Newspaper Page Text
SlOO Per Tear.
This week is
Dry Goods,
Consisting of Ladies’ Dress
Shoes, etc. Also the best
cheapest stock of Crockery
Glassware, the latest style races
Parlor Lamps.
The latest style Dress Trimming.
■' You are especially invited to in¬
spect these goods and prices
fore making purchases. If you
should not do this, and pay
20 per cent.
Above my prices, you will regret
it. All I ask is to come and look;
the quality and price will do the
rest. Yours to serve,
Harness Oil,
The best in the market at lowest
M. F. Griffith,
Crawfordviile, Ga.
& VuK i: i V ? Arp bJiil fully y restored -*’4 ftfbV y l\
6y IXAHUARH'S M" - ;- llo''
h|.y CIVXV TABLETS. 1 ’ ox, \
til if 1.00; 3 boxes $2.fV ;-(/ ,y 1 1 1
I IV mall. Address,
BafsatVs srt Jo.,
Full particulars sent
mall on applloaU .
$2.59 Reward
The Haggard Specific Co.
Will give three boxes of their Specific
Tablets, worth 82.50 to any one who may
have used as much as one box of their
tablets without decided benefit. We have
never heard of a single case where the
tablets have failed to give satisfactory found re¬
sults, and if there is a person to lie
who has used them without benefit wo
want to know who he is and where to find
him. They never fail to cure kidney and
bladder troubles and affections of tlie
genit-d organs and overcome all debility
and weakness in both men and women.
-wove themm ’*!•>’'.
t\ 0 ;r Th^htvrxdtal XTon all of the*
secretory organs-and establish a healthy
condition of the mucous and gland secre¬
tions in every part .of the body; overcome and
all torpid conditions of the capillaries blood,
secure perfect circulation of the so
that every organ is supplied healthy. and Being every
function is normal and
the onlv remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological it is won¬ con¬
ditions of the human system, uo
der that they give results unknown to
medical science. No matter if the doc¬
tors and all remedies have failed, ti\ the
Tablets and be convinced that they rheir are
superior to all known remedies, _
effect on the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
them. Oases that have baffled the skill
of best phvsicians and no remedies seemed
to benefit,'have 'wen promptly controlled
and permanently cured by tho Tablets.
Cases where injections of morphine have
been resorted to as the only means of even
temporary relief have been promptly trouble con
trolled by the Tablets and the
completely overcome by their use.
Price One Box 81.00, cr Three Boxes
$2.50. If not on sale in your locality, or¬
der direct from Haggard Specific Co., At¬
lanta, Ga.
Zackery & Stewart,
Dealers in Pork, Beef, Mutton, Fish
and Oysters. We also keep an eating
saloon at our place of business.
We respectfully solicit the patronage of
the public. guarantee satisfaction, low oriees
*nd polite a tention.
Market price paid f >v all Raw ILdes;
Sharon. Gt.
f-v ■j
• ; S
m SB a IN 8
Do not be deceived by e 7 lnrf^s' advert »*rid
tbink you can g»et tns best Bfitde, finest taigh ana
for a mere polg*. Buy from reliable macuf
that have pained a reputation by nrld f.ntje?t and wrtare A
deallnsr. There in r.on-*: n the v. r’.uat rc-n t
in mechanical construct durability of v < -
parts, fineness of beauty ta o» pearr r.r*, or i ““
as manv improvements as t':;e l-£W KOKi£.
The Hew Horse Sewing Macliiss C$.
Obahoii, Mass. Boston. Mass. 2
Chicago, A N Ili FUaSCTBCO, . Str,Loj os, Cal. 3IO. ATLANTA; Da r : v \^ Ja,
fca ev
sharon itemized.
What the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doiug.
l'.V C. r.. ISAGtSY.
Mr. J. W. Fallen had his steam engine
over hauled las! week.
Mr. George Foucke is building him a
residence on his land near Fairplay.
