The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 30, 1897, Image 6
ISlisis "■••’-f-srJ!?? woman. He called on the young woman the other night and presented his ultima turn. The young woumu scorned him. Her loyal heart was in the grave of Jackson. She could not think of loving a common foliow who hud never killed auybody. The Jilted one determiner] to make himself eligible, so he wont Into a neighboring atone quarry and blew himself to pieces with a dynamite cart ridgf*. It Is not related whether the young woman has now consented to love him. Whether she has or not, the experience of using dynamite to make a breach In a marble heart cannot bo generally recommended. Car# Corn* With I'hyilr, Might a* well try that rtn u> attemptthft enre of Tetter. K<-y.effia. Hlri|fWorin au<J other cutaneous affection» with bkwHi no-'Heine Tetterlne in the only Abaoiutoly ®afu ami <■ ortain remedy. With ft cure is sure. Jt‘n at i ointment f»o cent* at druKtfJntH T. or by mall for 60'.:. in ntampa from J. bhnpt/in#;, Havana a h, (ia. We respectfully direct attention to fh» ad¬ vertisement of th« Union * College, Etlfaula, Ala., which appears t-Ur in this column. This institution, ti the skillful management of Prof. T J K.mrnous, offers aneaqualed advantages in many depart¬ ments It will pay you to said tor a Cata¬ logue. W. H. Griffin. Jackson, Michigan, writes: “Suffered with f’atorrh for fifteen years. Haff’s Catarrh Curt: cured me Hold by It rug giste. 7!kk. I have found Pino’* Care for Consumption Hcc>tt nri unfailing medicine. K. It. Lotz, J3U6 HU. Covington. Ky,. Oct. L. 1HU4. Mr*. Winslow’s Soothing Fy mp for children teething, softennthe'iu* ifig lnflamma tiou, allityn yam. cures wlail colic, i&c.a bottla Fit. permanently cured. No fits line’s or nervoun- Great n«M after ft rut dav'ii nw* of 1 >r. K Nerve* RenLirer. $2 Ltd.. trial VMl bottle Arch and Ht.,l*hila.. treatise free I)h. 11. II. Klin it. TROUBLESOME PIMPLES Blood Perfectly Purified by Hood’s. “I havo been trotiblwl with h/uhII ro<] plrapU** bfvaklnif out on my fao«. They oatiae<l me ft K r, **t deal of pain. I have taken several bottlea of Hood's Sarsaparilla and It has «lven me relief. 1 have not been troubled with the pimples since I began taking It.” Lucy Fischer, 230 West 144th Street, Now Vork City. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparilla Uth# bwl In Joel th«- < Inc T rue Hlood Partner, Hood’s Pills care coast!pation. 25centa. A GREAT CHANGE! We wnut mi itfotit 'n every town in the U. H, *iul ( an*U. N" «*ful tij»erl*»ue*i Wo rf'ijiilrel■ *»Ury I*dl«*_ Bw* wrfF agent*. work nil pax ttme I'iiwniliMi' You <*an i.n# or |H,.,k _ . an-i .-nr, *aru lr«W K144HT TO TWKLVE (Hil.Uh’t I*K1I OAY. LOfS five FREE 0 COTTAGE To otsr Ji mflif mrctmfnl ASeatii. wurifc 1 j now, will he worth when tiui*-!* hbwov*. Tkey are of totaled »b«* Maine al I'LTIT IIA N AN, the FORYOU «iueen ni»*t. If Ji’U d***lro f to utitnin It Mid w 111 work I* olio **f ttiwiu Wrtt^ ui «»««•** for full |»Artionlar> to th® llrlfBKl. Mr. c. Yl.l.. A l.COUIMNY, - - Guarantee Position. Am*pi not®* for tuition, »>r c»n <1® l»«it tuoiivy in ittuk kill position lasocuri-d. Carfare paid* DRAUGHON’S PRACTICAL NASHVILLE. TENN,. ami TEXARKANA, TEXAS. Indorsed by llttnkora, Merchant'-, and others, fiookkeep¬ ing, PwnuiMinthip, Four Hhurtlnml, Ktmkkeepiafl Typewriting, with ouiihls Telegraphy, 12 t*lsc etc. week* in us when*. N'YROAtiuu. Enter any time. Boarvljio. Toonler our K"hi f.