Newspaper Page Text
SlOO Per Year.
Special X bargains !
mi.'. J Ilib man]/ HOUR in lli
Dry Goods,
Consisting of Ladies' Dress Goods
Shoes, etc. Also the best and
cheapest stock of Crockery and
Glassware, the latest style vaces &
Parlor Lamps.
The latest style Dress Trimming.
You are especially invited to in¬
spect these goods tfnd prices be¬
fore making purchases. If you
should not do this, and pay
20 per cent,
Above my prices, you will regret
it. All I ask is to come and look ;
the quality and price will do the
rest. Yours to serve.
Harness Gil,
The best in the market at lowest
M. F. Griffith,
Crawfordville, Ga.
fully restored M ■T<
Ji l\ Aro SPB-fl /u ki S
k.H-7 citii- tablets, i box,
$1.00; S boxes $2.50, by tjj
TU \\v lY mall. Address, Hi V,
1 l U Mp’ii's Specific Co.,
Full particulars sent by
moll on application.
.50 Reward
The Haggard Specific Co.
Will give throe boxes of their Specific
Tablets', worth 82.50 to any one box who of their may
have used as much as one
tablets without decided benefit. We have
never heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re¬
sults, and if there is a person to be found
who lias used them without benefit we
want to know who be is aud where to find
him. They never fail to cure kidney and
...udder troubles and affections of the
genital organs and overcome all debility
Imd weakness iri both tneu and women.
They improve the appetite, aid digestion
and assimilation and overcome constipa¬
tion. They have vital effect on aU of the
secretory organs and establish a healthy
condition of the mucous and gland secrc
tions in every part of the body; capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secu re perfect circulation of the blood, so
that every organ is supplied, and every Being
function is normal and healthy.
the only lemcdy ever compounded that
fully n{octs the Vspcal physiological it is con
dffiims ou Ute human system, no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc
to#s and all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets and be. convinced that they aro
superior to all known remedies. TLeir _
effect on the nerve centres, is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
tiiehV Cases that have baffled the ski!!
of best pltysiclans aad no remedies seemed
to lame it, have beett promptly controlled
and nermmnmth' cured, by the Tablets.
Cases where injections cf. morphine have
lamp assorted to as the only means of even
tempprary relief have been promptly con¬
trolled by the. Tablets and the trouble
eomuktelv overcome by their use.
i’riov <lne Box 81.00, rr Three Boxes
£•2,50. If not on sale in your locality, At¬ or¬
der direct from Haggard Specific i's.,
lanta, Ga.
JtML IfiF: j
l|t fir> nnt Y.y tJpftcfSrd h'* f»TTn—Jr*rr 7s*frrr!!'’Mn*»TTfF Bn&
ti i ak y v ’ ta u get tts best nia 6«. fliiniaa and
,'«r r.reel: scan. Buy S-cra rc'Ad>!» manufacturers I
: i
in rv*eiwni.-al nrtraefion. ttvrabitity cf workWR- ^ I
. ^Sc^fioins *sFsjowS« cTscni^ vs'N-Y.
JE Harrox.V afk. 3■
Uf. -.'.‘tfifti,. Si,L soo.Cai. oots,M o. Atlasia IixMas,Tbx*4. h
■ - rnaact u
r.'T. OVERTON & CO., "
il 1 mi ‘J k 1
-ij—t y-rL ygA -
. £****
Xc Dr»u Eiiiionx. WA SHINGTON, ■
* *5-*i M! j Whiter __ Habits ...
sharor itehized.
What the People tliat 1 timing ,
Tnwn Town Are Ai-nTWiitr Doing.
Drummers never cease to come to our
Not more than a half a crop of potatoes
this year.
Our streets are pretty well filled with
people now days.
Mr. A. D. Moore lias a neat comforta¬
ble dwelling house now.
Mother St. Join), of the convent, has
been quite sick recently.
Preaching at Jennings Baptist church
next Saturday and Sunday.
A good many of our people attended the
big show in Washington-.
Dr? Farmer was with us again last
week. The Doctor is looking well.
Messrs. Herschel and Oho Stewart have
returned from South West Georgia.
