Newspaper Page Text
The Advocatf-DeTviocrat.
$1.00 For Year.
MOTHER!™. There is no
word so full
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of “ Mother ’’—she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid¬
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth¬
er is beset with danger and all ef¬
fort should be made to avoid it.
Mother’s so assists nature
in the change tak¬
ing place that
Friend the Expectant is
Mother ena¬
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore¬
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement—in short, it “makes
Childbirth natural and ’ as
so many have said, Don’t be
persuaded to use anything but
“ My wife suffered more in ten min¬
utes witli either of her other two chil¬
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having previously used four bot¬
tles of ‘Mother’s Friend.’ It is a
blessing to anyone expecting to be¬
come a MOTHER,” says a customer.
Henderson Hale, Carmi, Illinois.
Of Dnigein, at, or sent, by mail on receipt
of price. Write for book containing testimonials
and valuable information for all Mothers, free.
The Brodfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, G».
Petition for Incorporation.
To the Superior court, of said County: Ned A.
The netkion of David Davis,
Edwards, Tim M. .Combs, Alexander E.
Edge, Henry T®ty!or. Allen Edwards,
llieirassociates. successor* a nd sucb elect, others be
as they may fvomtime to time to
under the name and style of The Young
Shepherd of Pleasant Home Society with
authority bv that name to sue and be
sued, contract and be contracted with,
plead and be impleaded, buy, sell, bold,
rent, lease, mortgage or otherwise acquire
or dispose of real and personal the property judge¬
and such other funds as may in
ment of said society be necessary for its
uses and purposes, to receive donations,
and to iniorce good order in and around
’ their place of business or contiguous there¬
to, to make such constitutions, by laws,
rules and regulations for the government
of said society and its otlicers and for
fullv earning out the purpose of said so
cietv a- are not inconsistent, wit i 1 the consti¬
tution and laws of said state unviolative of
private rights. principal place of business
2. That the Level
of said society shall be at or near
Hill Baptist church in said county.
8 . That the object of said society (the
same being a charitable organization in its
nature and character) is to aid each other
in times of sickness and to aid each other
to bury tlietr dead in decent and Christum
method and not for individual pecuniary
gain or benefit. shall
4. That the officers of said society
be a President, Vice-President, Secretary
and Treasurer, The election term of of¬
fice, powers and duties of said officers to
be fixed by the constitution and by laws.
5. That said society shall also have a
Board of Managers conposed of not less
than niri" nor more than fifteen members,
the election, term of office and powers and
duties of said Board to be fixed by the
constitution and by laws.
Wherefore your petitioners pray an or¬
der incorporating them, their associates,
successors and such others as they may
from time to time elect as aforesaid, anil
confirming upon them ail of the powers
usually granted to corporations of like
kind and character.
This 26;h day of July 1S97.
Attorney for Petitioners.
GEORGIA— Taliaferro County. I, S. IT.
Rhodes clerk of the Superior court of said
countv, do hereby certify that the fore¬
going petition for incorporation is a true
and correct copy of the original petition of
incorporation of The Young Shepard of
Pleasant Home Society filed in office tlii-
26 day of July 1S97.
Witness mv official signature and seal
of said court this 20th July 1*97. RHODES,
S. ir.
Clerk Superior Court Taliaferro County.
In connection with watch, clock and
jewelrv repairing, during the summer
months, (provided you bring the machine
to mvshop) I will make sewing machines
run light and stitch perfect that you con¬
sider worthless, I can repair any kind of
machinery no cobbler, ‘ ’ If I do life give‘■•afisfaWbm”! STKOZER.
want no pay. It. B.
Jeweler. Crawfordiile. Ga,
What the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
BY C. L. BAG liY.
Mr. Mack Cannon wants a bull pup dog.
Our town bad very few visitors last
The Masonic Lodge at Sharon is increas¬
ing very rapidly.
Several darkies have died in this section
the past few weeks.
Prof. E. li. Moore will not open bis
scdiool until August.
W. II. Uagby and family visited rela¬
tives at Harlem last week.
Col. H. M. Holden has been in our
town the last week on legal business.
Several citizens of this section are goiffg
to hunt homes elsewhere another year.