Remember I am head quarters for
Toys and Xmas goods. L. S. Jackson.
Thanksgiving day was strictly observed
in Sharon. All business houses were
Toys in endless variety ready for sale.
Come before the rush. L. 8. Jackson.
Printing done of all kinds at tlie lowest
cash prices at the Advocate-Democrat
Mr. C. C. Caldwell and A. J. Melton
were with our boys last week trading
Call at tho Racket Store in Craw ford -
ville. They sell goods at mighty low
Miss Missouri Bagby spent last, week
with her sister Mrs. R. W. Taylor, near
Zackorv & Stewart have their market
house up and are in it, carrying on busi¬
ness lively,
Col. II. M. Holden and Judge, George
Mitchell were in our city last week on
official business.
Mr. tV. J. Ellington and J. E. Bagby
were in the band to the holy land in South
G eorgia last week.
The cotton crop is a!! about out, and
sold. More of if lias come toSharou than
did last year up to this date.
Call at the Alliance,: Store when in
Crawfordvtlle, They will fix you up al
right ”... in anri kirid of goods.
Tlie bird , . hunters are all over the ,, , land ,
now and . tlie ., poor partridge ... don , ,, t fare ,
well ,, old , . molly hare , either. . .
Look out for our beef market men’s
advertisements. They mean business ou
a rock , and , don’t , ,, you forget , ,.. it.
Send m vour Christmas advertisements
and , , let the , people . , know what . A old 0 bandy .
Claus . has got;m . store , for , them.
Send in your mattresses if you have any
...... .............
1 FPw- r i,
the Washington
11. It., we guarantee, has the finest
milk cow in the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiilio Gunn and Mrs. J.
Bagby and children visited Mrs. W- j
II. Bagby and family last week.
When in Sharon call on us if you C, need L. j
any tin or sheet iron work done, ;
Bagby, the tinner.
Mr. Murry Taylor is to leave soon for
Mobile, Alabama, after visiting home
folks in this section for several days.
A FR1CANA will cure Syphilis and Old i
GV Sores to Stay Cured. I
Taylor has returned home j
Miss Hurt
from a visit to her aunts, Mrs. Jim Edge
and Mrs Charley Johnson, at William’s
Educate Tottr. ,iow< ’ ,s w,t h Casoarets.
Candy Csithartie, constipation . forever.
10c. 25c. if C. c. C. fail, druggist*refund money,
Mr. Charles Bergstrom is always adver
rising his business in his county paper and
who has made better success tliau h .
Advertising yays.
To cure constipation i orevor.
Take C'-israi-ets Candy Cathartic. 10 c or 25c.
,f 1 1. c. c. fail to cure, druggists refund munev.
Dr. A. C. Davidson makes the beq
mayor Sharon ever had in our recollection.
Tlie doctor is strictly a conscientious
cluistain gentleman.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candv , Cathartic. „„ 10c or 2?.c
If C. M. C. fail to cure, dru^ists refund money
Come to see my stock of Confection
erics, Toys and Xmas goods before you
buy as you can’t find as good selection
elsewhere, L. S. Jackson.
No-To-JIac for Fifty Cent*.
Guaranteed otacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, tlood pure. $1. All druK^^sts
The Sharon green meat dealers a^e buy
ing up all .... kinds of . raw hides , ., now soJf-our ,
people need not throw them away. Bring
them to Sharon and sell them.
Edurarc Vm,r is..we) R vvuh rasc.-.rets.
Candy cathartic, cure constipa' .fundisoney. ion forever,
’Oc.COc. IfC.C.C fail,r
Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep
gia, Constipation and Indi
gestion. Reeuiates the Liver. Price, 25 cts.
Flamers C ^ U . B n AN . OIL . cureo
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, P.heu
matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents,
c u pan relief cures
1 IMUtVI me, .NeuralgiaandToottiache
v >;i £ ve minutes- Sour stomach
&ud Summer Complaints. Price. 25 Cents.
