Newspaper Page Text
The Advocate-Democrat.
$1.00 Por Year.
Gave Back
There is no reason for being despondent blood
and considering diseases of the
incurable, simply because the treatment
of physicians and many so-called blood
remedies fail to effect a cure. Though
it is naturally disheartening to the suf¬
ferer who faithfully takes the prescribed the
treatment of the physicians, often at
expense of hundreds of dollars, to find
' time
himself sro better as goes
by, still a cure will result from the right
remedy, S.S.S., no matter what other
treatment has failed.
The reason that S.S.S. (Swift’s Spe¬
cific) has so successfully cured even the
worst cases after other treatment had
been tried in vain is that it is the only
remedy which forces the poison eliminates from
the blood and permanently which is the only
it from the system,
correct principle of curing the disease.
Mercurial remedies bottle up the poison S.S.S.
and tear down the system, while
forces out the poison and builds up and
adds strength and vigor to the entire
system. It Is nature’s remedy, and con¬
tains no harmful ingredient.
HW5> Jk
WW: wmmm
Mr. Charles Glenn, of 1563 Dudley St.',
Cincinnati, is one of the many who
constantly praise S S.S. for giving him
back his health. He says:
“From childhood I was afflicted with
a blood J’ 1 , ~ and have
taken a*moo; every blood - deepseated, 1 0 ly on the
' market, but my case was
and one by one'they failed. The large,
red blotches increased in size and num¬
ber, and soon covered my entire body.
‘ ‘My parents had me treated by a num¬
ber of physicians, but the disease was
too much for them, and after their tem¬
porary relief was over, I found rnyself
growing steadily worse. Thus I grew
into manhood, handicapped by a terrible
disease, and having tried so manv reme
dies without relief, when a friend urged
me to take S.S.S. 1 had little faith in any
medicine. I was happy to find, however,
that I had at last gotten the right remedy,
for one bottle of S.S.S did me so much
good that I soon had hopes of being cured.
I continued the remedy, and was cured
completely, the unsightly spots perfectly soon
disappeared, leaving my skin
clear. My general health was also built
up, and I am robust and strong. I be¬
lieve S.S.S. will cure the worst case of
blood poison in the world.”
S.S.S. is a real blood remedy, and will
cure the most obstinate cases of Cancer,
Eczema,Catarrh, Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Contagious Blood Poison, old sores,
or any disease caused by impure blood.
It is
Purely Vegetable
and is the only blood remedy guaranteed
to contain not a particle mineral. oi mercury, S.S.S.
potash, arsenic or other
is sold by all books druggists. and blood and skin
Valuable on
diseases will be mailed free by Swift
Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
C TATE 07 GEORGIA—Taliaferro
All County. having demands against the
estate of John J. Kent, late of said county
deceased, are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the undersigned properly
proven according to law; and all persons
indebted to said estate are required to
make immediate payment.
This 12th, day of August 1807,
Administratrix of John f. K<*ht. deceased.
"take NOTICE.
In connection with watch, clock .and
jewelry repairing, during the the machine summer
months, (provided you bring machines
to mv shop) I will make sewing
run light and stitch perfect that you con¬
sider worthless. I can repair any kind of
maehmorv. I am a practical satisfaction workman, I
no cobbler. If Ido not give
want no pay. R. IE STROZER.
Jeweler, Craw ford Ule. Ga,
—Look out for a building boom
in this section.
it 0ft
What the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
nr c. i.. bag BY.
Fodder pulling time is near at hand.
The pencil crop is wormy and faulty in
this section.
Some of our people attended the "barbe¬
cue at Phillip’s.
Mrs. Coot Elliott was visiting at Dou¬
ble Well last week.
Pro!. Love Mershon was marshal of our
town on last Friday.
The annual moeti g will commence at
Jennings chapel Friday.
Uncle Josh Moore made a visit to
Greene county last week.
The Fannie Hester show was well at¬
tended at this place last week.
Father Davids is improved-much in
health, so he can get out again.
