The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 03, 1897, Image 1

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    The Advocate-Democrat.
*01*00 Per Tear.
Blood Taint *
Here is a case of Inherited blood taint
which resulted in what threatened to be
a complete wreck of an innocent young
life. The most serious feature of being
afflicted with a blood disease is the fact
that innocent posterity must suffer. The
man or woman with the slightest taint
in the blood forces the undesirable children leg¬
acy of impurity upon their
whose veins flow \yith the impure inher¬
itance which handicaps them in the race
of life.
No child who has a trace of bad blood
can be healthy or strong, and those pre¬
disposed to Scrofula are liable to a great
deal of sickness, because their constitu¬
tions are weak and cannot withstand the
many dangers which statistics beset the path that of
childhood. Medical show
a majority of lung troubles result afflicted directly
from Scrofula, so that a child
with this disease is likely to fall a vie
tim to dreaded consumption.
Mr. W. A. Clayton, of Addie, N. C.,
believes S.S.S. is the only blood remedy
which can have any effect whatever
aP °My b a S hTtheworst
three-yea r -old boy
case of Scrofula I ever "heard of. He
aiu'-i. VMk
• mnay^dooi 1 remedies without
snftlef, and treated by the best doctors.
seemed to get worse all the while,
however, and the disease finally resulted
in curvature of the spine, making him
utterly helpless. bad his neck increased
“ The sores on
in size, and were a source of constant
pain. He was in this pitiful condition
for two years, when some one recom¬
mended S.S.S., stating that it had cured
some of the worst cases of blood diseases.
As soon as his system was under the ef
feet of the medicine, the sores began to
get better, and in eight days were com¬
pletely healed. Before long be could
walk on crutches, and was improving
every day. In three months he threw
aside his crutches, for he had no further
use for them ; the dreadful disease bad
been eliminated entirely from his sys¬
tem, and he was restored to perfect
health. The cure was a permanent one,
as no sign of the disease has returned
for S.S.S. ten years.” real blood remedy, and
is a
promptly reaches all deep-seated and
obstinate blood diseases, it matters not
what other treatment has failed. It is
the only remedy which acts on the cor¬
rect principle of forcing the disease frotn
the system and getting rid of it perma¬
nently. S. is for Scrofula,
S. S. a sure cure
Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema, Rheumatism,
Tetter, and all other blood diseases. It is
Purely Vegetable
and is the only remedy guaranteed to
contain no potash, mercury or other
harmful mineral.
Books on blood and skin diseases will
be mailed free to any address by the Swift
Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia._
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
County. having demands against the
AU persons
estate of John J. Kent, late of said county
deceased, are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the undersigned properly
proven according to law; and all persons
indebted to said estate arc required to
make immediate pav ment.
This 12th. da - of August 1897.
Administratrix ■ John J. Kent deceased.
In connection with watch, clock and
jewelrv repairing, during the summer
month's, (provided you bring th • machines machine
to mv s hop) I will make sewing
run light and stitch perfect that you con¬
skier worthless. I can repair any kind of
machinery. I ani a practical workman,
no cobbler. If I do not give satisfaction I
want no pay. II, B. STRoZEIl.
Jeweler, CTawfordille. Ga,
Muscogee county failed to go
dry in Saturdays election.
> fit- j/> — S*7
What the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
Prof. E. B. Moore opened his school on
the 23 instant.
Mr. Thomas Neal left last week for his
homo in Augusta,
Mrs. M. J. Taylor visited home folks
at Raytown last week.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott is visiting in
Jacksonville at present,
Watermelons liaye been plentiful in our
town for several days past.
Our town was quite lonely last week,
Good many- attending court.
Lawrence Battle was with us last week
looking after liis farm interest.
Little Bob Moore, of Culverton lias re
t . JrLiec i t 0 Sharon and entered school,
.Mr. A. T. Gilbert made a visit to Wash'
iagtoa visiting relatives and fneuds.
Good deal ol fodder has been damaged
ti, r0U jrh this section by the wet weather.
Air. Thomas Pate, of near Barnett, who
bis been sick for some time is much bet
t e r.
Some P C0 P le f vc s " e< ? bcforeothe ; 9
doors but they don’t keep their own yards
Col. Fred Gilbert, a rising young lawyir
of Washington, was in our town last
Preaching at Barnett Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday by Pastor
Aliss M. -T. Bagby is spending sometime
with her sister Mrs. J. T. Taylor near
Airs. George Cosby, of Wilkes wa* over
lust fourth Sabbath at Salem Baptist
Mr. R. If. Jackson has been doing some
carpenter work for Mr. Jodie Moore, at
Miss Murt Taylor and Aliss Missouri
Bagby attend church a 1 Sandy Cross last
4ln ,,, Saturdav a
We tliink'our people should raise more
wheat. Home raised flour is much bet¬
ter, purer and sweeter.
