The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 09, 1897, Image 5
OUR NEIGHBORS. What the People of that Thriving Town Are Doing. SHAKOS DEPARTMENT. nr c. i.. bagby. Several visited Hillman last Saturday. Mr. Edward Keating had coltoa bolls last week. Sir. Ed\cord Keating was quite sick the past week. Marble playing was on the boom last week in Sharon. Apple dumplings commg in and they are mighty good, too. Mr. Will Anderson, of Norwood, was in our town last week. Mrs. Bettie Bugg, of Augusta, is visiting ■relatives in this section. Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Taylor spent a day recently with IV. II. Bagby. Dr. A. C. Davidson made several pro. Jessiomn visits to Barnett last week. One ot the best openings in the county for a good physician is at Barnett. A FR1CANA will cure Syphili* and Old r\ Sores to Stay Cured. Uncle Billy Moore returned from a visit to Norwood Monday of last week. Farmers are laying by their corn and a good many are done hoeing cot fun. Mr. L. T. Moore and M-elton Gilbert are happy. There is a charm in town. Mrs. Lint. Williams, of Barnett, lias re¬ covered from her recent spell of sickness. Hits Missouri Bagby visited Mrs. R. II Jackson last Friday also Mrs. A. D. Moore. Subscribe for grandfathers bible stories C. L. Bagby, agent for Warren and Talia¬ ferro. Our professor and school teacher attend¬ ed the institute : in Crawfordvillc last ..week. Educate Your Bnwols With CancarotS. Candy oatiiartic, cure sonstlpattoH refund forever. 10c, ate. If CYC. Cl fail, druggists money. A great many of our people took in the cheap rates for the fourth of July ex cur sions. When visiting Crawfordville call at Gunn ,2c Hadaway’s; they will fix you up .alright. To Cure Constipation Forever. TalvO Cascirets Candy Cathartic. 30j orSnc If C. C. C. fail to cure, druKNists refund money Tlw 4th Sunday in June is said to be the hdv’est day this summer and we believe it was, C. L Bagby is still anxious to do your tin work, Call on him or write to him at bii.'iroii, Ga. No-To-Bar for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed .olraceo habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pury. tfe, fl. All druggists. Preaching at Raytown Methodist church Host Saturday anrl Sunday by the pastor Rev. Mr. Embry. Air. Stove Weathers of Augusta lias^ been visiting relatives in this county for sometime past. T<> Constipation Forpror. T:i?cc Case:i rets ( V m y Cathartic. 10c cr25c. If c. O. C. f:iil lo cur's, drutrfjisis refund itioauv. Go to G. W, Brown's mill for good corn meal or call at L- S„ Jackson’s store. He keeps it on sale there. Etfuratc Your I!o\re3«? ITif Ti Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation refund forever. ,10c. 25c. If C. C C. fa il, (Irusrgist s money. We don’t bear of no 4th of J illy Imibc cues nor public speakings now days as was in antebellum days. THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for¬ ward to the hour of woman’s severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life’s pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER’S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for¬ ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations—she ordeal quickly passes and through the left and without pain—is and enabled strong joyously vigorous high and to holy duties perform the now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of “Mother’s Friend,” and the time of recovery shortened. “I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of ; virtVion'c U'l'tzarrrll nf rr»o V»pfnTP VlPT nn7klv fourth confinement and was relieved and easih All affree that their Ishnr was shorter and ie=s Dainful ” JOBS G. Pouiiu, ’ Macon, Ga. Sl.oo PEE BOTTLE at all Bras’ Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price, nneye Containing invaluable information of rnrn FREE interest to all women, win be -ent to any ad-irese upon application, by The BRADFIELD REGULATORCO., Atlanta, Ga. Call in and see Paid Lucas when you visit Craw ford villa. He certainly will put goods to yon at low figures. Mr. Joe O’Brien, of "Barnett, had a sjm stroke last week and had to call in Or A. C. Davidson to attend him. Barbecue m oar town last Monday and a base ball game between the Madison and Washington club and others. Mr. II. C- Dicken and J. W. Fallen keep ice cold beer on hand all the