Newspaper Page Text
The 5 v- i Advocate-Democrat.
9100 I*ox* Year.
Special bargains
This wed in
Dry Goods,
Consisting of Ladies' Dress Goods
Shoes, etc. Also the best and
cheapest stock of Crockery and
Glassware, the latest style vaces &
Parlor Lamps.
The latest style Dress Trimming.
You are especially invited to in¬
spect these goods and prices be¬
fore making purchases. If you
should not do this, and pay
20 per cent.
Above my prices, you will regret
it. All I ask is to come aud look;
the quality and price will do the
feM. Yours to serve.
Harness Oil »
The best in the market at lowest
price. Griffith,
I. F.
Crawfordville, Ga,
p r fa ii mi n
y. 'J Are fully restored / tYTif
ff] hy ini ItACC.Atttt’S TABI.KTS. Si'll- 1 box, Iflj ft;
( $2.00, by h(
II] $1.00; 8 t'oxes
hi all. Address, o t
111 ! i
^ l|\J Full ATI.AN paulrutiii-s A, (.A. sent by Ml?
mati ou appUcalivtto.
Tlie Haggard Specific Go.
Will e-ive three boxes of their Specific
Tablets, worth S2.50 to any one who may
have used as much as one box of their
tablets without decided benefit. Wc have
SI have be found re
suits, and if there is a person to
who has used them without benefit we
want to know who lie is and where to urn
him. They never fall to .oTiicUfi;t. cure kidne; _of , ;d
_ilLa.'t')i5)- , .-’’ n 'B*J,‘v rfiW all r
genital organ- ami overcome
and weakness tsi men and women.
They improve the appetite, aid dige-tion
secretory or-uns of‘"the and establish a heAlthy
condition mucous and gland seme
tions in every part of Urn body: capillaries overcome and
all torpid conditions of the
secure fcjerfect circulation cf the bloou, so
that everv organ is supplied and every
«>«sfrsr'«5S&* B S5
<■!»>- »«yg :!.
mcctfeal science, No matter it the uot
tors and all remedies have failed, try the
SSSSSX IS "low 'mfSteGnS?,
effect ou the nerve centres is a complete
surprise to physicians who have used
oMiest pliysic^amfand promptly no remedies controlled seeinetl
to bene it, have 'men
ami permanently cured by the l aldets^
temporary relief have been promptly con
trolled by the Tablets and the trouble
“raS'Src™ jKt;:™ *»».
S'!.M. If not on sale in vour Inculiiy, «•
dor direct from Haggard bpecihc Co., At
lanta, Ga.
FOU ffpszz a ALL WOMEN
JvJtME-TENTHS ofp- k
3 and sicknessfrom all the pain ( sjj M
which women pt
suffer is caused w
by weakness or
derangement in Ij
the organs of
menstruation. 4^x7
i when Nearly a woman always is tRStK not well these
1 they woman organs are are is very strong affected. seldom and sick. healthy But when a
E lS 5 e«fQI<tt !
Is nature’s provision for the regu¬
lation oL-the menstrual function.
It cures aJl “ female troubles.” It
is equally effective for the girl in
;; her teens, the young wife with do¬
mestic aad maternal cares, and
V the woman approaching the period
i {known as the “Change of Life.’’
^Jjeaefittsd |Aey all need it. They are all
by it.
o j
A iVscticr.s. For advice address, in cases giving- requiring symptoms, -rectal S
tns "Ladies' Advisor/ Department,” Chatta¬ j
The Chattanooga Medxine Co.,
nooga, Teas.
THOS. J. COOPER, Tupslo, Miss., says! I
” fjy 3ister suffered from very irregular I
and painful menstruation and doctors
coa d not relieve her. Wine of Cardul
^ 4 entirely through cared her the and Change also of helped Lite.” my
Wl at the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing,
We’ve lmd some cold frosty weather.
Christmas will soon be here aud we
iki\ nt .11 )
Mrs. I tow Bnjjbv and her two little
baby boys visited us last week. 1
3Irs. Dr. L. U. Brown was quite sick
last, week at her home near town.
