Newspaper Page Text
4 L . E ADVOCA Democrat.
6100 Pef Tear.
From a Horse
It matters not from what cause the
blood becomes poisoned, it is impossi¬
ble for the doctors to effect a cure.
This class of disease has puzzled the
science of medicine for ages, and the
same treatment that was employed
centuries ago is now prescribed. Po’c
aah and mercury are the component
; arts of every doctor’s prescription
for diseases of the blood.
Il any of the so-called blood puri
tic: s are based on potash and mercury,
ir fact, S. S. S. (Swift’s Specific) is
the only blood remedy that is guar¬
anteed purely vegetable, and is the
only one that contains no harmful
ingredients. S. S. S. is the only blood
remedy that cures teal blood diseases,
ot tinate cases that physicians and
other remedies have failed to cure.
It never fails to cure a blood disease—
as matter how deep-seated the case.
■■ -
W mm 1
Jk A i •
m/tM iiN-k-a
u-' m
Miss Bertha Whitwood.
fir. H. Kuhn, of Marion, Kansao;
■‘About three years ago my grand
£ -tighter Bertha Whitwood, waa j
thrown from a hor&e, receiving a
; 'I* reat
> - ' * woer eemed
na e, and for several months re
( ■ lained about the same, until it finally
came info very angry looking, This and broke
out a re. ning sore. soon
to other parts of the scaip, and
ra.a down the aide of the neck, in¬
creasing in severity, and fearfully
disfiguring “After her. constantly under
being for her condi¬ a
physician deal a year, and first.
tion a great worse than at
-,ve placed her under the care of the
faculty of a well-known hospital,, but
even the treatment she received there
failed to arrest the terrible sore.
“Reading’ of the many cures of
blood troubles effected by S. S. S., we
decided to try it, and it relieved her
promptly. At first this remedy seemed
to the increase poison; this the discharge, ceased forcing altogether, out
and the place began to- heal. In a
few months she was entirely cured,
and scarcely a mark now remains
where the disease held full sway.”
B. B. S. is the right remedy for all
blood diseases, and is the only cure
for Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula,
Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, Ca
t-jrrh, etc., no matter how deep-seated
the case. S. S. S. is guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and contains not a particle mineral, of mer
;ury, : t; :, or other which
sr.ea.ns so much to all who know the
disastrous effects of these drugs.
Valuable books can be had free by
addressing Swift Specific Company,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
- Cheatv.
A11 persons having demands against the
ot Cohn J. Kent, tate ofsanl county
ieee;i«."|. are hereby notified to render in
tlieir di ..'"is to the undersigned and ‘all properly I
1 rover bee .ruin'/ to iftw; persons
md -i '.ed ■ . sai'l estate are required to
®T’jbl‘nt "y S RACHEL 1897. KENT,
^dmiii sirattix of John J.'Kent deceased, j
Ib eonnecvfan -with watch, cock an.!
jewelry repairing, during the summer
mouths, OiroL.dcd you -‘.ring the machine
:j: vaiv yi top i will inake scwia-r .rHacnines
run light and sttrel.-pcaf' «tot Jon eon
,14 it worthless. I '-an repair any kind of
n) ehinei v. I am a practical workman.
u eohbler. If I do not .rive -atisfaelion I
i ant no pav. H. B. STltOZEK.
Jeweler, Crawfordille. Ga,
AAlftAta council has passed an
ordinance against theater hats.
. aoY st ■ .,*»'■( . — - / - - /*JS , _
What the People of tl at Thriving
Town Are Doing,
nr c. 1.. ii.vGBT. visited the shaft last week.
Veiy few visitors in our town last
Knuck playing is the sport of our town
at present.
Col. L. A, Moore was in our town on
list Friday.
Hr t 4 Jackson keeps pretty well filled
up all the time.
Air. Ji hn O’Keeffe made a business trip
t> Augusta last week.
fc’yrup skimmers made by C. L. Bagby
the tinner, Sharon, Ca.
Bring your tin work to me. C. L. Bagby.
the tinner, Sharon, Ga.
