Newspaper Page Text
vHUlp f8®
Fifty Years Ago.
This is the cradle in which there grew
That thought of a philanthropic brain;
A remedy that would make life new *
For the multitudes that were racked
with pain.
’Twas sarsaparilla, as made, you know -v
By Ayer, some 50 years ago.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
was in its infancy half a cen¬
tury ngo. To-day it- doth “be¬
stride the narrow world like a
colossus." What is the secret
of its power ? Its cures! The
number of them ! The wonder
of them! Imitators have fol¬
lowed it from the beginning of
its success. They are still be¬
hind it. Wearing the only
medal granted to sarsaparilla
in the World’s Fair of 1893,
it points proudly to its record.
Others imitate the remedy;
they can’t imitate the record;
Co Years of Cures.
P’.m.dd fee Cl?auec>
The cemetery should be clean¬
ed off before the Association
meets here. The recent rains
have caused the grass and weeds
to grow up very high and it
would not look well to strangers
who will visit our town during
the Association week. We have
been requested to ask the peo¬
ple to please get together and
make some arrangement to put
the cemetery in better order.
Evea the cleaning off of individ¬
ual squares will help greatly.
Ve teran’s Organize.
Quite a number of old Confed¬
erate Veteran’s met at .the Court
TT o r ■ Kt
the purpose of organizing a
Camp. The meeting was an en¬
thusiastic one and neai’ly all the
members of the Taliaferro Sur¬
vivors Association had their
names enrolled as members.
A regular Camp was organized _
under the name The Alex .Steph¬
ens Camp as follows:
S J Flynt, Captain Commander.
P G Veazey, 1 Leutenant.
R S Murden, 2 ( (
W O Wright, 3 ( <
J A Woodall, Adj. and Secretary.
J W Farmer, Treasurer.
GW Brown, Qr. Master and Com.
J T Heard, Color Guard
T T Evans, Asst. Color Guard.
A G Beazley, Surgeon and Hist.
J F Reid, Asst. Historian.
J S Chapman, Vidette.
At a meeting of the Confeder¬
ate Vt teran’s of Taliaferro Coun¬
ty the following resolution was
ape Resolved pled: that appoint
we an
old Confederate Veteran m each
Malitia .Dish, to aid the Ladies
Memorial Association in collect¬
ing funds for the Confederate
Monument now under contract,
to foe erected on the court house
square. following named
The were
cho-en as a committee for their
respective districts, and it is re¬
quested that they appoint some
official lady assistant.
6 Jl Dist—The Ladies Memorial
632—.Samuel J. Chapman.
6 )8— John A. Caldwell.
6 J—Bob Evans.
695—Wm. Garrett.
C V—R- H. Rhodes.
60S—S. J. Jones.
172—W. O. Wright.
Causes fully half the sickness m the world, it
re: uS
U I P;.j % f
fTCLL > - MfmP taste, coated a - lie -
ton jig' SiCk K3TC3
somiua, etc. ■
cur-. Ldti.eas-iv ...ostip.'-tionandaino aii drusgists.
r and thoroughly. 25c.
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Reporters,
What Our People Are Doing: and Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
Socks and Stockings at 5c
pr. at Paul G. Lucas’.
—Miss Maude Stephens has
been right sick this week..
Heavy overshirts, nice
warm, cheap at P. G. Lucas’.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens
have returned from Woodville.
Blankets 75c and §1.23 pair
at C. H. Golucke & Co's.
—Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Reid
spent Sunday last at White
—We want correspondents at
Sandy Cross, White Plains, and
Spices, cloves, and all kind
of flavoring extracts at Paul
—Charlie Asbury and Jack
Beazley left for Macon Tuesday
to enter Mercer.
—What has become of our
Lyneville, Combs and Robinson
3 lb. Feather Pillows 81.50
pair at C. H. Golucke & Co';;.
—Miss Ava Edmonson, of
Washington, is visiting relatives
here this week.
—Will Y. Edwards shipped
another car load of cattle to Au¬
gusta this week.
—The change of season Tues¬
day made our people draw up
and seek the fireside.
That gray beard of yours can
be colored brown or black by
Buckingham’s Dye.
—Mr. Selly, a photographer
of Augusta, is thinking of loca¬
ting in Crawfordville.
—We are told that Sharon has
raised §1,200 with which to build
a new Methodist church.
—Mrs. Nancy Reid and her
grand-son. Stocks Hall, visited
White Plains Saturday last.
