Newspaper Page Text
Wnat is the affinity between chewing
gum and bicycling? Xf a count were
token it would be shown that seven
out of ten bicyclists chew gum while
on their wheels. Does it give vigor to
the muscles of the legs, or does it pre¬
vent thirst? Here are questions for
the scientist.
Swearing Won’t Help It.
Swearing may make a fire burn, or It may
make a deck, hand hustle, but It won t he.f>
tetter, fall or Ringworm. If you use Tetterine.
make you comfortable and save swe.y
Words. 50 cents at drug stores, or by mall for A
&«nt3 In stamps from J. T. Shuptrlne, Savannah
Piso'8 Cure cured me of a Threat and Lung
trouble of three years’ stamling.—B- Cam,
Huntington, Ind., Nov. tit. 1SBL.
^SgSSSw£3jSgS Da. A. BL Kxiaa, Ltd.. 831 Arch SL,Phila.,Pa.
That Hood'fl Sarsaparilla cures whan all
other medicines fail to do any good what
ever. Being peculiar in combination,
proportion and process, Hopd’s Sarsapa¬
rilla possesses peculiar curative power.
It absolutely and permanently cure3 all
diseases originating in or promoted by
impure blood. Remembei
Hood’s Sarsa¬
Blood parilla Purifier.
Is the best—in fact the One True
Hoad’s Pills »erttr»t artic
Flf52£E5 l H52SJ£BKnSJ£H52i2iEHj3HEJ2S3S25Jg
is ready for distribution, it has over
800 than pagofvl4,000 40,000 descriptions Illustrations, with and more In
ordering from have prices. Million
ns you a
Dollar Stock of Goods to select from.
If Goods are not as Represented.
Send Fifteen Cents to partly pay pos¬
tage or expressage, and wo will send
you a copy of our General Catalogue
and Buyers’ Guide.
The Great Mail Order House
111 to 130 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO S
5HiSE3J5ESESHn 5E5H «52225Z52 35 SHSHH5 SiS
The Wonder of the Century I
Benuti ies and invigorates the hair in a re
mar.u.u.e manner. Stops positively it from falling out.
Cures dandruff and
Restores Gray Hair to its Original Color,
rendering it soft, glowy. luxuriant and beautiful,
rbousands endorse it as the nonpareil of all prepa¬
rations of its kind. Try it and be convinced that as
n dressing, beautifler and invigorator It stunds with¬
out a rival or a peer. For sale by Agents ot $1 per
Dottle, or send to us, aud it will be sent prepaid
reoeipt of price. Every bottle bears the signature
sr the secretary. W. IT. Matthews, M. D,, and la
guaranteed. Manufactured ONLY by the
Des Moines, Iowa.
far-Wanted, Local and State Agents.
m Cotton..:...
mmm Seed Huller
1 and
mm Separator.
np-to-flat* Giimers use them heemee the Grow
their patronsye to such gias. Ht...eTts
For full Uforicatioa Address
SOULE STEAM FEED. 'W0KKS..Mendian,ltisa
■ R3 ^ Best hi Cough 71 time. jjTij Syrup. Sold I by Taste* dragflsta.__ Good. Lse y*U
,■ 1
• ^?c:onsD'
** I can
I sincerely life say that Ayer’s I 1 \ \
I owe my to
J /Sarsaparilla. For seven 1 a,
years I suffered, with!
/ /that terrible scourge!
Scrofula, Iu my shoulderi
/hud my arm. Every means!
I ot cure was tried without suc-l
I cess. I had a good physician! P
I who tried in every way to help\
I me. I was told to take Ayer’s! b
/Sarsaparilla. I immediately be-\ I
f J bottles gan Its of use this and remedy after taking the scrofula seven \ 1 <■
’ was entirely cured.”—Mrs. J.A.Gen- «
tlz, Fort Fairfield, Me., Jam 28,189C.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
-raws Is mow Catarrh In this sectlnvi of th®
country than all other diseases put together.
Wr pronounced Sftfi£“SSjS?t it a local disease and prescribed
cure w
constitutional S»™ Catarrh h ,^u^“s Cure,
treatment. Hall’s
manufactured by F. .1. Cheney «fc Co., Toledo.
Ohio, is the onl.v constitutional cure or. the
market. 10 It is teaspoonful. token internally in direct!> d«*es from
drops blood to a It acts of on
the and mucous surfaces the system.
