The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 30, 1897, Image 8
Chronic Dyspepsia Cured C m fe* i * I *W) t Vy ■ * t ‘riK’-" m, gs n ITKIw Buffering for nearly thirty years from dyspepsia. Mrs. II. K. Dugdale, v. iio of a prominent buaiiMWS man of Waraav., Trrites: “For28 years, 1 was a constant sufferer hom dy -i>epela and a wftal: stomach. The lirrliteyt food produced distr-i s, causing severe pain and the forma¬ tion o; g' . No matter how careful of my diet I suffered agonizing pain after eating. I V.X. - ireau. I by many physicians and t^-ied numerous r medics without permanent help. Two yearn ago I began taking I>r. Miles' N we and Liver I'IUa and Nervine. Within. ■ v/eek J ro: i/Loneed improving, and per iiting in the treatment I was soon able to t it vhat l Jibed, with no evil effects I keep them at hand and a single dose dispels any old symptoms." 5>r. Miles* Kemedles Or. aro cold by all drug* x •\ Milos’' ; Kb.ts under a positive i Nervine guarantee, first bottle bene fit a or money re¬ >. Restores funded. hook dis¬ v on Health J eased of the heart Address and B22| nerves free. DU. MILKJ MEDIC A L (JU„ Elkhart, lnd. DIED SUDDENLY. We are informed that the wife of P. A Mullen, the famous trader who was arrested hero some weeks back, <liod peculiarly not long ince. She visited her husband in jail ut Washington, and returned home the next day and died quite suddenly immedi¬ ately after her return. Seems as if consumption al¬ ways picks out the brightest and bcil. Pally one-sixth of all the deaths that occur in the world are caused by consumption. Many things were once consider <■ 1 impos-ibl?'. It would did be strange if medical science jtoMualce sgine progress. The TGTcguvpk- and G'iftjdronc, electric tight— the phonograph, the impossible, and all were once once it was impossible That to before cure consumption. Dr. Pierce's was Golden the time of Medical Discovery', Taken ac cording to directions, this stan¬ dard remedy will euro DM 1 cent, of , all case . oi consumption. . Cmis.uiupt urn IS caused and fos , .. ......|,i. M)( | .duly cured l>v the ••Medical! Discovery.” It builds up solid healthy llesh and vigorous I strength. i’ierco’s “Common Sense , j Dr. Medical Adviser,” a I<*08 medical work, profusely Ulus trated, will be sent free on re¬ ceip of 21 one cent stamps to i over postage only. Address, World's Dispensary Medical As social ion, Hu Halo. NX. MONEY IN PEACHES. There was one man who clear¬ ed *3,0l)() on 5 acres of peaches near Cuthbort a few years ago. His trees were about 4 voursold. ‘ There are farmers in county who are making money this vear raising Rlhertas peaches. South Georgia are just exhausted In time to make those raised in this section of the state bring a fair price. This is a pointer to people in i’aliaferro who wish to trv something other than cotton. This sec t«6n will produce as fine peaches properly as nn\ section ii the trees are attended to. \Ye are told that Mr. Bn for .1 lird and J. T. Lyle have as s as any growing. Liver 018 s JVltH'll. I.jl.,' Mllousm Hir st.imiU'h. ss. InAig, ‘ stssm '■ »ro vronH'Uy 'jV » ^urcU hy ILkkI's Hicy do their work Hood’s Si Rest cfnts. after au«l All dinner thvYrDuchly. drusviits, pills. Pills J*rf|*arod hy C. I. UikhI & Co., Miijf UK only HU to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla SIDE-WALK NOTES. Pure Home Matters? Picked Up by Local Eepcitsrs. ! What Our J’«u»i>le Are Doing anti Saying. Thlnts Our Friends Tell L'». Go to C Bergstrom for can- , dy and crae.ons. -Miss Kate Moody visited Sharon this we *k. Go to C. Bergstrom for teas, coffee and-sardines. —They say Will Hubert is call-i ed “papa” at Harlem now. -nr. lift T1 ,., Aiooic. oi _ f wRiw> Plains was nere \ yesterday. —Tom rn Wynne w , has a „ lot Of f gins „: ru in his charge for repair Go to C. Bcigstrom foi l.our, „ j meat, lard, fish &c. - The telephone company has j put up a big sign board near the depot. I - is Mrs. visiting Nora Taylor, sister of in Angus- this; j ta, ° her 1 , 1 ' i lu* boys of this . . place . . Jia\ e not taken baseball fever this » season. shaving Go and to tooth C. Bergstrom brushes. for j | There have been some tine watermelons sold here during j the week. -Operator “Odd” Mershon, ! of Camak, spent Sunday last in Crawfordville. * * Go to C Bergstrom for lamps and glass of every description. Messrs, Rhodes & Dolvin .hi„ l .,l,.l u »,lof C»tu u to A«. S “ wT. m Mrs. W. it. r Gunn is ■ much v improved from her spell of sick ness of last week. i i,,r<r<t vmn v‘I fill- (bites ‘ ' ' ' ' 1 ” " L rol. 1j. A. AlcLaugliliu.ini.