Newspaper Page Text
nrv L £ \\ :■ -IE Advocate-Democrat.
$1-00 Per Year.
Inherited blood diseases are much
more difficult to cure than'those which
are acquired. One of the Scrofula, most common which
hereditary diseases is is
the medical profession deepseated, admit their most
obstinate and and ef¬
forts to cure it meet with little success.
A child afflicted with Scrofula is always
puny and sickly, and can never grow
into healthy manhood until the disease
is eliminated. Scrofula leads into con¬
sumption nine times out of ten, so that
it is important for this reason that im¬
mediate attention be given to all chil¬
dren who inherit the slightest taint.
Mrs. S. S. Mabry, 360 Elm St., Macon,
Ga., writes:
“My boy, Charlie, inherited a scrofu¬
lous blood taint, and from infancy was
covered with terrible sores, impossible his sufferings
being such that it was to
dress him for three years.
y /
ft >tlL : ■m v/t, m sl Jl mi
h fTy t
His head and body were a mass
of sores, and his nose was swollen to
several times its natural size; to add to
his misery he had catarrh, which made
him almost deaf, and his eyesight also
became affected No treatment was
spared that (Vc thought would relieve
him, but he grew worse until his erudi¬
tion was indeed pitiable. A dozen blood
remedies were given him by the whole¬
sale, but they did not the slightest good.
I had almost despaired of his ever being
cured, when by the advice of a friend we
gave him S.S.S. (Swift’s Specific), and
?.t first the inflammation seemed to in¬
crease, but as this is the way the remedy
gets rid of the poison, by forcing it out
of the system, we were encouraged and
continued the medicine. A decided im¬
provement was the result, and after he
had taken a dozen bottles, r.o one who
knew of his former dreadful condition
would have recognized him. All the
sores on his body have healed, his skin
is perfectly clear and smooth, and he
has been restored to perfect health.”
Sir. A. T. Morgan, one of the promi¬
nent druggists of Macon, and a member
of the board cf aldermen of that city,
says: “I am familiar with the terrible
condition of little Charlie Mabry, and
the cure which S.S.S. effected in his
case was remarkable, and proves it to
be a wonderful blood remedy.” deepseated
S.S.S. is the only cure for
blood diseases, such as Scrofula, Rheu¬
matism, Cancer, Eczema,_ Catarrh, etc.
It is the ouly blood remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and contains no p- Ush, no mercury or
Other mineral, which means so much to
’ll who know the disastrous effects of
these drugs. books mailed free to ad¬
Valuable any
dress by the Swift Specific Company,
Atlanta, Ga.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain. Jp the post
offiice at C’rawt irdville, first of this month
uncalled for:
Air Johny Bird, Mrs. Airs. Emma Evans
Air Roland Alapp.
( . 11, FARMER, F. At
Bicyclists. Base BaTi and Foot
Ball teams will find Dr. Tiche
nor's Antiseptic the very thing
they “need in this business” af
ter the race is ended and the
game is finished, f or Sprains,
Bruises and Sore -.lll.-cles it is all
O. K. and. • ’don’t you forget it. .'
So clean and odor so pleasaftfei
that onee used it is used always, t
In eC&r.ection with , watch, clock , , and , j
itjwuirv r. paivin^. dnri the smnrfc*r ‘
ino.Khrs nrov ued yoii bring ihe nuu-h-rne
to mvslK.j., light ami I stitch:pj viil make.;. Avmg nutlniipfr.
roanhir.i-r.-. lam a practical give satisfaction workman, J j
now ofihltr. If 1 do not
va t no pav. Tt u i-r' craw itr&Hlt ^G '
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happenings in Their Respective X*o
calitics. All the News.
by erriZKN.
Crops are fagging under the oppressive
heat and winds.
We learn that there will be a barbecue
at White Plains next Friday, 5 inst.
Mrs. Bob Lee Andrews and children,
and Mrs. Frank Hobbs are the guests of
Mrs. J. W. Broome to-day (Tuesday.)
Mrs. Marshal Andrews and her bright
little son, Roland, who was visiting friends
and relatives in the Holden neighborhood
returned home on Saturday of last week.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Tatco Gusciu-ets Candy Cathartic, 10c < r t"c.
l V. C. C. foil to cure, drue-i.-its refund nsusev.
Mr. Jack Akins and family-came up to
the barbecue at Jordan’s Mill last week
and spent several days with relatives in
tiie Holden neighborhood, returning
home Saturday.
Dr. Gambrell, of Greenesboro, is con¬
ducting a series of meetings at the Bap¬
tist church at Siloam at which place an
interesting meeting has just closed at
the Methodist church.
Tlie Discovery Saved His Life.