, Our ginneries are not kept busy now
days but our olcl grist mill keeps a rolling.
We are taking contracts now for mat¬
tresses, quilting &c. All work guaran¬
The marriage of Lawrence Baltic to
Miss Allen of Warrenton was quite & nice
Judge M. J- Taylor made a visit to
Crawfordville last week on official busi¬
Our people had the dry grins last week
when cotton went down to four and a half
Sopping lasses and roasting tutors is the
height of the average darky’s ambition
We aro in a poor.'state of health ourself
and it looks like the chances are against
us for the better.
Mr. T. F. Kendrick, of the firm of Ken¬
drick & Co., was taken quite sick last
week but is better.
If you need any stoves put up or stove
pipe put up, call on C. L. Bagby, the
tinner, Shuftan, Ga
Mr.. Janies Garrett and son, Clarence,
were in our section last week looking after
his patent right interest.
Mr. IL II. Jackson hits been making
some improyeinents on L. 8. Jackson's
storo house the oast week.
A FRICANA will cure Syptfilii and Old
rv Sore* to Stay Cured.
Mr. Askew and sister, of Hancock
county, visited Mr. J.T. Taj lor and fami¬
near Barnett last week.
Educate Vo nr Bowel* With Ca.cnrets.
CnnOy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. ?5c. It C. C. C. tail, druggists refund money.
The sick incur section we think, are all
better. Jack frost has come and tho
general health will, be l etter.
To Curo Constipation Forever.
Take Cascurcts Candy Cathartic. 10c or Joe.
If C. C. (’. fail to cure, (iruff^iats refund money.
JSm Pittman is happy. Why, a bounc¬
ing baby bov at his house. The mother
and boy both are doing well.
To Cure Constipation Fororor.
Take Cascnrets Candy Cathartic. 10c or?5o
Tf <’. o. c. fail to cure, druggists refund money
Mr. Ed McAlpin is now running as train
hand on the Ga. It. R. main line and has
moved his family to Bamietfe.
Sq-To-Bsc for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed '.obaeco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. £0c.$l. All druggists.
(Air stores keep full up with goods alt
the time; it secnw that oHr merchants are
alive to the wants.of tho people.
Edueato-Your Hovrels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. If C.C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
We loarn that all of Mr. JJl. Kendrick’s
hands quit him last week and he has sev
eral bales of cotton in the patch.
T4» f;8- Is ot
liail* turf
cf srippei.
Tlic colored people at Greenwood Bap¬
tist ahureb, near Barnett, consumed tlie
whole day on the first Sunday preaching
the funeral of Eliick Holden. They had
dinn -Fon t'd*"ground and it seems that
they went at it right.
Piasters NUB1AM TEA cures Dyspep¬
sia, Constipation and Indi¬
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Planter* C U B AN O ! L cures
a V Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Lhcu
rnatism and Sore*. Price, 25 cents.
Plailfm rilR&IM -”«.nU RFLIFF Clues
• five miimtCB. Sour Stomach
»nd Summer Complaints, l’rice, 25 CerU».
All above goods- for sale by P. G. Lucas.
WG| understersd that Mr. W. J. Norson
will soon coir.qjenee work on the Mas-inic
tiuiiding in S’-yaron. ..This will add to the
loons of cv.t town considerWjr. There*
will be zlATzh-store room on fir?rt floor and
a hall ate vs.
. * ,
Letart W-Iiava^sedDr. Ohio. Aa& Ti«ien-r*s 29. ^ |
AntiS^pti: with good results.
Q ur customers OOffie back for it.
ARCt .md vnpak SpCd . wall .. of it • One saiit *
u«as tha onIy;th.n?l.e , i
neuralgia. ' A«.«S » M-..W *
n 0 CHpe oid-fash- oM-f
When When you you take take Flood's flood's Pills. Pills. The The big. big.
Joneu. ioned, sugar-coated su^ar-coatcd pills, pills, which which tear tear you you all a to
pieces, pieces, are are not not in in it it with with Hood's. ilood's. Easy Easy tot to take
and easy to operate, is true Pills
of Hood's Pills, which are
up to date in every respect.