-,; Vl r ... . just, returned from a visit to San- ; dors ville, on business. I .......Capt. Had ford Rhodes, of VV'ai'r.m county, spent this week with friends in this place. Go to C. Bergstrom for for ex j tracts and flavorings your j cakes. ; Mrs. Siisre Peacock and brother Will- Mann spent Sunday - afternoon in Crawford ville. j —Mr. W. R. Reid has been sporting a flue two horse surry ! during the past two weeks. returned j j - Mrs. E. E. Boline to Washington Saturday after a| visit to Crawford ville friends. : - Miss CUM ■u-aMcKonj-io a fticnoiAic return- rm,ui a i ed to her homo in ^r n, ' sll “ y “ ,teravisitto,, ....... Go to C- Bergstrom with your bee's wax, dried apples and j peaches. The young people had a i - pleasant sociable at the homo of H. M. Holden Tuesday xiig'h.t. Clarence Rhode ; returned , Wednesday after a few days out- i j ng , visiting Poweltoa and other pj ilcos> i ; _i t is Mrs. C. Mildred Rhodes 1 who advertises a lot for sale here j instead of Mrs. M. C. Rhc T >s. It is a nice lot. I -Mrs. Dr. Moore 1 l )er I . Miss Ray lappan of.Mhit. , Flaws spent Sunday and Mon- ; day m this place. ; Miss Mamie Daniel, tiiis of Union ! Point, spent a part of week with the family of Mr. W. R. ; Reid in this place. I Mrs. W. A. Legwen went \ down to Harlem this week to visit her daughters, Mrs. Hubert and Mrs, Phillips. —Charlie Golucke will have a new set of wagon scales put up i near domt for the cotton seed i business tiiis* fall. — Mr. J. E. Darden got well ! enough of Saturday from his spell to' sunstroke, fo go down Sharon and Raytown. Mrs. C- M. Rhodes desires i to sell her house and lot, situat- \ ed on main street *n Crawford- i . vilie; desirable location. i Hamnntck, Lucas & Co., At- . Lima, have out *Ue bottom out of prieos on patent medicines—read their notice in this paper. Cephas Ogle tree killed a i sa^ which r S’tfK forinsate. one was —Mr. Julian Gorham of South Carolina, is spending ;.few days here with relatives. —Good many Cra fordvllle p eop]e at tended barteeues at Sandy Cross. Jordan’-.Mill and at the Lucas place. Mrs. M. C. Gee of. this place went over to YAshington .yesterday to attend thermal of . uio . /o> , Col. Howell Bej-Ziey of , — Leesburg 1 , Ga., came ni^eanes c ^ a y ^iirh t and is spending* a with Ins father am unune: at thls P lac ® —Judge Mitchell , „ aid . Sheriff C1 .,. Henrv havean lmportint notice in this paper to all wh. have ad- 1 .iff! hv vertisements „ . , to ... be - malted by them Kead it. __and Mrs A 1 Melton E.' Smith aiSir ty Augusta Saturday a visit to friends in this place w _ Frank Golucke’s children who huve be( .„ vis ;ing their grandfather’s Wednesday. here ^returned to Milledgeville t Hu Jiugtiej. hev Kv kj., ai„ Al" 11,90. * » 1 ichonor s Anuseptic t;h best thing I ever useu lot barbed wire cuts on stock. Its curative power issimpy wonder ful. Col. W. Carl J. Woodall, Holden $d j sister - Gertrude spent Sr.ndiy last in White Plains Gertrnie remain over their during thisweek. To large buyers: brill give you all that your moiey lijme cabs for and make you go with a snide «rni1e on ml your vour face lace. C. Berg . 1 ou may hunt t m Co£ ’ ChL™ .»