The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 30, 1897, Image 3

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    I Fireman’s Life ft U
saving mmmvs and life
John McLean, the Popular Fireman, Tells How
He Was Affected—Complication of Diseases
—Suffered Excruciating: Pains—Finally
Completely Cured.
From the Evening News , Detroit , Mich.
“ITad I known as much about Dr. Wil¬
liams’I’ink Pills for Pale People three years
ago as I do now,” said Mr. John McLean, of
No. 15 Abbott St., Detroit, Mich., “I would
be wearing the uniform of the Detroit Fire
Department. I had made application sev¬
eral months before and had been called be¬
fore t'no board for examination. I seemed
to be in perfect health ; stood six feet and
weighed 182 pounds. I passed my physical
examination at the top of the list, and soon
after the first of the year was put on as a
substitute. could perfect
“I attended every fire I to
mvself, and there was scarcely and a day cold. but I
wlist 1 came home cold soaking and tried wet to it out
caught did a severe take medicine. wear Oil Deeora
nr. l not any and
1 ion Day in 1894 I had to give up go
home. That day was the first lime I noticed
pair., in in legs, I grew worse said rapidly had and the
had to go to bsd. My doctor I
grippe, rheumatism and a complication of
disorders which had been brought on liy ex
posures. Wliat I suffered cannot be described
as I had never had a sick day before.
“For four weeks I was between life and
death, and when I became better I found 1
was a cripple from the rheumatism. I have
rea l many descriptions of incurable the sufferings disease ot
others with this almost
but it seems as if no one could sutler move
than I did with it. For three long months
I was confined to my bed and was a great
care to my friends and required For nine their months assist¬
ance to be turned over.
after f could leave the bed I used my
crutches ami tried inches every known high of remedy. receipts J
iiad a pile twelve
<lint wero sure cures, but pone of these
brought mo any relief. like dead
if* At this time Tny face was pounds. a For
man’s and I only i'n weighed Canada 128 had been suf
years my uncle a
i'erer from rheumatism and had been
So T wrote him to send me his remedy,
How glad I was when his letter came. I
tore it open and there was only a clipping
from a newspaper describing Dr. Williams’
Fink Pills for Pale People and a line .saying,
‘ throw your other stuff away and buy these
pills.’ T was provoked at first as the same
ttdvarti: ament was in every Detroit paper,
anil I had seen it a thousand times.
“ r did as he said ami bought a box of Dr.
VliiJ- dnA If.r rhii- Feopie, av. i
stopped taking any other remedies, aud be
fore 1 hall taken three boxes 1 threw away
my crutches and coulit walk ntrtdii. I can
not speak too highly of Dr. Williams’ Pink
‘Pills for Pale People as they cured me com
nletely with less tlian six boxes. Just to
think of the hundreds of dollars I had paid
out for doctors’bills, when six boxes made
me a well man.
“Since then I have been exposed troubled to nl!
sorts >.f weather and have not been
with die old rheumatism. Last year I acted
ns foreman for the Empire Fire Proof Co.,
and for six months was out in all kinds of
weather and never noticed a touch of the
disease. I never gave a testimonial before
and before I was side never took any stock
in these pills. I only wish now I hail taken
them from the first’. They certainly do all
and more than is claimed for them. I
am now as well ns before my trouble, and
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People
piaffe me a well man again.”
(Signed) “John A. McLean-.”
Detroit, Mil'll., March 9, 1897.
Mr. John A. MeLeSSi being dulv sworn
dep<>s«*> an 1 snj -s that the facts us above
$U.*.e'! trar in lU'i.i., every respect. Notary Public.
LljliEllT E. Jr..
Wayne County, Michigan. !
No owner of a Waverley Bicycle
ever regretted his purchase. No
rider of a Waverley ever felt that
he possessed less than the best
that could be produced.
Indianapolis, Itid.
10 TS. ten week' and then stopped
The old, reliable Yankee witli Blade, 16
1? ijres weekly, filled stories of
fun, fove. ana ' thrilling tales of adventure.
t^ndtO ct-s. in stamp* for 10 wi^k* trial
Yankee Blade*, Brook M^.
“I wish I could find words to properly
express my feelings and to tell the pcoplo
what Dr.'Williams’Pink Pills for Pale l’eo
pie have done for me,” said Mr. George II.
Pink, of 709 Hastings Street, Detroit, Midi.,
to a reporter. “ I came here from London,
Ont., eight years ago, and have for years
been engaged in construction work, For
the past three years I was foreman of the
track gang for the Detroit P.ailway and had
charge of a hundred men. My first wife
died eight years ago, and after her death I
did not take as good care of my health as
the law of nature required.
