Newspaper Page Text
The Advocate-Democrat,
8100 Per Year.
This week in
Dry Goods,
Consisting of Ladies’ Dress
Shoes, etc. Also the best
cheapest stock of Crockery
Glassware, the.latest style vaces &
Parlor Lamps.
The latest style Dress Trimming.
You are especially invited to in¬
spect these goods and prices be¬
fore making purchases. If you
should not do this, and pay
20 per cent.
Above my prices, you will regret
it. All I ask is to come and look;
the quality and price will do the
rest. Yours to serve.
Harness Oil,
The best in the market at lowest
M. F. Griffith,
Crawfordville, Ga.
iom fSfcfi El
4 Are fully restored
cs? u TABLETS. 1 box, 1 '
I *1.00; 3 boxes $2.50, by L
mall. Address. Snerifio a \\\l ¥ i
Hazara’s Co., If
Full particulars sent by
mail on application.
$2.50 Reward
The Haggard Specific Go,
Will give three boxes of their Specific
Tablets, worth $2.50 to any one who may
have used as much as one box of their
tablets without decided benefit. We have
never heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory re¬
sults, and if there is a person to lie found
who has used them without benefit we
want to know who he is and where to find
him. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of the
genital organs aud overcome all debility
' eakuess in both men ] digest! women.
,nd secre
•*“ (Swfect K8E- circulation - of the paries blood, and so
secure »nd
that every organ is supplied Being every
function is normal and healthy.
the only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological is con¬
ditions of the human system, it no won¬
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc¬
tors nnd all remedies have failed, try the
Tablets and be convinced that they Their ^ arc
superior to all known remedies.
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Gases that have baffled the skill
of best physicians and no remedies seemed
to bene A, have been promptly controlled
and permanently cured by the T ablets.
Gases where injections cf morphine have
been resorted to as the only means of even
temporary relief have been promptly trouble eon
trolled by the Tablets and the
completely overcome by their use.
Price One Box $1.00, cr Three Boxes
$2.50. If not on sale in your locality, At¬ or¬
der direct from Haggard Specific Co.,
lanta, Ga.
"’■'J- :
'T’housands of
1 women are
troubled at 1
monthly inter¬
vals with pains
in the head,
back, breasts,
hips and limbs.
But they need
not suffer.
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men¬
strual function should operate
makes menstruation painless, deli¬ -.hjfyA.
and regular. It puts the
- cate menstrual organs in condi¬
£ tion to do their work properly.
ti And that stops all this pain.
* Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Cardui will relieve her? It
costs Ji.oo at the drug store.
Why don’t you get a bottle
f.j to-day?
For advice, in cases^ requiring giv¬
special directions, addre.-s,
ing symptoms, “The Ladies’
Advisory Department,” The
Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
% Chattanooga, Tenn.
7 ••••eSSao®**
i .........
5 “ I was trovblea at monthly intervals
% 2 with tecrlble pains entirely in my relieved head and by back, Wind
6ut Carpal.” ha»e been
Wl*at the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
BY C. f.. BAG BY.
Mrs. Salle Jackson’s health is no better.
Prof. E. B. Moore’s school is very good
at this place.
Air. John O’Keeffe visited Augusta re¬
cently on business.
Mr. Ruff Kendrick will soon have his
residence completed.
Love Mershon is traveling as agent for
the kitchen Cabinet.
Miss Mert Taylor and Miss M. T. Bag
by were visiting at Jenning’s last week.
Mrs. Ben l^eckworth, near Barnett; is
in quite feeble health.
Our town has vis tors all the time now
from abroad.
Mr. Murry Taylor, of near Barnett, is
now in the employ of the telegraph com¬
A good many of the old confederates
attended the meeting in C’rawfordville last
Miss Emma Bagby lias returned home
after a month’s visit to her sisters near
Mr. T. F. Kendrick has recovered from
his recent illness and at his place of busi¬
ness all 0. K.
Miss Clements returned to her home
above Qrawfordvillc last week, at Mr. J.
V. Garrett’s
When in Sharon call on us if you need
any tin or sheet iron work done, C. L.
Bagby, the tinner.
Mrs. L. A. and Arthur Moore with
three children from Hillman were visiting
in Sharon last week.
Mr. A. B. Jarrcl lias another heir at
his home. Blake is moving along pretty
lively in the family line.
Charley Zackory will put him up a
market house near H. C. Dickon’s saloon.
Sharon isjjetting there with a vim.
Send in your mattresses if you have any
you want made or any quilts you want
quilted. C. L. Bagby, Sharon, Ga.