They fails offer one hundred dollars circulars for and any test?- case
T to cure. Send for
. ;l onials. Address F..1. Cjirsey& Co.,Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
Mr. Nickall Pedersen, n Dane, Claim,
It’s Juet the Thins.
The aceompnnylng illustration Is
from a photograph of the Cantilever
bicycle, one of the latest novelties in
cycle construction, and its inventor,
Mr. Nickall Pedersen. One of the fea-
... 1L
turea wherein this machine differs ma
terially from the ordinary bicycle is
the weight. Cantilevers range in
weight from the nine-pound racer to a
wheel for rough use, which weighs
fourteen pounds.
The construction is the outcome of
the Inventor’s desire to secure a per¬
fect seat. Mr. Nickall Pedersen Is a
Dane, residing In England, and he has
been a wbeetaton for twenty years.
His idea was to enjoy the comfort of a
hammock on a bdtycle, which he ac¬
complished by the use of silk strings
on which the saddie rests.
The front forks are attached to the
rest of the frame by a pivot connection
at the top and by a strong pivot hinge
at the point shown in the owt just
where the lower part of the frame
joining with the crank hanger goes up
to a point near the top of the front
wheel. This connection gives the ma¬
chine a sensitive steering device,
Side Combs.
Side combs never were worn so much.
wtSfeTBey- sTIoiSr^''Sow*'
resemble the combs which extend from
ear to ear which are worn by children.
The material is shell or Imitation. But
they must be put in carefully (outside
the strands over the roll) in such a way
as not to destroy the rotundity of the
halo. Sets of three combs, each four
Inches long, are also sold.
One arrangement of combs or so¬
other is quite necessary for outdoor
use, because the wind, is not respectful
of pompadours. Bangs, decidedly, are
passe. Such stray locks as have not
grown to manageable lengths arc curl¬
ed and allowed to nestle about the ftxre
head. But they must not have a fixed
appearaiifce. high low
The back hair ts done or
according to individual preference. Of
temest tt is twisted in Psyche effect.
It is the saying of many women who
know that a proper halrdress saves half
a season’s wardrobe. This, because
whatever her gown, a woman always
feels distinguished if her head is at Its
Btrtnln^Iiam (Ala.) Ago-HeraVl: The
days aiid the niylits are tilled with mu*
sic. Birmingham i« a music-loving
town. It displays no -weakness to be
moved by weakness. Its wondrous
harmonies search the subtlest wind¬
ings of the soul, the delicate fibers of
life where no memory can penetrate,
and binds together your whole being,
past and present, in one unspeakable
People Buy in Homeopathic Quantities
\ j anal Different Plife*. th tendency
s s more more
Americans to seket »e
spe« aI ‘y ^profession, the same p^o
cllvity 13 displayed 1U 1 de&W arm ill a ru The le
. vav T amontr £ 1 provision
, butcher sells only beef, Mutton ,, anu -i
| a , u |) The tripier 1 lias sole Claim to
* *
the head, , . brains, liver, .. v heart, , iott * f
^* , Hone wishes fowl he must goto
the fruitier, * and there are others who
have , the , monopoly . , li t » two .
or gable, ^
men hire a room in the same building
the goods of one cannot be like those
of his neighbor With thi brief sug
gestion of the divisions it is easy to
SCI that marketing becomes something
more +l than 1nn giving ,rivin«r an an order oraer »ver *ver a a tele- teie
phone wire. in the mornji quite
The streets g arc
filled with women making their daily
purchases. Nearly every woman fruit car¬
ries a basket or seldom net bag. have pince the
and vegetables paper,
latter discloses much of her bill of
fare. Being obliged to go to each
store, she generally carries her gro¬
ceries. But they may be delivered by
a boy who balances a flato-bas ket on
his the head and often He would readsgluewspaper good
on way. mase a
messenger boy! The greater part of
trading is done outside tile store at
low counters, or with street venders.
To their carts is attached a harness
which either monsieur or madame slips
over the shoulders, Tha women's
voices, as they call their wares, are
fearfully vibrant and heavy. Those
must have been terrible sounds given
by the starving market women when
they attacked the palace at Versailles.
The loud cry of one, advertising her
goods makes the stranger shudder.
Other women, in contrast to these,
are those who sell fish iu the great
wholesale markets. They are rich.
