Newspaper Page Text
if™ H» jjHfe; 1 * 4 Afej iii
The . ■'»•*•< ’ #* •i# e > ■• * Jr - ■ IHa-i ^ ? r • •' P li Jv .' !■£'*• fr >■ Advo ■ .-,«#"■*• m «*£ ._ . e-Democrat I v
3100 Per Tear.
Special bargains
This week in
Dry Goods,
Consisting of Ladies’ Dress'Goods
Shoes, etc. Also the best and
cheapest stock of Crockery and
Glassware, the latest style vaces &
Parlor Lamps.
The latest style Dress Trimming.
You are especially invited to in¬
spect these goods and prices be¬
fore making purchases. If you
should not do this, and pay
20 per cent.
Above ray prices, you will regret
it. All I ask is to come and look;
the quality and price will do the
rest. Yours to serve.
Harness Oil,
The best in the market at lowest
M. F. Griffith,
Crawfordville, Ga.
JTTl msmm M®' i*. iiersi l
I < m a
* H Female
I li jL-jj Regulator S |
I girls. \
\l> For all diseases peculiar to women and
0/ Ob It Tones up the Nerves, Improves gives the Life, Ap- \ v
petite. Enriches the Blood, and
Vp Health and Strength. It is the '. |
* iff FDEC I A bottle of ** Monthly ” Regulating $
W FREIl « Pills with each bottle. receipt For of price sale by by w w
all dealers or sent direct upon
$ 1 Hew Spertcer Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
cases requiring special treatment, address,
giving symptoms, Ladies’ riedical De -
partment. Advice and book ( ^
Diseases, with testimonials, free.
For Sale and Recommended by
* Paul G. Lucas, Crawfordy! 1 '* Ga.
mm lla men
Are fully restored
C1FIO TABI.KTS. 1 box,
$1.00; 8 boxes $2.80, by
mall. Address, a V.
Hapra’s Specific Co., \\ j
Full particulars sent by F
mall ou appllca'.tou.
$2.50 Reward
The Haggard. Specific Co,
Will give three boxes of their Specific
Tablets, worth 82,5.0. to any one who may
have used as muoli as. one box of their
tablets without dfitctded benefit. We have
never beard of a, single case where the
tablet#, have failed, to. give satisfactory re¬
sults, and if there is a person to lie found
whp. has used them, without benefit we
want to know who he is and where to find
him, They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections, of the
o-enitnl organs and overcome all debility
and weakness in both, men and women.
They improve the-appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome- oonstipa
tjoh. They have vital effect on all of the
seSfetory organs and establish a. healthy
condition of the mu coats and gland secre¬
tions in every part of the body; overcome
all’torpid conditions’of the capillaries and
secure perfect Circulation of the blood, so
Uwvt every organ is supplied and Being every
fimet-fen is normal and healthy.
the only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological is con
aitioff* of the human system, it no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if tho
ides-and,all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets aud be convinced that they are
superior to all known, remedies,. Tlteir
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise ta physicians, who have used
;hem. Gages that hfti’e baffled tho skill
of' best physicians an Ann remedies seemed
to’beneat, liave been, promptly controlled Talilets.
and permanently cured by the
Case 3 where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as the-only means promptly of,oven
temporary relief have been con¬
trolled by tlie Tablets and the trouble
co'mpletaty overcome Box 81.00, by their Three use. Boxes
Brice One cr
$2.50. If not on sale in your k>cality, or¬
der direot from Haggard Specific Co., At¬
lanta, Ga.
&Loat5 Book-Kseping, Business,
Situatioa. Type-Writing
I Tsisgraphy
LEJGNGTON, and KY,, responsible
For circular of blj famous
Awarded flrdal at World’s Expedition.
SSiXffiSfSSS about
tioB,B.*jk8 aci Bard la Umiir, Telegraphy,Specialties. .
ffZSZXtZ' foVX.
