Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Taliaferro Co.
Advertise our goods if you
want to sell them.
The equinoxial gale came in
on the 22, the first fall day.
Macon ha:i invited Hon. W. J.
Bryan to so--air hi that city on
Oct. 12.
The low price of cotton has
made some of the people so blue
they are almosf ' / to on.
Fulton county ;^md jury i s
investig ding the pension list to
.see who are drawing pensions
that do not deserve same. .
r „ht frost reported in Ten
y Wednesday morning. It
was „ O0 > the yellow
,s 11 '7ni’i?i‘s in Mississippi,
Louisana anil Alabama.
Walsh is a candidate
for mayor of Acgwd-i. If he is
not c!t:-t’:d to that oilice it will
not P'for v.v.nt of go d wishes
of bis frier: Is outside of Angus
joftin, I ’ 10 iHL'-Cro postmaster
at Ho> rS shot in
arm last week >y unknown par
tied. i-rnmont has sent
doted Lvo: . t:> file scone of t)ie 1 s? ;md more trouble is ex
pec tod. Such ap Dointments are
responsi' lo for s uch unlawful
acts, Hatm t’s cr >wd should
shoulder it.
Where is the average gold bug
of tho outh now 7 He has seen
wlmt the liopublicfinji LiUii.stra
tionT ■“Tilth on ft sou i'' ^''"' ‘.iitiuey
calls, pay for the tariff o.i his
clothes and sells hi cotton for a
little over 3 cent *. Oh, pros
parity. ain’t it glorious *°
live wh< re this kind of prosper
There st sto bo no reason
whatever "i
cotton which is choking up bind
ness in tho H.mtb ust. now. Tho
rep in Oi tho stoc OU hand is
low and vh - report from the in
coming crop WOWS loss ami will
finally prove to bo a smaller crop
than last year’: It i ins Unit
cotton will soon yo higher 1 — r:
natural supply mil demund, ’-r rc
gurdless of .spoerhttion.
T. A. -i, m. <■„ iiic iin'ii Chemist
ul l fe*' , to the A ill let
t if Vhvt- - of |'|!n Nt'Wl.T l>i*
i!*»q to (’nri* Coif
Sicl All tuns
ivercd a reiia
><} :■ ’ !l bron
M yw
h and all
mu s
tVm v cv of The
. ursc oi
3 •t*ri IH r tliou
we lo humanity
i the dreaded eonsuutp
t a<c am
Mi i ha* OU !:!’ i hN Atccri ui and
U“xi imoaials of cx
V \v pefited ami t urcu,
in a th<’ world.
sunipi«' u t; moans speedy
ami c- deal Address T. A. S v .o
t n M.v.. 9 ARme street. -Vw v \c.„. v .
. pl«»»«
mi • vruen w firing the Doctor,
uxpress and postotSe address, and also
Ucution rwadlug this artie:e i t lUc A -
v Our nation
r-/N'\ O needs protec
WI&N h\f v ti nihic }c
rn l IS1
' ' : tne v,0!k of
\ " 'LvMj* the and states- di
V> '( plomati s t s.
V; * ’
\ M 4 Our laws and
vSP ins tit ution s
V .v need protec¬
tion. This is the work of our
representatives, executives and
judges. Each household needs
protection. This is the work of
the parent or guardian. Each
person needs protection. Pro¬
tection from storm and sun, heat
and cold, each person must pro
y - j( j 0 j or himself. Protection
f pom disease is the work of the
wise doctor. Prevention is bet
ter than cure. Formation better
than reformation.
Pe-ru-na is anatural protection
to the household from the ills of
life. It protects as. well as
euros. It is the woman's friend
in all of her physiological trou
bles. Jos. Kirchensteiner, 87
Croton street, Cleveland, Ohio,
writes: “We have used Pe-ru
na for eight years as our family
medicine. During the whole of
that time we have not hadtoem
ploy a physician. Our family
consists of seven, and wo always
it for the thousand and one
ailments to which mankind is
liable. We have used it in cases
of scarlet fever, diphtheria and
moastds. Whenever one of the
family feels in tho least ill,
mother always says: ‘Take Pe
ru-na and you will be well’; or if
wo do not ^appen to liave any:
We will have to get moro Pe-ru
na. ’ ”
Send for free hook, for women
only, written by Dr. Hartman.
Address The Pe-ru-na Drug
Manufacturing Co., Columbus,
Why He HMn’t Come.
As many ;tro aware that
Messrs. Averill and Hudson fail
Vi ^ t© show up Saturday last as
they promised to make us
speeches on the advantages of
this section. Wo, of course, did
not feel that they had t reated us
righ, but will accept the follw
ing apology.