They wear a bonnet with real lace, and
true diamonds glitter on their unclean,
odorous hands. Their dress is of ex¬
cellent material covered with a white
apron ^
The baker, with a suit of white, is
patronized for bread, Paris. at least, It by is found near
ly every family in ho
in all shapes and varieties Just
fore it is taken from the oven steam is
turned in upon it, giving it a very
brown crust It is said that France
has been famed for its bread since the
seventeenth century. It seems very
possible, if one were to judge the date
of the make from the hardness of its
crust! The French breakfast consists
of a roll and a Clip of coffee.
The workmen, who have twelve
hours Hours a a dav day of 01 labor iai)or,Taae take a a roll ion or or two two
for the second mea'*Bkj* ll, with a
srfpplemmit play at breRu'Wi
Children at - eat “young J °
America . ,, eats , candy i and 1 c
j*ws gum.
Passers-V)y carry bread, without a
si wrapping, under the arm ot in work
«* ““M w " >.»«*;
with a long, narrow' sticU -of it. A
partial loaf has often with it otie thick
slice added to make the Weight exact.
But it must be a fastidious person who
insists cn having his bread douo up
in paper.
Traffic on the Great takes.
Five years ago there ; was not a
vessel on these lakes! that ilis
placed 5,000 tons when To-dajy floating on the
St. Mary’s river there are
not fewer than twenty which high-powered
steel screw stermers displace
about 8,500 tons on the same draft of
water. This represents, shys Cassier’s
Magazine, an average increase in the
carrying capacity of no less than 70
per cent., aud the percentage increase
in register tonnage is still higher.
Steel cargo steamers, 415 feet in
length and 48 feet in breadth, are now
being constructed.
These dimensions are greater than
those of the average modern ocean
steamer, though several British cargo
steamers are about 100 feet longer and
their depth and draft of Water is much
greater. The carrying capacity of
this new lake fleet will Vqual 3,500,
000 tons of ore, transported from the
head of Lake Superior to Lake Erie
in one season of navigation.
It is well known that the number
of vessel passages through t'le St.
Mary’." canal is much larger than through the
number of vessel passages
the Suez canal per annum, the number
of such passages being ae follows:
Suez canal, 3,434 steamers; Soo canal,
17,956. The tonnage of the former is
8,448,246, and of the Utter, 16,806,-
781 tons. Thus, it is Seen that the
tonnage passing the Soo canal during
only seven months of a year is 99 per
cent, greater than the tolinage passing
the Egyptian canal in twelve months.
Bicycles, With or Without.
In future the purchaser of the allur¬
ing wheel will probably be asked
whether he will take it “with or with¬
out.” This inquiry will mean: “Will |
vou take it with our accessions, our
saddle, pedals, tire and handle-bar ?
Or leaving shall you we to sell add it the toj |X you tires, without, the Y j
saddle and the Z handlf-bar? i
In the Shop of a St. Petersburg ;
watchmaker a human-fa;ed clock is on
view—the on.y one of its kind. The
hands are pivoted on its Sose and any
. a was that may he Ipoken into ais
ears tu-e repeated bjt phocogrplit
through its mouth.
Mother Sees Her daughter in a Pitiful
< on union, but Manage* to Ke.-eue
from the ■ .Yew Era, (Jrean shurg, Ind.
s( . p corct , Si , oaiJ , U4t for tIte y ,„
' r r ‘ •«*,)( cal.> 1 v had n.m an an ; item r< »n regardin'* n uruoK, 1 the case ase
<>. \lubol Stevens, \v*uo ha l just recovered
serious illness of rheumatism and
nervous trouble, and was abla . , to bo . out l( for .
'HUd'^enA H«
considered ., .* such a surprise to
iv? ivory was
t j K , m) jghbors that it created considerable
gossip, learn absolute facts
Being anxious to the
;» peoi&l h the girl reporter and her was parents. sent to
’phey were not ut home, however, being
some distance away. A message was sent
to Mr. Stevens, asking him to f write days up a
{uU Mstory o( the cftS6( and a ew ago
the following letter was received from Mrs.
“St. Paul, ton., Jan. 20, 18!)7.
Editors A 'ew Era. Groonsburg, Ind.
‘T>ka.u Sirs: Your kind letter received
and I am glad to have the and opportunity to
tell you about the siokness recovery of
Mabel. We don’t want any newspaper no¬
toriety, but in a ease like tills where a few
words of what I have to say may mean re¬
covery for some child, I feel it my duty to
tell you of her ease.
“Two years ago this winter Mabel began
oomplaiuing of pains in her limbs, princi¬
pally in her lower limbs. She was going to
sohool, and had to walk about three quar¬
ters of n mile each day, going through all
kinds of weather. She was thirteen years
old and doing so well in her studies that 1
disliked to tako her fromsohool hut we had
to do it.
