Newspaper Page Text
Rev. N. Wsfie I m Wiles!!
He Tells of His Recovery from an Illness that
Threatened to Incapacitate Him. Is now Abie
to Attend to His Duties. Has Nothing but
Words of Praise for the Remedy Used.
jc-em the Mependmt. Auhum. If. Y.
tditor'nf'the I I » v i„ mine to the knowledge of thr
< «yuga County Independent of
Auburn, that Rev. N. Wayne Wolcott. F*.
tor of the Baptist Church, of Klctning, N- Y.,
had l«*n cured of nervous prostration by
the uar of Itr. Williams'I’ink I'iik- for I ah
people, he sent a reporter to that town to
•sr.riniu from Mr Weleolt the froth of 1 lie
weper » d receive from his own bps a
WnrTvd. ” ' '
The rejmrter found Jlr. Wolcott to he n
gratlenra aom* 40 or 46 yeara of age. in
Hood health, and active in Ids ministerial
dutie*. He in highly esteemed as a pastor
and a eltlren, and t» a gentleman of stri. t
ini^priiy, wliofr ».ta fimn * tun - m »
relie.1 up.... as truthful m .-very n „d
derohl „f fio^fratifin. In ri»plf to qui»«
f hill . to 'benefit.-d t j |( . xr\\W\ of the report thet !>«•
h»<i wfo iiei»tiM«i by 1’ink » ihk Pills ininii he mad.
the following statementKlght years nge
while pastor of the Baptist Churel, in Covert.
N. Y., I was •trinket, will, nervous proetm
lion. During the winter of !«•*, I ha.1
.er.e. of In additi ... 10 mv'w'ork my or
pa,tor, and haeame completely run down.
1 could not work* and fell ns though my
»t»v» were numbered. I tried a doctor, but
did aot receive much aid from hi n.
. Al this time I received a call from the
rhurelt at T-illy, N Y. At first I determined
not t» accept it, for I tit my weak
euaditiou 1 could not do tlte work. Hut imp.
Ing agsinst hope, I litmilr deehled to try and
aeeordingly went there, kly heiillll eoi.tiii.u-d
to fall and 1 grew weaker and 1 thought l
Would have P. give up entirely my word, for
<hri which I love. Juet then, however, the
Y.«r a* » henefaetor rneotn.neiided me to try
Joni" hl«'r»H. aV;
last rew.rt 1 tried them. Hie rffe. t »..«
wonderful and immediate, fron the very
first bo* my syststn rf. began 1" tone up, my
IK* Strong and vigorous man mm, T I WM »«s TX'e twfore
,n " Mv Ishor'. if you know of readily the labors believe, of
.* country parson, you ctan
:«k.«3Uing’n.y";’...'-^ of Lhrj»t. i Imt Hk» m»gl< M; ;,h ;:
Hhe’f’huMh r»tnriMKl ^(mil f«rj t^r doVte,.
in addition in my that) regular
All tor friend* Of m. .m a vert,
5^rV TWO yearn atP. Peinm here Since
then I have never had any return my <dd
trmilde. hut am in y.esl health, strong and
active, with «W symptom «f nersmts pr.^
trad,,... Wh el, •»* enns.-d by «»«*«,rk. It
o n /^i,E,,,t dli.h-ch,th without ;„y an, atavvli
I owe mv present g,.-I health to Pink
Pill, and want moat l.enrtih m
(ha i’ii.igle preatmtlmi reinedv t„ every pUy» one tronlded with
mervmts nr M'
.Aen X» parting .er-ark Mr ...... "I
have thought Jhat In ret,in. fm wh„,
i’wtmld'Bke known to their I'weome roeriu." « medic'ai’mi/imiary
lo mak.
BOILERS, i jj Id
GRIST MILLS, m /■ f . J Sj
I fcjZ
Complete Ginning Outfits. ',1(5.
T’HnMK’ Steam Presses,
lnUlllrtO and Elevators
Saws, Belting. Valves, Pulleys. Shafting & Mill
Supplies Generally.
■T' Ts
Ylrnthin thi. |Ki|«-r. MACON. GEORGIA.
AFRIGAHA, The Blood Wonderful Purifier.
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis,
Sores. Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY’ CURED.........
