The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 17, 1897, Image 1

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    The Advocate-Democra r.
SlOO IT*ox* Year.
$ i
& fi V 9
We want those especially who have not given us a visit to our store to come just once, and
think the results will show whether or not we are entitle to your trade. We know we could not
you our goods if they were not right in and PRICE.
Dry Goods ana Notions.
Ij.nI Ticking ;5 c yd. Better Tick, (» and
7c, yd;* A. O. A. ‘‘The best” feather Tick
ing in the world, lie yd. Gnmitvillc yd.
wide SeaiVand 4 l-4c; Roswell Sheeting
3 7-$c:Gr<initvilU* Shirting 4l-ic . Harm my
Grove Shirting 4 l-2e. Monroe Sheeting
nice and so!t 4c: Best Drills 4 7-8 and
5 l-4e. 10-4 Sheeting, that is slieeting 2
1-2 yds. wide, for making sheets 15c yd;
Bleaching 4 8-4 and 5c: Cotton Cabot
Bleaching, 8G inch widen 7-Sc.’ Fruit of
Looni 6 1 2e; Nice Ginghams 4c, worth
<> l-.2c, Ginghams for making aprons and
Bonnet* 5c, usually sell ford l-3c; 80 wide in.
Percale 5 r-2c yd. Percale th it is vd
Gc, yd, wide Percale, beautiful styles and
the vciy best, 8 .'-2 cts; Riverside or Sib
ley *r-8c Mill Plaid* both extra good only 5c yd.
4 by bolt: Hickory stripes both Prints brown
and blue G l-2c yd: Very best G or
Calicoes 4 l-2c; why do you pay or even
5c? Beautiful Croton for curtains and
.spreads Gc, cheaper at 5c yd, Extra good
Cotton Flannel (i l-'J • vd: Fine While, ail
wool Flannel !■>: and Iie-t to he
bad 33c; Extra nice lied Flannel, 13 l-3e;
line Hed Flannel ldo. The very best (wish
you could see it) only 30c.
We wisii to call your special attention
to the nice Dress Goods yo have here,
We have just purchased from ono,of the
leading dry goods hon es of X Merges V. a com
niete line of line Cashmers, and
Henriettas, ail colors and styles, and we
ean save yon from S3.3n to 83.00 on a
nice 1A ilreis. Price runs from Id to id. k , W
’in ..... *1 ’ jy;-o {■ "de N. - ’ • ; !i , a; ,4a
.<• ■ T*i : ;■ V
‘w<f keej iin^ U^l^r Sd
Mil Kiiit-ihh* tlruxbovc <>-ood>
Ball Hi rest I. :U balls to box,30els; .L & P.
Coat’s spool cotton Lie doz spools. Knit
ting thread 15c pkg. Bice Buttons any
size 5c card. Ladies’ black hose at oe
pair,' nice black hose 10c nr. or three pr.
for 25c, black hose 13 1-2,15, 20 and 35
cents pr: colored hose 1 to 15 e pr; Misses
Hose 5c pr; Jlisses extra nice ribbed Hose
black and seamless, any size from 5 1-3 to
y, Inc pr d pr for 25 cents: Men’s [lose
extra heavy > pi or 0 pr for 25c: Black
Hose 5e: Men’s Black be,unless Hose 10c
or; Misses Black teem......Hose 13 1-3 and
Joe pr. Lace 1-3 in. wide 12e doz yards:
Laccassorted from 1 I.. 10c. yd: Embrold
try white ami colored 4 to Se yd. Bibb.m
ill silk 1-3 in. Wide fie vd; 1 in. wide loc
vd Black velvet 35V vd. Ladies Licie
Gloves loe: Ladies black Cashmere Glove
In and 15-• pr. Leather beds extra isle.
lOc; best le;r.her belt only L5<; black bilk
Belts only 10c. Scrim ,5c vd. Lace, cur
tains, worth 60c, only -Picpr- Blankets 75c
Blanket ; (!0c pr. Be. ter
pr. Black Saline, .something very nice,
10c vd. Feather stitch Ibraid 5c bunch.
