Newspaper Page Text
8100 Per Year.
Railroad Engineer
Testifies to Benefits Received Frorti
Dr. Miles' Remedies.
is * - ^0
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*t?Wp||j 1
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x a
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m-m :
£*|p&IIEIlE earth is than no more that responsible of a railroad position engin
eer. On his steady nerves, clear brain,
bright eye and perfect self command, de¬
pend the safety of the train and the lives
of its passengers. Dr. Miles* Nervine and
other remedies are especially adapted to
keeping the nerves steady, the brain clear
and the mental faculties unimpaired.
Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323
Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now residing
at 3411 Humboldt St., Denver writes that he
“suffered for years from constipation, caus¬
ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and
was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles’
Nerve & Liver Pills. I heartily recommend
Dr. Miles’ Remedies.”
Dr. Miles' Remedies **
gists are sold under by a all positive drug-V, 1 4| ^0
guarantee, benefits or first money bottle re- I © S|| Jj
funded. Book on dis* 'j£. Kestora J|6j
and®^ r
eases of the heart
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
Pure Home Matters": Picked Up % Our
Local Report ers. _
U lmt Our People Are Doing ami Saying.
Things Our Frlenila Tell Vs.
—Texas fever and glanders
are reported up near Woodville.
Go to C. Bergstrom for
Diamond Dyes all colors.
—Tom Wynne has been down
in Washington county repairing
Ladies or gents shoes, new
lot. latest style at Paul G. Lu
cas .
—Our new serial “The Story
of Ulla, ’ ’ begins this week. Read
it. It's a good one.
The sweetest and best can¬
dies of all kinds at Paul G
—The crops in. this section
never gave better prospects than
just now.
-—Mrs. John Tompson went
down to Augusta Wednesday
Go to C. Bergstrom for
smoking tobacco and snuff.
—Elton Richards, of Union
Point, is visiting relatives here
this week.
—Mr. and Mrs. T.- C. Hoklen
of White Plains, spent Sunday
in Crawfordville:
Go to C. Bergstrom- for
Wine of Cardui also JrdmSon
Chill and Pevir Tonic.
-Will Peek, „ , of , Athens, , . who ,
used to attend school here was
in town W ednesu'ay.
—Several bales of old cotton
were brought into this place for
shipment tins week.
—Mr. Tom Akins has had ... his
ho»- bai mi the me square so mire nicelv
and fences white washed.
„ Much . . in ,
Is especial!'.- true of HorM’s Pills, for no
cine ever contained; so great curaHve iKiwcr in
So small spate.- They we a whole
a „ _ ■ - I 7 a
■ B| ■ ■ ■■■■■■
chest, always ready; nl- O . j 1 , I
ways isfaetory; efficient, prevent always a cold sat- f I 111 Q 9
-—Miss Ruby Merhson, of
Carnak, is visiting friends in
Crawfordville this week.
Go to C. Bergstrom for
Mackerel and White fish.
—In our travels last week we
found no towns with busier mer¬
chants than Crawfordville.
—Mr. J. P. Johnson, of this
county, is visiting relatives in'
Warren county this week.
Go to C. Bergstrom for tur¬
nip and Rutabaga seed.
—Misses Janie and Annie Reid
and their brother Henry spent
Sunday last at White Plains.
All kinds of dry goods are
being closed out at Paul G. Lu¬
cas at low summer juices.
-—Mr. Lunceford. living near
Bethesda had 7 hogs killed by
lightning Saturday night last.
New line of hats, caps, etc.,
just in, and cheap at Paul Lucas’.
-—Excursions are numerous
from this section to Macon, At¬
lanta and Augusta these days.
All kinds of tinware, includ¬
ing sRrinklerS; and water sets
complete and very cheap at Paul
G. Lucas’.
—Mr. James A. Anderson, a
prominent business young man
of Augusta, is spending this
week with relatives in this couu
Mrs. M. C. Rhodes desires
to sell her house and lot, situat¬
ed on main street in Crawford¬
ville; desirable location.
—Mayor J. E. Reid and family
and Miss Clara McKenzie, of
Montezuma, are visiting the for¬
mer’s relatives and old home
Before going to the gold
fields in Alaska call on C. Berg¬
strom aufl-y/et sOtw^of his K''02C
Osnaburg to hold your gold.
—Will Mann, a successful bus¬
iness gentleman, of Birmingham,
Ala., was in town Monday. Will
is spending a vacation with his
parents in this comity.
Nice half bushel split bask¬
ets 5 c at Paul G. Lucas’.