Mr. John Linn, has been down now
several weeks afflicted with boils; we
sympathize with them.
Rev. A. C. Rainwater, of Powclton
preached at Salem Baptist church on
Tuesday of last week.
Dave Taylor has been picking cotton
now for two weeks. He says he gets a
hundred pounds a day.
From the way furniture is being brought
to Sharon, they don t intend for people ,
to sit or sleep on the floor.
Rev. S. II. Patillo assisted Rev. ’ T. J.
Cummitigat his meeting at Salem and
preached some excellent sermons
It is thought by many that crops will
be short to what people thought they
woulfl be on account of the dry weather.
A FR1CANA will cure Syphilis and Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
Mr. Jessie Brown has accepted a clerk
ship with Alessrs. L. T. Aloore & Co. AYe
fee’, sure that Jessie will give satisfaction,
To Cur* C<m*tiputiou Forever.
Take Cast carets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 3f.c,
ff C. C. C. fail lo curt, druggists refund money.
Mr. Charley Reese and family of 7 Buck- ,
head have been visiting relatives in this
section recently. Air. Reese was raised
in tins tl.ia section section.
Kducale Vonr Bowel, With Ca.earctd.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. If C. C C. fail, druggist!* refund money.
Air. Willis Harper, of Double Wells,
with bis family, left on Wednesday of last
week for Emanuel county. AYe wish
them much success.
No-To-B.c for Fifty Cent..
Guaranteed robaceo habit cure, makes weak
mftn strong. blood pure. 50c. JI. All druggists.
Salem Baptist church had very bad
weLiiier for their annua! meeting conse¬
quently very few attended and the meet¬
ing ne'er continued long.
To Cure Coaitipation Forever.
Take Past-arets Candr Cathartic, inc or lie
ft (J. C. C. Sail to cure. drugEistii rafuad money
Bro. J. E. Jackson, of Double AY ells,
tvas in to see us last week. Ed. is an old
school mate and soldier comrade, in fact
we were raised up together.
Educate Yoor Iiowels With Casearets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c.25c. If C. C C. fail, drugrists refund money.
There are more new buggies nowadays
than Carter had oats and I don’t know
where the people expect to get the money
to pay for them with this fall when the
most of them say their crops are short.
THE WHOLE system feels the
■ effect of Hood’s Sarsaparilla—stom
ach ’ liver > khhiey heart, nerve® arc
strengthened and SUSTAINED,
31iss Belncaugb, of Charleston, is board¬
ing with Mr. Bon Gilbert’s family Miss
Belueaugli seems to be quite favorite
with Sharon’s young people.
It was our pleasure to stop with Mr.
Joe Taylor last week. Mr. Taylor liyes
at home and don’t you forget thatand is
an honest upright gentleman.
Rev. Mr. Bell protracted his meeting at
Raytown and was assisted by Rev. A. C.
Rainwater, of Bowclton. Rev Mr Neal
was on hand and gave him he.p"
It was vur pleasure to meet with Mr.
Jim Ingraham, of Greene county, in
Crawfordville last week. J.looks as
young as he did twenty years airo.
I love to talk up my owp county and
own peoplo and not talk up some body
else that I know nothing about* People
make fools of one another sometimes.
We wish Afeltoa Gilbert much good
luck in his new field of business at W. It.
Reids, Crawfordville, and are pretty sure
that he will give Mr. Itcid satisfaction.
Court in Crawfordville last week was of
short duration. Judge Hart presides with
impartiality)-, lies is a round-un gentle
m an any - way you take him. Offlce dou’t
make a fool of him.
Rev. j, IJ. Neal, of Gwinnett, county, is
down on a visit to relatives and friends at
Haytown. Mr. Neal lived at that place
for a number of years and is wo-'J known
in this section of country.
The Northeast Georgia and Southwest
Georgia fever seems to still be among onr
people. They want to move. You won’t
get out of debt any sooner moving away
than you will by staying here.
Major Taylor raises a curious melon hut
a good one. It is called a banana musk.
It is of a very peculiar shape but of ex
ecllopt flavor and rich taste. Tie' mayor
can raise anything and catch fish 1 jo.
