The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 16, 1897, Image 1
Our Holiday Edition. 8100 For Year. YOL, XVII. m S L ft ii A After • • • I Taking: a course of Ayer’s Pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has become the gradual prey of constipation, does not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then his mountains sink into mole¬ hills, his moroseness gives place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. SIDE-WALK NOTES. Pure Home Matters': Picked Up by Our Local Reporters. What Our People Arc Doing ami Saying. Tilings Our Fiicmls Tell Ui. —Crops in this section have had a glorious growing season, You may hunt the world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints, Tt i« -nlonsant safe and Re\d reliable For sale predicted bv Dr R J S’ B ‘ s P that hot o • Ovei\' Ca , ° 1 gi^J M^tSn 5 "’ of 8 ^ tho at “Htc^imoniis" that have been published Chamberlain by the Colic man ufactures of s Cholera and Diarrhoea Rededy could be duplicated Dr. R. J. in Reid. that town. For sale by The beard can bo easily color ed brown or black by Bucking ham's Dye. “Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowel trouble,” says Mrs E. G. Gregory, of Fredericks town. Mo. ‘ ‘Our doctors remedy had failed, then we tried Cham¬ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy relief.” For sale by Dr. R. ,T. Reid. —Col. Horace Holden has had a double-jointed pump and wa¬ ter works added to his house. A mirror could not lie if it wanted to. The glass has noth ino- to rlf train by flattery If the 1 -f.coa ’’ 1 1 bonlth 1 'ind nluimmess ' , . . Of beauty are leaving yom _ iaeo, your mirror Will tell you SO. Health is the greatest beautlfier in the world. When a woman sees tlio indications of in tho face, she may with almost absolute certainty look for the cause in one or both Of two con ditions-constipation, and de rano-ement an emenr of oune theoreans Oleins distinct- uisi lie l ly feminine. Dt. 1 lOroe s cl vorite Prescription will cure manently and positively any Dr. SO called “female complaint. ” will Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure Constipation There is reason in the world why a worn should D0 1 \ ^ el , CC V an i healthy, she XVllljram -n HI R health n Strength and flesh. Hollows and angles will give place to fullness and grace. She will be that noblest and most beautiful Of all creation-aperfcct woman Send 21 cents in one-CCnt stamps to World’s Dispensary N Medical Aicaicai -v. \ssociation, . oc a , Buffalo. Y., and receive Dr. Pierces 1008 page “Common Sense Medical Adviser, profusely illustrated. —‘•Roses may wither and lets may die: others may forsake you, but never will I," is the postscript to a love letter recent ly received in Grawfordville. THERE Is V.'T PNE DESOTO. If you have never been a g e: of the De Soto you have missed something t, » be regretted Tourists cbme thousand of miles to Savannah to haveTt said they stopped at the De Soto, Visit t this Summer while low rates an be ’ - uvailecf of 1 Advocate- W »■ § ..... 1 r TENNESSEE’S BIG SHOW T ' The Centennial Exposition Now Open to the Public. A LONG LIST OF ATTRACTIONS Jbo Sight* aud What It €?ott* to Soe Them—A Description of the Ground* and Buildings-The %rt Kxlilhlt the Fin cst ICver Brought to the South — DUpluy* of tho Different Stitt©8—Address of Fres¬ ident J. \V. Thomas. •‘ L f ia3 aDd Gentlcraen-On Juno 1 . 