Newspaper Page Text
m X
Fifty Year5 Ago.
Wo theory of germs to chill
Affection’s budding blisses;
When ardent lovers took their fill,
Ho microbes on their kisses.
How happy they were not to know
The germ-fad— 50 years ago.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
Is the standard family remedy
of the world for colds, coughs
and lung diseases. It is not a
palliative, and is not therefore
put up in small cheap bottles.
It is put up in large bottles
Tor the household. They cost
more but cure more.
Fads come and go but no
theory or fad can overthrow
the fact, that the greatest cure
for all colds, coughs and throat
and lung diseases, is Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral.
50 Years of Cures.
—The North Ga. Conference
'has finished its work. Rev. J.
B. Robins is Presiding Elder
of this district. Rev. L. P.
Winter is sent back to Craw ford
yille, J. S. Embry and F. P.
Brown to Norwood circuit. We
hay’nt space to give all the ap¬
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
At this time of the year a cold
'is very easily contracted, and if
left to run its course without the
aid of some reliable cough medi¬
cine is liable to result in that
dread disease, pneumonia. We
know of no better remedy to cure
a cough or cold than Chamber¬
lain’s Cough Remedy. We have
used it quite extensively aud it
has always given entire satisfac
This is the only ierj y e»_
Stive W : °pneumonia" v
of Among:
the many thousands who have
.used it for colds and la grippe,
we have never yet learned of a
single cage having resulted in
pneumonia. Persons who have
weak lungs or have reason to
fear an attack of pneumonia,
should keep the remedy at hand.
The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale
by Dr. R. J- Reid.
For Rent.
The lands of Mrs. Anna C.
Hall deceased, are for rent.
acres, partly within incorpora]
tion' If you want a bargain m
srood farm come at once to,
Dit. R. J- Reid*
Crawfordville., Ga ^
Married at Darisboro.
Miss Maggie McLaughlin, who
rassisted her brother here in
Stephens High School was • mar
ried on Nov. 21st at Davisboroto
Mr. Charles Davis. Her friends
here extend best wishes for her
bright future.
ed, Three Bottles of His Newly Uin¬
covered Bemedies ta Core Con
gumption and All Lung
Confident that he has discovered a relia
We cure for consumption and all bron
chial. throat and lung diseases, general
—rr. conditions S
H-reat merits known, he will send, Dee,
three bottles to any reader of Tbe who may be suffering.
Already this “new scientific course of
The doctor considers it ins religious
duty—a duty which he owes to humanity
—to donate his infallible cure.
?tZ He has Droved the dreaded consump
tio ‘Tl? L a curable disease beyond any
flic in hi, Amerknn „d
European laboratories testimonials of
perience from those benefited and cured.
pam of the world.
d „Tc * ?i«e rr
.nd when writing the Doctor, please
express and postoffic address, and a
mention reading this article m Tue
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Eepcrters.
What Our People Are Doing and Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—Charlie Rhodes has a new
Waverley bicycle,
Coffee, sugar, cheese and
fish at C. Bergstrom.
Large stock of all sorts of
Crockery at C. Bergstrom.
—Mrs. Seals of Powelton will
move to Crawfordville in Janua
Wool Dress Goods for 5c. at
Miller & Johnson.
—Misses Edwards, of this
county, visited Union Point Sun¬
—Mrs. H. M. Holden returned
Saturday from a visit to Green
Needles, machine and hand,
thread of all sorts at C. Berg¬
Candy and Crackers of
every description at C. Berg¬
Suspenders, handkerchiefs,
shirts, collars and cuffs at C.
Miller & Johnson are head¬
quarters for Ladies’ Dress Goods
and Capes.
—Messrs. R. O. Taylor and C.
H. Golucke went up to Union
Point Sunday.
—The Akin store on Broad
street will be repaired and made
a residence of
—Mrs. Oscar Flnker, of Union
Point, spent a part of last week
at Liberty Hall.
Miller & Johnson’snew store
at Washington is the store for
big bargains.
—Some of one correspondents
are lost we suppose—we don’t
hear from them.
—We want a correspondent at
White Plains. Will some one
send ns the news?
—Mr. W. J. Norton began 1
work on the Masoni m-Hali at
this week.
__ Mr and Mrs. Charlie Slack
of White Plains, spent Sunday
with relatives 1 here.
—Wednesday morning was a
regular hog-killing day. The
thermometer fell to 30.
—Mr. Paul H. Chapman, of
Rutledge, is spending a few days
with his relatives here
—Mrs. John Stephens spent a
part of this week at her father’s
in the country.