Turkey Red Damask, guaranteed not Table to
run, at 35c— a job; Turkey 1/eel
Cloth very line and wide’35c yd: while
linen table cloth 48 in. wide. 25c yd.
Nice Cork t; 25,-, worth 85c, Better
sets onlv 4oc; fine Corset; 'd5c at 65:; Hr.
Warner's “Ciuoliie " Corset Ode. Pius
paper. 0:1 cloth 13 I-2oyd; a very <*.\eel
lent oanlity of Ta’.de Cloth only 15: yd.
NiceLMack Vellin-q •*W!;in <>•> Black.”
Lb- vd: Vebing Bl e k on White loe j 1.
La Ue : very na e Para «»N 45;*: nice Gloria
CmbveHa »Un:k. only 6> *.: fine Sii'.:
Parasols an i Umbrellas ,5, 85 and 21.00
Men’s and Ladies’ IlaaSierchlefs at any
price. Nie.: hoc S;.tr,i ;i; ! irv Me: ch-»:>
b )\ 1 viper on! - be. ;J,i» , iig ■ Single Eu
try I tig r onlv 45 155 Fare [.edge,'
Towels extra r.ic.c 3 l-2e;s, better Towel;
On; j,S:v*:i Towel; large and all righ:
5 i.’uTeu 1- i; - - Tow- , ]. long, '■ 15c: a h:r 3-i>*. •
T , - L -over vd. <m.H
j ; 5. - c 1 e-’v! J-jf-a-'-ic 5eof.
Fa:., II, .,1 • mid -:
.5.1 : .)•••: • ’ 3
.1 to 15 : Kv !•:. 15- ...
n I 27-. Vc ■ le.vont.:'
.;e ms )■ , tv v. a id -c :
Yd ci very easily wvPi.-fl
or 81.56 on 15or 2 j rd-. if vret buy from
D -.
Cot toe. ic. ■ yd; Co't-mic 8 and
y-.l Osnaiurg 8 „/, only lie A beaut i fit
tine of . kwear from 5 to 35-. Crash
formak ; Towels only 5c yd. Wjndow
strides * :i. but all Linen 25a Window
tin 1-s ad Linen "Ircantiful flowers” only
I IF ;. r« f-ir r..i low shad. - only 1” :
Gurtaiu Foies coui;>letw-tHibt s trim
ni’iigs only 2 ' •: Botes with v rit:;
ming-t onlv 25c. Perfwncty fro.a 5 to
2>c. S ;-;. n t-rs with g.aod .• tastic and
bur-kles outy 8 •: Snspehdrrs Silk overshot
ass jrte l •! ■ i_ js o: < Mors only ltl •:
txnspenJors Extra g-xk! .Yis-klo h"*thsr
*ids only 15c: Suspen f- r, 23 :-.n 1 2 lc,
ve Co&fns
&c, Jk. IT. BOSWKLL &'BRO.
Mon’.** wliito uni auntie rod Shirts only 25c;
.Men’s better unhindered Shirts, reinforced
shoulders, 40 to GOcts; Men’s white laun Shirts only 05c worth 50c: Luonder
.*d white Shirts 45. 50 and GOcts: Molds
Negligee Shirts 15c; a better Shirt 20, 25
md 30c: Men’s Buckskin Shirts, color de
sirable, only 85 and 40 cis; Black and
White Satine Shirts, something very nice,
only 50c; Men’s laundered Negligee Shirts
at 25c: a better laundered Shirt 85, 40, 45,
50 and 60c; Laundered Negligee Shirts, col
without collars, so as to wear white
lavs and Clifts, very cheap; White launder
ed Shirts with colored bosom, only 45c:
a fine *151.0) Shirt only 75c; Men’s white
Linen Culls only 10c pr; white Linen Col
Jars 5 to 10c. Men’s Drawers 15c; Men’s
Drawers, good and fust class, 2dc; Men’s
Drawers, Double Seat, only 25c. Men’s
under shirts only 15e; a ^Merino better under
shirts only 20 to 25c; fit under
shirts 8'J to 4<)c. wool undershirts 40 to G5c;
Mini’s heavy Winter overshirt at any price
will guarantee to beat any denier. All we
ask of you is to come and examine our
° ?0 ods.