1896, , these h grounds and the buildings erected thereon wero dedicated to the Zz£L*7£ SsrzJrsz the men and women who endured the hardships and braved the dangers of frontier life in tho wilderness west of the Alleghanies, that they might found this great commonwealth. •‘They loved the banner of our coun try, with its little of 15 stars; and the lapse of 100 years has not im paired the honor, integrity or patriot ism of tho poople of Tennessee; for we love the same banner, with its glorious An Ideal Panacea. James I,. Francis, Alderman. Chicago. sa vs: ••I regard Dr. King’s New Pis. covery as an ideal Panacea for Coughs. Colds and Dung Complaints, having used it ill my family for the last five years to. tlie exclusion of physician’* prescriptions or other preparations.” Keokuk. Rev. John Ilurgus. Iowa, writes: -I have been a Minister of the Methodist Fpiscopal Churcli for 50 yeais or more, and having never found any thing so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy relief as I)r. King’s Remedy New Piscov erv-” Try this Ideal Cough now. Trial Bottle Free. atDr R. J. Reid’s. constellation of 43 stars, representing 45 sovereign states, which together con¬ stitute the greatest nation in the world. ••The objocta of this Centennial expo¬ sition are to commemorate the past. Present advantages of the present and inspire hope for tho future—tho past, the present, the future of Tenues see—objects so laudible that tho enter prise has received tho approval of tho gorewiment of the United States, con gress having appropriated *180 000 that the general ^ J ^^ ' ' ‘ tho progress of tho .at on “n it has also be approved by the authorities of tho state of Tennessee, the legislature hav imr KT anuronriated $30,000 In order that he stafo pro. net. and the re -rc- otto might be properly preseuted. The county of Davidson ami and a^anttjf this Jnind Z J appropH^ and donations until a graJ1( i total ot $ 1 , 000,000 has been ox pended in preparing for this exposition. ‘‘Men ill all agos havo celebrated great events by holidays, triumphal f.^olmmeml'tifrlrTmmelisee^ to A Valoable ^re^rlpllon. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Xiid., Sun,” writes: "\ou , have a valuable. I,, prescription in Electric Ilttiers. and I can cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen eral system tonic it lias no equal.” Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2625 Cottage Grove Ave,. Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which left and felt tired and . never her weary, but six bottles of Electric Rit ters lestor ed her health and renewed her strength. Prices 50 cents and 1 . 00 . Get a Rattle at Dr. R.J.Reid’s. . the first State admitted into the Union formed from territory ceded to tho gen eral government, it is appropriate that we ceiebratc our centenniat anniversary b y having a great exposition, siiowiug the world that we hare kept pace with our Bigter gtates and other nation* in the progress of the age—ill all the tri nmphs and Rlorfes of civilization. “While this celebration is prompted bv reverence for tho is also Prompted by a desire to so advertise and proclaim our advantages that thons #nd. from other states and Other, ia i ttons wl11 como t0 Beo what w0 havo ac ' 1 com p Ueh p d an ,i realize the marvelous wea ], b of onr undeveloped resources, "The past century has not been ouo , of cou ti,,uous peace and prosperity, but there have beau periods of differences ;-#nd danger* that tried men’* soul*, yet there lias been more of prosperity than of adversity, the improvements of the rontnrv havft beftii wonderful, and as 1 we ^® stand 8 ‘ upon P the vantage ground of nt aDdlook back to the pioneer davaot Tennessee, we are p-oud of tho I r( . cor( j and achievements of the past, and roioice in the advantages of the present, and tt is hoped that the youth of the land willi *o study these advan tage* a* illustrated m the grand cbject ^n be inspired ofjU.u' achievements and strive to reach perfoo- . ...... R , T „ what hap latest givcn Hood’s thc sales in the world and enables it to accomplish thousands of wonderful CURES, PROUD OF 1IIS INN. ; It is with justifiable prido that tho returning traveler .sa v: - s 4; When in Savannah I sloimod fit and t more hotels ior .■ me \ j,hi *st hotel in Geor^ ; ui rds on ides I room J op \v, i T < “IN THE INTEREST OF ALL THE PEOPLE.” CRAWFORDVI 1 . 