Newspaper Page Text
Railroad Engineer
Testifies to Benefits Received From
Dr. Miles’ Remedies.
74 §
'S f
FTEKE is no more responsible position
on earth than that of a railroad engin¬
eer. On his steady nerves, clear brain,
bright eye and perfect self command, de¬
pend the safety of the train and the lives
of its passengers. Dr. Miles' Nervine and
other remedies are especially adapted to
keeping the nerves steady, the brain clear
and the mental faculties unimpaired.
Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323
Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now residing
at 34!l Humboldt St., Denver writes that he
“suffered for years from constipation, caus¬
ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and
was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles’
Nerve & Liver Pills. I .heartily recommend
Dr. Miles' Remedies.” I
Dr. Miles' Remedies Dr.
are sold by all drug¬ Miles’
gists under a positive! lemedies
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬ Restore
funded. Book on dis-l Health J
the heart and ■
eases of
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
You Should Come.
Ed Advo-Democratl —
Allow an old comrade to urge
upon all to attend the meeting
called for the 18th, Sept., to or¬
ganize a Confederate Veterans
Camp. Taliaferro need not lag
behind. We must have a Camp
and keep in step with other
counties. Remember the grand
reunion of Confederates takes
place in Atlanta next time. We
would feel like uninvited guests
at a party without organization.
It would seem that any man
whose name is on the roll of the
Survivors Association ought to
have his name placed on the roll
.for a camp. Besides the social
and other advantages offered by
these camps; we as old Confeder¬
ates have made history that we
are proud of; let us see to it that
this history may be truthfully
recorded. Come! urged by the
clustering memories of the 60’s to
the meeting as called.
Old Soldier.
m .<-—
The man with a weight on his
leg can’t hope to win in the race.
A man with a weight on his
health can’t expect to compete in
life and business with these who
are not handicapped. If his
brain is heavy, and his blood
sluggish, because of constipation,
he will not succeed in doing any¬
thing very well. Constipation
is the cause of nine tenths of all
sickness. Symptoms of it are
sallowness, listlessness, poor ap¬
petite, bad taste in the month,
dizziness, billiousness, and lassi¬
tude. Constipation can be cured
easily and certainly by the use
of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets.
Ifiiey are not at all violent in
their action, and yet they are
more certain than many medi¬
cines which are so strong that
they put the system all out of
order. The great advantage of
the “Pleasant Pellets” is that
they cure permantly.
Send 21 one-cent stamps to
cover cost of mailing only, and
get his great book. The Peo¬
ple’s Common Sense Medical Ad¬
viser, absolutely B’reo. Address
World's Dispensary Medical As¬
sociation, No. 6C3 Main Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
—Directors of the Alliance
Store held a business meeting
this week.
Much in Little
Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no roedi
elne erer contained 90 great curative power tn
So small space. They are a whole medicine
ffhest, always ready, al¬ Pills
ways efficient, always sat¬
isfactory; prevent a cold
or fever, cure all liver ills,
sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c,
She only Fills to take with Hood's ttarstparilla.
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Bepcrters.
CTliat Our People Are Doing and Saying
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—Cotton will come in with a
rush now.
—Drummers are still plentiful
in our midst.
—Our free school is a groat
thing for this community.
Spring beds and bedsteads,
all grades, at C. H. Golucke &
—Miss Rosa Gorham is visit¬
ing relatives at Norwood this
—Miss Fannie Googer is visit¬
ing relatives at Robinson this
—Miss Cattie Farmer went up
to Crawford Wednesday to visit
—Sorry to hear that Mr. Chas.
Bergstrom has been right sick
this week.
—Miss Bessie Hankinson, of
Augusta, lias entered Stephens
High School.
—Charlie Golucke got his new
wagon scales put in near the de¬
pot this week.
Pretty washstands and
bureaus for sale cheap by C.
H. Golucke & Co.
•—Don't forget to be here on
Sept 18th. You will hear some
good speeches.
—The man who holds cotton
now we think is working against
his own interest.
—Mrs. Clif McKinny, of
Wilkes county, visited Crawford
ville this week.
Three car-loads of furniture
to arrive for C. H. Golucke & Co
by September 10th.
—Messrs. Edwards & Cannon
will move their mill to Mr.