Nashville, Term., Sept. 30th, 97.
Editor Advocate-Democrat
Dear Sir.—I ewe you and the citizens of
your County an apology for not keeping
my appointipetit. with you for the ISth. I
was at Madison out he 17th, and was cali
< a i%ck to Nashville that night by a very
t'Omtwr telearmn. Mr. Hudson promis
ins to fill t!>e appointment for me, which
pnunlstf lie wn- unable to Keep on account
of Indus ordered i i ewlicre, and then it
iicliig to lcie for me to reach you. I can
only say that I exceedingly regret the
cccun.nce and trust Hint yourself and the
citizens of the County will not allow it to
interfere with the efforts to make an Kx
hlbit here. I atn advised you have con¬
siderable Hard Wood in Taliaferro Coun¬
ty. Tie re is a good demand for While
Oak timber, sawed tu hoards from one to
two inches thick, six in. and upward in
Width and twelve to fourteen feet in
length, if sawed from good timber we can
find ready market for large quantities; if
*ny parties having timber desire father
information we will be pleased to give it
to them if they will write me here.
We are bow arranging to g v ’ie the peo
pie on the Hue of Road a chime - to see the
Kxr o-lJionon a low rate, I'he excursion
ie run earlv iu Oct., and the rounn
trip from Crawfordvilie will be S5.94. We
trust it on this liiH ral rate many of your
pi epic will come. They will be treated
u> a i reo trip to the Belle Mead Stock
Farm and will see es you know much of
I Sit est. 1 will write more fui’y on the
suhteet in a lew days.
JM'/. H. AVERILL. C mmissioner.
oI<1 l*eoj)te.
t people boweis who mid Uite kulnt’Vs m. .Heine, ul to
It ifatd* t Bluer-. v»
a,- in Kectrie ThN
au>; .
r other intoxieuniv. but
ml alterative. It a is
di v on lli« a cl
i MreuMh : .i rivin-tone to the or
"... ■ . •y aiding Nature in the
tVrman-fof the futt'iii>ns Kl.vtri- Bit
. , xc :!l itp , H . : i zer and aids di
p , >sUon . oW Peopk fad it just exactly
w i,:u they need. Puce fifty cents and
jn-r bottle at Dr. K. J. Reid's
Drug Store.
jill Invited.
The Sap* riutendents of all the
Sunday sc.ools in the county
are reque.'ad to come to the
bri{" he -e next Sunday. Sept.
26, and a report: from their
schools anc p join in the organiza
tion of a c4ani y Sunday School
AssociatioB.. It will be a union
of all denominations and all are
i nv jt e( j Mr. Miller will be here
to p re ach to all.
Expected Sight at 8:87.
A typographical error in
Grier’s caused a little
stir and c jeer feeling among
some of oi r coloreed citizens
The Almau xc, said the sun would
set at ”3:3T’ instead of 6:37 and
it was whilifrred about by those
who become aware of what ap
peared in t le time honored little
book, and £, grea many o. . urn,
were watching for night to come
upon us 3 hours eai heron t mt
day, Aug. :o.
Clear* ami Millinery.
Mrs. L. 17 Stephens has on
hand and lot U receiving now the
prettiest of Millinery Goods
oyer seen in this section. She
can lit you up in the latest styles
of hats, ’ Fathers, flowers and
g,mural , tumm.ags . ■ Sne q, 1 has .,.,,.
added a now department ana can
now furnish you 150 styles of
Hadies’, Misses’ and Children’s
Cloaks andiCapeS to select well flitting from.
If you want a stylish ,J
csloax that X'il ... well ,, l at
wear ana
a very reasonable price call on
Mrs. Stephens.
s I 5
The use of the surgeon’s knife is be¬
coming so general, resulting fatally
in such a large number of cases, as to
occasion general alarm.
Mr. William Dakota,* Waloole, of Walshtown,
South writes; “About
three years ago, there came under
my left eye a little blotch about the
size of a small pea.
Tt grew rapidly, and
shooting" peuns r«in
*tx every
J '--- I became alarmed
JJ and consulted a
4 S.S fs|& good doctor, who
f. pronounced it can
fHf’must .TS&SfcCer, and said that it
be cut out.
WT fiv J This I would not
*1 consent to, having
little faith in the
indiscriminate «se of the knife. Read¬
ing of the miny cures made by S. S.
S I determined to give that medicine
, after I had taken it few
a trial, and a
days the cancer became irritated and
began to discharge. This after awhile
ceased, leaving a small scab, which
finally dropped off, and only a healthy
little scar remained to mark the place
where the destroyer had held full sway.
A Real Blood Remedy.