1 GA.'. FRIDAY. JULY HI. 1897 . ! Ho Gripe ■ When you take Hood's rills. The big. old-fash toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, an? not in it with Hood's. Kasytotake oods and easy to operate, is true PHIs of Ilood s Pills, which are «Pto date in every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All ! .ton's heights, which are resplendent with the glories leilected from the eter nal hula wherein dwells tuo Author of j exposition, our state, onr cm.,try aud upon he nations ot the ««*»>■ po.e to po e. row on <» a . ov ‘ trackless ocean, from laud to laud, may > the angelic anthem reverberate: “Glory to G-ocl wUi in tto highest, auu on earth peace, good toward own.” j uinh,i»v. The inspiration of Tennessee’s great i exposition, now formally opened to the public with appropriate ceremonies, is embodied in the speech of Piesident Thomas above quoted. It has been the custom of kings aud emperors to com memorate their achievements by massive piles of granite or polished marb.o , shaft; J Bvrou says "old mem’ry Cheops whole built and a pyramid to keep his mummy hid.” It is fitting that a great com monwea it h should celebrate its first birthday l>y au exhibit of its material resourceg j.,, displayed * as to roveal the culture that .. . U . reached , A only in a.i,„ the high est civilization. The Tennessee Centennial exposition has been fortunate in its seleotion of the designs and namas of many of its buildings.__U was u suldjct of uufavor State of Ohio, City of To. \ ss - eedo, Luoas County. j Frank j Cheney makes oath l J-ndt a 1|t i.., He IS the u,„ MJniOl „ pat n-irtner net of OI ] the firm ot 1 ■ J- Cheney 'C Ct)-» doing business HI the City of IO ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the |T,^? LARS for NE each ^ and RFD every D case ° L I Catarrh that cannot be cured ! by the use of Halls Catarrh k' u *' e - h RANK J. ( IIENEY. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this n 1 , day of December A. D. ,8l)li. ---*--- A. W. GfJiASON* | SflAL [ Notary Pubhc. Ihe^ . Hall’s Catarrh and" Cud; is taken of the system. Send for testi monials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, ’ O. Sold hv dru"<dsts ^ 75c. Hall ’ s Fami1 PlIls ar0 tho . -—--------- - able common t flint Atlnutfi copkd Olil* Cairo ho olosely in the names of her Nllshvjlln ha8 been more original. Reproduction, of the Partho j : non, the Rialto, Erechtheon, and Cheops the Towor pyramid of Bab¬ givo j el, the a hint of the classic taste that lias pro j vailed iu providing buildings for au ox ; position of material tilings. Now that the pates have been thrown ; opeu to the ,, world, and tho great enter prise auspiciously lannchod. people ai 0 be r,j Mn j n r, to ask themsi Ives two lead ing questions: (1) What is there tc see? (2) What does it cost? To which tho faithful chronicler must make an B wcr: Almost everything almost any thing. You can see all you have eyes ulld time to soo; it will cost you any thing yon please. Mr. Cliarles E. Harman of Atlanta, general passenger agent of tho Western and Atlantic railroad, witnessed the opening coreinonies. Mr. Harman was a director in the Cotton States and International exposi tion at Atlanta, and therefore viewed the Tennessee Centennial buildings and grounds, in comparison with the bu,Id lugs and flTonn. is o t'« At ' a, ; ta - He a,lmlt ® the ,f oumi8 a,1 d buildings are truer than the grounds , aud buildings at Atlanta, bnt claims the general nictnrosqe offset of the At lanta «rouuds was greater than th« liUli imm rro JU flr!UUUI. rUlfi AIIT _ Fi „ „ lx)tl , e or common widcrgh- with 'inn - mid . let . it smnd . ttven v-fmir . l.our.q a te.limct or settling indicates a deca-cl conditum of tic kidneys. When nriuc stains linen it i* positive evidence ol kid ncy trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate 01 pain in the lack, is also h.gproof that the kid,,,,;y. s„d bladder are I)llt „ f or der. whattopo. Tiicrc is coinfort in the knowledge often expressed, that l)r. Kilmrr’.bwnmp the uniarv passage. It corrects to hold urine and scalding pains in j»asrii!