The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, November 12, 1897, Image 1

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8100 Per Year.
I ‘OjQ I
1 gq
This week in
Dry Goods,
Consisting of Ladies’ Dress Goods
Shoes, etc. Also the best and
cheapest stock of Crockery and
Glassware, the latest style vaces &
Parlor Lamps.
The latest style Dress Trimming.
You are especially invited to in¬
spect these goods and prices be¬
fore making purchases. If you
should not do this, and pay
20 per cent.
Above my prices, you will regret
it. All I ask is to come and look;
the quality and price will do the
rest. Yours to serve.
Harness Oil,
The best in the market at lowest
I. F. Griffith,
Crawfordville, Ga.
JL r
|Ti ,\ si. Are fully restored m S
;1 hj HA OOARO'S sris-
8811'^ Cfq-i-Jf CIFKI $1.00; 3 TAlli-t boxes rs. $2.50, 1 box, by H
' 0 1 y mail. Address,
Snsaific o 1
on Eapni’s Go., j
Full particular, sent by
mall ou appUeailoa.
The Haggard Specific Co,
Will cive three boxes of their Specific
Tablets, worth 82.50 to any one who may
have used as much as one box of their
tablets without decided benefit. We have
never heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re¬
sults, and if there is a person to Ire found
who’liif^ us<kl them without benefit we
want “to k,now who lie is and where to find
hittL” They never fail to cure kidney and
bl at tiler troubles and affections of the
genital organs and overcome all debility
and weakness in botli men and women.
They improve tiie appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome constipa¬
tion. They have vital effect on all of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
condition of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions in every part of the body; capillaries oyercorru*
ail torpid conditions of tiie and
secure perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is supplied healthy. and every Being
function is normal and
the only remedy ever compounded that
fullv meets the logical physiological it is con¬
ditions of the human system, no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc¬
tors and all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets and be convinced that they are
supe-ior to all known' remedies. Their
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
t)iera. Cases that have baffled the skill
of Lest physicians and no remedies seemed
to bene .t.’havo been promptly controlled
and permanently cured by the Tablets.
Cases where injections tf morphine have
been resorted to as the only means promptly of even
temporary relief have been con¬
trolled by the Tablets and tiie trouble
completely overcome by their use.
Brice One Box 81.00, cr Three Boxes
82.50. If not on sale in your Specific locality, or¬
der direct from Haggard Co., At¬
lanta, Ga.
• ( M V I.
$ —Mothers!
T he discom
dangers of T «. ^
1 child-birthcan be almost xfcif
en ~
relieves ex
pectant moth- f
, puts them in
condition to do, their, work
: pelfedtly. less painful, That makes shortens preg¬
nancy and hastenb after i
r labor liefjjs recovery
child-birth. It a woman
hear strong healthy chilcf/ea.
& pfElREE-J 't c
thousands has also,brought happiness to 1
of homes barren for
years. Afew dosesoftenbrings
joy to daiHag loving baby. hearts that long
lor a No woman
sjjould neglect to try it for this 3
I trcfuble. It cures nine c-ses out ^
c'. of’texj. Ali druggists sell Wine
of tatdui. $ixx> per,bottle,
I T H y - 7 *~ ,. h i
V ; rff s2«ied'In cases recuirin? special i
* 1 directions, address, eivinr symptoms, x.
the " Lacies’ Advis-cry Sfedictne Departmev.”
The Tenhl Co„ Chatta- 5
i ao;ea.
7 ;
f Mrs .lOmSA ^ALL V
:■ of Jefferson. v.. Ga., say«
“ When I first took Win<» of Ci'dd s
we had been married ihree years, but
eouid not have any children, gTrrbaby.’ Jiir.o ’
mscliu later j had a fine 1
- €'
What the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
Business has been very good in our
town for sometime past.
Mr. James Pittman is putting him up a
dwelling house near Faii-play.
Conductor Oslin, of the Washington
Branch, was off last week taking holiday.
