Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Taliaferro Co.
Mr. Walsh’s victory in Augus¬
ta was doubly fine as he seems
to love smashed the ring
machine of that city.
The Carter investigating com¬
mittee and its work last spring
cost the slate $10,69.7.49 and did
not convict a single judge.
Mil ledge ville is sure-enough fi
wet town, It voted in a full
council last week who were op
pos< d to the 11,000 city tax on
Geor gia people will hereaff ■ ')
elect t! » judges and solicitors.
The Hopkins bill has passed the
legislature and when it is ratified
y>y the people the law will he in
Sculp sores, fever and dryness
art i cored by Hall’s Vegetable
SiciIlian Hair Renower.
In South Carolina, Mr. K. D.
Thomson, of Point, Yorkcoanty,
has this year harvested four
bale.- of cotton from one acre.
Mr. Thomson employed what is
called the “intensive system”
of fanning, concentrating ferti¬
lization and cultivation upon a
comparatively small acre, with
results which he lias found not
only gratifying in yield but
quite profitable.
Woman's Diseases
Are as peculiar and as
-cannot be discuss¬ /J
ed or treated as we pw
do those to which
the family entire are subject. human » wjmtj
' \\ V* v A,
...aith, that wu
Suppressed,Irreg Painful, ru
lar or
she soon becomes
languid, irritable, nervous the bloom leaves her
cheek and very grave complica¬
tions arise unless Regularity and
Vigor are restored to these organs.
Female most noted
physician of South, s
Regulator the
where trou¬
bles of this
oxt prevail more extensively than
,in any other section, and has never
failed to correct disordered Men¬
struation. It restores health and
ttfength to the suffering woman.
“Wo hard for the put thirty yearn handled
Pradflrlil’. V«male Regulator, both at ■wholo
aale and retail, and In no instance baa It failed
to give oat infection. We aell more of it than nil
other almllar remedies combined."
l.iiuu. Kamin ,t Lamak,
Atlanta, Macon and Albany,Ua.
JNt Braopicld rtcouiATxm Co., Atlanta. Ga.
Md bv «M DraMiats at Si.00 per Bottle.
For information r» to Routes. Schedules
and I\#t >.«, Ih tli
Passenger and Freight,
wTiie to either of the undorsl^ned.
Yon .ill war, rnmn rr|'ly »»^
e.table it form ion.
T. I*. A. O. r. A.
Aus:u«ta, On.
C. F. A I*. A. O. A.
Atlanta Athena.
A. C. F. A.
Hteon, Gt».
ut. r. nrnsoN, r. W.
s. r. a. s. r. «l’, a.
Mill dgevUle. Augusta.
t I
•iri 2
CUBES WHLki ALL tiSt Q^cmL bA.LS. 5
Bo«k Cvufh Symp-. Tmmum __j CTN
la time. by drtiff t**- ||
Arc You Nervous!
Mrs. C. C.
Filler, 135*
S o u t h
street Co
1 urn bus, O.,
ffl wS writes to
; >f Columbus
O., as fol -1
lows- • For ton or fifteen years j
I Vr-o 1 -*'*n subject to nervous
dyspepsia. I would Wo spoil. j
or ffII qui\< : , .‘Mf in 11 , 1 ,y J Stomach, with
smotherin'' w!nv fc-’dings. My nerves,
terribly debilitated. I was
suffering from ( .ailed
nervous prostration. My stom
ach felt bloated, and I vas con
slantly weak and trembling. I
consulted several physicians
who treated me without doing
anv trood. 1 had almost given
up i„ despair when I heard six; ofj
It was about
T0WS a .,o that, l first took Po-ra-1
till. I found T it an immediate . f- t le- „
ef „ to all ,, my disagreeable ,• , ,n, symp- otMor-,
toms III, I he only medicinei
' '
that , has ever been ol r any ,,nv use into 1 l °i c.
me. ” Mrs. Lucie Waldie, Otse-;
go Lake, Mich., Box 07, writes:
'••For tlir'.*, years I seOered will. 1
catarrhal dyspepsia. I wroto to 1
you for advice and you told me
to take your medicines. It has
b ion ton months since I began
to use your medicines and I am
per feci ly well, I think your
medicines deserving of much
praise. ”
He lid for Dr. Hartman’s latest
book on “Winter Catarrh, > Y Ad
dress your letter to Columbus,
Ask your druggist for a free
Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1 *9$.