“For several months she was oonflned to
the house, and she grow pale and dwindled
down to almost nothing. Her legs and
arms were drawn up and her appearance
was pitiful. Several doctors had attended
her, hut it seemed that none of them did
her any good. They advised us to take hot
to the springs, but times were so hard we
could not afford it, although Martinsville wo flnaliy
managad to get her to the
baths. Here she grew suddenly weaker,
and silo it: seemed that sho could not stand It,
hut became better, and It seemed that
she was being benefited, but she suddenly
grew worse, and we had to bring her home.
“She lingered along, and last winter be¬
came worse again, and was nfillctod with a
nervous trouble almost like the St. Vitus'
dance. For some time we thought who
would die, and the physicians gave her up.
Wheu she was at her worst a neighbor Pills came
l ri a ,)0X °* I)r - WWI** 1 ***’ Pink for
cas , p and i l( * r daughter had used them for
nervousness with such good results that
bo*'helped three
her som!j _ and after stio i md takon
boxes aim was able to sit up in bod. When
she had flutehed a half doaeu boxas she was
^oVtainr^xeTaltogether^w. going has and school taken she
ip as w „n aK over, aud to
every day, having started iu again three
weeks a K o Her euro was undoubtedly
1 ’ (st^nf-d) Mrs. Pills Amvndi for St.yvss.” Pale People
Dr. Williams’ Pink
contain, in a condensed form all the elo
mBnt9 K lv ? ue " 1Iffl and rtoh
npHS to tbfl Woo( j ftnd jwitore shattered
nBrvas Tliey are an unfalllnir sp.oifio partial for
paralysis, St. Vitus dance,sciatica, nourak
via, j rheumatism, norvous headache, the
an r olr , ot ot ]a gr ippe, palpltirtkm of the
heart, pale and sallow complexions, nil
forms of weakness either In male or female.
fl y )ox> or B \ x i, 0 x©r for $2.50— 100) by (they address- »r«
never sold In hialk or by the Hohenee
Williams’ Modieine Co.,
tft< y ' ’
Manufacturers of“THE BIRMINGHAM.”
Evorythingl t........V to
Por'&inin^ io
Mail Orders receive prompt attention.
I ui’.iuA teleeiapJiy llioroughly in tlift railw.if . and
Hit- c* starts ita graduttes elegraph
service. Only exclusive T
jfllK MBKkaWLnine wfiWS School in the South. hundred Kstabliahed
years. Sixteen sue
t-.RRsfuI graduates. Semi Hlu»
trated catalogue. Acldresw OhOKOIA
U 2 &WX* TELWiKAPH SCHOOL, Seuola, Ueorglf.
DRUliK All! )H can l.« nnved with¬
out t)'«ir Wufiwledge uiarveloii* by
Anti-Jag Gi*i flijnlt lia/ilt.
cur«9 <<*r tin*
Write lt«nov» Oh«uuic«l
Co . IVroadway, N. Y.
milm funaangp_ii» >l» ln wtuppur) iaa infityl free.
tfaUMTalU I
ftF I ! «r $7 OO or«. MURE?* United. Denver, *.d
colo! i'Z' xahkuaa
Popular Songs.
’’Henris Like Mine On/mat I'urtl+mf, Forget ” with tills notice
to Wiley ;L Allen Co., Oregon.
oiB so tss :.yr
i IX tV .T ttU'H Quickly. Seo/i for Book/'laveatiana
Wanted.“ Z4g or Tate k Oo „ H6 Broad way. If ,t.
Am. N, U. No. 38 1897.
JUST THE BOOK YOU WANT Cnri Jo rt i. UlIiCI ferr few m
'reau apoa about .vary .nWect uurtar tto, ,u B . It contain, m pa*«. profwsly
’°* t ^" "’ V * r ' Wh “"
unioretand mat tcraan-l thing, and AN ENCYCLOPEDIA erenefe* which which you this to do book oeft
will clear np for you. it ha* a com
plete index, no that It may be f IIK T* IT if A/w f_* referred to ea.Jly. Thla lj«ok
i* . rteh mine of valuable informatioe, presented In
intereetiaz nianner. and U " —w ■ well worth to
any one mnny
limes the small sum of FIFTY CENTS which we oak for It. A study of thle Unit win
prove of incalculable benefit to those whose education ha* been neglected, while the rota
r 1111,0 u toan ' 1 “ f k r -«t value v, those who cannot readily command the knowledge Uwr
haveocnuireil. BOOK PUBLISHING HOU3E. 134 Leonard St.. N. Y, City.
