Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Taliaferro Co.
TVw» vellow faver situation 5 n
all the infected places is getting
San Marco, one of St. Augus¬
tine’s $250,000 hotels was burned
The “sound money Democrats
do not feel so good over last
weeks election.
Late reports from the North
Georgia gold mines read like a
letter from Klondike.
Some think that the United
States will soon be in war with
Spain over the Cuban trouble.
Gus Fumbles, the negro who
helped kill old man Nobles, is
holding religious services in Bibb
county jail.
and MOTHER about which such bSSj tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of “ Mother she who watched
over our helpless infancy andguid- Yet
ed our first tottering step. Moth¬
the life of every Expectant and all ef¬
er is beset with danger avoid it.
fort should be made to
Mother’s so assists nature
in the change tak¬
ing place that
Friend the Expectant is
Mother ena¬
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore¬
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to tha lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement—in short, it “makes
Childbirth natural and easy,” as
so many have said, D o n’t be
persuaded to use anything but
“ My wife Buffered more in ten mln
ntes with either of her other two chil¬
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having previously used four bot¬
tles of ‘Mother’s Friend.’ It i» a
blessing to any one expecting to be¬
come a MOTHER,” says a customer
Hendxkson Dale, Carmi, Illinois.
The Bradfleld Reenletor Co., AtlsaU. fl*.
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, botli
Passenger and Freight,
write hi either of (lie undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
fliable informallon.
T. P. A. o. r. a.
AupifiUf On.
C. F. * I*. A. G. A.
A thru..
S. .4. C. F. A.
Mncon, lift.
M. K. III'IISOX, r. w. cirri n,
S, F. A. S. F. .V P. 4.
MtIledK«vlUe. Au,uiit».
i.EORGIA, Taliaferro County.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
December nest in front of the door of the
Conn House of ^aid County an undivided 1
one ninth interest in and to tlio following
property, to-wit;—
All that tract of land situated in the
town of Crawfordville., said County, eon
tainiM: one acre, more or lesa, bounded on ,
Street; on Veat bv'lands
gi:t Railroad and on of
NVasl. Williams ;vnd James F. Held. j
AI r « V. I that tract of land lying in
Hist. M., said County, containing 80 1
»< n ?. more —> or less, hounded on North and
West bv l’ublie Road from Crawfordville
to White Plain?: on Fast by lands of \Y.
W. Bird and Mrs. S. N. Chapman; on
South bv lands of C. H. Goinckc, A. jc
Chapman and Mrs. Is. N. Chapman.
Sind undivided interest levied on as the
property of William Lawson C. II. to satisfy Goiueke an j
execution in fay or of j
Itgaiun fr iiiiam Lawson, issued from tiic j
Justice Court of said District. j
P, P HENRY, Sheriff T. C.
Some South Georgia people
are using bad eggs on Worm an
elders in that section.
The anti-football bill has pass
ed the lower house of the Geor
gia Legislature and we expect
H IjecomeaJaw.
Temperance bills do not stand
much show in the Georgia
laturc That question is settled
so as this session is concern
Governor Atkinson has ap
Lmmissioner pointed Jud#e Spencer Atkinson
of B. K- and
tor .hunt’s Grown, of Newnan,
as State Librarian.
From all reports the Normal
School at Athens is doing a great
work for the teachers in Georgia.
Properly managed it seems that
it should do a great work for
education in the State.
The great cost of running the
State geological department is a
bigger cost than the good deriv¬
ed by the State from said de¬
partment, Many such things
might'be -rfit down and save a
good sum 'to the state each year.
The Georgia legislature costs
a figure, approximating 91,400
daily. There are 219 members,
with clerks, pages, porters, etc.
This sum multiplied by 50, the
number of days to which a ses
sion of the legislature is limited.
will give a $70,000 result—the
cost of the entire session of 50
That big hearted Col. Herman
Justi, chief of the bureau of
promotion and publicity of the
Nashville Exposition, in thank¬
ing the press of the country for
making the exposition a grand
success, suggests that some
the exposition buildings be kept
there with a permanent exhibit
in them showing tho greatness
of the South.
C itizens of Athens are stirred
up about the continual fuss that
is brought up in every sossion of
the Legislature wanting to move
the University from that city.
The Banner says if removing the
University will settle the matter,
let it btf moved. It should re¬
main where it is. To move it
would cost a great deal and do
the college no good. It would
be another case like moving
Mercer from Poulield.
Mr. Jonathan Nor cross, of At¬
lantic believes thttt the only cor¬
rect solution of the problem is
/or the government to purchase
kinds in Africa and export the
negroes who may be dissatisfied
and discontented in America to
the African colony. Ho thinks
in this soUloj'pMosably wav the race question can
bo „m1 that it
is the only means whereby the
serious conditions ■ •millif ions confrontin'* onirotnin.-,
t he country can satisfactorily be
—Sheriff Henry and Col. W.
