The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 13, 1897, Image 5

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    Suffered 20 Years*
.1#^ &
I m ’ f
'm ?
JftjXP ,32S. MARY LEWIS, wife of a promi
nQHt i .nner, and well known by all
• clcl residents near Belmont, N. Y,.
writes: “ror twenty-seven years I hail been
a constant sufferer from nervous prostra¬
tion, and paid large sums of money for doc¬
tors and ad vertised remedies without bene
ht. Three years aro my condition was
alarming; the least noise would startle and
unnerve me. I was unable to sleep, had a
number of sinking spells and slowly grew
worse. I began using Dr. Miles’ Restorative
I\ervine and iNorve and Liver Piils. At first
the medicine seemed to have no effect, but
after taking a few bottles I began to notice
a char .-: I rest --d better at night, my appe¬
tite began to improve and I rapidly grew
better, until now I am as nearly restored
to health as one of my age may expect. God
rue sold by all .’.rug- • »«.’>* -'M
gists muter a positive §2. p
guarantee, first bottle & K©FVSn©
bsneflts or money re- »astore3
funded. Bool; on die- 1 ^
eases nerves of free. tho heart Address, and iii“*
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Mr T a vender who v'iist came vikr from
T-i-.’-sn ltn ibu'e
melons this year and besides
feeding sold a great many to his hogs
he has over 820 00 worth of
melons and has more to sell yet,
That is equal to m00 per acre,
Who has made that much cotton
per acre this JL year?
---- -------x—
Centuries ago, people used to
fear what they called pestilence.
■•Black Death" was the most ter
rible thing in the world to them.
They feared it as people now
q fear the Cholera and Yellow
Y-'■A nd ' ;^Hte
that causes more misery and
more deaths than any of these,
It is so common that nine-tenths
of all the sickness in the world
Is traceable to it. It is merely
that simple, common thing con
stipation. It makes people list
less, causes dizziness, headaches,
loss of appetite, loss of sleep.
foul breath and distress after
eating. Tho little help needed
is furnished by Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. One pill is a
gentle laxative and two a mild
cathartic. Once used, always in
favor. If you are careless
enough to let an unscrupulous
druggists sell you something on
which he makes more money, it
is your own fault if you do not
get well. Be sure and get Dr.
Pierce s Pleasant Pellets.
Send 21 cents ini cent stamps
to World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N.,Y„ and;
receive Dr. Pierce Is 1 «H)h
1 toSSd :i—^ ’ AdV, j
■ — -
DivA.G Beazley made his
son Howell a present this week
designed and put together by
the Docter and is worth keeping
as a relic The head is made of
dark colored live oak a frag
mentof the famous MeiTimac be-1
iron clad vessel of the war !
tween the states and the cane is
made of a piece of Alex Steph-1 !
ens’ carriage tongue. There is a
neat silver band around the joint 1
where the hickory stick and the !
live oak head joins and that is i
made of an old time silver spoon,
taoner. that belonged It is a u> pretty tue great cane. Corn-j
i :
Gonstipation f
causes fully half the sickness in the world, it
retains the digested food too long in the bowels
an d produces biliousness, torpid jiver, indi-
8 j S .
gestioa, bad taste, coated H . I I .
taiKue. sick Ueadaciie, in- ■ 8 MS
somnia, etc. Hood's Pills Wp H
constipation and all its ™
cure AUdruggfets.
remits, easily and thoroughly. 25c.
Prepared l.y c. I. Hood & Co . Lovell. Mass
The onlv Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Pure Home Matters Picked Tip by Our
Local Reporters,
What Our People Are l>oing and Saying.
Tilings Our Friends Tell Us.
—What about that exhibit for
the fair.
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens vfent to
Atlanta yesterday.
Go to C. Bergstrom for can
dies and pearline.