>r tn>niM study is nest l>esi Mtcuviou thing to entering our *th«"Wilts us at NtkshviUv. ^ tins papvii.) UNION FEMALE COLLEGE Kulnula, Alnhntnu. ('tismilug lncMtldelightful t llm«te; sroOwcrful hrnlth rctx.rd This Is i» chartcrtnl college <»f the htif lirst gritde I,ffe*rar* fncufty uiisurpassed 'ulturc, fti under the KOlltll Art. Fh »eut1i»n. Physical vSkaolm.-h f etc , the r.nest ) struct ora NKVANTA (it s trf *e<i Imutr t>N8KU\ V A TOKY OF MUSIC belt" (*• Far »* excellent, Terms very renaon ®ti v e: »«.sjj|.i n opt i Sept«‘UUH*r -drtl. Please write for j. T SIMMONS. A M , PrBl’t. Am. X, U. No. 30. 1897. izs'crsv PJSO’S CURt FOR Bon UUKtb WHkSfc All tlM lAUb. fee < < ugl> Syrup. T art«»s Good, in Onto. Kdd by druggists. si? 215252 Pill Clothes. The good pill has n good coat. Tho pill coat serves two purposes; it protects the pill, en¬ abling it to retain all its remedial value, and it disguises the for tho palate. Some pill coats are too heavy; they will not dissolve ia the stomach, and the pills they cover pass through tho system as harmless as a bread pellet. Other coats are too light, and permit the speedy deterioration of the pill. After 30 years exposure, Ayer's Sugar Coated Pills have boon found as effective as if just fresh from the labor¬ atory. It's a good pill with u good coat. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Wore pill particular® in Ay«r’a Cvlrc^ooL., ioc pages. Sent tree. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Sfrr y ’ _ The heft Ear the Best. fc as been ascertained by export* tnents that a number of persons who IJSe thc telephone habitually bear bet » er ^rith the left ear than with the ri^ht. The common j/*actice of the tel. w /hone companies is to place the re* re j ver go that It ^111 be applied to the ear. In order to educate the right ear to the same pojnt of efficiency it is pecornmended thAt the receiver be held |b the right hand half of the time, Bet the Little One, Sleep. “God giveth His beloved sleep,” and little children should have plenty of it. It ts the tendency of the times to dis regard this necessity; hence the In j crease of nervous diseases among our young men and women. Sleep means growth with young people, and unless there is much sleep there will be no healthy growth. Nature teaches a little child to He down and sleep whenever it lfi weary, j and after a bath or after Its mid-day , meal, and it U only through artificial influences that a little child leaves off the habit of taking a daily nap, and It i« generally due to the mother’s neglect that It is finally dispensed with. Yet the world often sympathizes with the mother rather than the child when to¬ ward night baby grows cross and fret¬ ful. while the mother often grows im¬ patient, forgetting the long, tlreeome day which the little one has endured. What wonder that these little ones grow up into nervous young men and women, with no constitutions to apeak of! Many grown people are pressed for time to accomplish all that they desire, and In their march for gold or dally bread, find little time to rest, yet there ts no reason why they should begrudge their children an extra hour's sleep In the morning because they have an In¬ herited Idea that It Is more healthful for them to rise early, and they fear that if they are allowed to sleep until they naturally awaken, habits of lazi¬ ness will be formed which will mar their after lives. The appalling catastrophe In rads Is In sootip respects without a parallel In tho history of human disaster. A bazar of charity Instituted by ladlea of the highest rank was destroyed by fire and at le.'uat fiOO women of the cream of Parisian society wore Incinerated hi the funeral pile. Princesses, duchesses and other titled ladles, with many oth¬ ers of high aristocratic