Miller & Johnson, Washing¬
ton, sell good checks ot 3Ac. that s
more than any house in town
—Mrs. Jas. R. Asbury, of
Lyne ville, spent Wednesday with
Mrs. R. E. L. Harris, at this
place. Rucker
—Mrs. Elizabeth com¬
mitted snicide near Ve azey in
Greene county Sunday by taking
poison. Gorham has
—Mrs. Bettie
moved her family to the Holden
lot on Brood street recently
vacated by Mr. U. S. Gunn.
Mr. C. M. Dixon, a well known
merchant of Pleasant Ridge,
Fulton Co., Pa., has a little girl
who is frequently threatened
with croup, but when the first
symptoms appear, his wife gives
her Chamberlain’s Cough Reme¬
dy. which always affords prompt
relief. The 25 and 50 cent sizes
for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid,
—We extend a hearty welcome
to <‘P ue Lla,” OUT new correspon
Powelton and will be
* hear from them oftem
—Patrick Hawkins has not
re t arn ed yet and a good plasterer
. wanted in Crawfordville.
^ ^ ^
Business was rushing here
last Saturday. In fact our mer
c hants are getting a fine trade
considering the low price of
-A Copy of the!
] crat has been sent to Vennes
burg> Sweden, this week by Mr.
c Bergstrom. Our circulation
the who
to town Saturday and had a little
{un - d a nice littlft sum i nto
.ij tfie e {own town treasury xreu Monday for
the privilege.
steel Ranges, |2.—^ ^60. C=> *
Buggies$35 ri$100.
Oak Bedroom Suits, $ I 1.50 ai dp.
Cook Shoves and Ware, $7.50 ^ upward
Rubber plotting, Hardwar Paints,
mas Presents, Jv Etc.
W. T. JOH ‘SO 1ST,
-—Some of the ladies of this
-place have organized a ladies’
prayer meeting which meets at
the Baptist church every Friday
Keep the hair healthy and of
a natural color by using Hall’s
Hair Renewer.
The goods for Christmas are
arriving. Carts, wagons, wheel
borrows, hobby horses, swings,
etc. Go to C. Bergstrom and
see them.
^Everyone desires to keep in¬
formed on Yukon, the Klondyke
■apd Alaskan gold fields. Send
10c. for large Compendium of
vast information and big color
map to Hamilton Pub. Co., In¬
dianapolis, Ind.
—It is said the Bermuda de¬
bating club is quite interesting,
which the young people have
organized at the school house in
that section of the county.
After hearing some friends
continually praising Chamber¬
lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar¬
rhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of
California, purchased
a bottle of it for his own use and
is now as enthusiastic over its
wonderful work as anyone can
be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for
by Dr. R. J. Reid.
—Mr. W. N. Maltbie has rent¬
the house where Mrs. Eliza
lives and )Mr. Maltbie’s
will move to Crawford
ville another year. She was
Homer, La., Junes, isth.
Recently my horse was re¬
of a severe case of colic
the use of Dr. Tichenor’s An¬
tiseptic. T. B. White,
Pastor M. E. Church.
Don’t be persuaded into buy¬
liniments without reputation Pain
costs no more, and its
merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters
as the following, from L. G,
Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are
constantly being received:
“The best remedy for pain I
have ever used is Chamberlain’s
Pain Balm, and I say so after
having used it in my family for
several years.” It cures rheu¬
matism, lame back, sprains am* R.
swellings. For sale by Dr.
J. Reid.
—Quite a number of our sub¬
scribers have recently renewed
their subscription. If we make
a mistake in notifiying any of
the expiration of ftheir time we
will gladly correct ^ame.
—Paul G. Lncas is raising a
racket with low prices now. See
his notice on another page in
this paper. He is selling goods
cheap. Rich¬
—A 6-year-old child of
ard Bennett’s, colored, was
burned until it was baked Wed¬
nesday on Mrs. Porter’s place in
this county. It d£ed about 4
o’clock the same evening. It
was parching corn and caught
An Uncertain D taeaie.
There is no disease more uncertain in its
nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that
the symptoms of do tw<o eases agree. It is
therefore most difficult to make a correct
diairnosis. No matter how severe, or under
whatdiejruisedyspepfflaattacks it. Invaluable you. Browns’ in all
Iron Bitters will ente
diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves,
Iron is sold all dealers.
m — m _ as ■ _
I I Uq I I O |\| I J U CX\Af W OlOrQ V
Washington, Qaa
less PRICE than house . In^madle Ga. „
At any
f or same money than NEW STYES,
. RnilSP in Middle GeOma. i NEW METHODS
FlOVd’S NOW BUlldlllgS.— ....
A Big Increase.
j There has been 3,£GO
cotton shipped from tlpiis de
pot up to this week, and <U\e
number will reach -t,5Q0 t,iiis
’season. There never was more
■ improvement in thift cotton
market than during the past few
seasons. The receipts have
t) “t
number of bales received here
will be astonishing. Let the
good work go on and make the
market still greater.
