The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 13, 1897, Image 8
MiLit..: £■*.0rJ4*.&urZ-.%?£e84BStZEa.. S-:iS3ai j? ! Save Money § fi % I % s* 4 i We wli ever usually sold in first-class 68 drug store g 1 4 : J :;c : cut pricrti ually dollar articles at cents, So §t . A $ :ir;L!es at >4 cents, Etc. K ft | ■d c; Oar Native Herbs, |S n ,; Ir o r i i>:u- Balsam, ;? ?'■»*. ’ 1 !<; i l-'W'i Jiiif >r, Barker. Hair . W 2~>r. fun’s Carminative, ft Rtr.-a pari lift, Packer's Tar Soap, h r’.s Frien.l Paine’s Celery & (tump'd, cj s U ' '.I’lirrh Cure, Ouiuine, P. tV., oz., y H . 'iraalina, '$ Hr itU :u : •I m / Old bottle O'Car 68 cents. Pepper Whiskey, H f: Sherry and Port Wine, ! ottled SO cent. f H Send for price list, and save money. % ¥■ HAM MACK, LUCAS & CC. * ATLANTA, CA. §• M I * kV 7 * ____________________r-rr---rr-r ~v- .-• Mercer University sa MACON, GEORGIA The 60th Session Begins Sept. 22nd, OP P '■ N i 7 ATION T-n -■ pi dc i.niin Language :md I.iu-riture; Greet; I 111 ,mil rlioir-: Kngli-ii Lmigun/e ami Piiv.sicM Literature: Clicinist! M.dcni J i.-1. n.-.d liners aw! Astronomy: Natural History, aii'i v; - >i _> >' Entavwv r.nd In tv. Helping ,, 1 l;d.-s, , nionVI-. EXPENSES li'ti'i i i' 11 I' ■ io.pi. I! /. io I in •: '>.00 .... a Man ltl( hrough the year on-".i->i>. Law Judge Emory .Spoor, of it <1 tutes I LAW FACULTY Hrong School of l . - (' i :. ( .uurnrtn. For tnrllier particulars or catalogueutldtes-. p. D. POLLOCK, President, Macon, Ca. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGINES > ism B S AW BOILERS MgA Sr— 9 i ffiuS i-’dlJS.Mi. i [j LS, . / I' - " )TTON GINS _aJL. T ‘~ v ^*1kSb vJfiKi WTlii* 0 - - and PRESSES, If Complete Ginning Outfits. m ~ TR IlulunO ft M A R 1 Steam Presses, -L i a!1 d Elevators ,; i Saws, Belting, Valves, Pulleys. Shafting & Mill ■J ; Supplies Generally. lit i MALLARY BROS. & CO a ,■ •A Mention this |>m|>it. MACON’, GEORGIA. j- s ft m “All the I is V. m w World Loires k\i s ■ I Xvi>J Wirnier” % a ) Q m u Our ’Ninety-Seven Complete Line ef M Mon i m L | Bicycks: Yffl t( V 8 ' are the V' N Supreme W W' s HlW \ M Result w \\ V, M ‘ i v Years of our of et jyi wm >■ j, W § " v >\ i £> Experience | i;> m S MONARCH CYCLE MFu. CO. $ m CHICAGO JTEW TORE lOilBOH % m Svnd nine two-cmt <timps kusseli. for at deck Tout o* Monarch 'tooarch Playing Cooper, Cards lllusuiur.j; Littlaa > m Lee Richardson and Walter jones. Keguiar 5tV cards. <C m ! --No place ever needed a eot ton warehouse more than Craw fordville does now. ■ —Several went from here to ' Atlanta yesterday Washington, on an excur si on run from —■Mr. Robertson, road master the Georgia R. R-, was here i one building day this week looking after the of the new cotton seed houses and warehouse east anTwm erai rooms to be used by the \ various cotton seed mills. j —Mrs. Sanford and Miss Del¬ la, Mr. and Mrs. .T. K. Sanford i and Mr. V. T. Sanford’s little 1 boy and girl, arrived yesterday on tb,e noon train. Their many i friends w r eleome them back to Crawfordville. —Messrs. Edwards & Cannon ’ are preparing to move their saw mill to Mr. W. O. Holden’s place east of town and will saw up a large lot of lumber. A great | deal will likely be needed here \ abouts. this fall and winter, Bicyclists, Base Ball and Foot \ Ball earns will find Dr. Tiche \ nors Antiseptic ‘need in this the business” very thing af they ended and the ter the race is i game is finished. For Sprains, Bruisers and Sore Mu cle.s it is all O. K. and ‘‘don’t you forget it.” j Su f .]-. ari and odor so pleasant j that once used it is used always, —Protracted meeting has been ! in progress at the Baptist church j i . here since Friday last. Rev. R. j 15. L. Harris has been assisted; ; by hi-- brother, Ab. and Mr. Wal-1 V/ith the cllUluh. be hope much good has been done r i ' g^-t-vc in a remedy is the second ■ tn '' ATcm must first believe in the man ! ... olthe it Knmon .„ Liver Treatment t i t bn# most famous remedies of t ,; lP !re(l years. For hHliou-m. s it is s.s l_:rh ahead of the ordinary’ liver lull a- WAurg i Pu is superior to no medicine at all. i our readers not to suit or siek-lt(Ji(9ar,)ie band. when such a pleasant rel ief i at Only U5 cents at Ute drug¬ store, Sample dose free—try it. — Charlie Caldwell went up to G veertfesbot’o this week to attend court. 