It, seems now that a state pro¬
hibition law for Georgia will
never be enacted, Local option
is gradually taking out liquor.
j Save The Children.
When children are attacked with
cough, cold and croup, Dr. Bull’s
Cough Syrup will prove a quick and
BUl ° 1 e ‘ Mr * Elmer ’ i, ‘ kei ’
llan< , 1 ®”» e lftVC
- '
t«uidne aud curi these
a. Wc never run out of it,
but always keep it on hand.” Dr.
Bull’s Cough Syrup is sold everywhere
for 25 cents. Insist on having it.
On Sunday, Nov. 28, t he grist,
siw mill, and gin house of Mr.
S.unnel M. Lary were utterly
destroyed by fire, in Hancock
county. The first alarm was
given by a negro tenant, Jesse
Meriwether. When lie first dis¬
covered it the west side of tin
mill was in a light blazo and in
a n low fnvv snnmuls sec onds, uie bi nio o Unshod uasncu
over the whole buildings contra
had ry to been ' 'Vind, poured ns if koroseno them- oil j
Bof wv Mr. Lurvoould get
his house, the lire had gained!
s ich a head way that it was im¬
possible to save anything. The
loss was estimated at $3,000. no
It's vour own fault if vou use
old hisluonod i nreasy sahss i and i
liniment that soil your clothing
and afford vour olfactories when
vou can got that pleasant and
stniuloss liqniil. Dr. Tichefior's
Anticeptic. It heals ( (its,
Burns, ...... etc. quicker and with
loss suffering than anything,
Only 50c. a bottle at druggists.
The Warren ton Clipper thanks
Mrs. M. L Jones lor a champ
ion col lard which measured 5
feet across and weighed ir )!
ixmnds. ,
Valnable to Women.
Especially valuable to women is Browns’
Iron Billers. Backache vanishes, headudic
| comes to the jwMid '',.,^3 check when &ir'™l% this uon
; dcrful iTintsly is tak* For sickly children
ovo'-erworkeil men it has no equal. Jiohome
sliouhl I*c without this famous romer'y.
Bro.vus’ Iron Bitters ij sold by all dealers.
Y, anted A pent..
•■The CaHfrtlerate Sold er In the Civil War,"
larci'st M ar 11,.ok ever published, and
on’.v one that does justice to the Con
federal s.-h.-er ami the eaus.> he fouyht
! f r. tVmriit- in one volume. A cents
, tnte Win-, -r, :o .41 this b< ok on
sr i!t>* unit e;e- v4 ' . Many cf t!\c
laiy ana en Ionian a_. ik < tv ho arc at work
a r» ms king from ?5tH> to s?etH> per
i. Vetera s. Sons and Daughters of
V u:u icr- n'crcs: evi arc re
e.-iutffui ill«siR‘t«i
i-criiU’.v fr, el and term* lo
jnnetiis. AiUiress. ( (H ETMOURNAL.
Job I’rirting Co., Louisville, Kv.
A big cotton convention has
been called to ineetin Athens in
December to consider the sitna
tion of cotton growers and their
interests. Mr. A. H. Smith, of
White Plains, J. R. Hogan, of
Lincoln and J. Z. Culver, of
Hancock, have been selected
from this section as delegates
by Gov. Atkinson. It is hoped
they will get up some plan to re
duce the cotton production.
More provisions made at Home is
the best plan.
King. Pa.. Sept., 10. lb-2.
