Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Taliaferro Ci.
Spalding county 1 as j^d on ly
12 cases of smallpox, It seems
to be pretty thick among negroes
in Atlanta yet.
News of terrible suffering
comes from the fools who rushed
into frozen Alaska for the sake
of gold. They had better come
to Georgia and lived like white
Committees are at work in At¬
lanta preparing for the old sol¬
diers’ reunion to be held there
next year. Members of the
Stephens Camp should get to
gather next Tuesday at this
to which the Expectant Mother
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for¬
ward to the hour of woman’s
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life’s pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for¬
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations—she ordeal quickly passes and
through pain—is the left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously duties
perform the high and holy Safety
now devolved upon her.
to life of both is assured by the
use of “Mother’s Friend,and
,the time of recovery shortened.
“I know one 1 *d^th| mother of thrg
rt h or each, who obtained a bottl#
Mother's Friend’ of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. A1J agree that
labor was shorter and less
91.00 ■opt PER by BOTTLE malt on at receipt all Dm* of Stoics, prioe.
RflfiKS Containing InvalnaMe information of
ouuno jnuiroM to all women, will l* sent to
f REE any address upon application, by
For information as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
tillable inform Ion.
T. E. A. o. r. a.
Augnstii. (irt.
O. F. A I*. A. O. A.
Atlanta Athens.
S. A. i.i-.a.
Mai-on. Os.
S. F. ■». S. F. A r. A.
M tlledgevtlle. Augusta.
/ ’ KORGIA, Taliaferro County.
' * Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
Dotemlter next in front of the door of the
Court House of said County an undivided
one ninth interest in and to the follow!! g
property, to-wit;—
All that tract of land situated in the
town of Crawfordville. said County,
mining one acre, more or less, bounded on
the Nunli by Public Street ami lands
ff antes F. Reid; on East bt said Public
Street; on South and’on by Right of way of Geor
gia Railroad West bv lands of
Wash Williams and James F. Held.
Al,SO all that tract of land lying in
Dist. G. M., said County, containing 80
acres, more or less, bounded ou North and
West by Public Road from Crawfordville
to Wltlie Plains; on Fast by lands of W.
W. Bird ami Mrs. S. N. Chapman; on
South by lands of C. H. Golttcke, A. J.
Cliapraan and Mrs. S. N. Chapman. levied the
Said undivided interest on as
property of William Lawson to satisfy an
.•seeution in favor of C- II. Goluckc
against (Yilliam Lhrmmi, issued from the
Justice Court of said District.
D P HENRY. Sheriff T.C.
n**t Cough Syrup. TuW GwxL C*» „
i 2'j la linw Sold > jy.ia by AnugifU.
Interesting 1 Letters.
7*tT$!3 j* lowing inter
eating letters
3T were receiv
od by Ur
« thankful
women: Mrs. L. A. Adams,
Bearden, Tenn., writes: 'I
can gladly recommend Dr.
man’s wonderful remedies. They
are all any housewife needs with
the books sent free treating on
the different ailments. I have
used Pe-ru-na for four years and
it never fails to give relief if
taken in time. Whenever I feel
done up it helps me wonderfully.
In cases of colds, chills, la grippe
if taken in hot water, it acts
like a charm. lean recommend
it for pains in the hack, cold
hands and feet. You will save
doctors bills by the use of Dr.
Hartman's wonderful modi
cines. » *
*1?:) Miss
ffc-.-f nie Wiggins,
: m |j erl i
$ F (f Heights, writes: O.
catarrh o
the n o s e,
head and
throat for throe year. I
get no relief until I began taking
Pe-ru-na. 1 took three bottles.
It has done wonders. Indepen
dent of curing ray catarrh, it has
greatly improved my general
health. I cannot describe the
change. Any one suffering from
catarrh and knowing that it can
be cured would be very unwise
not to take Dr. Hartman’s ad¬
vice. Follow directions. Pe-ru
na does the rest.
Address The Pe ru-na
Manufacturing Company, Co
lutnbue, Ohio, for a free
entitled “Winter Catarrh.
