Newspaper Page Text
•STas That Displayed by the Vice Presl*
dent of the Confederacy.
Alexander H. Stephens, vice prest
ient of ^si tlie had^ Confederacy and Governor
tfGesrr i^ZTv aremn LhleU£hTw“a“or rkntjle memory
\V a
tong time his private secretary. Once,
«vs the Colonel, when wo were in
tVashln-noa to’urge a hi”- Dakota’s dele-ration visited
she city claims to
The delegates sent word to the dis
anguished Georgian that they would
tall on him at his hotel, and at the ap
pointed time they tiled into his parlor
«id -were introduced.
As Mr. Stephens was at that time dis
•■bled by a fall he sat in his rolling
ihstir in the middle of the room and
sold a running conversation with his
risitors. There were about a hundred
Dakotans present, stalwart, handsome
men, representing the best type of
V\estem manhood.
After they had sampled some fine 0
Georgia com whisky th«r host dts
Pissed the matters ih which they were
most interested, and occa.siona y
tresse-d one of the strangers person* y,
naming him os he spoke.
During the evening he singled out In
this wav at least twenty of his guests,
nul astonished us all and' by his ready rec
jllectfon of names faces. Every
man in the crowd got the idea Into bis
lead that something striking or attract
tve in his personality had favorably
impressed the little man In the rolling
tbair, and I could see that the dele
gates were delighted with their recep
■Whey they had bowed themselves out
1 asked Mr. Stephens how he managed
to hold so many names and faces iu his
“Qb it is a mere trick,” he replied.
“X simply concentrated my attention
upon about twenty names and faces,
and as they were scattered around the
room it naturally surprised my visitors
when I turned to them and addressed
them by name. Of course, It caused
every man to believe that he had deep¬
ly impressed me.”
Never deem it a liirht or unimnort
ant matter to cultivate in the youn 8
thnt internal sense and appreciation
of beauty which gladly respond to all
real beauty, whether in nature, in art
In life r in character, for you are thus
plant devel seeds which may grow am)
into a richness of dower and
fullui of fruit little dreamed of.
No Use to Cry.
No use to fret and worry and itch and scratch.
That won’t cure you. Tettertne will. Any sort
arug store*, or by matt for sue. in stamps from J
T. Shuptune, Savannah, Ga.
Beware of Ointments for Catnrrh That
r Contain sMereury,
when entering it through the tnucouH surfaces,
S amage they will do is ten fold to the good you
Ciire'mamifiwturck^by 11 and is taken
• Toledo, O., contains no mercury, U,e 1<
of r thh 5, s& in taymg
Hall’s Catarrh uure be sure to set the genuine.
yy snirt hv iirae-K-ists; price, the best. ”.fc. per bottle.
Hall’s Family Pills am
Fits after permanently cured. No fits or nervous
nes« itrst day’s use of l)r. Kline’s Great
Nerve Restorer. H. %i Ltd.. trial 181 bottle Arch and st.,Phila., treatise free Pa.
Du. R. Kune,
Mrs. Winslow’sSoothlngSy^p tor owwreu
Eon. aiiaib
rJ n c ,amDtion P Y2?k7ocEi,18M ea y™ 0 FKisKMoBBa’l£’w ’ Si
----—77—T aacThomP
son sEte-water. V
Thoroughly $1.00 by
Taught tor .
tbra hamson’s Bookkeeping Chart.
Booklet giving full particulars, free.
rh Lnas. „ H. n Anranam.. A brlhal p,on ,
Camden, >. 4.
Principal and Fount der Abraham^n Easiness Goi
iege. Established
Opens 15th of feptember, 1897,
Ie beautifully situated, at Bellview, w:ti
Gadsden, on one of the .Peaks of Look,ut
salubrious riimatef^nd 5 picimesgue land
tku and'tu1t7o d mill
pM’sT«ard r buran-branch
' psi }<>r Stlw entire seftBion or nine moniiis.
itnormation.apply to
1-tlSS UEliRGlfcTTE CLARKE, Principal,
or F. L. HOLMES,
Business Hanager,
OadsUen, Ala.
