The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 03, 1897, Image 3

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    “c'fcni<itIori. =
Among the ancient Greeks both cre¬
mation of the dead and burial in the
earth were practiced, though it is un¬
certain which was the more common.
The ashes of the dead were sacredly
preserved in urns. Among the Jews
burial prevailed, as it has since among
Christian nations.
“There's a period In woman's life
when she thinks of nothing but dress."
“What period is that';’’ "From the
cradle to the grave.”
Largest Dry Dock.
There is now in process of construe
don in England, at the order of the
Spanish Government, for the port of
Olougapo, in the Philippine Islands, the
largest floating dock of its kind in the
world. It is over 450 feet long, 117
feet wide, and 38% feet. deep. This
dock, the sides of which are of steel,
will test on six iron pontoons, each
fourteen feet deep. Powerful pump
ing engines will lift a vessel weighing
12,000 tons in two hours. The dock will
accommodate a vessel 500 feet long.—
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Wrens, Ga.
“flavine obtained a box cf Tetterine of
Hunter & Wright, of Louisville, Ga., which 1 used
on a case of itching piles of fivo years’ of stand¬
ing. I spent $5) for different kinds reme¬
dies and the skill of doctors, all for no good,
uetil I got the Tetterine. X am now well. Ac¬
cept thanks." Yours. W. II. Kino.
•By mail for 53c. in stamps by J. T. Shuptriae,
Savannah, Ga.
How’s This?
We offer One Hunured Doii tr t Reward for
any ca-e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
■Ball's Catarrh Cure. P.ops., Toledo, O.
F. J. Cheney* Co.. J.
We, the undersigned, have known F. Che
ney tor the la-t 15 years, and believe h m pe -
fectly honorable in all business tran-actions obliga¬
and financially able to carry out any
tion m de by their linn. Toledo,
Wat,!’ & TkUAX,W holesale Druggists,
Walking, Kinnan & Marvw, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cut o is laken internally, act¬
ing dir ctly upon the blood and mucouD suv
laces of the system. Pi ice, 75c. per bottle. 8 old
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
“Trince Bismarelc refuses to attend any
miTeilings of statues in hjs honor. “It an
noi's ms to see mvsclf stand on a fossilized
pedestal,” ’ lie says.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund money it it failsto cure. 2oc
f King Humbert of Italy, who isn’t afraid
of assassins’ poniards, or Anarchists’ bul
lets, or of cholera epidemics either, has an
insurance of %>7,580,000 on his hie.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or
ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great
Nerve Restorer, ggtrial bottle and treatise free
Dr. E. H. Kline, Ltd..931 Arch St., Phila., Pa.
^Ex-Senator Boiler, of Kansas, has sold
his newspaper property and retired from
the business.
Chew Star Tobacco—Tho Bait.
Sm 8 kc Sledge Cigarettes.
When Lieutenant Peary lectured in Port
land, ing, he Me., received his nativo an enthusiastic city, tho other greeting. even- j
teethingjjtjoftens Mrs. Winslow’s the Soothing Syrup reducing for children inflama
tion,allays pain gums, wind 2 bottle.
,cure s colic, 5c. a
Piso's Cure for Consumption Vftif.t»t is an A. No. 1
-^’ » C| A WWooL, .:
Ills., April 11, irn.
Because Your Stsmach Will No?
Digest Food.
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla and bo cured.
will tone and strengthen your stomaeh
anil create an appetite. Thon yon may
eat without fear of distress, your food
will bo digested and assimilated, and you
will grow strong and healthy.
o & Sarsa
3 s (ho bed—in fact the O n « True Blond Puriflrr.
Wood’s PiTis curs ail liver ills. 23cents.
8. N. U. No. 48. —97.
Doable Breech-Loader Bo-LffiftMjfj
and RiResfroi»S2 S^SSiS&tMgl to $50. fej )
per SEMPLE cct’: Or7a & 490 CO. RUtsvlllE, KL(3 ^
1 Can b.f consnfted in hla office la
CllARLOTTfc, N. C.