c.mnterpina *».'0;», 8a and Si.Oh each,
Dovlies, all Linen and good size, only 30c
O tlimo ask doc. We ke.-p Oorsei
amiEye«. leans, Cambrics, Buttons Skirt-Bindings, of kinds, Purses, Hooks
pencils, Pnmtaffs, pipes and everything '
that vou are to need.
iPV . 8 , ^ \
3 « M C- 3
^ 0 B *«-■ -
flavin ,, just purchased a large bill ot
. a n. ,cry description, i'r.-ii leaves n< in
1 • ■ ViJioe .--Bcshts to vou g«.»t betyain several
this, we have
« I l«Ur on hand which we will close
»ut at great bargiiins. Ludies I. Dougo
N Button Shoes with tips at cost 67 l 3c
!’ r ; Ladies’ Lace ( alt worth 8oo
cost us The; will let go to the trade at 70c
pr. a great job, ror they arc all right m
eva-ry respect. Ladies pebble grain bhoes,
)">'d and ah O. W. only 72 l-3c. Ladies
Dongola Buttons atest styles toe with stitched button holes, I at. lea th
• '' tips,, worth Sl.s>0going to some .motor
^ ..n -a job. Ladies L Dongola Button,
I'a • tips. «5cpr; Ladies’Glove Grain But
*-ns worth Sl.lo at 8.) to 90c pr; Ladies
Hlovn Grain Polish, any sizes, at
to 90c: about 2a pr. of Sample Shoes
worth at least 81.00, going lorOoc pr; -No.
from 3 to 5, Please consider tins oiler.
<>M Ladies’ Shoes worth 81.2o think about
tl.-.m for only 9oc pr; Ladies I. Dongola
.Shoe-, button and lace with plain and
l;’' with Pal. tip, and without tiplor
L0O, 1.2 ). 1,2 ), 1.40. l.oo, I.....
pr; Ladies’ Calf Bhoes, all kindsand all
i’G'-e •• ••>. 90, 8L0. and b-.bO; Lame s
every day Shoes, made ot Caribou Leather
:in4 notod for its cxcoHmicyAn wcsii, only
-LlCaud 81.30; (’hildrens Shoes only 30c;
Misses and Boys Shoes 40, 5o and 60c;
Vouth’s Shoes 75, 85,90. l.OOand Sl.zOpr;
All \cry cheap for the Price: Aliases’ Sun
Shoe "Dongola Button,’ Pat. tip
us 81.00 going for 90c pr; Ladies 1 no
Oxford Ties only 50c pr; Ladies good
qualify Dongola Slippers, all right and
•'■Mi I only 05c; Women’s Plow Shoes all
leather 73c pr.
.Men’s Sunday Shoes only Hue _ worth
.00 at least; Men’s tine sundae Shoes
ail solid leather "Medium toe” only 81.00;
Sunday shoes both Mediuto and Sharp t «
only 51.10—a ljig bargain for any one:
M-'u’s line bullBal. Shoes, Metlmmaiwi
Sharp toe only 81.25, always sell for81.50
*r\ -.vhcre; Men’s tin : Razor toe Suoe;
"guii-iu at Xew 5 ork (.ash” our |>t lee only
81.25: Men’s line 83.06 Shoes would you
buy m 81.56? It is a>pectai dob at tie
jir'fc: Men’s hand sewed Shoes Lace and
< mgr.-s, sharp anil medium toe, worth
83.5b everywhere—Win* H. 51. Packard not Hand give us,81-bb Sc.ved
■ - always -11 for 82.75 to 3b0 ^ j*r.
cc- -line jut from niiirk-t, gore
1 ■*••••"
’.V L ant d. We .also have
15‘om kg.bif to -o 6ft |)r; Men’s to:.i -v
Cc i '* a-’) ,J " L’Mgans Solid an I
wort ;• sL35~vVhy will you ret use to pay
us 95c or: Men's Extra r iAe high cut hro
gas- t.ol and -1.1 I |,: .Men’s cl.go
ford, t, th Tan and Black, going at ox: pr.