UtTTER .*5£3iS£SS<aSS Mm. r
k a«S.'. r -. -
THAN u™ B’BN ABM® M 3^ " ’
Kkosom g“’ -
O Mf'Cj, VcOh _.
llUiallp.;, b, HASRIS
ijii.,,,. i,i..: S u;i om»
7 Am. >- ... q ~ jg97
- .
E 25 crsi
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes use
m time. .Cold hr droevists.
‘ "-551ng _ Y‘-
Two Denver boys have lately floated
t\' e S ^ s “ d Btn,>es l>y kUesa m.le
a J 30Ve ^ e S U1 ? U *} \ ve f e /
the highest . point -
alaim that . it . eier
lttamed b ? ° ld ^ory.
Of the thousands of prisoners re
leased from jails it. India on Jubilee
Day, some have voluntarily returned
to'jail, while other others are committing
burglary and ofleuces.
Iu order to reach the deep-water
Ba ji orme n on the great lakes, the Navy
Department has decided to establish
cecrIlitiug stations iu several of the
lake cities. The Bureau of ISaviga
t ion has just, issued an order notifying
recruiting officers that native-born
Americans be regarded with especial
Th £ , ish row has spread The far
^ inereased rap idly.
farmera of tlle Province of Ontario are
complaining that he is an unmitigated
nu j sano e to them, and they insist that
g j JOu](i be exterminated as soon as
poss ; b i e _ He drives away the insecti
vorous and singing birds and does
nothing to compensate for their loss.
allowed . by the .
A patent has been
British Patent Office for making gold,
A similar application has been made to
the United States Patent Office, and
the Treasury Department has under¬
taken to test the process. Sensational
versions of this fact have appeared m
some of the daily papers, but the pat
ent has so far been withheld, and it is
not probable that it will be granted,
jj Q one disputed the dictum of a
Chinese physician who had been called
to atteud a Celestial who had fainted
in ft 8tore at p or tland, Oregon, when
the doctor said, after filling the pros
trate man > a mo uth and nose with red
int . “Him blow out paint, him all
same not t dead . Kim no catch ’im
wilu l ’>. nQ blow out paint, him heap
aead The mnn didn’t blow out the
■ t and tbe CO roner was called.
“In ore respect,” says an English
paper, “the Siamese Army is superior
I to ever y ether, and that is in its ele
- phant corps. Eight hundred of these
j animals, which are strongei, though
! s » ialler - U ‘ au tbos ® of Indla ’ me °)'
1 gamzed into a special , Anglo-Indian corps, com
! sanded by a retired
.officer, and then eat- s, uin ,s am
other vulnerable par.s are protectee
j against bullets by India rubber ai
| mor.”
) | “The ftbse8 Bailwav the and question Engineering “whether Ive
! y
the present tendency toward heavier
' , q. m or e powerful locomotives and
! larger ears has not reached its practi
. cal limit, if. indeed, it has not already
• exceeded it. The fact that a railroad
| the is primarily purpose designed of making aud money operated is too for
often lost sight of, and some officials
'are in charge of the various departments
apparently impressed with the
i,] ea that its chief use is for the ex
! ploitation of their various hobbies.”
I knowledge of , the , T Klondike ,. ...
As ie
' gion increases, says the - e" 1)1 ’
Times, it will probably be discovered
j tliut to Jive ^ ie r ®' so,,rf ‘ es ^
country is not luipossi . do °i e fi ■•
oec |)eo»iij i a Uv difficult. From time immem
managed subsist ... •
j onal men have to m
■ places fully as cold and much more
■ sterile. Most of the Yukon Valley is
heavily wooded, and wherever trees
' grow tbere are auii.inls mid the possi
| hibty of raising . at least a few rapidly
' raBturing cr °P R ’. Thls > of course, will
he of no immediate advantage to the
I multitudes now hurrying northward
; through the, passes to camp on but an open will
plain just as winter begins, it
! have much to do with the future de-
1 velopment of the new gold fields.