Africana Has Never Failed
In a tingle intlaace out of the humlre^ls trentetl. Therefon . we ofier it
to the public with entire confidence, «*wl art* willing tA> unfiertake
the most (\ffpenfic case i>u which otV\er so-cnUctl iufalhifie cure*
hare fAilcd. African* u made altogether from herbs, is jx'rtectly
har\n\eM» and yet i» ihe uiv'st powerful and surest rewetiv ever tiis
corerexi for the above uamctl tlise«i»cs. Write for further particulars,
testimonial*, etc.
Africana Co OS'* Atlanta, S BROAD Ga. ST.
10 (’TS. ten w*t-k« a»-l I lion shipped
Tli* "Id, '.liable Yankee Iliad*. 16
page* wreklx. tilled with »l»rie* < f
tun, love, and tlirdUttg (aiea of weeks *>• YfUlUff. trial
.-'•itdtO «ts in .taints* tor 10
\ auke. Iliad*. Iho -k Me
Legal Blanks AT THIS
1 l arrorTae.
;,.rr roisuN r -nanem't
ired itt l^Lt'S5 days. lreato4 U
Ux>mr for miw pt in’ uu • H u »ran ou t <*r u> ct'tt h •• WllllN'IV
iract to prtv raor > ADvl
aerhanr r- (w«f* mrr*
. * '
cnrjr, Mttcottii'aidtrtl
| Vl 3r >1 ^ ;g?i
I'MuBtefi, 2H €'o|»i»rr *«-*»«
toy |.*rit llu* ■
out. it Hi O**!
»«• gu cur*. |Uv>'t
arte > rh»U*nc« * ..rUI fo r a
ca»c«edwn *ktll «'«" of the rattinrut phyM» *sr«
riait <a .
Al**> | > i . S’* - u
» t Oil CUiliAGUi Iv ! l*\ 4iX* i LK,
1 eaplft
iv. v„ i.vrmiviKH ici* iiv a
I’mu, the Sentinel, tonne. If. Y.
One of tin- well known mcrhanlca of
<»o >du < mtuiy tj‘,. a 'v.-tr*«uTai»{
. ^ experience llion, om-ida»nd«l«e- an engineer
J machinisi at Boro.-,
where, l or some time l,e w Hi. employed end by
the Atlas dm. ton,puny ot n, he
fields n .-eriifieaie fr..... the for. man of this
l mV!. , , 'm l ‘ In
by a |Heie I ,,-y
machine hand, fnmihur » ith tmihoe and
gem-™Uh!. , p w^rl!.’' 1 ^ f.'w'w arsapoMr
Keel. rr-p<-r was employed i(j the Home l,o
.oinot.v. Works mid lal.-r it. the copper mill
^'.ehere/nr now enjoy, h< good ).< health, with
but thin ha* not ajwin* • n t cam
*u|Ier«d lim bike with many rh« uin»un»i, other m. nrid ■ nl time-* he thl* l.a.
ha* iufRpftc'itahd him inr work. Out* winter
""" ,l,, U ' !“* ,M! «».. t«. hia
hom« hi Ih-fla I , for ihru* momiiF. ill* dor-tor
. | he stithred net rxiudly from rhenma
.Im.., hnl^mhlnfi wiry much^ like lt
j but he was, or course,
inicrested in having it enrefl. It f-It
|lv dre-tor. .1 more or I.--, all winter,
ulil.oitgh he l.-lt somea Imt better in the
kpru.y, I., was not entirely eared. I.nter,
while working in Itor..., he had a relapse,
| til „„ 0 permanent relief. While working cold
j niun exp.e.,re/«ml about a year ago he had caught another
through Ide. soon hike nil in-
11( g „(■ m, trot.
t«-11 iyr..|.t mechanics. Mr. Ko. l.i. per rends
q,,. newspaper- and in one ..f thrin he saw
; „ H|a(( .„ieiit regarding I'r. Williams’ Pink
pju*. ,|c determined to give them a fair ;
tr)n | and did so.
Whatever Mr. Kochersper does he does
sreftja»%-swa directed, and also
j lt) ,,j j,.j ( |y i„ diet us
^Tg.vr«,^ ,j ||j» condition improved from the effiof' start,
>( .
Bn() w | l( .„ |, P |„„| taken twelve boxes he wax
a „ ni „ „ w ,.|i „,b,i.