‘‘ I always commanded a good salary and
was a hard worker. Carelessness in protect¬
ing my health gradually undermined my
constitution, ami before I knew it I was a
physical wreck. My kidneys and bladder
were in such a condition as to prevent rest at
night. I had a weak, aching back and no
vitality whatever. I could not, do any man¬
ual labor und for nearly n year I tried every
known remedy, and had given lip all hopes
of recovery. testimonial in the
“One day I read a news¬
paper about a wonderful cure made by using
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People bought in
a ease about the same as mine. I a
box of these pills hut did not take them for
nearly a week after. One morning after
suffering all night I thought of the pills and
started to take them. 1 suffered less pain
that night and decided to . them thor
give a
ough trial. In four days they had helped
me so much that I got the first night’s sleep
for months. I doubled the dose and after I
had taken throe boxes of Dr. \\ illiatns* l’ink
Fills the pain in my back had had disappeared, eight
I continued their use until I taken
boxes, and then reduced the number I had
been taking to only one after each meal,
“ I gradually gained in color, weight and
strength. In six months I felt like a young
man again. J am pleased to have the oppor
t unity of praising Dr. Williams’ Pink suffering Fills,
and hope that every one who is
Irom any trouble similar to mine will now
he convinced that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
will do for them what thev for nut
They Can call ami see me or write to me if
they are in doubt.”
“GeoBGE H. PlNK.’’
Subscribed nm] sworn before me this 9th
day of March, it. E. 1897. IIiv.T., .In., Notary _ Public. _
Warn* Countv, Michigan. Williams’Pink Pill*
The proprietors of Dr. j
for Pale People state that they are not a patent j
medicine hut a prescription used for many
years by ail eminent practitioner who produced
the most wonderful ri suits with them, curing
ail forms of weakness arising shattered from a watery
condition of tile blood or nerves, two
fruitful causes of almost every ill to which
flesh is heir. The pills are also a specific for
the troubles peculiar to weakness, females, sneli chronic as sup
pressions, all forms of eon
stipation, bearing down pains, etc., and in tha
ease of mep will give all speedy arising relief and from effect a
permanent cure in eases nu n
tal worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever
nature. They ere entirely harmless and can
he given to weak and sickly children with
the greatest good and without the slightest
danger. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers,
or will lie sent post six paid boxes oil receipt for $2.50—they of price,
(50 cents a sold box, in or hulk by the 100) by ad.
are never or
Dr. Williams’ Medicine Coaipauy,
Schenectady, N. Y.
our new Lithogravur ■ note an
letter heads. They are stylish.
Legal Blanks —AT TH18—
SHA.l?i)N ITEMS from 1st page.
Muster Tlcss Griffith went to the mnd
stone at Harlem au<t had it applied. It
stuck nine times and we suppose he is al¬
right as he has returned "home.
Marshal Arnett of our town had a big I
force on ouv streets and side walks clean¬
ing up. Si vend of the citizens want to
know what lias become of our bank that
the town sfiould grow up in weeds so.
The bird barters and sportsmen started
too early this year. Don’t mind some
will make until ijj grand the 15th jury of ease. August. The time, Peo¬ is
n it out
ple should not violate the law.
Bob Fallen, colored who hit and broke
W. L Kendrick’s arm some two or three
weeks ago, was tried before Judge M. J.
Tavior on Thursday of last week and
hound over to the Superior court in a
bond of seventy-five dollars.
Messrs Bud and Bush Harper am!
others wen down in Emanuel county re¬
cently prospecting for a home. Boys you
will find no where now a land of milk
and honey. Von have got to work where
everycu go anil you can get ns good
homes in old Toliver as you will get else¬
Miss d'lily .lacks,in, of KcynoUlsvlll u.
died last week, of Typhoid fever and was
buried on Thursday in the cemetery i f
that place, I1:'V. F. P. Brown, of Pluron,
conducting the funeral services. Miss
Jackson was iffy years old ami was teach¬
ing school at licynoldsville. .She has
several relatives in this county and was a
lt'-ice of tic "ate Aaron Jackson.
IVe were hiking with Judge llammaVk
of CrawfordvBJe last week. He Is seVeu
ty-tivo years, old and tlio oldest of it family
of nine chi'dffiu and the only one living
of the nine. ‘We think God almighty has
kept hint luri for some purpose. The
Judge says t.'i’y may call him an old fogy
hut lie is nl way's loaded and full of gas
and likes to tilk it of the past events with
his people.
We h‘nr some of our preachers advocat¬
ing (liscipling church members for drink¬
ing whiskey ai a beverage. We expect it
is a good idea but it will take, in a great
part of the membership of all denomina¬
tions. I had as soon risk the chances of
getting a goed temperance man outside
of the church its to go in 1 lie church.
Everybody knows it is wrong to drink
whiskey as a beverage, not only wrong
hut a curse, hut still a large portion of the
human race do it church or no church.