Miss M. T. Batrhy was visiting Miss
Kate Gregory / near Barnett this week.
T , T , , .
eme.n Ki am k.h •• ’
r TT i. mum n ui T •, o ; AL «. iLln ’ _
, * - ’
St mT't ' i E ' °Kemlri”k "went’to "aw!*
last week on account , of f the „ . death nf of i,t„ Ins
^ e learn, i. on wi r " 1
(ar;n with Mr. W. 1. Mclveoi,
auot .ei tear.
is spend im^some ® time' whh^his famby" _ * at
Several of Taliaferro and \\ arren eenn
ty farmers are preparing to move to
Emanuel county.
As fast as people move cut others are
mtivin*F mo\ in.-, in and ana so sottj cvcrvtliinff b keeps l rolling e
■along alwav s.
ca “°: T
Mr. W. II. Baghy killed a slop pig hut
week that weighed 2‘2G pounds.' • A pretty
good pig it was.
We guess it will interest our readers to
notice Mr. L. S. Jackson local ads. of toy s
and Christinas goods.
Mn% A. M. Baghy and daughter spent
part of last week with Mr. J. T. Taylor’s
family, near Barnett.
Toys in endless variety ready for sab.
Come beforo the rush. L. S. Jackson.
Mr. Rogers, the fruit tree man, was in
our townlast Saturday. He has sold a
good many trees in this section,
Mr. T. F. Kendrick had to titke hisbed
.......^-li|M ; ; 1 ' 1 '# MMnitr H
o. ...... * f , ,, ,
1 •, ' '
A pointer dog Bnrl a dotthl , . barrel shot , ,
san j 8 a u the go nowdnys witb *'>'■ ’A !i K
f dd folks ’
b!oods an{1 a lleap Jthe 0 ( .j
Visit ng will order of the day ® 0 W
im tfi the Christmas holidays are over.
^ ’ , vfMV ' j S i, them ail a good time.
WUliuvloi . ana , nis . , f in.ur . ltlier tlic uw old
Mujot, will run a iurni on the old Rocker
place in 622nd district another year.
;l S a - ”»” GSSliw'Ld'z 7
...ok „fconfetuon
erios, ' Toys and Xmivi goods beforo seleciion you
Gw!.,;.,,. .. ts V0I1 oim’t L find as good
8. M»
Our town council has put np street
, amps Old Sharon will get off all of her
old dirty rags after awhile and have on a
nice clean suit of clothes. You can bet on
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis aad Old
Sores to Stay Cur .
We have l ad several levies and oiher
>«»«« >» »*«• «-*•
I .lely, People . ill .ne on. «notl,or.
Ko-To-Kac for fifty Cents.
Guaranteed 7obacco habit cure, maker weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c, &i. All druggists.
When in Sharon call on us if you need
any tin or sheet iron work done, F’• b.
Bagby, the tinner.
v uro s' i\ nit ion I orcvtT.
T'lUc Onscarcts Candy Cathartic. 10c or2T.c
r* t c. (’. fail 10 cure, driiff^rists refund inone.
Our old friends John Timberlnke and
Bill Stewart are in our town assisting
Brc. Norton on the Jiusonic building.
ibtiucate Your IJowels With Cascarcts*
Cnmly (’aLhstrifc. cur* constifmtlon forever.
Or. •>.>. If C. C. O. fail, drutrtrisis refund money.
Send in your mattresses if you have any
you want made or any quilts you want
quilted. C. L. Baghy, Sharon, Ga.
To Cure Con*tti»atiun Forevrt.
Th’.io fascarels Candy Cathartic, nv t r etc
If C. C. C. fail io cure, druggists refurui m<*»
Uncle Bush Harper is to go to the
“glory land.” south Georgia. Wc expec t
he will pick himself up a wife;down (here.
Educate Your Kernel* With Caeca rets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation fnr.d forever.
10c. iSc. It C. C. C. fail, dru -mists r- i>.oncy.
Bob Gilbert says lie knows how -to farm
a d how to woik but h? aint going to do
eidierunless rent gets lower or wages
Planters CUBAN OIL cures
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Bheu
ia -.tistn and Sores. Price, 25 cents.