Mrs. Henry Brook, of Raytown, past
through our town last week on route to
Crawfordville, her old home. Mr. Brooke
is one of our most accomplished ’■istian
women and thought a great, i'e ■V !j]l
who knew Uer,
Walter Pittman, the butcher, : .rnisbes
our town with green meat now threstime*
a week—Tuesday, Thursday and Satur¬
day. We hear some predict that Wultcr
will get drowned in Hardens creek some
of these days.
While the road hands were working the
road from Ilellow to the Barnett crossing
ou Wednesday of last week, Fred Golden
and Ryal Hciden had a fuss in which Fred
got done up with a hoa; not serious though.
Dr. Brown was on hand and attended the
Don’t Spit «nd Smoke Toor Mfe Innj.
To quit tobacco oasilj and forever, be mag
natic, full of life, nerve and visor, take Na-To*
Ba«, tUc wonder-worker, that makes weak men
*trong. All druggists, f>0c or fI. Cure guaran¬
teed. Booklet and sample fror Addves*
Sterling Kemody Co., Chicago or N»w York,
Our boys say that prosperity has cer
taiuly come in Taliaferro, under the
McKinly administration. One more dol
lar in circulation. Hurrah for Ewell
Jackson? Air. Jackson is a good financier
and you cen feel assured that there is
prosperity or something better in soak
when his financial abilities are made plain
to the public whenever he an ties up.
Kvtrrbody bays So.
Caicarotfl Candy Cathartic, the most won*
derful medical discovery of the agre, pleas*
ant an( j refreshing to M.'dU^olt the taste, i»ci gently
cur. headache, lever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Pl.aso buy and try a box
of O. C. C. to-day; 10,95, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to curs by all dr«ggi»ti.
There are just as good and driver poo
pie in old Tolliver aud as good ijatu und
as cheap land as you can find an where as
tar as people and land are concerned.
There arc good and had all over the world.
You go off to these other counties pros¬
pecting for a home, of course you are
stronger* and they treat you with much
courtesy to sell you 1 and and j build up
theirsbut you won’t be there long fvhen you
find some gt» d rascals.
Buefclea*. iMiwlUw. .
Tin Bait Solas the world for Onto,
Brain-., Soto*, Uk»r», Salt Rheum, Fev.
ar, Tatter, Chapped Hand*, Chill lath*
»Jiskin Eruptions., nod po«4
iive'y cures Titoa. or no pay reqalrad. It
is guarantaed to give satisfaction of
money refunded.' Price 25 crate per box.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Tho thermometer of ton reaches
from 60 to 70 degrees below zero
in the Klondike gold legions.
How would that strike a Talia
ferro citizen.
****** i — 1 . n
i VUfftt.
Correspondents’ Eeports of Wliat Their
Neifihbors Talk
Of the Happenings in Their Itcspective I.o
calities. All the Nous.
AYe are having awful warm weather.
Mrs. Martha Lunceford is spending the
week in the neighborhood.
Messrs. Prior Chapman, aud Hiram
Nelson were visitors at the mill last Sun¬
Cotton is opening very fast this warm
weather, and doubtless will all be opened
in a little while.
Mr. and Afrs. AV. A. Cary aud children
spent last Sunday with Air. J. C. Lunce
ford’s family.
Miss Margret Lunceford is on an ex¬
tended visit to friends and relatives in
Fluker district.
Mrs. Sanford, Annie Dell and Daven¬
port Sanford spent last Thursday with Mr.
J. P. Moore’s family.
Mr. A, S. Lunceford and children are
visiting in Alontgomery county this week,
YYe wish them a pleasant visit.
A certain young man said from what
experience lie has had that “love” was an
itching that would not stop for scratch¬
Air. J. F. Garret spent Tuesday evening
in the neighborhood. VVc hope he will
come again soon for his visits are always
Air. J. I). Moore ginned a bale of cot¬
ton for John Sylvester Stewart the last
day of August. It is rather soon, but so
much the better.
A certain young man lias had a lime
delivering liis August, fools, and in fact
some of his friends were preparing to go
nee him .married, but, we don't suppose
begot married, as' lie was seen at the
"mill” a few minutes last Sunday.
Elect lie Hitters,
Electric Bitters is « medicine suited for
,viiy season, hut perhaps more generally
needed, when tho languid exhausted feel
liiv prevails, when the liver is torpid and
sluggish ana the need of a ionic and al
tsn.tivo is felt. A prompt use of this
medicine has nfw-u averted long and
perhaps fatal bililous fevers. No modi
cino will act more surely In counteracting
and freoinir the system from the malarial
poison. Headache. Indigestion, I'otisti
patioii, Dirinow* yield to Electric Biltcrk
50c. and $1.00 per bottle at Dr. R. J.