time at their saloons also soda water, etc. Mrs. Burnnie Finch, of Barnett, was quite sick the cast week. Wo hope she will soon recover her usual health. Capt. Hunter, the clever proprietor of the Hillman Hotel visits our town often but we always give him a hearty welcome. Our people have been moving about in tlieir houses as the suit moved during the hot days and did’nt find a cool place then. Mr. A. I). .'Moore, of the Temple of In¬ dustry gave his workmen it rest the past week as they had caught up with tlieir work. Mrs. Minnie Alien (me Miss Battle) aid her husband of Warrenton are spending sometime at the Hillman Hotel for their health. We had several visitors to our family tlie past week which we were glad to see. t\'e always like to meet our neighbors and friends. Don't Tobacco S»>it anil Sr.iofcc Tour life a way. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mas actio, full of life, nerve and vigor, take Iw-To line, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50e or an. Curegaaran teod. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling lterncdy Co., Chicago or New York. The Hotel Jackson of Sharon is doing a tolerably fair business. Its proprietors are both hustlers and understand tlieir business. Preaching a Barnett Methodist church last Saturday and Sunday by pastor Mr. Winter. Ho is well liked as a preacher in tlmt section. Mpe still deal in that good liniment \v.e told you.j&bout sometime ago; it’s cheaper and just as good as that you have to pay a big price for. ' Our big snake is still scarcing comers, Mr. Abney tlie big fat drummer was scared nearly out of bis wits last week by L. S. Jackson. There arc more men wanting to buy cattle now than you can shake a stick at and still they say they aiut worth anything and no sale for them. Bucklin'. Aruica'PWv#. The B«j* 8 alv« In the world for Outs, Bruises, Son*, Ulcer*, Salt Rheum, Fct. er. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains com*, and all Skin Eruptions, and poal tive'y cures Vlioa, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 Cents per box. For sale by Dr. R. J. Reiil. We took fl little vacation from home last week and spent sometime in Craw fordville consequently can’t promise much of a letter of news this week. Mr. Patti Carey came out last week on crutches for tlie first time. His wounded leg is healed up and no farther danger or trouble is anticipated about him, Air. John Edwards, of E.nauuelcounty, was killed last week by lightning and brought to Williams Creek church in Warren county and buried last Friday. Major Taylor is in our town nearly every day with a load of black berries and he finds ready sale for them. The Major isa great talker and quite a curiosity any wav V0U ,akn Imn - SiZ’rIppir e ‘‘Swa?m.’s D Offitment-' No internal medlchie required. Cure. tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face,' bands, nose, &c.. leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Ita great heal lug and curative powers are possessed by ^ Kg Swarm’s } OkUmenU K ? rly every house you go to now for ‘!;T V,e > U r b, ; K ; k !T" y P ' e 7 chicken pie., me . few and . fur between, , ihe women folks arc nuSlity Ding) "' ,hllca T a ‘ , 10 '”. via 7 , icri ' ■' 77 1 _ „ "7 ™ „„ 1 ' gardens sorter wdt up but hope no serious damage will happen to them and tlmt wc I,ate a glorious , . anti abundant han-st , and each and all of us praise the almighty ‘ for iti Wc were in the Alliance Store last week and we saw some of Hie nico-t home rais eil meat; we just felt like getting a frying pan and going to cooking. A\ . V. Clmp man. Manager, knows what kind of goods to keep in that house. Erorrliodf Says So. derf.ll CascaretsCaudy medical lii'scoierv Cathartic, of Uie the most won ngc. Iieas ant and refreshing to the taste, and act bowels, gently and positively on kidneys, liver mlslin.ltn cure hSidaelfc fever, ImMtnal , nad biliousness. Please t m.v and trv a box cl U O C. to-day; to, 25 :,n bents Bold and guaranteed to care by ml dm;gists. Everybody is invited to Sharon Sunday sc, present '°°' • rr- rhoy ■ and i kayc it Jitera tie . ure desire r ••• ,,*1 " of a , quarter is Sunt. Dr. L. R. Brown to build up the school and it can’t lie done without the assistance of . the , ehnrch . , and i community. •. % CASTOItlA. Tie (a- /> - it a Up* rixos /''TJr jC/twJCTTsTas // ff/ T. ,7 