Pretty line of dress goods,
notions, etc. Cheaper than the
fiPFi dos* - 1
_Will Strom has accepted the
night watchman’s place and will
make our town a good officer.
—Messrs. Edwards <fe Caldwell
have decided to remain in Craw¬
fordville with their new store.
Tooth-washes, tooth brushes
and toilet soaps, all varieties,
low down in price, Paul Lucas.
—Everyday we see the need of
a bank at this place and wo hope
soon to see one in operation here.
-Amy Caldwell gave a
day party Saturday and had a
crowd of her little friends pres
The Union Point Roy low
says that “Mrs. J. F. Holden
visited White Plains last oun
Nice line latest styles Sits- „
penders very cheap at Paul G.
Lucas .
—Crawfordville has
several new citizens in to live
with us and the influx has just
begun. •
Nice cologne all kinds. . Some
in pepper box bottle, salt cellar
and glass tray—all for 25c. P.
G. Lucas.
Latest things in pretty neck
tics, blub and four-in-hand at
Paul. G. Lucas’.
_Senator W. Tuesday" T. Flynt went
nr) Atlanta to meet
h the nenitentiarv committee
of which L he is a member.
• . , -1
i retty *asns.anus 4 auu
bureaus for sale cheap by L
H. Golucke <v vx>.
—Milton Booker, who used to
work in the Democrat office here,
was married in Atlanta last week
to Miss feophirina McCall.
Undervests, ladies and gents,
of all kinds very cheap at Pal
|G. Lucas’.
_Mrs Eva Reynolds returned
h r ; lome at Siloam Saturday
after a visit to her sister Mrs.
1 w. T. Flynt at this place.
Spring beds and bods;'ads,
all grades, at C. H. Golucke &
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens Wednesday was
called to Stephens her daughter,
to the bedside of
w h 0 is yet finite sick but ‘
eel some better.
—Mr. J. H. Jackson, who lives
near Robinson, gave us a pleas
ant call this week. He is one of
Taliaferro’s new citizens whom
we areproud to claim, high j
Children’s chairs, and
low. mention all styles—price C. H. Golucte tj>o & low Co's. to
—Always sign yo published ir yqyr
names to articles to be
in this paper. __ We will not yi\ , e
you away but want your name to
protect ourselves.
Safes, sideboards and
boards' all styles and prices at
C. H. Golucke & Co’s.
—Messrs. J- W. Jones and
Heury Wynne two young boarding men
from near Powelton are
at Judge Sam Rhodes’ and at¬
tending senool here.
—Mr. W. R. Reid is having _
the store room of Mr. L. S.
Gunn enlarged adding 20 feet to
the back which will make the
store much larger and setter.
Wilson, Tja., Mch. 17th, ’92.
I saw a horse cured of colic
with Dr. Tichcnov's Antiseptic |lhg
that had been sick so and
to so die, severely and his that he waSpfiven Sold him up
for §5. William Reams, City
Marshal. Ask yo ur druggist
for it Price 50 cts.
—Will P. Hubert, former as
si slant depot agent here, has
secured a position with the
Northeastern Railroad and is
uow stationed at Athens. His
m any friends here wish him rue
Cheese, sausage, canned
goods and best groceries cheap
at Paid Lucas’.
—Sheriff Calloway, of Wash¬
ington, and Messrs. H. C, Dick
en and Charles Roth-,of Sharon
were detained here Sunday on J
account of belated trains.
There are some things . you 1 j
can do without but you can t af
n bottle ri o,. p l V, 1 fU1 1 Vn- I h. 1 *; icuoi 1 * ,l 'T' s v ’' j \ U n ( < lu
septic, the eates ennnen. c ,s
covery of the age. Heals Cuts, , !
Burns. Gun Shot Wounds, etc.,
quicker and with less suffering
than anything. Clean and pleas- ■
ant as perfume. Cures Colic too,
while you wait about ten men- j
utos.r Only ,5bc a bottVV
—The “Lexingtoa’Wermlnal Lex
engine, which runs betwp
ington and Crawford,(-passed afjfce^ being up
the road recently R. B.
overhauled at the Qb. ajhd it
shops in Augusta, little creature was to
quite a curious
many of our people. •
‘•My boy came home from
school one day with ; his hand
ug.ii,, Inff and nflin bleedinw
•uin<--(rrmt i}th’ ” savs
E J Schali, Meyer
Bros’.Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo.