No. 509 North Tryon Street, ;
ft y week day except Wednesday. His
practice is 'limited to diseases of tbo
\ r.r?at KoTO«*rty DUcovered. Send for a PUEB
• nH S t :v SYCO& PBKKEV, let it speak lor itself. Chicago, Postacre Ills, do.
f ■ %
r . ii
cf scrofula, eczema, boils, sores, eruptions, etc.,
prove the claims made for Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
as the best cf blood purifying medicines. And
it's cures that count. The story of these cures
told by the cured is convincing We send the
book free. Address Dr. Ayer, Lowell, Mass.
Swallowed 385,000 Prinks in Fifty
Years and Still Lives.
To Dr. Charles E. Mooney, of Lexing¬
ton. Ky., must be yielded the title of
champion whisky drinker of the world.
The doctor claims that he has for fifty
years averaged over twenty drinks of
whisky daily, a grand total of 3(13,000
drinks. He is somewhat broken in
-=- • §
jpS5£v- life ■M l$'*** ~ ,4s **-* _• - : -s
. Ty
Klpf/ tggr jli ® JMfiilW s^MmWf'W Ji
jaMra | T:.j |l
-,.T. |>q 1 " /
S Ml
Dll. CIIAKI.ES e. mooxey.
health at the present time, but does not
attribute this to the use of liquor, which
he continues to indulge in at the old
gait. When quite a young man the
doctor admits to having occasionally
yielded to the influence of liquor, but
he proudly declares now that he has
not been drunk in over thirty years;
that is, so as to forget that he is a
gentleman. The facts are astounding
when analyzed.
The average Kentucky drink of whis¬
ky, or average in any oilier place for
that matter, is one gill. Get out your
arithmetic and flgure. If the doctor
has drunk 305,000 drinks of whisky at
one gill each drink he has consumed
01,250 pints, or 45,025 quarts, or 11,400
gallons. This amount of liquor will fill
.o, 1!sl « 0 »sheau.s or geo db- i, him nrrp i is s 0 f the
usual size in which spirits are packed.
This liquor would till one tank twenty
f ee t high and eight feet in diameter.
tj L . Barrels piled lip in a pyramid ‘ would
^ Qff & v , ew of tho W a 8 bjngt 0 n
It would require fifty tons of rye or
eorll 11)a i; 0 this quantity of whisky,
and its act «a: weight avoirdupois
would be 114,0GO pounds. I hat is
iaore wliiskv than is drunk in all of
Gieatei New . loik in m one. week. Dr.
Mooney was fifty years accomplishing
die task, and aside from that he was
a W an. for n lengthy sketch of the
gentleman now going the rounds of the
Southern newspapers states that Dr.
Mooney has had the most varied career
of any man in the state of Kentucky,
for he 1ms, in turn, been a student of
yj Transylvania University, a printer,
^ so , dier , n the Mex ican war, a news
3ealw - Confectioner grocer, saloonist,
editor, actor and doctor, lie "Was uom
j anuflry i5 ( 1824. in Mobile, Ala. He,
however, went to Kentucky w lien he
T nrtr - r y i --4- SigfS-ttWl; -%tb
foundation for that thirst which has
rendered him forever famous in that
'■ommonwealth.—New York Journal.
Jap Oxen YVcai- Sandals,
Heavy hauling and farm work iD
Japan are exclusively done by oxen.
The Japanese teamster is very atten¬
tive to the animals intrusted in his
;are and always treats them with great
: ?i'f
kindness. He would not think of let
ting an ox go out without having placed
a sort of sandal on its forefeet, which
protect the animal's hoofs from injury
These sandals consists of a sole braid¬
ed of rice straw, which is fastened to
the hoof in the manner shown in our
“Wliat would you do if I turned you
down?” she shyly asked, as they sat on
the sofa. The young man looked
straight ahead, "out said nothing. Aftef
a silence lasting about a minute and a
half she nudged him with her elbow nnc
said, “Didn’t von hear my question?”