We had asevireatlaekof rlienrnatisrn.
neural”.! t and other old troubles and hurts
and v e hid to give p for a few Cays
S KUSIAM TEA cures Dysrep
t sia, Constipation and ludi
yestion. Regulates the Liver. Brice, 25 cts.
Thdto nh; Hn!L w hen completed, wil*
he'.h-; highe-thouse in Sharon. It. is GO
feet 1 in , -iO feet wide and two fourteen
fe<t stories high.
Planers CUEAN RELIEF cures
: t five minute*
«nd '-"■•‘loa-w- 1 n *' 25 Caatt
AH almre aoeds for sale by P# S. Lucas,
E asy asy * to to H Take Operate
said:'• Voilhevel 1 know you
have tekcn a pi „ tin it is all
over.” 25c. C. I. Hood & Co.,
rropriotor*. bowel!, Mass
Tlie only pills to take with . k 1 * Sarsaparilla.
Wc had the pleasure # taking . dinner
with Col. Clem Moore on ft ednesday of
last week. We were big v entertained
and enjoyed our visit very meh.
iy e g„ ess R,. r . F. auojvj P. Bn wn will be glad
of his appointment JW n* he
has been asigr.ed to the V'*'"'n'l. 1 yrciut
Mr, R. ^ ifA/acksott ^ has rjccepted |lb,, ’ ’ job
witb Cousin Billy Norton the Masonic
. hamly
workman and will give satis action.
Hog killing was the m-d, , of the
last and this week and all ;he women folks
were Kept pretty busy J us a: general thing
d a]J f r] tbat it is
To look in Mv . A. D! Kendrick’s garden
A smn ftg the darkle j£ av8 “they
a. day”—col
could boil the pot there every
lards world without end and I turnip salad
* -"P-—* 2
Sudden•» Arnica S?nJ, e.
The Best Salve in the work! for Outs,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt #’? leum, For
er, Tetter, Clmppecl Harnls. Chilblains.
Corns, and all Skin Erupt ehi|, and pos!
tive’y cures Piles, or give no'pafipoiiired. safisf option It
is guaranteed to or
money ref mule V. Price 25 oefais per box.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Sometimes you work Mfr-nple
wait on them for half price aim limn they
want you to do more and wott, pay you
for what you have goJ done, flush files
ought tobe paddkd
“ H «,w to cure all SiO* jj *e.»
Simply apply “Swayne’s re* ICttres
I rn tl mcdfclna
o.tter. Stands, cc-ma. J UK*# A
face, nose, &o.. len a .e skin
c|( ^ whi(e ftnd healtliy> It3> t lical .
ing and curative powers are j. 2 sed by
no B wayne’s other Ointment. remedy. Ask Dfujfatst f for
There will be ft gnat many e.mnges in
this section and surrounding eputitry the
coming a year and we would not be surpris
ed the if change, some of hut our it people will be .. 1 latL 1 jnot regut
^^nssssgsff'sssss: Address
teed Booklet and yuirude frre.
Sterling Remedy Co , Cinca-o of New York
Ur. I.. 8. „> Sh.S.n, «. ol
fered fct the rate of $43,800 and oyer per
acre for a little strip of land jin town last
week anil he would not accept;it. Sharon
d;rt is getting up in the pictures.
Everybody Bays so.
fl O^-wj-Can^l'^ gently
ant nnd l erreslnng to the tad*e, act
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
guaranteed “r.'l! floT.»ktS‘KSS by ail druggists,
to cure
Wc mot several darkies in brinies on
Wednesday night of last week, going in to
CrawfordWIle hunting a stolen horse and
the thief. It looks*)’ very si&Ple «•?.
