Newspaper Page Text
Advocate-Democrat. **
8100 For Year.
Cruel Knife!
The alarming increase in the number
of deaths which occur as the result of a
surgical operation is attracting general
attention, and a strong sentiment
against such methods of treatment is
fast developing among the most intelli¬
gent classes. It seems that in almost
every case for which the doctors* treat¬
ment is unsuccessful, the learned physi¬
cians decide at once that an operation blade
must be performed, and the keen
of the surgeon is recklessly resorted to.
Doctors are human, and of course are
liable to make mistakes, but their mis¬
takes are too fatal to be indulged in
promiscuously, and as so many lives are
sacrificed in this manner, it is but natural
for the public to believe that half the
operations are unnecessary, besides be¬
ing a fearful risk to human life, even if
successful. that all
It is a positive fact, however,
operations are not necessary, and that a
majority of them are absolutely under¬
taken without the slightest chance of
success. The doctors have never been
able to cure a blood disease, and a sur¬
gical operation is their only method of
treating deep-seated cases, such as can
cer an scrofulous affections. Aside
from the great danger, an operation
never did and never will cure cancer, as
the disease never fails to return. Can¬
cer is in the blood, and common sense
teaches anyone that no disease can b,
cut from the blood.
; J
$ <)
• \
% <h
Here is a case where the pain inflicted
on a six-year-old boy was especially
cruel, and after undergoing the tortures he
produced by the surgeon’s knife rap¬
idly grew worse. Mr. J. N. Murdoch,
the father of the boy, residing at 279
Snodgrass street, Dallas, Texas, writes :
“When my son, Will, was sir years
Old, a small sore appeared on his lip,
which did not yield to the usual treat¬
ment, but before long began to grow. It
gave him a great deal of pain, treated and con- by
tinued to spread. He who was said he had
several good and advised doctors, that operation
cancer, an
was necessary. reluctance, ( consented,
“After much we
and they cut down to the jaw bone,
which they scraped. The operation was the
■ severe one, but I thought it was
only hope for my boy. Before a great
while the cancer returned, and began to
grow rapidly. We gave him many rem
edies without relief, and finally upon the
advice of a friend, decided to try S.S.S.
(Swift’s Specific), and with the second
bottle he began to improve. After twenty
bottles had been taken, the cancer dis¬
appeared entirely and he was cured.
The cure was a permanent one, for he is
now seventeen years old, and has never
had a sign of the dreadful disease to re¬
turn.” blood
S.S.S. is far ahead of all other
remedies, because it is the only one
which cures deep-seated obstinate blood
diseases such as Cancer, Scrofula,
Eczema, Catarrh, Rbeumatisnf, etc.
It is the only blood remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
containing not a particle mineral of ingredient, mercury,
potash, or other
which are so injurious druggists. to the system.
S.S.S. is sold by all
Books on Cancer and Blood Diseases
will be mailed free to any address by the
Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Before submit
tingtothe^^ij knife, try
the only real blood remedy.
The Flanagan case Mill
carried to the Supreme court.
Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indi
gesiioc. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
What the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
You can hear the gin whistle in every
direction now.
C heap goods in Sharon now regardless
of tlie now tariff.
Cotton is opening with a vim now and
pickers are in demand.
Jody Moore’s dog bite, is about well
and iie is in school again.
Mi. John O’Keeffe was off on business
last week for a few days.
J. A. Kendrick A Co., have been taking
stock for several days past.
Cotton is coming in pretty lively. Price
about as good as expected.
Sheriff Henry passed through our town
enroutc to Hillman last week.
Messrs Lum and Charlie Caldwell were
in our town last week trading.
Prof. Moore’s school seems to bo in good
condition. Several pupils attending.
Mrs. Coot FUiott is out on a visit to
relatives at Williams creek and Elim.
if you need any tinkering done call on
C. E. Bagby, the tinner, Sharon, Ga.
Mrs. Betsie Moore is visiting her daugh¬
ter, Mrs. George Baily in Atlanta at pres¬
Rev. A. AY. Mershon preached for the
Methodist congregation at Sharon fourth
We are short of news this issue and
hope we will he excused for we are quite
sick yet.
Mr. Ed. McAlpin filled Mr. Charley
Ocsby’s place on the Washington branch a
few days last week.
Mr, T. E. Kendrick is salesman now at
Kendrick A Co’s. Tom is a good one ar il
is always full of gas.
Mr. Lawrence Battle is a guest of our
town now looking after the farm interests
he has in this section.
Mrs. Mattie McKimiy, of Langly, M. C.
is stopping with Mr. J, W. McKimyy, Sr.,
near Barnett at present.
nTY-tim Presbyterian DfuK iv
List Saturday and Sunday by the Pastor
Simpson, of Washington.
