Newspaper Page Text
WI nt the Pe ople ot that
Town Are Doinw,
\\\- had a north caster on the
ala 1 fifth instant.
O. I). Moore has recovered
cent hurts!
1'rof. Love lershon is painting Mr
p„ Dardens house.
Sharon i.. c rtainly on a boom,
body'is busy at work. in
( ha: li Dozier, of Hillman, was
ou business.
Horses wifi be higher another
1 many are dying.
Charlie Ualdwell and Frank
were in Sharon last week.
Regular religous services at
m xt Saturday and Sunday,
j. W. Fallen has gined over loo
of cotton up to this writing.
Mr. A. I). Moore, has been busy
lute working on old wagons.
our stores are all full of clerks now and
all seem to be busy selling floods.
There have been several mules
hoists lo die in our section recently.
Tiie M. *r», O'Brien, of Barnett,
started up their ginnery ot that place.
Cotton pickers are ill demand in thi
< iion and some trouble to vet a ,apply.
We bet Sharon has got move
it '. than ......... any 3 other ' town hi Georgia
■ T;.................... ,„1
last w k with indigestion and
Mr. R. II. Jackson has been
in Dime repair work at th* convent
past wrtek.
t\ A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
Mr. F 1 ; Darden had the first bale
.Itun .it. J. W. laih-u’. ginnery on
th f \ ip * ust.
Ko-T»-l'-.v Tot fifty C'i ntH.
uaraiitcid ot :co habit uru mains d.Wmsts weak
men strong. Wood pure. 60o,»l All
Our people hare been having a big
time attending the big meetings a „,I
nicking cotton
To C'ufo Com hi Spat.'on 1 orr*vf*r»
T'llU! ILIH ' ' ' ■ ' • :,|i ‘ 1 ‘ i" ‘ ' ’
If , t t’. . C. . iDti io curt*, itnuin.Mvs rufuml uio.u y
Mrs. ,, Elizabeth .... , ,. Hllrott has returned . . ,i
home after several days visit U» relatives
in Warren county.
■ — Miiwtf -li aw'k II I . :,U lawnri , I i -
Ccaly Cii'liarilc, c.Q.C fttlbdru cur*- «-eiirtl!B.ttmi i-i-fn;.ii I
li - i. oiii-y.
Cotton i- - --/niti*? in pretty lively to
our tt ii and vou can hem the pin
whistle ail around.
iMuoitn Your IIowoIa With (bUicufCtr..
(bit) i;iI'D i-. cm>* cotimijifttioti torii'
1UC If c C. C fail, •■IrtiKiiiKis r fund money.
Hon, W/T. Flynt was in tO see u
eck. Capt. I'lviit is ahvav.^ a welcome
i 'tbr to cur town.
ii*i’ Countiftiitlo*t f-orovor.
ists refun ' mu:
All kinds of job work done at th
voente-Democrat office. C. L. Bagby
agent Sharon, Ga.
Planters CUBAN RELIEF cur
.U'illglu iUhI t OothiidiC
vu minutes. Sour htoitiiieh
lilt (I *l*iaiuls Price, 25 tVuts.
Mrs. A. M. r..i; hy was visiting
•httis Mr It. W. Taylor and Mr.- .
G. U. Gr gofv last week.
Mr. J. K. Bagby lias treated ltittis-. If t
brand Mr new !. A. wagon Ketuirick w r..... . . .....
is the time that tries all the care
cf the mother and all the skill cf
maternal management. Baby
comfort comes from fat; fat
babies have nothing to go but
to sleep and grow.
If does not see - " “
to prosper, if he does net ga n
in weight, you mast get mere
fat there. & few drops cl
each cay will put on plump¬
ness; fat outside, life inSFde,
baby and mother both happy.
Your baby can lake and rei
ish Scott's Emulsion as much
in sunimer as iri any cthci
seascj,. >
v* r v* ’•* Hy «tl dru^S.At* *t jeoC. and <t oo
Mrs. ileilen Chapman, with her
and mother, we understand will
from Barnett to Warren ton.
Some improvements have commenced
at the convent in Sharon, a new
room for the boarding pupils.
Mr. i. h. Kendrick attended the I
bytery at \\ oodstoek last w eek as a
egate from the Sharon church.
The Hotel Jackson is dbjng a
good business. You get good fare at
i house and excellent accomodations.
j Wefhink our people should save all
» the hay they can as there is plenty of it
; and a good deal of fodder was damaged.
I If you are needing any Syrup skim
I suers or your pans repaired call on
write to C. L. Bagby, , , tue , tinner, Sharon,
] Ga.
Elisha Moore made 4 business trip
Wachin^Um last ueek. Moore is a busi
when , • it . , to ,
young man .
i" N* comes
i : ■
j You can smell the -syrup boiling all
over the land now days. We think
\ are six or eight mills iti Kayfown
i trief.
Mr. and Mrs, John Reese, of Augusta,
was visiting in this section last week. '
; This part of the county is their old tramp
j in? ground.
The hanging of Perry has been all the
talk ,, for , sometime A good , many dtd not
think he ought to hang. Next to swing
will be Flanagan.