Mrs. K. W. Taylor and Mrs. John Tay¬
lor visited our family last week.
Mr. Thomas Fouclxc has been on a visit
to relatives in this section recently.
Aliss Lilia Reese, of Williams Creek, is
still no bettor, we are sorry to state.
Messrs. James and Lawrence Battle
were in tiiis section a few days ago,
Mr. George Fouckc intends putting him
up a nice residence near fair play soon.
Masonic barbecue at ReynoldsviUc last
Friday. Several of our people attended.
Religious services at the Pnesbyterlan
church the past week hy Pastor Simpson.
Messrs, Hauley and Brown, the light¬
ning men, have left Sharon for the pres¬
Mr, Henry Flynt is employed now by
Mr. John O’KceJe to look after farm in
All of our farming people arc taking a
good rest attending big meetings and bar¬
M e had , one barbecue , , last , , week , a . John , .
IN Moore’s Mill and one at Henry
Smitn’s. «
Mrs. Funk lias returned^ to In ' home in
A,iguana,i -.emWct^riiv;; m •.
There was a bale of cotton brought he)
liv Mr. McCarty on tlie Gtli instant and
sold for lOe.
There was abanjor picking and other
music at J. W. McKinney’s, Sr., on Hat
urday night.
Rev- Air. Winter carried on a protract¬
ed service at the Methodist church last
week at Barnett.
Washington and Sharon colored base¬
ball clubs played a game here on Thurs¬
day of last week. ,
Miss Missouri Baghy has returned to
her home near Barnett from a pleasant
visit to Sharon.
Mr. T. J. Flynt spent last week in
Athens visiting his sister Mrs. Simms,
formerly of this county.
The Gt. U. Ii. track is fouler than we
ever saw it. It is covered over in places
with grass and weeds.
Miss Kate Dozier and little son, of Hill¬
man, was visiting relatives in Jacksonville,
her old home last week.
Mrs. Joanna Reese, of Williams creek,
has recovered from her recent spell of
sickness we are glad to state.
Mrs. Koviere, of Warren county died
recently. She had a good many relatives
and friends in this section.
T?> Cure? (Utn.Hipation l orever.
Tb.V c CHi r.u-ets Candy Cathartic. lf>c or 25c
If C. C. fail tociiFG. driij?f?ixts refund money
.Mr. and Mr.i J. E. Ea^hy liave beer*
visiting Mr. Jacob Rocker and family re¬
cently in Warren county.
F^ducato Your 15owe2s V/iih Cancnrets.
Cantly Cathartic, cur'.- constiyiaticu forever.
JGc. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, clru^pisu rvfaad n one:/.
Dr. A. C. Davidson and Rev. Austin
Mershon assisted Rev,’ Mr, Embry in the
Sharon Methodist Meeting.
KUuoateYnnr liowels With CHRcarots.
CnH ly rfii\ cur^ «orjsfipn.tioo forever.
10c. 2 ;>c. I f C. c. C f r. i i, viruccisi r ref and money.
Mr. IV'. A. MorHion. of Warren, spent
several days in our town recently visiting
libs sister Mrs. Dr. Davidson.
T<» t’.oro ConnUfKition Torofor.
T i ( sea rets < yi ri or 25c.
T .i C. C. f»U U> c\ive, druggist;*. rttttuU iuougv
Several of our boys went on a fish and
and coon limit cn Ogeochee river last week
and had a barbecue wliile out.
No-To-!*?><• for Fifty Cents.
f.’uarantecd e&acco habit eure. mnl.c.s weak
u:en strong, blood pure. Sue, ll. Alidru^“ists
It was our pleasure to stop with Mr.
Charley Roth last week. Mr. Roth is an
excellent christain gentleman.
ypU NEED Hood’s .Sarsaparilla
“ if your blood is impure, your appe¬
tite gone, your health impaired. Noth¬
in* builds up health like HOOD’S*
The annual me ting will take place at
Salem Baptist church on Friday before
the fourth Sunday in yps month.