<'<x dressed the wound,' and ap
H d chambeHain’s Fain Balm
freely. TSrkabl/short All pain ceased, and in
time it heal
ed without leaving a par. For
rheumatism wounds,.sprains, I know i
equal o., '
cine or prescription to it.
i consider it a_ household neces
«'ty- for sale , by ‘ h£ L Dr. 2 ° 7 R. l ? m V'rw^ J. Reid. j '
—We have a fine 833 stove and j j
complete set of extra whll good sail ware, at,
20 pieces, that we
hall price. It is New neti, improved one !
he celebrated
Enterprise make
where in this paper, cu ^* j
It is a giveaway pi ice., I
bad Owing ventilation, to over-crowding the air . of and the |
school room is often close and ^
impure, and teachers and pupils
frequently suffer from lung and 1
throat troubles. To all Such we !
would say, try. Chaiaberlain’s 1
c g h Romr , dy< For coughs,
cold w fe ak lun -s and bronchial ;
troubles no other remedy can C. j
COIK p arR with it. Says A.
p rc g d< Superintendent of School, j
pj ;i jFie Depot, Ohio: “Having
some knowledge Cough of the efficacy j ■
of Chamberlain’s Remedy,
I have no hesitation in recorn
mending it to all who4uffer from
coughs, lung trouble! J. Reid- fete. ’ For . I
sale by Dr. R.
—Mr. R. L. Berman has open
e d up his stock of goals at the
houses Mercicr do corner. not remain ^Business vacant
The convict committee that
r met in Atlanta this week ap
j pointed a committee ;o draft
bill to submit to the legislator
next month.
Will Practice Here.
Mr. Wm. N. Maltbie, of Wash
ingtou, has located in Crawford
vill. He has equipped himself
well for the practice of law and
has cast his lot among us. We
extend him a .hearty welcome
and wish him much success.
Beep South.
Mr. A. S. Lunceford has re¬
turned from a visit to South
Q ( . or -;o where he says he saw
some most excellent farms. Wo
don’t think he saw enough in
ducoraents to cause him to leave
old Taliaferro. Says he did not
find such a gopher colony as Mr.
Wvnne found.
You Mood Lumber’
The Standard Lumber Co.
one of the best linns in that line
0 f business in Augusta, have a
card before you in this issue of
the Advo-Domocrat. Those who
Vv -i li doors, window sash and
blinds and anything in yellow
pine are guaranteed satisfaction
oy the Standard Manufacturing
Co. Write for what you want,
A IV reck Sunday.
The Georgia Railroad had
another big wreck last San¬
da • morning near Norwood.
Nine or ten freight cars were
smashed on tlm track and all
trains during the day were Un¬
hived on account of the trouble.
G. H- Cook was right badly in
j-red. The Washington branch
train made atrip up tot rawford
ville to bring the excursionists
LO Bio colored baptizing.
Her Arm Broken.
Mrs. Lou Cain, mother of Mr.
Frank Cain, had the misfortune
kha Sunday , walked ox . out broking into . the her orc.iard arm.
and while looking up m an ap
pie J tree she stumbled over come
)ogts that woro Jving ou ti)0
gron!K | and fell inflicting the
painfid .^ wound wuJrdrossod as above stated.
jj cr a tt audsotund
w | aoT1 li; ;.rd from she was
doi v J w.-ll.
Almost HezlmiN,
Tj r . q\ N. Chapman Friday happened night
to an accident last
hurt him badly and fur some
e-it-W-as t.!«mght Dial iv vy.UM
seriously hurt. He rode horse
back up town that night on busi
ness and on returning his horse
stumbled and fell, throwing Mr.
Chapman about twelve feet and
wrenching his back and other
wise giving him a severe jolt.
He is getting about all right
“oTeoftllc BestT
We made a short visit to Sha- ..
ron Monday and was pleased to
seethe town improving so much.
J he stores ’ besides their thrifty
^ ) .- s . ! do api’earancos, are well
l ^ h^some stocks of
^ ; ‘ Sf« L
ot | 1(1 -,.- 0
troubled over the low price of
cotton, but are pushing ahead to
uakQ the best of what might
b;) , f(rmcd hard times. Sharon
is one of the best towns in mid
dJo ( , , orgi;l
v IGI ( li ;se.
