . ing. Elder Love joy is presiding and many good sermons have been preached. Wednesday Rev. John Rosser, of the Broad River circuit, preached a most interesting sermon. The after¬ noons are taken up with busi¬ ness sessions. There are about 6fi ministers and representatives of the churches in this district present, and they all seem to be enjoying the good meeting. The session will last about days. Crawfordville people eff alf denominations ... doing , . all ,, ar c they can to make the meeting a success and to make their guests enjoy toeir , . stay among us. rp I ins , . Conference is composed of the , best i men over the i, district and „,1 they have a hearty welcome among us. WinS&W baa demonstrated ten thousand times that it is almost infallible FOR WOMAH’S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, Irregularities and derangements. It has become the leading remedy for this class of troubles. It exerts fa wonderfully and soothing healing, influence strengthen ng upon the menstrual organs. It cures “whites” and falling of the womb. It stops flooding and relieves sup ALffv MrL /THE<jj££ i ,y. «si3 if SS 'A kM »kA "*y "^SB kBiiijI pressed and painful menstruation. For Change of Life it ia the best medicine made. It is beneficial during pregnancy, and homes helps barren to bring children into for years. It invigorates, stimu¬ lates, strengthens the whole sys¬ tem. Thin grsrtt. remedy is offered to all afflicted women. another Why minute will any woman suffer with certain relief within reach? Wine of Cardin only costs $1.00 per bottle at your drug store. F"r advice. In cases requiring special direr - Hons, address , girinv symptoms, the ‘ Ladies’ Advisory Department,” The Chattanooga Med¬ icine Co., Chattanooga, Ttnn. Rev. J. W. SMiTH. Camden, S. C., sayii "My wife used Wine of Cardui at homo for falling of the womb and It entirely cured her." Engines & b oilers, Gins and Presses. get our prices: mui ami shingle outfits, Building, Bridge. Fartorv Furnace and mM,,cWn * Thdtimr Pn. u-ino- Tnim-tors Pine Fit y“d ATW'lIAJf ST p Lombard Iron W ks & Supply Co. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. Foundry, Machine. Boiler and Gin Works. Repairs Promptly Done. Do You Know sSk x*J rT^r'I? V ijif Jt ¥3 JIX/X/O jT JT J ToilIC . Pellets _ „ . CUFe - an( All forms Of disease caused by t a Sluggish Liver and Biliousness? ThePiskPiU Cieanses The Tonic Pellet InVlGOl'ateS ° The little "Doctor’s Book" tells all about it and a week’s Treatment free proves every word true. Complete Treatment 25 cents. g rown MTg. Co., N. Y. * Greeneville, Tenn. ___ AGENTS WANTED, male or tanalo in every countv. Business respectable. Compensation good. Xo trouble to make some money. Address Chronicle, ta, Ga** for particulars. HOW TO FIND OUT. FBI » bottle or common water "lass with condition of the kidneys. When urine stains ]ineu it is positive evidence of kid. nev trouble. Too frequent desire te uri n-.ite 01 paiu in the back, is also conviiiG incr proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. wiiat to no. There is comfort 5ti tlic knowledge sc often expressed, th«t Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfill* every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the uniary passage. It corrects inability to hold urine.aod scalding pains in passing it. oriiaci effects .following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes)tlmt unplens ant necessity of being ^impelled t0 S nt up many timesduriug the night to uri nate. The mild and the extraordinary e jj PC t u f Swamp-Root is soon realized. It s j- an( ] S tho highest for its wonderful cures Of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine vou should have the best. Sold druggists price iiifty cents and one doT ai. For a sample bottle and the pamplet, Atlvo both sent free by mail, mention ca t e .p e mocrat and send your full post office address to Dr, Kilmer * Co., Bing¬ hamton, N. V. The proprietors or this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Georgia railroad. -AT TIIE- TENNESSEE Centennial Exposition, From May 1st, to H«v. 1st 1897. Ths second largest Exposition ever hold in this country, thousands of Home.Seek¬ ers and investors from the West and North West will be there. To show up the wonderful resources along its line, the Georgia Railroad has decided to make au Exhibit of those re sources, and asks the people of the Coun ties and towns along its lines to co-opciate with them in making the exhibit a suceess liy furnishing creditable specimens of all Minerals, Paint and Fire Clays, description i f Water Powers and photographs of In- fill Mill Sites,exhibits of all Manufacturing dustries especially desired. Further arrangements will tie made and due notice given regarding Exhibits of Agricultural products, and Fruit in sea son. For further information apply to, JNO. II. AVERILL, Commisioner, 41!) Dyer Buileing, Augusta, Ga, MONEY MADE EASILY Over! AND 'Bapidly, Bead this and ,Th::ik it We want three or four men with energy and grit to represent its; in Taliaferro and adjoining counties. Will give them a sit¬ uation iii which they can make money rapidly, the work being light Requires end em¬ ployment the year round. no capital or great education. Some of our best salesmen are country bo s. Profits quick and absolutely sure. Write at once for full particulars. Address, II. 0. HEDGINGS & CO.. Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga. $100 To Any Man. W1LL PAY SHOO FOR ANY CASE Of Weakness In Men They Treat and Fall to Core. An Omaha Company places for the first time before the public a Magical Treat “ d Vex r uS W^lnis^d'B^toraS 0 ” Life Force in old and young men. No worn-out French remedy; contains no Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is a Wonderful Treatment— magical All in its effects—positive in its cure. readers, who are suffering from a weakness that blights their life, causing that mental and physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man¬ hood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will send you absolutely FREE, a valuable paper bn these diseases, and positive proofs of their truly Magical Treatment. Thous¬ ands of men, who have lost them all hope of a cure, are being restored by to a per feet condition. Tbis Magical Treatment may be taken at home under their directions, or they will pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment, if they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable; Cure.* have Sample, no Free Prescriptions, O. fake. Free They have Free or C. 1). $250,000 capital, and guarantee to dollar; cure every case they treat or refund every or their charges may be deposited in is a bank to be paid to them when a cure effected. Write them today. r IMRMS IPSL:! P y |R f »f| M Z iA'U^SSlUll yag” KBeGj&Li 1 „. . ' HsRtiary cutcsJ tiary in BLOOC FiLO\-L' 15 3’0!:J0?t Yon permanently permanently bctreatc-l a ; can 2? JKBhOTie §liy. for ue-tiAU Liu price pr.eeimeersan.: am]) _ iuaraa if you prof ::er erti toe inehere no v,ilicon-> tract to pay r. i roa .1 tare and h old bills,in'! Docha rare,it .if «refail m \•■• • core. 11 v(u bare taaea rcer curr, Iodide pot : -h, and sGUrhare eches anl warns,.»» Pimples, ins, Mac ucoQ3 ratihes Colored i:: in! mouth. Sc ;r - Throat, Copper .* pot*, i leers on eny part of the body. 3\ or ULOOD BLODl> Ey*hr-. POISON POISON falling out, it in S3 tbls tills bcf . ..:' I' )-/ vry VC ’JTU* r.ur.tee to cure, tv thB&c-st rid obsti an«l c^i-illeosr-' the wo fo r a c. To iff ci<< RS3 ins always baffled tho shin ;li e most physi clans. s-500 ? ct>. * csoitsl bees Cid our ancondi* u° na » Ml in:« pr on;* - .-t ts MmJm