Mrs. Tommy Taylor, near this place
who lias been sick so long, is no better.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott has been on a
visit to relatives at Williams creek recent
Mr, \V. E. Arnett’s ncice of Washington
has been on a visit to his family the past
.Mr. Dickon’s lias had a good marble
yard laid off on the right hand of his
Mr. Jesse Taylor is on a visit to Mill
edgeyiile to see his brother Mr. James
Mr. J- iV. Me Kenny, Sr., of Madison
county visited home folks near Barnett
last week.
Prof. Love Mershon is in the hack tins
week. Love makes a good one when he
will work,
We are glad to state .Mr. Edward Mc
Alpine has Improved a great deal in health
and able to about.
Mr. J’ W. McKeuny, Sr., bad nice fam¬
ily barbecue at bis home on Wednesday
of last week, so vve learn.
Barbecue near Mr. G. T. Edwards on
, , We d n o«lay. We had * special invita
?a me and barbecue atMoiint a vrf, Wffltes
m , thn 1 y th f nstant. Lm «
.,™ into
our town pretty lively. The drop is short
and they are not good either.
Refreshing rains are plentiful through
our section the past week and it was
much needed in some farms.
Mr. Albert Barnett has had a very
severe rising on bis leg itie past, week
whieli gave him much pain.
We received a copy of the Union Point
Review last week. It is a neatly printed
and a right newsy weekly oaper.
Mr. John O’Keeffe is putting up a nice
furniture house next to his dry goods and
grocery store. O’Keeffe is a mover.
Sharon baseball club had a nice barbe¬
cue on last Saturday. A good many were
on hand and enjoyed themselveslmgely.
A FR1CANA will cure Syphilis and Old
ca Sores to Stay Cured.
Master Graday Taylor, son of Mr.
Thomas Jaylor, has improved very much
in health and with no back set will get
To Curo Constipation f orever#
Take Cancarets Candy f '..Lhartic. 10c^3r 25c
If C. C. C. fail io cure, druf.'«ri.sts refund money
Mr. James Pittman and wife visited the
latter’s father, Mr. W, J. Ellington last
third Saturday and Sundaj’ near Mildrajon
Educate Your I5o\vcls With Cuscarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipai ion forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggist.srefund money.
. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Helms, of Florida
are visiting Mrs. Helms’ parents, Mr. and
Mrs, George L. Moore, of Fair Play, this
No-To-Bao for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed Tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. auc. cl. All tlruKKists.
Mr. It. N. Gilbert, Felix Taylor and
others went a seining recently on Harden’s
creek and caught a fine chance of the
tinny tribe.
To Cure CoMfitipntion Forever.
Take Cason efs Candy Cathartic. I.ic or 2nc.
I f C. C. C. fail to cure, tirunpKts refund iuoncv.
Mr. and Mrs. Fouche have put up a
nice tomb over the grave of their son C il
vin. who was killed by the railroad some
months ago.
Educate Your isoweis With Cascnret*.
hDxeral (f old . ,
out : n ] ' '
pensions last week under tl,< indigent a<t
hut on!v got half rations as the money
was not there.
‘lib;:-’ ST? V/? ? . ’er,”
Lung Troiiand ('(mstimpii u M he
Cured. 11 H f
Au Eminent New York < bm.i
Scientist Makes n Free <> fieri? ;* ;
Headers. m
The distinguished New Y
T. A. Slocum, demonstrating Mo
of a.reliable and alsoluto ci t
sumption (Pulmonary Tub? 1ml
all bronchial, throat, lung . nil
ease, stubborn roughs, c-1 srfT :o!
lions, genera! decline autll v
of flesh, and all conditions' vay,
will send THREE FREE fall*
different) of bis New Plat
afflicted reader of Tim . 'tjno
crat writing for them.
His “New Scientific 'lias
cured thousands permani me
lv use. and lie considers it i. ro
fessional duty to suffering ISfe to
donate a trial of bis infaUbte <
Science daily develops new y TS,
and tliis great chemist, produett pntM|jf ri
menting for years, lias - as
beneficial to humanity as can lie tiled
by any modern genius. His rtion
that lung troubles and consult' mb are
curable in any climate isprpven b ^“heart¬ S his
felt letters of gratitude,” file
American and European lobora ties in
thousands from those cured in al wi ts of
the world.