\<s Was Not Hurt
Sat f y morning as the 9:32
a. m. a came up it was re¬
povte al Mr. »W. T. Martin,
who h 11 st left here for his
home * k Thomson in a buggy,
had b mocked otf the cross¬
ing ju flow town and serious¬
ly or i ly wounded. Upon
vest'. ' t k it was learned that
M r. fi’s horse got frighten
ed aV< rain and ran with him
but to -in did not strike
bugi irst reported.
imey in Potatoes.
Ther more Catarrh in this
. than , all
section 0 the country
other disuses put together, and
until the asst few years was sup¬
posed to f 30 Y ears incurable. doctors For pro¬ a
great may local disease, and
nounced 1 a
prescribe,' local remedies, and
by constn diy failing to cure with
local trea* meut pronounced it in
' Science has
curable. ■, proven
, ho constitutional
catarrh i° a
disease, therefore requires
constitut ona ^ treatment. Hall’s
Catarrh f ure > manufactured by
F. J. CW°ey & Co.. Toledo, O..
is the ont J constitutional It taken internal¬ cure on
mark 5 *'- is
in dose* from 1° drops to
teaspoonfM- an( I ^ mucous acts directly on
the blood system. They offer
tbe dollars
for any case
to c>’ re - Send for
mnials. Address, 4 ,,
J. Cheney & Co.
Toledo, O.
Sol i bv druggist 75c.
Hall’s, imily pills are the best.
Widening the Streets.
There jsvas a general
on ( east Commerce
apd the moves will
to the looks of that
town. 'For sometine the
has had under
the ijnovitig back of
of Mr. T. J. Evans
Bud Jones'. They made
factory arrangements with Mr.
T. E. Bristow, the owner of
land back of these shops,
the latter Had the houses
Tuesday. It widens the
a great de^l, and the same
en ing shou-i d extend on to
depot. —?
Home View l’hoto. Company.
We are 1 prepared to’
photographs grejups, of your
family machinery
Prompt service, charges
able. Old f amily
enlarged, in India ink,
water colorj, or colored
High gra' ie Crayons for
Frames all | prices. Office,
door to |
Howard & Stephens,
DUea*e* of i jUws Blood with neuralgia. and Nerve*. This
No one need ffer
disease is quick}/ and peraanently cured
by Brwns* Ifon Bitters. Lvery disease of
the or otherwise, blood, aerjfesand succumbs J^^***?^*** to browns’ Iron
Bitters. Known and used tor nearly a
quarter ot a cenjury, it stands to-day fore
most among ortr most valued all remeAieg, dealer*,
Browns’Iron Bistew is sold by
A Horse Stolen.
It seems that the horse-stealers
have been operating in some
the adjoining counties have
nearer home. Saturday
night a little after datfv, Aidam
colored, of this county,
went to the rack near W. R.
Reid’s bar to get his horse to go
home and he found the horse
missing. He made a full scan a
for his animal and has not
succeeded in finding it yet. He
offers a reward to the iindei in
this paper and has also had
printed aud sent out clesci iptivc
circulars. These thieves should
be severely punished, as it is
getting to be unsafe to leave a
horse hitched to a rack.
When a man owns a blooded
horse he is always careful of its
health. He looks after its diet
and is particular that the feediiig
shall be regular and right. While
he is doing that it is likely as
not that lie is himself suffering _
frbm some disease or disorder.
When the trouble gets so bad
that he cannot work, ho will be¬
gin to give himself the care he
gave the horse at ■■■■■■■pi the start.
Good pure, rich, red blood is the
best insurance against disease of
any kind. Almost all diseases
come from impure or impoverish
rd blood. Keep the blood pure
aud strong and disease can find
no foothold. That is the Pierce’s princi¬
ple upon which Dr.
Golden Medical Discovery works.
It cleanses, purities and enriches
the blood, puts and keeps the
whole body in perfect, order;
makes appetite good, digestion It
strong, assimilation perfect. health. It
brings ruddy, virile
builds up solid, wholesome flesh
(not fat) when, from any cause,
reduced below the healthy
He left a Note.
Tuesday morning last Mr. W.
H. Stewart, of this place, awoke
to find that Jim Bone, a painter
who came here from Athens last
spring, had pulled out and skipp¬
ed the town, leaving only a note
to Mr. Stewart, telling why he
left so unexpectedly. Bone had
been boarding with Mr. Stewart
for some time and was a little
behind with his board. He told
Mr. Stewart in the note that he
was sorry but liquor had caused
him to do so; that he was going
to work with his brothers in in
Newbery, S„ C., and would soon
send Mr. Stewart money for his
board. Bone has beeh doing
some nice painting about town.
It is said he left some other small
debts unpaid.
To My Friends and Patrons.