Ask your druggist for a
Pe-ru-na Alicm uae i t W W
iALfcqgf-- ^ s
Turning 1o the Towns.
The Savannah News notes
fact that while large banks
many of the cities are either
iug out of business or selling
to other banks, the ,
banks are prospering. This is
fact noticed and ,hi.?S. coRiaiented
by many. Why has
boor explainod : but along t
same line, it is true that
smaller towns in Georgia
getting along better than
larger cities. Town property
twoldvillo !.« advanced con
siderably and tho prospect
more business here was
better. We .scarcely , ,
along without a bank and ware
Wonders Never Cease.
No need sutler tho , tortures , , of f
rheumatism, because that modern lini
meat, Salvation Oil, positively cures it.
“I was a great sufferer from sciatic
rheumatism, and the best of doctors
attended .4 1 „ 1 me -.iUmnt without rr-lief relief, I l com- com
menced using Salvation Oil, and ,wo
bottles helped me wonderfully. It
certainly has worked ^udero with me.
Mr *. E. J. Phelps, Box 28, Enfield,
Q onn ^ Salvation Oil is for sale by all
dealers for 25 els. Tekesoeubstitute.
XVarta on Xlola* Ear*.
Qcistion.—I . ... , have in.. two ™ei„ males with
warts on t.mir ears Piease tell ms the
method of removing them.
Answer. —There are various methods
recommended for removing warta The
hoWBT * r , is to cn t them off
with . , sharp kmfe. , .. and . either ... . born the
place where cnt with h hot iron or wash
j t j or severa ; days with acetic acid. The
simn Mmpl.v iv attached attached to to the the^ a«n skin
aB d will not re.uru if treated 48 di*
roctcd.—State Agncuitcral Department
Wanted Agents.
“The Conf*Soldier tu tn* cun War."
just published, contains 500 pages 12xlfi
inches, ami oyer 1.100 large Battle Scenes,
Portraits. Maps etc. The greatest and
largest War Book ever published, Con- and
the only one that does justice to the
sohliet and the cause he fought
for. Complete bt one volume. Airents
wanted even-where to sell thii book on
new aud easy .» an. Many of the
laiiyand C ueUe*tumRgents whoareat work
arc making from *100 to Daughters per
month. Vetera, *. Sons and of
Veterans, and others itueresUHi arc re
id for a beautiful Illustrated
tlcvciiptivc i vul.-tr frt e) and terms to
agents. __ Address. ( OPR1ER-lOl’RNAL.
Job l'rict Co., Louisville. Ky.
Wt* Won’t Recomineui n.
It is setting too cod t, these
days for tirms in the l tb and
west to entrap our p ,1c and
every fid how body they should belief be.i^. i 1 “
letters thf •<*»«
hundreds of snide’conq
jng out all kind-s of life,,
to catch the dimes ai 51 lars
of our nnsnspecting , , and
one of their late trick;
to call especial attend
During the last weel lave
been shown three, ters
which starts off stat
ing something about “ edi
tor has kindly referro e to
you,” etc. and then tl o on
to make it appear th;, edi
tors of the county p are
“in touch” with the eerns
and in that way they
confidence of the pt ,.
suppose that we or si
editor around here has ■ deal
iug with or know the
all right.
In two of the above
found names of firms
heard of and have ou
since seeing the letter
they are good, reliabi
not. This we do not
for fear of some of oi
being led to invest the; f.i|e
on the strength of a |,me intro
duction (which did not
this paper) we give warning
Mach Krife!
The use of the surgeon’s*nife fatally is be¬
coming so general, resuling of
in such a large number ases, as to
occasion general Walpole, alarm. Of' 'alshtown,
Mr. William
South Dakota, writes. “About
three years ago, ther' une under
my left eye a little ,blot .bout the
size o mall pea.
Itgre idly, and
sh-w,- •-SJ fa
I bee." alarmed
m and c suited a
A good i tor . who
prono ced it can¬
^11 ,,/must cer, an. be said cut that out. it
J This I Iwould having not
v consent to,
little faith in the
indiscriminate o.. 0 f the knife. Head
ing of the many emu- made by S. S.
days, the cancer became irritated and
*» e ^»f ■
finally dropped off, and only a healthy
little scar remained to marine full place
where the destroyer had held sway.