—it is said that a section
around White Plains is still very
Nice 2 horse mineral farm
for rent next year by C. Berg¬
—The fruit in this section has
rotted badly this year. What is
the cause?
—Mr. W. J. Norton has been
on the sick list this week with a
severe cold.
Go to C. Bergstrom for
plates, cups, saucers and glass
—Mrs, Moore has been visit¬
ing the family of Mr. C. C , •.'aid
well this week.
—Miss Fannie Anderson has
returned from a week's visit at
Go to C. Bergstrom for can¬
dy and crackers.
—The county is getting in a
big lot of picks with which to
work the roads.
—There has been a large quan
tity of fruit jars sold in this mar
Go to C. Bergstrom for sar
dines and fish of all sorts.
-Col. G. H. Holden went up
to Greenesboro days.’ Sunday last to
spend a few
_ Tom Wvuno hSd has repai? a i avg0 i ot
of mf^dlorSimn <dns on to Tom
1 ‘ fc A ‘
Go C. „ Bergstrom for . shuts ...
and drawers of all kind.
—Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Slack
of White Plains are visiting rel
atives here this week.
Gl T. Hdn ardsTsTn'.t'ing
a large ginnery finished up on
his place near Sandy Cross.
Go to C. Bergstrom for “ vour
table clot \ h.
n v v Tr*mio- m n f
Sparta ^ Jt , e / to 1 piactic. '“ & ,cq.L medicine. '
Ml’s. C. M. iviioues iuis ic
turned from a visit to her
daughter, Mrs. Busie Chapman.
.—If you want a brand new,
best make sewing machine at
about half price for. cash call at
this office.
—Rev Mr Waller of Monte
auma has been assisting in the
services at the Baptist church
here this week.
__ M ehiidreif v «rd Mrs C S-m Rhodes
. md returned Tuesday
from oSthont* a tveek’s visit to relatives in
Ogiethwi^ Mis. i. connty. eoun M. Rhodes v desnes
ofmMnXT : ciawS-'
^ to
—Burnett C. Colclough, of
advance agent of the
Miss Hester company, was in
Crawfordville 1 nday last.
the fall trade in Crawford
v ;n,, aunlv ‘‘lW rmietlv quietly at at this tms office o lce
Jani, ‘. Howard aiui ■
children returned t to Stephens
f nday hist after spending some
S® Wltb hei ’ mot ier al 1 n-S
l? lace -
—Mr. C. H. Golucke has had i
the old guano warehouse near
our office torn down. Work
the new building will be started
next week, ;
Prof. R. M. Chapman, w ho
has ;iL been teaching at Henderson
v e 1 C nvriverl here Fridav 'i
last , ana will spend Jus vacation
with his home folks
Hughey. ky.,Aug. 11. 96
Dl. ilcnGllO.' S i.S
the best thing I ever used for
barbed wire cuts on stock. Its
curative power is simply
ful. W. J. Woodall.
The talk of moving the State
y nrm „ Sr>hnr.I from ‘ * Athens 1 .l. .' is
allbosh. 1’ lias been , estaWi sh
ed at that place, has good build
f t h e ,,. Hud <iiouldstav •> V'Vre
—Col. Howell Beazley left
Monday evening for his home at
Leesburg. Howell is solicitor
of Lee county court and is doing
well in Southwest Georgia,
Chamberlain's Colie. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy For always
affords prompt relief. sale
by Dr. K. J. Reid.
—bliss Fannie Hester and her
company came Friday last as
advertised, but on accounit chjnrch of
preaching at the Baptist give
that night she decided to no
—Dr. R. J. Reid and Mr. {John
F. nah Holden Tuesday, went to down bo present to Savan¬ at
the meeting of the State Agri¬
cultural Society at Tybee on
Plymouth. Pa,. Aug 25, 96.