Mr. Jimmy Burke, of Augusta, was
visiting his parents. Mg, and .Mrs. Tolin
Burke, two of our oldjfioneer citizens.
Mr, J. T. Taylor tjs returned from his
trip to Madison conn j . We understand
Air. Taylor lias bargfi y> ( | for land in that
Air. Bm! and Bush H,p'per liaye return¬
ed from their visit to vnnmuei county.
They report crops 'go,oj and everything
Messrs. Moore auti^W had a barbe¬
cue at their saw mill nlar this place on
Thursday night of bst fecek and all had
a good time.
Messrs. Moore and F it have their saw
mill set down nov, uetii >ir Play on Mr.
George Fetiche's land it are turning out
good lumber.
A nice picnic was had at Prospect
church, Warren coiajty, on the 31st.
Several from our seetio’.. attended and re¬
port a good time.
There were four batjiecuos in Toliver
county that wekuow-ot i the A)tli ot
July. We believe the! still something
raised to eat here.
3Ir. and Mrs. Edward Keating gave the
young folks n nice entertainment at their
Dentiliful Home last week. All who at¬
tended had a nice time.
AY A FRICANA will c/’eAyphilis CTJ'd. and Old
sores to Stay
We think some of out hoys (and men loo)
will attend and cat so much ba. beetle this
s ::-i n that they will turi to a ram sheep,
billy goat or a male liog ,
Dim', Yniiarro Srit maJ ! vf-'. e lour Life Away.
To Quit tobacco e».-olymnd forever, bo maff
r etie, full of life, noj*ve u«i vigor, take Nu>-To*
line, the woiider-wi) k«<r, t#at makes weak men
strong-. A !1 dr a; ■ sts, fi’K* or $1. Cure guaran¬
teed. Booklet amt saaiale free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co , ClFofh'o or New York
Mr. and Mrs. J. If, Gregory, son and
daughter, Uavevctnrned.homc from their
trip to Madi/ra county and report every
,„ y( , lv ju Hu( H:Cli ,,
• ',
8 So .
Ck ran tu|( .;i;■ \\mlv I t'.n$ SIN t:.. the numl won
. , , ■ y ■■ a. ■. [i.eas
?; n&Tiiwl?
t the entitu si.yem, dispel colds.
on; Ay lid Iry'a box
of i<hiv; to.,ms •enin. Koldaud
guaranteed to cure tjf e ’.sg'sts.
Elieok Holden dk to ‘liny morning
and was buried a, e i 8e - ’ on Saturday
Elleck died from hloA. u dison and he suf¬
fered untold misery will lo he lay sick.
BuetUvrC* Aval 1 “ Oftfve,
Tho Bet* Sabre in tht world for Outs,
Bruisej, Soros, Ulcers, -Halt Rheum, Fev.
er. Tetter, Chapped Rtui&^t, Chilblains.
Corns, and all Skin Kmpton^f reqiV’ed- ,.nnd poal
tive’y cures Iflloe, or pc priy It
in guaranteed to gi's^satisf •action or
money refunded. Fries, 25 cents per bin.
I' >r 8f,le hy Dr, R. J. Ii pj.
There will be ehildrfn’s day at Salem
Baptist church at Barm >tt on Friday be
fore the 4th Sunday in tliis month. All
are invited to come and bring well filled
baskets. There will he m all day service.
Bose Jackson and H. V. Beck worth at
tended a barbecue at Jo rdan’s mill on the
2S)th of July, adistance of about seventeen
miles from Bose’s hoi r.e. Pretty good
distance for a person to travel these hot
days to get his dinner.
Dili You t : or
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not g et a bottle and got
relief. This medicine Ii as been found to
be peculiarly adapted to the relief and
cure of all Female Coni) ilalnts, exerting n
wonderful direct infi oenco In giving
strength and tone to th e organs. If you
have Joss of Appetite, ( onstipation, Head
ache. Fainting Spells, or are Nervous,
Sleepless. Excitable, Mel ancholy Electric Bitters or troubl¬
ed with Dizzy Spells, J is
the medicine you m ed. Health and
Strength are guarantee* I hy its use. Fif.
ty cents and 81 ,()<> ,.i Dr. Ii. J. Reid’s Drug
Mr. W. H. Baghy hi.' Jesse McKinney
went up to Madison i ounty last, week
prospecting for a home, We think tho
most of the people of tl e Barnett section
will go to Emanuel or Madison county.
