The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 30, 1897, Image 5

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    L i
On Medicine. :
We scliwverything usually sold in first-class drug store
at lowest cut prices—usually dollar articles at 68 cents . SO
cent articles at 34 cents, Etc.
Brow.n’s Iron Bitters 68c. Our Native Herbs. 68c.
Bradffield’s Female Regulator. 68c. Parker’s llair Balsauf, 7r,o.
Casioria, 25c. Pitt’s Carminative. 18c.
Ilopd’s Sarsaparilla. fiSc. Packer’s Tar Soap, Sic.
Mdtliscr's EiU^rd 68c. ] J aine’s Celery Comp’d, 75c.
S.-igeV Catarrh Cure, 34c. Quinine, P. & AY., oz . 45c.
Syrup of Figs, 34c. Terraline, 75c.
Old Oscar Pepper Whiskey *
bottle 68 cents.
l* Sherry and Port Wine,
bottled 40 cent.
I Send for price list, and save money. !
jf ^igt'pinrwCTr.wsjsxMaExsrsf* f -tsjbsb SS3HE*raE®50SEES^fSS3EMEi^SEJi
fubuseed everv FRinxY morning ■*
Official i) Taliaferro C».
Mr. John F- Holden,- of this
placy,; ,has made arrangements to
have built a large store-room and
an oitiee on the lot next to the
depot lot near the Advocate
Detnocl-iit oftice,. where tho old
s „,mo lionso iiow stood.,. The
iiouso ivill be about 90x50
md Mr. Holden will have,
Office in a part of ll.o building.,
Mr. C. H.,Golaciie has arranged
to put in a large stork of furni,
hire of all Jcinds io the bSBdta*,
,aside, hare therein an office
for his own use. This end Q f
Commerce.street is coming up
and when we get a nice cotton
warehouse put up here it will be
more like business than ever.
To invigorate and beautify
the hair, use Hall’s Vegetable j
Sicillian Hair Renewer. |
There are many Taliaferro 1 j
farmers who could send ;tn ex-,
hibit to-Nashville fair and cap¬
ture a prize at no cost.
Col. Hal Lewis* of tlreenesbo
ro, would make a good declines governor
put we learn that he to
le t his name be used-in that con
ne ction. ^ ... .
T. Slocum, 31. C., the Great Chemist
Scientist.Will ■Semi Free, to the Afflict¬
ed, Three Uottle* of His Newly I>i*
covered llexfiedles to Cure Con¬
sumption and All Lung
Confident that he has discovered a relia
pie-cure for consumption mid ail - bron¬
chial, throat and lung diseases, general
decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all ,
conditions <-f wssting, and-'to irxik-' li-'’
great merits known, he will send, freer j
three bottles to any reader of 1 he Advo
eate-Demoerat winy ‘‘new may, scientific be suffering. of j
Already this course j
medicine” has permanently cured thou-1
sands of apparently lt»'>el<“s eases !
The doctor considers it his religions .
duty—a duty which lie owes to humanity ;
—to donate his infallible cure.- . • i
He has proved the dreaded eonsump
tion to be a curable disease beyond au y
doubt, and inis on file in. Ins American and
European-Jaftorator:us testimonials of ex
perience from these benefited at d cured,
in all parts of the world.
Don’t delay until it is too late. Con¬
sumption, uninterrupted, mean* >pe®dy
and certain death. Address T? A. '.jSlo
f nm, M. 98 Pine street, XAr -Yftrtc,
and when writing the Doctor,aplsasb give
express and postoffle- aildre-'bt ..n.:' d.o
mention lWK«Baf<his Wcht v T!>c Ad- j
, ociate-D in’ oern t
Early to bed and early to rise
makes girls healthy and pretty
lin( j w j se . The same is true of
women, especially nervous wom¬
en. Each hour's sleep before
i midnight i s
worth two
IS' ■S) hours’ sleep
(i after m i d
Wi night. Sleep
pwjn? 0 med is a i c great i n e.
-T Sleep can
not be bought
- 1 >™». Dr» B leep s
" orso than no sleep, htopless
'"oaos iiTOgu ar cneulat.on
f Wnh too much or
WUe Wood m the brain no
one can slee ? Pe-ru-na regu
; the ei.-julaUp,' Vblood.
dnd Jf> ^ ,tn®-produces.healtl^ .»• ^ not « h
Ced ar Fails, Li., m writing of
the benefits of Pe-ru-na which
she had received, said: ‘‘And
such’sweet, refreshing sleep! I
often tell my husband that if the
house was carried away with me
in it I would not know anything
about it. ”
Ladies, write fo Dr. Hartman
of Columbus, Ohio, for the latest
|j 00 j Ct written for women only,
C, H. Gokicke & Co., are turn¬
ing things around generally at
their ginnery and mill at this
place. They tire having an im¬
proved attachment put to their
press whereby packing cotton
will be made easier, and they are
having a low metal wheel dray
made to haul the bales from the
press to the depot. The dray is
being put up at the shops of Mr.
