Newspaper Page Text
fk •if
Xv> - I .'?/ 6
» it
— IS *? *
■-.T- „ a
After «.. *
a course of Ayer’s Pills the
System is set in good working
order and a man begins to feel
that life is worth living. He
who has become the gradual
prey of constipation, does not
realize the friction under which
tie labors, until the burden is
lifted from him. Then his
mountains sink into mole¬
hills, his moroseness gives
place to jollity, he is a happy
man again. If life does nost
'. seem worth living to you, you
may take a very different view
•.of it after taking
Ayer’s Cathartic Fills.
How to Cure Billio as Colic.
I suffered for weeks with colic
and pains in my stomach caused
by billiousness and had to take
medicine all the while until I
used Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol¬
era and Diarrhoea Remedy which
cured, me. I have since recom
anended it to a good many peo¬
ple. Mrs. F. Butler, Fairhaven,
iConn. Persons wha are subject
tto billions colic can ward off the
attack by taking this remedy as
soon as the first symptoms ap¬
pear. Sold by Dr, R. J. Reid.
—We have charge of a nice
lot of brick shipped from the
Ogeechee Brick Co's yards at
Union Point. They sent us
more than we need and we will
dispose of a few thousand very
If you need a suit of clothes
buy them at the Alliance Store.
—Messrs. J. H. Stephens and
E. Howard will canvass this
part of the country making views
and groups and doing other
photographic work.
IT. 'A. "Slocum, M, tlio Great Chemist
Scientist. Will Semi Free, to the Afflict¬
ed, Three Bottle* of Hi* Newly Dis¬
covered Ifemedie* to Cure Con¬
sumption »nd All J-ung
Cenfiilent that he has discovered a relia
Ihlcciire for consumption and all bron¬
chial, throat ami lung diseases, general
• decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all
•conditions of wasting, and to make its
great merits known, he will send, free,
three bottles to any reader of The Advo-i
•cate-Democrat who may bn suffering.
Already this ‘‘new scientific course of
medicine” has permanently cured thou¬
sands of apparently hopeless cases.
The doctor considers it lus religious
duty—a duty which he owes to humanity
—to de«ate his infallible cure.
He lias proved the dreaded consump¬
tion to Vie a curable disease beyond any
doubt, and has on file in his Americas and
European laboratories testimonials of ex¬
perience from those benefited and cured,
all parts of the world.
Don’t delay until itSs too late. Con¬
sumption, uninterrupted, means speedy
and certain death, Address T. A. Slo¬
cum, M. C., 98 Pine -street, New York,
and when writing the Doctor, please give
express and postofEe address, and also
mention reading this article in The Ad¬
No, I am not
Yh One _ of ,,, the price . cutters, „ as such v,
persons generally sell inferior goods.
I keep Drugs of a good quality, and
cj; charge reasonable price for them
Please Visit* me when yoil want
e *
1 eliable medicines ......
Crawfordville, Georgia.
Pure Homs Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Reporters,
Wliat Our reoplc Are Doing and Saying.
Things Our Friend* Tell l’».
Shoes all kinds at Paul G.
—The lateness of frost is re¬
markable this season.
—Union Point had a nice
flower show last Friday.
For nice dress Shirts, go to
Paul G. Lucas.
—A marriage is reported to
occur near Bethesda soon.
For ail kinds of Candies, go
to Paul G. Lucas.
—It is predicted that when
winter sets in, it will come with
a rush.
—Several of Dr. R. J. Reid’s
family spent Sunday at White
—The turnip fly is playing
havoc with turnips in Oglethorpe
—Regular services were held
at the Presbyterian church Sun¬
day last.
Matleresses at Alliance Store
for 11.50.
—Greenesboro people failed
endorse the new charter for
the town.
—Some of our farmers are
making up some nice ribbon
cane syrup.
—The Echo reports fine ripe
raspberries in Lexington gar¬
dens this week.
The Alliance Store is the
place to buy furniture.
—Mr. T. C. Holden, mayor of
White Plains, was in Crawford
ville Sunday last.
—The farmers in Oglethorpe
say they are nearly through
gathering their crops.
—Mr. Ross Gunn has moved
his family to town and is resid¬
ing on Reynold’s street.
Big lot of towels at Alliance
Store for 10c per pair up.
—Crawfordville lias^ been
shipping as high as 125 bales
of cotton in one day.
—Mr. Jack Downing, of the
Ga. R. R. was in this section
Wednesday on business.