Safe, certain and sure. All
druggists. -5c. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Mr. Sam Perkins and little daughter,
of near Sharon, visited his brother Joe
Perkins of near Sandy Cross last we“k.
The cotton crop is about all in and sold
at a low price It is no more than the
people expected when they planted the
Mr. John Shields is rejoicing at his house.
Another baby boy. Mr. Shields is one of
our best farmers; he raises everything at
lio.i.e to eat.
Walter Pittman and Bill Taylor are ex.
tending their meat market out as far as
Barnett which is a gfeat convenience to
the Barnett people.
The Coming Woman
Who goes to the club while her husband
tends the baby, as well as the good old
fashioned woman who looks after her
home, will both at times get run down in
health. They will be troubled with loss
of appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, faint¬
ing or dizzy spells. The most worderful
remedy for these women is Electric Bit¬
ters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame
Back and Weak Kidneys rise up and cal
it blessed. It is the medicine for wonieh.
Female complaints and Nervous troubles
of till kinds are soon relieved by the use of
Electric Bitters. Delicate women should
keep this remedy ou hand to build up the
system. Only 50c. per bottle. For sale
by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Mr. L. 8. Tackson, proprietor of Motel
Jackson, has got more push about him
than the most o f our business men, He
has always got some improvements going
on. W
Don't Totafco Spit *nd Smoke Tour I.Il'o Away.
To quit tobacco oasily and forever, bc'mngr
nctic. full of life, nerve and vieor, take N*-To
Hac. the wonder worker, that makes weak men
strong. All drusfisls, 50c or 11. Cure jnaran
teed Dooklet. and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co , Chicago or New York.
IVe seo Col. Clem Moore, is having him
a nice residence put up in Crawfordville.
Mr. W. -T. Norton is doing the work
which is a guarantee thaifit will be done
allO. K.
Evorvbody Says So.
Cajcrirets Candy CatbnrUc, the mnsl won¬
derful medical discovery of the ave. 1> eas
ant and refreshing to the taste, and act bowels, gently
cleansing and positively on kidneys, liver dispel colds,
the entire system,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness, l’lease boy and try a box
of V. C. C. to-day; 10, 35, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all drupgists.
Our farming friends have been digging
their potatoes th'! past week and putting
them up for winter. The crop is short
but there is a good many made as there
was a large crop in.
“How to. Cure ftll Skin txu«a»e.“*
No Simply internal apply medicine “Swayne’s Ointment "*
tetter, itch, all required. eruptions Cures (
eczema, on the i
». lug and t3frjra& curative 1, 8!5S.2£!
remedy. powore are possessed by
no other Ask Druggist for
Swayne’s OhjtmenL
We learn that Mr. E. S. O’Brien a, d
family will leave Barnett another leaving' vear. ,
We regret very much tlieir this
section. .Mr. O’Brien is one of our best I
and old citizens and has a great many
warm friends in this section of the county
who will hate to see him leave.
The ladder was created for one pur¬
pose, namely, a receptacle for the uiine,
and as Buch’ it is not liable to any form of
disease except by one of two ways. The
first way is from imperfect acton of the
kidneys. The second way is from careless
local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine front unhealthy kki
nevs is the chief cause of.bladder troubles.
So"tho womb, like the bladder,.was ereat- !
ed far one]>urpoRe, aud if not doctored too !
much is not liable to weakness or disease,
except in rate cases. » is situated back |
of atiei v*erv close to tire bladder, therefore 1
anv pain, disease or imcouveuience mani- j
fested in the kidney^ back, bladaer or
urinazv passage is often, by mistake, at- J
tribuCed to female weakness or womb
trovitfie of some sort. The error is To easily find j
made and may be easilvavoided. ;
out correctly, set your urine aside for
twenty four hours; a sediment er fettling \
indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The j
of Dr. '
tnfirt and the extraordinary effect
KHmer'* Swamp-Root, the great kidney, \
and bidder remedy is $r. ? realized It
(Ur You mav La^c a Siunpir* l>ottic and i
.shainplet, boti. lent free by msil. Men
rita-,th* AdToeate-Democrai and send i
TS"v!j. atklreo, to D r Kilmer .% Co,, b Bing
W&" *
Tba Kitchen Cabinet of whfdh Dr.- L. I
R. Brown of our town owns the right of
this county is a complete trick. W’e ex- j
amiued the whole thing last week and whs
well pleased with it.