We had a notion of Visit ing these counties
and see what is so tharn ing in them.
It looks strange that >j »me people only
get religious one week .1 a year and at¬
tend church only at that time and tell
everybody else to go an •' the balance of
the t ear they are as big devils or irrelig
ious people as there cai be found any¬
where and commit mor< sin. Better live
light all the lime.
it 9ft
Correspondents’ Reports of "What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happenings In Their Kospoctlvo Lo¬
calities. All the News.
The public roads in this portion of the
county are being put in good order are
wprked better than they have been in
several years.
Good rain at this place on last ITiday;
which has caused some improvement in
the crops/
Misses Tamar, Moore, Gertrude Mitch¬
ell, Annie May Rhodes, and Belle Heard
were the guest of Miss Etta Murdeu this
Messrs. Murdeu Bros, attended preach¬
ing at Phillips Mills on last Sunday.
.Miss Annie 1 'luker, of Washington, re¬
turned home Wednesday.
The annual meeting of the Bethesda
Baptist church will commence next Fri¬
day. The pastor, Rev. J, 8 . Callaway
will have Bro. Briggs, of Macon, to assist
him. Expect lo have two sermons each
day—dinner on the ground.
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Ciinajohnrie, N. V.,
says that Ins always keeps Dr. Kind’s New
Discovery in the house amt his family has
always found the very hest results follow
Its use: til at he would not, be without, it , 1
if procurable. <1. A. Dykcimm Druggist
Chit skill. N. A'.., says Hint. Or. Iv i 11 New
Discovery is undoubtedly the best, Cough
remedy; that he has used it, in his family
for eight years, anil it, has never failed to
doall that is claimed for it. Why not try
n remedy so Ions tried and tested. Trial
bottles free at Dr. . I. livid's I > r 11 y: More.
Regular size 5oe. find #1.00..
Mr. Editor:
We notice in the Heratttda Jdots last
week that some of our young folks hud
been nttomli:i■: a. musical on Battirihiv
miffiTstniTifT fit. uirfr# TT*CTJx jV
Sunday morning. We am sorry to say
that Mr. ‘‘X” has misrepresented thetimo.
It was ii o’clock Instead of 2 and we think
Mr. “X” had better notice his time piece
a little more carefully next time hut he
had been imping and could not see r'cit.
We hope In* will look f',v v himself the
next time and not take somo one else’s
word for it. lit ii.
"How to Curo all Skin l>lat>a*o.**
Simply apply medicine “Swayne’s required. Ointment."
No internal Curts
totter, eczema, itch, nil eruptions on the
face,' bands, nose, Ac.. leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. It* groat heal¬
ing and curative'powers are Druggist possessed by
no other remedy. Ask for
8 wayne’s Ointment.
Mr. Editor:—
'J'lie laws require all roads to be cleared
of stumps, bushes, trees and obstructions,
from 80 feet down accordingly to tlicgrado
of the roads. How many Taliaferro roads
conform to the law? If not who is to
blame? The law says that, all roads .shall
lie, properly mile posted and sign boarded.
How many roads come up to this law? II
not who is to iilame? When the law savs
persons subject to road duty may be work¬
ed 1 !I days on the roads. Does it. ne an
that a day ami a half shall lie, occupied in
throwing brush and stones into the road
bed and making travel more dlilicnlt?