5T»ry •* -CCCC^/Vi.» THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Trouble ami Consumption Can be Cured. An Kininent New York Chemist anji Scientist Makes a Free Differ to Our Headers. The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his discovery of a reliahlc and alsolnte cure for Con¬ sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest, dis¬ ease. stubborn coughs, catarrhal affec¬ tions, general decline and weakness, loss of fiesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will semi THREE FREE BOTTLES (all different) of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of The Advocate Demo¬ crat writing for them. His “New Scientific. Treatment" has cured thousands permantiy by its time¬ ly use, and he considers it a simple pro¬ fessional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his inf alible curt Science daily develops new -wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi¬ menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius, llis assertion that, lung troubles and consumption are curable in any climate is proven by “heart¬ felt letters of gratitude,’* filed in his American and European loboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of tlie world. Medical experts concede that bronchial, chest and lung troubles lead to Consump¬ tion, which, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. SlocumTM. C., 98 Pino Street. New Y T ork, giving post office and express address, and 1 he free medicine will be promptly sent, Sufferers should take instant advantage of his gen¬ erous proposition. Please tell ths Doctor that you saw iiis offer in the Advocate-Democrat. We arc glad to ace Bro, W. .1. Elling¬ ton able to got about again tiis recent spell was a groat affliction, a great loss to him in his crop but his neighbors helped him in his crop and with no back set lie will be able to finish his crop. We hope so at least. Miss Bertha Moore died at her home at Norwood, on Thursday of Inst week and was brought up and buried at the old Presbyterian grave yard below ltay tow if She was a .daughter of Mr. Tip;. At'ajiogyc. Wc extend our sympathies tovlic luueuv ed family ami relatives. j Charlie Allen and Joe O’Brien, Itofise 81 1 . will go on the road traveling fora in Now York. We learn lie will mot e bis family from Barnett. Mr. O'Brien has been a citizen of that place for a number of years and has done a great deal jof bits iness there. We guess tlie community generally will hate to see him leave.. Old man Carbiu Kendrick, colored died last week near Raytown. The old man had been farming with Air. O. IT. Moore for 30 years or more. Mr. Moore came to Sharon and bought his coffin but the old fellow was able to bury himself. There is not many darkies stay in one place that long. He ivag,a faithful old servant. To believe in a remedy is the stecond step. You must first believe in the man who offers it. Ramon’s Liyer Treatment is one of the most famous remedies of !ast h " n ; lrc ! 1 >77;, Fw 77“ nil*superior to no \t «!'• We urge our renders not to suffer stck'headachc when sucli a plcusa it relief 'sat hand. hill -■> ti. i . a u <ri a s 0K ‘ ‘ >■ c 1 Prof. Woodall said the other day that he was talking to a young man 17 years old about the time the war started. lie asked Wm what he thought about it. His answer was that when it begins it will be gm and that when it ended it would be dnded and when it ended it would he com pleted ’ U w,,s a ver >' S° Mi an * w, r - Professor Woodall told us the other day , hat W hen “-’'vent , . mto . , ,, he war he . went , from the , school room and all of his clothes we ,. d bi ,„ , ilirt , , ;tc ., and they came around , , tor detal1 , , , * , l,> wa 11 U P clotllM an 1 i I ' he never had done Mich a thing before. It ! was as great atrial as over he had. We j <; ,m tell you of worse times than that. W<- I )iad t0 „ car j y break tlie ice and pull off i our 0 ] ( ] rags and wasii them in the creek without soap, lye or parline. ! | old People. 