The horse had been stolen se;v4ml days and
the thief and lmrte. apt as not, were
hundreds of miles away fr< m Crawford
ville but they spent the nig htlooking for
tbi h rse in the town aad \ vejsuppose re
turned home satisfied tl at tin horse was
not there
. „ tim^m'ine.
poS'Lmeh-VrSu'Je >*•'
and r.s'it is not liable .any form The of
disease except by one of two ways.
first wav is from imperfect, acton of the
kidneys. The second way is from carele-s
loeal treatment of other diseases.
chief cause.
except in rate ea -. It ' > Mttiated ba<k
of and very close to the V bidder, there foie
any pain, disease or \neoaxm>mee nmm
rested in the kidneys, fa*, W;' f « er or
urinary passage is often, «>y mistake, .t>
tributes! to female
troutile of some sort. T«fi t-rror v>
made and may be easily (avoided- To flu-,
out ISSWSteaffi correctly, set youC urine aside for
mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Hoot,, the great kidney,
you n!?d a medicine yon should have doj- the
best. You At dniggi-ts have fifty'cent-ami «amp*e Ixittle one and
lar mav a M-n
phamplet, both sent free by mail.
f[ ou th „ Adv-mate-Dfi-mocrat and send
l? ap«r truarintec the g/;atf)nene,s of this
0 £ er ,
Without A Rival.
As a positive cure for sprains, bruises,
and pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil
i has no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 518
«»** a™,!***, mm,,
I “I used Salvation Oil in my family
and can say it has no rival as a lini¬
ment; it certainly cures pains. I
sprained my ankle aud it cured me
and since then I have always used it
for any pains and bruises.” Salvation
Oil is sold for only 25 cents. No other
remedy will do the work as promptly.
5lr. Will Rocker and family leaves for
Emanuel count v soon, We with all that
i ambark to the “hi>ly land” much good
j According to old women signs we have
had plenty of Indian Summers for
past month or more,
Mr. Walter Pittman has bought out G.
j T. Moore’s stock of goods and will run
| that store in connection with his meat
Mr. W- J. Norte n, tlie contractor, is
here with his corps of workmen
tlic town ring from center to circuinfei
i cnee with their hammers, hatchets and
o;her tools .
While in Craw ford ville last week we
were sovrv to see our fri nd Scab Jones
j very sick.' Mr. Jones has been unwell for
j sometime. We ... hope lie . will ... soon recover
j his «'* usual healt *** h. .uteod *
Emiimiei county this month. A great
many of “Jack Sprat’.-,” friends hate to
see him leave us, but lie thinks Irj can
! better himself by the move.
Mr. Fratus Taylor ginned about fifty
| bales of cotton last week at his gin t ear
I Sharon. So it looks like that cotton is still
in the land. Wc saw several fields last
week that seemed to have not been picked
at all.
pj,, “
Send your address to id m.
kK Gn
v, New ij,te liIS I A it' Ulul ]
I f-OUViucfi (tl I their . .£■
.m. ■■
ire tvirfienbudV eff*' 7,, .‘the
the Cine ol Cotl. 1 » 1 *■
j Headache, For Malaria and
Liver trouble* they have been
I proved invaluable. They are
> guaranteed to be perfectly tree
! from every j deleterious substance
ami to DC pure y' vegetable, ’
ineytlOllOl YVCaiuai u,y
^oh^a b ^
..f 01 * ^ Dr '
It* J- Lfl u 00 ist.
,, , r]e „„„ t . te
dinner one day i ast week with Col. II. M.
}lMm Mr. Holden J...S lhe most com
pl(jt0 Rn(| (;on) f ()rlab i e residence in the
county and by the way is one of our best
men and fellow citizens, and is an honor
t0 b‘ s his<:pnn profession, * y * “ 0 11 jj
Mr. John O’Keeffe has resigned the
agency of depot agent at this place and
Mr. W. L. Kendrick has been appointed
in his place, Mr. Kendtick has been at
tending the depot for sometime, so it wil]
he m> new basin ms to him. Will had a
much better job offered him on the main
»"« al Conyers, hut be piefeml staying at
home and his many friends and relative
are gla I lie so decided.