Our Sharon ladies have some very pretty
flower yards, especially Mrs. A. 1). Ken¬
drick whose flS’.hg'upAheir is a perfection of beauty.
They are all pits now to
protect their plants for the winter.
We had quite a rowdy set of saw mill
men in Bharon on Saturday night the (5th.
They 1i\st took in the town, but they were
brought) , . ' to i ime last . weak , r for then - bad
conduct. A , fine „ of , twenty five' , dollars , ,,
was col .’Cted out of them.
F As *ee of Charge to Sufferers,
Cut out and take it to your druggist
and get (ft sample bottle free of Dr. King’s
New Discovery, for Consumption, Cough's
and Colds, They do not ask you to buy
before trying. This will show you the
great merits of this truly wonderful rente
dy, and show you what cun be accomplish
cd by the regular size bottle. This is no
experiment, and would be disastrous to
the proprietors, i|variably did they not know it
would cure. Many of the best
physicians are now using it in their prac¬
tice with great results, aud are relying on
it in most severe cases. It is guaranteed.
Trial stiles free at Dr. R. J. Rein’s
Drug Stone.
Mr. Strom, the JeQoler, of Crawford¬
ville, waf visiting his daughter’s family
Mrs. Lit ,f Williams at Barnett last week,
Mr. 8,troin got hurt sometime back but is
getting about again.
Hot ir-iMiKv Si rings. Ark., Moll. 3, 88.
I all tin<|iDi’- if is recommended Tichenor's Antisep¬ be
tic to
for etas, burns, bruises and
colic. IXJ ; would not be without it.
B. H. Randolph.
Im ******
Mr. J. L. Jackson, of Double Wells,
with his ft mily, lmvo left for Johnson
county where they will make their home.
We WUhllro. Ed. all the good luck as he
has be*« up, long friend and associate.
WinoMBster, Mo., Antiseptic Sept. 1. '9(5.
Dr. li/chenor's is
the best, remedy I have found for
cholera uaorbus.
G. E. Lewellyn, M. D.
Dr. A. C. Davidson is kept pretty busy
most of his time. The Doctor is u fine
physician and a christain man. He would
make a good representative for Taliaferro
in the legislature as he keeps well posted |
on all matters pertaining to county and;
state and looks to the good of the people.
Boone; boro, Mo., Aug. 31, ’96.
On* of in# customers says that
Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is the
best medicine he ever used, and
he will not be without it. In
fact all the samples I .distribut
cd have given satisfaction.
* »**''*
It was our plcasvre one day last week
to take aside through Sandy Gross sec
tion and we had the pleasure of r’trtl taking
wlfo - We 1 »• acre p <«tiy T'f n e, rd
and enjoyed a good substantial dinner.
M r. Perkin - seems to be very comfortably
sitliatwi aniJ is ettm * on vcr >' wc,) ln . h “ . j
farm. He laid two or three lings of cotton !
»» th « lle m:wie a « ood cr0 .P o(
cntton an(i orn - Tijere was a he ^ of
cotion in the fields in that section and it
will take s me time to gather it as every |
body Juts their corn and peas to house.
December Sheriff Sale.
/—1 *~^Will EbSCti*. T*IIaferro County.
be sold befoie.the Cotirt House i
door in Crawfordville In said county !
within the legal hours of sale to-the i
highert bidder for cash on the first Tues
day in December next all that tract or
parcel of lard lying and being in the 004th
District G. M. f in Taliaferro county,
Georgia, containing one hundred and
eleven (til) acres more or less bounded ,
the North by lands of Mrs. Fannie
Aabury, on the East by lands of Mis. j I
Rebecca E. l’aniel and lands of Frank
Mitchell, on the South by the South prong
of Little River, on the West liv the public
road leading from Crawfordville to Wood
stock in Of ivthorpe county, aiso at the
same time a»4 place all that tract or parcel j
of land lying and being in the With lbs- ,
trict G. M-, ip Tahafeirop County, Ga., ,
[ying on both .^des of the North prong of
the Ogeeehee River with water mill known
as Jennings Mill, dwelling house and other
improvements theifeun, bounded on the
North a!,i lands of Sornucl H.