! A Liverpool medic A man seized was called with
j in to attend a patient
| cholera cramps as the resu t of exees
I !i '" 1 f °und together
1 j about a dozen persons, mostly young
women, in a room with full glasses be
fore them, a three-gallon jar of strong
, ale on the table and several bottles of
, whiskey, which from time to time were
, replenished. This remarkable.session
was kept up for five days. It was had 11.
celebration of a wedding, and all
; saved up for weeks in anticipation of
the event, Ihe father pnwne. os
watch, and most of his furniture; 1
young fellow pawned _ his , . coat, ^ , hat , amt ,
i watch, ll.e tv lole party, twenty 01
thirty in number, slept together on the
floors, or anywhere the house being a
the five days’ revel was ended they all
( proceeueu , ip p,], i 4. to *],a me liouse mm of " ,t r ;itii6r
j Kngent and signed the pledge.
] There was a narrow escape from a
j unique fatality in the Treasury De
partment at Washington. The vast
accumulation of paper money and coin
was being counted, an incident in tbe
change of United States Treasurers,
As fast as the hags of silver areweighed
they are passed along from one man
to another and piled from floor to ceil
f ng jn one of the steel vaults under
the department building. It was
suddenly noticed that the great pile of
bags was toppling, and at the cry of
warning the six men in the vault had
barely time to escape before tbe mass
fitr.’ic tumbling down with a crash. The
bags were broken in the fall and the
bright silver coin was heaped ou th
fioD-r in a hopeless jtimbl
kc* r waotiUL) was iiiWAuj' bUuy- ,
elled up, new bags were procured and
the money was carefully counted and
to « et th * i'jHnto
A year or so ago . Major r . r Dose the
Texas Commissioner ol Agrnmilore,
secured some cottonseed lrom ^• ■
vjueh be .hstnlmted a.uong P n. ; us
of bout hemMexas. I •
i '“1*™***^%***?^^*^ than once ttery hve o • ■ ’ j i
^aiug^^greeTTn ^. thought the spring, probable like
suo ^ . ar nu> it was
th tbe cotton won ] d gvo « equally as
xveH in Southern Texas, but thorough
ex ,, erim ent proves it to be a total
f p imona others who received
seetHrwn Major Bose was L. Allen,
, s , itonio Ids' Mr. Allen planted
the seed on farm, just south of
that eitv, where the cotton came up,
looked'well and prospered finely dm
ing last year’s drouth, when ordinary
Texas cotton was almost burned up.
The winter proved too severe for it,
however, and in a letter to Major Bose
Hr. Allen says he dug up siyme of the
roots, and in each instance found them
<lead and perfectly devoid of;life,
A Missourian, in speaking of Gov
ernor Stevens, of his State ' said to¬
day: “He is a kindly disposed man, has
and has many eccentricities. He
amused the people more titan once
since he took his office. It had been
the custom in Missouri release for stjme two years pris
for the Governor to principal
oners on each of the three 1
holidays—July 4, Thanksgiving Day
and December 25. Governor Stevens,
without giving any reason ht all, in¬
creased the number to three, and will
exercise clemency on that ratio during
his term. He calls the men in and
gives them a little talk before bestow¬
ing their pardon upon them. He
lectures them as to their duty, warns old
them against falling back into
ruts, points out how they may hope
to regain the confidence of people,
and, in parting, gives each a cordial
handshake. He makes the whole pro¬
cee ding as fatherly and as eneourag
in g as possible. He caused the latest
j tr io he released to stare at lnm pvettv
b ard when he remarked that he bad
no doubt there were many innocent
me „ m prison, and many men wlm
oUght to be in prison walking the
streets free.