N. Maltbie went out hunting
Monday but returned without
many birds but a sufficiency of
There is more Catarrh in this
section of the country than all
posed to be incurable. For a
o-reut many rears doctors pro
uounced it a local disease, and
local treatment pronounced it
curable Science has proven
t Uturrll Gure manufactured by
F. ,1. Cheney Co. . loleuo. U..
j s jj le ou j v constitutions! Cure on
the ( market. ‘ It is taken internal
lv in doses from 1* drops to a
ieaspoonful. It acts duvet ly on
hundred dollars for any case It
fails to eure. Send for circulars
ul)t ] testitnonlltLs. Address.
F. J. Cheney & Co.
Sold by druggist Tin’.
Hall's family pills are the best.
_ | CTS W 25 I
liUStS netXt All iofc fAU-ST t
Bet* Conffc ?Trnp. Tiuftfe Invl ie CT',
f 25 o to 0 lime. Z (fl S.- C 1 J 2 by a. H 0 _ z
American ife&uty.
£3$Sl of ¥ol A me:
iPF*°v ^ < ° !./
/ »_ “zJ P^plair to
id " habits., and
* ‘T*^’ /“ socialpecn
Parities, have combined pro
duco a type 0 f womanhc ,uite
distinct from the women >ther
countries. . It , has become \i , £ most ,
an everyday occurrence for the
nobility and royal blood of
Europe to cross the water in
search of an American beauty.
for the United States has become
throughout the world,
The American beauty is a ,)ecu
liar product of this co.fptry.
She (.- h _ 1 has, ., 1C . u however, nwOT p, oru one . for IOJ .im.l .lidu
Kip nnpmv not OIllV to her tail -
ty, but to her health as 1 .well.
That , enemy is . indigenous . ^ to the
Climate ,, an n ,t l tj S r> ;} fUa - , 1 ■ ted '
States It is called Catarrh
most every woman has it in
or severe forms. Our cli „te
makes it well-nigh unavoid le>
It is the only natural enemy the
American woman has. Not only
is the United States the hor^e of
catarrh, but it is also the home
G f the now world-famous catarrh
remedy, Pe-ru-na. The medical
profession has remedy at last for succeeded the Well
devising a
universal disease,
Dr. Hartman, the original
compounder of Pe-ru-na, ha ; a
recent book on chronic catarrh
which he will send free to (any
address for a short time, a.
dress The Pe-ru-na Drug W f # g
Co., Columbus, O.
Ask your druggist for a ^ree
Almanac for 1898. '
p e-ru-na
A Wife Wanted.
There is at least one yopng
man in Crawfordville on the
hunt for a wife. The following
ad. appeared in the Atlanta Con¬
stitution last Sunday: “Honor¬
able gentleman, age 25 desires a
wife; must be of good disposi¬
tion. Address i t X. Y. *7 9 1
Crawfordville, Ga." No -
ye who feel inclined can C,
“X. Y. Z.” a few lines and jll
him how many chickens the 'pld
gray hen has and how beautiful
the sun shines in our land of
violets in this bright November
0! the Breast.
Mt , A . H . Crausbyt of I5 s Kerr St.,
Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife
veloped into a cancer of the worst type, of
and notwithstanding the treatment
tbe best physicians, it continued to
spread and grow rapidly, eating doctors two
holes in her breast. The
soon incurable.^ pronounced A
celebrated New York
specialist then treat¬
ed her, but she con¬
tinued to grow worse
and when informed
that both her annt
died and grandmotherfead he
from cancer
gave the case up «9
t*r 4 Jn copeless. then
Someone re¬
commended S.S.S.
and though little hope remained, she
disappeared entirely, end although sev
eral rears have elapsed, not a sign of
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy.
s.S.S. (gvaranUed purely vegetable)
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
free to any ad
dress. Swift M k
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
H. K.^ERBEJ ,, , _
Formerly with fTv’mas A I>irtoo,
-— or — /
Address: 430 WaJker 9f.