GA.. t t IDAY. NOVEMBER 5,1897.
WM .he People o. .ha. Thmh>g
Town Are Doing.
r.t C. I.. BAGBT.
Look out for the kitchen cabinet.
Everybody is pleased with the kitchen
SidFouch, of Fair play, visited Wash¬
ington recently.
Some of our people attended the county
fair at Warrenton.
Mrs. Tommy Taylor has been seriously
sick for some time past.
Mss Annie Taylor and her brother,
Horace, was to see us last week.
Herscliel and Obe Stewart are on a bus¬
iness trip to South West Georgia.
Our cotton buyer was down in Warren
county last week. Mr. Roberts knows
his business.
Our town officers should keep tlicm
selves well dressed. An officer half
dressed don’t look well and don’t speak
well fof his town.
A heap of our poor farmers, white and
black, will not be able to pay out this
year; it is too bad.
Uncle Jesse Darden was on a visit to
his nephew, Mr. E. E. Darden aud other
relatives last week.
Mrs. Charley Cosby, of Washington,
was visiting her sister and family last
week, at Jacksonville.
Mrs. Sailie Jackson is still no better and
it is said that she may never get well again;
we hope for the better.
The kitchen cabinet is the most conven¬
ient of all things, as it saves labor and
waste. Nothing equals it.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott has returned
from an extended visit to her sister, Mrs.
Norris, of Warren county.
Mrs. Nancy Moore, of Pea Ridge, was
in our town last week trading and visiting
her son aud other relatives.
Our restaurants seem to l>e kept up
pretty well. They have a good trade on
Saturday and nublic days.
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
AV sores to Stay Cured.
Mrs. Mamie Stewart has been spending
the past week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R, Gregory, near Barnett.
Educate Your IJowels tTith Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure «©i*stipation forever.
10c., 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Mr. James McKenny of South Carolina,,
was on a visit to his brother last week,.
Mr! J; W. Jf-xKenny, near Barnett.
To Cure Const ipotloo Forever#
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 35c.
Tf C. C. O. fail to cure, druggists refund monev.
Mr.. Thomas Moore, the gin workman,
Is doing some repairs for Mr. J. W. Fallen.
He has been in Wilkes for the past three
No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed .obaceo habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c', $1. All druggists.
Mr. Henry Norris and family have
moyed to Emanuel county where they
will make theit future home. We wish
them good luck.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. C. fall lo cure, druggists refund money
We were down at the eonvent last
week. They are getting everything in
apple pie order there. This is a good in
stjsution of learning.
Educate Your llowela TTitfi CaBcarots.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
t0c.25c. If C. C. C. fail, druegists r"tmi iwoney.
We see where a woman in New York
had four children at one birth, two
boys and two girls. They weighed six
and a half pounds each.
B ■ iuHl&I 3 v ^cdc. t ; Meuralgiaaud minutes. Sour Toothache Stomach
iu ve
aud Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents.
The Masonic Halt building has not lleen
started yet. The contractor bifeked out
so we understand and we leSrn that Mr.
W. • J. Norton will get the job.
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25. cents.
Mrs. It. W. Taylor, of near Barnet',,
gave her lady friends m Wednesday of
last week a quilting. We expect there
was a heap of talking done that day.
Vi; fss- ^ la ea
liadl* M- every
U '4
T're exercise^ on children’s day at Wil¬
liams Creek on the 22nd was very interest¬
ing,. They had dinner on the ground and
you may knew they had a big time.
Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indi
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
The raw hide market his opaned up
agein m our h wn. C'hnley Zackory is
the propTie’or. Th re lias been a heap of
bides thrown awaj r in this section for
several years for want of a buyer at a
reasonable price; bring your hides to
_ __
” nt \ ,n 3 ” c °
the 3a>va _ the world ,, Cats, _ .
in .or
BruDas, B Sores, L'lee-s, Salt Rheum, F«v
tC .T,B„ C-ppri lot, CLiiUaic*
uv* y cures i i»es. or no pay roquiree*. it
is to 'give w tUf«otioa or
monev irfunda}.” Price 25 cents per box
r,r - - ’r SjT D„ B J. TVd. - •
Causes fully half the sickness in
Z'V2£? S,« SiW bowel*
Hoo f
gestion, bad taste, coated - Jh*
tongue, sick headache, in- BLg^ a | § |$>
sornnia, etc. Hood's rills g
resulLs.'easUy^atuUhoroughly. 25c. All druggists,
Preparad by C. X. Hood & Co.. Lowell,
The oulv Pills to take with Hood’s ——-AWf# Shrsapas^lla.
A negro woman was trying car^^J|^piV 'td poisou
from here last week for
Mr. J. R. Kendrick’s family. She was Mr.
Kendrick’s cook and it is said that she is a
bad character.
If there was more work going on in
country and the men that are walking
about doing nothing were put to work and
heap of the women too, times would be
better in this country.
Dr. L. R. Brown was out in district
(602nd) on professional business last week.
There seems to be a good deal of sickness
in the country of different kinds. If
could have a good big frost it would checi
the sickness we think.
Mrs. A. D. Kendrick has been quite sick
recently but is better at this writing and
We hope she may soon recover lief usual
health. Mrs. Kendrick is one of Sharon’s
best christain ladies.
Don’t Tobacco Spit aud StUoko Tour I.ifo Anar
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take N®-To
Bac. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or SI. Cure guaran¬
teed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
We see some people are slow gathering
their crops after they haye. worked and
made it. We can’t see the poirtt in that.
We see some frolicking around doing
nothing and got cotton and corn in the
field and still* they are quarreling at the
low prices.
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬
ant and refreshing to the taste, and act bowels, gently
and positively on kidneys, liver
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
euro headache, fever, habitual constipation box
and biliousness. Please buy aud try a
of 0. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents, bold and
guaranteed to cure by nil druggists.
Unless a man has plenty money or is
able to live without work it is useless for
him to try to run a two or three horse
farm and lie walk about and do nothing.
Three bauds can’t do the work of four
and it is the case in all kind of business.
The boss has got to keep up his part of
the work or beat the hands he hires out
of their labor; which very often is done
and a man that will take the advantage
of the poor ignorant and beat him out of
his labor is nothing more nor less than
Flkwl PBa*1 tiehlug 3*Ua*.
6ymptv*ai*—Mob taro: mienstt Itobtav
ana stint mar; mott *t v*rvo kr
Mweichiiu. U allowed t'* continue tumors
fwm, whecu often bleed and ule*$ato, be¬
soming very tore. Bwaytse's Ointment
stops fel.e itching and bleeding, heaU ul¬
ceration. and in most oases removes the
tqoaeM. At druggist, or by mall, for W
. D> t. Swwyne & Son, PUfladolphia.
Wo heard one of our prominent business
merchants say recently that the negroes
always come nearer paying out than the
men they farm with and he said the rea-,
son was the boss did not work and bought
all he could get on time and consequently
Comes he is behind and
the hands has paid out they had not spent
it all in the store. Why in some sections
two or three men get all that is made
every year. < '
They don’t study anything but to beat
you and parish out the poor fellow. ■
The laddttr was created for one pur
pose,namely, a receptacle for the mine,
and as such it is not liable to any form of
disease except by one of two way*, The
first way is from imperfect act&n of the
kidneys. The second way is from careless
local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid¬
neys is the chief causeof biadder trembles.
So the womb, like the bladder-was creat¬
ed for one purpose, and if not doctored too
much is not liable to weakness or disease*
except in rare cases. It is situated back
of and very close to the hluddor, therefor*
any pain, disease or inconvenience rnani
fested in the kidneys, back, bladcer op
urinary passage is often, by mistake, at¬
tributed to female weakness or
trouble of some sort. The error is To easily find
made correctly," and may be easily avoided. aside
out set your urine for
twenty four hours; a sediment or settling The
ir.di'-atf s kidney or bladder trouble.
mild and tho extraordinary effect of Dr.