IS IT . .
You are neediog 1 ? If so,
vn ciHD please you, Dot
only iu
Style, Comfort, Fit
and Durability, but PRICE.
.... Now what more do you want?
Fall Stylus. Season 1897-98,
Now Ready,
One Price
Cash clothiers,
it’ 1912-1914 First Avc,
Ay #S>y Birin*
ng Ham*
/,®dDRE!ffL MM 3
Im tef
C H 1 LI
oai.atia.ii.ijs., Nov. 10, 1803 .
p nr „Medlolno Co., St. Louis, Mo.
oenUomeni-We sold Iiiat Oiflfj. rear, ’L) bottlen at
aftOVR'H TASTKLKSd TuNK’ mid li*»*
.Iwad, (hUyou r^in alUey
barercoiUnWlto thaitavoaani urivcraal aart a ,
taotiuu as ,our Toula. Tours truly. 00
Abney. CAB* * .
Wrlto us 1st How long you have usod or
•old Ur Simmons fiqimw Vino Wine. 2na
Btuto Lilssasss It cured. 8d Give names ol
those It ouiul. 4th Siam the (liflorenoo
hotween its stronytii aud notion end too of mid action of Mciilroe’s Wine
Card ul. On reoeipt of latter imoloidn* soml m
oenUv taken I’tiotoitraph Vino Wins viowtll (FltEE). you a
81.00 Jlotlio 8quu\r
Writo us 1st liow long you have known,
used or sold Dr. M. A. Slinmonn Liver Mc*u
clnii. 2nd Stato lllsoasen It cured. Ikl i;iv«
names of those cured. 4th State tho differ
cnee between He strength and acltoii anil
tlio strength and action of J. II. XolllH
A Co.’s “hi vor Regulator *Tllai’.kI>raiigJit,’' 1 * and the rimUa
nooiftMcdlolun _ Co.'a Doth
of wide I ■ contain Woody Bulb# of Root* mid 0
Hteinn of llorb», and liavn Hold at about
eentii |s r package, and should not retail ai
over 10 cults if cnnminiera are not imnoseil
upon, while Dr. M. A. Simmons Idm r Misll
clne, made from the purred, arid moat euro
fill 'lycelceted Dtok#, reifardlfifiBof east, with
thu liiiliw of the Rool# and oxtrneled f tuns of aud tho
Hcrtis l.y our secret proce»« I" than 20
thrown away, cannot ho Hold at ,h
cen in. The reason of tho dlffereuco in this:
------- .. Court
On Juno 30th, IBJ3, the Supreme
enjoined and J. muUIiik H. ZeillnAOo. medicine from under manufact thenamo
uiing “Pr.BInunonr I.lver Medicine.”
of hill Puhl,tho mwll
Zeilin'oeriRWor toour °choai>
Oine wan dCNigtied npyroesof un tho MImh) re r 'ppl / V»il
clno for tlio
ley.” AndZellin’nmnnagor teetifle■»» y\ the
cane, end ZelllTi’Badvertlwj’uicnts c»tl« ' ttm.t
all tho Llvor Mwdloluothey nmke in i/. > <U‘ by
tho Kflmo formula.” What more conclusive
evidence could there ho that ail their Liver
Med Ajjafii, U'UiQ the i» “cheap Grilled noKroincdlclno'-"* State* Court,. In thu
n cam ut Knoxville, Term.,enjoined the
Old pronrletora of tho article now called
“Black Draught" from perpetrating fraud
by D«lng tho words constituting our tratio
name, and “Black Draught” was not known
till affiw 187diy«t they falselviidvertlao that
It wa»established In iMQ, and filch our trn/1 fj
by allowing their tbaaama customers to g«tmin« untruthfully arti¬
represent it a« aaour
cle, ther giving color of truth to the de¬
ception Simmon* by publishing their the filature thereby of a Pr.
on wrapper, aeHo
clatlng their article with out Jir. M. A.Mmy
mo ns’ Liver Medicine, which he established
In borne 1840, hla and picture every elnce package IfciO. of which. Jam*
On receipt of letter enoloefng a recentljr
taken Photograph we will mall you a $1.00
Package Liver Medicine (PItEK). MEP. CO.,
ft*. Louie, MU