A .ark., paaer.1 since the,,, and during
(llm , |„. |, ns „„t [,*,| „ single attsek ol
hi* ohl eompluini Tl.v eritivul* of
/jJ! 1^^!"d'i.Ti'i'|e.ess' but ns h- has
J; i ^;”;/ i :|;'^/^ l ir cnHraly , ;;^;i,en t ly l>r. , <".:e.h Wil
|(< „,, r j| M ,j (>s | M . ,. nn . t<»
lium*» Pink Pill*, and clie< rfull> reconi■
««• aU ^
."^.r.hs! M '.he , Md™ Wriing^JSf j
ruee. " Aflr r a ft.Mr idli...^/•otmt.eed Jh.t
.1 11 have done fur him
/ ,v well km.wn n„t only in
wl „. r ,. v, V e«. i„ I....... In.,
ip,, all ..f whi-h ,
hr h..» worked.
„ r .. .........- p,„, pnldie Pill, f.,r Bale unfa,lorn People
are non i>.-„ I.. ,he an all
l.lood hnilde. and nerve r,-tnrer, et.r.m
lor,.., ,.t wenkn.-r■ n. taing from u eatery eon
.....of lit.- l.lood or -halter, d tie. yv. Ilia
pill- are sold I - all deal,'", or will he
|''/,7,.""w y .'%\" tlwy'are mve'r sl.’fd m
Milk or M the MHD. Io addressing llr. \VU.
I Ham..' Medici,,*Co„ Ntbenectady, E. Y.
ENGiNESi B orers I
Gins and Presses.
GKT ovn ruu KS:
ft (J
s Ill
I! II -r
• Mill. Mm htr
.. l'qa- Ed¬
it,. CAST
i onibard Don Y/ kt- & Supply Co.
Repairs Promptly Doue.
O siiicM
QtJBSTfOJf. —Wily is if Hut we SO a perfect quince t.v;-e clay*?
I remember that in my youth thia was
sssfsf°<:< r fl x
mr mother’s garden Idea wit.i tho
heavy ye.low trait u r :!l a pieanunt
An wKU. —Quinces, like many other
of our trait trues, haro boon sadly neg
looted, and the insidious advances of
di-easQg have bunu scarcely noticed, un
til they liavo obtained such a lirm foot
hold as to be vory diilieult of oradica
cation. There are four diseasna to which
tho quince ia liable: Tho Loaf Glight
and Fruit Spot, tlio Quince Hast, the
Black Hot and the Twig Blight. Tho
first attacks the fruit as well as foliage,
und young quiiico trees iu the nursery
are peculiarly liable to it The remedy
is spraying with B •rdeaux mixture.
Tl;o mat attacks the fruit, and unless
the disease is chocked, tho young
quinces will bo distorted and misshapen
long before they mature. Tho fungus
of this disease is communicated fr ,m
the "cedar apples" and "cedar ball*’*
„„ ofteu «, :0 n on collar trees, and if thess
trees grow near a quince orchard . they
should he destroyed. Spraying with
fungicides nifty also be used with ltd
The Black Hast it more safely pro
veil tod by dean culture than by fungi
c l,ies, because the disease usually ap
pears when the fruit is reaching ma
tarity, and tho application of
u , M , ^ atMudod w ith danger,
All rotting or mo mini fled fruit saou a
b() dC( , tro yod, and after tuecrop is gath
ered , late , sprayings of , aintnoiHaeul , so. u
tint, of copper carbonate will bo bepo
The'Twig Blight very much rosem
*»>« ^ ,!,ir »•>«»“• Th « »>ra,,obe 8 turn
black, and should bn cut off uud burned—State ' Agricultural Denart
Solubl. Flmsphorlo Aid.
Question-I - n the , analysis , , of . fertlh .
lv. trs, phosphoric acid is spoken of aa
ar.inbht, reverted, umi insoluble. Please
give mo a short explanation of these
t< , rlll3 ,
A . NEWER-ihe solnUo phosphotlo
ni „ fertilizer is that part that is
............ ........* revolted r*.
ready for plant food.
becotnos soluble f'* by tho ^ action ^ of
watcr aul [ tho soil combined, und
“ «» “>” roforo . „„ “ 8 “l
able" to tho growing crop.
i uso l n bl 0 is so difficult of solution that
It is regarded ns of no Inmetit to a quick
growing , rop, ...dla .hereforo consul
erecl a« haviuK «0 vnluo in a fortilizer.
l n an aimlyHia of a fertilizer tho “sola
bio” and tlio "reverted" tiro added to
gather and called "available pht.sphorio
-‘O'’; W “ u - th0 ™
l utUag tvimt mid Oar*.
n, QUK.srioN r noN —Should ./ // outs ' '*/ and ' wheat
bo cut bofoto fu.l maturity or not.
