The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 09, 1897, Image 8
“GRIPPE” IS PREVAILING. LOOK OUT! TO AVOID AND CURE Ti'li, ,-iMilii.ii < ol in* is n»w prevailing a!! over the country. It comes with it "tiiliiiiio*. pain*, ache , l -ver, watery eyes, iieadache, Etc. To avoid it, take an oc eT- l-lhal dose of Dr. Hammack’s Cold Cure. •ih-l if yut favo Grippe. tli i-.ihict- taken {u ccnUtiaj *o directions will cure They arc put trjViii .‘■crew top bottle 1 ’, convenlent to carry. 25 doses 2‘> cent-. For Coughs A cough h, flic roc k upon which the heal!h and life of thousands Jmt'e hew* wrecked. Ev« ,'i i cough should lift trialed at its comrhcnccnioiit, and for this purpose thcr c 1* nothing h*Htcr than Dr fiamimickV White Pi mu and Hpriwe (itim ' 'outfit Hulsam. It cures viliiouh f ail all bronchial ond Diner affections, Price, per boltle, 25 cent iiw] r it is always the favorite. For Pains and Aches. Tin re l- t: Fmui* heur-r then Dr, Wainmaclc's Klcrtrie Lfnimcnt. It will cure ucn rah: it. rhcuijiaf i.-m .< f itch-'-• umI pnins him bay'', efiapped hands, and all i ., r,ncr of' j bii.v and m !;(■■>. Do,, ! •. vpcnnicfit, but buy tlii 1 * liniment. Price, per bottle, 20 cent#. A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle Id he Id every family* \Yc. have flicni Hu* bcM made from 50 cent nwi.rds ccd every!Iiinj/ usually old in a lir t-cla.-s drug store at reasonable prices. HAMMACK, LUCAS & CO. Whole :\J .<i Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA. Foil SAI.1. in* l J . G. I.L'CAF. ( R.C.VI-VUDVILLK GA. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGINES BOILERS, SAW MILLS, % ■ i ■ MILLS, !Hi %'il •C GRIST if) •£/J COTTONGINS ral 8h 'S&r-'l and PRESSES. i Complete Ginning Outfits. TUftW ill mil no AC StoaiTt Presses, and Elevators Belting, Valves, Pulleys, Shafting 1 & Mill | Saws, Generally. Supplies MALLARY BROS. & CO ft .v •1 Mi-nllon this paper. MACON, GEORGIA. “her. _ i ' ‘ I cle Afar imidious M. VERY y: ‘ { A whedwery cheap. good ‘ J ‘ ?_l‘he succass of the Waverley head z{Bicycle of in the '96 leaders places it for at ’95:, the _ ‘ his year we produce a new nd expensivcly made whee], ?fect quipped with the only per bearings yut made—SIOO y} Last year's famous moiul. ! greativ inmrm'uJ‘ ha.» test! 3 ycduccdtum. the of 1'12: n:ajnn::y. sa~.<:.g 5 IS 1:: cos: jgdiana 3‘ ("41.113ng F112; Bicycle (30., mmmns. m. NOT •pgSJJ* .6 LIKE WC-s: OTHERS There Is a dlffe^onco between medi¬ cines and medicines, from Tli t^su (if. to-day, as a rule, differ lhos(“of the pustii many respect ,s. be *\dty as is tho diffe/eucc - ineen Dr. iving'tr ROYAL SERMETUER and tho ordin try meiHuinna of to-day It is nuliko them iu THESE FIVE THINCS; t. It (lock not taste like a modi-* CtllO. it is as pleasant to take Ss li-monado a;xl makes a most- ivfrrsliinjf drink, U. It never linage kites tl*e most cLdioatesU macS. on so Vo? miiilhcr." 'lPitoes not set up «’«” form of disea e in order to relieve ■‘LH^rt-i^ur o|illtin in any form and is always luirmlesk oteu when given to a babe one day old. not patch simply, It tl. It does srtnSissr.Nrsi&ss :,i ..... 1 "■ ' v ’ ,v i hc -;«A power that littve never he, n «- IN, ed. ?o? %\\ tM»1 s' it , p*. 9 c.t. Swmiaeh. Bowels Kidm-vs aiul Nerve ;vnd for nU forms uf MILAHtU. us prc-cuiitiunt— YiltUltut tr 3r! i * ▼ klrfUNrS*;* s'.ew lurw wf* Ux. t iOS i>y M uniiActui'eti only by "•HE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. «r»JV** 0 R «*-F*cS BOOK. W.ULE8 TtUpt. F, C» Company Corsets, MAKE American Beauties FC.CO CORRECT 111 imln!* i|||| tvj m SHAPES i 11 ARTISTIC kS^-v/ m Wh m EFFECTS-r : r ..fa A All mi / J Lengths. Or tlux. N tj C C i|J W L T 0 b T I (l M • 31 iTiUULLwi A rj r j P %’v i MSk HHBfpif fancy » p iLAlRt I AIL . %, FEtTRERBORE CORSET s?rr vI'.MLitAO'WP'-r HOI Obn aV CO Crn'A » ' BERUDAD0T3. EY UNCLE SNAPPS. Beautiful showers after the dry hot days. There are several cases of whooping cough in the neighborhood. Several of our neighbors attending dis¬ trict Conference at Crawfordvibe this week. Miss Maggie Copeland, of White Plains, was in our neighborhood Friday and Saturday. Mr. D. S- Stewart and Miss Ilosa Stewart made a visit over to Washington to see relatives last Sunday. The annual fish fry at the Hoewll place was well attended last notwithstanding the extreme hot weather, and the crowd spent a pleasant day that will long be remembered for its social greetings and bountiful dinner spread under the giant oaks. BurmudaHigh School will open next Monday July 12 th. Let all the pupils be in school at roll call the first day prepar¬ ed to go to work in earnest. The school is under the management of the excellent teacher ,'Jliss Sallie S. Jones, 'continues to grow in interest and numbers, and is making desperate war