blood, wore th. victim a of death Uy are, Tif eourt| poor sad needy or those of average so<.'lat rank fei tut acutely as those of the highest blood the tortures of death In a holocaust. The sacrifice of the lives of 200 persons of any rank 1s a manifold tragedy, carrying desolation to homes as dear to their occupants as are the palaces and man«4ana of wealth and rank. But It never before luippen ed that all the victims of such a cre¬ mation were of the highest rank. Fair Bisters of Charity died In the flames. The circumstances inspire the event with peculiar pathos. The rank, wealth and loveliness of I'nrls had instituted the bazar to procure money for the support and relief of the poor, The wares oxi>osod for sale were the choicest finery, ornaments of drees, the flimsy articles of taste and fancy which are the supreme art products of Paris¬ ian skill and expertness. From recol¬ lections of the French department at the World's Fair an Idea may t>e formed of the beauty and value of these exhibits. When fire touched the Inflammable materials the wealth of beauty ainl values was swept away as by a breath. The world will sympathize with the grief of Paris and France In their tragic bereavement. . It Is not a loss that gifts of money can replace. The event Is ono of the most awful catastrophes that the annals of mis¬ fortune will record. ST °" 1 '°—■ 000 “ L ^' tl | Boyiston Bank has drawn fort*' incidents connected with that 1 i tion s previous experiences. ri| lowing one given us by & - * v M fro man is connected with ihe t tibout wnen some if lifted from the bank s B elaborately worked plan. ^ The»< by winch they worked, hiring shop next the hank an ( .!‘ff nU ^ | WM : several nights, while drilling . r, , . -> &e division wall, ib familiar press; but a little incident wh is not generally known is this: On the night of the robs* he late Conductor “Hez” MeKinc of this city took charge of his “owl „_ in ftt Springfield. Among hie pawi ;rs he noticed particularly thrt/ lid iur well-dressed men, though not evidence any connect it 3en them and were not seate er. One of these men had no tli d saying he was going to ? en. produced a bill in a casual >ay the fare. McKinney was at the size of the bill a X bank note and said he wo: .0 hand him the change a xt : stop, Hartford. At Harti ■»t the money, and as the tt A, went through the car to tl lat his man had occupied to \c counts. He identified tb> *<«. ;er carefully, and started to band re money. The occupant of th t, however, appeared not to rec ze him, gave a blank stare of amss ffit at the mass of money, and profe Ito have no knowledge of it, bavin Uftt got on at Hartford. Though Mel iey insisted on the identity and urj. the man to take the money, be stot. re fused. When collection of ets was made this passenger p» „ced some small change and paid ! tO Meriden, where he got off th, ain. The other men left the train at iffer ent stations. At the end of the trip McKinxy re¬ ported the occurrence at headquarters and while refusing to hand oy<^ the money, suggested that it be j.iSft in a bank and advertised, which he himself did. Xo c laim was ever made tor it. After a long wait the railroald com¬ pany undertook to claim the money, but McKinny couldn’t see it in that light. He paid over the fare from Springfield to Xew Haven and re tained the the rest, being supported in his action by legal opinion, V\ hen he had allowed a eonsjdoraoie further time for any passible claim, I. ..inny used the money in nicely f rnishing Tie. No clue coni' e' er be to the source of buey, o* uo't.iscrthc the bill was probably a pa. the bank’s funds; that the passenger handed it out by mistake and. discov¬ ering it when too late, decide : to let it all go rather than leave a trail.