Newt. Chapman's land.
—Miss Della Moore, of Ray¬
town. is visiting her many
friends here this week.
Safes, sideboards and cup¬
boards all styles and prices at
C. H. Golucke & Co's.
—Dick Richards has accepted
a position with Holden & Co.
Dick is a good salesman.
A beautiful head of hair can
be retained indefinitely by using
Hall’s Hair Renewer.
—Work on the Holden build¬
ing near the depot has been
pushed forward this week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Will Hubert
returned Saturday from Harlem
where they spent some time.
Children’s chairs, high and
low, all styles—prices too low to
mention at C. H. Golucke & co’s.
For mattresses of every
style and quality call on C. H.
Golucke & Co. Very low in
—Mr. Fitzhugh Flynt and
Miss Janie Reid paid a visit to
White Plains relatives a few
days ago.
— Charlie Lanneau rode from
Madison to Crawfordville on a
bicycle last Friday, a distance of
39 miles, in 5 hours.
—Mrs. John Thompson return¬
ed to her bomb in Augnsta Wed¬
nesday after spending the sum¬
mer in Crawfordville.
—Miss Julia Moore, of MiH
edgevile returned home Monday
after a visit to her sister, Mrs.
W. T. Flynt at this place.
—Mrs. T. N. Pollain. of
Greenesboro, has been: visiting
her sister-in-law Mrs. M. A.
Sanford, at Liberty Hall, this
—Col. H. M. Holden has
bought the southwest corner lot
across the street from his resi¬
dence from Judge J. D. Ham
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens has
moved her stock of millinery
into her new place in the photo,
gallery next to the Advo-Demo
crat office.
—Miss Lizzie Johnson and her
little niece Ethel, of Norwood,
returned home Saturday after a
visit to Mr. J. P. Johnson in
this county.
—Mrs. Martha E. Moore went
up to Oglethorpe this week tip
visit her daughter, Mrs. Meiere."
and to spend a few weeks around
her old home.
Mr. Newt. Chapman,jpf this
place, has a fine hog on tot*
It is thoroughly fat aP'- ! will
■weigh nearly 400 pounds
—Mr. Jack Chapman h as mov¬
ed his family from the G UI !1 tot
to Mr. Newt. Chapman > place
near town. He speaks dI farm¬
ing another year.
—Services will begin A the
Presbyterian church her'' on to¬
night (Friday). Rev B ■ G.
Smith, of Greenesboro., "'ill 1,0
on hand to aid in the making.
—Mrs. L.’f. Stephen? hto’friends extends
a cordial invitation to
to call on her at her n 8w place
near the depot for idi milli¬
nery and goods in her ]>ue. She
has a nice room where °' le i s -
Baton Rouge. La., A]’ 1 • *5
Having used Dr. 9 " honor s
Antiseptic in my faffdly with
great benefit I can truly recom¬
mend it to others. Banker.
Wm. Garig,
—Considerable spaq c is taken
up this week in the Gf an d •’ 11
presentments. It is good read¬
ing from the work a good
body of our county - ? business
gentlemen. These ref ° miii enda
tions carried out will ’ >e well for
our county.
There are some things you
can ____do without but yP u can t af¬
ford to risk another d u y without
a bottle of Dr. Ticheffors Ante
septic, the greatest citounical Heals dis¬
covery of the agb. Cuts,
Burns, Gun Shot W^nnds, suffering (? to-<
quicker and with le/ iS "l
than anything. Cle> n iU plcas
ant as perfume, Cui-es Colic too,
while you wait abo al ten ll,on ’
utes. Only 50c a beetle.
—Messrs. J. H. Averill and M.
R. Hudson, of the Ha. It. It.,
were in town Wednesday accord
ing to appointment toit owing to
there being such a small crowd
in town they postponed the
speaking here unfit Saturday,
Sept. 18th, at 3 o'clock p, in.
