Newspaper Page Text
' i i
« 1
*« / * ...... ■
Retiring • • • •
take Ayer’s Pills, and you will
sleep better and wake in better
condition for the day’s work.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no
equal as a pleasant and effect¬
ual Remedy for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, and
all liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated, and so perfectly
prepared, that they cure with¬
out the annoyances experienced
in the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic
Pills. When other pills won’t
help you, Ayer’s is
—The dust is as bad as
ever knew it in ‘ this ‘ section ' ‘‘
Good yard wide .
5c yd at Racket Store
—A few days like the
we had this week reminds
that summer is not gone yet.
•’0 mch dress flannel at
liance Store xor 3oc yd.
—Members of the
an church are preparing to
their buiMing plastered and
erwisc finished up.
feimpson s Calicoes best
made 5c yd. at Racket Store.
M hen you want to order a
suit of clothes see Wanamaker’s
samples at the Adro-Democrat
ofece. Wool suits from bb.aO
and wool pants made to measure
for 82.75. Pretty patterns.
„ Extra . wide Seals- ~ .
nice yci
landtor » ».) *« ffiw g 8
. ,
s or q "> hear ; h ”‘
Mr. J. C. Jordan . has deemed , to
move to Stellaville. We are al
so informed that Mrs. Rube
Rhodes will move to that place up a millinery business.
Blankets 75c and 81.25 li.air
at C. H. Golucke & Co's.
—The big ad. of W. B. & A. J.
Boswell & Bro., on our first page
should be thoroughly read.
These enterprising gentlemen
are selling goods right and this
ad. will show our readers the
way to Pen field.
Owmg „ . to over-crowdmg .. ,
fmmire^ind s chooto’oorn 1 ?^ often “el o se
EeV^lifferfromTun teachers P ?nd
tiequently sutfei Horn lung and
throat troubles. I o all such we
would say, try
Cou^h Remedy For cou cp ]is
colds, weak lungs and bronchial
troubles no other remedy can
compare with it. Says A. C.
Freed. Superintendent of School,
Prairie Depot. Ohio: ‘'Having
some knowledge of the efficacy
of Chiimberjain's Cough Eemod,.
I have no hesitation in recom
mending it to all who suffer from
coughs, lung troubles, etc. ” For
sale by Dr. E. J. Reid.
—Rev R Veaz^v tt T H-irris qnd
Aii. Mr I to I to. Veazey went vent, owr over to to
wards Mallorysville first of the
weak to attend general meeting,
After getting away over in
Wilkes some one reminded them
that the general meeting would
not be held before next week.
E asy asy to to Take Operate
Are features peculiar to Hood’s Pills. Small in
6ize, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
said: “ You never know you Pills
have taken a pill till it is all
over.” 25c. C. I. Hood & Co.,
Proprietors. Lowell, Mass.
The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Pare Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Eepcrters.
Wliat Our People Are Doing and Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—Mrs C. M. Rhodes is on a
visit to Warren county.
—Mr. Bert Flynt has returned
from a trip to Milledgeville.
—Emmett Henry has engaged
with Mr. Golucke at the ginnery.
—Mrs. W. O. Holden is out
again after a short spell of sick¬
-There are from 20 to 73 bales
this°denot ShiPPed Perdd ' y ll0 ‘“
.7 '
, Miss Gussie „ . Lickersoii, ol
f enn s, was m Lrawloruvule
mng • Mr. G. 1. ^ Edwardsgm l , ds no ." near 1 un '
Level Hill.
Mr. J. W. Timberlake will
buy cotton seed . , here for .. Mr. G.
T. Edwards.
—Millard Henry has resigned
the position of night watchman
at this place.
—Mrs. Will Alans visited rel
atives in Crawfordville.—Union
Point Review. -
—The speaking here Saturday
and old soldier's meeting will
draw a good crowd.
Go to C. Bergstrom for
cheap pants.
~ Dr ,, - Clccro Lucas T ’ of . Wash -
ington, spent Sunday last among
his home fo i ks here.
Beds at Alliance Store from
cq ' ,^q | G ^ '
/ianta Mrs Fannie Tucker went un
tQ Wednesday to
fiends and relatives,
_ Un ion Point people have be
gun ano ther brick building for
t i 10 ; r i fn ittin^ mill
Store prices
on Black Cl ay Worsted Suits be
f ore buying elsewhere,
_ Frank Richards has com
mencec i to buy cotton seed for
w _ c< chapman for this season,
, ,, A1
.. St f 101 Y* uel P . J vard ‘
—Miss Gussie \\ right, , of Au- A
gusta, has been spending this
wee k with friends at this place.
