Newspaper Page Text
nr .
?* - Sf v.
1 ,1 11 • v"
$100 Per Tear.
We take pleasure in statin g
to the trade, and especially to the
Laddies, that we have in stock a
splendid line of
Dry Goods,
Consisting of Ladies’ Dress Goods
Shoes, etc. Also the best an
cheapest stock of Crockery and
Glassware, the latest style vaces &
Parlor Lamps.
The latest style Dress Trimming.
You are especially invited to ii .
spect these goods and prices be¬
fore making purchases. If yc.t
should not do this, and pay
20 per cent.
Above my prices, you will regret
it. All I ask is to come and look;
the quality and price will do the
rest. Yours to serve,
1. F. Griffith,
Crawford ville, Ga.
The Bw-S In the world for Onto,
Bruises, &or*a, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fev¬
er, Tetter, Chuppc.1 Hands, Chilblains*
Ccnw, .and eJl'Skia Erupt ons, and posi¬
tive l ,y cures Pile®, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction ot
money refunded. Price 25 cent® per’box.
For sale by Dr. K. J. Reid.
Oiir Thanks Continued,
The following kind patrons liaye p: id
their subscription since our last mention.
J. W. Lawson, 25c. to Sept. 17, ’97.
N. 31. Humphrey, 85c to Sept. 25 ’97.
J. 31. Norris, SI to jan 1 , ’98.
W. P. Oglaiisee 50c to Dec 1 ’97.
J. S. Cimpmajjri, 25c to Feb 1 , ’98.
Files! PiSo*; Itching Piles.
Symptoms—Moisture; intense' Robing
lad : t .n uiy; moat at night; worse by
scatemn--. If allowed to continue tumors
lorn, v:;» often bleed and ulcerate, l.-e
comi:..,: r y sore, fivnyne's Ointment
stop* t' a if. king and bleeding, heals ui
Oondior.. i.nd in mo;-.: case-, ic:n ^yes the
ftWH'K. At ..'r.mtrkt, or b/ nt-Hl, -for 50
tvrus Dr. ti •..■ v. ui- J- Non, Philadelphia.
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens will mo ve
her millinery store to Dr. White’s
office on Broad St. this week.
Croup Quickly Cured.
Mountain Glen, Ark.—Our
children were suffering with
croup when we received a bottle
of Chamberlain’s Cough Reir e
dy. It afforded almost instant
relief.—F. A. Thornton. This
celbrated remedy is for sale by
Dr. R. J. Reid.
—Sorry to hoar that Mr. and
Mrs. O. M. Saggus have lost
their other twin boy. It was
buried Thursday at Sandy Cross.
The ladder was created for one pur¬
pose, namely, a receptacle for the mine,
and as such it is not liable to any form of
disease except by of two ways. r ; lie
first way is from imperfect acton of the
kidneys. The second way is from careless
local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy
nevs is the civ i cause of bladder troubles.
So tho womb, vke the bladder, was create
ej for one nm Cubic ..-v-, nnd if not doctored too
much is not to weakness or disc
t* of* v c*cDt in ra^o Vlo-e c r i a Q- • It is sittiatcu bu.CK
and very to the l ladder, there me
any pain, disease or m onvenience muni
tested in the ki CY: back, bladaer or
urinary ] 5 a s l>y rhKtake, at
tri •t (*n;-;ru-?r or v.v.n ^
FI T Jiie error : >
moue h : a Voided.
out cor aside or
twenty 7 FCtt ; 71
Kil mr . k y.
d bla< K :*i. [
you not • ve i Ty
your iiamton, a
X. Y. Th
Jb. A i-1 J I
What the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
Mr. Dub. Stewart is happy—a fine baby
Several of out boys have gone to col¬
The northeaster was a pretty he^vy one
last week.
Mrs. A. M. Bagby Visited 3Irs. J. T.
Taylor last week.
Trains on the Ga. R. R. are constantly
behind these days
Sir. Charley Smith and family have
moved to Washington.
Miss M. T. Bagby visited her sister 3Irs.
R. W. Taylor last week.
3Ir. Robinson, the cotton buyer, is
again with us this season.
Our town marshal is fixing up the. side
walks on Main street nicely.
Messrs. Lot Oslin and Parks Elliott have
opened up their store at Barnett.
Mr. Herschel Stewart ha! moved his
family from Barnett to Pearidge.
Our ginneries have had to run some at
night to keep up with the cotton.
