The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 24, 1897, Image 1

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    ADVOCAT nr*
r-n e, £
SlOO IE^oik* ‘SresiT*.
C, 2 c.:r> * 1 r"TC i wt I......■ ■J c::i A 5 re——i
What the People of that Tinning
Town Are Doing,
IU' C. I.. K.VGBT.
The convent improvements are pro¬
gressing slowly’.
Dr. Farmer the dentist was with us
again last week.
Mrs. Betty Broome vms visiting in our
town last week.
Prices for cotton arc lower than a great
many expected. week
Several visitors to our town last
from Warren county.
Sharon certainly is on a boom fiom the
outward appearances.
There were three big barrels of fish cold
in our town last Saturday'.
Mr. R. T. K-ndrick visited Mr. Jim
Garret t and family last week.
The cane crop throughout this section
is very short, not half a crop.
If Sharon is not noted for anything else
it is for a horse trading point.
Rev. Mr. Embrv o: the Norwood cir¬
cuit wa» iu our village last week,
Mr. Lawrence Rattle is buying and ship¬
ping cotton seed from this depot.
Mr. W. L. Kendrick our clever depot
agent is kept busy now handling cotton.
' after several
Mr. E. ». O’Brien 'dr.,
fnoniits absence has returned to ff-usie ff.
Mr. Crawley, of Mesena, was visiting
ids father-in-law Hr. K. If. Jackson re
centiy. be doing
Our bird hunters don’t seem to
mucli now. Weather too Wet for them we
suppose. town
Mr. William Edwards was in our
last week buying beef cattle and selling
milch cows.
Miss M. T. Bngby is spending some time
with her brother Mr. J. E. Ragby of Mil
drajon Grove.
Our cotton crop is opening very fast aim
WO p-e.iict that it will <le gathered sooner
than last 'mason. '
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kendrick were vis¬
iting their daughter Mrs. G. L. Moore of
Fair Play last week.
Mr. Love Merslion is helping Mr. J. A.
Kendrick & Co in thou book keeping dc
partment at present*
Mr. Paul Cary can get about tls3 house
now on iiis crutches, Paul lias had a
pretty tough time of it.'
Elder T. E. Kendrick of Sharon Pres
byterian church reports a good time, at the
Presbytery at Woodstock.
A good many from this section attended
the old soldiers public meeting in Craw
fordvillelast Saturday.
Mr. Jim Garrett visited relatives at
Raytown last week. Bro. Jim had bus.
noss mixed iu with his vi>it.
Mr. Joel lyey, the great talker of Han¬
cock was with us iast week. Mr. Ivey
is well known in this section.
EMeciito Youv IIe’.veLs Wit It C.tsearcts.
Candy Cathartic, cv.vo conrtipation refund forever.
ICc. Cue. 3f C. C- 0. fail, druggists i>:oncy.
^U ncle Josh- Moore wac walking around
with lift ;«'k last week, but you could
hear him talking ail over town.
We made a short trip to Cruv, foidville
last w ! . We sec they are making great
improvements around the depot.
The bladder v.-as c ,ed for otto pur
pole, uanieiy, a reccjit-acle for tlie urine,
•cud .. ■ • it is not. liable to any form of
disease except by one of two ways. The
first way is from imperfect r.ctoin of tiie
' * * - The 8 K*OIK is from careless
local ireatnioi . t ; ot her 1 .
( HliJF CAL.Si:.
UnhoMlthy urine from unhealthy kid
neyf is :elriol « a use of bladder ;r mbles.
So the wornh, like the blad.'ier, v. as creat¬
ed for one >tirp tosc. ml if not doctored too
much is n< i iahic to weakness or disease,
exij pt in ran . It ii il mated back
of an 1 verv totli *, therefore
any pa iii. dis ir incoDveniunce mani
fcjsttd in the kid no . be k. !,.::>■! -
’ro-iSirsoSsort urinary pa-.-age i* iff ten, by mistaito, a -
maff. an ! m"v be i^iivavoided. To find
out correct Rut your urine aside for
twenty for ; a sediment or fettling
indiCi ki; '' : "A'aorffiuarv ^Teet'of Dr'
mud an
Kilmer’s swamp. Jioot. the great kidney,
mi I;uMoi remedy is soon r aJlxcd. I?
you need a medicine you should have tiie ,
ticst- 4% At drn^-rNts fifty cents and one>dol-1
jar. !
tfan the Advocate-Dens.wrat and semi f
your address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Hi.ig
hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of tiffs
paper ifuarantce the gemiiseness of tii”?