-Hit.trtrltorgKtrw, «Kr Sl
class medicines.
-Miss T Louise . T Lanneau went
u P.t° Madison Wednesday to
with her sister, Mrs. Ed.
uomcKe '
—Messrs. George and Jno.
Wright have each given $1 f°
™ ‘' ‘ S ,/[Vf. ^,?^ 1 a derate “ 0UU ‘
Go quick , and get some pi
^ they r - are Bergstroms all gone. hsh before
—Jack A. Beazley, of this _
place, will leave Monday for
Mercer University where ho will
his education.
Trimmings to suit all dress
in Velvets, Silks, ]> asa .
J etc., at Racket Store.
,,, s, preached ^ an .n, moeiesting
cit the JBciptist church ut
place Sunday last.
Finest calicoes in town at
_Jfi Tor S s Mm^Se Janie Reid left Tups- Star
he Georgia Normal and Indus
A1 ^ f° to 1 le AU,ance
enjounee sioes. ,
-^ ie new cotton seed and gu- j
U1 ° warehouse (;ast of the depot |
“ eanng com l 1l(itl » a and will ;
e a grea t improvement on the |
]H one .
Pretty washstands and
bureaus for sale cheap by C.
J, I- Golucke & Co.
—A small fire on tho roof of
the engine shed of Golucke &
Go’s gin created a little exeit
ment a few days ago. No darn
age clone.
If you are gray under
there is no better remedy than
Hall’s Hair Renewer.
—Mrs. Rachel Kent was able
to be carried up to Greenesboro
Saturday where she will spend
a short time with relatives
Extra good, woven wire bed
springs at Alliance Store for
Regular ^rice &-JX).
—Mr. and Mrs. George Far
mer, of Thomson, silent Satur
day and Sunday with relatives
in this place. They used to live
; in Crawtordville.
You will quit trading in At
lanta or Augusta if you will go
to the Alliance Store when in
need of goods.
Nice j*d. wide sheeting at
Alliance Store for 5c per yard.
—Mr. W. W. Bird has gather
ed this season four heavy bales
of cotton from six acres, and he
thinks he will get three more.
That’s good cropping.
School , . boys , jeans. good ,
part wool, IP l-2c yd. at Alliance
_ Mrs . j. W . Ashury went up
to Greenesboro Monday to spend
several days with her son, Dr. J.
q, Asbury and daughter Mrs.
Evans, ami their families.
Safes, sideboards and
boards all styles and prices at
q. h. Golucke & Go's.
-p. tJl Deaciwyler, a young phy- ,
sician _ from Maysville is in Craw
fordville and has decided to lo
cate here. We extend him a
welcome and wish him success,
Furniture, furniture furni- !
10 DM' cent olsewhoVl*.' cho-tiw f h-i n |
can be bought Come
get prices and bfe convinced. I
Racket Store. j
Bob Anderson went to Law
renceville Wednesday where he
will enter school under the same
teacher who taught at Auburn
last year. We wish him success.
Children’s chairs, high and
all styles—price too low to
at C. H. Golucke & Co’s.
—The picayune, which lias
such a convenience to our
on this line, has been put
the Macon branch and will bo
between Milledgeville and
You should see the beautiful
line of dress goods m Henrietta,
Serge, Cashmere, Brocadines,
Jaquards and Fancies just re
ceived at Racket Store.
—The government cotton re¬
port is falling off—down to 75
per cent. That should show the
world that the cotton crop will
not reach nine nor ten million
bale ci op.
—Rev. G. \\. Garner, of
Greenesboro will preach here at
day in this ntonth while Mr.
Harris will hll the pulpit at
Union Point.
-—Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Step bens, and Jno.'Jv.. went up
to Woodville Monday. Steph
ens & Allen are there making
pictures, and Mrs. Stephens
P ai d Dr. G.iflin’s family a visit.
Baton Rouge. La., Apr. 23, ’85
Having used Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic in my iValy family with
great benefit I can recom
n ie ' nd it to others
Wm. Gakxo ’ Banker.
—Mr. 3as. L. Moore received
‘ l "ice now engine here this week
^oni the Lon.bard ron Works
Augusta and has placed it onhis
plantation out towards Little
and wiH use tin running
his p lan t at i on ginnery.