_ —
! (fa L
j: 3? -
4 J
2> _ S
1 One of America's most fa- |
1 mous physicians says: “Scrof
% ola Scrofulous is external children consumption. are often | %
® , .r, yj t<r t *j>- y
$ beautitul cftiioren, DOT jney v j
; force, bones,
j * si lack stout nerve muscles and strong power to | i
% r “i s ; For *r
| equ
| Qrfttt , S EtlUl'SlOfl „ ,. 1
j, JLLU O %
to f
| ^ 0 £ Cod-liver Oil With xi.ypo- „ |
% phosphites of Lime and Soda. |
a It inis ,, 1f the . , by <itt5oo
ou. ^Kin n m W
! to Louts jv 0CM j flesh beneath it. It makes « |
rci by mating rich
» blood. It creates an appetite S'
a f or foocf and gives the body
to power enough to digest it. Be *
% sore yoa gfet SCOTT'S EtTKiI- f %
to | ■ £
* i joe. and ft.oo; .ndruKists. $
SCOTT & BOWKE, Chemiaw, New York. J
In Advance*
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
ITcidibors Taik
Of the Happening;* In Their Respective I.o
culiticK. AJ1 the News.
We are having some fine hog killing
We are glad to report our sick some
We are sorry to state that there have
been several deaths in our neighborhood
since our last writting.
There was a little negro burned to
| death on Mrs. Porters place last week.
Mr. Otis Luncefoid and wife have gone
I to Il-.ncock to spend several days,
j Mr. Robert Reese, will leave for intends Au-
1 gusta in a few day r s where he
| making his future home.
1 It is reported that there will be several
i weedings in this section now soon; hope
| they w ill invite Spencer to their cake eat*
! big.
Mat(ie CombBi daughter of Mr. T. F.
Q 0 mbs, fell while horse back riding and
i, ro u e her arm last week. Hope she
will soon recover.
Mr, W. D. Sisson, Hancock, has been
visiting relatives »« this section.
, It seems that some of our boys but seem they to
( that money tfrowu on trees
^ gadly inisl . lke , 1 .
jj J{ wiwt lhe „ e ws {rom a jj over the
y take the Advocate-Democrat.
Rev, Mr. Bell will preach for us at
Carters Grove next year,
Mr. Sam N. Chapman visited parents
here Sunday. slaughtered
Some fine hogs have been
in Powelton tins week.
Mrs. R. E. Miller, of Dublin, ...... is visit
ing friends in our community.
Mr. M. L. Duggan, School Qomniis- midst
slower ot Hancock, was in our
I Intraday mg i. ■
. bet
sick k^h^t ^eT‘She the i pmc t.
ter to-c'.iy. Hope worst is
fWe .»», »<yir now that Fan
has l '.ted
,«» tfliboji OBgin Of
liave'beev at Ins mace. lmt>«aU
1 { y.’dewa and will
^ f opening Lry^gtt/and in January.
^ mill house
wer e burned a few nights ago. Two bales
of cotton and 10 » bushels of cotton
seed were burned. It is tuougiit to oe
lhe work of aninemdiary.
I Mr . Y . A Emanuel p cr „elle and family in few expect days.
to move to county a -rS
!-A , ssrs2nraL »*#>■ ,
......... h
VVe will remind such that; they will have
to begin at the bottom and work their
.,»»». # «• *« • Vt*"* ■» >
Onr Public Schools.
For The Advocate-Dernotrat:—
It were haul to tell, whi h one, of all
the frauds, the people of Georgia are sub
jected to, is the boss fraud But it would
be a hard matt:r to point out aty fraud
greater than that of the Public School
law. We elect, and pay taxes to maintain
our so called law makers, and they likts a
noted Prince, “Go up the 1:111 and down
again;” and they arid the Lord only know
all they do when they go; the people know
very little, and that little is of no : dynn
j titge to the people, who send them, The
school law, its amendments and new acts,
its appropriations and other “little thing s, f
that serve to keep the Legislature in ses
j sion, have consumed a Capitol large per since cent Hie ad
the time ;.t the rotate
ministration of Gov. Northern, and every
(tbanee t! ey doctor the s;/ t m like the
devil m nded the d g- l g, “by breaking
i it in another plat e.” Brail
While Gov. Northern ami Capt.