; f' -<>• IA Ar " c,re ,s preparing to put up
j at "’° Story building in Slmron. A store
j roo «t on the first floor anil a large hall in
tile upper story,
| -,°od condition, 1-jfc better •»» than for
Iii fact they are in lietter fix than w e
I ’ ever »* ’ ,1 lllis seel ion,
I Mrs. W. A. Dyer wife of the Hon. W.
! A. . Dyer, of c w Warren county, . died i i the i
j 6 the , lh , ul<1 ' , * tal,t vr nnd cemetery. was ,Illrietl «* the " lh at
Mr A. W. MdAlpin is still not abli
! to take his job back ou the road. He is
under Dr. Durhams treatment at present
I and lie thinks he is improving fast.
I ! Mbs I *« Ia iiattle » ■ « visitor ■ . to . our town .
j at ^'e P rt hope ' se '>t- her Miss Battle in Sharon is m bad ill improve health,
! stay w
j her visit. health and that she w ill enjoy her
! Pllesl Piles! Itching * • I'llM.
Byniptoma—Moisture, intense- rickin':
, ;n „. most ttt Lis ; lt . wVwHS Ly
1 scratchiir if allowed to continue turn »rs
i form, which often bleed and ulcerate, no
stops ti e itching and bleeding, heals ui
| cerution, r.tiil inmost cases removes the
tumors. At druggist, or by mail, -for f-0
; conla * Dr. Swayue & Son, Philadelphia.
Sharon’s Calaboose has not Lad but
two or three white men put in it in six
j ! years. That speaks well for our town if
MDine of us do take too much tardy sohie
j times
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
If you need anv mattresses made or
| quiitingdOne call on us and we can fix
: you up in good style and guarantee work,
i We will be pleased to serve you. C. I,.
Bagby, Sharon. Ga.
---Is H
. *'^7*ffTTFr * dim
We learn Mr. Charlie Smith ami fami¬
ly will move to Washington. Air. Smith
has a nice home to go off and leave and
I we guess the people of that section w ill
: hate to see him leave.
Flamers NUBIAN Tf A cures and" Dyspep
sia, Constipation Indi
gestion. Kegnlates the Liver. Price, 25 ctS.
Old Gen, bongstreet is married again.
1 It is- strange that the old men can mam
tlie young wkntien b it kou hardly ever
! s e an old woman marry a young
i man it seems that the males have the
! p re rative.
lK»«*t irtuht t o s,nt mill Y»;nf Mfo Awsj,
To ” '• aw0 na . totc , '-lf^Tri
(lilt t Sit V r.
t iiia ■n
r fi.
.seas, ni of the Pen
pc * ire busy pickitry cotton, mill i:
l carrvky it to r.mrkft. ; is - s'
- time toiliy -.-.•t.'.tmVni'.d ground pea». then
>wing grain, so the farmer
j do until Christmas
JJETTER £& By titkitig than Hood’s cure Sarsaplmlls is yinvamlou.
well, you
may kcoji with pure blood. -:n.-r.c
nerves and a good APP£T?TEi
Mr. R. H. Jack-son raisi.l a r P a '
to *;j a l>ottje. ■ ’
lie - r r S
I 4 °
pc* ito wiih tilt* t,tcm of th
m through tl . neck of
’fite a curos ; t
EvArrhotly Say« So.
a Caniv C'ntl'urtky the mc«t tr«
,1 ksil 'liw-oi ery (,
; . * J >
r kL
PV> P«
of« y:, i\ if> ' '-CT*. : o * R
g..iU iuktu ic . :Vv > ahJi i
It always seemed a funny idea to us
that some people have always got their
dogs following them everywhere they go.
Some let them f 0 fl 0W them to church,
p U ),;j c nteetings and every where else
which is a great annoyance to thecongre
.r a ;ioiis and audiences and people
a jjy_ Our opinion is, a dogs place is at
JJid You Kver
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not get a bottle and get
relief. This medicine has been found to
be peculiarly adapted to tiie relief and
cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a
wonderful direct influence in giving
strength and tone to the organs. If you
havclowof Appetitt , Constipation, Head
siflie. Fainting Spells, or are Nervous.
Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy ortioub e
'- I with Dizzy Spells, Electric Gitt-jrs U
the medicine vou need. Health and
^ ; . en „ t|l JtI1 / iril!lt „., l ,. v U , Fif
: v' cents ami SI.00 at I>r. li. ,T. Keid’s Drug
We think as our legislature has passed
laws in regard to pensioning old soldiers
and their widows; if it is not right for
them to have it the legislature should le
peal said laws, * It is not the grand juries
or the pension Commissioners business to
interfere in the premises. They have
passed their examination, have been on
the roU some years and are entitled to it.
A ISouHv.hohl Treasure.
J.'; ,," v v
sa l)f t)|u ; a lw*ys the’house kec'ps DrKing’s New
SCO very in and Ins family inis
always found the very best results follow
Its use: that he would not be without it*
.. “A SST&Xi Cough
Discovery is undoubtedly the best
remedy; that lie Ims used It in his family
for eight years, and it has never failed to
fll ’ rented a!1,1 1 ial v s<» is lonjr claittsetj tried tor and it, tested. Why not Lrial trv
hoU| „ i f re eafi)r. . J. Ueid’s Drug Store.