I desire to Increase my trade in my old
home county (Taliaferro) and adjoining
counties. I have the large stock and the
low prices to command your attention.
To induce you to see for yourself, I offer!
1 st. To pay freight on uil orders over
$5,00. and freight
2nd, 1 pay your railroad fare
on or( jers over $ 25 , 00 .
You you can can easily caMiy the benefit of above
offers as wo, have here a large stock of
ury Goods uouus, (Miller & Johnson ' ) that will
interest you, in addition toTny varied stock
' of Hardware, Stoves. Ranges,
Wagons, Buggies, T °*^,
Onr Thank* Continued.
The following kiDd patrons have paid
their subscription since our last mention.
Doc Swain, 25c to Dec. 14, 1897.
N. B. Margan, 25c to Nov. 13 1897,
A. H. Gunn, 50r to Feb. 20 ’98.
One light Bay Horse, with white
feet, blaze face, white spot on Imck,
tail, about 7 years old. Said horse has
scar in left Hank showing a recent
! Horse was taken from rack at
j I ville Saturday night, Nov. of animal 27th to
Reward paid for return
Shattered Nervous System.
to Hsalth by Or. Miles’ Marvin.
i \
i ' '-**> *
u i
3 'i mr V
ym V ’
| •m W|| jm B. EDWARD Sheppard HiyRDY, the jolly man
ager of Co’s, great store at
•“ ’ “■ Bracevllle, Ill., writes: ”1 bad never
boon sick a day In my Ufo until in I860. I
got so bad with nervous prostration that I
had to Rive up and commence to doctor. I
tried our loefd physicians and one In lolle't,
hut none gave me any relief and I thought
I was going to die. I became despondent
and suffered untold agony. I could not eat,
sleep nor rest, and It seemed as If I could*
not exist. At the end of six months I was
reduced to but a,shadow of myself, aud at
last my heart became affected and I was
truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles
of Dr. Miles’ Nervine. It ‘gave me relief
from the start, and at last a. cure, the gtfat
est blessing of my life.”
Dr. Miles’ Remedies Dr.,i
aro sold by all drug¬ H KIW' V ;
gists under a positive 1 Nervine
guarantee, first bottle
benefits funded. or Book money dis¬ re¬ ^Restores. &G
on Health ^
eases of tbe hoart and
nerves free. Address, __ _
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Tax Collectors Notice
From this date, Nov. 22nd, 1807, State
and County taxes will he collected by S.
II. Rhodes, who has been employed by
ino to do this work up to and including
the 20t,h day of Dec., next, after whir),
the tax books will close, and ft. f<<*. wll
Dates and Places of Appoint¬
ments are as Follows:
Combs, Fluker Diet., Tuesday, Nov.
30th, 1898.
Raytown, 172nd Dist., Thursday, Dec.
2nd, 1897.
Combs, Fluker Dist., Wednesday, Dee.
8th, 1897.
Sharon, 172nd Dist. Friday Dec. 10th
Combs, Fluker Dist., Tuesday, Dec.
Raytown, 172nd Dist., Thursday Dec.
Itttb, 1897.
Court house in Crawfordville all other
days up to anil including the 20th, of
Tax-payers will please give attention to
this notice, and psy their taxes to Mr. 8.
II. Rhodes, who will receipt for same,
G. T. EDWARDS, T. C. T. C.
Nov. 22nd, 1897.
f i EORGIA, Taliaferro County.
vA Whereas, W. T. Chapman and J. 8.
Chapman Executors of James It. Chap¬
man deceased, represents to the Court In
their petition, duly filed and entered un
record, that tney have fully administered
James It. Chapman’s estate: Th s is
therefore to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said Executors should
not be discharged from their administra
tion, and receive letters of dismission on
the iirsl Monday in February 1898.
This November 1st 1897.
\MTUjL be. sold, in front of the ‘door of
the Court House of Titliufeirp
County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday In
December next, for cash, within the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder, all
l bat tract or lot ol land, situated in the
tiOfiih, Dist, G. M., of wild county, on
which A. G. Evans resided at the time of
his death, containing 307 acres more or
less, adjoining lands of K. I. Anderson on
the North; lands of Jesse Golatt on the
East;lands of J. H. Ogletree, on tbe South
Hud lands of Alex Luuceford and Martini
Luneeford on West.
Said property sold ns 1he property of
the estate of said A. G. Evans, deceased,
under and hv virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of s:dd County.
Administrator of said estate.
And vicinity, will consult their
interest by writing to
Standard Manufacturing Co.,
For Prices on SASH, DOORS,
BER, LATH or anything in
Watchmaker & Jeweler,
Richard’s Store, Crawfordville, Ga.
Repair Work a Specialty.
•fall* U M
*iuon mry
4 r»pm,