My opinion of Dr. Tiche.ior’s
Antiseptic is that it will tb all
that is claimed for it. As arem
edy for colic it is the best I have
ever used.—Albert G. Groble
—Mr. John Bently, fomevlv
of this county, but now of Sa¬
vannah and Mr. J. L. Butler, al¬
so of Savannah returned home
Wednesday after visiting Mr. W.
A. Carey in. this county.
—Messrs John Stephens and
Everett Allen went up to Anti¬
och Monday to make pictures of
all the pretty folks in that sec¬
tion. Their last tent arrived
about time they finished then
new - one. ’ "
„ j r> „ f nm fo . on t.
f “ * ” “ coffee J
—Mr. and Mrs. Joe ■ Baling, j
of Augusta, spent a part o‘ this
and weekp'orewilh^V family. Mi. Holding S. moon- p,..m
nected with the extensive shops
of the Lomoard Iron Works and
Sul> P 5 '
It is always gratifying Clumber- to re
ceive testimonials for
Iain's Colic. Cholera and. Diar
rhoea Remedy, and wlen the
endorsement is from a jhysician
. esiKJciully Satisfactory s0 . -Tlere is no
more or effective
romedy than Chambeilain’s Col
} c Cholera and Diarrhoea Remo
dc." w rites Dr. R. -Jl. Pehev.
physician and pharmacist, used of
Only, Me.; and as he has
the Remedy it’in in his own family
and sold his drug stefe for
six years, lie should ce.'tainly j.
know. For sale by Dr. R,
—The first Fall _ lot , of , Wana
maker & l>rown s line clothing
samples have arrived at th* Ad
vo-Democrat office. 1 he "’ices
have been reduced and nijw i
you want an exlia suit p J1 °
extra money, call and see. sam
l^ cs -
“Let M. me F. Gregg, give you apopul.i a pok^r*!
doctor on the Missouri Rwilic
railroad. “Do you know that
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy cnre, s you
when you have the stomach 4che?
Well, "it does." And after giv
intf this friendly bit of advice,
^ ^ conductor pas,sen | on
isle- Ills a that
thousands of railroad arM travel
T^tle S this
a^ers W the best cure for
in the world. 27, and
, ( ,, u . botU es for sale by D r . R.
j - iwd -.. :
visited her H,u son. ' r,s . ’ L< Rev. fr L . 1?“''i R. K ^T L.
Harris a t this place this Week,
She was accompanied of Cali by her
s i s ters, Mrs. Hewitt, for
and Mrs . McWhorter of
Greene. Capt. Ben McWhdrter
a son of tho latter and conductor
on the M & N. R. R. also ac -
compained them. |
Mercer Univer ,ity is be$o*e ir 40 re
t^osperous bow than ever
. mf ?, i . b( . n«osnect P ,os, P eci for 101 ' a ' buffer F 1
attendance , v,as nevei bitter,
The present management land
faculty ate superior had and to wKii| any ithe
has all
t'llO ITiOuGrn niotilOCl.S OI D; ^ j’UC*
ti 0 n Mercer is better fitted, to
educate our young men than qny
college in the South. Board fc an
>)(i hud ilt SIX dollars _ per ruot^th.
This is a rare chance to g<*‘ an
education and no Baptist - “aid
think of sending ..—.i:-,, nib <cr, Sll, i Re
where than to Mercer, bee ^d
vertisement in another CO. iron
r>f this r.atter II
We are glad to note the promo- j
tiou of Mr. J. H. Chapman, in
the Georgia R. R. service. He
has been made train-master, in
place of Mr Purgerson who lias
taken the place of city engineer.
Mr. Chapman took charge of his
new office Tuesday. He is one j
of the best officers on the road I
and his friends in this section
are proud of his advancement,
Henry Pinker, son of W. T.
Pinker, of Washington, was se¬
verely cut Saturday at Mrs. J.
Belknap Smith's gold mine in
Wilkes county, Fiuker met a
negro with his hat on and when
he told the negro to take it off
the negro made a lunge at him
with a razor. Fluker's right arm j
below the elbow was cut, severing [
the muscle.