Bob Davidson, our big devil is still with
us and is part of the life of our town. He
is a good one for a youngster.
Judge Pittman is still wrathy about, not
getting his paper. We are sorry he never
received it hut it is notour fault.
Mr. A, T. Taylor’s ginnery on the Bat¬
tle place is in order. There is a good deal
of cotton cut at this gin and it makes a
good lint.
Mrs. Kate Dozier has been appointed
postmistress at Hillman and has entered
upon the duties of said office. Miss Kate
is a good business lady.
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
■*» Sores to Stay Cured.
Mr. L. T. Kendrick has returned home
after an extended business trip north.
We expect Tom played thunder while
he was in tin! north buying goods.
To Cure Constipation I orovep.
Take C'asseurets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 95c.
r C. C. O. fail to cute, dru^iKts refund uiohcv
Mr. Jimmy Triplett, of Augusta, has
been on a visit to homo folks here for
several days. Jim is a good btlsiucss
young man and is highly respected by all.
Educate Your Ilowels With C'siHearetft.
Candy Cathartic, C. cure t'ouMtipation forever.
I0c.25c. If C. C. fail, druggists refund money,
Alfred Moore lost his dog at the Camp
Meeting on Sunday, as he thought, but it
was a mistake. The pup just staid until
meeting was over and then he came borne.
No-To-Rac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed ' ottacco habit cure, makes weak
men sf-rowy, blood pure. 60C, $1. All druggists.
We have*been very unwell for several
weeks past from indigestion and old war
hurts. Out of it we never see a well day
but we keep going as a matter of necces
sity and can’t help ourself.
To Cure CoMstijmtion Forever#
Take Cascurets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money
Mr. W. A. Stone, Jr., was carried to the
asylum at Mille.dgeville last week. We
arc sorrv of Mr. Stone’s troubles. He is
one of our best men and we houe he v/ilj
soon recover and come back soon.
Fducate Your l'owels Wifli Cstscarot®.
Candy Cathartic, cure drugfcifrt#refund con*tipal.ion forever.
10c. 25c. If C. C. C, fail, iMtmey.
Sirs. Richard Williams, of Augusta,
with her three children, is on a visit to
home folks in tliis and Warren county.
Mrs. Williams and family were raised in
Tills eounly. We wish iter a pleasant vis
©CRGFULA in its worst form
v liood's yields to tint blood cleansing power
of Sarsaparilla. Thousands ot
cases have been perfectly CURED-
Wo see T&ptist they cVwri'Brv'hSeh %p$jMrt>jjaring is to much paint
Salem very
needed. All wfio^wH * deposed will
please help in "VUtL' a^tbseitpt. cy 4• M r - Thoma*
Bcckworth m list : in his
hands. Call onhinr qpd give what you
can. Tobaroo%;St
Don't no it SuijI tour lire Ahj.
To quit tobacco easily V»J forqvei', heliilig
netic. lull or life, nerve ami vigor, take 'Nagfo
Hue. the wonder weak men
strong. lvH'I;lot All drugg-ijjk s ;-.;uT €uitpliyS 50c <%.fu free. Cure Athlross guavan
Sterling Kemt-dy oil^tow .^Qhic.^ro jit-elly. or New York.
The whole of ;i attend¬
ed campmeeting at Foui fi'a, some can ied
their bedding amt chairs. “ We hope they
had a good time anil will have more relig¬
ion from this on, AMe.n.firig these big
meetings don’t profit any ohe [leraon much
unless they are spiritually benefited. At¬
tending the meeting to get $ ant thing .good
to eat and have fine time afn'l religion.
Evorybody Sjo s So.
Cnpcnrcts (’andy CalbtivLi% hltlthe tho most Avon
dciTiil modmal disroven' ape, p cas
iind cleansing position entire 1 KvsMjii. dispel voids
enm headache, lever. Please hal.itfBd bufeiyid eontllimtiot box
and biliousness. fiOPh^t*. try Mold a
of to-day; 10, 25, all tutu
gunranteod to cure by drUhgiStSv
Confederate Monumflit Fund.
To the Public: M
In an endeavor to raise funds for the
Confederate Monument weAare thankful
for more of oncouragemertSiid f substantial
Behave now on hand ab$ut,lwo hun¬
dred dollars in cash, lads and the
amounts already subscrib' # will J run us
up to some three hundred dollars.
We wish to give every mizen of the
county a chance to contribute something
in this our effort to perpelhSto and honor
[lie memory of our SoutlnS® dead, , We
propose to postpone the or^eii^j rder. of give the
Monument until spring in • to
ail an opportunity to give something—
even though it Vie a smiil r.iy.ou^ it ought
to be a privilege iinghlcNnill'^e to (losiio^edntriSnte.