He locked around, alarmed. “I beg
your pardon,” he replied; “I though'
you were addressing the gas.”—Puck.
Blackburn Makes It An Issue
He is Also Opposed to Any
That Gives Power to Shoot
innocent Labor.
An Atlanta dispatch says: The
nouncement, of Benjamin 31.
burn, editor of the Daily Commercial,
of this cit\-, .«t' his candidacy for
Democratic nomination for Congress
succeed Col. Livington, from the
lanta district, brings out a new
form. After declaring himself in
of the extreme interpretation of
Chicago platform, he adds to it this:
“I believe in a Democrat
some ideas of his own, and I favor
great many things that 1 believe to
fruitful of good results to my
that are not to be found in the platform.
I am in favor of lynching brutes
the usual crime, because I believe
it is our religious duty to keep
ern homes pure and undefiled, I
lieve the South was right in the
and that the seutiment of her
wiil sustain me to-day. 1 am
to anv system that gives brutal
cowardly sychophants the right
shoot down innocent labor as was
ly done in Pennsylvania. ”
A Pennsylvania Girl’s
A Wilmington, Del., dispatch
Miss Helen Baldwin, aged 15, of
ware county, Pa., almost died as- a
sult of being hypnotized at a
party at the home of Owen W.
on Jackson street. During the
Clyde Thomas, who has some skill
the art, hypnotized several
women, and Miss Baldwin also
sented to try r the test.
Mr. Thomas made a few slight
and Miss Baldwin was asleep in
twinkling. She was revived, lint
came hysterical and finally lapsed
a cataleptic condition.
The usual passes failed to awaken her.
She w-as carried into the open air,
still slept lier. and a doctor was unable
revive Prof. Samuel Booth and J.
B. Martin, who possesses skill as hyp¬
notists, were hastily called from
beds and found Miss Baldwin
with her pulse spasmodically beating
thirty-nine a miuuta. exclaim:
Occasionally she w’ould
am awake.” After an hour's
work the men restored her to
Ter-ffqlice Ofliclals
Murder of Arroyas.
Alexico.—-(Special.)—The great trial
of the murderers of Arroyas has been
finished, terminating iu the sentence of
death pronounced on ten of the police
officials and policemen concerned in the
butchery cf the helpless wretch, whose
attack on president Diaz caused so
profound a sensation here.
The condemned do not seem to real¬
ize their perilous position and take the
matter coolly. Their -lawyers have en¬
tered an appeal in each ease. Public
opinion iu this city sustains the ver¬
dict of the jury and the sentence of the
judge. police officors who murdered
Arroyas will be executed at an early
A I’ostofflcc Kotilled.
Maxton, N. C., has been visited by a
band of professional robbers. The safe
in the postoffice was blown open and
rifled of its contents. There was §100
in money, about §200 in stamps and
three registered letters, all of which
were taken. The burglars first visited
a blacksmith’s shop, where they secured
a drill. They found §14 in the old
blacksmitli’s’tool chest. They took that
and. then went to the postoffice and
knocked a panel out of the door.
Design for Armor I’late Plant.
The special naval board appointed to
examine into the cost of armor-making,
has designed a plant, details of which
it will present to Congress. It will
cost more than three million dollars
and will have a capacity of 0,000 tons of
armor per annum, which is about the
combined capacity of tho two armor
plants now supplying the navy.
The Message Complete.
The Cabinet held a very short meet¬
ing last week. It took un matters
from several of the departments. Presi¬
dent McKinley informed the Cabinet
pleted. that his He message did not was read practically of it. com¬ It
will probably be considered at the next
Hull Head 31ouutain on Fire.
A special from Elkin. N. C., to the
Charlotte Observer, says: For several
days the atmosphere up and down the
Yadkin valley has been full of smoke.
Bull Head Mountain, twenty miles
i from here, is on fire. It is sweeping
timber, fencing, etc., before it, and is
no doubt a grand spectacle.