«1 Stonhw. i\)laint« „ •, f ‘ v. > nw „i Mn k. -iSe f ' „„ Lid f j a blo 1 01 b,Ue hv lir ' R Jl ' J —Many friends of M ss Claude . Bristow are glad to s^e her at | lome ugain after attending tne Normal schoo! at A.theis, sevei al weeks. a —Georgia Railroad. baiil Company are preparing to of the cepot a here new warehouse east ; n place of the old one now on that ground. Ur, C. L. Hflkgb Midh., h#>«- a drug- all at ' Mendon, says that () f t h e ffood testimonials have been published bythe Colic man ufactures of Chamberlain's Cholera and Diarrhoea Rededy could be duplicated in that town. For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid, —It is said that Mr. Colly, wife was killed on the Washington branch of the Geor ta. iv. neat Hillman nuiman, is ask hood of tbo Lucas place mul < nice barbecue yesterday Mr am J m O. return thanks to a °. Stewart fof an invitation. Plymouth', Pa.. A.ig 25, DC. My opinion of Dr. Tichenur A Antiseptic is that it will do all that is claimed for it. Asaietn edv for colic it is the best I have ever used.—Albert G. Groble wski. —Many of our people enjoyed viewing the sun in eclipse yes terday. About 9 o'clock the great sun was made to appear quite dim and the atmosphere became much cooler. , — Crnwfordviile , has fewer “town killers” in it now than ever before. The town-killer is fellow who sends off and paj s express on stuff that he can get at home just as cheap, “Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowel trouble.’! says Mrs. E. G. Mo. Gregory, “Our doctors of Fredericks- remedy hud failed, then we tried Cham berlain sColic, C holer i and Dial rhoea Remedy, which gave very speedv relief." For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore. Mrs. « agnon, and Mrs. B. T. Bethune. of Milledgeville and Mrs. B. H. Bradley, of Bradley, S. C., have been visiting family of Senator > w . v rt, T. r iynt at + ■ this place this week. Now that the goldbugs of Au ^Jored ta a ,^ sure t h ev will have a postmaster', they should not kick ata n but take their lit <>e -'««■ »«*— b ready to vdte for Bi yan tn L . MARRIED SUNDAY. Mr. Ab. Sturdivant and Miss Bene Evans, both of this county, were married Sunday last at the residence of Mr. O. P. near town. Judgo J. I. son. officiating. \\ e wish them • : much succes in life, ! tVIYII A HAMMER. hit Two of section Boss Barnes railroad hands, Clinton Rhodes ,, nd William Flynt, had a Wednesday morning and \v r iiliam struck Clinton on the kea< i a heavy which inflicted an ugly wound. Dr. Beazley dressed the wound. Then it was the town turn to take a hand i n the alfray. J A , priFFTTit' POI LLAR * p7 AY w7i> OLUIL. 1TF The South's peerless hotel, the Soto Sav.itoab, Ga offers special iate.-> foi tne Suminci months, §2.50 per day and up wards. It is worth a trip to Savannah to explore this modern marycn of architects al beauty P^ace covering an entire block of the city. . Send for lustratad Souvenir _ Booklet de acrL tive of t h e favorite ern ffotel 1____________ j The x people ear sax of lit the cross. j hood around the home of Mr. G. ■ T. Edwards had a nice barbecue j at their school house Wednesday ! of this week. It was much en | joyed extend by thanks all who to ^tended. Messrs. W. V j Edwaids and J. T. Lyle o ; cordial lfivite to be present, out I sorry we could not attend. We ; know we would have enjoyed the hospitality of those clever peo ' De • Joe Heath colored, , who said he was from Barnett, jumped off the morning tram here Saturday ^hile the train was coining up f rom Barnett at a rapid rate, j oe ’ s ehin came in contact-with cross . tie that was leaning against the bank just below the depot and the tie and Joe fell to the ground like two pieces of d iad timber. Besides losing,con siderabie blood and skin from Jiis face Joe want away in pretty good shape but left the cross-tie a bad condition. He said he was asleep and got of the train. the plays WERE good. The entertainment given at the academy last Friday was a success both in performance and financially. The price of admis¬ sion was small and over 200 peo¬ ple witnessed the plays, All the participants acted their parts well, but especially did Misses Maud Stephens, Ella Norton, Eleanor Richards, Rosa Gorham, Gertrude Holden and Mrs. Sallie White won praises for their ex¬ cellent parts as played. Dr. White, Bob Hadaway, Jack Beazley, Richard Richards, Alex Beazley and Herschel Rhodes all performed weil. the Doctor, as usual in such plays took off the funny part to perfection. It is About hoped *20.00 was taken in. this same set of young people will keep up their practice and <>ive another entertainment court week. One negro deacon killed anoth¬ er deacon in a church pulpit at Montgomery this week. State of Ohio, City of To' \ gs redo, Lucas County. j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of To¬ ledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL¬ LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of Hull's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sub¬ scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1896. ? ■—. A. W. Gleason. 