Newspaper Page Text
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
Cures a Prominent Attorney.
m |j||k i
■ A 3$ A, l
# A
W'^5. /
*; j*r R, R, c. PHELPS, the leading pension
1 > t i, attorney of Belfast, N. Y., writes:
‘ 1 was discharged from the army on
account of ill health, and suffered from
heart trouble ever since. I frequently had
fainting cad smothering spells. My form
was bent as a men ct 80. I constantly wore
an overcoat, even in summer, for fear of
talcing cold. I could not attend to my bust*
ness. Ily rest was broken by severe pain3
about t-pe he rt and left shoulder. Three
years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles’
Heart Cure, r ^withstanding I had used so
much patent medicine and taken drugs from
doctors for years without being helped. Dr.
Miles’ IIcart Cure restored me to health. It
is truly a wonderful medicine and It affords
me much pie: -tire to recommend this rem
edy to everyone."
Dr. Miles’ Remedies
are sold by all drug- ;
gi.-under a positive bottle SgJ-zVv
guarantee, fhsfc
be: funded. : .ir Ir money dis- re- mpj MVarifftBi CM&j ^
r on
-'j.vses of the heart and • j 1
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES 'EDICAJbCO., Elkhart, Ind.
There was a. considerable
wreck on the Georgia Railroad
near Ctarkston Monday night.
Two cars broke loose from the
first section of a freight and ran
backward and the second section
ran into them completely demol¬
ishing the cars and burned one
of them to ashes. Fireman
sh was badly bruised in his
side and one of his arms was
broken. Engineer Abeam was
hurt . Trains were delayed sev¬
eral hour 1 -
A man's health is the rope by
which he climbs to success. If
he can Veep his health, he will
f go on to success. Yet his health
’ is the vor. thing he neglects
more than anything else. It is
easier to keep health than it _ is to
regain it When a man feels
himself mining down, when he
realizes a loss of vitality and
energy. he must call a halt. The
strands of his rope are parting
rapidly. Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery has helped
thousands of men in just this
condition. It makes health, it
makes pur", rich blood, it forces
out impurities and kills germs
It doesn't make any differance
what name you call your trouble
by—dvsp< psia-.....kidney disease—
rheumatism—consumption—skin Medical
disease, ■ e ''Golden
Discovery" will cure it absolute¬
ly. None of these diseases can
retain hold on the body when it
is full ox rich, pure blood.
Send 21 one-eent stamps to
cover cost of mailing only, and
recoi ve free a copy of Dr.
Pierce' Ah,died Adviser. Ad¬
dress, World’s Dispensary Medi¬
cal Association. Buffalo, N. Y.
Lonnie Ogletree showed us a
valuable Indian relic this week,
which he found some years ago
near his grandmother's place
near the Mountain woods in this
county. It is in shape of a gar¬
den hoe with blades on both top
and bottom and has an eye like
that of an adz. with two small
round holes on either side. It is
made of stone and is a greenish
color and is about 4 inches from
edge to edge of the blades. It is
a valuable relic to collectors of
such treasures.
Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges¬
tion and permits ! -od to ferment and putrify in
toe stomach. Then fc-ii dizziness, headache,
11 . d’s
lcsonuna. ner-.c-.cesj. and, Pills
II not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood’s
PUis stimulate the stomach,
rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, cod
K 3 J-pmi £ 'ii!if.sw 55 SS:
Pare Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Reporters.
What Our Feople Are I>olng: anti Saying;.
Thing's Our Friends Tell Vs.
—Still we are having plenty
of rain in this section.
Bergstrom lor shoe .
Go to C.
lasts. i
—Rev. J. M. Waller left Mon- :
day for his home in Montezuma, j
Yd wide Bleaching for 5c
vd at Racket Store.
—Prof. Jordan Sanford made
a business trip to Augusta Mon
—Mrs. Molly Jackson return
ed to her home in Atlanta last
Go to C. Bergstrom for
goods you cannot find.
—East End will he a thorough
business portion of town this
—Mr. W. J. Norton has been
confined to his home this week I
with sickness.
Gentslaundriedpercal collars shirt
with two separate- for (lUc :
at Racket Store. :
—Mr. R. L- Hadaway speiri
several days in Atlanta this
week on business. !
-Mr. Ed rn Tappan of * .Whit. -ITTT*
Plains, was in Crawford ville this
week on business.
Go to C. Bergstrom for cof
fee and coffee mills.
—Messrs. Frank T. Cain, G.
T. and W. Y. Edwards went to
Augusta Wednesday.
