Newspaper Page Text
published every eriday MORvi.vcB*
Official Organ Taliaterro Co.
CRAWFORD VII.LE, At U. 13,3807.
The prohibition in.: stion is
gi tfing warm over in Hancock,
Gr/niwyn will start out.
this went: inspecting drugs
sale at the various towns in the
The 01 cotton is
opening i , Well hope it will
hold out well through this sea
tl (•( winter with
if the <’! mine
c way
o : u* mines.
I ) 1TJ ros i ted two
w •1o look
up i :nr . Will Dc
Kali; ha i. banging 'ids sea
W. !!. K .1 r. of Merriwether
jonuty, has •i . arrested charg
I ' d with lo;r. :r his hoi pi ess do
foi •d i •iiild in the woods to
Goods an : ii vertised ill t’ "s -
newspaper beeau *V 3 they are C r
sail iu this town, You can get
them easiH : r you make it clear
lHal '.-oil will accept no substi-
1 1
f .’(»( mis that n ■ State Agri
Soei tv have
« - . [Ion. Pope Brown
li l CUM hired that
,vo will 1 avo no state fair this
| Hint mi
of the 'iresent •or ivict system is
about 8 I a-, tlye state can do
just now. 11 will cost u million
of dollars , :n in ii stffns
H ■ you spend
your iiiDiit'V A cheap sub
st i t uto for a 1 Hard, advertised
nrticlo iii n oitt to be a cosl
E 1 nsi on having
Th lerehant goes to
wid ■ awake noigli
kepping goods
I Imt n 1!. • 11!;111 <i. and by never
7 what he
] » not 3 ant.
\Y and D. &
run an cxc*ur
ti toMa’ckinne
f or sr, round
11 . i tl*»* (irciit rttomlMt
a, 1 - 1 . til S«»nd 'us', t*» lh«* Aflllct
l ?jr* title ■ o: Mi-* Newly I>lt*
i Ih'iiirdics to I’uiv Con*
ti him |>t i«»i» tttid -VII I ting
Tronltk 1 *.
1 . i)vcv«ni it relia
>u and all broa*
-easts, general
>f fl* i sh ami all
um: iu inakrt its
,*r of TU.- Ad vo
■ 'Uffuring.
iill.* course of
v Hired tl
it Uif reli^ktus
<!; i u.' ivisto humanity
U . *g t consump
a ' p Inyop.d any
d-* i hi> Amorkavn ami
Kur tp<*im€>nial» of ex
V t tv, i a*, d v .red.
li mrans -po* iv
T. A. S
. >’< w V
. ; .fji" give
lueui! ':' wediBi ' artitie iu Tue Ad
A white tramp stopped at I
Mrs. Heatheock’s home near j
Chiekamauga. Ga., Saturday and j
j as ’ K( , u f or breakfast, she prepar
,.(1 the food and the scoundrel
eat and made light remarks i
r^it. the -poor ^ jare , r for . a o -
man.' Miss Hoathcock, a
1 .' year old daughter,‘started out!
for assistance. Several hours j
! late-" .. as found almost chok
jed to death in an orchard while
her mother was found in the
house unconscious anti bleeding
from wounds inflicted by the
! brute she had fed. The tramp
' escaped, but will yet be found
and given what he deserves.
Wanted. Everybody to got a
bottle of Dr. Tichenoys Antisep¬ healing
tic, the most wonderful
compound of the nineteenth cen
fury. Money returned if it fails
to gi .«• satisfaction.. It heals
Cuts. Burns, Bruises, etc., like
magic, A clear liquid, pleasant
odor and •S sinless.
They now have a theory of
Will Myers’ escape, that he was
t: ' " out. : f j' il by 'is pals and
Hi !!■•:: l<> keep him iroi : telling;
what hl ‘ knew about the Crowley
erirn This story is believed by
many. Ho escaped the morning
the Supreme court decided he
must hang and the theory goes
that, his associates in the crime
knew he would tell all he knew*
when he heard that he must
(t\ At the be¬
w ginning o f
vacation how
tired she feelg
r /pay* how lan & ui<i
(M • s!l ° appears,
bow sallow
Wjffi i. ;VW she looks -
j • ."’P But, weeks after of rest
and romp in the open air, what a
( u4*+> o takes place. Buoyant,
healthy, happy, laughing face.
No blood, new nerves, new
brain. Nothing which man has
devised is quite so good to work
all these changes as Nature. But
if, for any reason, one is depriv
ed of the necessary vacation, is
tied to the house by work or de
bilitv. what should she do then?
Pe-ru-na is Nature s own reme
dy. Nest to the healing powers
c if Nature is Pe-ru-na. Pe-ru-na
makes new blood, new nerves,
IltAY muscles, new brains. Pe
ru-mi is the staff upon which the
woman can rely in all of her
vicissitudes. Mrs. H. A. Tyner,
Four Oaks, N. C., says: "My
daughter was very weak, was
givatly ei 'aciatinl. had no appe
till', pain iu her chest, cough
Th** doctors could not help her. j
We thought she would die.
few months’ use of Pe-ru-na
cured her. W e believe that it
saved her life. ”
Fvery mother should have a
copy Ui f Dr. Hartman’s latest
book, written expressly for
women. Sent free to women
only by the Pe-ru-na Drug Man-!
ufacturing Company. Columbus, j
(h>- your ticket for the ezeu
sio'i to Atlanta.