Air. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers
ville, Ill., says: “To Ur. Kings New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with
La Grippe and tridrt’aU the physicians for
miles about, but of 110 avaff and was given
up and told I could not live. Having Dr.
King’s New Discovery in my- store I sent
fora bottle and began its use and from the
first (losqbegan to get better, and after us.
ing three bottles was up and about .again.
Its is worth its weight in gold. We don’t
keep store or house without it.” Get a
free trial at Dr. R, J. Reid Drug Store.
Watermelons are plentiful at this writ
Our Sunday school was rather small
last Sunday.
Mrs, J. C. Lunceford has been quite
sick having chills.
Canning fruit is life order of the day
and it keeps the ladies busy.
Air, J. C. Lunceford and wife visited
in Fluker district last week
AVe had a nice rain this week which
was refreshing to every thing.
Air. J. D. Aloore and family dined at
Air. A. S. Lunceford'* last Sunday.
Dr. Will H. Harris spent a part of last
week with Mr. J. D. Moore's family.
Little Reba Moore is quite sick at this
writing but hope she will soon recover.
No-To-Uflc for fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strona, blood pure. 50c. tl. All itrugeistfl.
Aliss Nellie Aloore and brother, Oscar,
visited near Raytown last Saturday and
Several of the young j.eopfle attended
Generic Aleeting at Poweiton last week.
They report a nice time.
Core For HeeOs-lie,
Asa remedy for all forms of Head¬
ache Electric Bitters has proven to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded- habitual sick headaches
aieldtoits influence. We urge all
tre afflicted to procure a bottle, and give
his remedy a fair trial. Incasesof habit
da! constipation Electric Bitter* cures by
giving the needed tone to the bowels, and
few case- long resint the use of this medi
cine. Try it once. 50 cents and $1.00 at
Dr. It. J. Reids Drug Store.
. needed.
Pam much the'
Barbecues and picnics the order of
Aliss Annie Fluker, of Washington, is
visiting relatives here.
Miss Mamie Ilixon ha* returned home
from Atlanta after a long Ray.
Drummers Mitchell, Verderv -ml
Lampki’n were here Tuesday.
Aliss A’fina Harris, of Norwood, is visit
ncr her brother brother, Mr. Air Gcoree l .org Harris •
Out*farmers report <Fe flry weather the
past injurious to corn and coCtoc..
MissCorneliaEllington returned Pome
Monday after an extended visit to rela
tives in Appallachee. Oa. ,
Several from title’ place attended
pretching at County 1 fue church, Ogle-
iliorpe Co., last Uday. They were
delighted with tliei tSf
Mr. and Mrs. ,T. leard gave the
Betliesda Sunday f- treat last Suu
day afternoon in tl f plenty water
melons to eat at V
BERMu.- ’ 0 T 3 .
Mr. tV. H. Jones •.pel, ,be dpy Tuesday
with his sister .,ns Jeq.sAf cKiliney.
Mr. S. J. Jones, Sr., 'he sick list
this week.
The patrons are - lis week dig
tting a wtvU at Be. in iol house.
The srli.^Jjv, fiouri.shtn
Mrs. N. V. Cooper >n W. F.
Cooper is off on a two w trip dow 11
through Glasscofck, Jeffe and Wasli
ington counties. -yjg !:
Mrs. Susie Raley, of A- ”y, Ga., and
Mrs. Jennie Ivey, of Dlysborro, Ga..
sisters of J. T. Cooper wi tH in Hb quir neigh¬
borhood last week i b -
The people of the country niustcertain
ly be in a prosperous .^fnd^p&e Tor 1
don’t know a year when there was so
many- Sabbath school pic: s and neigh¬
borhood dinners and more Moved than
this year.
We are having very wariiWraa I3ier.
Crops are looking well aiB bids fair to
ycikl well. .jhhu.
Dr. J. II I,,:-; ore I. pi-
appointment at I’owciten ou|^P 4th Suu
d tv.
Preaching at Bermuda Sm lay evening
before last by Dr. J. II. Kill sifrick.
Airs. Ida Harris and AID* A abfl Nelson
of Crawfordyille attended the genenil
meeting at Poweiton.
Airs. S. N. Chapman, of P- i ,'who
lias been sick so long is much *\d in
heal Hi. We are glad to rcpoi
tp ride out mornings, And ovet
There d’as a large crowd at
meeting at Poweiton both da
tings. The crowd on \W
estimated at eight bundle*’
m. cedent sermons
gpcm auu instructive C> til
In our items last week v, .e made
to say- -‘Airs. T. J. Howell’’ wl i) it should
have been ‘-.Mr. J. T. HainSilbii’.