Aguiar size 50c. and S1.00.
The darkies from Barnett section had a
bi K » llle at tlie-wsociation at Fowelton
0,1 ^ le Sunday. Me think they had
been preparing for it a month before
hand and no doubt some of them will
need sonie of the rations in the coming
month that they cooked up and carried
over. A darky is going to do his best on
all such occasions if it takes all they have
• Aciractive Women.
AVhy is one woman a‘tractive and an¬
other not? The most admirable and at
t himiL^br-.o; 1 nil attractive woman
19 . . ,,u womanline8S wmiianliiiesq - Everybody H' v a adntir
cs a womanly woman. She fitust have
health, of course, because without it she
would lose the brightness of her eyes,
the fullness of her cheeks and her vivaci
ty. Real health mhst mean that a wom
a:i is really a woman. That she is strong
and perfed in a sexual way, as well as
in every other. That she is capable of
performing perfectly the duties of mater
Some are born with what is called
‘constitutional weakness,” , „ „„ those who ,
do not enjoy puffed health, need only
take the proper precautions and the
proper remedy to become perfectly well
and strong. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre¬
scription will cure any derangement of
the distinctly feminine organism.
Send ii cents in l cent stamps to
World’s Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y., and receive I)r. Pierce's
Our Thank- Continue !.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscription since onr last mention,
Golden Stewart 50c to Mch- to. ’98.
V. V. Hall, ^1 to Sept 1, '98.
G. Ik Bird 75c to Oct 1 ’97.
Finest shirts in town at C
Standard lYelthN «1f Facritk Proda6t».
Qekstiox.—W ilt fon please publish
for the benefit of nivs.-lf and other
farmers the standar i weights for Ueor-
8« of the various farm products?
Answer. —The following are the es
tablisbed legal Weights per bushel as
given by the code: Wheat, 60 pounds;
shelled corn, 58 pounds; corn in the ear,
70 pounds; peas, 60 poundls; rye, 56
pounds; oats, 3-‘ pounds; barley, 47
pounds; Irish potatoes, 60 pounds; sweet
potatoes, 55 ponuas; white beans, 60
pounds; clover reed, 00 pounds; timo
thy seed, 45 pounds; flaxseed. 56 pounds;
hemp seed, 44 pounds; biuegra-s seed.
14 pounds; buckwheat, 3’^ pounds; dried
peaches (unpedled), 33 pounds; dried
peaches '.peeled), 36 pounds; dried dp
pies. 24 pounds; onions, 57 pounds;
turnips, 55pounds; corn meal, 48 pounds;
wheat bran, 20 pounds; cotton seed, .SO
pounds, and of groCni peas. 25 pounds.
—State Agricultural Department.
For Infanta ?ad Children.
—- is ta
4 I’tlf
J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hijannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,’ the same
that has borne and does now on every
bear the facsimile signature cf wrapper.
This is the original “ PITCHER’S CASiORIA, ’ which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
on the
and has the signature of wrap¬
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex¬
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
March 8,1897. ,J3,
Do Hot Be Deceived,
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies oa it), the in¬
gredients of which even he does not know.
“The Kind Yon Have Always Bought”
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
■ *
9 ff & it
? ! i
l *
0 : *f o !
a « 9 2b 50 ^ ^ 50 all 9 . DRUGGISTS ALL \ I I
I __
J pie anil booklet free. Ad. STKRLIJffl UEWKDY <0.. Chimtro, Sirmtreal, Can., or New York. 217 .
Q a
& Vi n i vers i
60th Session Begins Sept, 22nd, 1897.
ORGANIZATION. Ten separate schools: Latin Lairguageand Literittire; Greek
and Literature; English Language and Literature: Modern Languages;
Mathematics and Astronomy: Natural History, Physics anti Chemistry; History and
Pedagogy and Law,
EXPENSES Matriculation Fee $40.00. Board in Helping Halis.SiS.OO a month.
stuilon.s get through the year on $150.
LAW FACULTY —Strong School of Law—'JudgeEmory Speer,of United States
Court, Chairman. For-further particulars or catalogues, address.
P. D. POLLOCK, President, Macon, Ga.
COTTONGXNS ! \ • V \ :
Complete Ginning Outfits. r W
THOMAS lnuittAO Steam and Elevators- Freest,
Saws, Belting’, Valves, Fulieys, Shafting & Mill 13
Supplies Generally. '
MALLARY BROS. & 00., as
• 1 ta ' l 1 ’ 1 ' 1 ' ‘
AFRIGflNA 5 The Blood Wonderful Purifier...,
Cures absolutely Rheunratism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED.........
Africana Has Never Failed
In a single instance out of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer if
to the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake
the most desperate case on which other so-called infallible cures
have failed. Africana is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly
harmless and yet is the most noweiful and surest remedy particular? ever dis¬
covered for the chore named diseases. Write for farther
testimonials, etc.
63'-» £. BROAD ST.
Atlanta, Ga.