The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 09, 1897, Image 9

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Wl xt llte People o! that Thriving
Yowu Are Doing,
jiy <j. r..
See notice of Raytown ecjiooi in this
pa per.
There is a large quantity of beer sold is
.our town.
Mr. Walter Pitman lias another heir at
his home.
Several left for tbcNashvUle ExpotHion
the past week,
Mrs, Edward Keating lias returned from
her visit to Augusta.
The minks have been troubling Mr. R.
II. Jacksons chickens recently.
Judge Taylor comes in pretty often now
since t he lazy club has disbanded.
The little boys and girls of our town
seem to enjoy their vacation hugely.
Business lias been rather dull in our
town the past week and visitors scarce.
Mr. Scago Flint & Co., were in this
section fast week thrashing out the grain.
Mr. Lisli Moore is the horse trader of
our town and lie has a good many visitors.
Dr. Farmer the Dentist, was with our
people last week on professional bud ness.
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
A Sores to Stay Cured.
Mr. G. \Y. Brown is prepared to grind
your wlieat and corn at the old Kendrick
Mr Will Rocker with his bride was vis
iting relatives near Mildrajon Grove last
Mr. Jim Edge the old reliable was in
last week and joined the marble club of
No-To-I5a." for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed obaceo habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 5(Jc, $1. All uruKtiists.
Sheriff Dave Henry and Charley Cald¬
well were in our town the past week on
To Cura ConsMpatlon Forever#
faktoOiw?carets Candy Cathartic. 10c or CdC.
If (’. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund mortev.
Miss Moore of Raytown was visitirg
her brother, Mr. L. T. Moore of Sharon
last week.
Bro. Bob Jackson was in town last week
on the rampant somebody had not treat¬
ed him right.
Educate Your Bowels Willi Coscarets.
Cnntly Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c.25c. If C. C„C fail, druitKistsretunclmoney.
Sharon’s temple of industry is in full
trim now. file workmen are kept busy
roost of tlie time.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
T ,ke Casrarcts OamJy Cathartic. Ji 5 eor 25 c
If ( '. C. C. fail lo cure, druggists refund money
Mrs. Sallic Jackson was able to be out
at church last Saturday tind Sunday we
are glad to state.
Educate Your isowels XVitli Cascarets.
Oandy Cathartic, cure constipation refund forever.
10" 25c. If C. c. C. fail, druggists money.
There was several diversified oj inions
iliout the big snake tin t was on exhibi¬
tion in our town last week.
Bro. B. P. Atchison lias had another in¬
crease in his family the first in seven years.
We can't mark Doc. out yet.
We spent two days in Orawfordville very
pleasantly doing some work on Col. H.
M. Holden's house last week.
Chie.keiis find ready sale iu our town
nowdays. They are scarcer than we ever
knew at lids time of the year.
Baby Hi ml
Every mother
feels an inde¬
s. scribable dread
of the pain and
danger attend¬
ant upon the
most critical pe¬
riod of her life.
a. Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
. the ., remedy , which . relieves , •
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman’s
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re¬
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de¬
spondent or gloomy; distressing nervousness
nausea and other con
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the use of Mother’s
Friend. It is a blessing to woman.
81.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drug Stores,
or sent by mail on receipt of price.
nnngo Containing invaluable information of
rnre interest to all women, will be sent
rntC to ar.v sddrese, upon application, by
The BBiDFlLLi) BEGfLiTOB CO., itlants, G*.
Mrs. Croak made a fcitodred bushels of
oats on two acres of land in town. Wo
call that a pretty good tore out.
Mr. O. 1). Moore one of our best citi¬
zens of Raytown intends making some im¬
provements on bis residence soon.
Something or somebody is playing
havoc with chickens through the country.
We aint had no frying chickens yet.
Mr. Barnes, of Athens, and Mr, Sam
Caldwell, of Wilkes county, were in our
eiiy last week with a pair of pretty horses.
It is said Mr. Dave Taylor of our town
is the most industrious man in this section.
Dave si-ems like lie loves to work beyond
a doubt.
Old Charley Caldwell is one of the
cleverest old boys in the country. He
can’t enjoy anything unless somebody en¬
joys it with him.
Miss Mary Love Kendrick’s school a
Central has closed its free term. We learn
Miss Kendrick will take up a pay school
in the near future.
Mr. Walter Davidson and family are
stopoing with Walters parents Dr. and Mrs.
A. C. Davidson at present and we suppose
will remain all Summer.
Mr. William Rocker and Miss Shelton
of Warren county were married on the
20th instant. Judge/. L. Turner officii -
ting. We wish them a long and useful
Mr. J. A. Corry who is drumming now
was in to see us last week. Mr. Corry is
one of the old soldier comrades, we went
through tlie war together. We were glad
.to meet him.