No more iiQthGR of a business nature
... , ‘ I" 11 M ''kT t£i columns; 0il,mils of tho Klismn 0U
department * ‘ i'PTprr without a Charge
• of . , p,... i K,r or msl « r<i , in.oition l,uo -•
Regular weekly notice* made cheaper,
The editor says he can't work and furnish
material tor nothing ami you all know
‘hat is true. Now if you want to get ’
and , , business . the ability
your name ill
paper come to see IIS and WO will let the
people know where , you ..... are at, anil , whit ... ,
you are doing at (I what you will do for
j i" 11 ' 1111 •
The boys snv that Lewis Moore lias
gone in mourning btifc wo think il mm t he
a mistake. There i* as good mdi i i the
sea, Lewis, as was ever caught out .
‘T?- s --Vc yJLSrf-*—#- , - In ca
2 18 every
0. Qompahy Corsets S
r American Beauties
^#3 EC.C0
ym All
9 Lengths.
OiTLocii box.
m Mjf:# \
I !
HOLDENS CO Crawfordyilie, Ga
1 o mimS 1
AS’cgc tabic Preparation Tor As¬
similating thcFood audReguta- of
ting the SlouidChs and Bowels
Promolcs Digestion,Cheerful - ]
ness andRcsI.Con tains neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Nahcotic.
jicctpc of Old IJr&iMUEL PITCHER
Piunpliin SceX“
J lx. Sainti +
Jtocfalle Saifs ~~
ylnisc Seed *■ 1
lYppcmnnt CartnmfittSoda> -
iti *
f firm Seed -
flarifud Sugar flavor. .
A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, forConstipa
tion, Sour .Feverish¬ V
Worms .Convulsions i
ness and LOSS OF StEEF.
Tac Simile Signature of A
» I
j, a.,:’: i£23aB3SBBM?S!
f £
IP* ♦ ■m ALL
¥ i>le itti'1 book tat free. Ail. KTKUMNU UKflEUV CO.. Ciiiniiro. Montreal, I mi.* crNi>w lurk.
BOILERS, fl T.'-r:
GRIST MILLS, k 2iXyJt- m,;i| j ,
Complete Ginning Outfits. ■
TLinMAC' IliUiUrtG Steam Presses, ^ I
an d Elevators
Saws, Belting, Valves,- Pulleys, Shafting & Mill
Supplies Generally. i
Mention this paper. MACON, GEORGIA. I
AFRICANS The Blood Wonderfu! Purifier.,..
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old
Sores, Constipation, Oout, and All Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED.........
Africana Has Never Failed
In asifigle instance out of tlie hundreds treated. Tiicrefore, we offer it
to the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake
the most desperate case on which other so-calle i infallible cure*
have failed. Africana is marie altogether from li *rhs, is j>»*rfi*rtly dis¬
harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy particulars, ever
covered for the above named disca .es. Write for further
testimonials, etc.
Africana Co »4 63!4 Atlanta. 8. EHOAD Oa. ST
i To all whom it
miiy concern:
Mr.-:. Rachel Kent having in propc.*r
form applied to jin* for purmaneiP loiters
admini.'Iralion on the estate of .John .J.
Kent, late of said county, this is to cite all I
and singular the creditors and next of kin
of John J. Kent to he and apt war at mv
office within the time allowed by law. and
'-how eoc-e. if any they can, why in; pnna
will ailiiiini-tration ahouliJ not gnmlnd
to Mr-. Uacije. Kent OJ) John j. KcnF
Witin js my .-iml otilcin]
signature. This0tl» dav r>f July'1H97.
GEO. II. MITCHELL, Onlinury.
&9 £1 0C± g*i
Castorlft la put up in ouo-bIzo bottles only. It
is not sold ia hulk. Don’t allow anyono to sell
you anything elao on the ploa or promiso that it
is “just as good” and ‘‘will answer every pnr
pose.” JM" $oo that you got C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Tho fac- ^ w ».^r. n * C k»
m, mm pssQM
| ,
S '2 A SPECIALTY vulary I'n/ji.-.ry, or’Ter* Ce 0 »
tlary . ,'ON puMmifn-r.e* Tat
fc rxirotj in in to'ulj ray,' T '-ucrinbotreatc.''
WkZ 1 homo for aarra* on o hi jyaa i an
ty. if y< n pj; f < r j " MidIh r* v/* v. 1 ii 1 fjon
tract to pay r ■»:.*. Uu-. j n-<lol bli:«,and
nochar ffO, If we ff M t’. < l fp. Tf | Lukprx it-.ur*
cory, pftin«,Mu««ua |*ot:i J'*..rciw>si J., ftf.’l ini J ; ■■ ) Df-lit-fi r»n'1
Ly rr ah, Sore Throat,
purtolft».e^:Sy t VroTar *:i.;;»>> rows f^jRnS ofl
oat, ft !• this i po.
K. t.b« .T! •>** r/d ohstl
Ivor to r if.
cawi wooamiete.,, . S T'Wi ri
c“a'I!^ lt i‘.?OO, J.iiyw ,i
0 i.i. t . »it r tr
Uonaiffnurznif. Ai»> .*/1 ”.ij l >r ■tv