Medical experts concede that, 1 ftcbial.
diet and lung troubles lead to t trump
tion, which, uninterrupted, incur speedy
and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slocu: A M. C.,
9S Pine Street. New York, givi ug ljost
office and express address, and Hie free
medicine will be promptly sent, feftfferers
should take instant advantage o' Ads gen.
crons proposition. A*vr
Please tell tit# Doctor that you Ids
offer in the Adyocaffe-Pemocra
Mr. Tassy Perkins is behind Joli a
•O iwetrSt* 1 !. counters for *’
a yuon snu smair: fo «
EucUIenM A
The Best Salve in the world L*X Outs,
Bruises, Sores, Chapped Ulcers, Hands, Salt Tti.etjln, Ciniblalns. Fev.
er, Tetter.
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi¬
tive';' cures Piles, or no pay required- It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo*.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
We understand that Mr. Thomas Moore:
recently of Norwood, may locate here,
lie is in Waslringtorl at present. Mr*
Moore is a good mechanic.
"How to Cure all Skin Diseaso.*’
Simply apply “Sivayne’s Ointment ’’
No internal medicine required. ' Ourcs
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
face^ bauds, nose, &c.. leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal
lug and curat-ivc remedy. powers Ask are Druggist possessed for by
no other
Swayne’s Ointment.
We made a business trip to Sandy Cross
section last week. People in that section
seem to be getting along very well and
looking well. '
their crops are
Kvorvboity Suy» So.
Ca«ear«ts Candy Cathartic, the most, won¬
derful ni'-dic&l discovery of the aye, p eas¬
ant suit i efrestung to the taste, act gently
and positively on Kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, habitual dispel constipation colds,
cure headache, fever, and box
and biliousness. Please buy try a
oft!. <b C. to-day; 10,85, 50 cents. Bold and
guaranteed to cure by alt druggists.
Guess who borrowed bis neighbors lan
tern, lit it and hung it up in hismntermol
on patch and secreted himself to watch
the rogues when they come in so he could
sec how to give them a load'of shot.
Don’t Totmeco Spit and HraoLe viwr Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forerer, be mag
netlc. lull or life, nerve ami rizior, ukc NVTo
teed Booklet and sample , free. Address
Co.. Chicago or New York
lazy Mr. club, Arthur Is doing Gunn, some ex-prudent brick work of the for
Mr. John O’Keeffe. It nearly kills him
too, hut we suppose he is like [ ourself. He
lias to work some
puRE BLOOD is the foundation
0 f Jiealtii. i Food’s Sarsaparilla makes
the blood pare, rich and flourishing and
gives and maintains good HEALTH,
We hear some people sajv that there
»«—»***• ( ’ r I ),inisI ‘ ment ’
Well wu all know the Bib e»lys there js.
and we for one are scared t here is :in<) v.e
ain>t „ oinj , .„ , li<puU . thing the Bibb
saV s. It got here before vre did.
— la -n
SHARON ITEMSconelu led on page
Correspondents 1 Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
of the Hanin ninsH in Their Keepcdl v« l.o
catltlei. Alltlio Ncn*.
There are rumors of a marriage to take
place (n our neighborhood in the near
The re-union of the veteran soldiers o';
Greene, Co. will be at Penfield on Frida y
the 30th Inst.
Crops are looking flourishing at pres rut
and the farmeis are expecting to reap a
good harvest next fall.
Rev. Mr, Burgess will preach at Beth¬
any Presbyterian church on the first
of next month.
Mrs. R. O. Taylor, and her two bright
little sons spent Monday last, in the Hol¬
den neighborhood, the guest of Mrs. il.
The Printer made us say Miss “Lucy"
Gunn in last weeks locals. It was “Miss’
Livy” Gunn that we mentioned visiting
Holden neighborhood.
Editor Advocate is specially invited to
attend a barbecue at Jordans Mill on
Thursday 29th inst. [The Editor is very
thankful indeed for the kind invitation,
but it was out of our power to attend.
No one appreciates these gatherings more
than we. but ill health often robs a man
of many pleasures of this life. Nice
’cues of this kind are not calculated to
benefit a sick man. We,are sure if we
siiould attend we would return sicker than
when we went—the wholeeouled hospital¬
ity and nice dinner could not be resisted.
Ed. A.D.]
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, hid.,
Su„,'< Wfte. "Y<* l»v- . M
in Electric lbtiers, and 1
eral svstem tonic it hasno equal,” Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2625 Cottage Grove Ave„
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Ritters strength. restor¬
ed her health and renewed her
Prices 50 cents and 1.00. Get a Battle
at Dr. R.J.Reid’s.
It don’t fail to be warm weather.