—Mr. A. J. Strom, an old citi¬
zen of Crawfordville, has again
returned and set up his jewelry
business here. He has been
working at Conyers.
Go to C. Bergstrom for all
of St. Joseph’s Remedies.
—The little child of Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Slack died at their
home near White Plains last
week. We extend our sympa
tliies to the bereaved.
Go to C. Bergstrom when
you are tired.
—Mr. H. M. Harrison of San
dy Cross, has our thanks for a
nice Pride of Georgia watermel
on. It is nice to have such
friends as this reverend gentle
Hughey, Ky., Aug. 11, 96.
Dr. Tichcnor’s Antiseptic is
the best thing I ever used for
barbed wire cuts on stock, Its
curative power is simply wondei
ful. W. J. Woodall.
chronicle , . , .
—We are sorry to*
the death of the infant child of
Mr . and M rs. B. F. Taylor of
this place, which sad event 00
curred one day last week. Its
remains were interred in the i
ce metery hete. j
You may hunt the world over :
* nt. j another
nf -i . .. rot « ut
me< j lcine e qual to Chamberlain - s j
Colic Cholera and- Diarrhoea
L,* «. j. \
—Ml’S W L. Gunn has been
s i c lj at her hoine in this I
since Thursday of last;
Arppk- weekv
. :
\lr f r, H'iushro’ick a d-ru*'- 1
gist at ’ L Mendon. ’ 1 -» Mich., «• 1 says all ’
'of the good* testimonials that
I’ufactures bben published .Chamberlain by the -Ctdi mail
of C
Cho !c»i jj,’,) Diarrhoea Rededy '
d gi
Sj i
Beautiful ej’es grow d* 11 nnd dim *•
As the swift years st%il away.
Beautiful, willowy for so slim
Lose fairness with ry day.
But she still is queen e d hath charm* to
Who wears youth’s oronal beautiful
hair. I i
Preserve 1 Kir Hair
and you preset nSCg youth.
“A woman is as» old as she
looks,” says tlio world. No
woman looks as old as she* is
if her hair has pre served its
normal beauty, YolS Can keep
hair from falling- out, restoring
its normal color, or Restore the
normal color to gray Or faded
hair, by the use of
Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
—Mr. T. E. Grist**’ has just
returned from a visitwt ■to South
Georgia. He says ,lk> is like
Judge Geo. Mitel* ql: “That
country would be k: - 1 country
if it was moved : his
“Last summer due of our
grand-children was sjok with a
severe bowel trouble if says Mrs.
E. G. Gregory, doctors of [Fredericks- remedy
town. Mo. “Our
had failed, then we tried Cham¬
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar¬
rhoea Remedy, which gave very
speedy relief.” For sale by Dr.
R. J. Reid.
—The young people of our
town will present their excel¬
lent plays “Broken Fetters and
“The Goose with the Golden
Eggs” to-night at >i’ie academy.
All who can should! I 50 out and
see the plays.
“Henry Salter, ; negro living
on W. D. Davidson*]-; Tali place county, near
Graves, in a' ;ito
died from the effects of morning wasp
stings on Saturday from
last. ” We get the above
the Athens Banner and we would
like to know where Graves is.
No such place in this county.
White in Milhdgevilie last
week, we took a good look
around the handsome buildings
of the Georgia No: mal and In¬
dustrial School, Pres. Chappell
puts a blank application in our
hands to- he furnished to any
laxl J in this county who
N - ® attend this school,
T h TappHcatki blank will apply- be
fui . n i s lied to tho first one
° -0 t his _'______ office.
1 "
PfllTipN rwlUvlD (U1U PTlfl frR \lwlUUvll) lP(lTl(iFS
took to- votir interest. Tile
. .
f l.ftTfi ftlii lift«
GRIFFITH f Handles ostV , ’
dreth s SELL. Every pajier guaian •
Ltthdrefhs p ar i v put Red or Purple
and SSutliern Show
are simply perfection WKM,e * >° U
At MB'i Mm
Judge Jolm Hart held a spec¬
ial term of the Talbot county
Superior court this week to try
Dr. W. L. Ryder for the murder
of Miss Sallie Owens- The case
was called Monday and was
postponed until September, and
as Dr. Ryder was being taken
to Waverly Hall to be carried to
Columbus for safe keeping, a
crowd of Talbot county citizens
took the prisoner late Monday
evening and hanged him to a
tree. Thus ends the tale of a
most lmart-sickening crime.