The September cotton crop was cut oil
40 per cent so the farmers say by the last
Mr. and 3Irs. J. E. Bagby visited rela¬
tives at Elim, Warren county, on the 3rd
Mr. Murry Taylor has again accepted
a position on theGa. R. R, We wish him
good luck.
Soldier Crenshaw was somewhat badly
hurt in the fuss last week at Atchison’s
gin house.
Mr. L. S. .Jackson has* fenced in hi s
store lot on a line. Jackson is always up
to business.
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
The darkies from all around attended
the big baptising •on the- 3rd Sunday'- at
Crawford ville.
Preaching at Barnett Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday by the pastor,
Rev. L. P. Winter.
fJUBfAM TEA cures Dvspep-
1 sia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Sharon fish market must be pretty good
from the quantity that is shipped and sold
here every Saturday.
Mr. Gibson, the phrenologist and blind
man lectured here last Friday night. He
is a very good talker.
31r. Arch Harper has been hauling some
nice cord wood to 3Ir. J. W. Fallon’s
strain mill and ginnery.
m ia CUBAN OIL cures
v Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents
William Thomas, a good old colored
man, died at 3Ir. G. XV. Brown’s mill last
week after a long illness.
XVe need some conpetition in our green
meat market, XVe don’t liae to see extoi
tion in no lines on business.
•rfen x- ^ CUBAN RELIEF euros
CS 4? Colic, NeuralgiauutlToothache
ia ( j v - e m ; UU U!s. Sour Stomach
uud Summer Complaints. 1'rice, 25 Cents.
Mrs. Bailie Jackson was visiting her sis¬
ter Mrs. A. T. Gilbert last week. Her
health is very muc h improved.
Senator XV. T Flynt was down in our
village last wf“ek. Jfr. Flynt has many
warm friends in this community.
Tho fac¬ is fjL
simile 4- /? evoi 7
Ugast-urs ^ vnappe*.
The new improvement at the Convem
will soon he completed which will be
quite an addition to that institution.
SURE you got what yon want
when you ask for Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla. Unequalled in Merit. Sales, Cures,
Hisre S HO substitute foi
Mr JoMh withers and children, of
William’s Creek neighborhood, visited
relatives in Red Lick district last Sunday.
Without A Rival.
As a positive cure for sprains,bruises,
and pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil
has no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 518
Gratiot Are., Detroit, Mich., writes :
“I used Salvation Oil in my family
and can r 5 ay it has no rival as a lini
ment; it certainly cures pains. I
sprained my ankle and it cured me
and since then L have always used it
for any pains and bruises.” Salvation
Oil is sold for only 25 cents. No other
remedy will do Use work as promptly.
The Grand Jury done food in
its presentsments with tl •oad—it
made thorn put their cross.s 1 better
Mr. W. It. Reid, one jOrawfbrdvUle’a
big whiskey, beer and : .stealers, was iu
our town last week. Hioes a/fine fbus
When it comes to pay 1 cents a
pound for pork and cottc 5 8-4 cents
it don’t look like equalize ,igs in our
Our business men s advertise
their business in the conn tper, ft is
their duty to do so and.t by increase
their business.
31 r. L. T. 3Ioore say fi r time Love
Atershon buys a suit < J< thes
Fouclie follows suit; at,., expect Lewis
is not far behind.
Mrs. Will Cary was I ;d "near Fair
Play last Friday, her home. We
sympathize with 3Ir. Cap id children in
their sad bereavement.
Col. C. B. 3Iitchell, ag for Lucas,
Hammack & Co., was inlr sectiou last
week selling drugs. Old parley is a good
one and knows everybody
Master Bobble Maor i left our town
last week for his home l Culverton to
assist his father in the debt at that place.
Bob is a bright youngste*
Mr, Porter Flynt, of 'hth West Geor¬
gia, has been visiting rel Wes in this sec¬
tion recently. Mr. F.W^vas raised in
this county, a souof tlipijte J. B. Flynt.
There was a nice onto ufiu men t given at
31iss Kate Ilarty’s reskyu*e on the even¬
ing of the 17th Instant A good many
present and all enjoyed he occasion very
31 r. Jesse Chapman, o William’s Creek,
says he will get very itetr ten bales of cot¬
ton to the plow this ye:(V Mr. Chapman
is a good farmer and a lucky man. lie
has good land to work.
Uncle Scab Acroe has Den on a visit to
Warren county recently, He has resigned
,, the coroner’s , dflice j,,. v;y n office , he has ,
he,Id for «ome ten or . ■ -.T'asvu "
made a fuithfuhoffice •
Dr. M. M Thomas, II the dentist of War
county, with his , HOn ^ , c
ren ’
were in Sharon last Y ce ‘ i- ' 1 ie Doctor
is showing his age verb touch and he is
gel ting along In yearV ^ 00 .
