The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 13, 1897, Image 4

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pobushbd every fridav morning ■*
Official Or^aD laliaicrro tr *1 r Co, n
Prof. Jordan H. Sanford ar
r: . ed here Saturday and had his
f •:i.ji j t ure moved over to Liberty
Hall. In a few days his mother
and family will In* here—all to
uu lie their f. tun- home with us.
Our school net- r bad brighter
i pel , cl at present. It is
tic lin that enough
.<l: • ■: 1 ! : rais'd to make the
•*' , I , , ' ,, 'l' ...... j 0 ' ’ 1 ' 1 ' 1
‘ -
. : , - md ill daily to
i.. school. . . . ])<•)■.son wit);
in three rai o. Cm v.'fordvillc*.
*t -v.ouid feel x u ..p inter, ■>! in the
* viool and :• .I -vi R u togetlici i
. * ,
—• r.) 11 ,i. -cltool nm
hi.-stittmn# i • - : • are told that
1 . • ro nr • a r-uu. iy many appli-j
C .01 ■■ f ro. . a distance who ex
:■ cj. to come in hero to board
;,:id attend the school. Othors
want: to move here to
C tieaU III t dr children. J
P is to tiie interest of try I
individual to lit their of s in
to help mat thi..-> school as good I
] JO. iit,io. Good schools go aj
long ways in building up a town
and now that we are on the up
crude, let no ono put an obstacle j
v.a.v, but let every ono
ill Tor the school, pull for the j
own, c anity and for all our
To prevent tho appearance of
ago. use Buckingham's Dye for
f no W hisi-n vs.
Iviehtnonil c >unty is 8^0,000
•illM't in tux valuations this
Fulton (»f irmly has fallen be¬
hind this year $22.>,927 in Ittx
vaUtuUou. What’s the matter
With our city counties'/
••'riie best way to build up a
town or city > to encourage
homo enterprises,” says the An
gusta Chronicle and there is no
Flutter wav to begin. Paste this
in your hat.
The spoil aim's, are now in
forming ns through the papers
Unit western coi n • and spring
wheat are
ing to make im pay higher prices
for our bread. Clad there is ll
pretty good eve; of corn being
rais '1 in tuis, -v,ut■? wish it was
still larger.
1 \ Slonipt. M. ( tiie Orottt <
Nuli'iit 1*1 Will N«ml I rev. to !!“* 'tHirt
Three »t«*ttli"» of Hi* Newl* »»««*
red Uemeiltert to C'ure C'on
Miiiiiption mut Luiig
Uoisfidon! that l-.c lias discovered a rclia
hi*' v:mv lor u■.•usumph* •'* and all l»roa
lung di-'.(><•'. general
decline an ... of tWi and all
condition* of " . and to make its
fT 0 iU merits e wHl send, free,
tlm-H bottles t !U)V aderof The Advo
t [\ h ! 1 h rut !i V be suffering.
Already uus s lentitic contse of
mcvib'iuc’* l»tt* Cur: . g; ”'iiv C'tirod Ihou
sauds* ‘ (ippawniy bop Its CUM"'.
The doctor bis religious
duty a d uty In* owe* to humanity
tt> douau* h ;* cure.
1 L' isas pro*' ! th - dreadixi eonsump
lion to be a cu Itevoml any
doubt, atul lias ti in Amort an and
European latk'.r:,'. : tealiinonial* of rx
jH'i iriK'O fr mix ;!i «e bearfittxl ai d c .rial.
h\ all parts of tho >Vi s
Don’; delay - , s
SUtiit'tl'U, uiilutt'rnu'tc.i. mean 4 speedy
and eert n death Address T- A. Stcv
mm M. I IT* Pine erei. N. w York.
. please give
and w hen wr t ri,e iKmor.
itxpress and 'St.itll address, and slw*
tfiention reading tiffs amv.e u l he Ad
. , v.■ *e D-moc:.(.
• -Traveler’ tolls a bad
about our roads. This road
question Is getting to be one of
j ' mue ' rl importance in should this part fall of
the South and v, e not
behind in this respect. Many
comities in Georgia have adopt
| ed the new road law of taxing
| the people to work the roads and
in those counties the roads are
much improved. It is said that
j many kicked at first, but after
they see the good results, like
the stock law, it becomes the
very idea and all like it better
than the old system.