' All above ’ goons for sale bv P. G. Lucas,
" •
We wish we could get our Sharon
< hants to advertise their business in
county paper. It would pay them
help ' the editor and encourage us.
! Letart Falls. Ohio. Aug. 29,’96.
w ' ’ e ( , i-.,■„ ha : dSe(J D ,l n Ul P \ icnenor
Antiseptic with , good results.
Our customers come back for
! and speak 1 well of it. One
1 it was the onlv ,vtnrr thing lia he
j found to give his wife relief
neuralgia Allen & Allen.
■ m •-'MX' PEOPLE.”
Liver ills
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti¬
pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work
H o o d’s
25 easily Best cents. after and All dinner thoroughly. druggists. pills. Pills
Prepared by C. 1. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.
Tlie only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Wo don’t tliiuk there was many turkey
dinners in this section Thankgiving dfcv.
Our town was very quiet ; good many went
J uniting.
Mr. Lawrence Battle must be walling alxjnt
for cotton to go up. We see he lias
forty.or fifty bales slacked on the Siiarbn
depot yard.
Mr. Elisha Moore shipped a drove pjf
cattle from Barnett last week. There is
a heap of cattle being shipped off from
old Taliaferro,
Mrs. Saliie Jackson still re-maias in
bad state of health we are sorry to state,
She has been a great sufferer, and, her
many friends sympathize with her.
Some of our people have been knockV,
hogs in the head to stop running to the
store, and by the way there are a good
many in the country to kill this season.
If you vvunt- to-jri't a figkimi yolir hands
just ask some,of ififc wgpieji injtlira shqiipn
about moving to Emanuel county,
gloVylaml, and you ‘will have to hit' Ttie
grit or 'one, V it
)Ve visited Crawfordviile last week and
foundVill the stores full of. good,sand extra
clerkrand a gqo'd trade Was going on.
The low price of cotton don’t step the
, „ 10,11 , u 111
1 ' ‘" 1 '
We would not he surprised . if some of ,
the of this section commenced . suit ..
for divorce from their husbands about
movidgtothe ? gloryiand, South Ga.
11 ^ n , !' w,in . . ° 0
' " " .‘
Messrs. Tav lor, Bagby and . Harpers Tr have .
returned from their South Ga. trip much
improved . ...... health and much ,
in we suppose
pleased t with that section ot country, , T It .
f / , ol „ ... , t loat
Ia ,1 aiK IIUUv aU ‘ v
latte Ne To- 1
the wonder-worker, that imikes weak men
AU druggists, r,nc or Si. Cure guaran¬
Booklet imp sample free. Address
Remedy Co., Chicago or New York,
You can’t get milk and honey no where
go unless you have got the money.
makes no difference what county or
you live in you have to work for a
Nobody is going to give it to ycu.
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of tlie age, pleas¬
ant and refreabmg to the taste, act (rently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
care headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of O. O. C. to-day; JO, 25. 50 cents, Hold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Mr. J. Ruff Kendrick and Miss Tab
were married at the residence of
], e bfkio’s father, Mr. Welcome Stone,
the 24th November, Rev. F. P. Brown
IK iaiui 0 . We > w Dh the young j & coup’s i a
happy and useful life.
’ ;, How to Cure kU sWn pu , Me ...
simp]y apply .*g W ayne>8 Ointment"
internal medicine required. Cures
cet; r, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
. ace, hands, nose, «Ssc., leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal
j n g aD( j curative powers are Druggist possessed for by
no other remedy. Ask
Swayne's Ointment.
yy e j earn t }, a t Mr. Dork Stone does not
improve much nnder treatment at Mill
edge ville. We are very sorry this is the
Mr. Stone . of . 1 aJI^lern- , 8
cusc, is one
best men. We hope soon to see him je
stored to his health,
The ladder was created for one pur
nose.namelv, J a receptacle for the urine,
fis guch }t is not i; a Me to any form of
dls«?asfe except by one of two ways. The
first way is from imperfect acton of the
kidneys. The r to nd way isfrom careless
io-al treatment of other diseases.
chief cause. mmv
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy k d
neys is the chief caaseof bladder troubles.