Mrs. Elii itt visited Mr. and Mrs. Willie
Harris in the Williams Creek section last
The negro woman that tried to poison
Mr. J. It. Kendrick’s family was bonded
out of -jail.,
Miss Emma Bag by is spending some
time with her sister Mrs. G. R. Gregory,
near Barnett.
Improvements still go on at the Cou
vent. They will Keep things moving at
that institution.
Mr. Jesse McKinny will move to the
Bermuda settlement another year where
he will run a farm.
Misses Annie May and Mary Love Ken¬
drick and Annie Moore ware visitors to
our town last week.
Dr. L. R. Brown has opened up his
drug shop iu tiie store house adjoining
John O’Keeffe’s store.
Mr. Joe Ellington and his son were on
a visit last week to his daughter Mrs.
Lula Pittman at Fail-play
•Tickettf-are out for the maniage of Mr.
Lawrence Battle and Miss Allen of \\ ar
renion in the near future.
.Airs. Armor, of Greeuesboro, delivered
a missionary address at Barnett Methodist
church on the fifth Sunday in last month.
You watch a man or woman that is al¬
ways giving other people advice and you
find that they are in a bad rut. themselves.
A FRICANA will cure Syphili* and Old
Sores to Stay Cured.
Mrs. W. P. McKeon’s hoise ran away
with her last week but done no damage.
Women sometimes are too reckless in
driving stock.
Eduoato Your Ilowttls With Caftcnrets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
All the public schools opened last week
and the children<will h«ye a gpod time as
they have been lit the cotton patch for
several weeks past.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Tr.lte Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOcorSnc.
if <- C. C. fall 10 cure, druggist* refund musev
We had a lot of our grand children with
u* last Sunday which was a recreation to
us. We are getting very infirm and the
presence of them gives us life.
No-To-Kae for Fifty Cento.
Guaranteed tobacco babil cure, make* weak
men strong, blood pure. All druggists.
Anyone desiring mattresses made or
quilting/3one, tin work and stove piping
ca'l on us and we will fix you up, C. L.
Bagby, thie tinner, Sharon, G».
To Cure Co naff pat ion Forovcr.
Ttike Cason rets Camly Cathartic. 10c or 55c
Tf C. C. C. fail lo cure, dru?,?iKts refund money
Mr. James Garrett and Paul Cary were
in our burg last week. Mr. Garrett was
on his way to Lincoln county and came by
to see us and brought Paul home.
Educate Your IJowels Willi Cascarot*.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever.
!0c.25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund rcoiiey.
Mr. Walter Pittman’s family is down
with chills and fever which keeps him at
home fro® his business at present. We
hope they may soon recover their good
Cuts, Burn*, Bruise*, Rheu¬
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Mr. Ruff Kendrick ^.having him a pice
dwelling built. We understand Ruff in¬
tend* taking him,a wife pretty soon. Mr.
Harris of Warren is building hjs house for
Ilf ... CUBAN RELIEF cures
Colic, .Neuralgi* »nd Toothache
- -in five minute*. Sour stomach
and Summer Complaint*.. Price, 25 Cent*.
A heap of-onr people went to Uie show
to carry the children. It is a good thing
to have children when a show comes
along. We went bpt we had no children
to carry.
Tio fis- is M everr
«!gzuaia tTMffS*.
Rev. A. C. Rainwater has been called to
the .yhip of Raytown Baptist church
for next year. Mr. Rainwater lias served
this church before and we suppose ho will
be at home.
Planters Ell SIAM TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation snd Indi
geation. Regulates the Liver- Price, 25 eta.