Mr. J. A. Kendrick is in his bank office
buying cotton, cashing cheeks and settling
up accounts for the present year.
Miss Mamie Jackson has been on an ex¬
tended visit to her sister Mrs. Gabrella
Crowley, of Mesena, Warren county.
Mr. McGraw who lias been stopping here
sometime with Mr. Ed. Keating lias re¬
turned to his home in South Carolina.
Mr. Jim Jones, of Florida, lias been on
a visit to relatives in this section recently.
Mr. Jones formerly lived at Raytown.
Mr. W. P. McKeon is again happy at
iiis home. Another bouncing baby boy.
Mr. Me don’t come up town much now.
A FR1CANA will cure Syphilis and Old
i s* Sores to Stay Cured.
Mrs. Willie Jackson and Mrs. Reuben
Dozier, of Jacksonville, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Charley Dozier, at Ilillman last week. Vour Ilowels With Cascarots.
Can<1y Cnth»r:i(\ C. C. pure druggists constipation rTnnu forever.
10<r. i\x\ II O. fail, niotu-y.
Messrs. John Brtfce, Caldwell, Mark
Allen and several other traders took our
town last week and the trading was brisk
To turo Constipation I’crcvor,
TmUl*. C&scurete Candy Cathartic. relun.i IV 2 or CPe.
c fs H in puce, tlru^'ists id.
Mr. Lott Oslln, depot agent at Barnett,
intends starting up a store at that place
iu the near future with Parks Eiliott as
Xo-To-Rac for Fifty Cents.
Guarantied ' otaacco Habit tco. cure, SI. Ail mates itriiguistc. weak
men strong, blood puie.
Mr. and Mrs, O. D. Moore visited rela¬
tives in Griffin last week. Sirs. Moore
lias impioved greatly in health we are
glad to state.
To C.ufO CoM3tip»itlo*i Forevor,
C:is*-iirets Candy Cu.tilmrtlc, lOo or cite
[f i . C. fail to euro, druKyists refund mom: •
You can sea com on ail sides of Hie
road drying to send to mill to keep from
buying any more bread on a credit which
is a good idea.
■ '■3 | la 3 w Uuiie, Neuralgia and Toothache
“ SW3I4VJ v lU uve mimites. Hour Stomach
uiui Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
Dr. A. C. Davidson has raised some
very fine pears this ' - .r. The Doctor
^•igpa alt kinds pi fruit and takes a great
interest in them. * _
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Mrs. McDuffie, from Montgomery coun¬
ty, is up on a visit to relatives in this coun¬
ty. She was raised here. Iler maiden
name was Beckworth.
0-A-S t 3C s 0Iit.XA.
! fee- —/? - la m
Mr. Edward Keating is now sporting
around on bis new leg. You can’t tell
that he ever lost his leg If it was not for
his limp and walking stick.
Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Livin'. Price, 25 cts.
We believe Hie peoplo generally have
quit time business for tiie present year.
They are buying a little meat when the}'
can get it to grease up tiie peas and col
v" !a ra
Mr. J. T. Taylor, near Harnett, has the
finest piece of new ground cotton in this
whole section. There is about six acres in
it and ho expects to gather five]bales of
Ilim't TfjTiiiero Spit ami Smote Your Life Away
To quit tobacco ensily and forever, be n,uv
netic. lull ot life, nerve raid yiyor, take i.V-To
ijao. the wonder-ivori.-er, That rralics weak men
strong. AU drupidsts, j or Si. Cure guaran
teed Booulet uiitl hu-MBfie Tree. Address
Sterling liemedy Co., Chicago or New York
Rev. A. IV.. Mersbon hu resumed his
studies at Emory College. Mr. Merslion
was reared in this section and has a great,
many fast friends who wish him much
Evr.rv!n >«7 fie.y, Do.
