The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 17, 1897, Image 4
THE ADVOCATE-DEMC-CRAT. JgBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING It CLEM. G. MOORE. Official Organ Taliaferro Co. CRAWrOHDVIl.DE, SEPT. IT. 1897. The Oglethorpe Echo and the Madisonian both comes to our office twice a week now. The wave of prosperity surely has struck these editors. Mrs. M. E. Brooke anil daughter, Miss Annie, have re¬ turned to their home at Baytown Their many friends here wish they would return to Crawford ville and make their home here again. A Happy Woman. A happy woman is a O- Not all <- ■U- .’ ) V. ! ‘11 WOfflOn W?W are happy; \ 4 but all per <v-. ^ 1/ foctly hap f ' 'i'V ' - ]>y women well. ■ J are Health and happiness are insep ruble. Dr. Hartman’s free treat meet Ik; ; made many happy ■ it has restored man WOl ten 1o jMM’fect health, Mrs. H. ’obbins. of Mont rose, j , is one of these happy women, She writes in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman: •‘1 have followed your advice and feel much benefited by it. I am i atislied your medicine and kind advice have done more for my present health than anything else < ulil have done. I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for all the good you have done me. I am feeling so well and free from all suffering, that my heart goes out in thank fullness to ,;du.’' In addition to the free advice ■ fldiieh s o hriciT.h arc receiving, 1 Dr. Hart¬ man's free eorrespondonco, is his free book, written for women only. This book will be sent to any address for a short time, by The Pc ru na Drug Manufactur¬ ing Company, Columbus, Ohio. 36 in. Into style all wool dress goods fl.'ic yu al Alliance Store. Flanagan mysteriously . got- , out , of his cell a! Decatur \ nest a,\ ni.kht. It was thoughl h< gone but Inter was fomid in an unused cell m tin jail. docoj-him think parties tried to off to hang him. I he dooi ol Ins cell was locked when found. THE DREADED CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED T. \. Sloniuv, u. < .. o„. tr eat ci.-mtst sclent 1st. \t ill Neud I to the %«■*» c«l, Thrw llottleB of Hi* N«*wly l>l» coYfrotl lioiHOflioii to 4 nro 4 *m tNUinplioii himI All l.ittij; Troubles. Coiifidcu! that he has discovered a relln Me cure for consumption and all ,)ro!] ‘ i ',;i;»i, ’ ■■■■ "I hut;* d -. i-es. general deeline m w. akness. loss .>f flesh ami nil rollout -ns • >f wasting, and to make its irrent nt< known, he will send, free, three luYttles to any ruadt r »>f 1 hr Atlvo who muv ho sufTcring. A «iv this “now ■nUli. course nuns In- periii,tly erred lliou MUULS < uil> hop. . -s eases. Tlu* (1 considers i! his religious lint y duty whirh ho nwc^ It • hum.:’. :v siutHlu uri*. lit ; oved the drcadril consume turn , a rable disease lieyor.d d tuM, and has on li . ill I,'- Am.wi ill ami ot «* •lime "" ” l;! ' p in all pi ts of the world. Don’t lie’ v until it is too lute. 1 «"I« utumerrupted mean* -oeedy A ' * ' HU Al wr IV- >«H I ' p.1.1 i -.At ,.VU.- and peMollle a birrs- .ml aLo mi'iiiion veadlnj th - article in The Tocate-D^mocnit* OUR SCHOOL NOTES. Matters of Intern from Stephens High School ami it’s Pupils. Clarence Bonner is also on the sick list. flourishing, . , . . Our School is , new pupils are coming in weekly. We welcome Sim Phelps, of Waynesboro. Let us make him feelant home among us. Mr. Veazey’s fondness for tending general meetings growing on him. He now goes a week ahead. Earnest “Proctor” Taylor is afflicted with a stubborn case of chills—whether malaria or Latin is the cause is not definitely known. Our Trustees seem more alive to the interest of the school than they have been of late years. New seats will soon be ordered and we are hoping for new black boards. We extend a hearty welcome to Bert Edwards and Oscar Port wood from Sandy Cross. J a mot Oveaton and Leon Chapman have also left their country schools and are now pupils of S. H. S. Once more our girls are play¬ ing over the grounds at Liberty Hall, a delight they have for some time been deprived of. It was thought at one time* that the boys might throw a stray ball, and break off Mr. Stephen's fin¬ ger, but bless him! we wouldn’t harm a hair of his head. Miss Janie Reid, one of our former pupils, bade us good-bye on Tuesday. Bhe has gone to the Industrial School at Milledge ville. We will miss her in our