J. N. Ceapman at this place.
When completed the ginnery
will be well arranged to handle’a
big crop of cotton.
The South -has just had an
epidemic of lynchingS. We do
not approve of lynchings, and as
.Judge Hart says, such conduct
Qfqjjg people is cowardly, but it
}j as „ 0 (- point where the
j uw j s twisted about until Cases
are worn out before the guilty
are brought to justice. This the
pggpp* Mlivigi of and it is no
wonder they are taking the law
into their own hands. On the
ot h e r hand it is wisely stated by
Atlanta ministers-that our
i^ws are patterned from the
scriptures and should be obeyed,
For Infants and Children.
iS 99
T lu'ldentennial Exposition Co..
alNashvllle has invited a com
pej'tive atjes exhibit of the following,
on mentioned in August:
litaa and snap beans and
squslies: okr•; j; 6th 10th, pole beans and
grapes, prunes
and tomatoes; ldtll, fiuiu and
watiVUtteions: i. L. 17th vegetables, 1 !
Mr. , , 1. ill. t Averill .... IS anxious that! . , j
sow :ct the people along the line
of til. orgia lxailroad captuie
some he prizes. Vo,, con do
it ant no cost. Every citizen
. till: nmty WllO . . Jias extra .
111 an
samp )f the above products
shoul* , % end x in . an exhibit. 1 ■, ■, me. loo
Eotid aid them for you.
This i od opportunity to
show nir land will grow
and at ne time get a prize,
Get u) L articles and send
them W. O. Holden,
> Avr A A iitiAii. . ,
Tin r-ni mat ti-iol Ivis nas Upon tx i n
going )tly at Decatur all
this v ,■ ’!.e imp^ion that
the d io murderer is really in
sane,.- us to grow and at this
time' i Uks like lio may not be
tor e, to , hang , by the ,, COlllt .
and ill t but mutteriugs Of the
gllOot o-Ikw, WUdgb ilndir,. Lviich MUCH seem seem to to
be lun rag some people about
the Dc ; r lb court house and it is
expect that j if a verdict _. other ,,
than *, is is brought in, nnoU.
er scene similar to the one enact
ed near Talbotton will be wit
nesst d somewhere tL near Decatur
0UOK ,Ms many nv Hours. m ,„
Gen. E vans nitty be hi the race
for State' librarian.
John Vaughn killed Jim Davi¬
son near Athens a few days ago
because both were liking the
same girl.
H. S, P'ri-ry, who killed La
nier in I>i pilb county a sh
time iw' Vr>n refused -
uU ifttU. c&U mntenoed to hang on
Aug, I.'. * r
Pink Morton a colored wood
and coal dealer in Athens has
been appointed postmaster at
that place. Madison Davis
would have suited the Athenians
Ex-Mayor Cooper, of Atlanta,
is to serve out a term in jail for
embezzlement. There seems to
be a change, in affairs in the state
and tis it should be—the quilty
seem to rea|> the reward of their
li on
It is sairi Iliat there are 800
ctises of small pox in Birming
Fill n bottle or (iommon water gloss with
—-“ Bettling u h- •—h Indicates T' dweaaetl : ”
sefiimant or a
condition of (he (kidneys. When urine
stains linen it is positive evidence ot kid
ney trouble.. Too trequeubdesire to tiri '
nnte 01 pain in tiic hack, is also con vine
ing proof tliat the Sidneys ' and bladder are
mit rtf ttrilev
There Is comfort :n tie knowledge so
, Dr. Kilmci’sbwiimp
often expressed, thutt
Root the m.-nt ? kidney remedy fulfills
i-yerv wish . , ill relieving: , pan. in . the _ Im , , k, i
khlnevs, liver, lwaddpr and every part of
the uniary passay . It <-orm-ls Inal.,lily
to hold urfne ami swiMing iiains in jmsMiig |
it, or lawf effect* • Hlow!tie use of liquor,
wine or )n*rr tV ” “in t tl
fi a, ne css '■ HM .7,
u)> munv timcsdunn^ i . si I d* uight iv in, n
nate. I he mild aim the- tcxtnioidinari
eircct of Swanip-Roob ikso.«i wonderful realized.
stands the inchest for Its cures
of the most distressing eases, ff yon need
a medieine von should hav» the best.