Miss Alammie Rhodes, ofrJennings,
spent several days with relatives and
friends in Poweiton and Bermuda, recent
There wasa musical entertainment Sat
urday night week at Mr. T. L. < 'hapman’s
near Alildrajon and quite a crowd of Ber
mudaites attended returning home about
two o’clock Sunday morning. Is this
right? AVe kindly ask the pai ties to an¬
Lung Trouble ami CoMsnmption Can he
Vn Eminent New York Clifniigt and
Scientist Make* n Free OfteV tcffUir
The (lisiJnguished New Yoi^k clmmist,
T. A. Slocum, demonstrating hls.discbvery
of a,reliable and alsolute cure ,j or Con¬
sumption (Pulmonary Tubcreulbsis) and
all bronchial, throat, lung anq;chest dis¬
ease, stubborn coughs, catafrhal affec¬
tions, general decline and Weakness, loss
of flesh, and all conditions of Wiring away,,
will send THREE FREE BOTTLES (all
cl fire-rent J of his New Discoveries .to any
afflicted reader of The Adyfllcate Demo
ftrat writing for them.
His “New Scientific Treatment” has
- tired thousands perntanfrly pimple hy Its time
ly use, and lie considers ft a pro¬
ffcssional duty to suffering hinnanity to
donate a trial of his infalible ciirc
, Science daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
mooting for years, has produced results as
beneficial to humanity a* can be claimed
any modern gemps. His Assertion
that lung troubles and consumption are
curable in any climate is proven by “heart¬
felt letters of gratitude,” filed in Ids
American and Em op an Jobqratories in
thousands from those cured in in parts of
tin- world. v
.Medical expeff* concede tba'bronchial,
and lung Consump
Ron, which, unlntcnupted, iflfens speedy
anf t certain death.
Bimplv write ioT. A. SlocSm, M. C..
98 l me Mrec s . a . York oj. in<r Cr po t '
office and express ftdorecs. aiid the free
medlckie will be promptly ten,;, Sufferers
should take Instant advantageo‘ his gen
eroirs proposition- ,
Please telj. U t 4, Doctor that yoQ.jaw his
off er in the A*v ocate*D«aWc»*t.
Wl-at the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
I'.Y C. 1.. BAGBY.
If \\m are in the dark and can't, lind
your way go to ('. Bergstrom and In- will
sell you a lamp that will never faii to
shine—a Bible.
Sharon is on a boom.
Miss Hattie Stinson lias gone to Augu-
Salem Sunday school is progressing
finely at Barnett,
For snuff, tobacco, sugars and smoking
tobacco go C. Bergstrom.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. .Moore's little babe
Is improving in health.
Protracted meeting at the Methodist
church the paat week.
Go to C. Bergstorm for all sorts of
Mrs. Moody, of Conyers, is on a visit to
relatives in this section.
Mr. j, T. Tay lor, of near Barnett, is on
a visit to .Madison comity,
.Mrs. Joe Weathers is .still improving in
health, we are glad to state.
For cheap pantaloons go to 0. Berg¬
Mr. J. V Garrett was visiting in this
section last week on business.
Barbecues have been numerous in our
county for the past two Weeks
Tin- best make of French harps at C.
Several changes will take place in our
town the coming year, so we hear
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Alclvenny. Jr., have
return- liomc at Comer, Ga.
as been crowded with
r,s for sometime past,
•gstrom for ybnr sweet
day town Methodist church
el Sunday by Pastor Em
tuy.WOiVw plant your u.-nufd
patch and be surriyou put ill aplenty oi
Messrs. Felix and David Taylor wore vis¬
iting their brother, Air. Jesse Taylor, last
Mr. Thomas Flynt's little child was
quite sick last week hut is better at this
We are under special obligation to Air.
George Alarchman for a nice lot of musk
A FR1CANA will cure Syphilis and Old
“a s 0 res to Stay Cured.
Air. \V. H. Bagby and family have re¬
turned home from their v Lit to Columbia
Tn C'uro I'\j it'•<> 1 Vorev«*r.
Talto (.'itHFuroS.:* <';indy itli:-,rtic. 10c or 25c
If C. O. to’cure* rcfuml xaouuy
Mrs. J. J. Gallahan, of Augusta, Is on a
visit to her motfler, Airs. Stinson, at,
Educate Your Hnwdu Willi (.Hecarotn*
Carniy ('uthanic, cure constipation forever.
10c. *J&e. Jf C. C. C. fail, drug ifisis refmifl money.
Mrs. Coot Kfliott and Miss Missouri
Bagby visited Airs- R. IV. Taylor’s family
last week.
Educato Your Ifowcln WlMi CuHoaretfl.
Onndy cure rtfundmoney, forever.
10c. age. I f <C. C. fail, vlruu"„ r isLs
MUs Mu!tic L.nmniorc, of Tlionison,
wjis the guest of Miss Jessie Furgerson,
Sunday last.