Tbe continual growth of the great
e j ties of t j le W orld has of late at
tractefl much attention, particularly
on the part of students ot sociology
and hygiene, and at the recent Hy
gieuic Congress this subject o a-treated
in a lecture by Dr. nteph&u 'edleczek,
who produced statistics of Bje bmr< use
in population of the gr- ' •.it.VA.O.l
the world since 1800. showed
some very interesting facts. The pop
illation ol Amsterdam, Di •miiigliam,
Brussels, Manchester aid Home
doubled m that period, ( ipenliageu
and Marseilles have now a population
three times as large as at the begin
ning of this century; Loiidon, Lyons,
Paris, bt, Petersburg and I rague have
ladrupled in thenumbetofinhahi
bllds within the last Hamburg, ninety years;
Uyesbm Dresden, Cologne
and Vienna have five tinu s as many
people; '. D Deeds, Liverpool a t,,l Warsaw
six times as many, Glasgow „ and , i «i. Wlief- f
fle)(l seyen tmleH a8 uiaH . ; Munich
eigbt ^ tim e. s as many; Berlin Budapest !
, . j( Jliu0 t lme8 u , lmI bd
; ti more, ten times as man v New York
t p bilndl) | pbia twenty li'e times as
m r Chicago, 245, , ,,d Brook -
: J 33y timefl „ety
as manv a„ „ years
• Dulllirl; while sligltly larger
^ tha|l ninety bitat.'ts au,, has lost
n 00() lldm within the last forty
, and is tbe on | y h. ge city in
' e which shows a retrog-udemove
meut in its population.
Ag h , as Km brougbt
No ,. w . the nortl a certain
^ ( ieI . aidl e is al»o,t to seek
f(n . jnl „ at tbe otb(! r su d „f the
, j' G , His vessel, the earn Lark
jd ^ U()W , d Antwerp ,' repflving
foj , au expl()rjng v , Vil ,„ t lb( . Aut
^ » M atU« residents of heeitv are
iutpnse|v illt erested in hot! ship and
; oommau ’ dCT . when she -rived to
tak(; in stores sbe was gr<eted witb
sa)utf , s from tbe f„ rt at Saint Anne,
(Tete de Fi audre i and alltlu. sliip
p j ng j n port was decorated «’honor of
the handsome little vessel. Her hull
is ..-ted by a formhlab • armor of
1 t be hardest possible wood, loit defer,
^ J t(Jctio „ a ,„a.,st the p essure of
a „, ptin i( „. At her bows he carries
’f-i r: , "7T i "f b
are cleverly ; nade with
a view . to comfort, ,. , Wat . I , econo
„ iV „f space, for not a singl oruer is
wasted. The cabins and ijJoons are i
j heated from precaution the engine layers room, if felt and as j j
an extra are
laid in between all tbe pa'tjtions to j
prevent the heat from The j
latest implement and in • nerv for
whaling are on board th Belgica,
w hose appearance is utijne, and
whose barrel, perched or e top of
her mast for the “lookout catches
the eyes of the -nrioits. !«■ Belgica
registers 250 tons, and s f veil
knots with her 150-horse ower
gines, though with sails st
easily make nine knots. 1 er< • in orj j
board tbe usual stock of ai tic doth
ing, snow-shoes, or “ski ’ and a
collection of the m t JBOf
jj# uw/n i« tJLLicuieiy pbud#
Her Bier a Piano.
Tho latest thing in biers is a piano,
and the credit for Introducing tho nov
city belong to Jessie K Clinton. a Ken
lucky f music teacher. She had been a
^ aud uutll llor health failed a
„ 10nhts llgo was „ teacher in the
KmU( ,i-set iKv.) schools. She was com
^ t( , ,,, si ,, n !IU)i g() her mother's
home in Louisville to die.