JF. B.—Parties wlshicf: to pocrcha*
Piano* or organs wfll do well to coufe
Fith aim. April W, *97.
ding rapidly
LTucas, of Wash
ington, spent a part of this week
in town. Cicero's friends here
are always glad to see him and
wish he would come back and
make p«nxxr^Tr;ilo Gravtora\iile hie nis Ump nomc
Rasins 10. lb at Alliance
-Mr. S. J. Jones, Sr., says
that he raises good r.bbon cane
from the old stumps anci roots OI
the cane. He digs a trench and
covers up the roots dunng win
ker and plants them out in
For all kinds of Flannel
goods, OutmgS, . etc. gO to . Paul r , , r G. ,
—Mr. xx.. JNewt T?iehardson Kicaarason who v
0 "Ot his leg cut off at Greenesboro
weeks , . yet
some ago is very
weatC • , , but . his V • friends f K hope r >Tvo lio l.e
i! Worn Out? i
J | Do to the v-i—- close of II J J
< | you come
i ! the day thoroughly exhausted? j >
J l Does this continue day after j >
] * day, possibly week after week? j ,
i > Perhaps hausted you sleep. are even Then too ex- J J
i to some
J thing is wrong. All these <,
> things indicate that you are j J
t suffering from nervous need ex- < ) >
| [ haustion. Your nerves >
feeding and your blood en- j \
1 riching. ru <;
| ;> [ mu | S ; 0f1 |
■ ■— 11
j y „iy.l '•**’* *■*'' ^ ^
| \ of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- i!
j phosphites of Lime and Soda, ] *
contains just the remedies to J;
[ meet these wants. The cod- ; u
! [ liver oil gives the needed^ blood,
i strength, enriches the j [
] \ feeds the nerves, and the hy- j j >
1 ! \ pophosphites and vigor. Be give them you tone get j
> sure
! > SCOTT’S Emulsion. K r
' \
1 All dniggfrt,; joc. «nd li.oo- V.
\ SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemist,, New York.' t 1
^ cccccctccccccccctcecce*
Yellow Fever
PREVENTED by taking.
a Our Native Herbs”
Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator
Containing a Registered Guarantee. FUEL.
■j2 page Book and Testimonials,
Sent by mail, postage paid. Sold only by
Agents for THE ALONZO 0. BLISS Co.,
lVashington, P. C.
Ogeechee BricK Co.,
Union Point, Ga.
Building Brick of best Quality.
Reliable Contractors for all
Kinds of BrickWork.
For prices and information apply to
Office Advocate-Democrat, or write the
g|J j|(Jgf3
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by wri ting to
Standard Mannfacturing Co.,
For Prices on SASH, DOORS.
BER, LATH or anything in
/atehmaker & Jeweler,
H:chard*; Store, Crawf ::dvil!r, Ga,
• t sair Work a Sj e -ialty.
MS ■-T, Cl w I
An Expert Ascountant and Qsckksspsr of Detroit Trootiad %/uU
Hereditary Scrofula in its Worst Form—Spends a Small
Fortune Seeking to Find a Cure.
From the Horning Neu t, Detroit, Mich.
j4inw H . vrilkce, the well known ex
£BX£pS2£ home 24U
ai)d a reporter called at his pretty
8iith Street, to interview him midst regarding of house it.
j£ e found Mrs. Wallace in the
on Orchard Street, and lie will tell you
tu jf erec i untold agonies ana tortures. I was
fe"„’£ *, h gS la ;2„K‘3,d“" cau
... M
bM ,„,w „
It was a constitutional blood disorder and by
constant treatment and diet it might be
cured. The blood purifiers and spring re
medies I used only made the eruptions more
aggressive and painful. In 1S88 I was a
fearful looking sight and was in fact re
pulsive. On my limbs were large ulcers
which were very painful, and from which
tk er * was a continual discharge. In three
years I spent over $3000 in medicine and
medical services and grew worse instead of
better. I tried the medical baths, and in
1 8 93 went to Medicine Lake, Washington,
bn* was not benefited. I then tried some
proprietary medicine, but did not receive any
£%&£& Srt^JBr , ££8S ISMSS! , £2:&®lZ
while myTeg movi^ anl some books fainted, I broke the pain an made ulcer
on nearly work. While
me sick and I had to stop
P. B. T obin Cotton Co.
No. 5 Warren Block.
AUGUSTA. GA., October 11,16497.
THE FIR'M OF HULL & TOBIN is this day dissolved by mutual consent, P. B
Tobiu having sold out his interest to Asbury Hull. Each partner will transact busi
ness on his own account. All the assets of the late firm arc the ASBURY property of HULL, Asbury
Hull, who assumes all the liabilities. B. TOBIN.
AUGUSTA, GA., October 21st, 1S97.
Mr. P. B. Tobin announces that lie has sold his interest in the Art
gusta Cotton and Compress Co., retired from the firm of Hull & Tobin,
„„d an organized the P. B. Tobin Cotton Co., of which he will be President.
Having thus disposed of all his other cotton interests, his entire time and
attention will be devoted to that of his old friends, and planters and mer¬
chants generally, who may favor him with their patronage.