(Jo to C. Bergstrom and look
at his oriees in his catalog.
The last stone culvert built for,
the town over the branch near
Mr. V7, M’. Bird's residence col-
1 NYeduosday while it rain :
j ed fee contractor had just
j tints i.-d. his and left
j g t money
j ton .:, a l ucky time fur him.
For Infants and .Children.
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for
ward to the hour of woman’s
sev erest trial is appreciated by but
f ew> All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life’s pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for¬
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent pfrotest in the way of
Nausea, Headpche, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations—she quickly passes and
through the ordeal
without pain— is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the hf h and holy Safety duties
now devolves upon her.
to life of both is assured by the
use of “Mother’s Friend,” and
the time of ipcovery shortened.
“I know one lady, the mother of three
children, who suffered greatly in the
birth of each, who obtained a bottle of
^ er ^ Frienfc' of me before relieved her
f Dfineinent> and was
quickly and easily. All agree that, their
31.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drue- Stores,
or sent by mall on receipt of price.
ttPOIOt Containing invaluable information of
QUORa interest to all women, will be sect to
FREE any address upon application, by
Engines & Boilers ■wnawmuv-r- 5
w,unaraMiMm -
Gins anti Presses.!
Complete Cotton, Saw,. Grist, Oil and
Fertilizer Mill outfits; also Gin Press, Cano
Mill and Shingle outfits.
Building. Bridge, Factory Furnace and
Railroad Castings; Railroad Mill, .Machin¬
ists' and Factory Supplies,
Belting, Packing, Injectors. Pipe Fit¬
tings, Saws, Files. Oilers, Etc. CAST
EVERY DAY. WORK 150 hands.
Lombard Iron W’ks&Supply Co.
Foundry, Marhhic^fimler and Gin Works.
Repairs P * pnptly Done.
ffV'uSC' Sm&SSagfiqP A,A i
739 Broad St., Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects of
aif ht. grind# the proper glasses and WAR¬
RANTS them.
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
§ i MONTHLY ii
T h r»“f.« I
monthly inter- jMSi
buck, shoulders,sides breasts, ^ i.% » 2:
hips aud limbs.
not suffer. jH I
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men¬
strual function should operate
painlessly. !
. painless, _
makes menstruation g
the SSttwTSlyS® oi'enstmal ertths in eondi- gj i
Why will any woman suffer I |
month after month when Wine
of Cardui will relieve her? It 1 ^
costs iuco at the drug store.
Why don’t you get a bottle g
to-day? S
For a '.vice, in cases requiring b
svpcial directions, adjdress. g:v
in? symptoms, --The Ladles’ s*
Ailvisorv Department,” The li L
Chattanooga Medic me Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenu.
Mrs. ROZENA ..•net*'— LEWIS, 1 rj »
of Oenavlll®. Texas, sayt:
“ I was troub’ed at monthly l.ttervals
with terrible pains In n»> he6d anti tack,
but hzse been entirely reiiefved by Wine
of Cardui.’'
!is fis ti a
iXah« mrj
Kisitui YJlfPC.
To the Superior court of said County:
Thu octition of David Davis, Ned A.
Edwards, Tim 31. Combs. Alexander E.
Edge, Henry T. Taylor, Allen Edwards,
John Harris anil Richard Combs of said
countv, respectfully' shows:— themselves,
1 . That they desire for
their associates, successors and such others
as they rmv from time totime elect, to be
incorporated for a term of Twenty years
with the privilejreof renewal there after
under the name and stylo of The \oung
.■shepherd of Pleasant florae Society with
authority by that name to sue and be
sued, contract and be contracted with,
plead and be impleaded, buy, sell, hold,
rent, lease, mortgage or otherwise acquire
or dispose of real and personal property judge¬
and such other funds as may in the
ment of said society be necessary for its
uses and purposes, to receive donations,
and to inforce good order in and around
their place of business or .contiguous there¬
to, to make such constitution, by laws,
rules and regulations for the government
of said society and its officers and for
fully carrying out the purposes of said so*
ciet v-at are not inconsistent with the consti¬
tution and laws of said state nor violative of
private rights.
2. That the principal place of business
of said Society shall heat or near Level
IIiH Baptist church in said county,
3. That the object of said society (the
same being a charitable organization in its
nature and character) is to aid each other
in times of sickness and to aid each other
to bury their dead in decent andChristain
methods and not for individual pecuniary
gain or benefit.
4. That the officers of said society shall
be a President, Vice-President, Secretary
and Treasurer. The election term, of of¬
fice, powers and duties of said officers to
DC fixed by the constitution and by laws.