Akswer—U nless intended for seed
hoth wh( v , ilt all d should he cut before
fully I,y tills plait .
becoming lip". yon
Kav0 moro „f tho grain, as there is no
- from "urn shittoring sl.atunng. The ane straw straw is more
ttuU ' lu,,UHftw ' 1 v
,or . .....|‘" K; » lll l tl is otou t 11
tho grain so saved contains more nutn
tivo qualities than when exposed longer
in tho sun. When, however, the wheat
oats is to ho used for sood let it got
fully ripe boforo harvesting, even tit
the expense of losing some of tho grain
by shattering ami all of tlio straw for
feeding purposes.— State Agricultural
Department. _
All who wish Ico on Sun
days will plouso call between (i
anrt 1 o’clock on Sunday morn*
in os. W. K. Reid.
J uly 5, 1 HIT.
Mrs. Martha Prank, aged
I 1011 yt-iirs ohi.dit'd noar Ht-lhany,
(iri’i'in* counly. Tuesday this 01 It.
i Sho aunt of Judge J. 1).
was :m
Hannnnek of this place.
18 «
- Our now story ‘‘Tho Story
Ulln,” will bo by Edwin started Lostcr soon. Arnjold.
your oyo on this paper and keep
up with our good stories.
For Infants and Children.
•“‘i »r*TPlfc ertry
$100 To Any Man.
Ot W raker.* In Men Thry Treat and
Fall to Cnrxv
An Omaha Company plaeas for the
time t-efvire the publiv- a Magicai.
west fv>r the ,-ure of Lost Vitality. Hestviration
atul Soxnal Waaknass. and
Lite Force tn old remedy; and young men
worn-out French contains
Iffioapborous or other harmful drugs. It
a Wom-kkfvl Tkeatvrst- magu-al in
eiTests ..._____i—posiuv© in its cure All
\% ho are suffering from a weakness
blights their life, causing that mantal
physical suffering STATE
h.Ksi, -hoold wnte to the
COMPANY. send absolutely Omaha. Neb. FREE, and a they
vott disease*,
ivt- er on th.v-o and positive
of their truly Maoicai. Tkbatmsst
ntids of men. who have Kwt all hope of a
cure, nre txHng restored by them to a per
. fe% t kXXXtlUott maybe
Thx> Maoiru. Tkeatvvvt
nt home under fare their and directions, hotel bills or to they alt w w
pay railroad if
ter to co t here for treatment,
to cure. Thev are perfectly reliable;
^«. no Krv« Frescnpttons. PYee Cure,
ie. or C. O. D. fake. They
tAl. and gTinrantce to
xseibev treat or rc ef und every dollar;
r chare* .a mav them l*e deposited in
i to when a cure
\Y x ae Uicm *kOdav
the 'Bonders of science
I i t >.<■
i^un^ 1 jpubic KirJ < o.-.s.iiiijn • un •
" i ■ )ncnt ^rr: rkail(l
Keicjust I I i:, aiiers. » Free offer to Oar
ThetlkUngubmd S'lcuni, New York chemist, j
T. A. demonstrating his discovery
of a.rt li ihle and alsolitle cure for Cor
snn.pliJi (Palm- .imry TuU-rcnlosis; and; dis-j
all broi hial, throat, lung and chest
m hborn coughs, catarrhal iiffec
j tioii', p heral deolinc and weakness, loss
of 11 .*ii iml ail conditions of wasting away,
viil o i I THREE FlfBE BOTTLES fall
(iliilerci*.) of i.i .New J’isi overies to any
afUi' twl reader of The Advocate lit mo¬
(:ra t wiiting for them,
Ills iNew Scientific Treatment” has
I cured Ihou -and* pcrmantly by its tim<
; |y fessfonl’duty nsc.Ltid he considers it a simple pro
: to hniTi ring humanity to
donate i trial of hisinfalih'.e cure
! heiunce daily develops new wonder?,
anil tills great, chemist, patiently experi
! nieiitinx for year", has produced results as
beneficial to humanity a- can lie claimed
by aij- modern genius, ills assertion
; curabljin tliat IP ig troubles and consumption arc
' climate F by "heart
any proven
felt letters of gratitude,” filed in his
American and Ku repeal, loboratories in
| thous.inils from those cured In all parts of :
the wt rid.