school. No pupil excelled her in classes and well did she deserve the high esteem in which she was held by her last faithful teacher. WiIlium and Russel Reid, and Alvin and Ralph Golucke have decided to try their hand at bus¬ iness this fall, but will come in next term, Some are waiting for the Association to pass by. By the way, was there ever any¬ thing as much talked of? Every lady in town it seems has it on her mind. Speaking of the Association reminds us of Robbie at the last p. Conference. He had heard delegates talked of so much Tie had pictured them in his mind seated at the supper table and he expressed “Ma. those his don't sur¬ prise by saying, these just look like delegates, like Pa.” Alex. Beazley, Editor, Pupil of the Stephens High School. “My boy came home from school one day with his hand b;idh . , acera t ed and bleeding, ;uul su ff ( , rinff ilt with pain,” Meyer says Mr E j Schali. J{ros • Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. dressed tho wound, and ap i. li(>(r Chiuub crlain's Pain reolv An pain ceased, a nd in a remarkably short time it heal¬ ed without leaving a scar. For cine or prescription equal to it. f consider it a household neces s py •• r fhe 25 and hO cent sizes j ()) '. sa |g ] n - l) r R. J. Reid. . Sent to tht< Exposition. Mr. F. P. Hall brought in a hill of cotton stalks Saturday that had 145 bolls on it and it was S( , nt ml t | le Nashville Fx ic>n Monday afternoon, We j Kl( j t he promise of several others Dial did not coute in. We are sorry that our people do not rake more interest in this matter of . ulvor tising their county. A ^ a lk of COttOll tIlf* size of the above would yield about 3 cents wortb of Unt an d the sight of uoh Uliv’-ht hrilio-a citizen here with thousands of dollars to in vest aipong us , and yet some say these few stalks Of cotton xviH ()u , noro ,- oot J j n a hale of COttOll than exhibited at the Exposition. It is a mistake. Messrs. Averill and Hudson will be he.-e Satur (to-morrow) to tell ns Of tl „, M . advantages. Everybody vorne and hear them. Spring . beds , and , bedsUads . 1 . , all grades, ftt C. H. Lolucke ** Cos. Took the Wrong Horse. ’There was a little mixture of horses and horse owners here Saturday night last. Mr. Prank Akins v. ho lives up m the edge of Greene county was down Sat urday and when he got ready to return home that night he could not find his cream colored horse was hitched to the rack, He went p ome and returned Sun day morning, still looking for the lost horse. Marshal Tucker found a gray horse at the rack Sunday morning that no one knew the owner of. It was found that Isiah Lawson, colored, had swapped for the gray horse and Mr. Akin went to.Lawson’s and found him with the missing cream horse. Lawson had driven the horse on Sunday and was making no effort to return it to it’s rightful owner. He was ordered to bring the horse to town which he did, but on reach¬ ing Mr. C. C. Caldwell's lot Law son got off-Hie horse, went to the well in the back yard, pretend¬ ing to get water, but kept on through the yard and off down towards Mr. Newt. Chapman’s and made good his escape. Mr. Akin had a warrant issued for Lawson. It turns out that the gray horse really did not belong to Lawson,v It was left at Cald¬ well’s stables. Yellow fever is growing worse in Ocian Springs and New Or¬ leans, La. ifnd in Jackson, Miss and many other southwestern cities. All Her Life E Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Utbonia, Ga., says that his daughter, Ida, inherited a severe case of Eczema, which the usual mercury and potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by year she was treated with various medicines, external appli¬ cations and internal remedies, without result. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily did worse. All the so-called ttaod remedies not __ Yseem tc reach the dis- S ease at all until S.S. was given, when an improvement noticed. was at once The medicine continuecd with §k orable she results, is cured now sound and well, her skin is 1 clear and P ure and 5 V * * tV she has been * from what ened to blight her life forever. S.S.S. (,guaranteed purely vegetable) cure. Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, matism, or any other blood trouble. It is a real blocd remedy and cures even after all else fails. A Real Blood Remedy* Take a blood rt’medy for a blood a tonic won’t cure it. Our books on blood and skin diseases mailed free to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Citation. p EORGIA, TALIAFERRO COUNTY. " * To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Rachel Kent, the widow of John J. Kent, 'ate of said County, deceased, hav¬ ing in due form applied for twelve months support from the estale of flit* said John J. Kent and the appraisers duly appointed having tiled their report, setting aside such support, I will t>w-s upon said ap¬ plication the first Monday jn October, 1897. This is therefore to notify all pi ■\ so ns interested in the estate of said John J. Kent to show cause why said applica¬ tion should not he granted and why said returns should not l>e admitted to record. Given under mv hand and official sigua lure Tills the 8 th d*v of September 1897. GEO. H. MITCHELL. Ordinary, ~ Land Sale. -wwnu. he sold, in front of the door M f . p 0 ,. r t House o f Taliaferro County. Georgia, on the first Taeadav in Oct.flxjr next, for cash. io tlie ‘land, siniated the 172nd district G. M. eaid county, con mining 180 acres, more or less, hounded ; n<1 in gtihlic Road from Shamn to Ilfflman.Ga Nod ''n‘ llvl “«; ;"*'"y'. ,i ^a^SiMcLfity! ’.V. A. Cary, and ln , r belong- her fr guar- to ianic Cary or as >> . A. V Alii, Guardian of the person and property of Janie Cary. This. bept. 189.. Ladies Who Suffer From any cornpla.ot pocu'.ar .• to to their sex-such as Profuse. ful. struat.on. Suppressed are soon or Irregular^Men restored to b eQ hh by T2-, Dradlieia S F Female ema | c Regulator. AVegu a It is a combination of remedial agents which have been used With the greatest success for more than 25 years, arjd known to act speci f ,‘° l 'V ith r! recommended for such complaints orjiy. It never fails ( / K31V to give relief and ' I restore the health f i j| of the suffering It should ,« \Ml e v/omar). j I \ be taken by t!)e )f airl just budding 'f lj [Ul iVi into womanhood ! ,,/hen Menstrua r ~' 3S *~ a * a! tl0n ,s Scant > Su P' Jt*. ““pressed. Irregular or Painful, and all delicate women should use it, as its tonic properties have a won derful influence in toning up Gnd strengthening the system by driv ing through the proper channels all impurities. “A daughter of one of my customers missed menstruation from exposure and cold, and on arriving wrecked, at until puberty she her health twenty-four was completely of was recommendation, years she used age, when upon my one bottle of Jlradlield’s Female Regulator, com pletely restoring her to health.” J. W. IlELLCMS, Water Valley, Miss. The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga SOLD BY. ALL DRUGGISTS AT $1 PER BOTTLE. THE GEORGIA RAILROAD. -AT THE- TENNESSEE Centennial Exposition, Prom May 1st, to liov. 1st. 1897. Tho second lartrc't Exposition over hold tin* , . country, thousands , , of . Homo.: i. , in cox ers and investors from the West and North West Will he there. , up the , wonderful , ,. , resources along its line, the Georgia Railroad decided to make an Exhibit of those, re¬ sources, and asks the people of the ties and towns along its lines to with them in making the exhibit a by furnishing creditable specimens of Minerals, Paint and Fire plays, f Witter Powers ami pl^tngraphs. of ajl Mill Sites,exhibits of all Manufact uring [n dustries especially desired. Further arrangements will be made and due notice given regarding Exhibits Agricultural products, and Fnut in son. For further information apply to, JNO. II. AVERILL, Conunisioncr, 419 Dyer Undoing, Augusta. Ga E ngines & Boilers, Gins and Presses. GET OUR PRICES: ( omplotf* ( otton. Saw, Criist. Oil and , Fertilizer Mill outfits: also C4in Press, Mill and Shingle outfits. Bnikling, ■?, Bridge, Factory •) Furnace I ,. julroad .. , ( listing-.: luiilioad , , Mill, \« : 11 »f ,,i -• ists’ anti Factory Supplies. Beltimr, Packing, Injectors, Pipe tin«s. Saw-. Files. Oilers. Etc. EVERY DAY. WORK 150 HANDS. Lombard Ivon W ks & Supply Co. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin SYorks. Repairs Promptly Done. >' - I DDfiEr flUi. D 8 JS \A#U vfi? I 5T I Wl ft I a • ai j 739 Broad St AuglIS t a , Ga., GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects sight, grinds the proper glasses and WA11 JIAXTS them. Lenses cut into your frame while you wait, rDpr nr fUABCp tell, if v»tt ««d j ! UO-WDZ f^mar C ° me here nse eomtn^p— Z\ 03 r o o bills, S& __ J55 taw. ■»« 5 | ' j h»Tf B500.000 capital behind our ^ ,ot c»c^q. NQT •MM* ft I % OT There is a difference between medi “^ 3 ^ a rule, respects, differ from those of the pas t j n many be Fully as great is the difference tween Dr. Kings ROYAL SERMiTOER an d the ordinary medicines of to-day. It is unlike them in THESE FIVE THINGS: 1. It does not taste like a meili cjne> Jt is as p i eas ant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink. the most a. it never nauseates delicate stomach. dis- 3. It does not swap off one ease for another. It does not setup one form of disease in order to relieve ano ther as is so often the case. 4. It contains no alcohol or opium in any form and is always harmless even when given to a babe one day old. . not patch simp . j, i f». It does cures It in the blood and removes the cause. It does this with an ease and power that have never been equaled, For all troubles . , of . the Blood, ctAwiph btoma , Bowels, Kidneysi andNerves,.and foratt form of MALARIAL l OIsON it stands pre-emmeii without a rival or a peer. r Sold by drue-gists, new package, large bot tie, io3Dcces, One Dollar. Manufactured only by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL C3„ ATLANTA, GA. WRITE FOR 48-RAGE ROOK, MAILED FREE. Educate ~ Book-Keeping, Business, FOR A PHONOGRAPHY, Situation. Type-Writing Telegraphy COPYRIGHTED. adtasWILBUR R. SMITH, LEXINGTON, KY., For circular of his famous and responsible COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY. UNIVERSITY Awarded IYI«*«IaI at World's Exposition. i c««t or Fail' rourile,' incimhng Tui Lion, Books and Board in family, about §00. Shorthand,Type-Writing,and Telegraphy,Specialties, C®*The Kentucky University Diploma, under ppal, awarded graduates. Literary Course free, successful. if desired. No vacation. Enter now. Graduates address only In order to have your letters reach us, wilBUR R.SMiTH,LEXINGTON.KY ' 1 310 To m Man. [ v/ILL PAY $100 FOR ANY CASE - Qf r ,- cskhcsl ;'In HXm' The? 1 .. aU .. , 40 Cora An Omaha Company places for the first time before the public a Magical Treat mest for the euro of Lost Vitality, Nervous of end Sexual Weakness, and Restoration Life Force in old end youDg men. Nc worn-out French remedy! contains no r.’iosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is a Woxijbrkci, Treatment —magical in its effects—positive in its euro. All readers, who arc suffering from n weakness that blights tfcoir lif*-. causing that mental and r/ii'-sicel snllering peculiar co Lost Man hood, should write (-■ Hie STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they valuable will send you absolutely FREE, a pane? bn those diseases, and positive proofs of their truly Magical Treatment. Thous¬ ands of tunr, who have lost all hope of a eure, are being restored by them to a per Tbeatmunt may be taken at Iioojd p»ider their directions, or they will pay lv.ilroad fere and hotel hills to all who prefer to go tJiere for treatment, if they p-U to . are. They are perfectiy reliable; ikivo no I re© Prescriptions, hree Cure, Smnpie, or C. O. v. fake. They have i.250,000 capital, and refund guarantee to dollar; cure every case they treat or deposited every or their charges may be in a a cure 13 Notice to Debtors and Creditors. OTATE ^ OF GEORGIA—Taliaferro County. having demands against the AU persons estate of John J. Kent, late of said county deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned property proven according to law: and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. , This 13th, day of August 1897. RACHEL KENT. Administratrix of John J. Kent deceased. TAKE NOTICE. In connection with Wi Uch, clock and jewelry repairing, during the summer i months, (provided you bring the machine j to nivshop) I will make sewing machines i ru n light and stitcli perfect that you con I sidei wortlik-ss. I can repair any kind of j 1,0 machinery, CD l If am I do a nm practical gee satisf-usam workman. I : want no p.-, > . _ ---- CITATION. M. F. Griffith has d.jiymade appiica ,,on to th '' , in '!'T' i '- , ’ cd to |J '; »PP«' nt «l , Georgia, deceased, and for permanent tet :.r- of administration <m said estate, and I Mond-e'in'oetX r next in"n.yoffi^ w Tbts bept. . . ah , 189, .on. J T ,P^e™ Coun^SSk