While in Talbotton last week we
saw the house in the parlor of
which Ryder shot to death a fa¬
vorite young lady of the county,
and over on the other side of the
town we saw the old Person's
pond where the love-mad man
ran and attempted to end his
life by taking morphine and
stabbing and lastly jumped into
the pond, where he was found
uneodscipUK on the same pond evening
of the crime. The old is
covered with beautiful water*
lillies, and an old pine tree
marks the spot where the body
of Ryder was found.
A card on the outside of office
door says: “Gone to lunch. By
back in ten minutes." And, the
man will be thereon time. That
is, for some days, weeks or even
months, lie will. Then he will
■be at home occasionally for a
day. He’ll tell you he had a
headache—a turn of cholera
morbus, or maybe lie'll say he
had a lump in his stomach and
fait too miserable to move. The
lump was probably two or three
ten-minute lunches condensed.
The man who Dr.* “bolts” 1) »<-;
lunches will find 1 ’ TMjfets the best
he ever met.
There is no case of bill ions '
ness, constipation, indigestion,
“heart burn," or any of the rest
of the nightmare breeding
brood, that those little “Pellets”
will not cure. They cure per¬
manently. one-cent
Send 21 cents in
stamps to World’s Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N
Y., and receive Dr. Pierce’s 1008
page ‘Common Sense Medical
Adviser,” profusely illustrated.
We return thanks for an invi¬
tation to attend a barbecue at
the pleasant home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. I. Anderson in this coun¬
ty, on Thursday of this week.
They had a large number of
carcasses and a big crowd enjoy¬
ed it hugely. We are arc sorry
we could not attend, it being our
printin g day.' * __
—Mr. M. E. Allen, the expe¬
rienced artist of South Carolina
who lias been working with J.
H. Stephens at this place, has
been hypnotizing the boys about
town and he is right successful
making many of them tell secrets
while in their slee py co ndition,
City To- \. 1
State op Ohio, op hh
.edo, Lucas County.
Frank . J. T Cheney ,,, ..
ma .
that he is the senior p
the firm of F. J. ( hen;^
doing ledo. County business and 111 State the C^f fit
j and that said firm will Xx
sum of ONE HLNDRP j£ V( v<«
of 1 fY^oo-G ( atanh 'iT-o tha ' -'-'ik >■ 1 ' i%g^
by the use of Hall vjaaf.d
. ,
v -* u “ -
..... y r > T , t
! (SEAL* Notary i
| I —- . rfition
i Hall's Catarrh Cure i>euinin* AmilW;
j internal IJ , ami I,
tbeblopa arm mucous -1
1 r.f 01 thf* ln . r rvst(*in siein. Sf*ud r> f ( for not
monies. in ™,r
AfT^t’s ( only
F. J. CHEN!. . y
„ =
I 1 SoF; oy druggists. =55
f • “ Fami,y Pll]s '
In Advance-
NO. 22
Absolutely Pure.
Cek.*biYtt(‘(i for its grout leavening strtngth
jmd • ficalthfulliH’ss. Assures tin > 0(1
n&ftinafralum und all forms of utlul - i i
tion common to the cliwip brands. KOV¬
There very heavy hail
storm in this county Sat unlay
Almost rilght last. We uro told that it
ruined the cotton on the
Cosby place and beat the fodder
off the corn stalks considerably.
The rain was heavy here and in
all parts of the county.
Up to Tuesday of this -m !;
reports came in from a sc-:
of the country near Barnett on
the line of Warren and this
county where it is said that only
one good rain lias fallen since
cotton chopping time in gun
We are sorry to know that any
section is suffering for want, of
rain, and it seems so strange
when our section I -*ro has been
blRs'ijed wit ’ J' 1 ' 1 >ud. l of . that
X Yi-AtA
km.., ’MBi:
- l. Because it affords almo.v
instant relief in case of pain in
the stomach, colic and cholera
2. Because it is the only feme
dy that never fails in tin* most
severe cases of dysentery and
Si. Because it is the only reme¬
dy that will cure chronic diar¬
4. Because it is the only feme
dy that will prevent billious
a. Because it is the only reme¬
dy that will cure epidemical
dysentery is the only
(). Because ij vetne
dy that can always be depended
upon in cases of cholera infan¬
Because it is the most
prompt and most reliable modi
cine in use for bowel complaints.
H. Because it produces no bad
!). Because it is pleasant and
safe to take.
10. Because ft lias saved the
I lives of more people world. than any
\ other medicine in the
The 2 r, 1M j,| r»oe size lor
by Dr. R. J. Reid.