—Mrs. Bettie Jennings and
children, of Atlanta, are visiting
relatives here this week.
—There was a considerable
rain storm in the county Tuesday
but no damage was done.
—The business has grown so
here that the side trackage at
the depot is constantly over¬
—Mr. D. C. Griffith, of Helena,
Wilkes county, is clerking for
his uncle, Mr. M. F. Griffith at
this place.
—Uncle Seab Jones was in to
see us Wednesday and says
everything is quiet in his part of
the county.
—Mrs. Jannie Howard return¬
ed to her home at Stephens
Wednesday after a pleasant stay
with her mother here.
—Mrs. Sue Glover, of Troy,
S. C., left for her home Friday
last after a short visit to Mrs.
J. H. Stephens' at this place.
For nice wool Dress goods
and Trimmings go to Paul G.
—Miss Mamie Moore fcas re¬
turned and taken charge of her
school near hene after spending
a few weeks at the Normal
School at Athens.
—Mr. R. B. Strozier went up
to Covington Monday where he
is offered a splendid opening in
his jeweler’s business. He re¬
ports that Covington is on such
a boom that he can’t get a house
there and will remain here until
Jan. 1st.
Married Last Week.
Mr. .James L. Dofbugh and
Miss Pattie High to we^ of Pow
olton were married at the latter
place one day last week. They
are at present at Union Point
where Jim's headquarters are as
sewing machine agent.
Everyone desires to keep in¬
formed on Yukon, the Klondyke
Alaskan gold tields. Send
10c. for large Compendium of
•vast information and big color
map to Hamilton Pub. Co., In¬
dianapolis, Ind.
— --—
ijous; ijnip.s.
Our town council has bought
another good supply of lamps
and several dozen corners that
have heretofore been in daikness
will be lighted up b\ a new
lamp. They were needed and
the comfort and convenience they
will afford will be appreciated
by our people.
Mr. N. N. Osburn well known
at Woodstock, Mich., was trou
bled with a lame back. He was
persuaded to use Chamberlain’s
Pain Balm. It gave him relief
in one night. This remedy
also famous for its cures of
rheumatism. For sale by Dr. R.
J. Reid.
State and County Taxes.
The County Commissioners at
their meeting to proportion the
taxes for Taliaferro comity,
reduced the county assessment
so that the whole tax State and
county will be just the same it
was last year—810 on the 81000
worth of property. This is
much better than our people
were expecting. While other
counties arc crying out about
taxes going higher, little Talia¬
ferro is holding its own or rather
reducing her taxes. It is a good
idea if ends can be made to
Cupid breaks bis bow at the
sight of a face full of pimples. and
Hollow cheeks, sunken eyes,
a sallow complexion will defy his
best intentions. Beauty is more
than skin deep. The skin is
merely the surface on which is
written in plain characters the
condition of the body. Dr.
Fierce’s Golden Medical Dis¬
covery is good for the com¬
plexion because it makes the
whole body h e a 1 t h y—
because it clears and purifies di
the blood, makes the
gestion strong and clears out im¬
purities of alt kinds. By increas¬
ing the ability to assimilate nu¬
tritious food,' and by the infusion
of its own ingredients it enriches
the blood and so makes solid,
healthy flesh, It cures diseases
of the lungs, liver, stomach,
bowels, skin and scalp, simply
because all these diseases spring
from the same cause—a dis¬
ordered digestion and consequent
impure blood.
Taliaferro Land Good.
Mr. G. S. Rhodes, of Sandy
Cross, has bought about 80 acres
of land from front Mr. of A. Mr. L. Hillman,^ Rhode’s'
just in paid 812.50
house. He per acre,
which shows that Taliaferro land
is yet valuable. Sam is one of
our best farmers.
The tthree-year-old boy of J.
A. Johnson, of Lynn Center, Ill.,
is subject to attacks of croup.
Mr. Jobnson says lie is satisfied
that the timely use of Chamber¬
lain’s Gough Remedy, during a
severe attack, saved his little
boy’s /life. He is in the drug
business, a member of the firm
of Johnson Bros, of that place:
and they handle a great many
patent anedicines for throat and
lung diseases. He had all these
to choose from, and skilled phy¬
sicians ready to respond to
call, but selected this remedy for
use in his own family at a time
when his child’s life was in dan¬
ger. because he knew it to be
superior to any other, and fa
cures ’of mT jJhnslu
I“inS V 8 sel ple ^dby a Sf
fS. __j__ e a Dr R
over at Socia i circle Monday
^ died in a few f^ hours aftelathe b
The Baptist of the 1st church at Athens
expect to hold services in their new 818.