1 A OedlGHTFUL COMBINA TTON. F'teq'mdcd ..UlivcnmeuL_-^-n-iynl- in the spiencloy of il:-. . <'4 i ' 1 thti raiijesticbt'uuly d,' its ' :• l eriorj h™”’....... .rchilecture, unsurpass- tiie J ', n ,h v? in rcsideniial |he Quarter of the Forest „ in' City of South—peerlo-’s :!i<! viirfjly and excellence of its cuisins/the pride,<Jjj De Soto Hotel...... the: the South Atlantic, al- i mo st. within vfaves, sound of the roar of 1 ocean fanned by breezes drawiig that c^me over salt balcony, seas to cool the Solo room ana Be is as inviting to South¬ ern traveler in the Summer as it is to the Northern tourist in the Wintry—and the Summer rates at t his combination Home and Inn are as low as £2.50 per day and upwards. LIST OF JURORS. ; • Drawn to Serve at the Superior Court of Taliaferro County Aug. Term, 1897, GRAND JURORS, 1 | f ^ Asburv, F. B, Taylor, S J Jones, Sr,, Thos. L. Cliapman, 1 John Johnson, E. 1). Had a way, A C Davidson. St I) Wallace, AV li Gunn, T L Bentley, j John Rhodes, Joseph W Farmer, It 1 > Mnrden, Tlios W Morris, S J Fly nt. J A Rhodes, A V b u is, Titus Richards, S David A Ciinpnian, \\ Perkins, Gwen J A Woodall, i) Moore. j ! t>:-o Jus L T Moore, Rhode John John N T Chapman, Heard. ] ! Vi D t.gletrce, John T Wright, | : 1 T Lttneeford, Geo C Davis. TRAVLUSK JURORS. i Jesse Moore, Jr., W F Bishop, Ira kYlEllington, O Julian L K Gunn. Richards, J.ieU Stewart, X M Humphrey, Aslmry, Charles A T Gunn. II Golueho, lesse 11 U T llarper, J W T O Shields. Wright, A Smith, John Burke, George W Brown, W S Meadows, Ross Gitun, i M 17 Moore. A L Hillman, il F White. ,1 T Harrison, W M Barker, R F Boss. .1 Ruff Kendrick, A H Mathis. TOGitun, W A Store, Jr., F i. A >hui v. J \V Allen. ! i'li-'S 17 K Bristow. Bristow, S S Ellington, 17 M Stewart. Asburr Ogletrec. .John U Moore. CASTORIA * . ■ For Infants and Children. it n tvtr? t?»;?•*. f HUMHH I I L-r. sp i m ’ -H § m I li - _______ AVege table Preparation attdRegufa- for As¬ similating the Foot! tirig the Stomachs andl3ov;eIs of asr. v^Chiljjken Promotes and Rest.Contains Digestion,Cheerful¬ neither ness Mineral. Opmtd,Morplrine Narcotic. nor Not /hope of OUl BrSfMVHJSnVSER JPum/fan Sc£tl“ Mx. Senna * ItocJulIc Snlls - /IniscSeed Peppermint + - iii Carbonate Seda, * fi/jrm flivifttd. Seed Sugar - 8 - iVirJeryrecn, Flavor. Apcrfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, forConstipa tion. Sour Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬ ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. mi ■m & . W 'm m m m EXACT CO PY 0 F WR APPE R. wmmsm ANDY CATHARTIC v I > CUP1C0HSTIPATS0H. 104 P WK ,AL 23^ 50 ^ DRUGGISTS I ___ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ^ 7 ^«r L S: fo>€> J i.ln and booklet frre. Ad. STKKUSO KEJIKDf CO.. Chic.iso. Bloutren!. Can., or New York. — •*-——^~^^~ ” skc a . I mm m m g' * /*• *1 WAVERLEY BICYCLES 9 i m RUN EASIEST 9 s m m m m m m msmsmmmmmm m No owner of a V/averley Bicycle ever regretted his purchase. No m rider of a Waverley ever feit that m m he possessed less than the best m that could be produced. m m Be m INDIANA BICYCLE CO., m Indianapolis, Ind. & m e> ©Q * AFHIGANA, The Blood Wonderful Purifier.... Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED.....• • • • Africana Has Never Failed Id a single instance out of thehun-lreds treated. Therefore, we offer it to the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake the most desperate case on which ether so-called infallible cures have failed. Africana is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly dis¬ harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy particulars, ever covered for the above named diseases. Write for further testimonials, etc. Africana Co.. 6354 Atlanta. S. BROAD Ga. ST. Let us do your Job Printing? 1 , jotter our new head-. Lithograa They are tire stylish. note and Legal BlciHKS SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE --OF * 44 IS ON - THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF Castoria is put up in one-sizo bottles only, It 13 not sold in bulk. Don’t allovr anyone to sell yon “just anything else on the “will plea or promise that it is as good” and answer every pur¬ pose.” •GSrSee that yen get C-A-8-T-Q-R-I-A* is on erer7 wrapper.