The firm have ample means and facilities for advancing CASH up¬
on crops during the spring and summer, and on cotton instore, at reason¬
able rates. and Ex¬
Mr. Tobin’s eighteen years experience as a Cotton Factor
porter is a guarantee of very best results to his patrons.
Mercer University, GEOR GIA.
The 60th Session Begins Sept. 22nd, 1897.
ORGANIZATION. Ten separate schools: Latin Languagennd Literiture; Greek.
Language and Literature; English Language and Literature; Modern Languages;
Mathematics and Astronomy: Natural History, Physics and Chemistry; History and
Philosophy; Pedagogv and Law.
EXPENSES—Matriculation Fee S40.00. Boardiu HelpingHalis, $6.00 a month.
Mauv students get through the year on 8150.
LAW FACULTY^ .—Strong School of Law—Judge Emory Speer, of Imted States
Court, Chairman. For further particulars or catalogues, address.
P. D. POLLOCK, President, Macon, Ga.
rThe H M 9«- U M N •« ?S- H
< And the World’s most friendly smile are
C If always ready for the well-dressed 5
w man. There's no mistake about A
1 9. this. Energy may miss its mark. itself Talent die f
may go a-begging. Virtue may S I
! of neglect. But there is .lways a welcome
and measure of success for good clothes.
If you wish to test this bit of Philosophy,
II just order one of the elegant suits of
H i M. Born dc Go I
•s-eott *«* asiSa (j Chicago Whose material, A“ productions oeat BORN fit Merchant aod are t finish, l noted and everywhere of perfect Tailors !• ap-to~date for choice | 8 * «
11 H style. suit clothes ft pass- I
m port to the World’s friendship!
i 300 Selected Patterns to order from. A
Holden & Co., Crawfordville, Ga.
Read This * >a N
■ -
For Flatulent 1 :t
Colic,Viaxthma, Dysentery, | f
Nansea,Coughs, ' ' t
M C holera Infantum,Teeth-' ft
lng CMldren, Cholera
Morbus, Unnatural Drains
from the Bowels, Pains,
Griping. Loss of Appetite, Indigestion,
and an Diseases oi the Stomach and
Pitt’s Carminative
is the standard. It carries children over
tbe critical period of teething, and is rec¬
ommended by physicians as the friend
of Mothers, Adults and Children. It is
pleasant to the taste, and never fails to
give satisfaction. A few doses will demon¬
strate its superlative sale virtues. by Price, 2a eta.
per bottle. For druggists.
AHIH1 m Bib HFjH B and cured Whiskey home Habits w:th
f3fM 2 III iws at
m §r If E Wl out P^ 11 - Book of par
fJgBBBBBII I Ucularssent FREE.
^ AtbkBte, fctfTbcce b.m.wooixky.m.d.
K4 K. Fry or St
ting in the eliair I again noticed the T>r.
Williams’ Pink Pills article in the news¬
paper which was laying on the tioor. I read
it carefully amd immediately decided which to give
the pills a trial, as the account 1 read
had been of a cose similar to mine. I seat
the office boy over to Frank that Houp’s afternoon, drug¬
store for a box and took some
d continued their use and before I had used
one box 1 noticed an improvement. I g r<*w
better rapidly and all my friends noticed the
improvement, and after taking eight boxes
there was not a sore on my person. from the ulcers
“I am covered with scars
but since that time I have not seen continued a single
indication of the old trouble. I
the use of the pills long after T was cured as
I wanted to get my system rid of that awful
Ci 1SC1186 'll Williams’ Pink
“ I onlv had bought I)r. 1 would
Pills for Pale People at the start
be thousands of dollars ahead and had five
years of health and happiness instead of
torture. To-day I feel like a perfect rid man
and my doctor says 1 am entirely oi my
old trouble.” H.Waixace.
(Signed 1 James
PETROIT, Mich., May 7, 1897.
Before me a Notary Public in and ferr
Wayne County. Michigan, personally being duly ap¬
peared James H. Wallace, who
sworn,deposed and said that lie had read the
foregoing statement and that the same was
true. Robert E. IT Jr.,
Kotary Public.
7SJH setterJ5* nrs ^
six boxes for $2.fl0 (they are never sold in
bulk or bv the 1001, by addressing Dr. WiL
liams’ Medicine Co., Schenectadj, It. I,
“Shall I not tak« mine case
in mine uin T”—Hsxav IV.
!& Elegant
The D.-it in th^ Preropl
jmeuiion Kocms. aaJ Tou High, Cooi,
for Airy what pay ouly
you order.
Lunch Rooms
For Ladies and Gentlemen.
Bitting Boom and Toilat
Convenience* are provided.
Cor, Paachtraa aad Marietta Sts.
Korcraaa BeiMioy. ATLANTA,