I have used Dr. Itchenors
with very sutisfacto
ry results, and all my iriencls
who have tried it praise it and
say tlieie IS notuin^, I, it f,,v
■healing wounds, sprains, burns,
etc. 11. U M. \A <<u Oll.ti-. IkVWVV J
A bill is before tne legislature .
provide that no death penalty
shaI1 bo l“ sscd »f" », wo ““ n
who has committed murder. IV e
do not think ...... this a wise . bill, x it ,
was intended to Mis.
Noble’s neck but where will the
. v
bl11 reacb • hearing some friends
continually praising Chamber¬
lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar¬
rhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of
Anaheim, California, purchased and
a bottle of it for his own use
is now as enthusiastic over its
wonderful work as anyone can
be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Col. R. T. Nesbit announces
that he is in the field for re
election as Agricultural commis¬
sioner. He has made the best
we have had yet.
Everyone desires to keep in¬
formed on Yukon, the Klondi ke
and Alaskan gold fields. Send
10c. for large Compendium of
va >t information and big color
m ip to Hamilton Pub. Co., In¬
dianapolis, Ind.
Congress met Monday. It is
^jped the banking and currency
i a ws will be reformed in some
1 there will bb
m V so more money
Want to see 10c. cotton:' Then
got yourself in notion to raise
the necessaries of life at home
and make cotton surplus.
Is a deep-seated blood disease which
all the mineral mixtures in the world
cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteedpurely blood remedy for
vegetable ) is a real
blood diseases and has no equal. Ark., had
Mrs. Y. T. Ruck, of Delaney,
SerofuL for twenty-five years and most
o{ thc tiine was UU(Jer the care of the
doctors who could not relieve her. A
couM cure "her, but
he filled her with
? W S.f SeS
TJ her constitution. She
V' s then took nearly blood
.. so-called
medicine and drank
- them by the wholesale,
\ sjT W'but they did not reach
^7 Y/Sw jOeJg H,her advised trouble. her Some to try
S.S.S. atM i sh e .7^!a
found that she had real . blood
soon a
reme fl,. a t i a *t. She says: "After tak
inK one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am
perfectly well, my skin is clear
and healthy and I would not be in
— former condition for two thousand
j n Tiiy system, like the potash and
arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out
the^skin, and I was pexma
A Real Blood Remedy*
S.S.S. never fails to cure Scrofula,
Do not relv upon a simple tonic to cure
******’ ^ ^ ‘
Our books sss
cation. free upon Swift appli¬
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
prof. p. m.whitman,
>th Augusta. r>„ Ga.,
q. V ES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects
,,.| s u srinds ;rimU the lUcproiicrslaiK, proper sila4»cs anrt and WAR- WAS
frame . while wait. .
I.ens^s cut into vour vou
FFtE OF CHARGE. — iDou «
X1.CIUC .11
8 8 i a ^ ar.S Habits
est?! t.rgPBfl cured at borne with
.« Z£S££&SB£
FYiM^aa SSrofivN) B.M.WCX'LLEY, M.a
AU40SM, i(M N. Pryor St
He Li] cs at Home.
Fanner jdhn Strickland, of
Schlatterv»114> while in our office
told us ah ut his mode of con -
ducting his firm. He does most
of his work umself and plants
very little c tton, but makes a
specialty 03 the staple crops,
corn, potu.t|es, cane, etc. Le
has learued| that it is best to
steer of c< mercial fertilizers.
and raises.guano at home,
thereby sauing a large guano
bill m th- <1 il- 11 > tu ll f j
his land oft / An, and says that the :
crop hat he plows . . of , on , ;
time to tune benefits his land ul
most equal to the best fertilizer,
Miller it Johnson’s new store
at Washim ton IS . the store for
Dig . bcir££<i.ljp. ,'jj !
A|ertlsea .1 Letters. u , ;
ofliice T.,e at folio. Crav>*ordville, §„- M, remain first of in this topo»l- month |
( ,,i f or .fc- I (
Mr. , Shumcjpradey, , ,, llcv. A. . D. lUilcy.' „ 1
(card, Mrs. Mattie Bailey, S. Adam Cra- |
iner, .Miss r I little ,g . Dunner, Mr. Kichard .... .