So the womb, like the bladder, was creat
p( j 0I1R purpose, and if not doctored too
miu -h is not, liable to weakness or disease,
except in rare cases. It is sitna’ed bin k
of and very close to the bladder, therefore
any pain, disease or inconvenience mini
Tested io the kidneys, back, blnaoer or
urinary passage is oft;n, by mistake, at
tribute* to female weakness or womb
; trouole of some sort. The error is cosily
made and may be easily avoided. To find
; 0 ut correctly, set your urine aside
, tW€ntv f our hours; a sediment or settling
i indicates kidney or bladder trouble.
mild and the extraordinary effect of I)r.
; Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great
and bladder remedy is soon mlized.
, need medicine you should have
von a
- >e , u At dnisgisl8 fifty cents and one
;.. r you may have a wtmpie bottle
phamplet, both sent free bv mail.
Ron the Advocate-Democrat and
i ! vour address to I)r. Kilmer & Co.,
, iamtOD( y The proprietors of
• p a;er <ruarantec the genuineness of
IN »om for Doubt. !
prt overwhelming proof can
be A d of the excellent curative
qualil ’ Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup,
“I c» cold which led to a cough
and , the chest, (pneumonia?) I
boug Bull’s Cough Syrup, and
after - one bottle of it, tho cough
begai sappear; when I finished
takint .ecotid bottle I was cured,
Gusia irmaster, 49 Hickory St.,
Clevel ■ Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup
costs 1 euts. Take only Bull’s.
Mr. J \nU-ii > hipped and' her car
Lad of s“o t last w.M.‘k. They are
selling ■ and w e would not be sur
prised i / .ivai’ma y who are selling
wifi liavi iy- nejtt spvb.g and pay
double . ■v get now.
oi-tion hand on the Ga. R.
it t, was badly hurt recently
ji This is very bad on M r.
B its a family to support and
was his only means and it
dine before ho gets well.
i.c|iliens camp of Coiilcdfir
ate dl meet at the court house
h x the first Tuesday in on
^ o’clock. Come out all
m wlen. a;v .ring ten cents wit ii you to
pay ■•.ir\v* jwrJiip fee, ii you have aot
pa.d up.
t (rh'ver Trick.
like it, but there is
’ne, alx.ut it. Anybody can
try it wild in i Lame Back and Weak
Ki<teicwJ| p. at or Nervous Troubles,
We mean h hi eti.rc himself right away
pv takin. 11 irie. i,f.tters. This inedicino
tone;, up v i* hole system, aits as a
stiimdam to jeLiver and Kidneys, is a
tdood purlfh tnod end nerve nerve tonic. tonic. It, cures
Constipatul'^eadacl te, Fainting Spells,
Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It, is
purely veght;. c, a mild laxative, and
restores . the .-.tilrf .■sfenp; its natural vigor.
Try Electrfc ’.tors Iters and a be convinced that
i hey are a 1 M ! le work sr. Every bottle
guaranteed ' Dl'P 50c a. bottle at I O'. R.
J. Reid’s, Or. • 'ore.
q > and irbscribe for your
. keep ui* with the county
i : <" ' and derm
a nm mm; M longer. I .all first
world over 1 you see most
business l and women Jdvertise
We have mife lettuce in opr 'garden
lor the Able. Our old' lady is a
gardener. We don’t cla lD1 el W
honor our elf but we anil
ail tlie ye - '-- give away a
A family with a good garden and a
milk cow ban live well and cheap.
duokltn’a : Arnltoa Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for' Outs,
Bruise*, Sore-4 flicrrs, Salt Rheum, Fev.
er, Tetter, Ctapped Hands. Chilblains.