^ it. or had effects following n«c of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes’that imph an ant t neo« ps.sily of lieinjf com pel let! t-o pet up in: ■■ times during the high tn iri . .. mild and the extraordin effect o f S war. 1 p-Koot is soon re h“ hi*/liest for iU wond< re* *1 uf* *]< A I »1 \iiriir r A: (V / effect at NnshviuV The buildings ire « all covered with -beautiful. white staff aud] are architecturally Ho says the P.n fnouou is fho most 'beautiful building »V has ever seen in the United States With the exception of the now Librr^i i building at Wash¬ ington, D. O. at|i Cr«nutl«' Handing*.' Bofora beginning a tcuar of the build* whole . cannot , but lugs a glance at tut' be interesting. ,U; The grounds sei Sst |ted consist ot 200 sagsw? 'REASONS Wil#t HuMBERLAI N’S pxdLlC ’ (TlOL. , ’ ^ AND DIAU • . IQ ; , nMirk , T Jll 1 . * , .ihesimOM h. t. ‘ d and * Because ' ., it I,. ■tm-.OQj.} . , .110 is 1( dy that liovor itiini 111 tile most I SOVCPO CilSOS o! u\SClltopy ILiul ' diarrhoea. ;.j. Because it i. the pnly romp i d v that will cun chronic (liar j ’ ,, ’* 1 ‘ f ' 1 •. ihennlu •’ mini' j dy that will ] .out billions j colic. j 5 , Because it i tin only rente , j |. that will epidemical I ( T ci PC c ly • S ontefy i 8( , i( . j.,q ] 10 0 nlv rt'mo ( , ly tlnlt 0!l,! always be depoudocl , , ! upon 111 CilSOS ol Cliolmt lllluil tuill. i • Because •' is tho most prompt and most reliable medi¬ cine iu use for bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad results. !). Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it lias saved the lives of more people than tiny other medicine in the world. The 2i» add 50c sizes for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. West Side park. Th^ can . be reached . , ^“yL Sir b^maiTom h means Se the trip t, the can hotels aild busill0HS portions of tho city in 8 or the distance may be cov ered on foot through the residential part of tho city m 80 minutes The grounds have jljon so improved w to make them “Xfc'SX,,.. attractive and , ^ i” ! irrouitiiiff of the build o-pther with the ( ^ p resont an aspect that is wonder | ^ « X Si" 80 ° n ° The main buildings of the exposition — ~ TM’P U HRP UIj/iDIj AnPD U r.nN'slIMPTION vUll 0U 11 11U 1 CAN BE CURED T . a. si., c ..m, m. c., ti» ci.emut HcientiMi. win semi Free, to ta© ahiio vd> TUre « HU Sewlt l>iH covered icei»ie<iie» to Cure Con gumption and All bung Tro,, 1 Uc». Confident I hat lie fins discovered a rclia hie cure for consumption and all bron¬ chial, throat ami lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all . conditions of wasting, and to make its meat merits known, he will send, free, three bottles to any reader of i he Advo . , j mcdb’inc” has purmAnpiiUy cuip <1 thou i **•»'* ,,f “l-P“' "oLly hopeless eases. ! The doctor considers It Ids religious duty- a duty which lie owes to Immunity : —to donate his infallible cure. | lie lias proved the dreaded consum; - tion to lie a euralilc disease beyond any ( , ()ul)t anf ) i, a son file 111 his Aiikt lean and .. ' 1 " ],|,c.r,-dorks ' tcsllmoninls of ex I'eneiiro . 101 •' ■“ ,, , 1,1 ,1 ‘' 1 * |0 ' M,,( " Don’t delay until ins too late. <<" sumption, uninton .1 means speedy ami certain death, ^ Address T. AM., cum. M. M l’h ; - ej, : '“' 1 nl ‘ rn " rlUn ^ ' ' Oo,tor > „ X| , r ,. vs an<1 p,„»„; i- address .and also mention reading U article in The Ad vocate-Dcmocr.ii. are 15 in number, aud tlio oxhibit* havo ■ been divided into 15 specific classes. The bailaing, are covered with staff, * ho White Oity of Ohicngo. that has liusrer^'l ir,,i K 1,1 momory • wUh tho Korf?no3gnMS of a dream, wilt riTal jn alloth „ r Whiw City that has risen on tho banks of the Dumber laud to charm for a brief season tlio vision of hundreds of thousands. 