We don’t think Paul Cary’s crippled leg
will ever be much use to him, only to
say he hj§ fwo legs and can walk on
crutches, hut w? hopf-he may be restored
to full use of it.
l Tb« X»«ct t R-'*< he tha worid far Duto,
Eruii^*, S-xn*s D'icar*, Salt Rheum, ?*Y
tr, TCtaippod Hikod*, Ciii’.fciita*
C*m*, tad &U 5kiik 'Erapfrecia, and
i^.jr curei PC os. ex no pay required. L
:# jpaatar.teml Ls gyve cUisfosiaa ^or
money rtfariri.’ price fcsicL 25 cost*
For Dr. 3. *
“IN Ti
Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents dlges.
lion and permits food to ferment and putrify in
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
insomnia, nervousness, and, Pills
If not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood’s
Pills stimulate the stomach,
rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con¬
stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold Iiood's by all druggists.
Tiie only Pills to take with Sarsaparilla.
We think if our county papers would
come out the middle of tiie week or
the latter part it, would be bettor. Some
of our country people sometimes don’t
get their paper until the next week after
it i« published.
Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your I if* Anr.jr.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
rietic. full of life, nerve and vijor, take X#-To
llnc. the wonder ivorkitr, that makes weal; men
strong;. AH druggists, J0c or SI. Cureguaran¬
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Whenever you hear a person, ..ngile, or
female, always talking about other peo¬
ple’s faults and don’t have a good word
for anybody, ever}- one does wrong but
themselves, you can just mark them
down as had eggs.
Evorybody Say. So.
Catcarcta Candy Catiial-t.ic, the most \-,-nn
derfid lii'iiical discovery of tiie ape. p 6as
aut. and l ufi-cshing to the taste, act bowels, (feutly
and positively on kidneys, liver and
cleansing the entire system, dispel constipation colds,
earn headache, fever, habitual
and biliousness. buy and try a box
of 0. O. C. to-day; 10, 35, 50 cents, bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
If you need any printing done in tiie
way of advertisements; bill heads, letter
heads, envelopes or anything of the kind,,
call on us and we will have you fixed up
at The Advo-Democrat oiliee as cheap as
you get it anywhere, 0. L. Bagby. Sharon,
$rnt pi —il u» I s i , ;iu .*1 o*
zj*(Y etiUr-Ura; s.jsm m w!»t wtorc \f
, If atio’woJ t« ic-aiiiure ti»m
wha of Vs ix btow-i juki ulkstyst*. ke
wjmwkag T*ry »s>re. iSwnyee'a Olntmwat
isteps ti.e itetdu^ and bleedhag, !>eals nl
iksrtttio®. wnd Jn most «sscs >etn>te* the
At dmggkt, or by mgi. -f w ft’
feUMts. Dz. &frary ue & Sow, rAffadblphia.
There are some people wc believe would
lay in bed HO houra out of 24 if It was
jirssible. All sucli ought to be punished
unles* they are sick. Ten hours is plenty
long for any well person to lay in bed.
Go to bed early and get up early; that's
Did Yon Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not get a bottle and get
relief. This medicine lias been found to
lie peculiarly adapted to the relief and
cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a
wonderful direct influence in giving
strength and tone to tiie organs. I f you
have loss of Appetite, Constipation, Head
ache. Fainting Spells, or are Nervous,
Sleepless, Excitable, 'Melancholy or tumble
ed with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is
tiie medicine you need. Health and
Strength arc guaranteed by its use. Fif¬
ty cents and 81.00 at Dr. R. J. Reid’s Drug
Salem Baptist church lias a pastor, a*
long as they are satisfied with him and lie
says whenever they get tired of him let
him know and they will have no trouble in
getting rid of him. He says lie don’t see
the me in calling the same preacher every
year if you are satisfied 'with him.
Mr. Mike Sheehan, wc hear, has sold
his place below Raytown where Mr.
Gideon Woodruff; his grandfather, has
been residing so long. We guess tiie old
gentleman will-Unite to leave his rid home,
He is 81 years old but gets about as, well
ms some do at forty years of age.
The ladder was created for one pur¬
pose, namely, a receptacle for the 'mine,
and as such it is not liable to any form of
disease except l>y one of two way*. The
first way is from imperfect ncton of the
kidneys. The second way is from careless
local treatment of other diseases.
' Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid¬
neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles.