Cancer is in the blood and it is folly
tocxpect an operation tocureit. S.S.iv
(guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
remedy for blood. pvery .-H
d isease of the , .
Books mailed
address Swift Spe¬
cific Co., Atlanta,
To all whofn 'nay corcern:
Mrs. Rachel Kent the widow of John .1.
Kent, late of said County, deceased, twelve months hav¬
ing in due form applied for John
sufiport from Iheestate of the said
•J. Kent and the appraisers duly appointed
having died their rtport, setting aside
such support, I will pass upon said ap¬
plication the first Monday in October,
1897. Tibs is therefore to notify all per
sons iatercsted in the estate of said John
.1. Kent lo show pause why saio
(jj vt . n uikUt mv hand and official siuna
ture. This the Atf? day of Sept eineer 181/7.
II. MITCHELL. Ordinary,
Lann Sale.
„ , - , ' SOU, in ir f VAr doer
Court II o u s o ? :
Taliaferro Countf» poorg’la, on the fir>\
Tuesdnv in October next, for cc.-j., to ti.e
tu ifincr, uhtlfviced llfCWeea OliC-hall me <aw:::l Hours
;if salt ail interosd hi
to .'111 that . tract. * Of -f land. I MtiluVl i in
the 173t.! district 0- M. said eouir •. eon
viiii'.U'Z VoO aewst* more oi h-^. o >n icu
. ,h - N./rth bv ; an:is of Geo. Mr hi:
hast hv mnus of Iticiiaru tie i% •• u
at! ,i Men by t'abfe RoaJ from Sharca to
Il’ilman. ‘^i G i,
i unrtWded interest will V sold
order and bv vir ue , of an order of the
«7rdinarv of saidOMiatr. and belongs '
Janio Cary of IV. A. Cary, as her
dian. CARY.
TV. A.
Guardian of tlw person and property of
Janie Cary.
This, Sept. 7, 1H>7. _
Every mother
feels an inde
scribable dread
- of the pain and
RV i. danger attend¬
I ant upon the
'» most critical pe¬
& riod of her life.
I mm Becoming a
Flwmm IM a mother source should of joy be
to ail, but the
•Jl u ff e l ’ n g and
danger of O ord ft al make
its anticipation one of misery.
■ , re medv which relieves
women 0 f the great pain and suf
f er i n g * incident to maternity; this
hour vhich is drea ded as woman’s
severes ^ trial is not only made
painless, but ah the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this ren > ed y f re no lon S er de ’
spondent or gloomy nervousness
" a usea and othe ‘ jessing con
dltl f ons ar ° the system is
made , ready for the com,ng event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
b the usc of Mother’s
Fl , end< ^ bl {Q woman
$ 1>00 eont peb by bottle mail at receipt an Drugstores, of price.
or on
BOOKS Containing invaluable information of
rnrr FREE interest to all women, will ho sent
to any address, upon application, by
The uuadfield hegclatob co., Atlanta, Ga.
Centennial Exposittion
From May 1st, to Hoy. 1st, 1897.
The second largest Exposition over hold
in this country, thousands of
ers and investors from the West and North
Wc R t will be there.
To show up the wonderful resources
along its line, the Georgia Railroad has
decided to make an Exhibit of those re
ties and towns making along its lines exhibit to co-opeiatc
with them in the a rucccsk
hy furnishing creditable snecimens of a!l
Minerals, Paint and Fire Clays,description
ef Water Powers and photographs of all
Mill Sites.exhibitsofail Manufacturing In¬
dustries especially desired.
Further arrangements will be made and
Uue notice given regarding fcxMWts in of
Agricultural products, aud Fruit
For further information apply to,
JNO. Jl. AVERILL, Commisioner,
419 Dyer •’ Boileing, Augusta, B Ga
1' C cs F -1 -- Rp 13 TV ilili ' : )
Gins and Presses.
Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oi! and
Fertilizer Mill outfits; also Gin Press, Cane
Mill Mil!and and Shinffle bhinglt outfits outnts.
Biiildiiig, Bridge, Railroad Factory Mill, Furnace ami
1‘ailroad Castings:
hits’ and Factory Supplies,
Belting, Packing, Inieetors Pipe Fite
Lombard Iron IfSnppij Co.
Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin Works.
repairs Promptly Done.
F *F a
• 6? m m
/ . sT 1
-L { * /f -‘
flGf. p. m. rnnmn,
739 Broad St., Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for ail defects of
sight, grinds the proper gtasse i and WAE
HANTS them.
Lenses cue into your frame while you wait.