The Confederate Veterans of I
Taliaferro county arc* most ro
spectfully requested to meet at
the court house, Tuesday recess! Aug.
24th at noon, during the
of the court to organize a camp ;
so that wo may be* represented
in the General Gamp.
Very Respt,
R. tS. MuuDen, !
Confederate Veteran, j
Aug. lOtb, 1897.
While Mr. G. 8am Rhodes and
family were returning home
Wednesday from town, his horse I
that became is being frightened quarrid at some stone the | i
depot and whirled, broke Hie •’
.hato, kicked loos., from Ike
buggy and ran up the hill. The i
rains became tangled around ,
bam s shoulder and around his j
little girl s neck, but iortumately ,
they got loose alter jerking the ,
hlW several feet. No harm was
done except a scare and the brok-1 J
eu shafts.
,„, ‘^'Wtud w u , r n JT tS (uxTin-vrs Sun mi*!
MEKCl la, ;
as mercury will surely destro
the sense of sn iel) j md coinpIeU*
ly derange th* whole system j
when entering it through the j |
mucous surfaces. Such articles I
should ne ver be used except on
prescriptions from repulabh
physicians, will as the damage they ;
do is ten fold to the good
you them. can Hill’s possibly derive Cure,! fi-om |
maniifactiLivd by P. J. Cheney & . !
Co ToIikIo U O., contains no me.v
( . uryt un directly is til]ccu internally,' j
acting myfeous upon the blood
and surfaces of the sys- I
tom./ ], n buying Hall’s Catarrh
bo sure yon get the gen- 1
nine. It is taken internally' and j
made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials ;
free. , |
Sold by Druggists; price 75c,
per bottle. |
Hall’s family Pills are the j
best. !
Some one tired three shots at
Mr. Brewer Pope last Sunday
ho ^ on h.s way rmn
w'm' L homc^of 0 °\T m B A ?!
t ““ ° Mr. ’ J Sam Rhodes
aad h s h( im; he wus
^ oVX^smctiOT ^ ^CatiawayY i
out out oi tlte section, wal l > •
dogs were put on the track of the
would-be-assassms but the dogs
did not get on the trail time i
enough to run down the guilty.
Monday one Ethel
colored, who had been wot lung i
for Mr. Pop; was arrested on
evidence that will prove him to
be connected with the shooting.
Booker s brother has hfft the
soS^iords with* Kth of the
Bookers some ' time ' ao'O n and it is
supposed they planned , , to kill . ...
him and rob him as he usually
carried a good deal of money
about him The Bookers had
been to school and learned to
TGclcl (lilJQO novels.
*L>I*r,fuV. „„ .
gyIBp n taw' ic-In*
xm] fctin/Tur: most at nighl: wot'•)}
ncratciiin;-. if allowed t<> continue
form, whicli often ble«l awi ulcorate. i,ts
com lag very or,re. .S.vayne’s Oii.'inuC
Jtcps tbo lt<;Ui»g nod bleeding;, Jural- uJ
caratlon, and in most cases removes tire
tumors. Atdruggj*, or ty. mail, lor fill
eta*. Dr. SWayne * SOB, PhltodclpW-t.
arsspiiii “1
KSOTOC 'r-Aaod C fr3
Any rarsaparilln is j
rilla, True. .So any tea is tea.