A Real BlOOCl . _ KemeCly# j
cancer is in the blood and it is folly
remedy for every
disease of the blood.
Books mailed free;
address Swift Spe¬
cific Co., Atlanta,
December Sheriff Sale.
rt' :ORG,A ' T “' ll,erroC “"" ! ''
^ Will be so d b fi io ih > Court House
door in Crawford*ille in snid county
wiiliin the hgal hours of sale to the
^ jj^for - h o^thMr^Tu.
of land lying and being iu the 604th
District G. M., in Taliaferro county,
Georgia, containing on© hundred and
ok , vc r n (im acres more or levs bounded
()J) ,i, ( , yf,,ith by lands of Mrs. Fannie
Asburv. on the 'East by lands of M»s.
o'^t he Sout^byt He ^ou’rl i ro'oj
0 j- jjnj 0 Kivrr. on Crawfordvjue tho AVe#t by the nubile
road leading from to
of land lviug and being iu the t?0,th Dis
trict G. M., in Taliaferro County,
rv hig ou l)oiii sides of the NorJi) prong of
the Ogeecliee River with wa99tnill known
j,, na i n sjs Mill, dwelling hdPSSfe and
inl nr,,cements thereon, '‘boutided on the
attt j East bv lands of Samuel
jq UH ics. trustee fo"r his wife road leading and children. from
on the South bv public
Crawfon!viHe to Bethany ciwrch
Gre>uie eountv. on the west by lands of
^ ), j j;,.;,] containing forty (40) acres
nl rt , or j 0sS Said lauds levied on as the
property of Rebecca Jane Ogletrce to
satisfy au execution issued front the Sti¬
^ ^ of col ,uty in favor of
^n, er t L. Richardson against said Rebec
^ j w>e Oglerrcc. November 1897.
-j-j,j ytIt dav of
D. V. HENRY. Sheriff T. C.
_______ _
nnf|r rnUr D X. UIA/UITUAM m. Vf III I Iflnll,
’ ,h . M., - Augusxa. AunustaGa Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects of
sight, S rtnd» the proper s and WAR
rants them.
Lenses cut into Tour frame whiie You wait
p^£ E Qf CHARGE,
all who may receive such letters
that sue we ™J P
^ 00nfidence ,
. dQsirin ^ „ that you firet find
° f om us before you
”J sk anyt hing on the arms who
mislead you by
run an honest
business a nd try to find out first
^ r0sponsibility ot a fi rm be
fore we accept an advertisement
from them for this paper. Our
waste basket has an open mouth
to receive the many letters we
receive each week from
who V want to get their little tricks
placed before you through tie
columns of the Advocate-Demo
Bud Brooks and Grady
Holds and Mrs. Nobles and Gus
Families, all seem to be doomed
1 to hang.
Hon. Pat Walsh was elected
$te right place.
, has , been . ,,
Seab Jones, Jr.
this week.
prices to suit
a <!^©
divide profits with but my customers, and I give herewith
ness to PRICES:
5 cents.
Soap.......... 25 “
8 LargeBars Good Laundry i (
Jeans Pants, Good quality, regula f'k; $1.25 L-' kin L' d U at f (
fiiA’ Gents’ Kid UudershirtsTfrom Gl^ve^he 7Sc r to only ..... 25 ( *
Good cotton Checks, per yard,............. .. 4 “
DresIGood” ..15 “
Ali’Wool pretty shades and patterns, fo?oiiy.U worth aOc, per yard..... $2.25 .. 35 “
Ladies' Congola patent tip 1.75
l * 1.15
Men’s Full Stock Brogans................ 1.00
Men’s Split leather Shoes only............. ..... 1.25
KttSSSr......'i Good 20c Towels S r lor on.y .... 15c 20c
nvaviceo ^f“om .....10c. i 2 packages 1 Smoking Tobacco for oc
Floui -J lb ap 75c io:.::.. ..60c. 2 Paine’s •• Celery Arbockle's Compound...... coflee......25c 7oc
kTdL DlJ^ReiuSor Liniment 20c. I
75c. Electric Liniment 8 oc bottle.... 20c
I make leaders of all my articles. I do not price one or two
articles as leaders and make up the price on others. We are down
on the Bowery hut perfect order is kept all the time.