Rhodes, trn.-tee for his wife and children.
on tho South by public road leading from
Crawford vie to Bethany church in
Green, W c.t bv hmds of
l^i lands Tried a* the
pror*erty f Reb^-ca Jan#* O^klrco to
satisfy n execution issued from the Su
perior Co rt of said county in favor of
Albert L hardson against said Rebec
»• '' HEN “Y +** T - «•
~rr ..... v •
In A q va rlioe-
^ntr.ollina l.auti.
Question*. —Will yon please answer
the following questions ?
1. Have yon ever tested subsoiliug
laud ? What was the result ?
2. Would you ndviso subsoiliug laud
with a fine sandy soil about 10 inches
deep? runs together and guts hard iix a
dry time. Subsoil is solid red clay.
8. Would you advise subsoiling dark
gray and red clay lauds (solid rod clay
subsoils) 12 to lli itiehos deop?
* When is the best time to subsoil,
ani * how oiton ?
6. Are you sure that it pays to use
acid .. phosphate , , . and . kamit , .. light , . , . sandy ,
laild8 for 00 rn. cotton, oats aud peas?
Do you advise the use of acid phos
phate and kainit with cottonseed on
auoh laud for oat* to be sowed in Goto
ber / ? he f is a fair cro P «* *> ea vines
7. When acid phosphate and kainit
are applied broadcast at the time peas
I are planted and all covered at once, is
j the 8. fertiliser Where immediately follow available? would
peas oats a
liberal application of phosphate and
kainit to the oat crop pay as well as to
n PPh catl ou between oats and
g Where uotton is planted after peas
would n liberal application of phosphate
and kainit to peas furnish phosphoric
acid nud potash enough for cotton?
Answer.-— 1. I have tested subsoiling
laud in southwest Georgia for corn aud
doubled the yield. I have a friend in
Jefferson oounty who, this past winter,
turned his land with a largo 4-hors*
plow and followed la the same furrow
with a subsoiler pulled by lire horses,
breaking the stiff subsoil to a depth of
18 to 20 inches. He writes that he it
well pleased with the result, the cotton
planted ou that land being ahead of
averything in that secfcioii-
2. Yes.
8. Yes.
4. Now is t good time to subsoil (Oct.
1), aud any .me will do through the
fall and winter when the ground is not
j wet. When thoroughly done the effeoti
will be visible for three or four years,
1 and frequently longer, according to tha
character of the subsoil.
6. I am sure that it pays to fortiliwd
all crops, if done judiciously, aud nitro¬
gen is usually needed as well as phos¬
phoric neid and potash.
6. While tho pea vines will furnish
j some nitrogen for the oat crop, I would
advise the use ot a complete fertilized
for them, particularly as you are desir¬
ous of building up your lund while yoa
are making crops.
7. Most of tho fertilizer is immedi¬
ately available, and the rest becomes so
gradually. The potash in the kainit ii
all available (of course in the presono*
moisture) at once, and so of what il
termed tho "available phosphoric acid”
in a fertilizer. There is usually sonts
phosphoric acid termed unavailable,
which gradually becomes available by
the action of certain properties in the
■ oil .
«• wish to bring up your laud
wpidiy you should fertilize each crop
wel1 -
?• ° f co ^ 8e a portion of the phospho.
ric “t 0 '' 1 an,i kainit wouid remain in th«
»°h to V° L’A'm U P ty Hm cotton crop,
but as I have said before, if you wish to
bring your laud to a high stute of fer
tni ty each crop that you plnnt should
we ^ fertilized.
Sore*, Ulcers, ' S»lt Rheum. Vtow.
Tettcr ’ Chapped Hands. Chilblain.. .
Coma, and all Skin Eruptions, ” ‘ and po»U P
lively cures Biles, or nepay fwciuired. It
i$ guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Our Thanks Fonlinued.