Me- id exports concede that bronchial, :
}(-}f|»j tfptj liujgr troubles Ic'jwl to fonsurnp- ‘
j i ti( „, j/l.f.-l.,'«.nl;.ti*rrupted, ’ 1 ’ means speedy 1 J j j
and certain death.
j Sjll 1 .;,|y » . write to T. A. Slocum, M. (!., | !
sin Pine Street. I»ew York, giving post
| office medicine an I will express he addr. s. and Sufferers the free.
promptly sent. ;
should take instant lid vant age of his gen-j
; 0 , lion .
! 1 lc Ull ,eli tho tin. Doctor Dot tot that that vou > .u saw ..w IPs h.s
c .
offer in the Advocnti -Dcinocmt.
TifatiAn ElLallOll.
/ < EOlit. I.\ Tu lAhl.Vl ,.„, htcmf rf)I idl.xi - XTV i.
A A 'Id, nil whom it IUHV ( OMI-Ctn:
^[ rK |'.| Kent it. proper |
form applied to tile for permanent letters j
I of r, ,mI m . m I i-l truti,,,, t< >ri n., on the t lie estate t la of /; It,lot 11 f
bent, l.i • " s- 1 " . ■ 1 ' 1
office within the time allowed by biw.aml
, ,, j (J .. n t Kent's
,,rt|,.i ,i 1
ll,tc : ”
. ■ 'iT ’Fi I,,| 1 « 0 '
GEO. 11. MI I Fl ( JIFKL, Oi t .vlinarr dmarr. ;
Public Road Notice.
" A petitioners
\\ r |i<*r<sis certain have
inadc t,lu»lr application to the Hoard of
Hoads anti praying an order
panting < ,.V , |»».i.r*-....n.y ihe ^tahhffimcnt of j( ^ rrjad
! .n and running in a west
from Sandy Cross to Smron tt or near .he
" n * l ” lw '' f /' ' mn
l 1 .’! Uu '," 1 ' 1 I now running frt it ... A. v I,. .
i , Idlinttf. s gut . house to the ,,t. II. K. < ross
known as Ken,Inch crossing I.<•
.abolished- ami. whereas. (
............for that purpose have reviewed
and itmrkcd out said eonlempiat. I ou
All ,i rf ., H , r t to |t,is rnnrUhat, said road will I
|,„f mtieh pnldie utility and coiivni
ii-m-e, now this is hi cite, ami ttdnvmish all
lt . r „ m , „ iat „„ and after t he Urs. Tuesday
August next, aid now road will bo
granted If no if.....I is shown to the
l.ivut antler iny hand and -cal
t his Hitt 8th day of July ISJv. S,
F, C, Company Corsets
American Beauties CORRECT
• j A R T I ST I L
at mm effects,
' ' *S
WvS* All
•m Lengths.
J j
On^*cl> liox.
' 7
( \ H r.e-co
FANCY and m '/
PLAIN. fit
sole manufactubehs.
HOLDEN vV CO Crawfortlvilk-, Ga
pj "
u Tens to know AdvslV Karat,:,
1. hxI advertisiug met To Tet
tins an inti in
^ ^hia vtctnttv* we \vi giv away a o- K
S h !<«>'!' KUKK. a Sterling virBick)
, (R'aimr.ii twi? :U1<
W f‘* h (hi* in :\ti.
ft - - ' . narking t aud }
W and s, :id w ith l x- or
|h postage and w,- « m 2
m past, togctl r
hj FREE, ft e Vs ^
i“ s=,r"'. w
jjj WONKWOt IttKCtlV tim-t
sj M OltCWCf. W U.
P 1 UM: at? tT Whisker Habits
fi at home w.lIi
k Book of j ar
ularssrm FREE.
AUfwUfl, trf*( OfiIco 1*1 Lrjor
condition of the crops.