Davis, Mr. ■'* i 'i English, Rev. L. J!
II. t bill. »fs w. Jones, Dost t-Jones ,'
Hi.i. ' ’ S Pol Killl,.. Kovell,
k.f Mr-. Smb" Mr.
Riohardson. i i lix Rhodes, Mr. 13. Smith,
Mr. U, Sn.1 1. ] a aul. w. Thomas.
I? i m h
For the benefit of my customersPve decided to sell my goods
at FIVE CENT COTTON PEICES. I have no one in my busi¬
ness to divide profits with hut my customers, and I give herewith
Hnggy Whips............. 5 centsu
■ - -.............. 25 i i
8 Large Bars Good Laundry feoap.......... CJ1 4 6
Joans Pants, Good quality, only.. .. ... • • • y, ( (
-its’ Kid Gloves, the regular $1.2o kind at 25 “
■ its’ Undershirts, from 75c to only....... ... 4 “
j d Oflfcton-Cheeks, per yard, ... A yard......- ..). ■ ■ • m if- t ... ..My
iinnels red, white ahd blue, per - - worth , »0c, yard.... , . 35 n
4j Wool Dress Goods, pretty, shades and patterns, per ... .$2.25
indies’ Dongola H patent 1 tip Slncf Shols $2.00 ?rth kind f2.50 for for only...................... ..., ...................... 1.75
i t 1.15
Men’s Full Stock Brogans........ . 1.00
Men's Split leather Shoes only..... . 1.25
Glenis’ Sunday Shoes from $3.00 to. Good 20c Towels foi only . 15c
Men’s white laundered Shirts 4nc. I goods for........... .. 20c
Li tdies’ black Hose (Hermsdorf dye) regular worth 2uc $2.00 at . -^ J bu,c
Men’s imViilmx All Wool Undershirts ..............10c. and Drawers | 2 packages Smoking . ...... ^ Tobacco - - - • ; • • for y 5c -
Flour H’ lb*sacks Tobacco 2 “ Arbuckle coffee...... 2oo
24 from 75c to........00c. j s
Quinine 10c. Bot. Mustang Lifi.ment 20c. i: 20c
Bradtield’s Female Regulator .. . 20c. Mrs. Bush’s Burn Remedy......20c.
Simmon’s Liver Regulator......
I make leaders of all my articles, I do not price one or two
articles as leaders and make up the price on others. We arc down
on the Bowery but perfect order is kept all the time.
Paul G. Lucas, Crawford ville
eec»o»3 OTO —• • —j
*- nol >. i.«'minn oa»o
' Ian ,ic inn Hxnry IT.
o iliegant i
1) l IVIleals i
ra«r =t i 1 bo CiIT. Prompt
) AtSenuoii Mill High, Cool,
I Aix j- Hooiin. Ton far only
for) whs! you order. i
For Ladles and Gentlemen. ,
Sitting Room and Toilet i
CoUTeniencee are provided. |
Cor* Peachtree and Marietta Sts. i
Nercren BoNdiof. ATLANTA, 6A. |
I TAKE elevator.
M l im i WMd—»
coming, fo f V"f B E Ik p — —1 |jj bu<» -•
and e^tow hotel m P ch,V,
«\* ij.ii to Mm
rotx hare t&iceu W
Ntill bill fcare hare acbea a&d aad raSSSfeSSS^- pains. X>mim
m notuh. StrafWs.
fiOiisc oaa&y CJu is tbu Prinarj
ryobrnw# full!Rsr «H*
; i,
. nwa ar.d eb3»«wef TOisfi- | Af S t ease W norld has alvays Uw a ea~- tafie w
raeaet care walk' 3coal*e«t phr.teUa.
the skiU ef tie SsdENrii m:ulc
> , r irMH-.r rears we has t' ClFliulNS a *rd L
! ;~yi(irur (|s0«,©OO tliis disease with ear unetwdi. erj. »
have fatal behind our
. ToCO*
lyini to mm
RomiteUa MBefssH ef Hiss Resells Barr,
of id.