G. Lucas, Crawfordville.
“Shall I not take mine ea»o
in mine inn Henky IV.
t Airy Tlip Attention Elegant Meals Ito't Rooms. in and the Tou Cite. High, pay Prompt Coot, only
for what you order.
Lunch Rooms
For Ladies and ^Gentlemen.
Sitting Room and Toilet
Conveniences are provided.
Con Peachtree and Marietta St*.
NortroM BotldSng. ATLANTA, 6A.
9 99999
Hew ivcrec P(TMM9t n c ww jr ....
proftVMiOO- refund If w© do n ot cure. Ton can be treeted a
_ _
^ ErJuta t^Pr»-»rT.
r£*2iiTrf cVPHnJ^EMa
mpitau behind ®“ r
^T“L!2 . coL**
le "CTOK l 85lwH)V
SSSSl 11Un °
^ n
A Builder’s Experience;
F«M *> H ®]g ^1. ^1" £V S S
Ceeded III Saving «Ul HlS Life.
0|toeTT «», ••»««
living in Detroit Hich^ at 87 Hg >
I L.
complete some building. AboiUt t J
ago I noticed I could not get around as i
e j iou j { j an{ j commenced to have a severe pain
could, M I had several contracts for buildings
that bad to be completed. .
was'my kid.™ and wjg
getting b *‘* r ,L b f C *“ e worse, and •
sanJ • f?*.JS I must 1 <iuit work work 7 and anci go go ro to bed, , or he
would not be responsible for my Hie. ,
that hope of I would relief, I take ‘n^he j 1 !S , “ 8 pills- * il ?. nyt Th They n eT helped
; “« hid W« the ifher Bi-i
that just commenced to work.
No owner of a Waverley Bicycle
ever regretted his purchase. No
rider of a Waverley ever feit that
he possessed less than the best
that could be produced.
Indianapolis, Ind.
I~1 [\ 1 L ^ J
BricK Co •f
Union Point, Ga.
DrlAb DMCK OTDcSI nfhact flm V^ua.lIV. itv
p li ^OniniLlUrh Po n t r actOrS for IDI All all
Kinds of Brick Work
For prices and information apply
Advocate-Democrat, or write
“£}»SSJS’h S.
I could not carry 'SASdSSU on the imposition
JfV k
LX's’cSfiS “i "* ”“ w ” p
n^Tl-KS^ they will kidney
everything, but I know cure
troul)leg an d general muscular.-yyeakness, as
they cured rue.
USsSSSfS^? %£3?S$!
]bscribe4 d fourth BWn day to of before^ March me , 1897. ft N«i
Public, this
densed fo?m all the elements the blood necessary and to restore give
new life and richness to unfailing
shattered nerves. They are an ataxia spe
cific for tuch diseases as locomotor par
contra J hox, or bulk six boxes by the for «2.50-(they 100) by address. are
n er soW j n or Company, Soho.
ing Dr. Williams’ Medicine
nectady, N..Y.
Read This. A. •
For Flatulent Ml ’l
Dysentery. SS
Hassea,Coughs, ™
Cholera Infantum, T eeth
tog Children, Cholera 7
Mortms, Unnatural Drains
from the Bowels, Fains,
Griping, Doss of Appetite, Indigestion,
and oil Diseases of the Stomach and
Pitt’s Carminative
ia the sUndard. It carries children over
the critical period of teething, and is rec¬
ommended Adults by physician* a* the friend
of M'.-thers, and Children. It is
pleasant to the taste, and never fails to
give satisfaction. A few doses will demon¬
strate its superlative virtues. Price, 25cts.
per bottle. For sale by druggists.