Fleecy Staple Looklxs Well — ' v, mt «»r
Teated—Spring o**t« uisuppoiutinff.
«>*a ryMay permuted a.»««.
ers to clean their fields thoroughly of
grass aud woods, and through June,
where rains haveT&'.len, the plants have j
made a g00 d growth and are now look
j ng we n_ As a rule the stand is fair
and t h ere ), a ve been but few complaints j
g{ lice an a other insect enemies. Th<
rairifall ha3 been deficient in some por .
tions of the state, but in most localitiei ,
there lias been enough for cotton, whicl
requires but little rain until fruitinf
commences. Taking into consideration
all the questions affecting this orop, au.C
the verdict must h« that at this date it
is in good condition and growing oil
well, but from ten days to two week:
later than an average crop.
In many counties the rainfall has nol
boon sufficient for the best development
h^this^efioteacy "beoi^sufficien't The how- ° tc
caU50 serious injury. crop,
ever, is just now at its critical stage,
particularly in the lower half of the
« tat e ’
during . July will be needed to to imnn iusurt
aI1 abundant yield. If our farmer.
would take more pains iu preparing
f e f g raf®, th a H is now required. Sual
low breaking np of laud forces the corn
roots to feed near the surface, and then
a very moderate .drouth produces seri
This crop has bean harvested and
much of it threshed, with very satis
factory results, many fields in North
Georgia turning out from 20 to30 bush
, j _ Tho rust which aDDearec
Held daring Mav w i‘
oou fl 110 d'as a rile to the blades and dfd
U o harm to the grain,
Fall planted oats turned out well 1,
every portion of tho state, while spring
oatR W ere very disappointing. The acre
age of fall oats was not large, and tlit
spring oats failing, the crop in total is r
The Ihe minor mtnor crons crops are are doing I lug fairly a ry well w
and there lias been a large acreage o
(vveet potatoes plautcrL Ihe stand oi
sugar cane is poor, out condition good.
Watermelons „ , , being . shipped , , , now
In large quantities, but the crop is in
f or i,, r both iu quantity and in size oi
-yrrji*- s.itTsflp.l is o-roator
and'ttow hut f am it even pel
estimate it to bo at least 40
cent less titan usual. I ho diminished
ncroage should cause good melons tc
bring liigh prices. The peach crop M
short throughout the state, particularly Industry,
Rt tbe i ar g« centers of this
Tho fortunate growers who have made
P,“ rtlal cro P !i R0 lf u'
to^urityT^th al q
no reports as yet oi
Injury from any disease. Applesprom*
iso a fair crop, while blackberrioB are
abundant ou every farm In the state.
ln ^Sm, of t^s^Wuh’lhl!
f “ i
^ noU( ed that ho cUolera is always
more common ill those years wlteu n
J ROod deal of western corn is sold in the
tate , and X in f er from this fact that
h o( the so-called cholera is simply
tUe the result result o{ mt,e„toctma. lieH l 0C t and starvatiou. *_
rpt Mot 1 l.ndist foil fpi'Ollf'O
WOUlld up its WOrlf , Friday ,, arid ,
a n tho delegates returned home
j * )Va j s ing old Crtiwfordville. We
( ° , lad they were pleased.
The tariff bill lias passed the Senate.
A FRICANA will cure Syphili. and Old
r* Sores to Stay Cured.
Free silver will be the issue again next
Eilucato Your Hovels With Casonretf*.
Candy Cathartic, cure tfonstipntiou
10c, ’-Sc. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Gen. Goidon prefers lecturing to trying
to be Governor.
No-To-Wac f«»r Fifty Cent*.
Ouftmnteed 'obacco habit cure, makes weak
men .stronif, blootl pure. 50c, $1. All drucL'ists.
| Sonic of the Atlanta b inks make a good
i financial .showing.
F.ilucato Your (towel. With Ca.raret..
I Candy Cathartic, cars drucHixtRrefund constipation forever.
10c. Coe. It C. C. C. fall, money.
1 Carolina', dispensary is still giving
neighbors trouble.
To Cure Const i pat inn Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 55c.
( If CL C. C. fail lo cur*;, drujjciats; refund money.
The ooal.ininers strike may make
colds this winter.
T > Cure Ion Forever.