Cascarots Candy Catbavt ic, the most won
dr-r; I medicai di'seovorr fit the age. p eas
ant and refreshing to the liver tasie, and act bowels. gently
positively on kidneys. dispel i:d-.
v,. ; ,i,e;.,e me .-e.oMn, <
CCi e bcarectie. fo'.'ir, I'.ibitmd eonstipa: ],,i
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
TheBm8,,C f ,OC0ra0tiVe W ® nt UP
roa(1 la3t we oversaw It wascal nu ed
the L-Wngtor. Me never learned whet
road it belonged too. Everybody wanted
to ^ lt * 1
f^E SURE you get what you want
when you ask for Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla. Uuequalled in Merit, Sales, Cures,
There’s no ^tibst^ate for HOOD’S*
Mr. J- V. Garrett spent part of last
week in our town. He has g(A up another
invention iu the way of tarpenters or :
wiuter " , ^SoW which is said to be
£°° , , iiU . r ^
1 "*
Sir. Doc Stone who was sol ! to the asy
lum some lew weeks ago, is 'sported no
better. Dr. A. C. Davidson i Heads visit
log him.this week. We hope} Mr. Stone
may soon recover. n
Dr. A. visit A. Iasi Davidson, week of bUfjJsreuis. Augusta, was Dr.
up on a to
and Sirs. A. C. Davidson, Ab is a
young and successful doctor. M e wish
him all the good luck.
Miss Lillian Arnett and mother we no
tice have opened up a dress vo Sking estab
lishmont at their home in Si.arom Still
improvements go on in our little town.
These ladies do work i»
Our streets are crowed most fe’very day
now with wagons loaded with cotton.
Sharon is a good market for tjiat standard article
and our merchants ure up to the
and ready for any emergency.
We met up with Bro. Jots Taylor last
week and was talking with him about the
dry dusty weather. He said l|c had seen
things knee deep in dust when he was at
MiUcdgeviile. We pulled up stakes and
left Bro. Jess.
J. A. Kendrick & Co have had
their furniture store cloanrU- out and
everything put in apple pie order. You
can sea yourself now walking up and
down main street from the minors in the
furniture liousC.
Zl 1 '■ r <•iMi',, Arnica Sot j.
The Beet Salvo in the woil lofor Oofs,
Bruises, Itores, Ulcers, Salt Rileum, Fiv¬
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands,j'LJiiilldain,'
Corns, and all Sirin Erupt oot, end posi¬
tive’y cures Piles, or no pny^fiquired. It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 eeiUa per box.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Mr. Oti3 Stewart and Miss Lilia Stewart,
both of this county, were married in
Washington recently. It wan 6 runaway
match. The father of the briee went* in
hot psrsuit but old man Aiec wiratoo late.
When young or old people an' >4^-their r
mind* to many £ou inst
alone for as the old saying is „ tliunder
can’t stop them.
JPlIoe! Pile*! ItcIJuir 1'lfci.
Symptoms—Moisture; night; uncus ■ Pc’ in ■
.And still ring; most at war e by
scratchin v Tfallowed to ansi conRni.eithnmrs
form, wliioh often bleed iiioenibj, i r»
coming very sore. Sway lie’s (liniment
stops the and itching and bleeding, heals ul¬
ceration. in most cases remyveu tiie
tumors. At Swayne druggist, & or by Philadelphia. mail, -for 0
cents. Dr. Son,
Sharon is a delightful pi see for those
that wish to.board out. It is a healthy lo¬
cation, a pcaccalis quiet'town, good so¬
ciety, three churches, two good schools
and the railroad schedules arc so arranged
that you can visit, Hillman, Washington,
Norwood, Warrenton, Crawfordville, Un¬
ion Point, Greenooboro, and Madison and
return the same day.