The Macon Mews says, “The
digest of Bibb county for 1897
shows a decrease of 8057,606 us
.... . with the digest of
]*qr,. " L ist year the Macon
... Telegraph , was “nosing ... around ,
about tho small returns and de
crivi- -s in Taliaferro and other
counties, and lot the “irons burn
in its own Ire. ” so to :• peak. The
so called ,, . sound money doctrine
and McKinley prosperity has a
bad effect on valuables in Bibb
(b n. Manager G. A. Macdon
aid, of tho C. S. & F. Ry. writes
us that he will sell round trip
tickets from Camak to St. Au
gustiuc, Fla., on Aug. 23, good
until Aug. 28, for the small sum
of 85. All who wish to go from
this section can write Mr. Mac¬
donald-at Macon and he tv ill give
you rates from your depot.
Wanted. Everybody to get a
bottle of Dr. Tichenorp; Antisep¬
tic, l he most wonderful healing
com)JOU nd of tho nineteenth cen
t-ury. Money returned if it fails
to give satisfaction. It heals
Cuts,’Burns, Bruises, etc., like
magic. A clear liquid, pleasant
odor and stainless.
■‘Ail tilings come to him who
waits.” Don’t you believe it!
You must hustle while you wait.
•YotlfTnuYelsiT 6 whiiffit ought to
be. Your competitors advertise
and hustle for business while
you wait. You must advertise
too.” So says a man who has
tried k.
Mrs. Emma
Ochs, Clay Cen¬
ter, Neb., in a
recent letter to
Dr. Hartman,
says: “I trust
no one will
ji think ill of see¬
ing toy name in
public; but as I have been a suf¬
ferer I do it with pleasure for
the sake of those who suffer. I
have been sick fora number of
years, and had hardly faith
any medicine any more, But iu
my misery a book, ‘The Ills of
Life ■' was given tome. I gave
Pe ru na a trial and am now as
woU as I ever was iu my life. I
had female disease, At times I
would have to sit up in bed to
breathe. Sometimes I had
stitching pains in my breast and
sides and backache; could not
sleep well; could eat but very
j 1 it t it*, and what I did cat did not
I agree with me. During the
monthly P‘ r:,,ds I >ii - 'fer«-d
( sovt'rv pain. -> 1 \ ,. v 1 ..
ducod to 136 Rounds; now it i
\ [5a. Wulkiugr across a room
j wou [ c l tiro me* A woman elm
| take Pe-ru-na at any time: it
i harmless. Any one that reads
this and suffers and would
1 to inipiiiv of mo, will
1 from] >’ aimVv « r
l>r. liartmnn ha* !: • • V writ
• '
t'-n •: ‘ •
women and the dist'aso peculiar
to their sex It T I" £l verv vama- j
bio to all women. . ,
h sick women. It will be seat
free to women only for a >h«rt
time by Tno Pe-ru-na Drug
ufacturiug L o-, Columbus, O.
| BabyMme! mother
feels an inde¬
% scribable dread
of the pain and
v I danger attend¬
ant upon the
. m most of critical her life. pe¬
m AS* ^Becoming mother should be a
i source of joy
:o all, but the
suffering and
danger of th' - ordeal make
its anticipation lone of misery.
is the remedy: which relieves
women of the gr^at pain and suf
J er > n g incident t4 m-ueinity, this
hour which is dreaded as woman s
severest trial is Jj'e . „ ot only made
painless, but aU usffl danger is re
moved by its ar|".io Those who use
this remedy longer de
spondent or gloolny; distressing nervousness
nausea and other con
ditions are avoided, the system is
and made the ready serious for accidents tljic coming event,
so com¬
mon to the c 'itical hour arc
obviated by the jse of Another's
Friend. It is a Messing to woman.
31.00 PER BOTTLE nt all Erupr Stores,
or sent toy snail receipt of price.
Containing invJinable all!women, information of
rnre interest to will l,e sent
rritl to any address,: upon application, by
Engines & Boilers 5
Gins andtPresses.,
Complete Cotton w. Grist. Oil and
I’c-rt iii/.i r .Mill outfits: nTso, Gin Dress, Cane
.Mill and Miiugle outfits. \
Building, Bridge, Factory Furnace and
Railroad Castings: Railroad MYJL Maclru
ist.V and Factory Supplies,
Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fit¬
tings. Saws. Files. Oilers, Etc. CAST
Lombard Iron HfM Supply Co.
Foundry, Afachino.^laf cr yi^Qin Don^y W»j>rks^
Repairs Pronvptiy •"
s !
liver PILLS )
and Tonic Pallets'Cure
All forms of diseaie ^iiliousness? caused by a
Sluggish Liver and
the rink rin Cleanses
the Tonic Pellet Invigorates
The little “Doctor's Bi>ok“ tells all about
it and a week’s Tre atmeht free proves cents. every
word true. Complete T treatment 25
ttrown Mf’g. Co., N. Y. 4 Gteeneville, Term.