While she was able to be up she
played daily at her piano, a large
8< l uare nutdcl. Mheu she became loo
weak to piny she had some o h
friends play on the Instniment
J » at Thar's .'!- 1 duTnot
®°* hct thnt s,1 ‘ mt wish if to ’ to
,ald out in a t>offln ’ , 1,u * . UI *° n ,he plRD0 '
which she had owned for ten years. In
compliance with her djtng wish the
body was laid out upon the piano
which was dwped in white Therei it
remained un,I «^ f"nernl 8 ervles
were ended two days laUr. when the
rinians win 1 ■ c
Bud buried.
Curious Dinner doho.
An American traveling In Jerusalem
describes an interesting dinner lie ate
recently at a hotel In Jericho, "We sat
on the porch of the hotel at Jericho,”
he wrote, “after n dinner at which we
were served with butter from Norway,
cheese from Switzerland, marmalade
from London, wine from Jerusalem di¬
luted with water from the well of Kli
Bha. ralslus from Kamotli Gilead, oran
ges from Jericho tin no respect Inferior
to those from Jaffa or the Indian liver,
Florida), smoking Turkish tobacco,
which, like the Turkish empire, Is in
ferior to Its reputation, and a cup of
coffee from—the corner grocery of Je
Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitalGy; prevents baldness;
cures itching and dandruff.
A fine hair dressing.
li. 1*. Ilall & <Xi., Props., Nashua, N. It.
Sold by till Druggists.
I * ¥ i 1F * \
i =4.
l | si 1
j \ 5^ \ S
f wsmmSr A/.? 1
n m *S I
■i ,
8W s
Fabmxb—U ndt) Rufus, if you rut (but wood
Sifivo v«u a nlo«* turkey for your Sundoj Fd dinner. imb
•: I’nodk Rtirufi ThanW», MDRFft, but ratiirr ?
H Pick Uaf j I kin git ail the foul l want.
1X91 j e. vo'S i
/ / 5
JBSBkSrf- Hr mi r
sjfiuto from tbr PiirpSt, Rtnost onrtftwoetwt lotif:
ti.iun In ll„. (in!,!,.ii tl.'U of Norlli < iirollim. _
!(!li«l«n,' Hook H"," with i mb I'icsTfi. "or. poilntt. -
: all roll m Amoke. z
: A Pleasant, Cnol and DrliKlitfut a
yon &. Co. Tobacco works. Durham, N. C. z
All I ; '-an in* hh ved wi!li
ms » iff >t »>y
.1 ...
n m HlL m* for thn drink i,u .i .
. ,’riUt liwiuu f'hoftthAi
tin., ct; Pi t,ad nit
FuJJ iiiformation 'in j>lain Inn.
<r~» ‘V t'ln’r-tiirol. I pi . 1 ■<
L« imuy Sjl. A. i,"ih.iiio.rii w go a
<,! T T 1 15'. GI.M IM AKTIU I !
\ Walter Baker & Co.’s
?i Breakfast COCOA
i i Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. 'i
X <,
< Costs Less than ONE ('ENT n cup. '
V i : l>e s.trc that tie package bears our Trade-Mark,
( ,
i*'. i ■’) Walter Baker & Co. Limited,
(Established (7 I f Dorchester, AAnss.
Tr. • fark •
U UST THE BOOK YOU WANT If. to constantly oar nttmr hand/ Hi
trcrits uji<m ahoat every subject under the sun. it contains 620 pages, profusely illustrated.
•D'i will l e sent, poHipaid, for dOc. in stamps, postal note or silver. When readlnK yon doubt
If*s“. run across ref- AN ENCYCLOPEDIA erences to many
mutters and 1 lmijips irhlch you do nof
un ierstan l and which this book
adL clear up 1 or you. it Los a etna
p is imerestin^ ete a rich index, mine no manner, that of It valuable may and f>e is FOR 50c. information, referred well worth to easily. to presented any one Thin many Jn hook a&
rim* tbe-triili birr i of FIFTY CENTS which w»; ask lor it. A study of this book vrlR
• *r I e ' i « J*. ef)t to tho whose education h;is been ncfflcrted, wf.Ue the *o1nmi
* c Of j“tl va.ufc to thee who cannot n-adiy com man 1 tho knowledge tijey
pu:j ishinc »C4 L?on?.r<* • t. 9 w t r, ci^
c Lowcn',Ala.,wrr'e3S
ara r"—1. O' 1 * 1
_ Have used Dr. 111. A.