IW.’s Drug 8’n-n.
We are having some hot weather.
The farmers are about through saving
their fodder,
Farmers are busy picking cotton,
which is opening very fast.
Mr. J. AV. Jones is quite sick at this
writing;hope lie wiil he up and about
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Chapman, of Craw
fordvilla, spent Saturday night and Sun¬
day with the family of Mr. W, T. Nelson.
Mr. R. L. and Miss Bird Veaz.ey at¬
tended the dedication of a Methodist
chuich at Mayfield Sunday.
We hear there was a large rattlesnake
killed one day last we$k near Moore’s
mill, withtliarteen rattles, making it six
teen years old.
The colored people are making prepa¬
ration for their Association which con
venes at Fowelton Friday. They “are
expecting a large crowd.
Bermuda school will close Friday night. the
loth inst., with some exercises at
We hope the children will equip them¬
selves well for theoccosion.
The Baplist meeting closed at I’eWel
ton Tuesday nightof the 24th inst.* YVe
had good preaching from the pastor, Dr,
Kilpatrick, and we hope it will do much
.'eM.IV' UU ll**.* It II
From a i* t. cr v. jiiten by Rev. J Oun
, ermsn, of Dimondr.le. Mich., we are \
crm.tie' to make this extun t : ■
!isw no bes tution in recommending Dr.
King’s New Discovery, »" th'- result
were almost marvelous iri lie raise of ir.v
*ifo. Wfc<le ! «a» pt-lor of the Baptist
Ch-.r- h at Hives Junction she was bronchi
'loan with Pneumonia Mirceeduur f.a
Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing
would last hours w ith little
•etraad aa if she could tint survive them,
A friend recommended Dr King’s Nr
Discovery; it was quick in if ro k end
“igldr ■ a" 1 .factory,” Trial bottles lu*'*
Di. It. J Iteid’z Drug Store. ii g iLr
V* u£kt ku.l 41 (XI
In Advance-
NO. 28.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength
and healthfullness. Assures the food
against alum and till forms of adultera¬
tion common to the cheap brands. ROY¬
Do you know what I need bet¬
ter than I do? This is a fair
question to ask the salesman who
tries to sell you one thing when
yon ask for another.
Owing to over-crowding and
bad ventilation, the air of the
school room is often close and
impure, and teachers and pupils
frequently suffer from lung and
throat troubles. To all such wo
would say, try Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy. For coughs,
colds, weak lungs aud bronchial
troubles no other remedy can
compare with it. Says A. C,
Freed, Superintendent of School.
Prairie Depot, Ohio: “Having
some knowledge of the efficacy
of Chamb' 'ain’s Cough Remedy,
X have no hesitation in recom¬
mending it to all who suffer from
coughs, lung troubles, etc." For
sale by Dr. E. J. Reid.
The State tax rate wm be
$5.51 per 1,000, this year.
“My boy came homo from
school one day with liis hand
badly lacerated and bleeding,
and suffering great pain, ” says
Mr. E. J. Schali, with Meyer
Bros.’ Drug Co., St- Louis, Mo.
“ I dressed the wound, and ap¬
plied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm
freely. All pain ceased, and in
a remarkably short time it heal¬
ed without leaving a scar. For
wounds, sprains, swelling and
rheumatism l know of no metli
cine or prescription equal to it.
I consider it a household neces¬
sity. »» The 25 and 50 cent sizes
for sale by Dr. It. J, Reid.
The wares of reputable, re
sponsible firms are advertised in
these columns, and are for sale
by enterprising dealers, No
substitutes or imitations should
be accepted. Be Arm, and you
can got, what you want.
You naturally lose flesh In
the summer and running down
is so easy. You get a little
weaker each day without hard¬
ly noticing it. There is loss of
appetite, headache, weakness
of the muscles, disturbed sleep,
weakness of memory, and these
are the beginning of nervous
prostration. Iron and tonics
and bitters may afford some
temporary relief, but what you
need is a food for body, brain
and nerves.
ScctU Cmuhivru
of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy
pophosphites, furnishesjust the
nourishment needed for those
who are run down and pale and
thin and weak. If you lose flesh
in summer take Scott's Emul
sjon HOW. Don’t wait till fall
or winter before beginning.
For sale at and $>.<» by all drbKaniU.