Manufacturer Liggett Dead.
John E. Liggett, the millionaire
! bacconistof St. Louis, is dead, aged 10
S Me was the principal stockholder Company, of
Liggett t Mvers Tobacco
amon- the largest plug tobacco
cigarette manufacturers in the country,
_..... inr
Manufacturer Blood Dead.
\retas Blood, one of the
manufacturers rnanu of New Hampshire,
aged 81 ,,. Mi. ,
: dead, the Columbia years. Cotton ^ M *
j owner of *
The South.
A!aba Populists declare against
fusion. '
Negr<; ,-qclied a negro rapist in
Alaban '
fc" 1 *- buers broke jail at Cheater
held C 1( 8. C.
1 of gold has been discov
ere ’ ' Mdnig county, Ga.
I'la., has suffered a §100,
t : 00, i; f me, udiary origin.
* “‘torts df*]yncbings near Black
she ^el even, Ga., w ere false.
sion. . ThCjfginia overwhelmingly Legislature is in l’omo- SGS
. j s
hi’.or Ellorbe, of South Carolina,
anuti that ho is a candidate for re¬
c. rv Oliver, 40 years old, of
Nor a shot and killed himself
at b ,
E: tv nor Evans, of South Cuvo
lina, lie married Dec. 15th to Miss
11 UI ('onnecticut.
ning .At Ga. i is to have a new eve¬ of
^ r , in which the Appletous,
e " are interested.
3 aroliua has eighty-six roller
fl° u .ills, and a large majority of
tbei operated by w ater power.
Q 1 nil beds in the suburbs of
New tins, 1ft have caused the
|’. Bon u: 1 uuidoument of a large sec
Hi rice, colored, awaiting trial
for ton urns assault, was taken
Iron t Starks, Fla., by a mob and
j lie
some silver service was pre
Nt se the gunboat Nashville at
avy yard by citizens of Nash
vil n.
1 s>r L. M. Bumgarner, of
Spa irj r and Asheville road,
was t few days ago by a
name vmbert, is dead.
Tin diversity of Virginia
the Biobaft I lersity Thanksgiving of North Carolina, day, iu
game i 00 tbal!, 12 to <».
At \-<inder, near Asheville, N. C.,
an att ‘pt was made to wreck the
bouu •,i : iit, but was detected just
time i -event its success.
t* ov or Atkinson,of West Virginia,
an non.,j that for want of funds
leipii fj jBS „ in i, 0 issued for any fugi¬
tives t] 10 jurisdiction of the ritnte’s
The ce jvers of the failed Western
Caro^. Imv a their flank, report, of Auhevilie, showing assets, N. (!.,
; of liabilities,
ff° 0 hd bad, in excess
^■f’ockstile church, in Webster
horstipped 00,111 Ky., Toy Allen, a young man,
Rev. Jopiin, who had re
provfljjjjj eervit f ot - bad behavior during the
ft- Fishblate, of Wilmington, N.
G., ( hassigned. The assets estimated
at are said to exceed the!
ities. ’references amount to §12,000
or #100,
finite!" A. lo>l of alcohol tnrneil over on a
the warehouse of tho Uaveun
woo< tilling Company, kit. l.ouis,
cans. oss of #100,000. with insur
ance oiit 15 per ccnt.
comm ited suicide at Richmond, Va,,
by pin /ing a gun under his chin, blow
nig b itil*) entire front part of liislien-d.
The caise of the rash act is not known.
A dispatch from Atlanta, Ga., says
Clark Howell, editor of the Constitu
tion has withdrawn from that paper,
and Fiat Evan 1’. Howell and Clark
Howelj will begin the publication of a
big morning and evening paper.
Wil filing ton, N. (!., lias just organ¬
ized a paid fire department modeled
after ’hat of Atlanta, which is one of
tho bed in tho South. Ail Atlanta tire
man \\ \ 11 go to Wilmington to Gain tho
memo i s of the new department.