So the womb, like the bladder, was crcat
ed for one purpose, and if not doctored too,
much is not liable to weakness or disease,
except in rare cases. lb is situated back
of and verv close to the bladder, iherefore
inv pain disease or inconvenience mani
fested in the kidneys, back, bladder or
urinarv passage is often, by mistake, at
tributed to Ii-ma!e weaknes* os waaib
; rouble of some sort. The error is To easily
ina le and may be easily avoided. find
out correctly,* set your sediment urine aside- retting for
twenty four hours; a or
indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The
mild nr:d tiie extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer * Swamp-Root, the great kidnev,
and bladder remedy is soon realized. It
you r.oni a, medicine you.should have dol- the
best. At druggists fiftT-cents and one
nr. You may have a sample bottle and
pfiamplet, both sent lire by mail. Men
fiqn the Advocate-Democrat and send
vour addres* to I)r. Kilmer & Co., .Bing
h-junton, N. Y. Die prqprteyprs $ Jhi*
paper guaraD’-t* tho genvin.neis of thi
' JLw F L
We \ gpq'd many of our farmers are
putth a "good crop of oats. That Is
a step >i the right direction, they ought
to pla*p eiteugh so as not to have to buy
seed licit fall. When you have plenty
seed ;,t home it save* the time and trouble
of ridi'i? ihout after them when you need
A Household Treasure#
D. W* Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y. f
says that he always keeps Dr. King’s New
Disco' try in the. house and ids family lias
alwayi found tiie very best results follow
its use that lie would not he without it,
if * liable. G. A Dykenmn Druggist
pr I N. Y... l)r. King’s New
Usitt says that
Disco' cry is undoubtedly the best Cough
rcuu-d*. ; that he 1ms used it in liis failed family
for eight years, and it lias never to
done oat is claimed for it, Why not try
a r sty so long tried and tested. Trial
i i free at Dr. . J. Reid’s Drug btore.
r size oOe. and SI.00.
5 L. S, Jackson received two car
Joac >f shingles last week and sold them
oht. J tell you Sharon is on a boom Jim
KendJrick has bought him a fine big heal¬
ing st' ve for his store and the old one is
for their st|!e. ,stoves All of our hauling people are in wood putting and up
coal And preparing for winter gencrnly
and she will soon be here.
‘ *The worst cold I ever had in
my life was cured by Chamber
lamps Cough Remedy, ” writes
W. $L Norton, of Sutter Creek,
Cal. “This cold left me with a
coUjfh tjbo and I was expectorating cured
all time. The Remedy
me, | and I want all of my friends
wbYn troubled with a cough or
cokpto use it, for it will do them
goojd.” Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid.
attention Confederate Veterans.
H’d -J o - . Alex Stephens Camp L T . C. V.
You are hereby requested to meet at
the qourt house in Crawfordville on Sat¬
urday Nov. 20th Inst, at ten o’clock a. m.
to at tend to important business relating to
our charter, etc. Every member is re¬
quested and expected to be present. By
order of, S. J. FLYNT, Commandant.
This, Not. 8th, 1807.
Hrifc .'I* Springs, Ark., Mcb. 3, ’88.
I find Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseji
{' ' ^ is 'recommended to be
1 ats, burns, bruises and
Ci I would not be without it.
B. H. Randolph.
(, n. Fitzhugb Leo lias been asked to
hold his post in Cuba. He will return.
Winchester, Mo., Sept. 1. ’96.
Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is
the best remedy I have found for
cholera morbus.
G. E. LewELLYN, M. D.
**♦*»♦* •
An unknown burglar killed an Atlanta
police Monday night in a store hi that
Homer, La., June2, 1887.
Recently my horse was re¬
lieved of a severe case of colic
by the use of Dr. Tichenor’s An¬
tiseptic, T. B. White,
Pastor M. E. Church.
There is a survey being made for an
oleeirip line from Gainesville to Dahlone
g*- k
Boonsboro, Mo., Aug. 31, ’90.