Mr. Barnes who was with us last week
from Athens said he had a King snake at
his mill that was as gentle as a house cat
had been there for several years and is
about seven feet long.
Col. Lawrenc# Battle, of War rent on,
was in our town last week cracking jokes
with tlie boys. We learn that the Co’, is
to marry soon. Nothing like it. No use
to live single if you can help it.
The trustees and patrons of Raytown
school will please not forget to meet at
tlie school house the second Saturday in
July at nine o’elock. All applicants for
teachers place please be on hand.
The lmarding students of the Sacred
Heart, Seminary left last week for their
different homes. They were a happy
crowd you bet. Tlie convent will be
a dull place for a while now.
Everybody Says So.
Cnrenrcls Candv Cathartic, the most won¬
derful discovery of the nge. pleas¬
ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Phase buy and try a box
of C. C. C to-day; it), ja,’0cents. Soidand
guaranteed to dire by all druggists.
('apt. Hunter was at the temple of in¬
dustry last week having his -pump to
Hillman Shaft repaired. He reports
everything lively at that place ami we
from his talk there were Severn)
visitors there.
Mr. Ruff Kendrick killed it water
moccasin last week out oil his farm that
was five feet nr more long. It was a golly
whopper sure, and a great many w ere
scared with it, especially Charley Cald¬
well and IV. R. Reid Mr. Kendrick had
skinned and stuffed it.
Han't ToharroSpit nml Smoke lour Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, tie mag
netic. lull of life, nerve and vigor, taltc Nv-To*
ltae. tlie wonder-work, r, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, GOc or *1. Cure guaran¬
teed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Master Roy Bush returned to his home
in Brunsw ick, Ga., on Thursday ot last
week. Roy won the medal for scholar¬
ship at St. Joseph Seminary. He was
thought well of by everybody that know
liim. He made many friends while here
and was loved by all and it is hoped by his
many friends and associates that be will
return at tlie opening of the next term of
Two Live. Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City,
Ill., was told bv her doctors she had Con¬
sumption and that there was no hopes
for her, but two bottles of Dr. Iv ng’s New
Discovery completely cured her and she
savs it fayed her life. Mr. Tlios. Eggers.
180 Florida fit. San Francisco, suffered
from a dreadful cold, approaching Con¬
sumption, tried without result everything
else then bought one bottle of Dr. King’s
New Discovery and in two weeks was
cured, He is naturally thankful. It is
such results, of which these are samples
tiiat prove tlie wonderful efficacy of this
medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free
tr j a j bottles at Dr. R..J. Reid’s Drug Store
Regular -iz.Aoc. and 1 00.
It is tho fashion these days
f or c jty folks to look up at night
and see a fighing machine.
uaiiV XTjr //C* . ^ "**" _ Is every n
q Bacon has
thanks for a copy of his . speech ,
and other extracts on the uni
formity of tariff duties.
Tie f»e- 3
sigutur* .
T |
t fl
, Came Bar! i
Almost .«twy mail Vangi otters
overflowing with gratitude fr, ./those
whom S.S.S, Contagious has cured of oloo{ that |lest poison of
—and restored to health and a ten- pines*
from a condition of forlorn , -*
The What hope
<C o u r a g e m ef* these
letters ' nhers
Plain have carry
who be Strttg
Truth. gling with thii Sadful
affliction. unvarnished ThSj ber plain
. 1
ences of those who have be] jcured
are worth more than thou ’as os
claims made as mere adverti ents.
For twenty years this straight] yard,
sincere policy has been strh A pur
sued in offering S. S. S. to tit ic.
and its unparalelled success not
die to what is claimed it can but
to the boundless words of pra rom
those for whom it has uOnb^v ich.
“Philadelphia, Pa„ Nov! li j?896.
“It is with pleasure that I w iV fjave to
inform you of the great benefit I
received from your wonderful i
cine, S. S. S., as I cannot th 1 s it
enough for doing what a mini f of
doctors here have failed to do.
liad “Six contagious months ago blood I ____ Vffl; |
poison so badly that I Uoj|
bad given up all hope
of being cured, for it Had 1
jjnedicine seemed that I took, the more the led.
worse I got All of my hair am eye¬
brows .the face, came and out; lost I had hearing, paraly&is b sides of
immense my
I had eight carbuncles < n my
back and arms. My mouth and t iroat
were so sore that I could hardly twal
low, and I had lost twenty po aids.
Could a man in this state, be miserable blUned
for putting an end to his
existence? a
“That is what I thought of (Soft’s fping
before I read of S. S. S.
Specific!. I am now taking the four¬
teenth bottle, and I wish you could
CaUSG see the difference. My
hair has all come back,
To my hearing restored,
and 1 have gained fijur
Rejoice. teen pounds. HavpJ/t I
something for?" to be thank¬
(The name and address of this writer
will be furnished to anyone interested,
Upon application.)