Corns, and all .Vain Tiru pt-ons, and posi¬
tively cores Piles or n *<par (wouired. It
is guaranteed to give satisfa<\ion or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by pr. R. J. Reid.
It does not ld'ok right that a boss of a
railroad company or any other company
should have tlie right to discharge a good
hand or boss under him and put some vei¬
ativeorpetof hit in their place. We
think they ought to have a hearing and
an investigation before the company
discharged. There are many good
discharged because their superior
like them and not on account of
A cough which se*ms to t hang
on in spite of aU the remedies which
you have a ppUed certainly needs
energetic and sensible treatment.
For twenty-five years that stand
ard preparation of cod-liver oil,
has proved its effectiveness in cor
ing the trying affections of the
throat and longs, and this. is the
reason why: the cod-liver oil,
tially digested, strengthens whole
Vitalizes the
tem; the
act mind as and a nerves, tonic and to^
vlycerine soothes
neals the irritation.
yoo think of any
nation so effective as
Be sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion- Se« that
man and fish are on the wrapper.
50c. and $1.00, aU druggists.
SCOTT & BOWJtB, Chemiati, Ntw York.
In Advance.
Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
tlie Happenings In Tlieir Kespeetlvo Lo¬
calities. All the News.
We had a few right cold days the first
the week.
Madam Rumor says there will be or e
two matriagesj in our neighborhood
Mr. L.A. Brake’s saw mill is on Mr, R.
L. Vpazoy'a place and they are making
some nice tunibor.
Dr. J. II. Kilpatrick lilied his regular
appointment at Powelton Saturday and
Mr. (J. I. Ogletreu’s brother-in-law, of
Conyers, spent several da vs with him last
We hear there will be a marriage in
pr welton the secoi (I Sunday in Decem¬
Miss Mabel Nelson, of Crawfordviile,
spe ta few days with home folks the first
of the week,, much to the enjoyment of
her many friends in the neighborhood.
Mrs. B. J. Cooper, of Powelton, spent
several days last week with the family of
her sou J. T. Cooper.
The young people of Bermuda had an
old fashion candy pulling at the home of
Mr. F. T. Janos one night last week.
We hear that quite a number of people
from and around Barnett and Powelton
expect, to lea ye. soon for Emanuel and
Laurens counties. Hope they will be
pleased with their new homes.
Miss Clara Nelson and brother, bammie,
visited relatives in White Plains Sunday
There will be sonic in our neighborhood
who will change homes another year. The
hum tin ra<fe is always looking for and cx
pecting to find something better, We
have often heard that three movings are
equal to a burning.
.Bermuda school has elected for its
teacher next year Miss Efim Heringdine,
of Hancock. We have not heard whether
Mr. E. VV. Jones missed prayer meeting
last Wednesday night and Srtbbath scho< j
on Sunday, much to tlie surprise of us all.
Ho has been so punctual in tho past.
Hope you are not becoming Indifferent to
these meetings my brother
The subject for our debating club Sat¬
urday nigbt is, “Which has exerted tho
greatest influence for good or evil, the
sword or the pep. fJ'he sword including
all implements oUwar, and the pen the
entire press; there is good argument on
both sides of this question.
The Greatest Discovery Vet.
W, M. Repine, editor Tiskllwa, III.,
“Chief,” says: “We won’t keep house
without Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Constl. ••I* Bon, Coughs and Colds. Expc
rlmented witli many others, hut never got
the true remedy until W(i used Dr. Kiuu’s
New Discovery, No oilier remedy can
take its place in our home ns in it we
have a certain and sure cure for Coughs,
Colds, Whooping Cough, etc.” It is idle
t0 experiment with other remedies, even
if they are urged on you us just as good as
Dr. King’s New Discovery. They are not
as good, because this remedy lias a record
of cures and besides fs guaranteed. It
never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles bee at
Dr. R. J. Reid’s Drug Store.