—Rev. Ab. Harris went down
to Jewell’s Saturday to begin
meeting at that place
1000 yds 36 inch sheeting in
remnants worth 7c yd for 5c at
Racket Store.
—Correspondents should not
get their items in later than
Wednesday afternoon.
—Another Hebrew citizen
wants a house here toopen up a
mercantile business in.
Use Hall’s Hair Renewer and
retain the natural color ana
beauty of the hair.
—Mrs. W. A.'Legwen return¬
ed home Saturday after an ex¬
tended visit to Harlem.
—John Stephens was at home
Sunday. He says the photo,
business is good at Stephens.
Just received another lot of
Mason's fruit jars at Racket
—Charlie Reid left Monday to
make his future home at Monte
zuma. We wish him much suo
—Miss Mamie Moore, of White
Piains, came in Saturday to vis
it relatives and friends in Craw
Go to C. Bergstrom for
cheap flour, meat and lard.
Mr. Ed. A. Sanford, one of
Augusta’s best business young
men, visited his mother’s family
here Sunday.
—The old depot warelioust
was torn away this week to mane
room for the large combined seed
house soon to be erected.
Go to C. Bergstrom ana , or ,
der your roofing cheaper than j
—Mr. Oquilla Irby, of Green
esboro, came down Tuesday to
visit his aunt, Mrs. Rachel Kpnt,
who has been quite sick this |
—A car of sewer piping fori
our town arrived this week. The 1
sewers and bridges of Crawford
ville are being put in thorough
nrf ] pv
Go to C. Bergstrom for lat- j
est styles of harps.
—Miss Susie Lanharn, of Si 1 -
verton, S. C., and Miss Kate
Evans and sister, of Greenesbo
ro, are visiting relatives in this
—Mr. A. J. Melton, of Augus
ta. expects to make Crawford
ville hi^ home again after this
year, Glad to have him back
with us.
Go to C. Bergstrom for first
class . medicine. , |
E. Howard.
—Annie Delie and Davenport
Sanford, daughter and s<lm of
Mr. Vince Sanford, have arrived
and will attend Stephens High
School the .next term.
Go to C. Bergstrom when
you are lost in. the city and sit
—A car of Oglethorpe granite
arrived this week to be used, in
placing a nice granite wall
around the Baptist church at
this p i ace . The. work will bo
put up at once.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
an d Diarrhoea Remedy always
prompt relief. For sale
by Dr. R. J. Reid.
'._Mr. Wade Griffin passed
through here one day last week
with three colored convicts for
his camps over in Wilkes. One
of tin- boys was only about 10 or
12 years old in size.
Hughey, Ivy.. Aug. 11, 96.
Dr. Tichenors Antiseptic is
the best thing I ever j used for
barbed wire cuts on stock. Its
( curative power is simply wonder¬
ful. W. J. Woodall. ,
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens is hav
ing the Aclvo-Deniocrut photograph gallery office next
to the p.u
> n order for her millinery hr si -
ness - As soon as .the sbeh mg
i is put in she will move her stock
of goods therein.
Plymouth, Pa.. Aug 25. 96.
My opinion of Dr. Tichenor's
An! Peptic is that | h it will A do 'ill
^ 0 t .
e dy for colic it is thh best I hn ve
ever used.—Albert G. Grcble
—Messrs. Frank Rhodes, !< ertl
Mitchell and six or eight others
from this and Greene counties
will go to Nashville this week
and also visit Petersburg, Term.,
where Ferd and® en&r some of tlie
boys expect to school.
Bicyclists, Base Ball and Foot
Ball teams will find Dr. Tiche¬
nor's Antiseptic-the this business" very thing f
they "need in ;
ter the race is ended and the
game is finished. Muscles For Sprains,
Bruises and Sore it isa.ll
0. K. and "don’t you forget it.
So clean and odor so pleasant
that once used it is used always.
—Next week is our regular
court Week. The long summer
is most past .„^P*mesare Suffers hard,
but the printer as mm: i
from hard times as any one- ■
therefore bring along some cash
for the xn-inter next week.
It is always gratifying to re¬
ceive testimonials for Chamber¬
lain’s Colic. Cholera and Diar¬
rhoea Remedy, and when the
endorsement is from a physician
it is especially so. •Thereis no
more satisfactory or effective
remedy than Chamberlain’s Ool
j c , Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy, ” writes Dr. R. E. Robey,
physician and pharmacist, of
Only, Me.; and as ho has used
the Remedy in his own family
and .sold it in his drug store for
10 i^ans, 1 or " a c >y J ‘ * f '
‘V ," '
v . Androws gave a
barbe cue at his home in the
oun t r y to his friends Wcdnes
();| v () f tb j s , ve ek and among the.
alVnd . ints from Crawfortl ville
were: Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bol
( ] l ., I3j Mrsi W. O. llolaen.
j p fjolden, Mr. J. W. 'Far¬
mer and Mrs. Ida Harris.