So any flour is flour. Hut grades
differ. Von .Ids 5
so with sarsaparilla. 'I'la-re arc
grades. You want C • ! i. If »
understood 1
you sarsaparilla as
well as you do tea and dour it S
would be easy to determine. :
But you don't. Hov s'io;:’..l
you? Wlien you are going to j!
buy a commodity whose value J
you don’t know, you pink out >
an old established house to rj
trade with, and trust their ex J
perience buying and reputation. sarsaparilla. Do : 0 | I
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been /
on the market 50 years. Your ^
grandfather used Ayer's. It is |
a reputable medicine. 'There 1
arc many Sarsaparilla. 1 ! -— )
but only one Ayer’s. It t
cures. ;
. *IZ
There is an abundance of line
mineral in 1 ho hills around < 'raw
fo.dvllle. Mr. W. 11.
brought in a line looks speciiin'ii much oi
something Hat , . .
like old gold well filled y< with *'.v s 1
y tu . [I; lakes on a more q:a rt;;
si q e and , fits es st ong . oi , . roll
when placed oi Hu »(, - M r.
C. Bergstrom «ls. has.n. .m
oral on Ins land and Mr. U. k
C '?- UU uls a 1U ' ot " v
^ h on ! l " iir + lo wn w '" ,T t
1 rynig . 1o civaP* , a , 1\ ■ hmdyke sen
sation e.r nu.d here just now. Inn
re know there is valuable
eraHm lands adjacent to l ''aw
1C 1)1 ARB HOE A.
In 1862, when f serevd my
country as a private in Company
A. 176th Pennsylvania t olun
tears, I eoutvacb-d e.hronie diar
rhoea. It, lias given me a great,
deal o! trouble ever siiu'e.
have, tried a dozen uitl'ereni, umd
icim s and several prominent
doctors without any permanent unul
relief. Not long ago a It
i nt me. a sample bottle ol ( luirn*
X Gain's Colic, Cholera and
w arrhoea Remedy, and til ter
that I and took ;i .. cen
bottle; and now 1 can say tnat, i
am entirely cured. cannot do
thankful enough to you recommend lor tins
great Remedy, and
it. to till suffering veterans,
doubt write urn Yours grate
fully, Henry Ste.nbergcr, , Allen
town, Pa. Sold by Dr. U. J.
— Messrs. DavUm ,V H r* ,..
Ioadill . cott011 factors of Angus
ta, leave our thanks for a mco
S JI,vonir m sllu i K ‘ <n " v "' sl '
pocket note book.
Fill u bottle or common wider {.duo* witli
m ill mid let It stand twenty-four liour ; it
.sediment or settlinff indientes n lii’eii ed
<■. mditionot the kidneys. When urine
stains linen it. is positive evidence ot kid
Uu „i»ie. You, to un
ri;]tl , u! |i;iill il( i, u < k. < ; u: . (•(fllVJlH -
Ul ., ili<*. kWncyKu»«l i..:u)«l<;r arc
out of order,
\V If AT TO no.
There is comfort in tin- knowledge so
tl .ut Hr. KilmorN* w ..m ( »
U-m., tl.« ki;lm*y n-m-dy fuliilh
< v ‘-iy wisii, in ryli< vtng i«mi l| i u.<- md.
kWnev.s, liver. l>itMid<*r and <*v«;ry \nm. <•
th „ ul - liury j )!lswUK ,.. it <wrwts i,i»Wlli*
to hold urine and scalding i« p-<---ing.
it. or i«d foiiowim- <n
wini ' ” r * M T r * and uyfrironK-uiun. imp) ,■*>
u'.’.Vnanv UuV*duri«" tin- gg, <‘Aii;H>i'iiii;hi u,
jih , c. r l I h * mild <trid t.ijc v
effect of Hw«ni»-K<iat fa sotfo r«di/cd. .
tandMli« i»ini»«-.-t ‘grit- i(;H. J! yminciH <"r>
mve tte lit i
finjoyi •!<];! if <• filfty c« jjf- and oiicdo
Kora .ample! and pumj.iet.
i fr< ■ Uy n.Al, mr-nlioii ti..-Adv<
-iK-moerat and — .-'I y. r .11 po
addre,- to Jli F .inter ie ( 'I, Rill
linmtou, N. V. The prop rietor, or tins
paper L'our'.ijlee Ii."- r‘:u a e thi