— Xew Haven Leader. , Hygienic Value of Fruits. Dr. Dupoury, a French physician celebrated for his scientific investiga¬ tions in dietary matters, in an article printed in u Paris journal, considers di¬ the hygienic value of fruits. He vides fruits into five classes, each of which possesses a special hygienic value the acid, the sweet, the astrin¬ gent, the oily and the mealy! To the first, including cherries, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, peaches, apples, lemons and oranges l>e accords great merit. Cherries, however, he prohibits entirely to those affected with neuralgia in the stomach. Straw¬ berries and raspberries >,ie reeom mends warmly to those of bilious,ple¬ thoric and gouty temperament, and denies them to those in whom diabetes is present or suspected. Of the sweet fruits he considers that plums are of special hygienic value, and even a preventive in gout, and particularly he rheumatism. To the grape ac cords the very first place: He is an ardent advocate of what ih Europe is called the grape enre. In this cure grapes for several days form the ex exclusive aliment. The patient eotu- from men ees with the consumption of out > to two pounds daily, w ith a grad¬ ual increase to eight or ten pounds. After a few days of this diet a marked improvement in the general health is noticeable. The appetite improves, the digestion becomes easy and rapid, and increased capacity to withstand the fatigue of outdoor exercise is no ticeable. The grape cure is particu¬ larly recommended to the amemic, dyspeptic and consumptive, in disea St'S of the liver and in gout.—Califor ilia Fruit Grower. Arizona Ony*. The Eastern Company, headed by Congressman Charles X- Fow ler of Xew Jersey, taat lately purchase" th. the famous O'Xeil onyx mifles. eiguty miles north of Phoenix Arizona, has bad a large force of men at Work rush mg iu aaticipati »a of a t-ie.l demand through the operations of th. new tariff law. which place a P' l'hilu torvdutv.n Mexican onyx. Withil the w eek disc were has been made at depth ('.-fore . ( i never att une t ". a . stratum of i-nyx of beantt and of the big., --value tue owners conferring with the Sau-e Fe rail w ay for a branch road fro " Prescott. —St. Louis Globe Democrat ELIZABETH COLLEGE, ik. ? EQUAL. TO THE BEST hijrh Colleges grade for men with every feature of a College for worn* en added. A FACULTY OF 15 SPECIALISTS From schools <>f international reputa¬ tion, as Yale Johns Hopkins, Amherst. land University Co-.servatory, of Vir.zinia.Ber Paris, in,New Eng¬ &c. THREE COURSES Leading to degrees. GROUP SYSTEM With electives. MUSIC CONSERVATORY With course leading to diploma. PiDe dolis. Oraan.Pitno.Violin, Guitar, Banjo.Man v oval. ART CONSERVATORY Fall course to diploma*-all varieties, FULL COMMERCIAL Course—Teacher from Eastman. A REFINED HOME With every modern convenience. CLIMATE Similar to that of Asheville. COLLEGE BUILDING, 172 ft, frontage.143 ft. deep, 4 stories high, buiit of pressed brick, fire proof, with every modern appliance. Catalogue sent free on application. Address, REV, C. B. KING, President, Charlotte, N. C. ?jlp/&fiZ/SfSJE/ZZr&jcZrS c2/S/2//S/Zfla/«g w 5 £ 6 (t !$ iLrfTyoN&ccrtf S CoamaAcs Corjtw all-D on’t call me Mr. Cornwall. Alico, It is ho formal, yon know. Call me Cornelius. Miss auci I’d call you Com if—lf— “ If vhat. darling I ” If I thought you’d and smoko . Pick ^ Leaf.’* _ , „ •* pop. Mr. Com Always vaJl is now smoke engaged. Moral: [YO£ '& CO'S S •J / y if 5 § ISMOKING IsSVM® TOBACCO gCls»r«U! Book g«'s With each !