000 huiidiDe Sunday next.
The annual meeting of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy will beheld
in Baltimore on the 10th, 11th and 12th
of this month.
^ . Stephens High Scliool by
f Xfiiv of the Pupils.
Th5v 1,n ^ ,e8 ofi/Learning * One of the llc»t Institu
in the State.
/News of School.
Ml ( arah Berman, wo are
glad •iy, is numbered among
the p Is of Stephens High
Mr. Mercer Bruce has not oc
cupied his place among us for
a month, He is one of our most
stad - t]| boyS; and is sad ly miss
ed bo by teachers rand pupils,
^ bas been quite sick with fever
and jj. ^.} ves us pleasure to learn
be is recovering his health
and atr0ngth . We hope to have
./ us very soon.
Mi; Lois Hall after several
weeks ^llness has again entered
to her accustomed place in our
• We welcome her back.
Mj Eila j ane Norton is visit
„ i Uu . es in • Augusta. A ,, w<> " c
in g rt ®
wish fpr her early return foi slu 1
is misled by us all.
Mv.M' '-handler Wimberly one
of our pupils of Waynesboro, Ga.,
spent Tuesday of last week in
Augusp. that Mr.
We pre glad to note
Henry Wynne after an absence
of a fe w days on account of siek
ness is with us again.
The Stephens High School is
indeed fortunate in securing the
services of Miss Corinne Carter,
of Mac on to preside over the
music department. She is a full
grad in -te of the Kansas Couser
vatorwof music at Leavenworth.
Washington as well as Craw¬
ford vi lie is impressed with the
idea tiiat a first class musician is
need neeuecl Oft in everv
an invitation . has been , extended
to Miss Carter to divide her time
between the two ]>laces. How
ever, fViwfnrrUillf* L-rawiOl uv Hie hones nopes to
offer sjuch inducements as will
engage (itenw her her whole w hole time time, With vmn an an
opportunity to learn banjo, man
Jcovnet, guitar, violin and
piano Uny town ought to make
trrea ogress in a musical way.
Wt understand that our
teachu si’s have been very much
Would You See 9 i
Rpal Bargains 9 ■
Then Follow the Crowd to
Where you can get:
hftavy school Jeans for 10c. yd. Doeskin .Jeans, worth 25c, for 18c. yd.
(Hints’ .Undershirts worth 25c, for l. r >c. Gents’ Undershirts worth 35c, for 2oc.
Lullies’ Lillies' Undervests Cassimere worth 25c. for pants, for 15c. worth Gents' }0c, Percal for 20c. Shirts worth 40c. for 25c.
Blnck and gray yds Spool Cotton for
4 "alls largest ball Cotton for 5c. 100 lc.
R( d and white Flannel worth 15c, for 11 l-2c- yd.
8- day Waterbury Clocks worth S2.50c, for $2.00 %
Jl dt received a big line of R. & G. Corsets, ail sizes, worth $\.00 far 85c.
A $ew received more of another those sample big line Shoes sample left Capes worth to $2.00 go at for from $1^50. 65c to $4.50. These are
Ju st
Great Bargains.
ti> Wen’s Suits worth $3.50 for $2.50. 1 Suite of Furniture
be closed out at a bargain. Be sure and see it.
trunks f of all sizes to go at prices beyond competitors.
V e also carry a nice line of family Groceries. I Best Leaf
Lard or 5 34c. lb. 9 lbs. best keg Soda for 25c.
"-ten’s Shoes Ladies’Shoes, Boys’ Shoes and Children’s Shoes
at lo cash prices. 1 Don’t forget theplaee.
R. JKET STORE, Gann & Hadaway,
1 Crawfordville, Georgia.
unndyod by the irregularity
attendance of some pupils.
readily sec that sncls pupils loose
iriterestin their studios and these
fall behind in their classes. Wo
wish (o quote a few words from
an illustrious educator. ’'The
volfarc of the school, says he.
the progress of each pupil, and
the comfort and success of
teacher depends largely upon
the unfailing attendance of every
member. The is a moral obliga
tiau .resting upon each person at
school that he shall da nothing
to interfere with the rights of
his neighbors. It is his duty
therefore, to be present : each
day, unless prevented by some The
unavoidable occurance.