1 The North.
At Jitaron, Mich., Hcott killed A. himself. Bowdish
shot tu - daughter and
Twc men and a woman met death in
a blazing building at Jamestown,
N. Y.
At Farmland, O., firo destroyed the
postollice, railway station and opera
'i hc deputy customs c Hector of Fv
ansv lle, Ind., iis m jail on tho charge
of embezzlement.
T1 * Warwick Cycle Manufacturing
f’oimjany, at Springfield, Mass., has
beei attached for §150,000.
Dining tho forty hours devotion at a
Catholic church in Kankakee, 11!., Mrs.
Miclnel Brazil recovered her sight after
two years of blindness.
At Hollydaysbnrg, for Pa., murder; two men are
sentenced Baltimore to hang penitentiary, just a man be¬
in tha
fore lib suicide said ho had committed
the murder.
AfertTeveland, Ohio, J. J. Sbipherd
has IIceil arrested on a charge of cm
bezzbug nearly $200,000 from F. D.
Robinson and a receiver has been asked
for 1 is firm, which is alleged to bo in
Lolv.iut and owing §2,000,000.
-- 1 -
Ail attempt to roll the North Amherst,
O.. I ank was a failure.
\merieau citizens are now confin¬
ed it a prison in the Island of Cuba.
Kentucky distillers have abandoned
their efforts to form a trust.
The sealing situation between Canada
aau the United States is still badly
A special from Seattle, Wash., says
Daw-sou City is threatened with starva
tion The price of a beefsteak is §2.50.
Earthquakes in the mountainous dis
tnc of §axon Thuringia have Berious
]v damagedthe famous ruiiroad viaduct
of the Goeltxch valley.
The Marine Hospital service, ir. the
yellow fever districts, has closed its
■work, and the fever is officially ended.
Chief Justice Bingham has sentenced
Robert Mari in, ex-treasurer offijoiu mb 1 a
University, to imprisonment for a term
of .fire years in the penitentiary for the
! ^^^“LfverSf fnn l * of this univeraty S14 ’ t0 ° °‘
| A cablegram from the London says
j Sidney James Low, retiring editor
j Aeierma of I he St. about James January Gazette 1st will start tour for of
on a
the world.
Dr. Tlios. W. I vans, the famous
I Aif-efican j dentist, who died in Pans,
, c jt most of his fortune to charitable
n,,ututious. which is estimated at §15,
No. 203.
i ter-sawnt Thisquar
>• f oak desk writing is pol¬
itllltl ished piano. beveled has a 9-inch like gloss It, a
“ plate and a
f* in top
J, deep drawer
L below. Ar
fistic lee
wi nlsotinhhed French 0 :
Kf in
lb tell; $3.95
**— is our spec¬ for
it ial price $10 desk.
(Mailorders filled promptly )
We will mail anyone, tree or all
I,amps, Stoves Crockery, Mirro'S,
rm-Viages.^eta^ToiV^s'tUo^nmst publfsliail, and wo com- par
nil pleto book over Our llthostvapbed < aiyot
Cicalosrue, postage. show Ink carpets iu co.ors, is
also voui-s lor the asking. If carpet
samples two wanted, mail tis 8c. in
stamps. Thom is no reason wliv you
should pav your local dnalei Oh
cent, prolit. when you can buy from
the mill. Drop a liuo now to tba
money-save.s, SON,
Baltimore, Md.
Tobacco iin<l Cotton.
The Savannah News says: “Tho
planters of 8outli Carolina, Georgia and
Florida are not suffering because of the
current low prices of cotton to the ex¬
tent that they would in all probability
nave suffered a few years ago with the
same price for tho reason that they nro
now diversifying their crops and raising
their provisions. They are, however,
heavy losers through the fact that more
cotton is being produced than the world
wants, or the ability of staple speculators until tho to
depress the prices of t he
crop is ail out of the hands of the pro¬
ducers, as the case may bo. But what¬
ever may bo llio cause of the low price
of cotton, it is evident that there must
bo still farther diversification of crops.