Airs. Betsie Moore and grand children
Visited the shaft last week.
Several of our people took in Atlanta
list week on the excursion.
Father Henry David is still on the im¬
prove we are glad to state.
Mrs. A. 1). Kendrick was visiting her
■ so.: in the country last week.
, Miss Emma Bagby visited her sister
Airs. Carry Gregory last week
Our little town was full of people on
Friday last, especially horse traders.
Aliss Alnggic Belnow is visiting Air. A.
1 Gilbert’s family the present week.
Our coon, hunters and fishermen bad
good luck on Ogoochee river last. week.
Messrs. John Hill and Frank Gilbert, of
Washington, were in our town last week.
Atr. Furgurson has been visiting bis
mother at this place for several days
Miss Ada Ramp, of Augusta, was visit¬
ing Aiiss Claude Taylor near Barnett last
AV. H. Bagby sold a nice lot of grapes
here last week to Air. Ed. Keating. Tliey
were fine.
Limb tie at Barnett last Friday. A
; ood J: g crowd attended. i?nd all h 11 ' 1 a
:.v. '
Mbs Daily and her brother, of Atlanta,
are visiting their uncle Mr. A. D. Moore
at present.
Mr, O. P. Bonner was in our town last
week in-the interest of bis fruit business.
He raises fine fruit.
Air. A. T. Gilbert superintended the
barbecue at Barnett. Lon will make him¬
self useful iu many ways.
Don’t go to court next week without re¬
membering to carry along a little cash for
the printer, lie needs it.
AVe have been in the suds for a week or
more. AVe bad more to attend to than we
were able to attend to well,
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott attended the
burial of Miss Lilia Reese; her cousin, at
William’s Creek last week.
A FR1CANA will cure Syphilis and Old
4T- Sores to Stay Cured.
Hr. Albert Barnett is out again after
several weeks confinement to his room
nursing some troublesome boilsi
To Cure Cows'.Ipiillon Forever,
Take OasuareLs Candy Cathartic. 10c orCsc,
If C. C. C. tail to cure, drugirista refund money
Lapt. Hunter, of Hillman, was in town
on Wednesday of last week. The Cap¬
tain lias several boarders at present.
Educate Tour Dowels With Cascaretn*
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forerar.
10c. 26c. If C. C. C. fail, i’.riiggist* refund iwoncy.
,S?.lem- Sunday school lias Own meeting
twice a week practicing their pieces for
children's day which comes oil to-day.
Educate Tour Dowels With Cascarcts.
' k < \'c. c fGiAirnSdstiv/r?uud money.
Air. and Mrs. Marrabie lost tlieir little
boy last week, It was a grand child cl
Mr. and -Mrs. Jesse Taylor, of this county,
To Curt* ion Foruvor.
Take Cm curou < ’• ndy Cathartic. 10c or *'?c.
if C. C. C. fa il ID cure, dru^iita refund moiicy.
neap of young folks are buying new
buggies. W<; expect they intend getting
manied the coming fall cotton gets i
ri} ? e.
Vo-7o-lif t c for fifty Cents.
Guaranteed '.obacfo habit nun re. makes v,fej.k
men .itrezs, blood pure, All druvcio-a.
If yea; w«i t ■<> hear a man talk big, just
listen to me or the»* young sport- who
a ,, s ..,, t dtiy money but beats everybody
he t ,
( an.
CikS __ JPORIA.. .
Tkthc- yp —■ j t «
crcr 7.
AVe understand Air. Paul Cai/ey will sue
the Ga. R. R. He is stifl confined to Ids
bed and it is thought by .some that his leg
wilt ,, have , to be cut off ,«■ ..... et.
Hood’s .Sarsaparilla ^
“ if your blood , IS . impure, . . yourappe- ,,
titegone, your health impaired. Noth
in-builds up health like-
Syrup making has begun with some.
Cal. Denton, a colored man that farms
on the Battle land at Heliow, this county,
U;.s nine acres of cotton that will average
fifty bolls and blooms to the stalk.