Come out to hear t liem -
Wilson, La., ]*eh. Rth, ’■ >2 -
I saw a horse cff r °d °f colic
with Dr. Tichenof’s Antiseptic
that had been sick so tong and
so severely that li - was given up
to die, and his ow ner s °to him
for $5. William Reams, City
Marshal. Ask ur druggist
for it. Price 50 e t3 ‘
— Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Gunn,
Caldwell, „ Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. ('• Messrs. E.
and Mrs. W. R. B (!ld ,
C. Gunn, J. A. B.»zley, R- L.
Hadaway, W. C. Andrews, Rich¬
ard Richards, and Misses Ethel
Hillman, Ella No rt °n and Maud
Stephens, and several others
from this place attended foun¬
tain camp meeting Bunday last.
Hum's Dtis 1
We offer One Hundred Catarrh Dollars
Reward for any i ase of
that cannot be ured by Hall s
Catarrh Cure. * Co.. Props..
F. J. Cheney Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, the have last
known F. J. Cho«ey for
15 years, and believe him per¬
fectly honorabl" ' n all business
transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made
by their firm Wholesale
West & Tin AX >
Druggists, Tiff* i O.
Wadding, Ke G an & Marvin,
Wholesale Drug; lists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrc Cure is taken
internally, acth'g directly upon
the blood and- tn leous surfaces of
the system. pHce 7;>c. per bot¬
tle. Sold by a if Druggists. Tes¬
timonials free.
Hall’s Fam ; l Pills are the
Our Sohnid i
Stephen.-, High School had a
fine opening Wednesday morn¬
ing. All the -j patrons of tho
school had beer? invited to meet
with the pupils* and teachers at
the academy affd a good crowd
turned out. T h e opening took
the shape of ^ enthusiastic
school meeting with Col. H. M
Holden a»chaiJ rnan - Many pat
rons---- in their ta ^s gave good ml
vice and pledged , themselves , to
support the school with expressing every
effort in their j;*>wer, to tl* abilities
their confidenG® e
of Prof. Jordan H. and Mrs. M.
A. Sanford. The former made a
nice' speech 1 in receiving the
prihcipalshi'p < the school. Six¬
ty-five scholar s were then enroll¬
ed, and thus t)he Stephens High
School starts# with glorious
Was Made Collector.
Ferd Mitchell was elected to
the office of collector for the
Elizabeth College at Petersburg,
Tenn.. pretty soon after he en¬
tered that college. Eobt. .Ior¬
dan, Frank Corry, Paul Rhodes,
Clay Fillingim, Clarence Cope¬
land and Claude McCommons all
from this and Greene county en¬
tered school at Petersburg re¬
cently. We wish them success.
First Halo Hero.
Mr. W. E. Reid brought in the
first bale of cotton to this mark¬
et Tuesday morning. The cot¬
ton was classed middling and
bought by Mr. John F. Holden
at 7 cents. The bale weighed
590 pounds. It was ginned By
C. H. Golucke & Co. During
the same day three other bales
were brought in, one each by J.
S. Stewart, Phil Gunn and Tuck¬
er Beazley, the latter three col¬
ored farmers. The market drop¬
ed off slightly after the first bale
was sold. Last year, by the ill
of August abount 300 bales had
been shipped from this point.
Non Funiitiiro Store.
Messrs C. H. Goiucke & Co.
inform ns that by September 10th
they will have opened up in
the new building near the depot
one of tin 1 largest and best se¬
lections of furniture ever brought
to this section. They will have
the best assortment of beds, bed
springs, mattresses, bedsteads,
bureaus, wasbstands, sofas, side¬
boards, cupboards, chairs, chil¬
dren’s high and low chairs and
in fact all kinds of good furni¬
ture which they propose to sell
at astonishingly low prices. An
exclusively furniture store is a
new thing in Crawfordvillo and
they propose to furnish the
houses of this section at prices
never heard of before.
Free Sellout.
The trustees of Stephens High
School met a few days ago and
decided that we should have an |
absolutely free school. This is
one of the biggist strokes of en¬
terprise that the citizens of
Crawfordville have ever under
dertakeu, and with the able
teachers now in charge the
school will be one of the must
flourishing in tho Stale It is a
great opportunity now for all
who wish to educate their chil¬
dren to move to Crawfordville
and get the benefit of a freeedu
A Nerve Builder.