“Let me give you a pointer,’’
sa jd M. F Gregg, a popular con
factor >n the Missouri t’aeilm
ra jj ro ad. “Do you know that
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea n-emedy cm <-soil
when yo ; el he stonnic h ael ■■
Yell. it < («es. Ann ab'"' y
ing this i nendJy oit oi
the jolly conductor passed < m
down the isle. It is a fact, th a.
thousand -j of railroad and Ira ■■
ing men never take a trip Remedy. with
out a >ottle of this
which is the best cure for bowel
disorders in the world. 25 and
50 cent bottles for sale by Dr R.
J. Reid
Flour and wheat has got a
move on them in price. Some
think Hour will go to -rt no.- bar¬
rel. So much for Republican
•flow to Core a!l Sfcla DJseafie.”
Simply apply “Swayne’s , Ointracni.*’i „
>’ 0 Internal medUdne regained, j Care*
our new story.
Our new continued story “A
Pair of Jacks" by Lula Jamison
begins this week. We are prom¬
ised a treat in this story. You
should not fail to read ihe first
part of it. We expect to keep
up these stories and make other
improvements in our paper ns
the patronage inns uses.
Prof. P. M. Whitman. 7.19
Broad street, Augusta, is one of
the finest opticians in Ihe south
‘™ <lhe .kives free eye tests to all
who need his assistance. Tim
1 rof essofia thorough gent ■ •
Pal !^, em) P C
j,.' ,' A™, " 1 "° m ,' X:i
^ ‘ ' s ’ i ?I\'; ' ' ^ ^
} ..... n • i •
While in August a Monti;’ ve
were pleased to .see many mi
provemonts in the city,
merchants and business non are
waking up and are par ing in
extra efforts to supply a largo
trade during the coming season.
svad many of them premise t«
toll us about the extra burgai 11 s
they have to oiler our j >,■ i>1 •
through this paper. |Ye hoj ;\ to
hear from them within a few
weeks. The eehedulos on the
Georgia:Railypad a-e ; pleii lidly
arrauged to make- it convenient
for our people to visit -. ngusta.
Lookout for the notices of these
There, will be an excursion run
from-Sparta Crawfordville' by wav of Camak
ant i to Atlanta nn
Friday, Aug. 20. leaving Dev
reaux at 6 o’clock a. in., passing
Barnett at 7:50 a. m., Crawforti
ville at 8 a. m., Robinson 8:10 a.
m., returning will leave A1 1 tn
at 2 p. m., Saturday Aug. 21,
getting back to Orawfordville
before 0 p. m. The fare round
trip will be 81.50 from Harnett
si.le from Crawfortlville and
8l .’,.i from Robinson. Phe train
will be in chaVgo of those ex pe¬
rienced managers, Messrs. Tug¬
gle ■& Hollingsworth best which en¬
sures order anti kindest
treatment. Get your ticket ear¬
ly and make the trip, it will be
the best excursion of the season.
as mercury will surely destroy
tiie sense of smell and complete
ly derange the whole system
when entering it through the
mucous surfaces. Such articles
,- lioutd never be used * .. on
prescriptions from reputable
physicians, as the damage A,
will do is ten fold to the
you can Hall’s possibly derive firm
them. Catarrh t ’ ii r
manufactured by F. .J. Cheney <v
Co., Toledo. 0.. contains no me
cu ry, and is taken internally.
acting directly upon the blood
;iad mucous surfaces of the sy.s
tern. In buying Hall s Catarrh
<'are be sure you get the gen
nine. It is taken internally and
made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. !
Cheney. & Co. Testimonials i
free. )
Hold by Druggists, price 75c. |
per bottle. |
Hall’s family Pills are the
Those gentlemen who went! j
down in South Georgia, recently
from this county looking oat j
for a new location have returned ;
and while we have not seen or
hoard from them all, Mr. B. F.
Wynne tells amusing things
about what he saw in Tattnall.