Mr, Paul Musseugale was visiting in this
section recently. Paul with his fiddle is
quite a pet among the young people.
1800 bales of cotton shipped ffom Slin-'
ron depot up.,to date, besides about sixty
• he ' iras — wh-W for a belter
• AH5 f
way of a jad signal. \Y e have never
seen it.
A FRICAN A will cure Sypbili* and Old
ra Sores to 5<tay Cured.
The foot peddlers that have been stop
ping with Mr. E. E. Darden, for several
days, have left us. They were both nice
Educate Your Botrels Witli Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c.25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Our farmers are putting in a much
larger crop of grain than usual. This is
right, Flour is pretty high now for the
price of cotton.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c nr 36c.
If C C. O. fad to cure, drugtfists refund money.
The cooking range men have beeu fre¬
quent yisitors to our town this fall, Cot
ton is very low to pay such bite prices for
something to cook on.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C O. C. fail to cure, drugttists refund money
Mr. Edward McAJpin, of the Ga. R. R.,
got Lis ankles sprained recently which
him off his train for awhile but he went
back to work last week,
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed '.obacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c. $1. All druBRists.
Dr. L. It. Brown has fitted him up a nice
little office in the back room of his drug
store and put up a nice little stove anti he
is very comfortably situated.
Educate Your Jlovrels With Cascarets,
Cand7 Cathartic, cure druggists*r<.-ftmd constipation foreveo
I0c.25c. If C. C. C. fail, money.
Now isthe lime to pay up your subsci ip
Y °" r
bis devil needs S too.
gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Pianos CUBAN RELIEF cures
^ ..... ... ......
- ~~
All above goods for sale by P. G. Lucas
Letart Falls. Ohio, Aug- 29, 96.
We have used Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic With good roVultS.
Our customers come back for it
Y d
it was the only thing he tad hml
:ound to give his v,;te roiiei
neuralgia. Allen & Allen.
Much in Little
Is especially true of Hood’s Pills, for no medi¬
cine ever contained so great curative power in
so small space. They are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al¬ Pills
ways efficient, always sat¬
isfactory; prevent a eold
or fever, cure all liver ills,
sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25&
| The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Mr. L. S. Jackson, our popular merchant
is laying in a fine stock of Christmas
goods of the latest novelties. They should
be seen to be appreciated.
Mr. Herschel Stewart left for South
Georgia last week. He is a witness in a
case in court down there and will draw
pretty good rations if he has to go many
more times.
We had beans and cucumbers at our
house last week which was quite a rarefy
for this season of the year. Would have
them until Christmas but the frost will
cut them off.
Mr. O. D. Moore, one of our largest
farmers and best citizens, says his crops
are much better oil his plantations this
year than they were last \ ear; tho only
trouble was low price of cotton.
Young Mr. Barnwell, son of Mr. Seal)
Barnwell, of Washington, Ga., passed
through our town last week enroute for
home. He has been on a tramp for two
years. He looked very much worsted,
Uncle Tim Edge was in town last week
spinning his yarns as usual. He told us he
was going to move iuto our district
another year so we will have a chance to
report his yarns and anecdotes oftener.
There was about two hundred and
twenty tickets sold at our depot show day
to Washington. A big crowd of them
went to carry the children. Some of the
darkies will get through toiling what they
saw in six months.
Key. Mr. Embry, pastor of the' Metho¬
dist church at this place made his last
visit to us last week, unless he is returned
to this circuit another year. He has made
many friends here and no doubt the mem
bership of this circuit would like for him
to be relumed for another year!
” " » t>i»U m.d Mu
bWk'Cl, Booklet- Sim' samp free. Addre.
Storting Remedy Ca, Chic: Jt or New York.
We don’t think a man that sells
whiskey and gives others ad vice not to
drink it is doi g a business that he believes
^ and honest, The only differ
between the two is the one that sells
^] 10 w biskey makes the money and the
one that drinks loses the money.
EvoryUody Says So.
Cnscmvts Candy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of the a;.'e, p.cos
on 6 and refreshing to the taste, and act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
enre headache, lover, habitual constipation box
rind biliousness. Please buy and try :i
of (!. C. C. to-day; 10, 2‘>, 60 cents, bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Competition is said to be the life of
trade and we think we have it in Sharon
in the green meat line Pittman & Taylor
and Zackery & Stewart. We believe Bob
Gilbert has declined to go into it. Well it
is stivige that when people sec some they
think making money several will jump
into it and cut the profits off so none can
make anything.