1 SEAL i Notary Public. I —— I is taken Hall's Catarrh Cure interna ] ty au d acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testi monials. Address F. J. Chen»T&C o.• Sold by druggists. Tec. Hall s'Famdy Pills are the best. n 0; x. ’ % _™,_ m V\ X e;- E 1 y U Nt nl' I {') ,,, ji Mi Li ; im Cjg 1 m ‘W- (W • t Fifty Years Ago. Th« is . the _ it was bound „ , to look , . When grandfather lere had his -pictcr took." These the shadows cast before The coming of conjurer Daguerre * "““‘“SSJSSES? Men certainly were not as black, we know as they pictured them, s » years nso. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla began to make new men, jus* . as the new pictures oi men began to be made. Thousands of people fronted the camera, with skins made clean from blotch and blemish, because they had purified the blood with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It is as powerful now as then. Its record proves it. Others imitate the r emedy ; they can t imitate the record. 50 Years of Cures. SUDD slou..x V N DEATH ut.wn. Mr. W. L. Edmondson, of Washington, died at Hillman, Wednesday at 11 o'clock. His Of* «» TWy snddon He nail been conimea cotfmecl vo to hi, nis bed for about three weeks with SO me stomach trouble, but was considered greatly* improved and gone to Hillman to recuperate. He was a member of the Ma sonic Order, Odd Fellows and , Red Men. “Bill” Edmondson, as he was familliarly known, will be miss ed by all and especially the sick and those in trouble as he was j one 0 f the best and most willing , nui« 3 S ever known, He was al ways ' kind and gentle. | ---- ^ . REASONS WHY CHAMBERLAINS ; COLfC, CHOLERA AND DIAR¬ RHOEA REMEDY IS THE BEST. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in the stomach, colic and.cholera morbus. ! 2. Because it is the only reme¬ dy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only reme¬ dy that will cure chronic diar¬ rhoea. 4. Because it is the only reme cly that will prevent biliious colic. 5. Because it is the only reme dy that will cure epidemical dysentery Because it is the only 6. reme ! dy that can always be depended upon in cases of cholera infan 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medi¬ cine in use for bowel produces complaints. 8. Because it no bad results. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it has saved the lives of medicine more people world. than any other in t he The 25 add 50c sizes for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. Gov,- Atkinson is preparing the to make a tremendous tight on school book trust, which he claims is robbing the thousands people of Georgia yearly out of upon thousands of dollars. Piles! Piles! Itching l’llcs. Symptoms—Moisture: iniense - c'.in - dad setatchin?. stin^in^; most at night; wore i:\ If allowed to continue ti.-in-m fodn, which often bleed and ulcerate, iie Cftming very sore. Swayne's Ointment (tops the itching and bleeding, train ni- 3 fauj rittjon, and in most cases removes the Ira. pa. Dr. At Swayne druggist, or by mail, lad el; for hi <fc Son, Phi To believe in a remedy i- the Second step. You must first believe iu the man who offers it. Ramon's Liver Treatment is one of the most famous remedies of the last hundred years. For billiousness it is as much ahead of the ordinary liver pill as that is superior to rib medicine at all. We urge our readers not tb suffer sick-headache when such a pleasSnt relie* is at hand. Sample Only 35 cents at ft. the drug store. dose free—try