The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 24, 1897, Image 8
Builders 11. Grawio ftJwjjl.O i a Jiii. J i At ! vicinity, will consult th.-ir •v‘ t by writing to Staadari Kanufactnrlag Go •j .u.orsi'A, oa., Ko: Price's on SASH, DOOR - IILISIW, MiiXJLIN. L>1 M KF.K, r.ATll or anything in YKLLOW PINK. satisfaction GUALAifTEED H -H'r r :'i r TL T t-f r k Li i z vuz wiizn ?*. with trrpii ■n t'ir • iZL'KClAL H, fcs. WILLSON CO.. *»v ... . WASHINGTON, C. C r- w „ », ( » !JR * O ffR rt [I - c- r© tl J, , •• • W.Ulw /] LjU U^s - J o As well as in the thick of the buttle, is ^ mm : - alo’LL‘‘t 60 a impre si- ns are bull the victory. Who “ l. a better chance, even in looking for , H J j-t In * -a situation, than the young man whose • _ attire la an evidence of taste, thrift and ,J/ in (’lament/ Young men who wish to f prosper should order their Suits and x Overcoats from Ml /Vi. BORN & CO., «H X ■ . . i The All ,v . 1 - nver Great W yr.<. Chicago at be the suited. I. Merchant r:d of the Style, Custom Tailors, lit Trade, and ages can workmanship -are guaranteed. The y f SLJ.ECTLD I'ATi fcU.NS 10 OJlUEIl UiOM. #00 NEW .. . .v OAJLL ON — •w. WAVERLEY BICYCLES RUN EASIEST -—No oWriSr Of a WaverTey Bicycle ever regretted his purchase. No rider of a Waverley everfeit that he possessed less than the best that could be produced. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., Indianapolis, Ind. : ' i 4 A liu AfJ 44m LiL.lC' tetis'. \ V l/0fid SJr's-i A IL n 01765 vvaJOC Winner t 9 . 6/1 ‘71 Our ’Ninety* Sevan Complete Line oi W\ 1 C:T] t^7/p 1 .-<1 Etcjfdes il fi ’4X' l la. Ay L u are the f----- ft. Saprcii U t :.-«dSrraKL^a.'jlLL;\ ii V . i '■;/ Hi Result i *\vm f/ty-' \ %\ of o«r f Years sf i Vi ^ '3zSr tl 1 1 ! Cxaerieiics c*c MONARCH CYCLE MFC. CO. CJCCAS3 KEV7 TC1.X tCiG'O.f Seed l ine two-c^i <ta*rr. for a 7; k r*gs*crch M»n^a I'laylag Cooper, C*r$>r L»*'-.'•* WiUt stetanben "" .........•' " m Regulator Female For all diseases peculiar to women and the guls. Ap !t Tones up the Nerves, Improves Life, petite, Health Enriches the Wood, and gives and Strength. It is the QUEEN OF TONICS MAZES THE COMPLEXION CLEAR. CBCE rlt&Ei I A bottle of " Monthly " Regulating Pills with each bottle. For sale by ai( dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by New Spencer Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. LADIES’ SPECIAL TREATMENT: m cases requiring special treatment, address, giving symptoms, Ladies’ Medical De diseases, partment. Advice and book on Female with testimonials, free. For Sale and Recommended by Paul < Lucas, CrawforuviJle, On. F our new Lithogravure note and A j letter head ,. They arc stylish. Legal Eiai.K5 -Tiis oiii very ciicup. Lftoq Struck hy Mjhtiilnt*. . QOitSTIOX —What will restore land that lias been struck by lightning, and how long will it take? Answeb. -There is a prevalent belief that where the ground is struck by lightning it is rendered sterile and un productive (or year*. This is an which any cue by close observation can detect. When a portion of a growing crop, sttch a i cotton, is struck by light uing, all toe plants which received share of tljie electric current are. of course, killed, and it is possible, and even probable, that chemical changes take place in the ground receiving the current that render it barren and un¬ productive 1 or a short time. This con¬ dition has hi eu noticed by every farmer, I suppose, Ifint continued observation would . , also , , h ave shown that the stricken spot gave nq evidence of sterility the following y iar. By that time, what¬ ever harm h id been done to the land by the lightning, will have been remedied by the force; i of nature, which are con¬ stantly at w irk, and the ground will be restored to it3 original fertility.—State Agricultural Department. ■ Ringing Pig*. £^£sss,«s. m zssi , 5 pigs. What should be the size of the ring, § and of J what material should it be ma e? Ho loufJ can the rillg remain lu Answer^R tdro nose without injury? ing. arc put in the noses of PW or hois to prevent their rooting. The ring shoijild be placed in the tough cartilage hole!must at liie top of the nose, through which a [ ba punched to re - ceive it. Th£ ring shothd . ba . from , , 1 to ljj inches iin diameter, and siiouid be made of either steel or copper. It can remain in the nose of the hog dur ing its life without injury. Should you turn the auiniiil 011 a liald of potatoes or gronndpeas, Where yon want him to liogs “»'"'«!”»■* kept - clover tlirougn ”»”• are on grass or the summer > they should always be ringed, as otherwise they do much damage by roijjtingt for worms or grass roots.—State Agricultural Department. lluffitlo Bar. Q0KSTION. —-I enclose a plant foridou tifioatiou. It fcame up in my garden, where I planted a paper of lettuce seed. It ifl BOiuethiug like the horse nettle, aa plains north £ o« Mexico, whence it has traveled slo \y. towards t he east, nnt ll now it is .inTTry state in the Union, thougili still quite rare in Geor gia. This plabt differs from the horse nettle in havin|g yellow flowers, instead of white, and; bears thorny burs, in stead of smooth, yellow berries like the nettle. It is an annual and propagated ... It is absolutely good for nothing and you should destroy every plant you see. before the seedjs mature and are carried to other places by sticking to any ani mal that may brash against them.