As we are .'’diy i' see our
friends and Mppgubljc Ip*. ; ly we take
this method YP jjtlkingon work^known.
1 ' ,f * i'llh’
ftHnrvT'it'J'n i,iiiy to riii.v,
bly did her part, her dead pere h’ft on
m*nyn battle field. Tep lit not forget
We publish below a )«tef received from
one who wore the tfraj'/r.nd gallantly did
his duty throughout otir Confederate
struggle. Such letter! cheer us, and we
hope will he stimulating to others,
Lynevillo, On., Aug. 80th, ’97.
Mrs. 7., F. Stephen?, Chairman, L. M. A.
Madam:—If it would avail anything in
Hie interest of your laudable undertaking,
on 30 days time, Mrs. Anbury and I will
give five dollars each—making ten dollars
about 1st, Oct. next.
Very Respectfully,
Contributlons, fltc.
Town Council 8175.00, P. K. Boswell
SI, Jas. Kendrick 81, JohnO’Keeffee Sk
\V. L. Kendrick 81, J. Slloore 25c, Pq
Whitest, Proceeds Ice Cream Supper
85, Proceeds Entertainment S17.00.SV.
R. Reid 81, John Johnson Si, W. F. Floyd
50c, Q. A. Johnson 50c, I>r, Binns 81, F.
H. Colly 81, E. 8. O’Brien 50c, R. O.
Taylor 81, J. J). Ilammack 81, E. II. AIc
Oauley 35c, by cash 25c, Jno. T. Heard
82. Judge Hurt S3, F. E. Asbury 8), J.
Anderson 81, cash 50c. Total 8217.25,
Committee mrs. l. a. Stephens,
IV . K. Smith's College, Lexington, Ky.
Is where hundreds of elerks, farmer
boys and oth'us have invested 890 for
tuition and board for an education and are
now getting 81,000 and over a year. Read
ad. and keep this notice for reference.
Remember in order that your letters may
reach this college to address only W. R.
Smith, Iiexington, Ky.
Go to C. Bergstrom for all sorts of
Our Thanks Continued.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscription since bur last mention.
Paul If. Chapman, SI to June 12th ’98.
J. W. .McCord, 81, to July 10, ’98.
C. I Oglotree, 81, to Aug. 29, '98.
II. SI. Harrison, 5<Jc, to Aug. 25, '97.
J. T. Overton. 81 to April 30, ’98.
Planters T 8AN REU *
>ieu raltria uud Toothache
in five mfn iU.’s. Sour Stomach
ud feiiiaiucr Cojupluiute 1‘riv:, 25 Ceuta.
Correspondents' Reports of Wlmt Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happening* in Tlieir {respective l.o
calilh’s. All the News.
Earl Callahan invaded the Bethesda
neighborhood again last Sunday evening.
Anna Brower, tho little one year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Broome,
is quite sick.
Cotton is opening at a rapid rate and the
buz of the public ginneries is being heard
in evjsry direction.
Mhssrr. .Tcssp and Odino Andrews hn\o
bought the right of tho Hogan patent tiro
tightner for Taliaferro county.
l)r. Andrews lias closed down his saw
™ 11 for th " l ,nw,,t nnil U 1,,v, ‘ dln « " 10
fields with ail his forces,
* Mc98rs Z .] Broome, Millie Hugh and
. 1U C
Hence Murden attended the tabernacle
meeting at Knon on Sunday hist.
Rev. Mr. Timmons, of White Plains,
and Hcv. Mr. Askew, of Orecnesboro. are
conducting a ft&ernaclc meeting at Knon.
Met Fannin Dawstor, of Atlanta, bus
to 'ho Bethany neighborhood
where she will live tile remainder of this
year. Her many friends are glad to wel
eiftne her hack to her native neighborhood.
<Tir<* For HeitdiioliM.
Asa remedy for all forms of Head
ache Electric Bitters lias proven to lie the
very best. ■ It effects a permanent cure and
the most, dreaded habitual sick headaches
aiehl to its influence. We urge all who
tre afflicted loprocure a bottle, and give
his remedy a fair trial. In eases of lullnl
ual coustiptttion Electric Bitters cures by
giving the needed tone to the bowels, muI
few cases long resist the use of :uu!%!.00 this in di
Try it once. , 50 cents at
Dreh'V J. Beilis Drag Store.
ft fe ,
Mias Margret, Luucofortl retuiued home
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Oglotree spent Sun¬
day afternoon nt tile. mill.
Mrs. Sam Gunn, of Crawfordville, spent
Monday night in the neighborhood.