The following kind jiatrons have paid
tlieir subscription since our last mention.
<) M. Sajjgus, 50cto Midi. 1st, ’9H.
T O. Gunn, 50c to April 1; ’08.
‘‘The worst cold I ever hud in
my life was cared by Chamber
Iain’s Couf^ll Remedy, writes
w jj Nort(jn> f Sutter. Creek,
Cal, , <rr Ill , • IS cold . , loft . .. 1116 With ... a.
cOU^jh atld I W&S expectorating
a [j tne time. The Remedy cured
ra ; • „_d <1 ’ T wn ‘ ll of * -ill of ln '*^Gr.dS
wnen troubled With . , U couffh or
cold to USe it, for it will do them
jtqoH. ° ” Sold by Dr. R. J. Rf-id
The cotton grower's COtlVOU
tioQ wi H be held in Atlanta- on
Dec. jd. iq IS Tiptfcr A r ndx'iso d . is le.kS COt
ton tor next season,
CvROFULA ... in- its wor&t form
*9 yields to the bipod cleansing power ;
of Hood’s Sarf>ppjyUU> Thousands of \
cases havd bofiu nenbefly CURED.
States . Spain did badly not w.m. seemed • Tght Urn did, United |
as as it the
SST *v .- se* -r— X* •■* |
■ r
Royal makes the food paVe,- - ■
wholesome and dslleiohs.
' o *s
if" t r
&AKIN0 At f
Absolutely Pure
& •• uvmr
■"*** ~ • J , . .r.. -
Richard Crokcr has sold M4 half in
terest in the Belle’Mead farm iickr Nash¬
ville to ■General W. H. Jacksoip
The Morgan & Wright rnrig!e-tube
iuick- repair tire be reg arded as
i dist inct in Lprovement jn bi< iyble tlft
jonot ructio i. It has the folk >m:ig ad
^ant ages:
Wnile puncturesiflil ,it pnn be re
laired with plugs, 'er'b'Cdi•liquid!in¬
ject tons, as well lit 4'jriy other
tingle-tube tire, it cxi be ipimaMinlyt
repaired by using thte quick-xapaif'i
strip inoide the tire. Sec ;ut No. 1.
1; i
No. 1.
By injecting* M. & W.
'.e nent through the puncture, tvnd
then preasing down on the tire with
the thumb, as in cut No. 2, the repair
No. 2. No. 3.
atrip inside is picked up by the cement,
thug closing the puncture, as in cut
No. 3.
The Morgan & Wright jungle-tube
quick-repair tire is account'of guaranteed the not
porous. Thia is on way
in which it Is made. Nearly every
rider has heard of tirca that “leak
like a sieve.”
Muny tires rot, because water gets
into the fabric between the two layers
of rubber. The Morgan & Wright
fabric is proof against moisture.
’Everybody knows how comfortable
Morgan A Wright tire3 are, and yet
how seldom they puncture. This is
due to the fabric.
Ask any bicycle dealer whether
other tires last as long as Morgan &
Wright tires. Ask, also, what the
Morgan & Wright guarantee means.
Morgan & Wright tires are repaired
free of charge, at the factory in
Chicago or at any of the Morgan &
Wright free repair shops, located in
the principal cities.
N. B.—When you have a puncture,
get right off. Riding a tire fiat, when
it has a tack or nail in it, may
damage it considerably.
Some Medicine* belotjg to on*
season and some to another.
Tt purifies the blood, removes languor
and depression, invigorates and exhila¬
rates tfie whole system.
It overcomes the relaxation and debility
caused bowel by hot weather that and corrects
troubles are so prevalent
then. Besides, it makes the most de¬
lightful and refreshing drink.
When malaria “ rides on every passing
breeze,” it is the great preventive and
the unfailing cure of troubles result¬
ing from that cause.
It is still Heeded for curing Colds, Grip,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, and the ills that
belong to ebld seasons.
It does these things not in a feeble
and uncertain way, but with assured
and triumphant power.,
Keep If in the Home at All Times.
t^Sold by Druggists, new package, large
bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Manulactured
only by
W rite for 4 s. Page Book, Hailed Fm,