The Methodist of lnJn will erect them
a new house of worg| P m the near future.
They have about Si,300 subscribed. They
will use the old church a school house,
which it was first built for.
Tho fao- is on
sinilo every
signature '/ wrapper.
Our opiniou is in a few more years that
the lost cause will be entiiely forgotten
by most of the people ai| d the old soidiers
will be thought about as much of as the
Tho fae- li on
similo ovsry
6 1
balanee of the free neg rot ‘s.
31r. George T. Moore s a >>' 8 while be wa
walking with a certai 11 young lady >Sun
day, Sidney Fouche took care ol little
Henry. XV r e expect fl|id is a good nurse
for matrimony. We wish him success.
XVe understand Mr- John O’Keer.e will
make some more improvements on his
store buildings, so »s to straighten the
iine of buildings on tim side walk which
will improvfe the appearance considerably.
An Ideal I’anaeea.
James L. Francis. Alderman, Chicago
savs: “I regard Dr. Htug’s New Dis
covery as ati Ideal panacea for Coughs
Colds and Lung Coirfplaints, having used
it in tnv family for phvMcian’s tj le l asf prescriptions five years to,
the exclusion of
or other preparations•' Keokuk, .ova.
Rev. John Burg ■
o^m^e \lelSxV a^ V. : ;'^’’ hav^Si H Chwdr"for found V.yeare
never any
•hing so beneficial, that gave me sueh
lT -.peedv ’'iL;lc rGief i ¥A\o?K as * Dr. J King’s A R New S7,rr'°' Discov v
trial 1 iw ..c > rt,. au* j ..
Wanted l Agent >•
“Tlie Confederate Sol di.r In the Civil War,”
it if,hral, 111 ] 2 -iq
fu;\ er i It nr
orf C E
' c er
ra I t
lie 1 ?
j V' man or a
i rc ) 1
A R1ER-D \ T
Cotton ginned by J. W. Fallon up to
last Saturday 285, bales; ginned by Tay¬
lor <Sfc Battle, 125 bales, and we would not
be surprised if the whole crop is out
and cinded oy the middle of October. The
crop is short.
Mr. Charles Roth visited Madison last
Sunday. Mr. ltotli is one of the best
track raisers on the Ga. R. R. and a nice
chrisfcaln gentleman. lie lias his track
now clean of trash and his timbers all in
for the present season.
Messrs. J- W. Fallen and Lawrence Bat¬
tle arc the cotton seed buyers of this sec
tion. \Vo don’t know, but we think it
would pay our farmers better to use their
seed on their farms. You haidly ever see
a successful farmer selling his seed.
A YaUial'te Proscription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
Sun,” writes: “You have a valuable,
prescription in Electric 1Mtiers, and 1
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti¬
pation and .Sick Headache, and as a gen¬
eral system tonic it has no equal.” Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2625 Cottage Grove Ave„
Chicago, was all run down, could not cat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Bitters restor¬
ed her health and renewed her strength.
Prices 50 cents and 1 . 00 . Get a Battle
at Dr. R. J. Reid’s.
Col. Clem. G. 31oore, our boss, was
down to see us last, week, 'Phis is tho first
time he lists visited our little town in some
time. Mr, IV. R. Gunn,his father-in-law,
was along with him. Mr. Gunn is one
of Crawfordville’s most reliable and sub¬
stantial citizens.
Yellow Jack Preventative.
Guard against X'ellow Jack by keeping
the system thoroughly dean and free from
germ brooding mutter. Cascnrets Candy
Cathartic will cleanse the system and kill
all contagious disease germs.
Protracted services will commence at th
Presbyterian church on Sunday. The
pastor, Rev. F. T. Simpson will be assist¬
ed by 3lr. Burgess, of Madison. Ho nine
expects Mr. Shives. of the 2 nd church of
Augusta. The public is very respectfully
inyited to attend.
Yellow Fever Gorins
breed in the bowels. Kill them arid you
are safe from the awfal disease. Casca
reta ( i (!flt roy tho germs impossible throughout the
for new
W w
e *afe-g"ard for young and old against
Yellew Jack. 10c, Sue, 50o, all druggists.
People (} that never heard a minnie ball
nor ie bimsting of a humshell shell
should have very little to say about the
old soldier s pension. Our Degislatmc
un j es3 the legislature repeals tho law.