From the Courier , Cumberland, Mi.
handsome lady of Cumberland. Md., was
afflicted, called at the residence of Mr. Michael
Darr, 58 Frederick atreet, to learn ooiuetbing
*«. d it la u
„, tb „ , . „ dia
^ 20 y earBj had been afflicted with a
^that making life
lion, burden. pains, low of appetite, etc.,
a u . ,
The family physician L . , wag consulted, but 4
his treatment brought no relief, and her
daughter’s existence was a dragging her daughter misery.
The mother also said that
accidentally cut astounded her finger rather severely,
arid t hex irere to notice that no
blood carac from the wound “Then,” said
the mother, “I was convinced that my
jfc daughter’s blood had rcaJly turned to water.”
£». fMiTS
p a j e p eo ple, and had little faith in such
remedies, bnt finally purchased a box at
Mr. Hcrvcy Laney’s drug store, on North
( - entre B treet.
After her daughter, Roselle, had noticed taken
one box a slight Improvement rehiedy was continued,
j n j ier con dition; the was
and after three and a half boxes were taken
STLr, .. ...
the young lady after hearing these remark
AT, ,1“'°^ '
Mr. Michael Parr, the father of the young
armilroad wan r
No owner of a Waverley Bicycle
ever regretted his purchase. No
rider of a Waverley ever feit that
he possessed less than the best
that could be produced.
ndiana bicycle CO.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Co., .
Ogeechee Brics
Union . _ rOint, . Ixa. „ ,
Building Brick of best
Reliable Contractors for ail 1 ;
Kinds of BrickWork. ;
For priCA'!> and information apply to
Office Advocate-Democrat, or write the
To those who may doubt th« aectiTRcy of
„ „ f „ „ Ur .
who will Morse, all tve have said and to tire
following affidavit ol the mother of the young
JJS5.*SX lady: , ,
my daughter’s illness, and the merits ot
Witness my hand and seal.
Mrs. Rebecca Dak*.
C’u abler R. Morris.
State op Maryland, j t
Allegheny County,
Pcrsonnliy appeared before me, the ft:h
scribrr. n .tusticc of the Peace, in and for
the said State and couiitv, Mrs. RelioTA
Darr, and made oatli in due form of Jaw,
that the foregoing statement is true as therein
set forth.
Charles R, Morris, Peace.
Justice o/ the
Fcbrunry Wiliianm’ S, 189*. Tink Pills for Pale Per-yY©
contain, in a condensed form, all the elf'
ments necesrarv to give new life and rlcb
ness to the blood and restore shattered nerves.
They are also a specific for troubles irregulari¬ peculiar
to females, such as suppressions, In they
ties and all forms of weakness. men
effect a radical cure in p.Il eases arising from
mental worry, overwork or excesses of what¬
ever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes
(never in loose hulk) at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for FA.'iO, and may be had of nil drug*
cists, or direct bv mail from Dr. Williams*
Medicine Company, Schenectady. N. Y.
Read This.
Far Flatulent J
1 C siie.DiarrS®?.,
Nausea,Ccuglis, 'v
Cholera Infr.itmn,Teeth-'
the Bowels, Pains, „.. Jw. yW .
feom Intllgestiiil,
Grip-ins, Loss of Appetite.
and all Diseases of the Stomach _td
Bowels. I
Pitt’s Carminative
is the standard. It carries children
' the critical period of teething. ar,d is rec
ommeuded bv nhvsicians as the fr;enJ
oi Mothers. Adults and Children. fsils It is
pleasant to the taste, and never to
g-ve saiisiaeri'in- A tew doses aril: u niO'l
strateits superlative rirt-iea. Price, Sets,
per bottle. For sale by druggisw.