-Mr. Miller, who is working
H . 1 the interest of county Sunday
Schoo! Conventions, will be here
‘/ n the ‘ th ^ ,inda and W1 talk
. .
school convention
# tor «“ C ° UntJ t '
Wilson, La., Mch, 17th, ’1)2.
I saw a horse cured of colic
with Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic
had been sick so long and
so severely that he was given up
to die . and his owner sold him
f nr tr. William Reams, City
Marshal. Ask your druggist
for it. Price 50 cts.
Mrs. W. P. Harris and chil
dren have gone to Atlanta to
spend a month or so after which
they expects to go to Virginia
where thev will make their home
near the field of Mr. Harris’
commercial work.
There are some things you
can do without but you can taf
ford to risk another day without
a bottle of Dr. Tichenor’s Ante
septic, the greatest chemical dis
covery of the age. Heals Cuts,
Bums. Gun Shot Wounds, etc.,
q U j c ker a nd with less suffering
than anything. Clean and pleas
ant as perfume. Cures Colic too,
while you wait about ten men
utes. Only 50c a bottle.
j ! Picked 40S Pounds.
j Henry son of Mr B F
Wynne of this county, picked in
; one day 408 pounds of cotton. .. a
1 few days ago. This is the best
j | by cotton picking in this we section have heard of
any one
| ly.
Dinner on the Grounds.
We are requested to state that
there will be dinner served on
tht' grounds at tho Baptist church
f Je , ‘ . ,, „ da , ol
( UI !!H ' v soss,ou
t,u> f <eov f a Association . next
“ K,nth t ' and everybody is invited
to come and enioy the good
mee ting.
Their (loot! Work.
Our city council met in regular
session last Tuesday night and
decided to appropriate a nice set
of desks and blackboards for our
school building It is a <»reat
thing for our public sbhooMtnd
the memory of their good
"'ill long remain among our eiti
worts ’
_, 10 iM ‘ !l llt , Samly . . < ros>.
Messrs. G. T. Edwards and
w - C. Caldwell have bought the
s *° cj£ ffroceries and merebau
d * so °f Ml'. .Jack Chapman Ofid
J” 11 ™ 0 ™ tho - oods to S:nul >'
^ that loss place. and W ish u l» they a store had de- u
cided and opened up in this
place, bid however we are glad
lo note the boom they will give
to Sandy Cross. Success
Itiisiness Chanycs.
There will be some
changes here on October 1st, and
mnong them w,l be Dr. H F.
Wh,te 8 re nioval to the store
now occupied by Mr \V C.
Rhodes, and Mrs. , F. Stcq.h
will move oce.pSd
to the rooms now
Be near the postolflce.
«„ are told , that f r ' W
m ' U , sl cl s,ock of
P 11 ur ’ ass
, at , new place, .
Mr. Brooke's Success.
The many friends of J. 0.
Brooke in this county—his old
home -will be proud to know of
his success in Madison. Jim has
gone into the mercantile busi
ness with Mr. Stovall, one of
the best business men of Modi
soU and t!u . new firm is Stovall &
It is, useless lo
these gentlemen will make a
success of their business as they
have already succeeded. Best
wishes always go with
.Tim Brooke in all his undertuk
To Work Hie Bonds.
Sheriff Berry, of Sparta,, was
here Griffin’s Wednesday and went over
to camps in Wilkes and
brought back six Hancock con
victs and carried _them lionie to
work on the publicroadsof Han
cook county. We are told that
that county has bought two or
more of those noted road ma
dimes, bought 10 line mules and
will work her roads up-to-dale
in every respect. We are
to hear this; but think they
should have left these convicts
wit h the Griffin boys until
they . got their , crop gatnered. .
lion’s This.'
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY &Co., Props.,
Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made
\ ’\\ (f 'st •> ft !c' • m
WhSl r i d q’nrAX i Hi-AX, Wholesale Wholesale
Druggists, I oli* do, O.
Warding, KlNNAN & MaUVIN,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall tt s Catarrh n . iii Cure is ■ taken , I
internally, acting directly upon
blood and mucous surfaces of
system. J aPrlce 75c. per hot
Sold ,. . , by , all ,, Druggists. ,, . Tes
HaJl’s Family ' Pills are the
i. a
'* '
“How to Cure all Hklu Disease.**
Simply internal apply “S wayne’s Ointment.”
No medfclqe required. ± Curo
face,' tetter, hand., eczema, itch, &c.. all eruptionj'on the
white no.e, leaving the tklu
clear, and healthy. It* great heal¬
ing and curative powers are poeeeued by
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
Swayue’s Ointment.