We oT-r you the above line of honestly
made Suoes, which wc know you can md
even match elsewhere We do notask for
vo..r business tiniess wc can save you
money, but v.e do fell that w- have a
rli to nrg- 5 :t you test our vu.m-s hf
for; buying ebewhere.
VT . ann .aim
ilulO H «XllU I Ullyjt
If : ^p-hmw'/wid-dveTou'thc ,. ,r , .
Cil -- p ■
stvlc*3 and colors «is veil as the lcwest
C«t -dots. you for
prices. Clii! Iren’s extra -tticc Sunday
Felt Hats with beautiful bow, all colors,
worth 40c at. 2uc, as long as they last. A
little better Hat for 30c, but ’no better
looking than the 25c one; Roys Better Cigarette
llats very idee indeed, 35c; one 45e,
mil extra line ones worth 1.00 a^cheajnn’ at G0e; Mini’s
wide Men’s brim wool Hat 40c; one
25c; wide brbn fine white Hats 50c;
Hen’s White Alnine Hats black band 45c;
Men's black Alpine Hats narrow brim on¬
ly 40c; fine Fell Alpine Black Hat‘‘lined”
G5e; a better Hat cheap at &1.00 but will
sell at 75c; a still finer Hat in brown, black
and mouse color at NoctoSt.OO; Men’s
wide brim black Hat 40, 50, Go, 75, 00c
$1.00and $1.25. tVe also have Hats as
high as $2.50 and $3,00,
Worth of
J RcoiiyJade
,, " r 0 ( ; a11 ,, . , atteiiti-.n ... to t.iese
v M, '8 for «ttn>Vh«»CdV we know they «»«*••«' tmwimp
' n)
with nnx) ptu stihx . onlyI.
^orth •».»<»: Man’s .nee blue ami hlaek
iiy ete »ml worth
aMtil, tee-1 to Men lie till s n„ht grey Civssimi^|,aiiit o\ ^uaiaa
Aten s blue e .evtot smtevoSh
Men.-, heautitul phlid Sint, ci.- ip at ,.o .
wil1 M,,n ? n,, jL :, H M ‘ / llss| -
met, ■ Suit, a beauty, only ; -i., ■■Men’s grey
ami brown butt, will briny »s o, out will
sell a I rr.Mln ami be, u den’'- plahl
‘•’ua, u- «n, ...u . ■ Wp^i l . ■?’ v t •••in
fur 80 00; Men’s Clav .^it ■
a better ('lay Suit 34.7m a fine 310.00 m- j
ported Suit;, made up 11, style, black .md
blue at 80.50 and 87.00 Suit: VonUiVSnit
blue and black, v.oith 34-.0, at 3.1.(H St t
) outh s Suit, a mcs. plaid Vouth us uIIj plaid m Is hmt lot
.,.00, fot 8,..00,a s
that cost b.00, we will Sell the same at. 84,
Lov S 3-ineee hunts Ode; Loy s -pie :c Las- ,
simcr butts7t), 80, 90c, 3 .00 a d 81 .-•> a
still better Boy s butt, at 81.50 to $-.1)0,
Boy’s extra I ants loc PK Bov 8 1 ants -ic,
loe, and boo pr, all nice Lassintere. Mui s
blue Pam s made of nice ( asstmere;
Men s black cheviot Xante 81.0°; Mens
grey Pants DOe: Men's line' assuner I an s
a about IteauUtu do,» pair color of Job otdy 1 bU.O. .mfs Iron. Wejiau. .•><: to
82.50, and we can give youi most miyciim
you wish and lie price will be about halt
what the regular dealer will ask you.