One of my customers says that
Dr. Uichenor . s Antiseptic . .. ... is ,, the
best medicine he ever used, and
he will not be without it. Ill
fact Jill the samples I distribut¬
ed have given satisfaction.
Thos. Finn, M. I>.
Mcember Sheriff Sale.
S '-^Will ■ EORGIA. Taliaferro. County.
be sold befoie the Court House
door iu Crawfordville in said county
witllin tiie legal hours of sale to the
highest bidder for cash on the first Tues¬
day in December next all that tract or
pared of land lvinganrl being in the OOttif
Dnsirict G. M.. in- Taliaferro county,
Georgia, containing one hundred and
eleven (ill) acres more or icss bounded
on tl.c North by. lands of Mrs. Fannie
A-sbury, on the East by lands of Mis.
Iiebeto* E. llaalel and lands of Fiank
Mitnieil. on the South by ..... tiie South prong
of Little River, on the West by tiie public
roue leading from Crawfordville to Wood
stork in Oglethorpe. CoinWy, also at the
time and place all that tract or parcel
of .tnd lying and being in the 007tli Dis
trici G. M.. in Ftiilaferro ^County, Ga.,
iy i k on both sides . of the North prong of
Un (breeches. River with watermill known
n> * i nnings MHI, dwelling house and other
i»i /ovekienta thereon, bounded on tie
V h and East by lands of Samuel JI.
IU *<!eS' trustee for his wife and children
r»u Qvfopdvdte' • houlh by public road leading from
I' %e to Bethany clyircb in
< county, on the West by lands of
j.\ Reid containing forty <¥)) acres
- Wless; Said lands levied on as the
-tty of Rebecca Jane Ogletree to
' an execution Issued from the Su
Court of said county in favor of
rert L. Richardson against said ltriicc
’ bth day of November 18iC.,
D. 1‘- HENRY, Sherff T. C.
Correspondents’ Eeports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of tho Happening* In Their Respective Lo¬
calities. All tlie New*.
Why don’t the price of cotton advance?
It is .slibnt out of the hands of the
Mr, J. W. Broome and family visited
her sick father Mr. Mr. II. II. Slack Sat¬
urday and Sunday last.
Mr. Jack Akins and family spent Sat¬
urday night and Sunday last with rela¬
tives in tho Holden neighborhood
Mr. E. L, Taylor, of Athens, a former
citizen of this county, spent Thursday
night of last week with friends in this
Mr. H. H. Slack, of near White Plains.'
lias been quite sick for sometime. We
sympathize with him iu his many ufllic
tionsand hope that lie may recover soon.
Tiie hearing for a new trial for Edward
Flanagan, the murderer of Mrs. Allen and
Miss Ruth Slack has agnin been postponed
until January next. Delays in our courts
have a tendency to encourage the lynch
Misses Mattie Dolvin and Julia Smith,
of Union Point, were in tiie Holden
neighborhood last Satnrctay’, the latter
looking after a school at Bethany for
next year.
Messrs." Osborn Wright and Aibert
Strozier, former citizens of Greene county
now of Soutli Georgia, visited relatives in
the Hohlen neighborhood on Monday last,
Mr. Strozier lias also applied for the
Bethany School.
Letart Falls, Ohio, Aug. 29, ’96.
We have used Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic with good results.
Our customers come back for it
and speak well of it. One said
it was the only thing he had
found to give his wife relief from
neuralgia. Allen & Allen.
1SY X.
Nice weather for sowing small grain.
We had a nice shower of rain Tuesday
Several corn shucking* and candy
stretchings in our neighborhood last
Mr. Joe Ifill Brake is no better we are
sorry to slate.
Larg(L#«5 d at Sabbath school Sunday,
i l °P° the .ample will take more interest in
the future.
rt “> ycung nieu of Bermuda have or¬
ganized a debating society. They meet
every Saturday night. There was a large
crowd out last Saturday night.
Mrs. J. N. Chapman, of Crawfordville,
spent last week with her sister Mrs. W. T.