Some think the cotton crop will ho short
this year, but maybe it will be for the
Air. A. J. t'liapmau and family spent
last Sunday with Mr. J. Lunccford’s
Sirs. Will Bontly, of noar Centerville, is
spending the week with her cousin, Mr.
J. C. Lunceford.
Mrs. Mildred Pollalu and Mr. E.
Veazey spent last Thursday with Mr. J.
D. Moore’s family
We learn there was a very small crowd
at Sabbath school last Sunday. We do
hope the people will do better in the fu¬
We learn that Dr. Will H. Harris has
told out his dental interest in Washington,
and will resume his practice at Norwood
and the neighooring towns as he has here¬
to fore done.
Mr. A. K. Lunceford and children re¬
turned home last week from Montgomery
Co. where they report a nice time, and
are more than pleased with the nice
smooth country.
The Discovery 8ftVC.ll H Is IJfe.
Mr. G. Caillouetle, Druggist, Jk-avcrs
ville, lli., says: “To Dr. Kings New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with
La Grippe and tried all the physicians for
miles about, hut of no avail ami wu given
up and told I could not live. Having Dr.
King’s New Discovery in my store 1 sent
fora bottle mid began its use and from the
first dose began to get better, anil after us¬
ing three bottles was up and about again.
Its is worth its weight id gold, We don’t
keep store or house without it.” Oct u
free trial at Dr. Ji. I. Reids Drug Store.
Gen. J. B. Longstreet, 80odd year* old,
and .Miss Ellen Dortch, about Soyearsold,
were married at the Governor's niamdon in
Atlanta Wednesday. Luck to them.
BocUtau'i Arctic* (fdn.
Tlic Beit ftalv* in the world for Outs,
Bruise*, ftors*, picert, Sait Rheum. Fcv.
er. Tetter, Chapped Hand*, Chilblain*.
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poet
live y cures I’lloB. or no pay required- It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents i**r box.
For sole by Dr. R. J. Reid.
In Advance.
NO. 20.
m &
Absolutely Pure.
CYU'Vn’jitwi Vor its L'Toat h’avt'ninirMlrrnpJh
and Jiealthf, Assures tin food
a^ain? t alum 'and all forms of aduhri i ■
I ion common lo (Ik* < ;k , , « i| i brands. IJ(>Y
Hancock Ilry.
Wo have received tl;o follow
ilift' special from Sparta. Kept, H,
giving results of llto liquor ques¬
tion contests in Hancock county
The vote was as follow s:
Against the sale iTfif) votes. I'or
thGsalo 2(10 voles The Pmlqt
bitlonist majority was 21)5. Only*
ill) wet votes ivero cast outside
of Sparta, I.til its hear when
Taliaferro goes dry,
Owing to over-crowding and
had void,ilation. f lies air of 1 lt<*
school room is often and
impure, and teachers and pupils
frequently suffer from Jung and
throat troubles. To all such iv
would say, try Chanihri'lain's
Cough Remedy. For bronemat coughs,,
(folds, weak Jungs and
troubles no other rotnody can
uitujiare with it. Says tA, U.
I* it p* u■ tit Is < i id i m t of sra iooi.
I’rairte iJejKStt, cKiio: vHiti’ing
s,<, i\vi(‘din- id * L,.* M,'V
,T UlittiufeS«a'.h tuisiTfltirm L •‘M
I have nb *in rerom
monding it to trmtVijps, till whpsufforfrom
coughs, lung etc." For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Allen!Ion Cun Bo\s !
Go to C. Bergstrom and give, him a hid
on from one to oighinen head of cows.
Children's chairs, higrli and
low, till styles price top low to
mention at C. H. <tolncko& Co's
—Will V. Edwards (<> shipped n
car of cattle Augusta (his
Full size howls qnd pitchers,
extra nice ware, ton fnc at Al¬
liance Store.
—Messrs, Chandler Wimberly
and Sim Phelps of Waynesboro
have entered Stephens High
School at this piano.
Poor Blood
is starved blood. It shows itself
in pale cheeks, white lips, we?ik
digestion, no appetite, exhaus¬
tion, lack of nerve force, soft
muscles, and, chief of all, Weak
muscles. j - Votir XOur doctor doctor calls Calls it It
Anaemia. He will tell you that
weakening Weather of Sum
mer often , . brings , it On.
of Cod-lfver Oil with HypO
phosphftes, will make poor blood
4ch. It is a food for over taxed
1 md weak digestion, so prepared
r fo at eas ffy be taken in
summer when Cod-liver Oil or
tven ordinary foods might repel,
iCQTT & BOWNE, New York
t-.r sale »t y*:. an-1 %t 'n by all Jruggi.'f.