Crockery, riocawonp Glassware, Tinwnrp 1 mware,
Hardware and General Mer
CnanulSe. h
y j( . ( , <-; 0 p] cts og cse t; extra heavy hotel
Oablet-s 30c set; Tumblers 15c set: nice
glass Butter Dishes, very nice indeed just
( or jOc; Lamp OUlmneys any size 6c each;
nice glass tankard PitcheriSoc; glass
pi , r j )0Xt . s r,c: glass Lamps complete Iteautifiilly 3oc;
a Jaj-ge, Lamp complato pOc; 4flc; large
<) ftC(> rated Lamp and Chimney (50c; a
deeorated Lamp and Chimney decorated an ex
tra ta ]j f aUn p ( beantifally and
wor th Sl.O.i. at 60c. Syrup Pitcher 10c;
syrup Pitcher with glass Bp and nickel
top 20c. Large Rochester Lamp, worth extra
j leury , n<! tal. with beautiful shade,
.sjqjJ, at 31.50: beautiful Lamp about 15 in.
an ,j iV beautifully decorated shade
!lIlf | worth 81.50, at $1.10; Isimj) with
^flector at 80ccomplete; Kitchen Lamp
w jy, chimney only-,15c. Nice Plate of nice
Mice Plates 25<: set:
war „ ;J0c set; Plates largest size *'■> to 4<le
s( , t; jj,,,, decorated Plates, nice size. 45c a
su t; a very firm decorated Plate worth 05c
at gp,. s ,.t ; fine decorated China Plate
vvortt, .-M.flio at 75c set; Steak Dish, covered
an ,| |,,.. m tfully decorated at 05c; covered
rp.-jii I)j.;, "white'’ idee size 40c, di-h"-
7 j. 3 Larr- Jiisii, abaut 13 in . at 15 ;
j{„ w .j s Large Bowl 10 cent, Lar: •■
howl. • el,-:-’](). li
Nj(; |v 15 ■ ,U 2u- • a-h. wort
money; Cups bandied and
:35c set: Ceps and Saucers,
nice ware.46 and 25c set: decorated ( ups
an( j Saucers worth 75c set at 56e set; Flo
„. t q,jp.,Saucers worth 1.00at 76c set,
j{„-, v |.s and Pilcher idee -f/.e 7oe; <b • orat<.;
jj, )w j an ,| pitcher, latest wild Pitchers, style and excellent sbaja,
81.20; White Bowl
quality and IteautHul ‘ nape only 81 W;
*p 0 ilet Sets consisting of 9pieces
jy decorated nt 82,46 set: Water Sets con
sistin? 0 f 3 pieces all bountifully flowered
at 33c M . t; Wire covered glass Oil Cans 40c:
Daisy-das Oil Cans 25c.
O. G. B;ick-i- Pic: 2-lioop White < m.r
Buckets bra., hoop (.clar lire K«t
20c. Good Haines 20c: Iro: teomd llann-f
25’: Singletrees good VHh Traces 20c j
L'levis 5c orO fftf 25c; Heel Rev u- or
' Prices continu' d at ttoltom next column..,
fawns .. v,e remain. ______„• Yours Tmlv Ipuly,
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
MeLlibors Talk
Of th* Happening!* in Tlu*.iv Respective lo¬
calities. All tlie Sews.
Picking, ginning ami selling cotton nt
low prices is the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs, II. H. Slack, of near
White Plains, spent Sunday last with
their daughter Mrs f. W. Broome.
Jtr. Jack Akins and family, of near
Crawfordville, -pent Saturday night and
Sunday last with relatives in the ueiixli*
Preaching al Bethany Presbyterian
°‘ 1U1C ^ 1 liex ^ Sunday , evening . by Kev.
Rev. G, W. Garner will begin a series
of meetings at Union Point Baptist
church on Monday night after the third
Sunday of September,
Wesley Ilrootue says the mule he trad
ed for in Crawfordville during Taliaferro
court is not blind but crosseyed.
BtK'klmt't Arwirtt\S«alr«.
The Be*1 Sitlve iu the world for Outs,
Bruises, Sore.,, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fcv
er, Totter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Cornu, and all Skin Erupt oils, and posi¬
tive y mire.' Piles, or no pay required. Ii
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
motley refunded. Price 2,5 cents per box.
For wile by Dr. li. J. Reid.
3 1b. Feather Pillows 8.1.50
pair at C. H. Goiucke Go’s.
W. U. k A. J. Boswell ,V tiro’s. Pliers
Conti tilled from 1'oregoktg Columns.
----— >.
IV. v 30c: Well Whirls 3De; ,ae.k , t-tOc;
f’-har l’ad . brmvn or wnie
r ..„ (l ■ >f •!.