Cotton must bo given less attention and
acreage, and other crops more
of each, Tobacco seems to be
one of the most promising
mouev crops for this section. After
the disaster to the Florida orange groves
many of tho grove-owners turned their
attention to vegetable, grain and to¬
bacco crops, and today they before are more their
prosperous than they destroyed. wore The
orange trees were orange
trees nro now growing again, and the
indications are that it will not ho a
great while before the fruit will he as
great a source of revenue in Florida as
ever before. But tho planters will not
give up their vegetables, grain and to¬
bacco and again depend altogether upon
oranges. The orange crop will bo some¬
what in the nature of an extra source of
income. There is considerable tobacco
grown in South Carolina and more in
Florida. Georgia produces but little.
The climate and soil of this State, how
ever, are well adapted to tho cultivation
of the tobacco plant. Tobacco growing
in tho State would not be an experi¬
ment. Before cotton became the great
crop, tobacco was grown on the Georgia
seacoast and for a hundred mileB in¬
land. ”
f V f
like every other crop, needs
A fertilizer containing nitro¬
gen, phosphoric acid, and not
less than 3 % of actual
will increase the crop and im
prove the land.
Our books toll all about the subject. They
arc free to any farmer.
93 Na.sau St., New York.
‘■'Ti Silver Filagree Pin.
i lie c.*fctuii<l nio’iTiB’Hlitifill
' 1 .. 1 li-'i ' <■ I'
'iiliseif .lay. Dllro.Jiuc our
IDJUny < . 11 til'.qn 0 wn will m-ikI
‘iSI tlx- I’lit <1 r<■i-i-lptof EIGHT
WMi |Kftp« GEMS- WATKINS4 Oataj.oci CO, Mf'gieweleri k Erkk.
D.M. i..
b‘J Puxc St., 1'roviileucc, It.
cM a
\ L uo//eae
AhuhbI <»n. A» MdiI board. Not«’*‘ &
book-.. B 1 tuiiCr. Choap Bund for cttalnfa*.
|j| PATENTS INVENT in tools,imiilmnenU,
Kt h„ns«|,oW .u ticlus, «t.-. Write F. s. AFIM.K-
51AN, l*ii-< xt l.i-.wvrr, circular Wmil. afivlce. r Hltig., to Wasli- fees.
lngton.D.U. Free end w
1 -a „ , t’obanro and Hnnff.IMppIng IIAJU*LK 8 IKHII) llal.lie
poroiAriRMtiy cured !>v H
1RKATVIKS l . ily book, c^ntaliil if Tu*l l;*r>r
rnation, maHeil free. lilt. J. < , HOFFMA
Hoorn 1 I-vi'.H'ila Hull Siiitf, I tUca^o. Iti.
AU 13rue -i ts ar.ct Merchants. Mut’d by
I,. GEKi-IEE <v III. I liaitanooga, Term.
D hi 15 uAM-il A!/ 5". D ! ^ *■ LIVER rcat Vegetable CURE- Guaranteed BLOOD &
for HUeumatism, ,-e rolula, Manaftctared rFy oil ills. Con.
etipatfoa t In itKesttou. by
LOOKOUT fABDlClHE GO., Greenville, Tenn.
WHY PAY .WORK. tOOtinhitae I* II*.t raaraa
if to contain 2 grains ot pure quinine each, 40
c is by mall or3*t for $1. Put up .00in h package. Sf*D<l
ytampH orP- O. order. .1. F. Powell, Waukegan, III
Want to learn all about a Horse? How to pick out a good one? Enow
imperfections and so guard against fraud? Detect disease and effect a cure
when same is possible? Tell the age by tha teeth? Yvhat to cad the different
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TRATED HORSE BOOK, which we will forward, postpaid, on receipt of
only 25 Cents in Stamps.