Mrs. Susie Peacock is visiting her par¬
A certain young man is trying to and
pro bably will, have Patience,
enioVed J so much a watermelon giv
by neighbor . neat t-i „ ... >• ,
en us a > -
Mrs. J' F- Johnson and family spent
last week with relatives at and near Nor
Some of the young folks are and will
be in attendance at the general meeting
from this district.
Mr. John Cox and adopted daughter,
Lorolee, passed en-route for the general
meeting at Powelton.
We learn that the Rev. Mr. Winter’s
family will spend the week at the home
of J. P. Johnson.
Mrs. Lula Patterson and little son
Frazier visited relatives near the Cross
Roads last Friday.
Mr. John Jones and family also , iss
Inna Humphry were visiting relatives m
the district last week.
A young man carried a girl to church
and forgot where he hitched his horse.
u' a { c jj as we j] as pray next time brother.
Little Monch Wheeler was quite sick
all< ] had fever last Monday night. Hope
Vuess win lie better.
- l.o the young man was that for
^ e „,, a!rement and was ashamed
He certain ] y ought to keep a
, '"!‘
nce 0 „ le(ree s j, ent awhile at
j j An Francis, Ideal I’ana* Abhrman. ea. Chicago,
James L.
says: regard Dr.Ecw
j folds’.•.iid'Lupg’Complatnts. the las’ five having ttsed to. ’
| it in exclusion mv family of tor physician’s prescriptions y.-ar
|j }e
or other preparation-..
I,. John Bnrguv. Keokuk. . . Iona,
. ,
writes: I have b<" n a Minister of the
Metlnslist Episcopal Church for 50 years
! or more, amt having never found any
thing so beneficial, or that gave me such
speedy relief as Iir. King’s New Discov
erv-” Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now.
Trial Bottje Free. atDr R. J- Reid’s.
iJa Advance
NO. 23.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strong) 1.
and healthfullness. Assures the tood
against, alum and all forms of adultera¬
tion common to t be cheap brands. 1!<I\
Henry Moon’s tins week. lie must
mean business with some girl on this side
of the river
Some of the young people attended the
tlieetiiig at Bnou, also the Sabbath school
celebration at.. Mt. Steven’s. forget They were
heard to say they can of never some
of the good people Greene county.
Wanted.—-Everybody to Antisep¬ y<’t a
bottle of Dr. Tielu’iior.s
tic, the most wonderful I train tty
compound of the nineteenth ceil
fury. Money returned if it fails
to give satisfaction. It heals
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, etc., UUe
magic. A clear Liquid, pleasant
odor and stainless.
ThoToUpwingkind patrons have inentionj j'.ud \
their subscription since one bat
J Elloid, SI to April 10. ’Odd
W C Rhodes, 81, to dune IK. ’OH.
Miss LeilaB Moore, 4oe lap 1, "JH.
L L Oslln, $1 to Feb. W, ’OH.
o Stewart. 75c, to dime 5 MS.
a Ashley25c. Oct 33, ’07.
I >uU teainSM tit TW IS . *
HOT ft AutlsepftG the Very thm#
they need ill this VittsineSS .•
ter the race is ended and H o
game IS flllislted. T of Sprains.
Bruises and Sore Mu-cles it tsali
0. K. and “don’t you forget it."
So clean and odor so pleasant
that once used it is used always.
The homelike and shady ve¬
randas and balconies of the Do
Soto, Savannah, Ga., the luxu¬
riant interior finish and furnish
ings, the cool and inviting rooms,
the unequalod cuisine of this
great million-dollar hotel. ■ I
within the reach of the traveling
public at the especially low rate,
for the Summer, ol'82.50upward.
Always spend your money at home anil
thereby keep your home merchant, more
able to help you.
0 f Cod-liver Oil , with Hypophos
P n e “ i t-fern as easily in
summer as in winter. Unlike the
* <• oj j j t ; s pa l a table, and the
hypophosphites that it aid . HI
are m
digestion and at the same time tone
U P lnc h system, s ”
For sickly, delicate children, and
for those whose longs are affected,
it is a mistake to leave it off in the
sum mer months. The dose may be
re duced if necessary. ***** Y '
We recommend the small size
especially ^r rt rdallv for tor summer summer use. use, and «tno for
cnl JUWAvrrs. “ ' where a smaller dose is tt
> shoxild , ... be kept . . .
ouired. It tn a COOi
place \ after opened, ,
it IS once
For tale t >f ail drug^ift* at yx. a»d ««.-»