Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Taliaferro Co.
Wc, the Grand Jury, selected, chosen
anri sworn, for the August term. 1897,
Taliaferro County Superior Court, re¬
spectfully, submit the following General
We have carefully, by committees, ex¬
amined the hooks and accounts of all our
public county officiate. Including justices
of The Peace and Notaries Public, and
find as follows:
The books of tin Justices of the Peace
and Notaries Public have been correctly
and some, of them very noitly kept.
The hooks and ucceonts of the Tax
Receiver are correct in every particular,
and it is » source of gratification to us to
report an increase, in both the number
and valuation of acres of laud in the coun¬
ts. The number Of ceres increase being
4,111, an increased value £.34 pr cent, or
7 cents pr acre.
The book - of the county Treasurer are
correct according to vouchers on file, and
are neatly kept.
The Committed appointed to examine
TbcT;.x Collector’ 1 : books are unable to
make a foil and complete report concern¬
ing \id books in as lynch as they have
been unable to have the tax collector he
fore them, that lie might explain what
appears to be a deficit of $948.62 still due
I he county,
lu view of these facts- the Tax Collec¬
tor being in arrears before stated—wo
recommend, most earnestly, thut the coun¬
ty Commissioners proceed at once to take
legal steps for collecting the same.
The books of tfic Sheriff are correct,
so far as wo arc able to ascertain. We
ivi oMinend, in this connection; that In
future the Sheriff have n written report
fV td\ to present to future Grand Juries
jj •'{ day of court as per the law govern
IB* U.F cu **
Wc find the jail iV ,,rdcr exc# P t
broken glass in fevera 1 of th " wi,1,Jo ' VH '
Wc find th« court bo^U"* 0 ^ co,ul i
'tLiifur atfold hill lulu g.
Wc flmi tlie book, oi the Ordinary and
lint Clark of the court neatly and correct¬
ly kept.
Wc recommend tim* a committee to lie
composed of William C. Chapman, Titus
Richards mid Jovph W . Farmer be ap¬
pointed to be a standing committee to ex¬
amine., from time to time, the hooks and
accounts of the following public couuty
officials; viz.., Tito Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues, The County School Com¬
missioner, The Urdinary, TheClerk of the
( oiirt. The Sheriff, The Tax Reviver and
Tax Collector, and Coronet; and that the
said Committee commence their work or
inv csiigiiUnn where a previously appoint-'
ini ColiwniUev, composed of \\ Hliam C.
Chapman, W. 1*. Holden and .31. F. Grif¬
fith, left off their work or investigation;
and that that the said Committoc be paid
two dollars per ilny for each committee¬
man for thier services,
Wc flud that some of the public roads in
our county are in a miserably bad condi¬
tion. other* uru in a [ussalde coudttiou, and
some others are in a fairly good condition.
T. A. Slocum. M. t\, t!»e <irpat Clientl*!
Scientist. Will ‘ickd Fr«s, to the ARIlct
cd. Three Bottl«* rtf HI* Newly »i*
covered 'lietnedie« to Core C-yn
•umptlon Amt All 1 u«s
Confident that he lias discovered a reiia
1,V cure for consumption aud all bron
i liial, throat ami lung diseases, general
decline »nd werkm'M, loss of fiesii and all
conditions of waiting, and to make its
great merits known, lie will send, free,
three bottles to any reatl-r of The Advo
cate-Democrat who mat tie suffering.
Alrtady ti»i< "new srientifii* course of
imaiicine'' lias permanently cured thou
sands of app iieut’y imjift ires
The dot tor con 'filers it ins religious
fiot\ a duty winch he owes to humanity
—to donate ids mfalhbV cure.
lie has pr»' ed tlie dfaded consump¬
tion t<» lie a > nmhle disease heyciid any
doubt, and lias oivfile m lifcs American and
European Ts»bcr:i:or»es te^<an>niala of cx
pericneo from tii "" twnefited and cured,
in all parts of ill* watfil
Don’t delay until it v tab l»te Con
.umptioc, uninte.ruptW. means speedy
aud oerta'n death aideess T. A. Slo
M. t. 98 Pine str.vt. New York,
am! Y>«n writing the D attar, please give
rttpoe - y jitid poetoffic iddYess. and also -ftut ot this art'c'r u rhe Ad
Wc recommend to the Commissioners
of Reads and Revenues that the follow
ing improvements in different places on
the public roads of the county be made;
viz., That two large rooks, in the pubMc
road leading from Raytown towards Foun
tain camp grounds, near old South Liber
ty cemetery, be taken out; That a large
rock, in public road leading from Sharon
to Raytowon near the ford of Reedy creek,
be removed: That a deep washout rrear
the west end of flird’s bridge near the
Fdge place, be filled with rock; That the
public roads leading from Mr. John T.
Wright's place by the residence of Mr.
Felix F. Darden to Barnett, and the road
leading from Fair I'Jay to the old Jack
Overton place, be reworked and put in
good order,
We recommend that the proper authori¬
ties look especially after those parts of the
public roads which are crossed by rail
roads, and more especially those where
the railroads have been recently supplied
with heavy high iron burs.