Quite an exciting race was had
here Sunday- our marshal
] 1 j s <i bright-, 0j >;il i •; were in pm suit of
j, (m colored, who was
wanted by the town authorities
( or a small offence committed
SO!ne time back. Ben was in
hiding in the vacant lot near the
depot and when seen Ben took leg
bad to get out of reach Angus
Richards ran him into Mr. W. O.
Holden's back lot but Ben got
QT1 t, and ran on out to Hense
Rb odes’ where he was overtaken
and firr( , st ed. He gave bond
and was released.
A Great Opportunity!
We give away, limited absolutely free
fJ f f; ost, for a time only,
Tho People’s Common Sense
Adviser, by R. V.
pj erce> M: D., Chief Consulting
physician to the Invalids’Hotel
a?K i Surgical Institute, a book of
pr- large pages, profusely il
lustrated, bound in strong paper
covers to any one sending 21
cents in one-cent stamps, to cover
cost Of mailing only. Over
WO.copies of this complete fami
ly Doctor Look already srfid in
C 7c /'-n l-«0. bl ^ wIKhS World s Dispensary nsar- Med- Me//
-1 Association, Buffalo. N. Y
Suffered 20 Years.
n IS Si m
W .iWfe'V )
.. A'
M KS. MARY LEWIS, wife of a promi¬
nent farmer, and well known by ail
old residents near Beliuout, N. Y,.
writes: “Eor twenty-seven years L had been
a const ant sufferer from nervous prostra¬
tion, and paid large sums of money for doc¬
tors am\ advertised remedies without bene¬
fit. Three years ago my condition was
alarming; the least uoiso would startle and
unnerve me. I was unable to sleep, had a
number of sinking spells and slowly grew
worse. I began using l)r. Milos' Restorative
Kef vino and Nervo and Liver Pills. At first
the medicine seemed to have no effect, but
after taking a few bottles I began to notice
.a change; I rested better at. night, my appe¬
tite began to improve and I rapidly grew
better, until now I am as nearly restori d
to health as one of my ago may expect, God
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug¬
gists under a positive £> Nervine 1
guarantee, first bottle
benefits funded. or Book money on dis¬ re¬ ism X- .Restores ^
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
Dli. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Did.
Biir Ilapt iziiao
The baptizing at the colored
Baptist church Sunday was
largely attended. Crowds came
on the trains from east and west
until there was not standing
room in sight of tile pool. There
were 60 odd convents baptized.
Et Save:. Iff Crmusy Cukkon.
Beaviow, Va. -Wo have
imlondid salo on Cliuaib tI;.8i'
Cough reinedv. and our c I
umrs coming f from fur and *n nr,
k of it u th(J hijfho ,
Many have said that their (Ml
dron would have died of . ii
Chamberlain’s Cough
had not boon given - Ks lk i
sizes for sale by Dr. R. J. R-id.
Cnwfordvllli! Colton MiU'kcl Uii ’ '
Middling;, C 11-10
Low Middling, fi 0-1 f!
A Ciirofor Bllllous Colic,
Resource, Screven Co., Gn.~ I
have been subject to a! tacks of
bitlious colic for several years,
Chamberlain s( olic, Cholera ur.d
Diarrhoe Remedy is the only
gave relief. It nets like a charm.
One dose of it gives relief h
all other remedies lad.
Sharp. For salo by Dr. K. .)
Ttvo ( litldmt Dead.
We are sorry to chronicle Hie
deaths of the infant children of
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Saggus and
Mr. and Mrs. John Eylo. One of
the twins of the former and the
youngest child of the latter were
taken away recently at their
homos near Sandy Cross.
How’s Tills t
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Can rrh
that cannot bo cured by ! hills
Catarrh < urrs.
F. J. CiiKNKY & Co.. Props..
Toledo, <t
We the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney lor the las'
15 years, and believe him pm'
transactions fectly honorable and financially in all_ business
■ > ! •
to carry out any obligations made
by their firm
Wkst & Tuuax, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Wauhno, Kinnan M Itvr.'.
Druggists, f loc l<
Hall's Catarrh < ire
internally, acting direct! i) ion
the blood and .raucous
the system. Price i >
tie. Sold by ail
tirnonials free.
Hall's Famih p;
„ BoW to Cure SIllB D!tP „ e »
aw>iy “Swaync.’n Ointment.”
Xo intemil medicine required. Curt*
^f r ’ Ui-ewd
] ‘
, :r «wh. A^k Vt ..,!?<»« I 1 a