Sharon merchants are packing tlieir
stores full of goods of till kinds. The
drays of the (own can’t do the delivery,
they have to press in the country wagon's
to help out. One tiling thij-y fall short
of—they don’t advertise their business in
tlm county paper. The Adjvo-l’emoorat
goes iu“all the adjoining counties and they
should certainly put au advertisement in
the county paper and draw I tore trade.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. I’hoel e Thomas, of J unction City,
Ill., was told by her doctor, die had Con¬
sumption and that there wt ,s no hopes
for her, but two hot ties of Dr. King’s Now
Discovery completely cured her and she
'.I vs it fared her life. Mr. I 'ho-. Eggers.
1;J■ > Florida St. San Franch -co, suffered
sumption, from a dreadful cold, approaching Con¬
tried without resi ,t everything
else tin'll bought one bottle of Dr. king’s
New Discovery and in two, weeks was
cured. He is naturally tint ikful. It is
such results, of which these are samples
that prove the Wonderful and eftfeaey [CWWs. of Free this
medicine ift (toughs
Regular trial bottles size at 50c. Dr. and R. J, 1 Hcidf 00 <f Drug Store
-L- j
___ u-uifeil iiauu i... Igartsf r
"Ttie Confederate Soldier in t|he Civil War,"
j««t published,
inches, and over 1,100 large Rattle Scenes,
POrtra ‘t >r T f- T1 " 'TTT?
, largest Bar Book ever biislual. and
the only one that does justum to the
federate soldier and the en use he fought
f ° r ’ Com ‘ )ifc,e «“ 006 ““«•,
' vanle<i e\crywh< tI <: Wie.l this book W1
our new ana easy plan, pr hny of ths
lady and cmetlenuin agents « ta>are at work
are making from $100 to $200 per
month'. Veteran*, Son., an-. Daughters of
Veterans, and others Ibu rested are re
<Wiptive quested to send for a beat;:! f ul illustrat'd
< ir-ul.,r Hr, and terms to
. Address, COL HI h JMOU’-N VL.
Job Fiintiug Co*, LouisriliUj, Ky.
Correspondents’ Keports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happenings In Tlieir Kespective Lo¬
calities. All tlio News.
We had alight shower Saturday night.
We have some good cotton wickers in
our neighborhood.
Mr. Henry M. Wynne entered Stephens
High School Monday.
Quite a number of our young people at¬
tended preaching at Jennings Sunday.
MasterPryor Nelson left last week for
Two or three weeks stay' with his brother
in Wilkes.
Preaching at Bermuda school house
next Sunday evening by Dr. Kilpatrick;
every body invited.
Mr. W. T. Nelson visited his son, Char
lie, in \\ likes iast week.
Tiie Washington Association meets at
Pleasant Grove church near Sundersvillc
Washington County next Tuesday. The
messingers from Powelton church "’ill
leave Monday morning.
Miss Sallle Chapman, of Crawfordvillc,
attended Sabbath school at Bermuda Sun¬
day. around Ids
Mr. W. T. Nelson’s yard
house seems to be infested with snakes.
They killed a large moccasin there last
Thursday, m: iking the third one this
year. Mrs. Jesse Mc¬
We understand Mr. and
Kinney' expect to make their homo in our
neighborhood another year. They will
I o welcomed by all.
We are glad to report Mr. Jack Jones
,ost recovering from a spell of fever.
Preaching next Saturday and Sunday
at Powelton Baptist church by the pastor,
Dr. J. If. Kilpatrick.
The Spectator. . .
* Some Tilings He Has Soon,
* Heard anil Thought About. * * *
Our moods, good and bad are much <lc
dependent upon in bodily states. YYe arc;
hopeful and cheerful, or despondent and
disagreeable just as our stomaches and
livers and nervous systems are In good
kelter, so the reverse. In tli is age when
it is cur boast that, mind lias won its great¬
est triumphs over matter, it would bo well
to inquire how much matter triumphs
oyer mind iu our own individual life as
weil as iu the type of our civilization.