„v„ T s,,,
at. For a sample tmtlle and p«i.UlH,
i-othsent free by men. mention the
cat.-Democrat and semi your full post
office address to Dr. K ilmer «fc Co.,
hamlon, Jf. Y. The proprietors or tips
paper 1 ” cfarantoet lie Ben .fineness of this
J.117%111XIV 11 I %J 11 I 11F*. ill 111 fiS VflL I J W
Xhe disastrous effects of potash and
mercury, which the doctors always pre
scribe for Contagious Blood Poison,
should convince anyone that these are
not the prope^remedies^for th^horriWe
from the system, and getting rid of it
appearance of the disease, induce the
patient to think he is being cured. But
sees his „,i s take before long, when
his joints become stiff- andhis bones
ache—often lus hair will fall out doctor’s by the
handful and if he follows the
advice and continues to take his niedi
cine, his finger nails will dropoff. destructive
There is a cure for this
disease, though no doctor lids ever yet
cured it. Of course they may disease pronounce
a patient cured, but the has
never failed to return, with increased
severity. S.S.S. (Swift’s Specific) i 9 a
permanent cure, and is the only remedy
free from harmful ingredients. It is
the only blood remedy which is guaran
----- teed purely vegetable,
\ and for twenty years
its proprietors d thousand have
o£fere one
WT \ . A 1 dollars reward for
mercury or other min
> \ I // a well-known young
!’ ' residing at
NEWMAN, mall
w. R. Staunton, Va., tried
’ various other treat-ments, but found
relief re !!^ ,U until “ he took S.S.S. He writes:
w afflicted with blood poison
and tlle best doctors did me
Rood, though I took their
faithfully. Ill fact I seemed to
worse all the while. I took almost every
-fJJJ “SSi S3
no effect whatever. I was
took S.S.S. and began to improve, cured i
continued the medicine and it ule
completely, building up my health and
increasing my appetite. Although this
was ten years ago, I have never yet had
a sign of the disease to return.”
Mr. E. h- Hite,
also of Staunton, had
the same disease,and
his experience above. was
similar to the
Hesays: is /
“S. S. S. cer- ^ "'Wjp&n Vr Al
tainly far ahead of rf
all other blood rem
for it cures* A'
! they cannot -^
" .A wast ” ! 2 t
l.> .-#Vt i ..7 gootf ilo<»
tors and took various blood remedies, .
but they did me no good. I then took
S. S. S. and was cured completely and
permanently, for I have never been
troubled with the disease since. I
recommended S. S. S. to others simi¬
larly afflicted, and have never known it
to fail.”
S. S. S. is the right remedy for Conta¬
gious Blood Poison, because it goes
rect to the seat of the disease and forces
it from the system. It will cure
case of Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Eczema, Catarrh or other blood disease
of the most obstinate nature. Remem¬
ber it is guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and is the only blood remedy containing
no merenry, potash or other mineral.
Valuable books on the disease and its
treatment will be mailed free to all who
address the Swift Specific Company,
Atlanta, Georgia,
Public Road Notice.
Whoreurt certain pclilionois have
made tlioir application to* 1 lie Board of
Roads and Revenue, praying an order
granting’ tfie establishment of a new road
commencing at On. IU R. station nt Hill¬
man in said county and niimrmr in a wc. t
ernlv direction through'flic lands of A. R.
Hillman and intersectimr the road running
from Sandy Cross- to Sharon at or near H-e
gin house of A. l». Hillman; and further
that the old road now running from A. I
arsas? ml, whereas, Cmmnissionert ro:
appointed for that purpose have review, ed
and marked ont said contemplated road, will
and report to this Court that said road
la: one of mueli ptiblie utility and torn - n
now ,[ lis ;- K Ul ,. !n . n ntl ndmoiilsh all
persons that on nntl after the road lir t Ttie.-.diiy
iu August next, said new will lie
-ranted if no good emi-e is hand I,own Io tin- al
,-ontiarv. Given under mv and .
t|,i. ims tin 1 1„- OT uin i, day rmy of m July i u\ 1W.7 '
<*E<). II. Mil* HELE,
(.'let tr Board of Roads and Revenue.
< OpiGlrtl srwipi , rl Mr.tlPP llOUtC.
!lfl( . r this date the und.-r-ivned
»'• 1 ^ lid
b^ l> 11 bbshf'<1 iH'Oiut p a th r j in 1 |» u ih ,
»<'«.*«*•*• «r uni.-’ --'Macory
arnin^cincnlH arc i male for tiavinir iii*c
]>( . U)Tr t lj( , four week nolirc h:/
pntdisher require- >is to he r.«rsm»ible aial in j.mtice ' Io ail we
, '.JJ? . I I”
\ . ?,!/ .
Ui , .ES w S i r r T. r.