1J 1 ttlliul 0 dllll anij pnw/jnnpn U(H Ullol 0 I.-x,k to vour interest. The vnv.n f( , r ,,i an1 ii.g Turnip, will soon “ere. Remember GRIFFITH Handirs only J>an 1 —-* u “ t}r? 1 ■ Kvery paper laraii teed. Bloomdale Swede u IK Jin-; st/o 1 . ,n At GriPiith s. PricesGuarantecd, I _ B I 1 • Few people are born entirely free slight from blo0(1 laint . This is often very or remote, and sometimes may not develop at all in one generation, but breaks out 1 men- mole or'im ! significant pimple, which later develops into an alarming condition. No one • cancer P ItVIhereto^bnrtJrtant that j or scratch. not readily serious heal be condition given prompt result, atten tiou, or a F. Williams, of may Gillsburg, Mr. R. Miss., was the victim of a malignant cancer, which first appeared in the man ""itfirtt I m'id no attentkT to the little blotches on my face .’ tliiukingthey soon pass awa' before long, however, they became sore, and soon began to enlarge. I applied had ordinary local remedies, but they no effect, and I then consulted a physician. When ' ■ y.~ ! mj'fi I | , ; >- s isiitil: s m /’ ■ « WY/M. ) r / lv 1 ff 'M H~N. J. L. POWER, MISSISSIPPI’S SECRETARY OR STATE. be told me I bad cancer, I became alarmed, and hastened to New Orleans for treatment. "I w. it to the leading hospital in ! S&X iZ'SZttSr S tinned to ^row worse until the lirihat physi J | ^ X' j blood remedy I decided to try it, and the first liottle tinued produced medicine, an improvement. and in four months Icon the the last little scab dropped off. Ten ^he disease has P returtied.” lion. J. J„ Bower, secretary of state of Mississippi, says : “I regard the cure j of Mr. Williams as remarkable, and it demonstrates that S. S. S. is a wonder¬ ! ful blood remedy. I saw him rwntitly, place and oWy a small sear marks the where the dreadful disease held forth.” The many caustic plasters which are applied to remove ( ancers are more pain¬ ful than death, and the danger of a sur¬ gical operation is as great as the disease Itself. No caustic plaster or surgical operation can cure cancer, because it is a blood disease; the destructive cancer cells are in the blood, and cannot be blood, it is only reasonable to rely upon a real blood remedy for a cure, one which goes direct to the cause of the trouble j and‘ A mere toa.c cannot g ^ g the 0|ll kn0 wu cure for cancer and other obstl nate and deep-seated blood diseases such ns Scrofula, Eczema, Catarrh, Kheuma tism and Contagious Rlood Poison. Itis m 1 \T iff HiP l rfft*f?lV H L V V — and is the only blood remedy guaran teed to contain not n particle of mercury, potash or other mineral which means so muc li to att.who'know the disastrous • .Cks on Cancer^and Rlood Disease. will be mailed free to all who address Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ca. Ml ST ADVEItTIHE. ^ ||)av b ’-wcat, Amluimm im nml nnrui uni puff and blow; ,5ul l.c<a„;. w. 1 / mim.'i" im iI»<* ii:i<!( Waiting for Im-irc lo * /• jf'' atfEHHS f %> sT’lSES^fe r W f.Mr / 2 I | v, INTERESTING. MRS. L. F. STEPH ENS 21 Years Old. It's Best. In Advanoo. Mxliibit of Flno Arto, The largest and most elaborate build invr is ttio l’artlteiioii. It is tlio center¬ piece of the exposition and is an exact reproduction of the I’arfhonon at The naves are In the shape of the great Greek crosses, forming a square gallery at either end and two apartments, or aleovot, in tiro conter. At those euds broad doors open out upon the double columned porticoes. There arc no windows in the building. The ---- light furuishod coma* from tho roof, w hich is, in fact, one long window, or s | rv ii l ^j 1 t of itself. polorrof'pHcoUmT^asuraa ‘ oirootly in front of this building stands the col i ossa l figure of Pallas Athene, by Miss tttt*XSSUi£i JC ctacr'reprod