We recommend that the Commissioners
of Roads and Revenues enforce rigidly the
j law governing the road commissioners
with regard to having the roads put in
order and kept in order. We regret the
neglect of public duty by those whose
duty it is Vo look after the public roads of
the county.
Wc recommend that no change be made
with regard to the law creating and gov¬
erning our hoard of county Commissioners,
and request our representative, the Hon.
John Johnson, to use his iulliicnce to pro
vent any such change.
We find upon inspecting the pension
roils brought to our notice, (hat upon the
roll of Indigent old soldiers there are a
number of names of persons about whom
we are in considerable doubt as to wheth¬
er they are entitled, under the law, to re¬
ceive a pension; and we recommend that
their names 1)0 referred to the State Com¬
missioner of pensions, the Hon. Richard
Johnson, for further investigation.
We recommend that jurors for the next
current year he paid $1.50 per day for
their services, and that the clerk of the
Grand Jury be paid as heretofore, S'!.0O
per day,
Wc recommend that a committee of
live persons, viz., W. K. Gunn, B. F.
Wynne, O. D. Moore, J. T. Heard and
Jesse Anbury, be appointed whose duty
It shall he to investigate iuto the several
plans ns have been adopted by Putnam,
Greene, Wilkes and other counlies, with
regard to whether OLvoin'i. SFQflM be de
ffTu> 8,d V 1 rour eounly uny similar
systciu, imd report to t ie next Grand
Wc submit herewith the rcpo'rt of the
Commissioners of Road* and Revenues,
which we have adopted as a part of our
General Frcseutsmeuts.
We recommend that these General Pre
seutmunts be published in our county pa
per, The Advocate Democrat, provided
the publisher will print them therein for
sum of $8.
In taking leave of his Honor, Judge
John C, llart, we desire to express to him
our sincere appreciation of iris very able
and explicit charge and for the many
courtesies shown us.
To the Hon. R, H, Lewis, our very
efficient and most courteous Solicitor, we
take pleasure in extending our heartfelt
gratitude for the very many kindnesses
shown us during our most arduous session.
1. S. J. Flyut, Foreman,
2. Seaborn J. Jones,
3. Arthur C. Davidson,
4. William U. Gunn,
5. John Rhodes,
0. Henning D. Harden,
7. Augustus V. Davis,
8. Simon A. Chapman,
it. George T. Rhodes,
JO. James 1.. Moore,
11. William D. Ogletree,
: 12. Frank 15. Taylor,
13. Thomas L. Chapman,
14. Edwin D. Hadaway,
15. TUadsus I.. Bently,
16. Joseph W. Farmgf,
17. John A. Rhodes,
18. Titus. Richards,
19. Jesse A. Woodall,
30. Owen l>, Moore,
21. John N. Chapman
32. JohuJT. Heard,
23 John T. Wright.
ft EORGIA, Taliaferro County:
sJ To t } ie Grand jury of Taliaferto
County, August Term 1S97.
Tiie Board of Roads and Revenues of
Taliaferro County submit the following
report, in accordance with law, to the
Grand Jury at this the Augu-t Term of
Court for 1S97.
Since crops have been ‘*la:d by the
•How Co Cure all
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruption, on th.
faoa. ti&tila. now. &«.. Waving the *kta
eleu. whft. aud healthy. It* great
ing and fturaGvo vowejv aae ['Owe.aed by
most of tire roads In the County have
been worked but we regret to say, that!
of them, the ork has not been 1
on Some w
so thorough as it should have been, while
on others faithful work has been done,
and we are glad to say, that an increased
interest in good roads is manifested by
road Commissioners, overseers and hands,
which will, no doubt, give us better roads
in the near future,
There have been three (3) new bridges
built in the County since February Court,
ns follows
One at Jordan's Mill, one over South
fork of Little river near Mrs. Bird’s, and
Colclough's bridge has been rebuilt; ag¬
gregating in length 96 ft, at a cost to the
County of 8214.95 or about Si.90 per run¬
ning foot. These bridges have been built
under specification without the usual
seven years guarantee, thereby consider¬
ably reducing the cost. The bridges
have, however, been closely inspected j
paying for them, and we belive i
the material used and also the workman- i
ship will compare favorably with such i
work in former years at greatly reduced
tc he County. Carter's bridge
under ec ' rse of construction and will
be eo' pleted.
There hdx been in the num¬
of paupers in the County during the
year. The roll is at present as
Whites, Su Paid per year $134.00
Colored, 23. Paid per year $273.00
Total 31. Paid per year $407.00
Average ain’t to whites per year 816.75
Average ain’t to Colored per year $11.86
Amount of taxable property for 1896 as
per digest $586,347.
Assessment 5.44 mills.