-ra. pouch. (i 19 g ALT, FOR 10 CFSTS. fc A Ptea.,ant, Cool and Delightful 5moke. (jj 8 Lyon & Co. TOBACCO Works, Durham. N. C. § DRUNK SS®£ 3 SS «««-»< ta PW SSS §mmmt PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, BLOTCHES, * US SAD BLOOD SCALES, and CHRONIC ULCERS, SWELLINGS. SORES, ECZEMA, | s ARE BONDER WORKERS in f I the care of any (Lease caused by bad m im - 4 pure blood. They eliminate all poisons, build ? up and enrich the blood, enahling it to make ; new, healthy tissue. ! _ PURE HEALTH, BLOOD and if MEANS will PERFECT CASCARETS | you use « they will give you GOOD HEALTH and a PURE, CLEAN SKIN, free from i pimples and blotches. 1 To TRY CASCARETS is to like them. For never before has j there been produced in the history of the world so REGULATOR. perfect and so harmless To a j BLOOD PURIFIER, LIVER and STOMACH use i them regularly for a little while means eta. | ’-“r.T' Pure Blood and Perfect Health. | 1897 COLUMBIAS s 75 TO ALIKE. ALL STANDARD OF THE WORID. f HAVE MADE themselves the leading bicycles on account of their quality — not on ; account of their price........ • ) 1896 COLUMBIAS,...... $60 1897 HARTFORDS,...... 50 HARTFORDS Pattern 2,..... 45 j i HARTFORDS HARTFORDS Pattern Patterns I...... 5 and 6, 40 30 i . . • —aoieieieieK POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. , ^Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer, or by mail from us for a 2-cent stamp. If Columbia* are not properly represented in your vicinity, let ns know. id [Ul I ENCYCLOPAEDIA r might well be the Dante o; th® ; ft » iWSSaEt® fi^S && §9 Ka-page book seat r<»v,«w f«w tjj Eiis liB jOc. in stamps by the BOCA PUBLISHING HOUSE, ....s c t „., M Y Citv for it serve, the pnrposeof the great eacyelopiediM times .’he We. asked It is completely Indexed, book matin* have the world information knowl^ tJ HTUi}Rb1e with this vain- mm m*. P ®ble you a or T, angers’ . end*, and can || ^' easily .apply » of early edner pt , our don’t constantly ret ,t »i advantages. When reading, W W you come across on am.ll amtrant to paj^ teem^ac^nowl«d*» «encee yon faU to nndeman-ir tamn Mtc. a na* hand? Do yon know who Cnesns was. and wi>^ he 11^. Wko baflt the Pyramids, .t What is the longest river m the world. ThAt That gr.iind travels 1125 feet p€r stcoiid? „ p ’ 0 : nve- ted the compass in 1300. and who Marco Polo was? What the Gordian Knot ^ arco 0 - explanation* of Jost if A fi. C ««? The book contain, thousand.of ^ ■ ■ || V» such mstters as yon wonder about. iKi keve Boy tt ToCB»« et the very - low price ot b.if e-teiureed GROVES ^dOREff r y \ / i lb AT/tj? i s S F y sAP “slir icssm. 1 tV TASTELESS □ HILL IS J UST AS C09D FOR ADU LTi WARRANTED. PRICE 50c ? GALATIA, ILLS., NOV. 16, i8'o Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, last Mo. 600 bottles of Gentlemen:—We sold CHILL year, TONIC have GROVE’S TASTELESS and bought three gross already eaay tms this year. y In all our ex¬ perience of 14 years, in in the the drug dr business, have never never sold sold an an article article that that gave gav such universal satisi tacUou as your Tonic. Yo urs truly, CO. ABNEY, CABB A “Succbss” Gotten...... Seed Huller and Separator. 'Jr V Nearly double? the Value of Seed to the Farmer, All up-to-date dinners use them because the Grow ers give their patronage to such gins, Eulleris PRACTICAL, RELIABLE and GEARASTFED, oilMMCO S i |*a I® wk wiK CuRE b MTi3»« CA I AnflM [5 %#o I»l Bn S S Immediate relief from n tler's Pocket Inholor. *11.(S>; all itaiffgtsts. yy. „. s.WITH & CO., Bultalo, N. Y., Praps. Wantefl-fln idea