-----------. -
.ecvru “ ' W ' vNTFfJ ' or fem.-dc
1 1 ’
Gompen-ution , 2 1 '* 1 ' trouD <■ to make
><*nc money. Address Chronicle, A ugus
ta, Ga., for particulars.
Centennial Exposition,
From May 1st, to Sov, 1st. 1897.
The second largest Exposition over held
ill this country, thousands of Home.Seek-’
0 IS and Investors from the AN stand North
...... .......'
To show up the wonderful resources
along its line, the Georgia Kailrnnd has
1 Oeiitletl make Exhibit of those rc
to an
S()UTO , , llskstlu , of tlie
lies and (owns along , its linos ,. to co-opeiuti
, with them in making (lie exhibit nsuccess*
by furnishing creditable specimens of all
Mine evils, Paint, and Five, (.lavs,description all
.,i' Water Powers anti photugrapl.s of
Mill Sites, exhibits of all Manufacturing In
duslries especially desired,
Further arrangements will ho made and
1 nolieo given regarding Exhibits of
,\ products , mid Fruit in sen
For further infortuation apply to,
JNO. 11. A\ EltlLE, Commisioncr.
410 Dyer lluileing, Augusta, Qa.
lit li
|| MONEY s
a ;
HJ Ten* to know If Adv.i-Demoeiirntlsrt t
good tuieerl.ising motliuto. Tit ’lost,
W ibis mid I" introduce our goods lit fit
N i) lids vicinity, PUKE. tve Slerliog will give Silver nwiiy Pickle nhso- ,}] if
\\ lulely handle, kt
Fork beautiful 1 wisle 1 i> l
3 incho.s laflg, worth§pl.2'). CuUmtiul.
; :ui(l solid >\ i11 1 !5<; for packing and
! postage and \u* wii} hcikI fork pre
j paid. toi^cMicr with our bargain list
I HltKK. Wu have bai^aius in evi*ry
j thint? ami sell ut ’whoiesaU* direct to
jeonsumer. AUKNTS WANT HD.
Woiicvvoc, \Vis«
Engines & Boilers 1
Gins and Presses.
(.JomplnteCotton, Saw, Diisl, Oil and
Fertilizin’ Mill mitfiU; also Gin 1 ‘vchm, Cnim
A1 ill and IS liingln outfits.
liuildiu-j.’, Bridge, l^actory Dunincc and
, Railroad Ciifelin&s; Hnilioiid Mill, Mneliin*
IpIb’miOJfHHlilX^UiliJilkA........—p Belting. 1 ’tu king, .Injectors. Pipe T I’ It -
| Etc. CAST -
, ti S ,, ws p-ji,Oilers,
| I:v - |.;|jv DAY. WOKE 150 HANDS.
j Lombard Iron Fks& Supply Co.
Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin Works.
Repairs Promptly Done.
m t: ITS
and Tonic Pellets Cure
All forms of disease caused by a
Sluggish Liver and Biliousness?
The Pink Pill dCMlSCS
The Tonic Pellet Invigorates
Tbo little “Doctor’H Book" tells all about
It and a weeU’n Treatment froo proves every
word true. Complete Treatment 'Mi cents.
Brown Mf’it. Co., N. Y. * Greouevillo, Tenn
SiOQ To Any Man.
°* Weakness!.. Men The, Treat and .
j r*U t® Care,
j An Omaha Company plooeo for tho first
j ' time before the the public of boat, a Vitality, Magical Nervous Thbat
nr.vr lor cure
t »>•'< *»>xwl Weakness, and KoKtorat.on ot
f,if« I-orcein old and young men. No
| worn-out Freud, other remedy: harmful contains drugs. It no is
Phosphorous vVosi.KKrri, or TMeATMSN* magical In iti,
j effects- positive in its cure. All readers,
■ w h° suffering from a weakneas that
blights itoir lif- , causing that mental and
hoofl,Niidul<l Physical suffering wiitetothoSrAI l^’uliur to F MFJJICAR Gust Man
l.'OMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will
' , iem j abHolutciy FREK, a valuable
tbwe d,, and positive proof.
<,( their truly Mmhcai, Tkkatment. Thou»
anda of men, who have ifint all hop© of a
cure, ore being restored by them to a per
feet condition.
llus Maoicai. Thzstmekt may Ite taken
1 at home under their dirwAions. or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
Kft,SJT 7»SSSBBTaa® Prescription*,
have no Free 5. Free Cure,
$250,(XXi Free Sample, capital, or C. and O. feke. They have
gl.arantoe to dollar; cure
everycase .J they treatorr.duivlevery
or i,„nk je j r , may them bo when <l«|Awited in is o
u> U paid to a cure
eUocled. Write them txslay. '