We arc needing rain in this section,
Turnips that have been ,sowed are not
coming tip and unless more rain comes
soon they will have to be sowed over.
Remember children’s day at Salem Bap¬
tist church also the antr.ud meeting. All
are invited to these safeices which em¬
braces the 4th Sabbath in this month.
It was our pleasure to meet with throe
old venerable gentlemyh this county
recently: Mr. IVoodrut 833 years old,
Mr. John Burke 74, and t’iudgc Pittman
98. i
Air. J. T, Taylor delivfmS some excel¬
lent cord wood to Mr. A.iD. Moore at the
temple of industry las* week. Alfred
looks like he is going to start to ginning
soon the way be has got "£Od piled up.
Mr. C. C. Caldwell with his little son
was in our town last week. Charley took
in Washington while here and also bought
him a new buggy from,!. A. Kendrick.
Caldwell gets there when<k.j|^>mes to trad¬
Old People
Old people who requite medicine to
regulate I be bowels and kidneys will find
the true remedy iti Elect: ie Bitters. This
medicine does not stinniEte and contains
no whiskey nor other intoxicants, but
acts as a tonic and alterative. It arts
mildly on the stomaclie a 3 , 1 ! bowels, add
ing strength and giving tmir to the or¬
gans, thereby aiding Nature Electric in the per¬
formance of the functions Bit¬
ters is an excellent appetizer and aids di¬
gestion. Old People find It just, Ids exactly
what they need. Priee fifty and
1.00 per bottle at Dr. It. , Reid’s
Drug Store.
AVe were glad to meet AV'alter Davidson
on our streets last week. Waller looks
thin but be we think is very much on
crane order, good treatment arid a plenty
of it don’t add much to Ids nvodupoise
Air. Brison died in Atn uta last week
> - ■-as brr;•• to Bh#h’ » ..
and buried in tue*ov>..iid> i >y y tf r. , It
married a Miss llarjy ef ti A etimi. We
were not acquainted wit AY the deceased
gentleman. J
AVe were aroused one nignt recently bv
a man that was apparently crazy. Ilis
name was John Oosby. Wo had met the
gent but once before in our life. The first
thing lie knows he will be in the lock up
or dead or in the chain gang.
Mr. J. A. Kendrick will close bis store
on the 30th, instaat, for ft few days for
the purpose of taking stock. Customers
will take notice of this
Air. Thomas F. Kendrick, junior part-
111 v ot the firm of Kendrick & Co., is now
in the northern eitias buying goods for
the fall trade. You all know that Toni is
one of the best drygoods merchants iti the
country and will make purchases to suit
our people. From tire way goods are ar¬
riving at our depot w< think this firm
means business sure enough, and are sat¬
isfied that Kendrick & Co., will sell goods
as cheap as the cheapest, if you will call
Oil them the present season. Wo make this
special notice for the benefit of our coun¬
try people generally.
Miss Lilia Reese of Williams creek
died on the 2nd Sabbath in this month and
was buried on Monday following. Aiiss
Reese had been sick for sometime with
Unit awful disease consumption but she
died happy and is no doubt belter oil.
Blue pants; are most all the go liowduys
with the boys and men too. Look out;
next thing you know I he girls and women
will have on the blue tresses ami bloomers
too. The women of this country don’t
intend for the men to ret ahead Of them.
Pea’t Tobacco Sp*t urd Your X.ii'e Anaf*
To quit tobacco vM&il.y ami forever, be mag¬
netic. full of life* nerve vnd vigor, taku Nt#-To
Hue. the wonder *Orku. r hat makes weak men
strong. All druggists, ■ )c or 91. Curegoaran
test'd Booklet and s -inpie free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co G’hicago or New York.« H. Taylor bad ... picnic of his own
j (film an last week. He says be saw a
ra |tie. snake that would measure fifteen
-^bes around. Alva said this was no He
and be could prove it by three young
ladies and Mr. Henry Fielding, that was
with him. Alya i* going to make a smart
lying lawyer ora bi;jr shouting Methodist
preacher. Ho don’t lack for wit or sense.