Aliss Missouri llagliy of near Barnett
is visiting Aliss Mauii:' Jackson this week
near Sharon.
Air Piful Masscngale. of Norwood, Was
up last wftek visiting friends and relatives
in tliis efninty.
Tattlers and pessimist are two of as
great curses as we ha ve to contend with
in this country.
Go to Bergstrom for Ladies, Misses,
Children’s and Men's hose, fust black and
fancy colors.
Airs. Coiiii Elliott rctfirnrd home last
we.-k from an extend* d visit to relatives
in Warren county.
The 24th baseba^ Hite barbecue in Sharon Everybody <’»
the was a success. ,
enjoyed ihem*ives. i
John OK/eflc- nr-/ furniture stoic
u ill sotn l(< completed. John is a mover I |
when lie dots start.
x l)C F ro traotcd nv tings have com
and we hi/pe owr people will he
by them.
BadWffrt toiw'W**. >
The B«*t #»lv« fa th« world far Oat*
Bruau#, D 6or««, a* niemre Ulc«rfl, Salt Uhemn Hheurn, l rer. re*
er, Tetter, GhuppeU llanrdi*
Coras, and *11 Skin Eruptions, and pod
uvely ourea Filet, or *o pay required. It
it guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded.’Pijpe JI6 ccfltl par J)©*.
For sale by D/.JL J- Reid.
In Advance-
NO. 24.
g§£ESia£3j H
& %:■
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great lea veniug strength
and healthfullness, Assures lie food
against alum ami all forms of adultera¬
tion common to the cheap brands. ROV
Crops in this sec tion were never hot11 r
as a general thing and our farmer friends
all seem to feel cheerful.
Mr. Will Kendrick, 1 f Augusta, was up
on a visits to his brother Mr. T. K. Ken
drick near town last week.
Mr, AV. A. Stone, Jr,, is in 11 very had
stale Of health: his mind is greatly out of
order we are sorry to state.
Air. W. F. Hill, of our town, has bout
in had health for sometime but Is on the
road for better at present.
.Miss Fannie Hester and Company- pno
a performance here Monday night. Miss
Hester is the ‘e -011(1 J.nlu Hurst.
Air. J. W. Fallen has had him a nice
and complete one hors., wa ton, made hy A.
I). Moore at the temple of industry.
Mr. W. L. Kendrick’s wounded arm Is
getting all right and will bo so I11 11 few
days be can take it out of the sling,
Airs. Si Turner, mother of Judge S. !,. I
Turner, has boon quite sick with fever
lint is reported belter at this wilting.
[Vveri ’ fur Wovs aliendetl the butbe
cue iici*"S(iiSrf*vross 011 the Stub. W<y
had an Invitation hut diet net get there'.
“Hoff to Cure all Skin Uiipnoo.”
Simply apply medicine “Swuyne’a required. Ointment." CurcH
No internal
totter, eczema, iteli, all eruptions on the
fact),' hands, nose, Ac., leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal¬
ing and curative, powers arc possessed hy ,
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
Swayuo’s Oiutmeut.
Col. C. ('. Carrol!, of near Holden, was
in our burg recently. Crist, is quite a
curiosity but, we don’t mean any harm.
Mr. arid Mrs. James R. Gregory, of near
Barnett, are on a visit to llielr daughter,
Airs. J. VV. McKinney, Jr,, at, Comer, Ga.
Dr. E. E. Darden says the reason the
Simeon baseball team gets beat so jnacb
they am too blamed lazy to play or prac
Go to C. Bergstrom and look at his < at
aloguo Of things that you can’t find In flic,
.Mr. T. J. Flint had a nice eiilflrtuinn.snt
at his home on Tm -<lny night,of last, week.
I’liei'e w-S a good crowd and splendid
SHARON ITEMS concluded on last page
Keep Up Your
Scott's Emulsion
in Summer-time
DMWbat are your resources
for the summer? Have you
an abundance of health stowed
away for the long, hot, deplet¬
ing days, or does summer find
you low in vitality, run down,
losing flesh, and weak? Scott’s
Emulsfctft 0 f Cod-!iver Oil Witt
give you the proper reserve
fo»-rg ‘ Lgcause it builds Up the
system on a solid ... foundation. r ...
A tOHfC may Stimulate; Scott S
p mit l- {rtn no? " onlv Y * ^boosts * ”
it SUStaUlS.
It is wise precaution , always to , have at
j cai . t a sma jj 0 f ScotFs Emulsion in
^ house. Unopened, it will keep indefin
iuty. Tightly wUl corked, remain ait*r uting, for kept weeks, in
» cool place, it sweet
> For sale by all at
,.,50 Cent* and $1,00