He now says old Taliaferro is j
good yet enough to for him Ue several found j
year- come. *
things slow in that section, nn- :
locked, shackly houses and I
things went too freea»»J easy. ! ’
Even his mules disliked the
scenes of gophers crowding the \
pulilic roads. Really many of
us do not know what a good
county we bane here until we in¬
spect other sections.
piiei! XtcDlot.’ X'Uftb.
ofi Evniptomfv—Mol atinnn^; ruodt -tare; night; latmp/j i‘c\i:v
a w worn* l>
bcrttehin?. I fallowed to continue turn .»■
. whma often bleed and ulcerate i o-
' A
r\ m A
m IS ml m Jiff*"
Fifty Years Ago.
President Polk in the White House chatt
While in l,owell was Doctor Ay■< r ;
Both were busy for humnn weal
One to govern and one to lienl.
And, ns a president’s power of w ill
Sometimes depends on a liver-pill,
Mr. l’olk took Ayer’s Pills I trutf
For his liver, SO years ago.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills
wore designed to supply a
model purgative to people who
had so long injured themselves
with griping medicines. Being
carefully prepared and tlieir in¬
gredients adjusted to the exact;
necessities of the bowels and
live)', their popularity was in¬
stantaneous. That thi.- popu¬
larity has been maintained is
well marked in the medal
awarded those pills at the
World’s Fair 1893.
SO Years of Cures.
While plaving last F ids.,
Ora, daughte, (> f Mr. W. O. H.».
den, of this i ■p, fell from a
fence ami broke one oi the bn;
in her wrist. Dr. Bcmdey dre¬
ed the wound, it was na
r lii.iful bill not serious.
A ..!’>!AREAL5RF.CU1F. Of' CJlftc
In 1862, when T*serevd
country as a private in Pompai:
,\. I7(i1h Pennsylvania Vo
tw-vs. 1 contraeb'd chronic cr
rlioea. 11 has gi veil me a rrca
deal of trouble ever since, 1
have tried a dozen different rn<■>!
iciues and several ppoinimml
doctors without any pernianenl
relief. Not, long ago a friend
sent me, a sample bottle of (tiiarri
herlain’s Colic. Cholera a,no
Diarrhoea Remedy, a,ml after
that 1 bought and took a t -grit
bottle; and now I can say that 1
am entirely cured. 1 cannot, be
thankful enough to you for this
great Remedy, and recommend
it to all suffering veterans, if in
doubt write me. Yours grate
fully, Henry Stoinbergor, All 1 ::
town. Pa. Sold by Dr. 1! . .1.
One night last week while the
moon was shining brig]
huge, owl caine up to the
fordville Hotel in scare! til
meal and he ri ce'veil - .. w
welcome. Ife too hi- position
on mm of the telephone pole
near (he Hotel and An;,us I’i< 1 1
ar< |, ; procured a gun and fired
upon him. The owl fell dead,
ant | then Angus was afraid t
report his h k for Tea r 1 he coun
c j| might get in its work in Hm
Fill i bottle or coin mon wn,.. HI!
min mid a und twenty 1 rn ioup*;
sMlimciit or settling IndloT-s * <l|o
conn’ion of tlm kidneys. 'Vin:n urine
stain*linen if- f* positive av !<I(hhg of l'i»f
nry trouble, 'I’oo freipiont to
n,‘ife i,i pain in tin* buck, is also co'iviii"
irio proof ilinttbu kifJnc; saio! l/!a<)<lcr i.'f
out of order.
'I’!tf-r'o is comfort in Do* I'Fo.vI <<!/'■
of!*.,, Unit l»r. I<lino
tin- gent- kidney <-<jy * ;
, V (-ry wish In relieving puln in the In
ki'ic-.-Jivcr, iiiiuWi-r mui i-m
*<«<;uniary jooit
u or , w( fon „,
winn or i« > r, mid rivcnom till
an! necessity of btdn# chin pellet! to %f'i
Up IlJflliV liHH'sdtirlnxr tl*<? i, to or?*
naie. tJh* inlbi ujh) vlic ■< \ rnovdiiiav v
pITBC' f, of Swamp-Hoot, is soon realized. 1*
sfands tip’ iiiffip- -,t for its wo interfu' ounia
of the most distressing casos. J! yon noed
a Died IcIii^ Jou •JjOJiJd have flielR-sL Ho ! «i
bv •Iruvi-ist"*. priri-fiifly i i-nt- ami i>nn!<>i
:u. For n wimple bottle and pamp
both «erit free by mail, mention the Advo
ciU-Ufinocrat aii'l send your full poM
offlee address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bing¬
hamton, h\ Y. The j.roprietore * f r 3hU
paper guarantee the genuineness of tills