Despite our complainings of Lard times
this fs essentially a luxurious, case-loving,
ease-taking, if not a positively volu;
tuous ago. More pdople live in good
houses, travel in comfortable conveyances,
wear nice clothes, eat, good food and pcs
ess the varied facilities of our advanced
civilization than everenjoyed these tilings
before. The people who lived in Georgia
before the war with all Uieir wealth did
not possess tiie multiplied riet'y of colli
forts and luxuries that this generation
thinks to our well being. As for
the condition of things immediately after
the war,a study of thin would lie a good
lesson m contentment. Thirty years ago
this year, so great was tin*, dentilution in
Georgia that many car loads of corn were
shipped into the State grntuituously from
the West to relieve tiie suffering A
knowledge and a recollection of this fact
will do uh good in more w than one
It seems to The Spectator that the peo
i pie of the cotton states being
growing arc
victimized by cotton specidators. He l<4
f ar from an expert in such things, but he
cannot , undo, stand ,,„i „,iii, Ins i,;„ „ pr r e«r.nt t ttidit .g
how the cotton maket shontd be so
; . , , v ,, ’
, « , »
Some of us're wondering what it was
^ , lre<1 the ,,. u] o( t!ie Constitution
i jn d(Uoc . , ainx tlic r( ,f orm wiUl reference
! , , vj It may
a little nneharlmlile to suspect that any
; tldng but good ntoti en inspired its Mid
! ^ j this good but then—but
W()r n cause,
j neV ur miucl, we shall see what we thail
j .......
Jt h un f orluliaUi f or a'person or a
™« r ,, , " » ...... -" ur
j CttU?,e3 pcopio to attribute the good , words
i aad gdod works of s»ucli people or paper to
In ^cl.'V7'eV2:xoo-
NO- 31.
Koyul makes the loot! pare,
wholesome and delicious.
vmm Pure
other motives than the simvrest desire to
do right, “Lot not your good he evil
spoken of” is a good text ti r some of ns
to preach to ourselves upon.
For malti’osscs of every
style and quality full on (’. li
(Jolucko & Co. Very low in
Temptation to Brink.
A very largo amount of drinking begins
outside of tiie dramshop. The habit of
using intoxicants is formed for I lie most
part not in saloons but at homos and iu
social gatherings. It, is time that nil peo¬
ple who claim to have a Oin istalu con¬
science to face that declaration of God’s
book that, “it is good neither to cat flesh
nor to drink wine nor anything whereby
thy brother slunibleth.” Tilts means
that no one has a moral light to do any¬
thing the Influence of which will work
mischief to his neighbor. We need a tre
memloiis arousing of conscience all over
this laud to the growing havoc, of the drink
usages. The parents who oiler tompta
■feVy 'r ineir jw,
may be guilty ns’they lieloiu God, “Woi,
unlo him flint giVetii ids neighbor drink,
that pnUulli tbo bottle to ldm and ivtaketh
him drunken.” Oh that,every one would
go to work to free this land and country
from lids demon which leads many a poor
sou! to a drunkard’s grave, Young man
beware of your first drink; take warning I
say “let not the sun go down upon your
wrath but flee from this great demon for
at, last, it biletli like a h irpont and min. elli
like an adder.” t). y;j. ;t.
Baton ItotiH 1 ’. Lit., Apr. 23, ’85
Having used Dr. Tic,lienor's
Antiseptic in my family with
great benefit I can truly recom¬
mend it to others.
Wm. (Jaiug, Bunker.
Our Thanks ConHiim d.
The following kind pal runs have paid'
their subscription since our last mention.
R. II. Anderson, 05c, to May I, OS,
J. If. Jackson, 50.'. to Jan. 1 ’l)d
W. I>. Hubert, 75 June 24, ’08.
A- 8. Lunceford, 50e. Jan. 11 ’1)8.
/T r
> :fP!f
C tlTZ i i
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites, can be taken as easily in
summer as in winter. Unlike the
pl^cirl oil (t is palatable, and the
hypophosphites that are in it aid in
digestion and at tne same time tone
For sickly, 99 ?*:, delicate Children, and
f or those who* lungs ‘ are atfected,
rt 1$ ’ a ni**take ... . r to . leave it .. oil in ^ the
summer months. The dose may be
reducad j| necessary .
We recommend the small siee
especially for summer use, and for
»**rc a smaller dose is re
qufred. It should be kept in a cool
place after it IS . once opened, _____,
For tale L>y all drug£i»t» at 50 c. ami |*r<rr