Mrs. M. E.
ir i Bland, Hart¬
well, G a. i
writes e o n
corning D r,
H ar tin a n’s
free t i* S a t
^g\ ment f o r
wo men-: “I
Sfc- trust no one
will think from this that I would
wish my name in the public for
any cause only to let sufferers
know where they may find relief
from many pains. 1 can truly
siy I have been- much benefited
by the use of Pe-ru-na. I feel
better than I have for years, I
have suffered for years of chron¬
ic catarrh,bronchitis"; asthma and
and female trouble, of which I
have been much helped by Pe
ru-na. I know the virtue of Pe
runa. If, lor no other reason, it
would pay to keep it for coughs
and colds.- It keeps off colds, it
prevents la grippe, and builds
up the nerves. g tw y n< mi
mend it to all as the clieapost
and .,,-,,1 I,os:l best meaicme. morlicinc ”
Dr. Hartman has written a
book exproosly for
women which contains his treat*
ment for all the diseases to
which women arc liable. It is a
book which should be in the
possession of every sick woman
and every woman who wishes
to protect herself from sickness.
It will be sent free to women
only, for a short time,- by The
Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing
Company, Columbus, Ohio,
We are dojug ]»rinting for
South Carolina citizens
\b~' tiSj a
V n •u
Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim *
As the swift years steal away.
Beautiful, willowy forms so slim
Lose fairness with every day.
But she still is queen aud hath charms to
Who Wears youth’s coronal — beautiful
Preserve Your Hair
and you preserve your youth.
“A woman is as old as she
looks,” says the world. No
woman looks as old as she is
if her hair has preserved its
normal beauty. You can keep
hair from falling out, restoring
its normal color, or restore tha
normal color to gray or faded
huir, by the use of
Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
S.imo Big Suits.
Suit has been brought in (his 1
county for $50,000 for the killing
of Mrs. Daisy Colley near Hill¬
man on the Washington branch
of the Georgia Railroad, I) is
said that the road has offered to
compromise (be case for $10,000
but that relatives of the deceased
have refused to consider the of
Another big suit against t he
same company has been begun
in the same court. Haul H < ’ary
is asking damages in $25,000.
It is understood that tho road Ims
sought to compromise this suit
for $2,500, but that the offer Inis
been declined.
It Saws tlif (Irowpf CliililiTii.
Sea view, Va. We have a
cl don did aims on Chamber) ain't*
Cough remedy, and our tnd custo¬
mers coming from far near,
speak of it in the highest terms.
Many have said that their chil¬
dren would have died of croup if
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
had not been given Kell man &
Ourred. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
The Governor has decided
that S. H. Perry must lifting.
A ( itrc fur BillionM’olir.
Resource, Screven Co., (la.— 1
have been subject to attacks of
billious colic for several years.
Chamberlain'sCoMfc, Cholera and
Diarrhoe Remedy is the only
sure relief. It acts like a charm
One dose of it gives relief when
all other remedies fail. —G. l>
Sharp, fior sale by Dr. R. J
Crawfordtllllii Cotfoi! 'Marktff this wi-i-k
Middling,'0 SU
Jtow Middling, l) 1-A\
- •
The bladder wan erealml for ouh pm
pole,namely, a reeeptaele for the mine,
and as sneli It Is not llulih- to any form of
diseafee’ except by one of two wuyf*. The
first way is from Imperfect niton of the
kl lmyv. The second way Is from can less
l 1 ,cal trei. tincrit of otljer diseases.
Unhmithy miue ftom unhealthy kid
rieys is the tlili feajueof bladder troubles,
u, 0 womb, like the bladder, was crent
f , ( ] for one purpose, und ir not doctored too
miieh is not liable to Weakness ord sease,
except In rate eases. It is situate.) hack
tt j an( f very close to the bladder, thin-fore
-JMpg. by mistak*’, at
urinary wpakncHi wonib
tribut<id to female or
troufile of Rome nort. Tho error i« easily
made and may bo eauily avoided. 'I o find
out correctly, set your urine aside for
twenty four hours; a sediment or settling
indicates kidney or bladder trouble. 'I be
miff! and the extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer* Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney,
and bladder remedy is soon realized. 11
you need a medicine you should have the
beat At druggiaf* fifty cents and one dol¬
lar. You may have a sampio bottle and
phampJet, both sent free by mail. Men¬
tion the Advocate-Democrat and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer 4c, Co,, Bing¬
hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of }bh
p/iper guarantee Hie geuuln mess o f tWo