on ignorance. Send yotwchildren to school give them every advantage you posfibly can to get an education. While it requires many hard licks it isa prize worth all our labors and should not be neglected. CASTOI1IA. is on every wrap pe& [By request.] These are jolly times ahead boys,then 1 arc Open jolly times ahead mxl look about, hear your eyes and what will be said. Eve's daughters want to be in front, theri-Ve lively times a brewing They arc going do to the run sewing (lie polities, ar,d men must You see the lide a-coming boys, sit steady iu the. boat The women have their dander up and say that they must vote. Many have atlray got the move on thorn to get in the The needle and the knitting are wildly thrown away:— The dust pan and the broom-stick are ob¬ jects of disgust foe And women aim to overcome a greater Ilian dust. At duty’s voice she speeds away letting the Bidding baby cry, tear,'—wiping farewell to every her weeping eye— Cho. yoa-seo. There are some whose clrarm, to win a span- hav'nt yet availed Will find ih votes a drawing force that rarely-yet ims failed; the polls w’ell And ns they move towards i - ■ i - -' And he won l>y words they are loth to think Cho—\l hi-j spoki-n to deceive, \\ r e'll then see bow the wbilomfe lords so humbled, eriwbed and beaten We’ll meekly eat tlm half-stale pie they always should have eaten milk, That’ll take care of the babies, 'churn, darn and patch do he And when they fa.d their tasks to treat, ti to a scratch. While men are thus confined at homo in labor and in fear, The better se.t will mount aloft to wom¬ an’s real slihere. i ho—— And when they'vo won the ballot all tilings will go so nice firs. Lease will he President and Mrs. Felton Vice The’ship of State will smoothly glide to¬ wards a perctdiil port While woman’s brains and woman’s hands bravely hold the fort. Cho. „ OASTOHIA. » !a erijrf ea tlgb&uird ▼r&ppev. —Electricity played many pranks ?n the ektmenis about here Mokiday | night frighten but did no damage except many people*. ; CASTORIA For llnfanU aud. Children. 9 fio- y? _______ if 5fl e?er7 IT 13 WORTH ‘MONEY Te astoif now if AdviMDemoesrst isa advpitWiig nusUmn. To . Test . tlfisahd j-o iatnxliu-e our soods In “Iw-i TionmA-!. ciuunVd. : u-i semi with r- for parking and postage ;.i, ; %v.- will send fork pre paki. logi Mmi- with our iiargani list -FREE. We have bargains in everv wosrifot’ b tiin viN a irsK. WoBttroc, \*T* 4 00 Drops . __i.__5 AVege table Preparation for As¬ similating live Food and Regula¬ of ting (lie Stomachs and Bowels Infants /Children’ ■ Promote s Digestion,Cheer ful¬ ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiutn,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Ttepe afOldBrSAlrtZLPJTCmi Pumpkin Secd~ 41 X. Serin a * PocAtUe Sails - 4nist Seed. *■ P'ppcrrmnt dii Carbonate - Soda/ * Warm Seed - Clarified Suaar . J luJtsyrurt Flay or. A perfect Remedy Stomach.Diarrhoea, forConstipa tion. Sour .Feverish¬ Worms .Convulsions ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signat ure of (SfLrrffZd&i'. NEW YORK. §| P?^>-. 33 ClNr > exact copy of wrapper. ANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION ALL 2.5 * .50 * DRUGGISTS _ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED $£: ole aint booklet free. Ad. STKftM.VO ltEJItUV to., Chirnsl). .-Montreal, Csn.. orKnrTnrk. ill. AFRICANfi 5 The- Blood Wonderful Purifier..., Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, tMd Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED........* Africana Has Never Failed. In single instance out of the hundreds treated. There fore, we offer rt a and willing to undertake to the public with entire confidence, are infallible the most desperate case ; on which other so-called cures have failed. Africans is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever dis¬ covered for the above named diseases. Write for further particulars, testimonials, etc. Co.. Africana 63« S. BROAD ST. Atlanta, Ga. You Can’t Make m m -3 at : \ ;; ■' a White Llumo from a Crow’s Tail, nor a good Bicycle from Castings. f The Monarch is good all tiirough. Look % * V ct Under the V Enamel! YVe want bright l W® ffl business men * to represent u» i y , everywhere. e S'® MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO., Chicago -yew York London Seed tf.»c Lwo^ent stanps far Monarch Piayias Care# keguUr soc cards. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF > T :is ON THE WRAPPER 01 EYEEY BOTTLE OP etSTORU Cast or! a la pat up fa one-size bottle3 oaly. It aot sold la hulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell anything else'on the plea or promise that it “just as good" and "will answer every pnr ■*«-ike that yon get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. is on ev&iy tripper.