1 Old people who requite medicine to ! regulate flic bowels and kidneys W ‘U find | the true remedy y in Electric Bitters. Tnm ! mef j ic . }ll( . do , s , t ami contains acts no whiskey as atonic nor and other alterative. intoxicant., It act- but j mildly on the -toinachc a s d b.wel-. add , ing strength and giving mm t the or-j 7 ran ^ t hereby aioin^ u, :!ic pyr- ■ i OVUlStnCC Ol til*? fUBOtlOD,' *-> ■ ell* J>1 ; * ; ters is an excellent appetizer and aids di gestion. Old People find fifty it just exactly and what they need. Price ents J-00 per bottle at Dr. If. J. Reid’s Drug htore. Preaching last Saturday and Sunday at the Presbyterian ehtirch " liaron, by pastor Rev. Mr. Simpson. COUNTY MATTERS. Correspondents' Eeports of What Their neighbors Talk the Happenings in Their Respective I.o . utilities. All tlie News. MOORE'S MILL. BY SPY. Everything was refreshed last Monday night by a nice rain. Oscar Moore spent Sunday last with A. J. Chapman’s family. Mr. J. C. Lunceford has somewhat im¬ proved, we are glad to state. Mrs. A. S. Lunceford lias been quite sick, having chills, but lias improved. Mr. D. Lunceford and w ife spent Sun¬ day last with Mr. A. S. Lunceford’s faun* Miss Lula Moore and brother. Robert, visited near Sharon last Saturday and Sunday. Tlie crops and gardens have been suf¬ fering for rain, but we should not coin plain for it is all for the best. When you want anything in tlie way of photography call to see J. II Stephens, Craw'fordville. Ga.. and he will certainly please you in his work. The Sunday school intended having a picnic at Daniel’s spring the 20 th, but Oil account of the whooping cough raging there they havedecided to have it nearer home. Our pastor, Rev. R. K- L. Harris preached at tlie school house Sunday be¬ fore last. selecting bis text from Proverbs 14 ; 12 verse. We enjoyed it so much and hope lie will come again. Some of the young folks of the commu¬ nity were greatly disappointed Iasi Sun¬ day night when they reached tlie church and found tlie doors locked. They re¬ turned home in quiet solitede, so we learn. Two Lives Saved. Airs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, Ill., was told bv her doctors she had Con¬ sumption and thru there was no hopes for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it faved her life. Mr. Tlios. Kggcrs. 139 Florida 81, San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Con¬ sumption, else then bought tried without bottle result of everything Dr. King’s one New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is Xt results, of which these are. sample* prove the wonderful efficacy of Free this medicine in Coughs and Colds, trial bottles at Dr. Ii.J. Reid’s Drugstore Regular siz.eSqc-ond 1 00 PEEK’S CROSS ROADS, BY JUST-SO. We ve had a nice ram, corn was at mg fast / or t,le " ant of ll ’ and fnm j lieaf ’ Vi e hear that Mr. Jo ui Bent > is up from neer Savannah visiting . r. C.ucj s. We learn that a neighbor neat Oross Ronds came near getting hurt by a wagon and team while traveling week before last. Mr. Jesse Ogletree spent awhile at J. 11 Wheeler’s Sunday before last, lie is always a welcome visitor where lie chances to go, so we learn. Ml. Joe Mann and lady, also Mill, his U" u business, so, i, wlio is visiting off im a relatives vacation at non. are or near Tennille, Washington county. We hear that the Rev. Abb Harris will preach at Moore’s mill next Sunday eve nin*. Visitors are invited. We hope the boy* will be their and be of help in different ways. We heard that two couple* went to hear worship and when they arrived on Ule g ro „ n ,l s the church was closed and 110 01le there to preach. They returned ^ . neighborMrm, n f relitdnus instruction ') us that? J. H. wbeeJer m} a fine nin in the road at and neir his house but none on the farm, Are showers that partial? They must from below rather than from'"above, Guess who the person 1 was that said a boy spent all his money i.y the nickel at one store, tiiat hoY'clauns he can’t see th c impropriety 11 in spending his money at store provided it be honest and , counterfeit. it is said the agriculture report of crops f rom this district is on an average with the same date of last year. We can’t see bow it can be for a great many farmers claim the crops to be considerably behind f rom tp,, y ear above mentioned. Mr*. Anna Wheeler and children visit e d a dear friend and rel a fives in Wilkes v the latter tiart of last week. She was heard , to say ... that her , stay . was . made . , pleasant by their hospitality and kindness an r| she could not leave without a prom is( . lo go h again iuthe near future. _______ TUCE * J NOTICE * In connection with w.dcli. clock and jewelry