KilroeV* Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
^ bladder remedy is soon realized .11
you need a medicine vou should have the
,j on t jj <5 Advocate-Democrat aud
your address to Dr. Kilmer * Co,
hsnr.ton, N. Y 5 The proprietors tf this
!’ a i"tb* genfiinenes. »
oE ’- r
Mr. Bob Jacksdrt- was doing Some paint"
tg In town at Hotel Jacksofi last week,
oh will tackle any kind of Wink, lie is
| general workman and would be missed
Sharon if he should leave its.
We think a good dog law would be
imeficlal to the country and people. We
ke a good dog as well as anybody but
Loir jiluce is'«t home in their kennels,
hey don’t belong to the human race,
|Misa May Obrien has taken her school
t Barnetffc this week. She is a nice young
fdy and heeds the patronage We of hope the peo- nil
|b in that community.
j 10 can w jh gj ve her their support.
! Several of the Masonic Fraternity were
ftlsharon last week looking after the
of new
Workmen were on hand from different
prices to make bids for the building but
VI was not let out.
Some of the negro women that have
b Hi attending their big protracted jueet
fpgs a anch school house near Bar
litt have shouted so much that it has
ivitde them sick ilnd they have had to go
to bed and the doctor has been called to
attend them. fV r e call that too much of a
thing. Religlou is a good tiling in
an(] we don . t be l ie ve it ever was
. ^ make a person c i(;k .
/Hie Marshal cleaned up the" rubbish
(Round our stores and business houses last
yeek. They had not been cleaned around
iaTour weeks and were yery dirty. Our
to y n Council should give more to, have
this work done and they would find no
trouble in getting some one to do it.
Nothing speaks better for a town than
the officials having it kept clean.
ylls* Della Moore and Miss Annie Brooke,
of Raytown passed through our village
last week curoute to Cravvfordville.
Th« Discovery Saved His Hfc.
Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers
vflk\ Ill., says: “To Dr. Kings New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with
La Grippe and tried nil the physicians for
miles about, but of no avail and was given
up and told I could not live. Having Dr.
King’s New Discovery in my store I sent
fova bottle and began its use and from the
firs# dose began to get better, and after us¬
ing three bottles was up and about again.
Its is worth its weight in gold. We don’t
(fjF atlkp or house without it.” Get a
fre*tin*at'Dr.’ R. J. Reids Drug Store.
i Our Thanks Continued.
■fhe following kind patrons have paid
tl.ojr subscription since our last mention.
.1. Asbury, SI to Aug- 25, ’98.
S. A. Chapman, SI to Aug 1, '98.
A ,
' Alex Stephens Camp.
Dr. Arthur G. Beazley,
Sergeon and Historian,
Alex Stephens Camp U. C. V.
My Pear Comrade:—Your favor of 18
inst- with application, roster, constitution
and. $2.00 memb. fee of Alex Stephens
G’aiiip of Crawfordville received with
thanks, and the Camp is accepted, regis¬
tered and numbered 1050 in the U. C. Vs.
Th<) General Comdg. with uncovered head
saldite, the name and memory of tho “Im
nioifhd” after whom you have named your
carrip; and with pride and pleasure salutes
and! welcomes tho grand old veterans of
Ale )a Stephens Camp No. 1050 into the
fellowship of the U. C. Vs. With kind¬
est regards. Fraternally,
Adj. Genl. Chf. Staff.