Everybody Says So.
Casearets c lac dr Cathartic, the most won
flerful medical disetbverv of the age. ptaaa
ant and refreshing /to the taste, art gently wel*,
and posiUzely;an kidneys, fiver and bo
cleansing the enttrp favelr, syatern, habftual dispel colds,
cure headache, constipation
an d biliwuness. 1'Jcaso buy and tr.r a box
0 f C. C. U , as. a- -ents. KnWand
guanu.t*isst to,cnr« t»y all druggisU
Correspondents’ Eeports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happening;* in Their Kcsiwctive Lo¬
calities. All the Nctvs.
Crops are looking line
Mr. 15. W. Meadows was reported tick
a few days ago.
We are glad to know Sirs. \Y. ’I'.
Combs is eonvalseent.
We are glad to learn that Mr. Wilkes
Wall, who has bead sick for some time is
Mr. Overton Luncoford and Mr. AVillic
Wall Imvc returned home after a week’s
visit to Hancock.
Wo bad a nice barbecue at Phillips
mills church last Wednesday week; all re¬
port a nice. time.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Tom
Inmcuford is down with typhoid fever.
Hope he will soon recover.
.Mr, Newton Lmiceforil ana wife return¬
ed home Monday ot last week after a
week’s visit with friends and relatives in
this section.
Everybody should take the Advocate.
Democrat and get the news from nil over
the county. Idee the editor next week
and subscribe.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction Oi y.
Ill., was told by her doctors she had C< >n
sumption and that there was no Iio .ies
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King’s IS evv
Discovery completely cured her and she
says it fayed her life. Mr. Thos. snflYml Dgg- th.
189 Florida St. San Frane.iseo,
from a dreadful cold, approaching II Con¬ ling
sumption, tried without r< suit every
else then bought one V>ot\ie of Dr. Ding’s
New Discover, and in two week:- was
cured, lie is naturally thankful. It is
such results, of which these are samples
that prove the wonderful efficacy o f this
medicine in Gouglis and Golds. Free
nottlo-at Dr.R.JAReid Dru •
—ratWaoLDEfi.’ si/e 0 () l •; ptm
by orn/.icN.
We had a nice rain on Monday la* I imd
are much renewed.
Miss, Sal lie Broome, of l nion Pom', is
visiting relatives and friends in the Hoi
Mr. O. W. Spent and Mrs. Anna. E
and her two bright little dn . ■
of Montgomery, Ala,, sjie.nt sc feral
of last week in the Holden neigh! ,or
with her Bister Mrs. .!. AV. Itroom ■.
ltev. Mr. liurgeas protracted the meet"
Bethany and it wilhcotjtiniu; until
Wednesday night and probably lo.iigi r.
Mr. Argabrite oi Madison isix poi h -I
arrive, to day (Tuesday) and wild take
of the meeting.
Messrs. Rauf Rhodes, Frank Corrv and
Robert Jordan left Tuesday tor l eim
burg, Tenn., at wliieli piaeo tin;) mil cn
ter Elizabeth College. They will go by
way ot Nashville and take m the ex[,osi~
tion. We wish the young men nmcb . r '
cess and don’t doubt that, tliey wall equip
themselves with honor inthe itiinre.
tkxUUu** A*tu Ail***
The Best Oalve ro V e world for'Oaf*.
Bruises, dpros, Ulcer u Sait Klieum, i v.
er. Tetter, Chopped Hands, ChiEUainr
Corea, uni nli Skin Eruptlona, and poA
tiveljr cure* Tiles, r>l" no pay rcquire'V D
it guar.-mteed to give satisfaction rt
money refunded. Erica Z5*. pc* os a.
For rtak by Ur. 11.- J. Held.
We are having good rains.
Prospects for a bountiful barve * Is
promising at this time.
The annual meeting at l’oweiton iiap
tist church commences next Friday, the
W iSL v'eazcy and Mr. ««o. if.
Itocker attended jireaehbi ,r at Crawford
villa last Fabbatb.