Miraculous Benefit
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure.
| ...
ril¥llS ■m s'
%lll:|p |§§ m
Jf^ P. BABCOCK,■ of Avooi, N. Y., a
veteran of tho 3rd N. Y. Artillery and
"*** for thirty years of tho Babcock *
Munsei carriage Co., of Auburn, saya: "i
"' rUo <® express my gratitude rorthomiwc
life, from sciatica which affected my ko i-i
in the worst form, my Praha mveiiod from
the ankles up. I bloated until I was unable
to button my clothing; bad sharp pains
about the heart, smothering spells ami
shortness of breath. For three mouth-, *
was unable to lie down, and ail a. x
{£*but KmauaiTTemv^.-') 7
About* year ago I commenced uiUn:.: i.
^M^'X'^diesP^WiS Miles’ New Heart Cure n mi.-lt s aved my Ufa
are sold by all positiveRd drug -'-'ML 4
s i ato under a
4wno«ts guarantee, or first money botMoB£3*t£aEi.Q«ES!^J ™*K-!,,Beetarca: .»Y
0 ^ pf .Ji.Vart L,d l& H —W hig -
nomafreo. Address, M fllMMiihiakwjBa BiBi
Mi. MILKS MEDICAL OO. r Elkhart, lud.
We liave a „ ma ijW ' an ox
act ima of u liz ., lird <hh(
was fon ml this week in the white
of a hen - s , g . , rh( . hon - s egg
naturan.i every other re
pobt . and Ulis Rnial |/ lik( ,
^thowhito^ W “ 8 ^
il Saves 1 hrCroiqii Cliildmi.
Sou view, Vtt.—We have a
splendid sale on Chamberlain's
Cough remedy, and our custo¬
mers coming from far and near,
-speak of it in the highest terms.
Many have said that their chi I
'on would have died of croup i I
Cough Remedy
not been given Kcllnmn A
The 25 and 50 cent
for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid*
CrawfovdvilUj Cotton Market ’lii wn k
I.ow Middling, (i
A Cure for Billions Colic.
Resource. Screven Co., G,i. 1
been subject to attacks of
billions colic for several years.
Chamberlain\sColic, Cholera and
Diarrhoe Remedy is the only
sure relief. It acts like a charm.
One dose of it gives relief when
all other remedies fail. G. D
Sharp. For sale by By. R. J,
, s ' *
Clarence Harrison and sister
and Miss Maggie Stewart were
returning Friday night, from a
Henry at .the when residence of
11 Ins horse
get frightened and rail away
and did not stop until the buggy
struck a tree near the postollice
breaking Clare mat’s new buggy
but not hurting the occupants
a bad scare.
The Madder was created for one pur
poie,namely, o receptacle for the mine,
Iin ^ ftH a lH no1 lla ,| le to any form or
<as, - a81 ' ex< ' ft P t one of two ways, 'i he
first way is from imperfeet acton of the
ki'iecys. ' I lie seraitnl way Ufrom eari'ler.s
-™i treatment of other ..........
ciiikf t'Ai-sn.
, ‘ tl "^healthy kid
' -
neys is,the chief eauseof bladder
So ,l ‘ 1 ' >lk« the hludder, was ereat
ed for one purpose, and if not doetored too
much iH not liable to wcnkncH.s orflisctfsc,
' xeej>t in ran- cases, ft is -itimled hack
" f and very/-lose totlm idsddm-. ihcmfote
any pain, disease or inconvenience iri.i/ii
ir , kl(lll ,. vs . I)!trk , I I
urinary passage is often, by mistake, „i
tribunal to female wcakno or womt
trouble of aome sort. The error is easily
made and may lie eaadvavoided, lohui
out correctly, four hours; M ymir Medimcnt urine aside for
twenty indicates ;t or o-ttliiijr
kidney or bladder trouble. The
mild and tlie extraordinary e/feet of Dr.
Kllrner’a Hwamp-ftoot, the ^reat kidney,
and bladder remedy is noon realized. If
you need a medicine, you should have the
host. At drtitftrists fifty cents and one dol¬
lar. You may have a sample bottle and
pharnplet, lioth sent free by mail. Men¬
tion the Advocate-Democrat and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer Ac Co. f Hln^
hamton, N. Y. '/"lie proprietors of ibis
paper guarantee the genulnenesa ot this,