“How to Cure all Skin Disease.**
Simply apply “Swayne’s Ointment ”
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, &c.. leaving the skin
dear, white and healthy. Its great heal¬
ing and curative powers are possessed by
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
Swayne’s Ointment.
and lift such it is not liable to any forin of
discale except by one of two ways. The
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid
neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles.
So t , 1(! wom t lt pke the biadder, was croat
Q d f or 0 ne purpose, and if not doctored too
much is not liable to weakness or disease,
ed batk
and bladder remedy is woni rei^dizetl. It
K fihv w , ts ; iafl ( ,«.e d-.b
You mav Jiuve a sample lwttk* and
j plmmplet, both sent free by mail. Men
j liam|nilf x. Y . The proprietors S.2. this
; ,er guarantee til? geiciinonesN t!
Two of thc’colomi Mctfiolist liretheron
of Sharon had some sharp words one da}
last week. One of them a preacher and
the other an officer In the church. The
preacher married the other, brothers’
daughter to a man that he did not think
worthy of her and he pronounced the
whole thing illegal and the' preacher got
mad No damage and threatened done. to mash his mouth.
Sodden's Amlca-Sot-re.
The Bast Salve in tlio world for' Cuts,
Bruises, 8ores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Pav¬
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Ohilblalns.
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi¬
tively cures Piles, or ne'par feonired. It
Is ft .anteed to give satisfaction or
mono} refunded. Price 25 cents pc* box.
For sale by Dr. R. J- Reid
Me -rs J. T. Taylor, A. E. Taylor and
W. H\Bugbv left last Friday for Emanuel
count j <.'respecting for a home for another
year, sill they go, yet wo hear that a
good i |>viy who have moved gdowu in
South orgia from this section would
come hack hut they arc ashamed to come.
You won’t get any better price for cotton
orjabdr down there than you will here.
A greist many people think that because
cotton i so low they ought not to work so
much, .'hen really they ought to work
the nu j. The more you work tho more
is mad< 1
A 10,000,000 fire in London
last I iday. Pity it was not in
the ci4ton ware houses of Liuer
Wings, *** **#.*
Hot Ark., Mcb. 3, ’88.
I fii Dr. Tichenor’s Antisep¬
tic till i is recommended to be
for cuts, burns, bruises and
colic. 1 would not be without it.
B. H. Randolph.
A mb,A In Dublin 38 years old
has m ver bought a postage
stamp in his life.
Hester, Mo., Sept. 1. ’9G.
ckenor S Antiseptic is
medy I kavofound for
" U ' ** '
i. ill Av^.diUi v —v.
ta’s eer merchants,
1 isboro, Mo., Aug. 31. ’90.
Oi of my customers says that
Dr. ohenor’s Antiseptic is the
best /edicine he ever used, and
he will not be without it. In
fact all the samples I distribut¬
ed have given satisfaction.
Thos. Finn, M. D.
The Thornasville Times-Enter
prise puts a heap of facts into
the following liqqs: “Georgia
wants fewer, simpler and plainer
laws, without so many surplus
whereases, wherefores and
therefores. The multiplicity of
laws, many of them couched in
language susceptible of more
than one construction, is the
bane of the state. y y
“Just as
Good i
s** **
cheaper*” IS a statement sometimes
ma( J e by the druggist when Scott’s !
Scott's l
Emulsion ;
of Si Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophoj
j a rd preparation twenty
! Years on the market*
I should not be permitted by
the intelligent purchaser.
I and ^ ail druggists.
gcoTT & BO’.VNE, Chemists, New York.
In Advancnoco
Scott Thornton, of Atlanta,
died Wednesday.
Old Soldier's Attention.
Head Quarters Alex Stephens Camp U.
0. V.
The members of this arc hereby
earnestly requested to meet at Ihc court
house in Cruwfordvitle on Tuesday Dec.
7th at ten o’clock a. in. Business is of
such character to transact that the pres¬
ence of each member is highly necessary.
Now comrades lay all other business
aside that day and come out.
$y order of,
Adjutant. Commandant.
This, Nov. 22nd, 1897.
Fall Plowing? For Light Lundi.
Question.-—Y on have written a good
deal about fall plowing of our Georgia
lands and I want to know if it will do
to plow our light lands in the fail ami
let them lie nil winter? Won’t they
wash worse than if let alone ?