waste of time, the hindrance in
stiul'% and the annoyance to
teacher ; and ., occasioned li, by
unnecessary absence, has mined
many a school, and the habits of
carelessness, indifference, and
irregularity, arising from the
saim , course, have blsaled the
prospects of many a pupil,
Self-respect, self interest, and
th « loVu ° r tl '® r i - 1,t shouUl
pel every pupil to . spare no effort
to secure a constant attendance,
The to;idlers of Stephens 11 ign
School desire to express their
warm ;t]>j>i 1 teci;tI ion of the haiul
some miiuner in which the room
has lately been fitted up. They
join the pupils in hearty thanks
to the Council. Trustees and
patrons for the great addition
their comfort. The
afforded by tins that our citizens
repaid tlui SCIIOO as - . 1 .
taut ioaturo of the comu*unity is
yery tiie^Teachers grateful. It is thif pnrposo
of to do all in their
power to rolidei fills (omide-K,
more deserved, and t hey hope Id 1
stimulate t ile ambition of tile
pupils * J to such ail extent that
neither , dllllftld * ■) -i i
;i liOl «t
will be found in their ranks.
Teachers, citizens and
must all work together if wo
would have a first class school.
It _ is . proposed that the young .
people of >Olir town and some who
. ire no t so young meet arid or
Kaniw sm „ 0 system of social and
intellectual enjoyment for the
long winter eveniilgK. We
mj< 7 ht hilV0 seri( , SfoT entertain
, • n, 2 ;UK \ s inMiivoa .ion
1 v c t subjects. . Let r V us start ♦ *
of the kind.
Buckingham’s Dye is the best
preparation made to color the
beard a brown or black.
RfelCUlCMlS Benefit
^ Milcs^ New Heart Cure,
tap aiwn' IP
\ IhHU&*
Mm 4 *
ifpf K-tMm
p. babcock, of Avoca, n. y., a
veteran of the 3r&N. Y. Artillery and
for thirty ye air- a®f the Babcock &
Muascl Oarrlago Co.,.-^.'Art)urn.8ays: “I
write to express my graotudo torthe mirac
Ions benefit received from Dr. Miles' Heart
Cere. I suffered kor,years, as result of army
life, from sciatic»n»Wch affected my heart
in the worst form, my limbs swelled from
the ankles up. I bloated until I was unabk
tv) button my clothing; had sharp pains
about the heart, smothering spells arfc
shortness of breath. For three months }
was unable to lie down, and all the sleep I
got was In an arm chair. I was treated by
the best doctors but gradually grew worse.
A bout a year ago I commenced taking Dr.
Miles’ Mew Heart Cure and St saved my life
as if by a miracle.” |p\ ” Dr/x!
Pr. Milos' Mtomedles
are sold by all drug¬
gists under a positive kHsallCui
guarantee, first bottle
benefits funded. ear Boole money dis¬ re¬ 'i- "Reotore®
on m, Ci««ith
eases of the heart and i
nerves free. Address.
Dll. MILES MEDICAL OO.. Elkhart, Ind.
Q W GIA ’ 1 J 11 , r ( , t
r y e
Cli:»!>ni}m Kxoculors of James H. ■'Chap- in
)llim ,>|.(>.is('d, nuii'esuiits in i vk? Court
UiHr ix'iition, duh-filed end mtomi «it
record, that lmve fully nd.mi rsiered
i|,|.|-,>fore to I'it/C »IJ persons cnncrnwil.
kindred nml rntditors. to siioiv cause, if
miv tliev ran, why said Executors should
hedis.du.ryed from their ; icl.nmistra
fjou % and r<*( pivo letters of dl-JinissioBi on
tli*» tirsi Mondav in February 1.^3.
' 1 'kisNovember 1 st is«r;.
ILL be sold, in front of I Jus -Moor of
the Court of Tulinfeir*
(<„ m ,i v , Georgia, on the first Tuesday id
I nber next.,' fin- cash. Within Die )«"»}
hours of stile, t« the highest Udder, all
a. G. Evan* reside I at th€«timo »r
his denth. contninlng 307 acre* more or
h>ss. mljoining lunds of E. I. Anderson on
the North; hinds of Oesse Qolatt on the
Kastilands of ,i„ H. Oglotree. onrthe South
lim i imuU of Alex Luucoford mid Martha
Luncofonl on West.
Snlil property sold ns the jflreperfcy of
tkeestiUe of said A. G. Evans deceased,
under and bv virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of said County. 11$97.
This the Ilth, day of Nov.
Administrator of said estate.