Cure For Headache.
a remedy for all forms of Head
ach e Electric Bitters has proven to b« the
verjy best. It effects habitual a permanent sick headaches curt anil
the most dreaded
ate d to its influence. We uige ail who
tre afflicted to procure a bottl*-, and give
his remedy a fair trial. In rasas of Jiabit
ual coristipation Electric Bitters cures by
giv ing the needed tone to the bowels, and
feu r cases long resist the- use of this medi
einf-*. Try it (Mice. .50 cents and &T.OO a)
Dri It-J- Rekls Drug Store.
Advertised Letters-
1 Tie following letters remain in thr post¬
ice at Crawfordville, first of this month
uncalled o :
I )aniel Bradahaw, (dead letter,) Mr.
©a: Jiarihe J. Cbley, Rev. W. C. Ooss, Mr.
Ri(:hmond Hurst, (card) Mr. Whitman
Jones, Mr. Tom Larns, Mr. Lewis Mitch¬
ell, (card) Mr. J. R. Reed, Rev. N. R.
Ra idolph, Mr. Jhrsh L. Wane.
Without A Rival.
As a positive cure for sprains,bruises,
a id pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil
hi is no equal. Mrs. Frank Jnif, 518
G ratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., writes :
used Salvation Oil in my family
and can say it has no rival as a lini
_ ea t • ‘it certainly cures cied' mina I
„rtned »! my ankle M <I it me
id since Ihml have always wd it
* _ . BT , n * *» Kaltration
O d IS sold for only , 25 cents, toother
remedy will do the work as promptly.
Correspondents' Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happenings in Their Respective Lo¬
calities. All the News.'
Winter is upon us.
Cotton i.*. cheap and we fear it Will go
still cheaper.
Mr. W. T. Nelson opened his school at
at Moore’s mill Tuesday.
A crowd of boys from Powelton and
Bermuda 35 birds Monday,
Mr. Joe Hill Brake left Tuesday for At¬
lanta to consult a specialist about his con¬
dition. He thinks he has comsumptlon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McKinney, of near
Barnett, visited the family of Mr. S. J.
Jones last Sunday.
We are glad to report Mrs. S. N. Chap¬
man, of Powelton, able to be up again
after a long spell.
Mr. W. P. Jones and sister, Ella, spent
Sunday with the family of Mr. W r . J.
Lewis, in Hancock.
Miss Leila Moore, of Powelton, spent
Saturday night and Sunday with Miss
Bird Venzy. '
Mr. Henry Wynne came home Saturday
on the sick list and is not able to be at his
post in school this week. • ,
Sir. J. V. Wynne has been on the sick
list for several days; hope lie will be at
himself again soon.
Mrs. J. T. Cooper and litt'e 1 daughter*
Evelyn, spent the day Tuesday with the
family of Dr. A. S. Cooper at Powelton.
Mrs. S. J. Nelson, of Mildinjon neigh¬
borhood who has been with us for several
days, left Tuesday for Powelton where
she will spend some days with her brother.
Prof. S. N.
A Well Merited Compliment.
When the Camp of Confederate Vet
orans was organized in this place, Hon,
Pryor G. Veazey proposed the name of
Tom Reid, colored, as An honorary mem¬
ber. The motion met with a hearty en
dorsment from the old veterans. Tom
was with, the 15th Ga. from start to finish
and although lie went with his young
master the Company seemed to feel that
Tom was part and parcel of Co D. It has
been said that the drum has never tapped
for a meeting of the old Soldiers that Tom
was not on hand. Always respectful, al¬
ways in Ills proper place, and always tak¬
ing a deep interest in anything taking
place in the meeting.
Wanted Agents.
“Tho Confederate Soldier In the Civil War,”
just published, contains 500 pages 12x16
inches, and over 1,100 large Buttle Scenes,
Portraits. Maps etc. The greatest and
largest War Book ever published, Con¬ and
the only one that does justice to the
federate soldier and the cause lie fought
for. Complete in one volume. Agents
wanted everywhere to sell this book on
our new and easy plan. Many of wor’a the.
lari y and gnetleniun agents who are at
arc making from $100 to $200 per
month. Veterans, Sons and Daughters, of
Veterans, and others interested are , re¬
quested to send for a beautiful (free) iilusl rated
descriptive circular and ter.ns to
agents. Address, COURIER-M)U' INAL.