j well were ..t the i our system of <sda
j cation promised to be a goo.1 one. he
i mom y appropriated was dUmursCd m
.satisfd: tory manner, the examinations of
wm . Hear, practical ' and
; ; ' ’
r> ho aspj ant for future
worked faithfuliv
■ him ",., as sue!.. In tin G< verti . fie had a
, 0 , e eo- worker; The. were both ( X
| j s—and sneee-yf; ui '’ teachers, .end
; - T
; r ,,. v knew what was most needed in
hie-eh'il.lren .*3 , c Id o s purpose to give
in the-el.otd-a< hane-e to
mire good pnvtu- d edueattons.and leaving
i.^md'th'- ., d the bt-ienee of the soul, to (ol
l/.rd who formed the soul.
j n,c; jj. ^ "3 iblic tliBt sc! if a < ol ic ichcr work, v/as be s-i m * '
,’a to teaii: t j... r s A p! ;
. h of study and to trovern
^‘"^.r^'anv m“ " of D age’->. Whi -
j if r •Meil ‘t'm
'" nracticalH-aware ! Ot
,, neuter, John Jono'
! U Y or Dirl Hnbi I- ditclier.
■ Ildrcn for
f h r
y'j,-* ^
»toojin„ iv or ,, T iu ordrr
NO. 42 .
Royal make* the food pare, f
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
“tench the young idea how to shoot,” in a
school composed of Jones, Smiths and',
Hobbs. A teacher who cannot govern
his school without, being told how. has no
business in the school-room; yetif hehas’nt'
a complete library of “Methods,’ “Ways
to Teach” “School Devices,” and so on.
he must be satisfied to bn put on the lower
shelf, while some Normal schoolgraduate, is
“crammed with ready made theories"
given the highest positions, though he
may not kn nv any more about the praeti
caTmanner of school government than a
“hog knows of harmony.”
Ni ady all the county papers have pub¬
lish d instructions to teachers, from the
Boards of Education, this fall, and the
poor country teachers arc threatened with'
forfi Imre of their little salary unless they
comply with said instructions. similar Why
docs(nt the State Board publish
instructions to the JCounty Boards?
Would it not be as just for a county Com¬
missioner with liis three dollar a day
salary to have to forfeit the same for
neglecting his duty as it, would for a
teacher with his or her little salary to do
the same. Suppose when lie fails to Vis t
the schools as the law directs, suppose the
county is not sub-divided into school
districts, suppose he allows a few of Id
special friends extra chances in tlieexami
nations? Would a forfeiture be amiss fa
either of these cases'? Still this has been
and still is the case, and yet the Board
’ ,its diom and the Commissioner
d It per mlat’y.' Ts there truth in the*
We, "‘Vehat any
ityajpee for the goo$c
-f 'is,. >■
fi I
i £% \ Female
Regulator L
I f 0 Tones r all diseases the peculiar Nerves, to Improves women and the girls, Ap- tj) VV
t It up the Blood, and gives Life. W
t petite, enriches It
i Health and Strength. Is the W
t rnrr tfttt t A Pills bottle of eacti " Monthly bottle. ” Regulating For sale by J V
/ ■ with by
/ all dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price
\ New Spencer Med. Co., TREATMENT: Chattanooga, Tenn. ^
LADIES' SPECIAL address. m % JK
cases requiring special Ludle*’ treatment, Hedlcal lie- S
f giving symptoms, Pemale
f t partment. Advice and book on ^
Diseases, with testimonials, free.
For Sale and Recommended by
Paul G. Lucas Crawfordvb'e Gn.
Tired and broken down women;
tvjH find that DR> KING’S ROYAL
qeu||£X||ER is a priceless boon and
. them. It , appetite, ... s
blessing to gives
brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids
dj & ’ tone$ thg nerves builds UD
^J, e strength and puts disease and
pain to flight. For
female troubles
raenstrual andwom&
difficulties, it has no Superior—used
, both locally and internally. It is
! emphatically
Pleasant to take as lemonade, and
j harmless at all times. New package,
large bottle, 108 Doses, Or.e Dollar.
Sold by druggists. Manufactured
only by