Nelson returning to her home last Monday
accompained by Mrs. W. T. Nelson and
Mrs. J. T. Cooper arid little son Clyde.
Bermuda is without a school teacher
for another year, and we fear we will
have no school but Hope for it to he other¬
Farmers are nearly through homing
their crops for 18!)7 and would lie feeling
good if they were getting anything for
their cotton. We are all wearing long
faces hut that don’t help tiie matter one
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McKinny were in
our neighborhood Tuesday night visiting
the family of Mr, S. J. Jones.
Mr. W. II. Jones lias been on the sick
list for several days, which caused his
absence from, the debating club Saturday
A Life Saved.
Marvelous cures of throat and lung
affections are made daily by Dr. Bull’s;
Cough Syrup. Hiss' Annie Swan*
Petersburg, Va., writes: “My brother
was attacked by a bad cough and- cold,
and it was thought he had consump¬
tion. Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup was
used, and to our great surprise it made
him well and hearty. There is do
better cure iu the world than this
Syrup.” Dr. BulFs Cough Syrup is
sold everywhere for 25 cents
Tiie city r.f^H'atita will 1*' fifty years
old nextspiiig.
*1"HE WHOLE' system feels the
■ effect of lluod’s Sarsaparilla—stem*
ach, liver, bidiicyg, heart, nei’ves are
strengthen ed «ad SU STAINED.
Our Tlianks Cuntinued.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscription since our last mention.
.S. T. Oglet/ee 81, to Aug.,25, ’98. -1.'
W. F. bishop, 50c to Get. 1, ’f
Tit f*e- fi
sjail* m
•ifU’.V* w, . .*mr
I t V
NO. 38.
Royal make* the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
@ Us
Absolutely Pure
Havemeyer, tiie sugar trust king, has
The Morgan & Wright single-tube
Suick-iepair tire must be regarded as
i distinct improvement in bicycle tire
ionstruction. It has the following ad
rantuges: i\
While punctures in it can be re
paired with plugs, or semi-liquid in
lections, as well as in any other
single-tube tire, it can be permanently
• epaired by using the quick-ret ail
strip inside the tire. See cut No. 1
No. t.
■ ' ",
By injecting M. & W. quick-repan
tement through the puncture, and
then pressing down in*cut on the tire with,
che thumb, as No. 2, the repair
No. 2. No. 3.
atrip inside is picked up by the cement,
thus closing the ptmeture, as in cut
No. 3.
The Morgan & Wright single-tube
quick-repair tire is guaranteed not
porous. This is on account ot.the way
in which it is made. Nearly every
rider haa heard of tirea that “leak
like a sieve.”
Many tires rot, because water getfs
into the fabric between the twp 'Weight layers
of rubber. The Morgan &
fabric is proof against moisture.
Everybody knows how comfortable
Morgan A Wright tirea are, and yet
how seldom they puncture. This is
due to the fabric.
Ask any bicycle dealer whether
other tires last as long as Morgan &
Wright tires. Ask, alBO, what the
Morgan & Wright guarantee means.
Morgan & Wright tires are repaired
free of charge, at the factory in
Chicago or at any of the Morgan &
Wright free repair shops, located in
the principal cities.
N. B.—When you have a puncture,
get right off. Riding a tire flat, when
it has a tack or nail in it, may
damage it considerably.
I /
This pleasant and perfect remedy, so
delightful to take, so refreshing and
exhilarating,, stands in highest favor
with all who know it best, as-the great¬
est of all medical remedies for both
sexes, of all ages and in all conditions.,
li will give you APPETITE.
It will give you restful refreshing SLEEP,
It will stimulate your DIGESTION.
It will restore your NERVOUS ENERGY.
It will put your KIDNEYS in perfect order.
It will purify your Blood.
ft w{Q Chafig8 JOUT W8aknSSS IfliO STRENGTH,
| t wHIbrtog you out of sickness into HEALTH.'
S~ t ‘
KAXVTAcmixa only bt
Tbe Atlanta diemical Co., Atlanta^ Ga.