Job Printing Co., Louisville, Ky.
An African Methodist conference at
Cutlibert prayed for the governor aud
state legislature Saturday.
Hot Springs, Ark., Mcb. 3, ’8H.
I find Dr. Ticheuor’s Antisep¬
tic all it is recommended to be
for cuts, bur/is, bruises and
colic. I would,not be without it,
B. H. Randolph.
. ******
When a man refuses to endorse a note
for a friefid, he lo»estho friend. When
he consents, he loses his money,.
/ ******
Winchester, Mo.,. Sept-1. ’96
Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is
the best remedy I have found for
cholera morbus.
G. E. LewlllyN, M. D.
Ilis choice: “What* in your opinion,
i» the most pleasing decoration for
wheel?” “A. pretty woman.”
Homer. La . June 2, 188/.
Recently my horse was re
lieved of a severe case of colic
by the use of Dr. Tichenor’s An
tisoptic. T. B. WHITE,
Pastor M. E. Cl/Urch.
Keep your eyes open when you buy.
goods of '«ny sort. Ref use all ~ ; Pst’ lc tes
for-3tandard, advertised artfcic
r * * *
Boonsboro, Mo., Aug; 31, 00. .
One of my customers ca that
l)'\ Tichenor’s Antiseptic is .he
best medicine he ever used, and
he will not be without it. a
fact all the samples I distrifcr.t
oA nave gh-en satisfaction.
Tr-tos 'Pinn, M D.
Tit Advance-
NO- 37.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
POWDER Absolutely Pure
The State University boys have decided
to quit playing football. A wise decision.
The Morgan. & Wright single-tube
luick-repair tire must be regarded aa
i distinct improvement in bicycle tire
Jonstruction. It ha3 the following ad
While punctureB in it can be re¬
paired with plugs, or semi-liquid in¬
jections, as well as in any other
tingle-tube tire, it can be permanently
repaired by using the quick-rejjair
strip inside the tire. See cut No. 1.
No. 1.
By injecting’ M, & W. quick-repair
cement through the puncture, and
then pressing down, on the tire with
the thumb, as in cat No. 2, the repair
t__ f -N
No. 2. No. 3.
■trip inside is picked «tp by the cement,
thug closing' the puncture, as in cliD
No. 3.
The Morgan & Wright single-tube
quick-repair tire is guaranteed not
porous. This is on account of the way
in which it i» made. Nearly every
rider haa heard of tires that “leak
like a sieve.”
Many tires rot, because water gets
into th*i fabric between the two layers
of rubber. The Morgan & Wright
fabric is proof against moisture.
Everybody knows how comfortable
Morgan & Wright tires are, and yet
hovr seldom they puncture. This is
du e to the fabric.
Ask any bicycle dealer whether
other tires last as long as Morgan &
Wright tires. Ask, also, what the
Morgan & Wright guarantee means.
Morgan & Wright tires are repaired
free of charge, at the factory in
Chicago or at any of the Morgan A
Wright free repair shops, located in
the principal cities.
N. B.—When yon have a puncture,
get right off. Riding a tire flat, when
it has a tack or nail in it, may
damage it considerably.
Tired and broken down women
will find that DR. KING’S ROYAL
GERMETUER is a priceless boon and
blessing to them. It- gives appetite,
brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids
digestion, tones the nerves, builds up
the strength and puts disease and
pain to flight. For
Including all menstrual and womb
difficulties, ,,, it , has no superior-usei . ,
both locally and internally. It is
emphatically •
Pleasant to take as lemonade, and
s •*
harmless at aU times, New package,
large bottle, 103 Doses, One Dollar.
Sold by druggists Manufactured ■
only by