Mr. W. M. Rutherford, of 612 R,
Main St., Mtincie, Indiana, sajrs; >“I
had a severe case of blood poir n, for
which I was treated by the best doctor
here, but he was unable
and to check 1 the steadiJy disease, . ^Jlll© .TO* r
grew ais Rlgn't
worse. I o tried
several remedies, but _ Rem6Cljj/, . *
they did not seem to
reach the trouble at all.
J. had begun to think I was inrnraWde,
when someone recommended S, S.aS., ifiot
and before I had finished the remedy! first
tie I knew I had the right clom- at
last. A dozen bottles cured me I
pletely and I have had no sign of the
disease since.”
It is no experiment to take S, ft. ft.
It is absolutely the only cure foil the
most tagious horrible Blood Poison. of all diseases S. S. S. isj <|loa- the
only remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
■which means so much to all who know
the disastrous foundation effects of of potash| all and her
mercury—the l.
blood medicines.
Book ott the disease / id its {treat¬
ment will be mailed tree by I IwifT
Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
pEORGIA. To all whom TALIAFERRO it concern/ COTjNTY.
R. L. Hadaway having in proper form,
applied to me for permanent ieltens of ad¬
ministration waylntcof said on the County, estate this of I,. is toleite l!j Hada- all
ami singular the creditors and appear of kin
of L. It. Hadaway to he allowed and by law, at im
office within tlie time and
show cause, if any they can, why perma¬
nent It. administration L. Hadaway should L. R. not Iladaway’s laji't anted
to on
estate. Witness my hand and official
signature, this 7th day of June, IS 1 .)*, MITCHELL, Ordinarv.
F.MCWES a Bms )
Gins and Presses.
Complete Cotton, Saw, Gpi Oil and
Fertilizer Jill outfits: also Gin I’rea*, Cam
Mill and S tingle outfits.
Building, Bridge, Factory ! nace and
Pailroad (listings: Railroad >1iii, Machin¬
ists’ and Factory Supplies,
Belting, Packing, Injecto I'i|>e CAST Fit
lings, Savt. Files, Oilers. I.U .
Lombadlron W ks&Supply Co.
Foundry.Machine, BoilerandGin Works.
Repairs Promptly )one.
Try ::; > Lit iocravu" note ft:
1«. They am stylish
This insidious,iTweust-is now prevailingover tine otemrtry. Tt comes with its
chilliness, pains, *ehes. f«yer, watery eyes, li$ada<d»e v Jl£»c.. To avoid it. take an oc
eiustomd dnseef
Dr,. 'Hammackfs Cold Cure.
and it yupt have Grippe, the tablets taken accenting ♦« directions, «(II-cure it. They
are pinup in screw lop bottles, convenient-lo curry. 25 doses-25 cents. '
For Coughs
A cough is the rock upon'Which •tlic’liriiltlr-anil lifessf thousands have been
wrecked. Every cough Should be treated ttttts commencement, and for this
purpose there is nothing better than l)r ilatntwick’s White 1‘hie and Spruce
Gum Cough Balsam. It cures without tall all bronchial and lung alTcctions
Price, per laittle, 25 cents. Once used, it i:s always the favorite.
For Pains and Aches. *«
There is nothing bettor than Dr, Hmnmark's Electric Lintmem It will cure
neuralgia, rheumatism stitches mid pains, lumbago, chap|>ed hands, and all
manner of pains n ml etches. Don't experiment, but buy this liniment, Price,
per bottle, lit) cents.
A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle
should be In every family. 5Ve have them- I lie l est made from 50 cent uwaists
and everything usually sold In a iirst-class drug store at reasonable prices.
Wlipjesd'kvand Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA
SAW MILLS, ! <1 Sit
Complete Ginning Outfits.
THOMAS nUlllHD Steam Presses,
and Elevators
Saws, Belting, Valves, Pulleys, Shafting & Mill
Supplies Generally.
Mention this paper. MACON, GEORCtlA.
'rh/^^cTelWr ‘
AFRIMNA y Blood Purifier....
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Ot©
Sores, Constipation, Gout, OPfl Aill Diseases caused toy
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED . ........
Africana Has Never Failed
In a the single public instance with out entire of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we oiler it
to confidence, and are willing to undertake
the moot desperate case on which other so-called infallible cures
have failed. Africana is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly
harmless and yet is the most powerful ami surest remedy ever dis¬
covered for the above named diseases. Write for further particular^,
testimonials, etc.
Africana Co • « 63K Atlanta. S. BROAD Ga. ST
«i 5 AH the
ft World Loves
~~ Winner
Our ’Ninety-Seven
Complete Line of
are the
Result V/ju
of our
Years of l\
Send nine two-cem stamps for a deck of Monarch Playing
Cards. Ilfusiratlnz Lillian Russell, Tom Monarch Cooper.
Lee Richardson and Walter Jones. Ifegulsr 50c cards.