action ofSlm one t ‘ Of ‘tt-MA v is 25 feet high, although the origi- k »i was 70 feet. Standing, as it does, front of the main entrance to tho Par foon(>n, it occupies, without a doubt, the Uliest posifciou in tho park. Tho statue was made in Paris aud roooutly shipped, as Alisa Varuell has been pursuing lior studios abroad for the past two years. Tho Parthenon is appropriately de voted exclusively to the Hue arts. Poo pie who love pictures (ami who duos n 0 t?) will bo pleased to know that tho art oxhiblt is one of the finest over seou , * u ’ tho majority of tho aan fusses being well worthy of a place nn dor tho classic dome that shelters them. Many of tho old masters are represented, us well as tho modern painters of this; couutry and abroad, who have distlu (tulshed themselves. Hero may be seou pictures by Raphael, Oorrogio, Titian, Van Dyck, Murillo; and of tutor date Iluguet, Mussonlor, Troyon, Corot and others. VVhothor tiio art exhibit has boon pro parod with a special view to attracting the teat ot the south, wltoso vaoo Hons will occur during tho exposition, I do not know: this much is certain, that thousands of them havo already j turned tlioir eyes towards tho Partho non, and that tho resorts they will*mis* usually honor with their presence thorn this Hummer. Tho bunging of tho ploturos was ill rooted by Mr. Boon ltoeoker of Chicago, who is iu charge of the collection. Mr. F. Ilopklnson Smith, so favorably known as artist and author, Is ouo of the art judges for the exposition. Poor Blood I IS Starved b/OOcf. It shows itself ) in pale cheeks, white lips, Weak 1 no appetite, exhaus “ ck d ^ ,m,JC eS ’ an *> cUle{ of a11 - rXlUSclcs. Your doctor calls it Amcmii ‘ ‘ Ho urill toll will float j the Weakening weather ' of sum met cflcn brings it on. Scott’s Emulsion ■ of Cod-Hvcr Oil with Hypo | phosphites, Will make poorblood , « T It , IOod c 1 lor t OVer-taxed t r lCn. IS a »xi w «k<iigM t tai,»p^»«i tj-,at it can easily be taken in SUtTimcr WnCll God-IlVCr Oil OT jven ordinary foods might repel. 5COTT & BOWNE, .* New York tfor H/tlc ut yc- and $1 by nil Ti,» !oin...«ro» liuiidlng. The Commerce building (happily named) jh ouo of the lar^ont on Mm grounds. This was called Manufactu row and Liberal Arts at Chicago and Atlanta, and it will cmtalii the samo f h0 w, wtom Nt ,rrl S oMho w k V oh , lul -' ineasures „ 501 by 230 m feet, and a , great dome rises in tho middle to a height of 175 feet. The central pavil ion is two stories in height, the second story forming a gallery on either side ID by HiO feet, overlooking the navo, and i» reached by font Inead stairways, one at each cm of Dm onr corner^ Lho stylo is on tiio uu and Ionic orders of tho Greco Human. lu tbis building maybe found the finished products of the leading manu facturors of the world. Utility is stamped on very article, but so artistic malm ^duter^have aU tenunl'a^stl. ami if they have wrought for pleasure ouly and not profit. I|i ii Auilitorlinrt. Jnst south of tho Parthenon and with¬ in easy reach of the main entrance is tho Auditorium, which is cue of tho most impressive buildings on tho grounds. The intention is to use it for the meet¬ ings of large bodies. Many conven¬ tions which are to be held by various societies have determined to take ad vautage of the opportunity to attend the exposition, and their sessions will ho held iii the Auditor jam. It is also propose id to hold o tr Himilar to tbow? hold in Chicago florin# tho World Fair. T:jo cip.G.ty of tho Dadding is about 7,IKK) p'**>ple, Tho do li^ti is colonial iu form aud Ionic in tr<- ttiiiont. Four p< rticoos, facing the diffe: *ut - oiiits of the compass, give the PD > or y shape resembling a short 3ro 38, except for the circular colonnades NO. 21 . pill SSY/ gy p SakikG POWDER Absolutely PlITO. •rtTVs 1 -”','...... .