5. That" said society shall also have a
Board of Managers conposed of not less
Ilian nine nor more than fifteen members,
(lie election, term of office and powers and
duties of . aid Board to be fixed by the
constitution and by laws.
Wherefore your petitioners pray an or
tier incorporating them, their associates
successors and such others ns they ran v
from time to time elect as aforesaid, and
conferring upon them all of the powers
usually granted to corporations of like
kind and character.
This 30th day of July 1897.
Attorney for Petitioners.
GEORGIA—Taliaferro County, I, S. II.
Rhodes clerk of the Supeiior court of said
county, do hereby certify that the fore
going'petilion for of incorporation the origiuaj petition is a true of
and correct copy Shepard of
incorporation of The Young
Pleasant Home Society filed iu office this
20 (lav of July 1897. seal
Witness nty official signature and
of said court this 36tii July 1897.
11 ] h vici Court Taliaferro .County. |
ytfkUll &|SKRg I | li U el.ljf giJBkB UM|BI>]| fe B
of Weakness in Men They Trent and
ra)! to Core.
An Omaha Company places for the first
time before the public a Magical Treat
mbk t for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous
and Sexual Weakness, and ilestoration ot
Lifo Force in old and young men. No
ivorn-out French remedy: contains no
Fhosphorous or other harmful drugs, it is
... w* xi.Rr.m. Treatvuint— magical in its
bligbtfi their life, causing that mental and
nhv.-ica 1 suffering peculiar to Lost Man¬
hood. should write to the STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, Omaha, Nob., and they valuable will
nerd you absolutely FREE, a proofs
paper on those diseases, and positive
of their truly Magicap Treatment. Ihous
ands cf men, who have lost all hope of a
euro, are being restored by them to a per
feet condition. be taken
This Magical Treatment may ill
at ii Tine under their directions, or they w
jr, .* Sample, or C. O 1>. l ake. They have
or their charges may he deposited in a
ban!, to le p . J to them when a cure w
effected. Write them today.
x ilsiternational
I Dictionary “Unabridged-'
fynctessor of the Authority,
The One Great Standard
Fo -write* Hop. IL J. Brevror,
Justice F. b. Supreme Court.
0 e* Standard
iBSKsaaea-- ti'Y
j ^
1 Mfed •} 1 ™®nnt«.!-*nt
b stRt . Co%' 1 s
] ggl T \ ^ > y j ■ r s,- : r -
«533ii A Invaluable n.,-reviser,'. y and to
* r . . _ 5
6 5 It \\ I* easy g to find "S the word ^r^word"’ w anted. £ £
It Is easy t a learn what a word means. ;
§ The Mtaleigh News <£ Observer says:
hAi Hf, 1- \ u«t to regar'i regard it it gLa..'l'tr as a« t t v e e most m 1 far vuIual- 1 1 ?. and
: r it t. j.a la tic* th** gu:.siar I aj
d-‘Uo sy*?-^ecimea :..»ry -^fiirgOT... sent application . to ? c
^ pages oa Publishers, £
0 G. & C. MERKTAM CO.. U.S.A
Sprinf.fleld f Mass.. . C
' AY you saw tixe adv* rtisement in this
paper when you write or buy of
1 Cl
American Beauties
c-o HARES,
fm iiik ARTISTIC
>■ m m C3 tvo
1 Li Ml
“1) Lengths*
OaToch Box.
MODELS. 1 fe* -V' 17
HOLDEN & CO Crawfordville, Ga
Centennial Exposition,
From May 1st, to Hoy. 1 st. 1897 .
The second largest Exposition ever held
in this country, thousands of Home.Seek
ers and investors from the WcstandNorth
West will be there.
To show up the wonderful resources
along ,its line, the Georgia Railroad has
decided to make an Exhibit of those re
sources, and asks the people < d the Coun
tie* and towns along its lines to eo-opeiatc
with them in making the exhibit a successJ
by furnishing creditable specimens of all
Minerals, Paint and-FireClays,description all
of Water Powers and photographs factoring of in
Mill Sites,exhibits of all JIaun
^stries especially desired,
Further arrangements will be made and
due notice given regarding Exhibits ot
Agricultural products, and Fruit . in si i
SQ _
F or further , information . - app!., , to,
J>70. II. AVERILL, Commisioncr,
*»■>*« *•««*• «*
I A; •• 9, na
o'- • f
iff 141 li
1 Tired and broken down women
will find that ML KiilS's um
eiSiinilRi bfeMMSIUtH is » a d priceless boon culiii and aim
■ blessing to them. It gives appetite,
brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids
I digestion, tones the nerves, builds up
the strength and puts disease and
j pain to flight. For
including all menstrual and womb
difficulties, it has no superior—useJ
both locally and internally. It is
p'eaxint to take as lemonade, and
harmless at all times. New package,
108 __ Doses, One _ _ Dollar.
large bottle,
Sold by druggists. Manufactured
only by
AGENTS WANTED, male or female
in every county. Business respectable.
, Compensation good. No trouble to make
some money. AddressUhronicle.Augus
t*, Ga., for particulars.