Mr. Billie Thomas is visiting relatives
near this place. in vil 1
Mr. Janies L. Dorongh was our -1
lage Tuesday. Mrs- M; A i
We are glad to «P«t
Hightower, who lias been qui e sick re ,
able to be up aga in. I
le j j]llie <q, arpe finds ready sale |
ragtic tables 1
forhls .
Mr. Prior Rainwater and sister Miss
. nnie were t h e guests of their uncle
Seaborn Jones and family Sunday. Prior
has treated himself to a new bicycle.
We are very sorry to report Mrs R. N
Chapman still in very poor health, but
glad she is able to be up again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Burnley visited
relatives near Barnett Sunday
1 Mr. C. D. Rainwater and family expect
10 move up near union Point in the near
; fulure Mr. C. E. Wheeler and family
wiu occupy the residence where Mr.
Rainwater now resides
Mr an d Mrs. W. C, Rhodes, from near
j Crawfordviile, were the guest of Mr. and
i j^ rs g chapman Tuesday nigbt.
Hot Springs, Ark., Mch. 8, ’8
I find Dr. Tichenor's Antisep
tic all it is recommended to be
for cuts, AiT^AZToJn 1
colic. I
B. II. Randolph.
NO. 41.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and dejlicious.
s @
Mr. J.K. Thomson and Miss Maggie
A very were married in Augustadhtho21st,
instant. Also Mr. Henry Crenshaw and
Miss Weathers, of same place, were mar¬
ried recently. All Uuw parties were for¬
merly citizens of this section but moved to
Aifgusta a short, time ago. \\ e wish
them all good luck.
The members of Raytown Baptist
church are. fixing to repair their church
with a new roof niid paint it. Any one
feeling disposed to assist them, it. will be
much appreciated, as the church needs all
tho help they con, get, Mr, Seugo has a
subscription list m his hands and you can
call on him and subscribe.
Some of t ho pretended old soldiers re¬
marked to us last week that they did not
see \ any use in tho old Confederate Veter¬
ans having their meeting that it was all
bosh. Siteli soldiers I will bet never heard
the whiz ofaminnic ball nor the bursting
of many shells but they wore hospital
rats or in some bomb proof department
and lmrdly knew that there don’t was want anv such war
going on. The Veterans
men in their meetings.
Mr. Bud Harper expects to move to
Emanuel county soon. 1 tell you tho
South Georgia fever is raging in this
section. We learn that, some of the
women are so mad with their husbands
about moving down there that they don't
speak to them. Wo’11 tell you, boys, you Ga.
ain’t going to find a paradise living In here South for
There is just a.i good a and you
» 'ivwiigre yo.u max ,go„ as uj
anmn t Inf*iiaine < • vbnPmiflre Pf
S) Regulator
For all diseases peculiar to women and the girls. Ap
Jt Tones up the Nerves, Blood, Improves and gives Life,
petite. Enriches the
Health and Strength. It Is the
t rnrr rntt I A bottle of Monthly Regulating For sale by
i ■ Pills with each bottle.
) all dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by
? New Spencer (Wed. Co., Chattanooga, T«nn.
CBMi requiring: special treatment,
giving: symptoms, Ladle*’ nedlcal De»
partment. Advice and book on Female
Diseases, with testimonials, free.
For Solo and Recommended by
Paul G. Lucas Crawfordv'”- Ga.
Are the joy and sunlight of our.
om e S . Use all care to keep the
ones in health. Do not give
^ nauscous doses . You can
overcome their troubles with Dr.
8 ,
Royal Germetuer.
They all like to take it because it
cs ^ ^ ^ a medidne)
but like a lemonade. It cures colic
young children, overcomes all
bowel troubles, gives good digestion,
an d quiet, healthful sleep.
As a tonic for weak children and
as a remedy for use in teething, it is
grea test in the world,
GTSold by . gists, new p-'" ge,
large bottle, 103 *N»es, One ar.
Manufactured only by
B# Mlanta Chemical Co., m
Write fer 43-Pege Book, SaUed