* ,o,m. „t l’«Wl>KU H ■■ W ^ I » \ K I VfT HO., ri connecting at each corner, rorming ia desirable promenade and restful plado for weary sightseers, while tho roof furuisha * a beautiful balcony, which not only add* to the charm of tho do sign, but in addition affords a vantage point for viowing outdoor displays aud pageants. The interior dimensions are by 110 foot. Tho towor is 140 feet The Mioclilnnrjr Hull<11 nip* The Maohiuory building, which ia J2II by 124 feet, is a happy combination 1*1 test PII..JI Itclili.K Pile. illd Symptoms—Mol,tore; Uilonso licking stinging; tiiosl lit ui^Uf; Volvo Ijy scratcliin?. If allowed to continue turn w* form, which oftuu blood and ulcernto, be¬ coming Vfiy sore. Hwnytie's Ointment ceration, stops tl.o and itching In and lilcudlny;, lumU ul¬ moot cases romoroi the tumor*. Dr. At, Swayne druggiM, or by mv'i, for 50 cent*. . A Son, Phllndeiidii*. jf solidity and force. It is a structure of K.o Roman-Dorio order. It is the first, building that greets the visitor M he outers tho grounds. It Is situated on a terrace, aud in order that it may bo pleasant anil cool on warm days tlie boilers aud great engines are situated ill a power huuiio Hoparato from the main building. Tho roof U hi^h and tho interior in commodious. Shade troes grow on three sidos, and the powerhouse Iu is almost hidden from view tho foliage. Tho arrangement of tlio floor loads to tlireo main entrances, marked by imposing porticoes, with six columns each, crowned by gables sculp¬ tured in high relief In appropriate de¬ signs. It Is 08 feet to tho tdp of the roof. The north end of *liar structure borders on tlie lake Between the Oommma and A«ri ^ £ dimo„Hio„. of this building are 400 by 120 foot. Hailroad tracks have beeii hud tl,rough it, with entrances from tho north for engines itnd trains. Tho remainder of tho floor space is divided Into blocks of different sizes for ttis re¬ ception of smaller vehicles and othfcr displays. Simplicity Is tho feature of tho design selected for tho Transport#. tlou building. A most pleasing effect has boon obtained without the uso of a single column, merely In tho groups iug of tho masses and proper proper, tionlng. All structural ornamentation Is in tlio most refined classical style, brought into strong relief by the watt service, to which it lends beauty in charm in return. Don't TdIhi" o Njtif nnd Smoke Your I if© Array. To rjult tnluuTO cosily ulld forever, iiiujf in tic, lull of J.f« nerve and vij*'or, take N4»-To¬ nne, Mi.: woiidt 1 world-r, Hint 11 tali fh weak men Ktrnii'G All drurg'i.-.iH, .Vi© or II. f'ure jjnurr.n tv* i| Hook let, iiiitl . -implfj free. AddfeMi fitcilln;; J.’einctly Co, Cliltstiro «*r Now York. The l’o|mlist Hireling at Nashville illd not use Chainiiim Ihitlci h|i as Imtlly Ha It whs expected lllt y would. Woman's Diseases Areas peculiar as un;lvoid;lb]c al)(1 caD)lot bc discUHS ed or treated Its We wn v\ do Ulliosc those to to wnitll which A the entire human 1 :4. 7 Menstruation family are subject, y f • sus- Wl fains SUch import- )jb ;tll t relations to her I 'l f V ] iea Jth, that when Imr '■ * » Sup Sed)Irre( U ' p i re 3 e . fhc 1:ir soon <>* j «, becomes aitlful, • fi . languid, nervous and irritable, the bloom leaver*-her cheek ions arise and very grave cBrwplictl t unless Regularity and Vigor are restored to these orgatm. Bradfield'sSone'of^e Female mo s t noted physicians Regulator of the South, where trou¬ bles of this sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Metl struation. It restores health and .trength to the SUlTering woman, _ -w« havo for th« pT«t thirty yrarA handl^o lirad:>i-r- Komale Hegutator,both at vrholo eaJ 1 and retail, and in no instance has it failed t:> Rive satisfaction. Wo *oll more of it than ail other auxular remedies combined.” Lamar, Rankin A Lamar, Atlanta, Macon and Albany, (ia Tnr OsADTiELo Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga Sold by *»!l Onniikts at St .00 p«r BottH*