—State Agricultural Ljiepartment. J 'VIr© Fencing^. eranle Qcikstiom. wire famee -jl want this to fall, put and up consid- I want your advicb pim\ a-(to posts. magnolia, I have a choice between poplar, sweat gum and on* dwhicli is best for the pur pose?' the Wha|t poRts'jj s the best treatment them to give , order to preserve from decay? Will small trees cut in proper lengtli or( g jast as long as large trees sawed S pK t for the purpose? Answer. — Amivg the woods yon mention, good heart pine is a long ways the best! If you could possibly get cedar post;; they would be the best, but. aside from cedar there is in South Georgia no be ;ter whod for posts than the heart of f, sound yellow pine. A good and ecoii omical treatment to make the posts mori, durable is to apply to them a hear- . coat of tar, covering ev ery portion oi the post that goes in the ground, and f jr 8 or 8 inches above the ground. Bf|v,sr still, if you could boil in tar for tbM space of half an hour the ground end «; your posts they would be rendered pra gtically proof against rot. The large tr , es split or sawed would last longer t a an the trees only large enough for pr sts. You will readily see the reason oi this, from the fact that the small tr je wonld be entirely sap wood, which rots very quickly when exposed to th 3 weather, while the posts from the lai go tree, being all heart, would be much more durable. Never use for posts anything but heart wood. —State Agric u’.taral Department. Don’t g t f*,, > '-jo abort th • 1 w p : of cotdc. Evi »:y c:k ud i< f 11 we 1 .-u CA55TORIA For Xn: 'ants and. Children. f:> / r * mi I ■ ■ ■ • ........__ ; ^VegetablePreparationfprAs- the Food sndReg ula sibilating the Stomachs andBowels of ting Wi mm Promotes and Digestion,Cheerful¬ neitiier ness Rest.C-ontains Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. KotNascotic, Recipe of Old RrSAJ^VFLPITCSEIt Pumpkin Sc£el~ A'lx. Senna * Rochelle Sails — Anise Seed *■ P'ppcrrnint Ri Curb - Soda/ oriole * f item Seed - Clarified Viuituvrccn Sugar . flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa¬ tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, .Feverish¬ Worms .Convulsions ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. 5i5 EX.tCT COPY OF V/SAPFER. tv /SHANDY ,1 CAIISAW! M ^ Vag. t'’ 0 VA /;{ V A /_ l. SM ~~ fA 18 1 V \ V- X xJCf- V,?' H -> 7 %JCURECOHSTIWHIOH, —* ALL 25 *>0 DRUGGISTS ICOni niPTTT ATTIIPSKFI’I'tfTl .......... to care .uiycaseof constipation. r Css«irbt3 1 sre „ ., ,, ftnaUllU lfllli bUWUllU 6iuiu»»-a,v^» vrin nr «rln«.l>nt r..:;saiMMfat-.lvrfvwivltfcr Tork * IVlere W il University, MACON, GEORGIA lauawcr ARsasun Ym 80th Session Begins Sept. 22nd, 1897. ORGANIZATION*. Ten separate schools: Latin Language and Uteri! urc; Greek Language find Literature; English Language and Literature; Modern Languages; itheiuatfcs and Astronomy: Natural Ilis.ory, Physics and C l^mistrj , '“ton T,f,f7. ’‘ll‘” s "' 'J. T : gcg^[^--VaUo'n Fee f40.00. $150. Bbardin HelpingIlahs.-Sd.OO a month. v studemsget through the year on „ Speer,of T Lnited . . , „ t J A\M FACULTY—Strong School of Law—Judge Emory , hta.e» Court, OUnii'iuan. ’For further particulars or catalogues, address. P. D. POLLOCK, President, Macon, Ga. —— : ARE S-SEADQUAR £->.-•3=3 jryxTiB <3 Vi t it ;i '• iLvv* , > '• iLSIrtul > • i —FOR— ENGINES, 41 m. BOILERS, mm 1 SAW MILLS, k.- GRISTMILLS, -rtlllSBSP ; COTTONGIN3’ 31 and PBS8S3S. mm Gompiste Ginning Oatfits. ► V-'C-f r TH lnUiUflO fl G h s'^am Presses, and’Elevators- *Kfe' i scatinoi Pulleys, Shafting & -ihi m SI Saws, Calling:, Valves, a I -7 Supplies Generally. 3m MALLARY BROS. & CO •9 3 ,j -;;,, ;t o. 0 .. paper, MACO.N, GEORGIA. IFPmt / The Wonderful il ipUi Ill tl 5 Blood Purifier..^ ii. Cured absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old c Q res, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by impure Biood .... fO STAY CURED......... African# a Has Never Failed r n asi-ur’e instance out cf the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer it m the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake the most desperate case on which other so-called infallible cures have failed. ‘Africana is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly harmless and vet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever dis¬ covered for the above named diseases. Write for further particulars, testimonials, etc. 63,f S. BROAD f=T. £~\1 L li L -W La -1 '-Ls/L? ,, Atlanta, Ga. FAC-SlMILE SIGNATURE --Or 0 PP&U IS ON THE OF EVERY BOTTXVE OF "3SBIH ■ JillM : Castor:a is put np in onc-sizo bottles only, It !3 not sold in bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell yon “just anything else on the “will pica or promise that it is a3 good” and answer every pur¬ pose." -C^Sce that you get C-A-S-T-O-ii-I-A, Tts ho- —A _____ , ____ is ca every wra-iisM.