Tnke Cascarets Candy < ’stlmrtic. 10c or2>C
| if c. c. C. fa.I io cure, ilruKSN-sts refund mouey
I Tlte closing of mills make the wave
j prosperity seem gloomy.
1* Ctt
It is said that tlte Southern peaeh
will be short tilts year.
is n
Senut'tr I. G. Harris of Tennesse
Inst week in Washington.
•j i»n r n -hi in -n' 1 ' i,
•aoqxJvl fT o ‘u,I • pffi'intjfl.i
to nopMwici -J.’* 01
jj a*d ou jo ""‘‘J t
‘too (dnJfi c;vt; ;t« .*** ' UJ
pan |
«-R U?<1D 'spovil paddnuo jou»i
‘»soo io i vn j0 * *i *ii«s t*m
*o t-j ry"
Greene county i« working to get up
show to ■nd to the Nashville
Taliferrro must get tip one also.
"How to Cure* all Skin
8 imp!y apply “Swuyne^B Ointment
No internal niedido^ required. m
tetter* ecrenia, itch, all eruptions on
face, hands* nose, Sic. . leaving the
’ clear, white and healthy. Its ijreat
ing and curative power# are p O—es a e d
no other remedy. Ask Druggist
S wav lie’s Ointineut.
The 1 next te
W.irrcntor. end H
St tii n
Even!>odr S*y# ^o.
i 'SE^smassmamsB^
XYege table Prep aralion for As
similating ihe Food arid andReguta- Bowels
ling the Stomachs oi
M S! tntDBLN
Promotes Digestion, Cheerful
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opiurn,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not narcotic.
Pumpkin. Seed
Jlx.Scnria *
DocAtlU Sails —
JtnistScedL *■
Dppcrrmnt Carbonate - Sadat
jJi *
fionn Seed -
flanfud Sugar Flavor. -
Apcrfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬
tion, Sour .Feverish¬
Worms .Convulsions
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
TacSimile Signature of
^Atjt'^ntKsfoW,:- J;
J5 Doses-JXCentv
! ♦
~uk<eQhmi 4
10* a ALL
j pie .ami bnoklot rr n P. Af!. STKUI.fYfi I! EMERY CO.. Chiraso,, orb pit lorK. 917 .
This insidious disease is now prevailing all over the country. It comes with Its
chilliness, pains, aches, fever, watery eyes, headache, Etc. To avoid it, take an oc¬
casional dose of
Dr, Hammack’s Cold Cure.
and it you have Grippe, the tablets taken according to directions, will cure it. They
arc not up in screw top bottles, convenient to carry. 25 doses 25 cents.
For Coughs
A cough is the rock upon which the health and life of thousands have been
wrecked. Every rough .should be tmiled at its commencement, and for litis
purpose there is nothing better Ilian Dr Hammack’s White Pine and Spruce
Gum Cough Balsam. It cures without fail nil bronchial and lung affections,
l’riec, per liottlc, 25 cents. Once used, it is always Ihe favorite.
For Pains and Aches.
There is nothing better than Dr. Hammack’s Electric Liniment. It will cure
neuralgia, rheumatism stitches and pains, lumbago, chapped hands, and all
maimer of pains and aches. Don’t experiment, but buy this liniment. Brice,
per bottle, 2u cents.
I A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle
should lie in every family. We have them—the best made f£pm 50 cent mvards
and everything usually sold in a first-class drug store^y^Je-asonable prices.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, CA.
I S All the m
R 44 %). X
K : * ^ World Loves m
m i .nt. H
1 w XAkAASAVw a Winner” m m
i m
Our ’.Ninety* Seven
Complete Line of N
i Monarch % U
i Bicycles K
» are the
m W Supreme
X m Result iV W/£>
>3 of our Vk 393
o ■ Years of
% m 1 I > Experience
& Cards, Send IUustratir'» nine LHfrafl ^umps Russell, for a deck Tom of Monarch Monarch PTavTng Cooler,
& Lee Richardson ia4 Walter Jones. Regular 50c cards.
■ fJFJTjt
Job Printing Best and Cheapest at the
\ dvo-Demoera t office-
botti/e of
Castor! a is put up in one-size bottles only. It
not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell
you anything else on the plea or promise that it
ig f, juat as good” and “will answer every pur
u -JKg-Seo that yon get C-A-S-T-O-E-I-A.
li on "