Answer. —Although fall plowing on
light lauds may not be as beuefloial as
on those of heavier quality, we would
prefer plowing to leaving thdin alone,
xuncli of tho water from winter rain*
will sink into the subsoil and if proper
arrangements by terruciug and ditching
have been mado to carry off the Xurplug
water, little damage will result from
washing. A better plan, however, is to
cover these bare lauds with some win¬
ter crop, as crimson clover, (peculiarly
suited to light laudB) rye, vetch, etc.
These crops assimilate the elements of
plant food already in the sjil, prevent
tho lands from washing and the neces¬
sary preparation for them aerates the
soil and helps it to conserve moisture.
During the winter our teams should
never be allowed to stand idle when the
laud is in right condition to be deeply
broken. Two reaxous that farmers are
unsuccessful with crimson clover are
that the seed are put in too late and the
preparation is imperfect. Some times
poor seeds are planted nnd sometimes
they are not covered' deep enough. If
not sufficiently covered they will either
be washed off by heavy ruins or a light
rain followed by dry weather will oause
them to sprout and then perish. Wheva
a harrow can be used it does the work
Ter y nicely, if the teeth* are set at an
angle if 45 degi^gi; or
Abated e- any o'
WH Norton, of Batter Crt
Cal, “This cold left me with a
cough and I was Remedy expectorating cured
all tne time. The
me, and I want all of my friends
when troubled with a cough or
cold to use it, for it will do them
good. y y Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Onr Thanks Continued.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscription since our last mention.
L. 8. Jackson, SI, to May 12. ’9 y .
J, W. Lawson, 25c, to Ian 1, ’J8.
T. L. Bentley. 50c, to March ’98.
G. E. Downing. $ 1, to April, 1, ,98,
Ogle tree, 25c. to Nov. 29, ’97.
The cotton grower’s conven¬
tion will be held in Atlanta on
Dec. 13. Better advise less cot¬
ton for next season.
Are you certain that you always get
what you order when you go shopping?
Advertised articles are frequently imitated,
Look out!
BETTER than care is prevention, j
» By taking Hood’s .Sarsaparilla you .
may keep well, with pure blood, strong
nerves and a good APPETITE.
the price I l
^ .rood article Is rare! v dear at
■ LC ) - -
Goods advertised in this newspaper are
for sale in this town. You can get them
Zackery & Stewart,
J, ’, ^ '
s ( n t our p i„,. e of bu :ne-s.
W e respectfully solicit ih* patronage of
the public.
-Ve euarantee ‘at a. :t.ou, , ... ••• ,
. rtharou
NO. 40.
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
pm I
Absolutely Pure
Griffin is reported as having a
case of smallpox.
The Morgan & Wright single-tube
prick-repair tire must be regarded as
i distinct improvement in bicycle tire
:onstruction. It has the following ad¬
While punctures in it can be re¬
paired with plugs, or semi-liquid in¬
jections, as well as in any other
.ingle-tube tire, it can be permanently
repaired by using the quick-repair
strip inside the tire. See cut No. 1.
No. 1.
By injecting M. & W. quick-repair
lenient through the puncture, and
then pressing down on the tire with
the thumb, as in cut No. 2, the repair
No. 2. No. 3.
strip Laide is picked up by 1 the cemen t,
closing the met tin* in cut
f- -. > 4
rs Morgan A Wright ( s >hf?le-tnbc
I of ths wiy
sieve." arlv e
Ay tire* rot, becau ^-4 it leak
Into the fabric between t
of rubber. The Morgat. -
fabric is proof against moisture.
Everybody knows how comfortable
Morgan & Wright tires are, and yet
how seldom they puncture. This is
due to the fabric.
Ask any bicycle dealer whether
other tires last as long as Morgan &
Wright tires. Ask, also, what the
Morgan & Wright guarantee repaired means.
Morgan & Wright tires are
free of charge, at the factory in
Chicago or at any of the Morgan &
Wright free repair shops, located in
the principal cities.
N. B.—When you have a puncture,
get right off. Riding a tire flat, when
it has a tack or nail in it, may
damage it considerably.
NOT •I o I
Ther0 . fl a difference between medi
oiue8 and medicines. differ , from
Those of to-day, as a rule,
those of the past in many difference respects. be
Fully as great is the
tween Dr. King’ B
R0Y _ ___ * L amhuPTIICQ w®*™*
and the ordinary medicines of to-day.
It is unlike them in
cine* It is as pleasant to take as
lemonade and makes a most refreshing*
drink. the most
2. It never nauseates
have never been equaled.
Of XAIABltb FOJSON It Stands pre^miaeut—
without a rival or a peer.