FCEi OF CHARGE 'te’l> if you
; meet due gi giaascs
B^^ taaaiaE M gECT
>* € w Remedy A 1 )»l«lely to the
profesFicn. l*ermtineut Curl* in 15 to 35 days.
retur-d money it yp Bo a ct You can be treated a
home fort iie«*n:e price flBSSS and the uk? g^BR:*cr t »
cooiair. nrf r^- ISfsTd« railroad
-we rail to L"---^^BLjfe^j ^ S sarggiagY ^-3 cur<*. if
?SS in month. s«rc t^wkl *E3 HlpSJ.'SSSffSJSS i*Ha;>ieyv>p»er-<>ic.r’
►»«:<.<»>▼ or tm&tn
tic v-orta f»-r „ <•!» »•
awry aA y .l“■“is lFA* 1 *'*
Are the joy and sunlight of our
homes. Use ail care to keep the
little ones in health. Do not give
them nauseous doses, You can
overcome their troubles with Dr.
G3 ■ 17V - tHBCSUM MM ■
They all like to take it because it
does not taste like a medicine,
but like a lemonade lemonade, It ft cur-s cur., co’ic co.ic
in young children, overcomes all
bowel troubles, gives good digestion,
and quiet, healthful sleep.
As a tonic for weak children and
as a remedy for use in teething, it is
the greatest in the world.
E^“Sol<l by . rists, new package,
large bottle, 103 hoses, One Dollar.
Manufactured only by
m Atlanta Chemical Co., Mianta, ^
Write fjr 49-Pnge Ecok, Mailed Free.
Educate H W.-KseDing, PHONOGRAPHY^ Business,
LEXINGTON, and KY., responsible)
For circular of hi3 famous
Awarded Medal lit Warld’a Eicpop.Llicn.*
Refers to thousands of graduates in positions. Ttti
Shorthand,Type-Writing,audTelegraghy,Specialties, Pggtfg ’
: r .... -j a- r.
a i, \J a iiH r? til, r, 'An
V/iLI. PAY 3100 ?oR ANY CASE
0? \Te&IiBCS3 In Flea ’Zhey Trsat aad
2 'ril to Cnre.
An Omaha Company places for the first
... .3before the public a Magical TBBxr
-:-,v the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous
. « .-.•sxiial IV eakae<>s, and Restoration of
j ifo Force in oid and young men. No
,i WojinERrci, TBsaniss?—magical its in its
.*vM—p-a-mve seller .u from com readers, chat
-.'l o ,.i s? a weakness
hti tko.%- lif :-, censing tlaat utental and
s, -'J suffer ;ig peculiar to Lost Man
hcutdvvito t- the STATE MB3SICAL
, Omaha, >>')., end they will
;v; 4 OU ibsolnteiy KRH3, a cable
;r on ■iiss.'i -os, and positive proofs
yZi * tv :.y J ! agicai, Trcatmunt. Thous
of inti, sin have lost all hope of a
mo, ars v.« leg restored by them toaper
Tids il}io;?'AL TrsiTJiBNT may be taken
r.t home under their directions, or they will
i “ : c-.- t ud hot -1 bills to a!! who
igfoer faU io lo go 5! hoy vre perfect: reliable; toey
cm a. 1 are - Cure',
o nr, i-vea Prewriptlons, Fi-ca
Fre- Se ople, cr C. O. i>. take. They have
: capital, and gnaranteo to
g ' ''
%&£ ^
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
OP GEORGIA—Taliafsrr- •
be County
' ,",,.
; ; '
. ,
deceased, arc hereby notified to render in
their demands to the undersigned property
proven according to law: and all persons
indebted to said estate/ are veuuired to
make immediatepavraent.
'i'lxis 13th, c’.av of August 1997
Administratrix of John f. Kent deceased.
* tm® CiS> —RATE/:—
/j Per Day, $1.00,
Pci Week. 94.00, S4.50
jLiiiivli jfc aad . 00 .
^ Proprietor, j ADKINS ’ 163 Marietta St
Opposite .♦ii.lor & Hrr.f’y - ( : f.r;.:r
• - t 5 ‘C Lar^-^t u-u . : the S* ;; ! .
M. F. Griffith lias duly n .v;v apphe-a
*....... :ion \o th« to be aroointed
jcrniat ent m.Toii)i» i«o .. on m t.z.. -tate o
A. G. Evan-, late of TTafern. County.
det e.ised. and .or pcrm.inen.
tm? ofn. ion o ; . rain a and J
w'd pwvmi «r»u xppn«mon ontm- first
Monday in Oetolw next in myoincc. IB
am u/m Home of sm.t.oumy.
1 hi» bent. 8th. I. J..
Grdinarv Taliaferro County, Georgia.