simmoIls Diver
tfWt. >7 Medicino in my fum-
4A ilv for 10 years, with
, results. I think
j 5° od
. than
U - V it is stronger
Sp'Zeiltn’s” or “Black
|p Drau ght. “ _
cansod by Cramps irritation of the
Arc an nerroa. rcoulfc
They nre local disease. spasms, There freqnently the toinchinf#
of uterine are tho
gnawiupf etomach and contractive extending pains the iu back region
o* tho to an
chest. They arc often the symptom ami
Liver effect of Medicine indigestion. should Dr. bo M. used A. Simmons to stimu¬
late the digestive organs and Dr. fllmmoni
Hquaw Vina Wine to giro immediate relict
and permanent onra.
After the old proprietors of the articte
now called “Black Draught'* were by th®
United States Court enjoined from usings
tho words constituting our trade name—
does not equity roqniic that they Maud » oa ot
their own trade name and merits (if 'any)
their nrtiolo. and not soak to »u> pro print©
tho trade for our art ic!o called for ana
knowu an I)r. Simmons Liver Medicine, by
publishing tho picture of another Dr.
suous on their wrapper nod falsely Draught” ndrortl*
lng t hat their artiole “ Blaofc wal
established in 1B40, that being tho year la
which our article was established, wailo till n#
©no After over 1H76. heard Why of do “lilack they advertise Draught” that
falsehood nnd associate their article with,
©uvs (havl in* tho picture of Dr. M.A. Blm*
znons on It) bf their publioatlou of tho
picture of nnother Dr. Himmon*, If not don#
to unfairly appropriate our trade? X# uot
tho motive apparent?
Ban Antonio, Tex.,
My wife has used Dr, Ml#
A. Himtnons I.lver M«d
lik ieino many years fxxrHiofc
, Iloadaoke and ©over
falls to buy a packag#
when oho e x poets to
travel. It mirea one from
taking Injurious drug*.
For 15 year* it. has been ©
noceaaary medicino In my
C&ntion. _____house. Don't V be fooled Info taking
5 stuff. If the merchant tell#
yoa * it is just tho sane” an M. A. S. L M.,
yon may know that ho is frying to ooll yott
clump tftnff to wholly roako different a big profltby article. pa l min g
olf on you a
W lb 70 UN 5 nutitin
Cotton Coed HULLCE
^ •! fntr.i the use of uur umb*
chilis has hoan so v«rjr
sat/sfactory that vv« enter upon our THIRD
SLfl&OK with a fooling of itreat conttdvuc*.
Our uuchines xvr*' duvablf* and thurnugUly
«*fr«ctivM. The around ^urnel.H l**ft in *
/lilt) condition for dlstrlbuUny: as a fortlU 2 #r.
TUe hulls are valuable food for cattle.
scriptlv« pamphlet with testimonials f r, , m
nromlnent cotton planters throughout,
Southern States, machine, togrthor witl) fo! or.
product from o ir w,Uj 1jb \yartl M
Montlon this t»aiH- t you wr tt«
4t’ "Sliccess"
Seed Hollar
t,li« Value
of Seed to the
Larin or.
All up-to-date Oinnew nao th»»m hncanao tbe Grow
si i pivo their patronage to such tfina. Hnllnris
For full Information Addroaa
To Sell . . .
Ikinn.rrTKin's Phctiyie Disinfectant.
rtpmls It on tho mni' <• t. A ffootl srifni,
-I will lot bo wit boili it. Liberal coitunlf/
end for . I(-fiii-* nml I'lri'iilHt
DAVII; & CO., Camden, N. J.
•o. A tr« at ’irw
m'I ani f try . A inotttj
04- HOI At.
UJ., )l ami A4m» HU... ml.Vu