StoycH from $4.50 to $ f,50.
Wo oim sjvvo you some money if
y(m ]lftV( . ........ buy: Mails by the keg
j, Sll()v ,.| Ti,“tueket s *„.'|.| ow Lines 10c; 1-3
K;|U ( , )V ,. r( ,,| fie: t covered
, rjn Bm , kct jo C; 6-qt covered Bucket 13c;
( : oir ,. ( , p ots 0i !Ulll me; Tin Pans fill
^ ftu(| styl((s froll , o f,,.. /Hack wood
...... uip „,.,. rK .. Til , Cups o j.2,.; Large
w , ls)l |. ttlls 5,.. (i„lyanized Wash Fan’s 10c;
f Mi!k | illda , ts ,.|,cap to price;
|| 01} , vy i.Uk R tin Dish Pun only t.V: ;ui
( , x|| , (l |Hr(f( , ,. t ,, illll( ,| | )is]l |. lln yo ,, 3.>C:
i( , ( , (J(| j )is)l p a „ |2 1-3 to 1.5c; Strainers
)(( (ila . s „jj )|M . rs Large galvanized
kil( .|„. tl onlv ,» r: ,. a rge Graters
oll J |, 5,. /V ||| kind of locks from 5 to 25e:
aj # f|||[ u|)(| ||„e of shell' Hard,
^ m)(1 a|s() fu| , )illu of »t M ggy and
Wai?011 Material.
Good liu 5 y Harness worth .85.56 onlv
fini . |. ||J?!r> || arm ... worth 37.60
only 8.5.06 set: line Buggy Harness worti.
38.56 at 36.50 set; a 810.00 set Harness at
s<.T5. Why not, come amt buy a line
Buggy from us at 827.50 nicely painted
an*l guarantee it t.o b<* a fb'st cbiKs Ihiggy? Buggy,
Why not couie and see ot.r 833.fM) it’s'a
m j running gear and black fifty body- sixty
J 0 l>y Why will you pay or
dollars for a Buggy when you Spring-, can gel Brew- one
f rmn lm with Thomas Coil
sll , r |, unir on Side Bar, red running
K „ ar , y.ia,* la,dy, tan cushion and back,
Jontlier spring hack, carpeted sides and
i K)Uo , n , njeelv striped and guaranteed at800,only to
!IS K0 , x [ asanv you can buy
$37.50. Furniture below
\y e offer you some
vv j,; f .j, W( . know is all bargain and we feel
|)0 i lCH |tAne.y in saying that we have no
conipi.; it ion at all as far a- prices a £
corned. We offer a Bedstead, wit slats
and rollers, 6 ft. and 6 Ins. high at 81.46;
Bedstead complete 5 feet high only 82.50
jj uead cuinplctc 5 feel, and 6 in high.
I) feet,’’only 'U.OO; Bedstead 1 on.
pletc 1; feet high -Si.25: Beds 6 ft. and
inf) . Jnjr-ij ,,'jjj only’>'3.85; Beds wire complete 7 fee*
j, jw-j, v j.|o. Nice doer
s i I(J ]ves and 1 drawer at bottom only 82.5":
.* j• pi ; of O 5. r ndUtre, bed. v. ish
-eutd :■,, I b e "an ai.v 13.56, b'ir' au In ••
j.,,-.,,, j , • Fornitur.
Oak,-an- -a! I", • < ,.,ir.:7 1 - *•
Woven '.vii- Bed Spring a’ 81. G- • Mie<
Bureau-. iiav■•• :i (Ira wm , mb ■ ■-6.0O.
fJ ([ |j anf .. tread leaf Tobacco 43c lb:
. .. j jj,. j{,.,.| 'J ap To¬
,t jOil
j j,;'jj-F, . p,. Home Trial Tobacco jjix
K i K Tobco ‘Mb
fj a .,L kj.) .lack Tobacco 25c: Red Juice T
.'r'on - Soap 2 1-3 t ur- <
t ^y* Soao ’starch 7 bars for 35c- 'Trash’ Mover
- £ |T;; 6 lbs for 25e; Giant
p fjt . tt for ->5-"< 35< Re ■ 6 It) 'or 25- Grit
H lbs for ifl-e pie ; . ( >,fi< • 161-2c
j,, Ar T,. ( -kl- - and L* vering’- R*»a.t.s| (.'of
,,, 1: , , i .