There was a considerable w <1 and bai
storm in Dowel ton K'turdny nigbt;
Several IJermudaltes were or. tlieir way to
church iitid got pretty wet.
Miss Nannie Jonee, and brother .1 a
visited their sister, Mrs. Jus;* McKinney r
near Barnctt Saturday nigbt and Sunday
and attended'preaching at Jcnning’s Sun
Miss Clara Nelson spent several days
last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. N. Chap
man and sister Afabe! and attended
Baptist meeting then in progress in Craw
ford rllle
In Advance.
NO. 2(5.
0Y4 ]
L@ Kgpc®
mm: ->i
Absolutely Pa-o.
( VlcbraU'd for iG area! !■ a\ riiinv strci': :
iind hcalthfullm'Ks. uk' tin Loot .
iiivnin^t alum ami all lorms oi wluiG'ni
tion commonlo ilia <•)»<.•;• ! »”::nds. i’>Y
AL 15 A ICING IM)W !>!■:!' i >)., Yew Y«»rU
Mrd. •]. T. Cooper ami ai, Drunk, n
turned lust Thursday from a ten <I i
visit, to relatives in Ghns’vck, »loff«T a
and Washington counties, They r<]»<>;
a }>oo<l time and crops in That scei ion ;
but no better than in onrcounty.
Messrs. 1>. 1<\ Wynne ami U. .» s ."rtlu•
returned Saturday from Tattnall eounty
They say in some seel ions, crops ori 1 *od
and in others not so p>od. I thin I tliey
come Jiome satisfied with this r it >1 our
State, though they sav Hint is fin. 1 i mi in;*
A Great and I'seful Rook. Ov. ing 5 «>
the growth of the English language and
its continually increasing juvvr.Iene.- v. dn ry
much more is required of an hi, ii '• Noah
lionary to-day than fornlevly, and
Webster, wild spout twcnly year,, in pit
paring his American Piclioiriry, would
hardly recoginize if in tin’ pm IVc.lioii il !m
attained at the hands of modern seludiu
Webster’s international Dictionary,
last, of the various revisions and enlai}'«
incuts of tin* original “Webster,” literary repro
sonts liffy times the amount o;
labor that was expended upon tin- t"il’li»* '
editi/ •;» and is, without (pmstiou lie tin ist
}*“' ./| reliaMf work f ilii
: ” m it h; >t
S|: , r \ k world, nod
i or the library, the sohom imib th
student, ami in fact to 1 who
the English language.
i i O 1< > (. BfcTgftl go i . i
monel cl yos of al I son’
r Po believe in a remedy G the second
Step. You mm t find helif \ e in t he men
who'offers it. Uainon’K uyir Treatment
is one of the most iurma: remedies of
the last hundred years. I'm liillioi' a.-.
it is as much ahead of the ,‘dlnarv live.
hill as that is superior to no medieii at
all. We urge oar readei not to sIllTc!
siek-hendaelie when such a pleasant relhd
is at hand, On'lv 25 cents al the drug
store. [Sample dose free 1 ry it.
The following kind patron have p id
their subscription since our last, mention
Win. II. Flemming, $1, to Meh 3,
AV. A. Logwcn, si, to Kelt. 25. MIS
Miss Hntlie Logwcn, S?1 to July 33,
N. If. Morgan 30c to Aug 20 '07
Weak Le G.j r ■ r >
Hot weather won’t ’.are weak
lungs. You may fee! better be
cause out of doors more, but
the trouble is still there. Don’t
stop taking your
Sc ott’s
______________ happens
because the weather
^ ^ warm Jf yQU have a
weak throat, a slight hacking
! COUgH, OT SOmC trouble Wltn
the bronchial tubes, summer i3
jhg best time to gfct rid of it.
^ y QU are l os \ n g flesh there IS
all the more need of attention.
Weakness about the chest and
thinness should never go to
i One greatly increases
gsther. Other. Heal
danger of the
the throat, cure the cough, and
strengthen the whole system
nOW. Keep taking Scott's
| elision all SUmmSf.
p.^t mUo \tj all druggUU »t 50 c »nd %t.m