Special Notice. j
I j
(in amt attcr tHis dat ■ the undersigned
will iuit ii('('(’|>i adyertii eluents or notices'
lobe published v,itliou!
lisher's tee in advance o ,>n
■svvnugements arc made lor payuiir i
I brfiivu the mi-Jred fou r weeks notice Ji;i>
i ■ x t*i * i 'I'/{a blislier reouiies us to be
come is sponsitf!? ruleundiviating. »nd in justice to uli we
make this
'l ills 2 U dav HENRY. of July 1 ‘Jf7. T. C.
D. I*. S lie riff,
GEO. 11. MITCHELL, Orel. T. C.
j Leave to Sell.
* W.A.<’-;v as guardian of Janie
app.h-d lo the mi*lerriusr.| !'•(•
ic.iV to-:!:' § • divided one half inter
! that 1 ~ t : O! hoi l-it.i:;:- , in
j 1112 l;;o res nc r: or le->. bounded on
Nbrth Inlands of George Wright. Eict i>y
| < \l li.mi Koily; $?wth ami ^
hi . vo;.*' fr*>m SLaron to Hillman
! an I will pa- on 'iu<l application on ttr-t
M *■ ay in ScpfcnnH-v liext.
\i 12th, «Sp . %
j (tEOllhK 1!. MirCliELL, Ordiitarr.
»*i«T iia* W r- f f*r- .*t ■Wr'.iJ 2 ; t'i '>■* 21 if 7? V
v ■***££* r :' rW * Joac ^
h 'V ‘ X / 1
; * v -‘ w'VidK , j , iq*:.'vp!-s:*V,:^
' ■•( >• ;8
1 nocharpe. if |o*rai-d. If yon have taken ?ner*
curv, uains.MueoiiaJratchesh’i iDUWie »ota^h, coaft?»iS»reTUroat, «U! h*ve ac‘:ea and
FiulpWrs, funper told.vii licyr< .
as*- part of the /, djiru. Y i^wnro’CVa iaUmc
- ;
ts<NT. A1 ^saranty. A tsc!n- s c* oo C> runt *•■■ luott ou
m>rAA“ < COO'v CHICAGO, tu-MKDV Cv) n
SU# leraptr, ll+L,
Petition lor Incorporation.
To tho Superior court of said County:
The. ixtition of David Davis. Ned A.
Edwards, Tim M. Combs. Alexander Edwards. K. j
Ed-. Henry T. Taylor, Alien of said
John Harris and Diehard Combs j
con ntv, that respectfully desire shows:— for themselves,
1 . associates’successors they and such others
as they mavfromtime totime elect, to be
incorporated for a term of Twenty years
with the privilegeof renewal there after
under the name and style of The Young
Shepherd of Pleasant Home Society with
authority by that name to sue and be
sued, contract and be contracted with,
plead and be impleaded, buy, sell, hold,
rent, lease, mortgage or otherwise acquire
*»r dispose of real and personal property
aid such other funds as may in the nidge-j
rnent of said society be necessary for its i
uses and purposes, to receive donations,
and to inforce good order in and around
heir place of business or contiguous there¬
to, to make such constitution, by laws,
rules and regulations for the government
of said society and its officers and for
fully carrying" out inconsistent the purposes with of the said consti-! so¬
ciety at are not i
tuti'on and laws of said state nor violative of
private rights.
2. That the principal place of business Level
of said society shall be at or near
Hill Baptist church in said county.
3 . That (heobject of said society (the
same being a charitable organization in its
nature, and character) is to aid • each othei
in times of sickness and to aid eaeli other
to bury their dead in decent andChristain
methods and not for individual pecuniary
gain or benefit.
4. That the officers of said society shall
be a President, Vice-President, Secretary
and Treasurer. The election term, of of
lice, powers and duties of said officers to
be fixed by the constitution and by laws.
5. That said society shall also have a
Board of Managers conposed of not less
than nin» nor more than fifteen members,
the election, term of office and powers and
duties of said Board to be fixed by the
constitution and by laws.
Wherefore your petitioners pray ail or¬
der incorporating thorn, their associates,
successors and such others as they may
from time to time elect as aforesaid, and
conferring upon them all of the powers
usually granted to corporations of like
kind and character.
Tlns-2'otli day of July 1897.
Attorney for Petitioners.
GEO 1 tG I A—Taliaferro County. I. S. II.
Rhodes clerk of the Supeiior court of said
county, do 'hereby certify that the fore
ifoing’petition for of incorporation the original petition is a true of
and correct copy
incorporation of The Young Shepard of
Pleasant Home Society filed in office tiiis
20 day of July 1 Official SSj7. signature and seal
Witness my
of said court this 20th Jiiiv is>,7.