Taliaferro county lias some of the worst
roads in Georgia. The saving in wear
and repair of vehicles will pay for better
roads in 8 years. A good road enables
one horse to do the work now done by
two. How much will Hie saving In team .
team-feed and vehicles amount to m a few
How much work can weeding hoes and
spades do in comparison with modern
road machines? Why not adopt modern
methods and come forward with the new'
system. The firstyearaexpenxe will more
than double the expense of subsequent
years: but tlie roads will pay for them¬
selves. Froperty will advance in propor¬
tion as case of access is attained. Settlers
and prospective buyers of lands, won’t
locate in a county that is Impassable on ac¬
count of roads; hold out the good road-,
inducements. Or if the new system is not
to be gotten, let public sentiment through
the grand jury, see that the old system is
enforced—Unit V> days are put oh the
roads, good days and not when nothing
else can tic done or the parties who have
charge under the present system arc made
to pay for their neglect.
In AdLvanoo-
NO. 125.
Absolutely Pure,
Celebrated for its great h :i\ enin;* tremd It
and healthfullness. A-aues He food
against, alum and all fovinsof adultera¬
tion common’> I lie cheap brand -. Ih)Y
Ah ROWDER CO,, New York.
Taliaforro will never r !. !n r pro; t
place as long as she has road ■ ‘ :e ivon'-l
be a disgrace to a Zulu colonv. The ed
z.ons are. in danger of broken vehicles, in¬
jured hordes, and perehanee hr-d eu lind
on some of her roads, Goiilicmeii of i.lie
grand jury, net the pari <f wl 'km: e
that the roads an* bettered, remove a se¬
rious drawback to the property of the
county, and give us better roads.
A Good Investment. “Knowlhlu'c
power” sieeo rd mg to tin*old adngo, hut it
is also snid Mmt.ii man n<*v«*r know.;
tiling until Ins ran toil i!, and !m who can
express his knowledge in language more
tesle, vigorous, ami npproprial limn
oMiers boenmosa leailer of men, I {•a i ii
jug this power of expression as wadi as
knowledge itself tlmre is no aid so he!]) 1 ',!
from whieli so mueli may lx* oluuimd. end
for so small an outlay as Welt let's lid <‘v
national Dictionary, This work i the
universal acknowledged standard for the
derivation, spelling pronum ial ion, end
menningof words, and with Ms niinter^ .
tables of useful and reliable moeannlion 1
(pdekly and salisfaetoril) ho
thousand and one quef-lion
st.antly arisine in our renting nd U;
Tin ... <*,. ... .
and power v\ ill prove a poetf ahie iikt d
ment for every home -old, and lor every
toucher, scholar, professional man, an
self-educator* ft
The. following “Guess who” v;e lem
ed in for publication
Guess what Iwo young men p i
drajon school House Iasi Sunday on tin ',:
way to Berm ii la, and lov.i f.liejr : (an<lr:
collar before they got there. Bo care!' t
Tftio he* / } la en
The following kind pul runs Imye p.dd
their subscription since our last, mention
.1 Idm A. Kerne , 8! 1 " A eg. 18, '■> '■
(’. ii, lienzl-v. el.50 to dime 1 H t ’!)■'
<). 1 *. lioimer. 10 ,■ to Fab. 2 A. ’i)7,
Alva ii. Taylor, 2oc lo Nov. 1, ’97.
j J|M ||-The Foot
* FV'
says an eminent English doctor, “will
carry enough po: ! sc n to infect a house
hold.” in summer-time, more espec¬
ially, disease germs fill the air, multi¬
tudes are infected, fall ill, die ; multi
tudes escape, 'These messengers <>t
mischief do not exist for millions. Why
not? Because they are healthy and strong
—protected as a crocodile is against gun¬
shot. ft is the weak, the wasted, the
thin-blooded who fall ; those who
have no resistive power so that a sudden
cough or cold develops into graver
disease. We hear oi catching disease!
Why pot catch health ? We can do it
by always maintaining our healthy
Sco VHk £mufeim.
of Cod-liver Oil, is condensed nourish¬
ment; food lor the building up of the
system to resist the attacks of disease.
It should be taken in reasonable doses
all summer long by all those whose
weight is below the standard of health.
if you are losing ground, try a bottle
gor sale by all ilra»'s'i«t* at and too*