Book Publishing House,
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ByJ.nnmllton Ayer*, A. JI..H.D. a
This in a most Valuable Jh»ot^
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Symptoms or dhlemit Disenses, |
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renting such IMseases, ami the
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598 Fa pres. Profusely Illustrated. ITT
The Hook is written In plain 1 / .*
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ONLY (ill om. POSTPAID. jVA, _
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Not only do-28 tills Book con
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Want to Joarn nil About »
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paid, on receipt of only eentn iu stump*.
KJl Loot aril Si., N. Y. City.
gjaj. It auger, On., writes; Twelve
’.'V'H'i' iHB ’ VvA years Siidui-y ntro Disease, I lintl Heartburn, fc tl*
pnLil Bowels, Glimmer- Eyes,
,«ar ln F Before my
Jyj ij' Belcliod troubles. up Was Gas, completely and other
™ ' down and' in bed moat
run Ilod Doctor
! -t/,11 of the time. a nothing
..... attending did bio, good but until I quit
me any else used Dr.
_.....everything and
M. A. Siwmom Liver
Medicine, wliieh completely cured mo. I
Ijhvo tried “lilnek Draught,'’but think Dr.
that •at i4iy Palpitation other laedit of ip'' tho MeaiT.
Whenever one beeonu j aceslblo Of fna
beating of their own heart, they are liable
to bo frightened and imagine they have
noma form of heart disease. If they really vino
bavo palpitation,Dr. fiiuismsnBSquaw In the
Winoia a certain euro for it, but
majority of such cases the trouble arises
from i-omo form of gastric food difficulty. and Tho
stomach, distended with gases,
will derange the heart In some variations persons,
Willie indigestion with Its many
is responsible for very many so-callcdhcart
troubles. Tito digestive organs need to bo
stimulated by the use of Dr. M. A. bicimona
Liver Medicine, when the general health
willimprovc and tho heart rone tvits nonaal
Athens, Ga., writes: in
» 1872 1 hud Buffered for
yearn from I5tli<»uu Head¬
ache, Dizzy Spell*, beforo with
Hi tick Spots iny in
eye::, 11 a.1 Xante
<d\- f mouth , very little appe
tlto. Tv;o Himfiions Packages Liver Dr.
M. A.
Mcdicino cured me, and
for nnoylng 10 years I never bad sa
V Z/fflk r 1 yrnptom. From
MS living Oil river! contracted
Ff '£W Malaria, which it Is now
curing. I have used Zoilln’s “Red Z” ami
Thedford’s "Blacic Driuight” and found
such a differe nce itctwceu tlicm and 51, A.
a. L. 51. that I did not like
Spread the News. Tell it far and wlda
thata inedicine composed o£ cheap material
and improperly compounded old proprietor:* la a aangerons of tho
thing to fool with : the Draught,’’ and
article now called “ Black
J. IL Zeilin & ' proprietors of all Imita¬
tion called “ Simmons Liver medicine,
botli have injunction:! again at, them, enjoin¬
ing them from using the words composing
our --- 1 trade name, hut we learn tiiosc itrticlca
have been old to" just the tame ” c.n onrs,
white neither of the proprietors in their
advertisements claim thciru to ho ihetwxae
as ours.
"Our Native Herbs”
Great Blood Purifier and Liner Regulator.
Containing a Res:i.stored Guarantee.
32 page Hook and Testimonials. FkEE.
Rent by mall, postage j>aid. Roid only by
Agent* for
THE ALONZO 0. BLISS cn.-Washington, D.C.
K N. U.— No. 48—’97.
* TDY'CTKi. •>% M/
Rics’sGosssGrease Liniment
Is nelir-s -Iways sold pnlns, under rheumatism, a guarantee to nenrulgia, cure all
syirains, :-■ - anil burns. 1 - lealso warrant¬
ed to cure colds, croup, eougbs and la grippe
quicker than any known remedy. No cure
no pay. Sold by ail druggists and general
stores. Made only by 1 OOSK GREASE
LINIMENT CO.. Gkee.ssbobo, N. C.