r ,„ Svruti j t. for 25c- K<*ro-neO:i J5
ia’;- 16- •*«»: % Svrup 15c to 25c gal
. - Mat h< 3 d ■/ boxe
; 11, .Syrup.Figs f/au-anutu 35; Cheney’s Lspeetorant 5c: Liver
15c: rad Paragon*:
3f,.,j[ C . nc 12c package: G er.era! M"
<15< , and kind of Drugs and
shanditc too numerous to mention.
In Advance.
NO. 30.
\0Y4Z m
ci I
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening si rengt h
and A-ures lie’ food
against alum and all forms of udultera
l ion common to I lie cheap brands. ROV
in x.
Jack, son of Uncle Kt^byrn
Jones, is Vi<>'!t( sick at 1 his time
\\ •' arc jo’liKl to t'cjiorl, Mr. ,1
W. Jones’recovery from a sever©
.spoil of sickness.
.Mr. W. T. Nelson’s school
j near Moore s Mill closed last
h’ritlf^V until November.
Some, farmers say when (hoy
Met over their cotton this lime
t hoy will have about all.
Mrs. W. T. Nelson, and son
Hiram spoilt, apart of hist, week
with relatives in Putnam,
We understand that Bermuda
will have to Took out for another
teacher for next year as our pres¬
ent one hud Luther bo taught
than teach.
U'L„ iru •ricemetit exercises
Friday , night aof'ortflrtff' --v" ....... ft -f-r;
pointment. doing credit to both
teacher and pupil.
•Small quantify of vinegar
and pickles at 0. Bergstrom’s.
Glome before they are gone.
lion. P. G. Veazy delivered
the commencement address at
Bermuda Friday night, His
warning and advice to teacher,
pupil, and especially to patrons
wtis good if we will only tain
heed thereto.
For mattresses of every
style and quality call on 0. II
Goiucke & Co. Very low in
We had some good music at
the close of our school; Miss
Byrd Veu/ey, at the organ,
Messrs. Iv. T. and J. T. Howell,
on llie violin. Messrs. W. T.
Johnson and V F. Cooper, on
the harps, and It. J. Cooper, the
Bring hi your butter, eggs
beeswax, etc, tot 1 . Bergstrom,
How some people's hopes blighted. an<1
• tx | tee! aliens can be
( >n<‘ Month it/go WO ill I ox | xtctotl
j , , mako t,ho I'.U'Rost oottor) Ct'O j)
■■' „ Lit,*- lit,' nrosont out -
look 18 . IOI vet .. to OVOl ft , . ..
on«)>. S'Otnti ;->;iy al»«>tt1, sixty |>of
r-r ■ i 11 of lust crop U'i 11 CO VOL tills
. ' -mil it v \ i 11 1111 soon ho * nnnn i *
: .
■ ll j
njfl II Jm Sj VI ti 1 1 ly jL PV ^
H | V U B ^ ■
,-fbj Female
gy Regulator
For all dlseas^^TK.uliar to wamGI anJ i'Jf''
It Tones up the Nerves, Improves the Ap
petite, f.nriches the Blood, alii ^ives Lie
Health and Strength. It is the
CDCCI rncc, A ’ "ttlc "f " M iflily ” k-Kutottn;:
I'tiK v,;!-i •• i -,•!!.. i • ■ •>•
all dealers or sent dire': u[ -n r,' eipt of t ,H
New Spencer Med. r.i e 'A, Co., VVI, Chattanorrga, Tenn. -
cases rc pjir n'< Ap'H’ial w .p. . :,t, a4dP .
symptom'/, Ladies’ “tedical He*
partment. Alv. • \*>*>'* on Female
Disease*, with test) rr^/U C\, free-
For $oh) opij RtiCOmw^niiftl by
Paul G. Ipp Fi t vfortivillc, Ga.