repairing, during the summer months,(provided i makesewung■ you bring the to my shop; will run light and stitch perfect that you kind eon- of sider worthless. I can practical repair any workman, machinery, I am a no collider. If i do not give salisfaclion 1 want no pay. R. B. sTKOZEIt. Jeweler. Crav,fordiile. Ga, i 1 I) i ) I t i Is the external indication of a con¬ dition of the blood which produces is a fiery irritation almost unbearable. It a mistake to think that this local irrita¬ tion is the disease disordered itself—it condition is simply all evidence of a of the blood. The seat of the disease is in the blood, and this is why the various salves and ointments usually applied possibly have tip effect whatever. They cannot trouble;-only reach the origin of do the that. S. S. is a blood remedy can i>. without an equal for blood diseases, and promptly and permanently cures Eczema and removes all taint. Much torture could be avoided if ths first itching symptoms were heeded and acourse of S.S.S. taken promptly, irritations as ap¬ parently insignificant skin form usually develop properly into the treated. worst of Eczema unless It matters not what other treatment has been tried in vain, S.S.S. always and gets at tlie seat of the disense, forces it out. Mr. William Armstrong, an old resi¬ dent and highly respected citizen of DePere, Wis., writes on April ist, 1896 . I f Y fliM X s nmiJMir ‘Y'JsA ^ -V y/zm * i Am 1 NS 0 m 22 A /, W \ gs ^ 14 - MR. WILLIAM ARMSTONG. "I have been a sufferer for eight years with that horrible disease, Eczema, at # times describe all over tlie my burning body, and and uo itching person, I can "had to endure. "The extent ol my sufferings can b* appreciated when I state that my con¬ dition was such 'tigit I months coqld not I take my bed, and for three never laid down, but was compelled around. to sit in my chair when not moving I was treated by the best of physician* with no success, and tried all thc patent medicines recommended for Eczema, without Indiana any good Mud results. with I then the went to the baths, same results, and then to Mt. Clements, tlie celebrated medical resort, where tho treatment partially helped me, but the disease shortly returned. I went to Florida, Blinking that a change of cli¬ mate and water and Hie citron fruit might cure me, but found no cure. "I then tried S.S.S.uud after tlireedays and the burning and itching subsided, I continued to improve steadily until I waa well—entirely cured. After com¬ mencing S. S. S. I never put an exter¬ nal application to my limbs or any part of my body. You may refer to me any person suffering from Eczema. 1 will always keep tlie S. 8 . 8 . in my house, for I consider it the best blood medicine of the present age. 1 am seventy health.” years of age and am now in perfect For real blood diseases relief can only be obtained by using a real blood reme dy. So many people wbo are sufferers from an obstinate or deep-seated blood disease make the mistake of taking rem¬ and edies which at best are only tonics cannot possibly reach tlieir trouble. It is in just suclf cases which other so-called blood remedies cannot reach that S.S.S. has made some of the most wonderful cures. S. S. S. cures permanently Cancer, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Eczemf, Tetter, and Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, all other diseases having their origin in the blood. It is a A Real Blood Remedy. and gets at the seat of disease and forces it out promptly even ijffer other so-called blood remedies have failed. S. is. S, is blood purely and vegetable. skin diseases will Books on ddreM l ’ e m A ilc ‘J ^Atunta' 7 a by Swltt bpec, “ c ( ’ ’ a ' Citation. /AKORGIA TALIAFERRO COUNTY. *Ti, ell whom it nor. eurieein; Mrs. Raeliel Kent having in proper J"™ form S" ...mlied to me for the' p< rmanent letters tr ation on late of .John .!. „ f v . u.j, i:4t o cite all and rin-ular tlie eredito,-end next of kin of John .1. Kent to he m.d at my offiec within the time U bv law. and < how if any tli '7 , -It /1 * * 11 f. H<j 1/i 11 1 1 ' f. Til t J ( >1) h\l ( > 'i Jl>t l)Ci t „ yi rs . Ibahei Ke > < John I. K«.mf witness in- el and offleiu ThlsC'di d« • ! duly 1897. «MO. II. MIT! I ELL. ordinary. _ cured cud Wbiiskey !T«Wt» at home witb twm #sz ■wninrn— tjnuttt, w.wo»dXEr,M, i'ryor 0 . u». (. j 104 N. fit