Due County $3.189.7 Z
Nov. 3, 1896, By cash
paid Treasurer Si75 34
Jau. 5. 1897, By cash
paid Treasurer S6S7.76
Feb. 24, 1S97, By cash
paid Treasurer $500.00
Aug. 3, 1897, By cash
paid Treasurer $378.00
Aug. 23, 1897, By cash
paid Treasurer Suco.oo— 2,241. ro
Still due County 8948.62
We are furry to say that the Board of
Roads and Revenue are unable to pre¬
sent for y.01 \ consideration a clean bal
e-itots •w -Tax Collector for 1896—
We appointed last Friday (Aug. 20th) for
tile pu’; lose of passing on insolvent list
and making settlement with Tax Collec
toi, but h- was not present and conse¬
quently we could do nothing. We make
statement of Tax Collector's standing
with the County to date.
We submit for your consideration the
following information gathered from tax
digest for i.^ a,I<1 i8 97:
Total number acres land as per digest
of 1896____ ......108,374
Number of acres as per digest of
IS97 ----------------- ....112.485
Increased No. of acres 1S97. 4,ui
Valuation of land in 1896 $323,611.
Valuation of land in 1897 8342,729,
which show! an increase in valuation of
land in the County for 1897 over 1896 of
Average jrice per acre 1896 $2.98.
Average price per acre 1897 $3.05.
Kespectfilly submitted by order of
Board of R»ads and Revenue,
Gborgb H. Mitchbll,
Clerk of
August 2;rd, 1897.
Ordered 4iat the within General Pre¬
sentments, report of the Board of Roada
and Revenues, etc., be published and
recorded asrecommended.
Aug. 26,1897. C. Hart,
JudgeS. C. O. C, Presiding.
ll 5*
MoLaurir was elected U S. Senator in
touth Caroina this week.
For Jufants and Children.
it it
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739 Bead S!„ Augusta, Ga„
Q|VES FRF EYE TESTS for all defects of
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Mother's Friend is good for only one
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$1 dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or sent
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upon application to
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Of Weakness in Ken Tbt; Treat and
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An Omaha Company places for the first
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aA h ^; M unde^thl B rTrSnrortte^wm who j
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$260,000 capital, . , and guarantee , to . cure
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Webster’s |
International Di«5lionary | |
Successor of ths “ Unabridgsd."
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So writ«» Hon. P. J. Brewer,
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Office, the S. v
H Court, all the 8Ut* Sn- a
preme Court*, and of near- V x
ly all the Schoolbook*.
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Fertilizer Mill outfits: also Gin Press, Cane
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SJopop put uo||BnJiSU3ui - pue
J»|n6ajji AJ3A uiOJ) pBiopns J3|I|S fft ,,
:sA«» "stiw ‘oiedni 'HBdOOO '('S0H1
•uuax ‘rSooa
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prpsds 2u)j{n's9i ssssd ui soj/.pe ic^
/atH ■J! Xq pontjsueq
IT* STB -J! pasu u* Xsqj.
.,-sjn jo sSuBqo,, oqj su UAOuq
pojjsd su) 2uiqono.iddu ubuioa. aq}
-op qii/ft s}!.w SunoX sq} 'suaaj taq
u| [Ji3 sq; jo} sai} 03}}3 /[[nnba si
;i ,, 'Sajqnoj} g[nui3},, qs ssjno}[
■uopoun} IBIUJSU3UI sq) }0 UO|}BJ
-n3aJ sq) jo} uoisiAord s,sju)bu s[
Il3bl3oW a.
•qois uiopjas Xjsa sj ubujo.a
•e /qj[Boq puB 3uoj}s sjb Xaq}
usqJA mg 'ps}os}}B ajB sue3jo
sssq) [[S/a jou si ueujo/a b usq«.
BVJJ s,(b/a[b /[jbs[\J
wrVfi - uO!)Bnj}susui
tf : W }0 sub3jo s q}
ui }usuis3uBJsp
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Centennial Exposition,
From May 1st, to Hov. 1 st. 1897.
The second largest Exposition ever hold
j thi , COUIlt ry, thousands of Home.Seek
ers and investors from the « West r . and , North
vVest will he there,
To show up the wonderful resources
along it* line, the Gffo7gia -Rafirftfc
decided to make an Exhibit of those re
sources, and asks the people of the Coun
towns along its lines to co-o;.e.ate
with them in making the specimens exhibit a success- of alt
by furnishing creditable
Minerals, Paint and Fire Clays, deseriptio
,,f Water Powers and photagrapi s of aU
Mill Sites,exhibitsofall -Manufacturing " In
dustnes , especially desiret
Further arrangements will be made and
due notice given regarding Exhibits of
Agricultural products, and Fruit in sea¬
son .
For further information apply to,
JNO. 11. AVEHILL, Commisioner,
419 Dyer Bnileing, Augusta, Gu
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IIU I flla
This pleasant and perfect remedy, so
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It wflt gite roo APPETITE.
It will give you restful refreshing SLEEP,
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It will put your KIDNEYS in perfect order.
It will purify your Blood,
It will change your weakness Into STRENGTH.
ttwill bring you ouf of Sioknes* into HEALTH.
The itluta Chemical Co„ Atlanta, Ca
i AGENTS WANTED, male or female
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ta. Ga., fur particulars-.