Yellow Jack killed,
Cascnrets, Candy Cathartic kills Yellow
Jack wherever they find him. No one
who takes Cascnrets regularly and sys¬
tematically is iu danger from the dreadful
disease. Cascnrets kill Yellow fever
germs in the bowels and prevent new ones
from breeding. 10c, 25c, 50c, all drug¬
There was a big fracus at Mr. Tom
Atchison’s ginnery two or three miles be¬
low Barnett on the 16th instant, in which
Mr. William Wright was struck with a
piece of timber by a negro named John
Johnson. There were four or five whites
and blacks into it. Wright was not very
badly hurt. The negro, Johnson, was
jailed as he could not give bond. The
whole fuss w#s about the weight of a bale
of cotten
Save The Children.
When children are attacked with
cough, cold and croup, Dr. Bull’s
Cough Syrup will prove a quick and
sure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker,
Blandon, Pa., writes: “We have
used Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for cough,
cold and croup, and found it the best
cough medicine and cure for these
affections. XVe never run out of it,
but always keep it on hand.” Dr.
Bull’s Cough Syrup is sold everywhere
for 25 cents. Insist on having it.
Lftlh’d ,, 0 1
In loving remembrance of Mrs. Rebecca
Cary who died September the 22 , 1897.
She was but 28 years old Justin the bloom
°f life but death rarely com« Fee to one
whose life was marreil with if faults
»«“' ™ *">"• Sbe f»«*
church at 12 years of age, and through
all the years from childhood to the grave
she trusted God unswervingly, gentle ai d
pure, looking all ways to the good of
others rather than herself. At the age of
21 she wh, happily married an i for seven
v< r, there was never the shadow of even
a * ight estrangement to full upon
wedded life. Four 1 hildren survive
*nd 8 on them will for a!i the years to corn
u . jpress of her pat Rt
< ■> Lcl m he no
prominence in or. auizod church work but
aolier spore
istiauity could ask
cor crat nut ,nitv. 2 V istcr,
r. wifi* and mother her life was
In Advance.
NO. 32.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
one unbroken sacred, unremiting faith
fulness to duty. Her last illness was not
long, but tender ties bo„nd her to earth;
but with perfect trust in God and com¬
plete submission to his will she sutlercd
without a mariner, and died without a
fear. Death may end such a life hut its
influences will linger iu the hearts of thbso
who loved her and live and grow and bear
abundant fruit long after her precious form
has mingled with the dust.
She has passed away like a gentle breath.
And her eyes are closed with the sleep of
death and fall
The leaves on the trees will flutter
And the drifting snows will cover afi
But. she will peacefully, calmly rest
Forever happy by angels blest.
Just in the spring of womanhood
Tender and loving and wise and good,
A hi too good for the sinful earth—
Only the angels knew her worth;
So they called her unto them
Decking her brow with a diadem.
Betterto smile when such a life,
Gives up the battlu of earthly strife;
Better to know that her t»ysk is done -
Trials ended and glory soul won. bright—
dears are vain when a so
Wings its way to t he gates of light.
She has passed aw ty, but h w sweet good
L ke a fragrant odor lingers still,
The tender lesson that memory brings
The mantle of patience o’er \r.j flings;
Wo learn to follow the path she trod
To become like her who has gone to God.
Citra, Fla., Aug. 5, ’96.
So far as I have tried Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic it has giv¬
en entire satisfaction. One of
my friends used it for sore
throat and pronounced it excel¬
lent for that purpose. J. B.
Bird Law
Will soon bo out and a good
dog will be in demand. I have
one for sale, under good control
for a puppy. Full Blood Hound
but will point anything from a
grasshopper up. For his pedi¬
gree ask his mother and for
price call on R. B. Strozer,
Jeweler, Crawford ville, Ga.
—Mr. W. C. Rhodes has sold
his stock of goods to the Alliance
Keep Up Your
Scott’s Emulsion
in Summer-time
^c^What are your resources
for the summer? Have you
an abundance of health stowed
tll2 « long, , , not, , u.Cpl£t~ j , ,
3W3y IOr
fog J ays or does Summer find
you low in vitality, run down,
losing flesh, and Weak? ScOtt ? S
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil wilt
give you the proper reserve
force, because it builds Up the
system on a solid foundation.
A tonic may stimulate; Scott’s
£ f i not .Only "llOOSfs "
mu s on
it sustains.
It is a wi 3 « precaution always to have at
least a small bottk of Scott's iimulsion in
the hou'e. Unopened, it will keep irdefic
«tety. Tightly corked, after using, kept in
1 cool pla;v, it will remain sweet for weeks.
For sale ty all druggists at
...Dli Cents and