. Lie il !iorG-OBJl Taljaferrq Cqupty
Of Weakness in Men They Treat and
Fall to Cure.
An Omaha Company places for the first
time before the public a Maoical The at
meat for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous of
and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration
Life Force in old and young men. No
worn-out French other remedy; harmful contains It no
Phosphorous or drugs. ia
a WoNDEKFCT, TueatmUxt— magical in its
effects—positive in its cure. All readers,
who are suffering life, causing from a that weakness mental that and
blights their
physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man¬
hood, should write to tho STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will
send you absolutely FREE, a valuable
paper on these diseases, Treatment. and positive proofs
of their truly Maojcai. Thous¬
ands of men, who restored have lost all hope of a
cure, are being by them to a per¬
fect condition.
This Mac-CAL Treatment may be taken
at home under their directions, or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
prefer to go there for treatment, if they
fail to cure. They are perfectly Free reliable; Cure,
have no Free Prescriptions, They have
Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake.
J25O.00U capital, and guarantee to cure
bank - Q bB |W ;., to them when a cure is
effected. Write them today,
JOOOOO Webster’s
^International 5
$ ■ Dictionary “Uncilrridged."
^ . Successor of the
The One Great Standard Authority, Z
5 JmuST-'sfsaBretio’co'St: 9 “
o standard
9, ofttav'-Wnto StS’SSTSS *6
I ,j»! P K dkoi.C C?n“‘, ‘afl ourtsandufnear- °
C tr«iuna schoolbooks.
# ww t r Warmly
m^ li [ t'oiiimer.decl
dent*, 3&5i£F3£StfS&i ami other Eancators v
almost without number.
Invaluable vn-rvY>rK>n^rH>o<H><vrwvo-<>o<vo-<
In the tearher, h**usebf>ld, acho*f-r, and ?■»
the pr**
Iffwional aiau, t:..’ self
it cas\ to find tlia word w anted.
CS it easy to ascertain the pronunciation.
O tt is easy to trace the growth o# a word.
P it is easy to team what a word means.
I \ h ':«Vrr;. pr^fPrenuo* Sews betxerauquaintance A: Observer were formerly says: with f--r
7,-1 e - j. but a
it. y.i.iit'i o? Webster <the Intemutional>
O nus leii ns •? ;.»i.,:ir 1 i: as Cie most valuable, and
CrOOOO i.> n'.iis; :• r ;i . a the standard us far as any one
per*Da?;cs sent on application ta
.1- C. 'il'RRTAH ro.. ISiftlishers,
Sprint:field, Mass.. V.S.A.
>A\ tbo advertisement in this ,
you saw
pap^r when yon write or buy ot advertisers
E 1 w
ad£ FC.CO
“®p Ei » A! mmm
On £ach Box.
MSH wm
FANCY ms mm§k
HOLDEN & CO Crawfordville, Ga
CenteBirial Exposition,
From May 1st, to Bov. 1st. 1897.
The second largest Exposition ever held
in this country, thousands of Home.Seek¬
ers and investors from the West and North
West will he there.
To show up_tLe .wonderful—wtsoutee*
along its line, the Georgia Railroad lias
decided to make an Exhibit of those re¬
sources, and asks the peop!@ of the Coun
ties and towns along its lines to co-opeiate
with them in making the exhibit a success
by furnishing creditable snecimens of all
Minerals, Paint and Fire Clays, description all
n f Water Powers and photagraphs Manufacturing of In
Mill Sites,exhibits of all
dustries especially desired.
Further arrangements will be made and
fine notice given regarding Exhibits of
A „ ric ultural products, 1 aud Fruit in sea
son ’
For further information apply to,
JNO. li. AYERILL, Commisioner,
419 Dyer Buileing, Augusta, Ga
Are the joy and sunlight of our
homes. Use all care to keep the
little ones in health. Do not give
them nauseous doses. You can
overcome their troubles with Dr.
Royal Oermetuer,
They all like to take it because it
does not taste like a medicine,
but like a lemonade. It cures colic
in young children, overcomes all
bowel troubles, gives good digestion,
and quiet, healthful sleep.
As a tonic for weak children and
as a remedy for use in teething, it is
the greatest in the world.
UF“So!d by - ^ist.s, new package,
large bottle, 70S Ases, ty One Dollar.
Manufactured only
The Atlanta Chemical Co,, Atlanta, be
Write for 18-Page Book, Mailed Free.
AGENTS WANTED, male or female
in every county. Business respectable.
Cornpensation good. No trouble to make
some money. Address Chronicle, Augua
:a. G»., for particuiars.